haftmann@24218: (* Title: Pure/Isar/class.ML haftmann@24218: ID: $Id$ haftmann@24218: Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: Type classes derived from primitive axclasses and locales. haftmann@24218: *) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: signature CLASS = haftmann@24218: sig haftmann@24218: val fork_mixfix: bool -> string option -> mixfix -> mixfix * mixfix haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: val axclass_cmd: bstring * xstring list haftmann@24589: -> ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * string list) list haftmann@24589: -> theory -> class * theory haftmann@24589: val classrel_cmd: xstring * xstring -> theory -> Proof.state haftmann@24218: val class: bstring -> class list -> Element.context_i Locale.element list haftmann@24218: -> string list -> theory -> string * Proof.context haftmann@24589: val class_cmd: bstring -> xstring list -> Element.context Locale.element list haftmann@24589: -> xstring list -> theory -> string * Proof.context haftmann@24423: val add_const_in_class: string -> (string * term) * Syntax.mixfix haftmann@24423: -> theory -> theory haftmann@24589: val interpretation_in_class: class * class -> theory -> Proof.state haftmann@24589: val interpretation_in_class_cmd: xstring * xstring -> theory -> Proof.state haftmann@24589: val prove_interpretation_in_class: tactic -> class * class -> theory -> theory haftmann@24589: val intro_classes_tac: thm list -> tactic haftmann@24589: val default_intro_classes_tac: thm list -> tactic haftmann@24589: val class_of_locale: theory -> string -> class option haftmann@24589: val print_classes: theory -> unit haftmann@24423: haftmann@24589: val instance_arity: (theory -> theory) -> arity list -> theory -> Proof.state haftmann@24589: val instance: arity list -> ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * term) list haftmann@24423: -> (thm list -> theory -> theory) haftmann@24218: -> theory -> Proof.state haftmann@24589: val instance_cmd: (bstring * xstring list * xstring) list haftmann@24589: -> ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * xstring) list haftmann@24423: -> (thm list -> theory -> theory) haftmann@24218: -> theory -> Proof.state haftmann@24589: val prove_instance: tactic -> arity list haftmann@24218: -> ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * term) list haftmann@24423: -> theory -> thm list * theory haftmann@24423: val unoverload: theory -> conv haftmann@24423: val overload: theory -> conv haftmann@24423: val unoverload_const: theory -> string * typ -> string haftmann@24423: val inst_const: theory -> string * string -> string haftmann@24423: val param_const: theory -> string -> (string * string) option haftmann@24435: val params_of_sort: theory -> sort -> (string * (string * typ)) list haftmann@24657: haftmann@24657: (*experimental*) haftmann@24657: val init_ref: (class -> Proof.context -> (theory -> theory) * Proof.context) ref haftmann@24657: val init: class -> Proof.context -> (theory -> theory) * Proof.context; haftmann@24657: val init_default: class -> Proof.context -> (theory -> theory) * Proof.context; haftmann@24657: val remove_constraints: class -> theory -> (string * typ) list * theory haftmann@24657: val class_term_check: theory -> class -> term list -> Proof.context -> term list * Proof.context haftmann@24657: val local_param: theory -> class -> string -> (term * (class * int)) option haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: structure Class : CLASS = haftmann@24218: struct haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: (** auxiliary **) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun fork_mixfix is_loc some_class mx = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val mx' = Syntax.unlocalize_mixfix mx; haftmann@24218: val mx_global = if is_some some_class