clasohm@1480: (* Title: Pure/NJ093.ML clasohm@1480: ID: $Id$ clasohm@1480: Author: Carsten Clasohm, TU Muenchen clasohm@1480: Copyright 1996 TU Muenchen clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: Compatibility file for Standard ML of New Jersey version 0.93. clasohm@1480: *) clasohm@1480: paulson@2190: paulson@2242: use"basis.ML"; paulson@2190: clasohm@1480: (*** Poly/ML emulation ***) clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*To exit the system with an exit code -- an alternative to ^D *) clasohm@1480: val exit = System.Unsafe.CInterface.exit; clasohm@1480: fun quit () = exit 0; clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*To limit the printing depth [divided by 2 for comparibility with Poly/ML]*) clasohm@1480: fun print_depth n = (System.Control.Print.printDepth := n div 2; clasohm@1480: System.Control.Print.printLength := n); clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*Interface for toplevel pretty printers, see also Pure/install_pp.ML*) clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: fun make_pp path pprint = clasohm@1480: let clasohm@1480: open System.PrettyPrint; clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: fun pp pps obj = clasohm@1480: pprint obj clasohm@1480: (add_string pps, begin_block pps INCONSISTENT, clasohm@1480: fn wd => add_break pps (wd, 0), fn () => add_newline pps, clasohm@1480: fn () => end_block pps); clasohm@1480: in clasohm@1480: (path, pp) clasohm@1480: end; clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: fun install_pp (path, pp) = System.PrettyPrint.install_pp path pp; clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*** New Jersey ML parameters ***) clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (* Suppresses Garbage Collection messages; default was 2 *) clasohm@1480: System.Control.Runtime.gcmessages := 0; clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*** Timing functions ***) clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*Print microseconds, suppressing trailing zeroes*) clasohm@1480: fun umakestring 0 = "" clasohm@1480: | umakestring n = chr(ord "0" + n div 100000) ^ clasohm@1480: umakestring(10 * (n mod 100000)); clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*A conditional timing function: applies f to () and, if the flag is true, clasohm@1480: prints its runtime. *) clasohm@1480: fun cond_timeit flag f = clasohm@1480: if flag then clasohm@1480: let fun string_of_time (System.Timer.TIME {sec, usec}) = clasohm@1480: makestring sec ^ "." ^ (if usec=0 then "0" else umakestring usec) clasohm@1480: open System.Timer; clasohm@1480: val start = start_timer() clasohm@1480: val result = f(); clasohm@1480: val nongc = check_timer(start) clasohm@1480: and gc = check_timer_gc(start); clasohm@1480: val both = add_time(nongc, gc) clasohm@1480: in print("Non GC " ^ string_of_time nongc ^ clasohm@1480: " GC " ^ string_of_time gc ^ clasohm@1480: " both "^ string_of_time both ^ " secs\n"); clasohm@1480: result clasohm@1480: end clasohm@1480: else f(); clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*** File handling ***) clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*Get time of last modification; if file doesn't exist return an empty string*) clasohm@1480: local clasohm@1480: open System.Timer; clasohm@1480: open System.Unsafe.SysIO; clasohm@1480: in clasohm@1480: fun file_info "" = "" clasohm@1480: | file_info name = makestring (mtime (PATH name)) handle _ => ""; clasohm@1480: end; clasohm@1480: paulson@2242: structure OS = paulson@2242: struct paulson@2242: structure FileSys = paulson@2242: struct wenzelm@3319: val chDir = paulson@2242: val remove = System.Unsafe.SysIO.unlink (*Delete a file *) paulson@2242: val getDir = System.Directory.getWD (*path of working directory*) paulson@2242: end paulson@2242: end; clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*** ML command execution ***) clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: fun use_string commands = clasohm@1480: System.Compile.use_stream (open_string (implode commands)); clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*** System command execution ***) clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*Execute an Unix command which doesn't take any input from stdin and clasohm@1480: sends its output to stdout. clasohm@1480: This could be done more easily by IO.execute, but that function clasohm@1480: seems to be buggy in SML/NJ 0.93.*) clasohm@1480: fun execute command = clasohm@1480: let val tmp_name = "isa_converted.tmp" clasohm@1480: val is = (System.system (command ^ " > " ^ tmp_name); clasohm@1480: open_in tmp_name); clasohm@1480: val result = input (is, 999999); clasohm@1480: in close_in is; wenzelm@3319: OS.FileSys.remove tmp_name; clasohm@1480: result clasohm@1480: end; clasohm@1480: paulson@2242: (*redefine to flush its output immediately -- temporary patch suggested paulson@2242: by Kim Dam Petersen*) paulson@2242: val output = fn(s, t) => (output(s, t); flush_out s); clasohm@1480: clasohm@1480: (*For use in Makefiles -- saves space*) clasohm@1480: fun xML filename banner = (exportML filename; print(banner^"\n")); wenzelm@2408: wenzelm@2408: wenzelm@2408: val needs_filtered_use = false;