orelse (is_loc andalso mx = mx') haftmann@24218: then NoSyn else mx'; haftmann@24218: val mx_local = if is_loc then mx else NoSyn; haftmann@24218: in (mx_global, mx_local) end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: fun prove_interpretation tac prfx_atts expr insts = haftmann@24589: Locale.interpretation_i I prfx_atts expr insts haftmann@24589: #> Proof.global_terminal_proof haftmann@24589: (Method.Basic (K (Method.SIMPLE_METHOD tac), Position.none), NONE) haftmann@24589: #> ProofContext.theory_of; haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: fun prove_interpretation_in tac after_qed (name, expr) = haftmann@24589: Locale.interpretation_in_locale haftmann@24589: (ProofContext.theory after_qed) (name, expr) haftmann@24589: #> Proof.global_terminal_proof haftmann@24589: (Method.Basic (K (Method.SIMPLE_METHOD tac), Position.none), NONE) haftmann@24589: #> ProofContext.theory_of; haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: fun OF_LAST thm1 thm2 = haftmann@24589: let haftmann@24589: val n = (length o Logic.strip_imp_prems o prop_of) thm2; haftmann@24589: in (thm1 RSN (n, thm2)) end; haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: fun strip_all_ofclass thy sort = haftmann@24589: let haftmann@24589: val typ = TVar ((AxClass.param_tyvarname, 0), sort); haftmann@24589: fun prem_inclass t = haftmann@24589: case Logic.strip_imp_prems t haftmann@24589: of ofcls :: _ => try Logic.dest_inclass ofcls haftmann@24589: | [] => NONE; haftmann@24589: fun strip_ofclass class thm = haftmann@24589: thm OF (fst o AxClass.of_sort thy (typ, [class])) AxClass.cache; haftmann@24589: fun strip thm = case (prem_inclass o Thm.prop_of) thm haftmann@24589: of SOME (_, class) => thm |> strip_ofclass class |> strip haftmann@24589: | NONE => thm; haftmann@24589: in strip end; haftmann@24589: haftmann@24657: fun get_remove_contraint c thy = haftmann@24657: let haftmann@24657: val ty = Sign.the_const_constraint thy c; haftmann@24657: in haftmann@24657: thy haftmann@24657: |> Sign.add_const_constraint_i (c, NONE) haftmann@24657: |> pair (c, Logic.unvarifyT ty) haftmann@24657: end; haftmann@24657: haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: (** axclass command **) haftmann@24589: haftmann@24218: fun axclass_cmd (class, raw_superclasses) raw_specs thy = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy; haftmann@24218: val superclasses = map (Sign.read_class thy) raw_superclasses; haftmann@24589: val name_atts = map ((apsnd o map) (Attrib.attribute thy) o fst) haftmann@24589: raw_specs; haftmann@24589: val axiomss = ProofContext.read_propp (ctxt, map (map (rpair []) o snd) haftmann@24589: raw_specs) haftmann@24218: |> snd haftmann@24218: |> (map o map) fst; haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: AxClass.define_class (class, superclasses) [] haftmann@24589: (name_atts ~~ axiomss) thy haftmann@24589: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: local haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun gen_instance mk_prop add_thm after_qed insts thy = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: fun after_qed' results = haftmann@24218: ProofContext.theory ((fold o fold) add_thm results #> after_qed); haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: thy haftmann@24218: |> ProofContext.init haftmann@24589: |> Proof.theorem_i NONE after_qed' ((map (fn t => [(t, [])]) haftmann@24589: o maps (mk_prop thy)) insts) haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: val instance_arity = haftmann@24218: gen_instance (Logic.mk_arities oo Sign.cert_arity) AxClass.add_arity; haftmann@24589: val classrel = haftmann@24218: gen_instance (single oo (Logic.mk_classrel oo AxClass.cert_classrel)) haftmann@24218: AxClass.add_classrel I o single; haftmann@24589: val classrel_cmd = haftmann@24589: gen_instance (single oo (Logic.mk_classrel oo AxClass.read_classrel)) haftmann@24589: AxClass.add_classrel I o single; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: end; (*local*) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: (** explicit constants for overloaded definitions **) haftmann@24304: haftmann@24304: structure InstData = TheoryDataFun haftmann@24304: ( haftmann@24423: type T = (string * thm) Symtab.table Symtab.table * (string * string) Symtab.table; haftmann@24423: (*constant name ~> type constructor ~> (constant name, equation), haftmann@24423: constant name ~> (constant name, type constructor)*) haftmann@24423: val empty = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty); haftmann@24304: val copy = I; haftmann@24304: val extend = I; haftmann@24423: fun merge _ ((taba1, tabb1), (taba2, tabb2)) = haftmann@24423: (Symtab.join (K (Symtab.merge (K true))) (taba1, taba2), haftmann@24423: Symtab.merge (K true) (tabb1, tabb2)); haftmann@24304: ); haftmann@24304: haftmann@24589: fun inst_thms f thy = (Symtab.fold (Symtab.fold (cons o f o snd o snd) o snd) o fst) haftmann@24589: (InstData.get thy) []; haftmann@24589: fun add_inst (c, tyco) inst = (InstData.map o apfst haftmann@24589: o Symtab.map_default (c, Symtab.empty)) (Symtab.update_new (tyco, inst)) haftmann@24423: #> (InstData.map o apsnd) (Symtab.update_new (fst inst, (c, tyco))); haftmann@24304: haftmann@24589: fun unoverload thy = MetaSimplifier.rewrite false (inst_thms I thy); haftmann@24589: fun overload thy = MetaSimplifier.rewrite false (inst_thms symmetric thy); haftmann@24304: haftmann@24304: fun inst_const thy (c, tyco) = haftmann@24423: (fst o the o Symtab.lookup ((the o Symtab.lookup (fst (InstData.get thy))) c)) tyco; haftmann@24423: fun unoverload_const thy (c_ty as (c, _)) = haftmann@24423: case AxClass.class_of_param thy c haftmann@24423: of SOME class => (case Sign.const_typargs thy c_ty haftmann@24589: of [Type (tyco, _)] => (case Symtab.lookup haftmann@24589: ((the o Symtab.lookup (fst (InstData.get thy))) c) tyco haftmann@24423: of SOME (c, _) => c haftmann@24423: | NONE => c) haftmann@24423: | [_] => c) haftmann@24423: | NONE => c; haftmann@24423: haftmann@24423: val param_const = Symtab.lookup o snd o InstData.get; haftmann@24304: haftmann@24304: fun add_inst_def (class, tyco) (c, ty) thy = haftmann@24304: let haftmann@24304: val tyco_base = NameSpace.base tyco; haftmann@24304: val name_inst = NameSpace.base class ^ "_" ^ tyco_base ^ "_inst"; haftmann@24304: val c_inst_base = NameSpace.base c ^ "_" ^ tyco_base; haftmann@24304: in haftmann@24304: thy haftmann@24304: |> Sign.sticky_prefix name_inst haftmann@24435: |> PureThy.simple_def ("", []) haftmann@24435: (((c_inst_base, ty, Syntax.NoSyn), []), Const (c, ty)) haftmann@24435: |-> (fn (c_inst, thm) => add_inst (c, tyco) (c_inst, symmetric thm)) haftmann@24435: |> Sign.restore_naming thy haftmann@24304: end; haftmann@24304: haftmann@24304: fun add_inst_def' (class, tyco) (c, ty) thy = haftmann@24423: if case Symtab.lookup (fst (InstData.get thy)) c haftmann@24304: of NONE => true haftmann@24304: | SOME tab => is_none (Symtab.lookup tab tyco) haftmann@24304: then add_inst_def (class, tyco) (c, Logic.unvarifyT ty) thy haftmann@24304: else thy; haftmann@24304: haftmann@24304: fun add_def ((class, tyco), ((name, prop), atts)) thy = haftmann@24304: let haftmann@24589: val ((lhs as Const (c, ty), args), rhs) = haftmann@24589: (apfst Term.strip_comb o Logic.dest_equals) prop; haftmann@24701: fun (*add_inst' def ([], (Const (c_inst, ty))) = haftmann@24423: if forall (fn TFree _ => true | _ => false) (Sign.const_typargs thy (c_inst, ty)) haftmann@24304: then add_inst (c, tyco) (c_inst, def) haftmann@24304: else add_inst_def (class, tyco) (c, ty) haftmann@24701: |*) add_inst' _ t = add_inst_def (class, tyco) (c, ty); haftmann@24304: in haftmann@24304: thy haftmann@24304: |> PureThy.add_defs_i true [((name, prop), map (Attrib.attribute thy) atts)] haftmann@24304: |-> (fn [def] => add_inst' def (args, rhs) #> pair def) haftmann@24304: end; haftmann@24304: haftmann@24304: haftmann@24589: (** instances with implicit parameter handling **) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: local haftmann@24218: wenzelm@24707: fun gen_read_def thy prep_att parse_prop ((raw_name, raw_atts), raw_t) = haftmann@24218: let wenzelm@24707: val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy; wenzelm@24707: val t = parse_prop ctxt raw_t |> Syntax.check_prop ctxt; haftmann@24218: val ((c, ty), _) = Sign.cert_def (Sign.pp thy) t; haftmann@24218: val atts = map (prep_att thy) raw_atts; haftmann@24218: val insts = Consts.typargs (Sign.consts_of thy) (c, ty); haftmann@24218: val name = case raw_name haftmann@24218: of "" => NONE haftmann@24218: | _ => SOME raw_name; haftmann@24218: in (c, (insts, ((name, t), atts))) end; haftmann@24218: wenzelm@24707: fun read_def_cmd thy = gen_read_def thy Attrib.intern_src Syntax.parse_prop; haftmann@24218: fun read_def thy = gen_read_def thy (K I) (K I); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: fun gen_instance prep_arity read_def do_proof raw_arities raw_defs after_qed theory = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val arities = map (prep_arity theory) raw_arities; haftmann@24218: val _ = if null arities then error "at least one arity must be given" else (); haftmann@24218: val _ = case (duplicates (op =) o map #1) arities haftmann@24218: of [] => () haftmann@24218: | dupl_tycos => error ("type constructors occur more than once in arities: " haftmann@24218: ^ (commas o map quote) dupl_tycos); haftmann@24218: fun get_consts_class tyco ty class = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val cs = (these o Option.map snd o try (AxClass.params_of_class theory)) class; haftmann@24218: val subst_ty = map_type_tfree (K ty); haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24304: map (fn (c, ty) => (c, ((class, tyco), subst_ty ty))) cs haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: fun get_consts_sort (tyco, asorts, sort) = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24589: val ty = Type (tyco, map (fn (v, sort) => TVar ((v, 0), sort)) haftmann@24589: (Name.names Name.context "'a" asorts)) wenzelm@24731: in maps (get_consts_class tyco ty) (Sign.complete_sort theory sort) end; haftmann@24218: val cs = maps get_consts_sort arities; haftmann@24218: fun mk_typnorm thy (ty, ty_sc) = haftmann@24218: case try (Sign.typ_match thy (Logic.varifyT ty_sc, ty)) Vartab.empty haftmann@24218: of SOME env => SOME (Logic.varifyT #> Envir.typ_subst_TVars env #> Logic.unvarifyT) haftmann@24218: | NONE => NONE; haftmann@24218: fun read_defs defs cs thy_read = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: fun read raw_def cs = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val (c, (inst, ((name_opt, t), atts))) = read_def thy_read raw_def; haftmann@24218: val ty = Consts.instance (Sign.consts_of thy_read) (c, inst); haftmann@24304: val ((class, tyco), ty') = case AList.lookup (op =) cs c haftmann@24218: of NONE => error ("illegal definition for constant " ^ quote c) haftmann@24218: | SOME class_ty => class_ty; haftmann@24218: val name = case name_opt haftmann@24218: of NONE => Thm.def_name (Logic.name_arity (tyco, [], c)) haftmann@24218: | SOME name => name; haftmann@24218: val t' = case mk_typnorm thy_read (ty', ty) haftmann@24218: of NONE => error ("illegal definition for constant " ^ haftmann@24218: quote (c ^ "::" ^ setmp show_sorts true haftmann@24218: (Sign.string_of_typ thy_read) ty)) haftmann@24218: | SOME norm => map_types norm t haftmann@24218: in (((class, tyco), ((name, t'), atts)), AList.delete (op =) c cs) end; haftmann@24218: in fold_map read defs cs end; haftmann@24304: val (defs, other_cs) = read_defs raw_defs cs haftmann@24218: (fold Sign.primitive_arity arities (Theory.copy theory)); haftmann@24423: fun after_qed' cs defs = haftmann@24304: fold Sign.add_const_constraint_i (map (apsnd SOME) cs) haftmann@24423: #> after_qed defs; haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: theory haftmann@24218: |> fold_map get_remove_contraint (map fst cs |> distinct (op =)) haftmann@24304: ||>> fold_map add_def defs haftmann@24304: ||> fold (fn (c, ((class, tyco), ty)) => add_inst_def' (class, tyco) (c, ty)) other_cs haftmann@24423: |-> (fn (cs, defs) => do_proof (after_qed' cs defs) arities defs) haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24423: fun tactic_proof tac f arities defs = haftmann@24218: fold (fn arity => AxClass.prove_arity arity tac) arities haftmann@24423: #> f haftmann@24423: #> pair defs; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: val instance = gen_instance Sign.cert_arity read_def haftmann@24589: (fn f => fn arities => fn defs => instance_arity f arities); haftmann@24589: val instance_cmd = gen_instance Sign.read_arity read_def_cmd haftmann@24589: (fn f => fn arities => fn defs => instance_arity f arities); haftmann@24589: fun prove_instance tac arities defs = haftmann@24589: gen_instance Sign.cert_arity read_def haftmann@24589: (tactic_proof tac) arities defs (K I); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: end; (*local*) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: (** class data **) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: datatype class_data = ClassData of { haftmann@24218: locale: string, haftmann@24218: consts: (string * string) list haftmann@24657: (*locale parameter ~> theory constant name*), haftmann@24657: v: string, haftmann@24589: inst: typ Symtab.table * term Symtab.table haftmann@24589: (*canonical interpretation*), haftmann@24657: intro: thm, haftmann@24657: defs: thm list, haftmann@24657: localized: (string * (term * (class * int))) list haftmann@24657: (*theory constant name ~> (locale parameter, (class, instantiaton index of class typ))*) haftmann@24657: }; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24657: fun rep_class_data (ClassData d) = d; haftmann@24657: fun mk_class_data ((locale, consts, v, inst, intro), (defs, localized)) = haftmann@24657: ClassData { locale = locale, consts = consts, v = v, inst = inst, intro = intro, haftmann@24657: defs = defs, localized = localized }; haftmann@24657: fun map_class_data f (ClassData { locale, consts, v, inst, intro, defs, localized }) = haftmann@24657: mk_class_data (f ((locale, consts, v, inst, intro), (defs, localized))) haftmann@24657: fun merge_class_data _ (ClassData { locale = locale, consts = consts, v = v, inst = inst, haftmann@24657: intro = intro, defs = defs1, localized = localized1 }, haftmann@24657: ClassData { locale = _, consts = _, v = _, inst = _, intro = _, haftmann@24657: defs = defs2, localized = localized2 }) = haftmann@24657: mk_class_data ((locale, consts, v, inst, intro), haftmann@24657: (Thm.merge_thms (defs1, defs2), AList.merge (op =) (K true) (localized1, localized2))); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun merge_pair f1 f2 ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = (f1 (x1, x2), f2 (y1, y2)); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: structure ClassData = TheoryDataFun haftmann@24218: ( haftmann@24657: type T = class_data Graph.T * class Symtab.table haftmann@24657: (*locale name ~> class name*); haftmann@24218: val empty = (Graph.empty, Symtab.empty); haftmann@24218: val copy = I; haftmann@24218: val extend = I; haftmann@24657: fun merge _ = merge_pair (Graph.join merge_class_data) (Symtab.merge (K true)); haftmann@24218: ); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: (* queries *) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24657: val lookup_class_data = Option.map rep_class_data oo try o Graph.get_node haftmann@24589: o fst o ClassData.get; haftmann@24218: fun class_of_locale thy = Symtab.lookup ((snd o ClassData.get) thy); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: fun the_class_data thy class = case lookup_class_data thy class haftmann@24589: of NONE => error ("undeclared class " ^ quote class) haftmann@24589: | SOME data => data; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: val ancestry = Graph.all_succs o fst o ClassData.get; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24435: fun params_of_sort thy = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: fun params class = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val const_typs = (#params o AxClass.get_definition thy) class; haftmann@24657: val const_names = (#consts o the_class_data thy) class; haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: (map o apsnd) (fn c => (c, (the o AList.lookup (op =) const_typs) c)) const_names haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: in maps params o ancestry thy end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24657: fun these_defs thy = maps (these o Option.map #defs o lookup_class_data thy) o ancestry thy; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun these_intros thy = haftmann@24657: Graph.fold (fn (_, (data, _)) => insert Thm.eq_thm ((#intro o rep_class_data) data)) haftmann@24218: ((fst o ClassData.get) thy) []; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24657: fun these_localized thy class = haftmann@24657: maps (#localized o the_class_data thy) (ancestry thy [class]); haftmann@24657: haftmann@24657: fun local_param thy = AList.lookup (op =) o these_localized thy; haftmann@24657: haftmann@24218: fun print_classes thy = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val algebra = Sign.classes_of thy; haftmann@24218: val arities = haftmann@24218: Symtab.empty haftmann@24218: |> Symtab.fold (fn (tyco, arities) => fold (fn (class, _) => haftmann@24218: Symtab.map_default (class, []) (insert (op =) tyco)) arities) haftmann@24218: ((#arities o Sorts.rep_algebra) algebra); haftmann@24218: val the_arities = these o Symtab.lookup arities; haftmann@24218: fun mk_arity class tyco = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val Ss = Sorts.mg_domain algebra tyco [class]; haftmann@24218: in Sign.pretty_arity thy (tyco, Ss, [class]) end; haftmann@24218: fun mk_param (c, ty) = Pretty.str (Sign.extern_const thy c ^ " :: " haftmann@24218: ^ setmp show_sorts false (Sign.string_of_typ thy o Type.strip_sorts) ty); haftmann@24218: fun mk_entry class = (Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks o map_filter I) [ haftmann@24218: (SOME o Pretty.str) ("class " ^ class ^ ":"), haftmann@24218: (SOME o Pretty.block) [Pretty.str "supersort: ", wenzelm@24731: (Sign.pretty_sort thy o Sign.minimize_sort thy o Sign.super_classes thy) class], haftmann@24657: Option.map (Pretty.str o prefix "locale: " o #locale) (lookup_class_data thy class), haftmann@24218: ((fn [] => NONE | ps => (SOME o Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks) (Pretty.str "parameters:" :: ps)) o map mk_param haftmann@24218: o these o Option.map #params o try (AxClass.get_definition thy)) class, haftmann@24218: (SOME o Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [ haftmann@24218: Pretty.str "instances:", haftmann@24218: Pretty.list "" "" (map (mk_arity class) (the_arities class)) haftmann@24218: ] haftmann@24218: ] haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24589: (Pretty.writeln o Pretty.chunks o separate (Pretty.str "") haftmann@24589: o map mk_entry o Sorts.all_classes) algebra haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: (* updaters *) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: fun add_class_data ((class, superclasses), (locale, consts, v, inst, intro)) = haftmann@24218: ClassData.map (fn (gr, tab) => ( haftmann@24218: gr haftmann@24657: |> Graph.new_node (class, mk_class_data ((locale, (map o apfst) fst consts, v, inst, intro), haftmann@24657: ([], map (apsnd (rpair (class, 0) o Free) o swap) consts))) haftmann@24218: |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge class) superclasses, haftmann@24218: tab haftmann@24218: |> Symtab.update (locale, class) haftmann@24218: )); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24657: fun add_class_const_def (class, (entry, def)) = haftmann@24657: (ClassData.map o apfst o Graph.map_node class o map_class_data o apsnd) haftmann@24657: (fn (defs, localized) => (def :: defs, (apsnd o apsnd) (pair class) entry :: localized)); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: (** rule calculation, tactics and methods **) haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: fun class_intro thy locale class sups = haftmann@24589: let haftmann@24589: fun class_elim class = haftmann@24589: case (map Drule.unconstrainTs o #axioms o AxClass.get_definition thy) class haftmann@24589: of [thm] => SOME thm haftmann@24589: | [] => NONE; haftmann@24589: val pred_intro = case Locale.intros thy locale haftmann@24589: of ([ax_intro], [intro]) => intro |> OF_LAST ax_intro |> SOME haftmann@24589: | ([intro], []) => SOME intro haftmann@24589: | ([], [intro]) => SOME intro haftmann@24589: | _ => NONE; haftmann@24589: val pred_intro' = pred_intro haftmann@24589: |> Option.map (fn intro => intro OF map_filter class_elim sups); haftmann@24589: val class_intro = (#intro o AxClass.get_definition thy) class; haftmann@24589: val raw_intro = case pred_intro' haftmann@24589: of SOME pred_intro => class_intro |> OF_LAST pred_intro haftmann@24589: | NONE => class_intro; haftmann@24589: val sort = Sign.super_classes thy class; haftmann@24589: val typ = TVar ((AxClass.param_tyvarname, 0), sort); haftmann@24589: val defs = these_defs thy sups; haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: raw_intro haftmann@24589: |> Drule.instantiate' [SOME (Thm.ctyp_of thy typ)] [] haftmann@24589: |> strip_all_ofclass thy sort haftmann@24589: |> Thm.strip_shyps haftmann@24589: |> MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule defs haftmann@24589: |> Drule.unconstrainTs haftmann@24589: end; haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: fun class_interpretation class facts defs thy = haftmann@24589: let haftmann@24657: val { locale, inst, ... } = the_class_data thy class; haftmann@24589: val tac = (ALLGOALS o ProofContext.fact_tac) facts; haftmann@24589: val prfx = Logic.const_of_class (NameSpace.base class); haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: prove_interpretation tac ((false, prfx), []) (Locale.Locale locale) haftmann@24589: (inst, defs) thy haftmann@24589: end; haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: fun interpretation_in_rule thy (class1, class2) = haftmann@24589: let haftmann@24589: fun mk_axioms class = haftmann@24589: let haftmann@24657: val { locale, inst = (_, insttab), ... } = the_class_data thy class; haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: Locale.global_asms_of thy locale haftmann@24589: |> maps snd haftmann@24589: |> (map o map_aterms) (fn Free (s, _) => (the o Symtab.lookup insttab) s | t => t) haftmann@24589: |> (map o map_types o map_atyps) (fn TFree _ => TFree ("'a", [class1]) | T => T) haftmann@24589: |> map (ObjectLogic.ensure_propT thy) haftmann@24589: end; haftmann@24589: val (prems, concls) = pairself mk_axioms (class1, class2); haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: Goal.prove_global thy [] prems (Logic.mk_conjunction_list concls) haftmann@24589: (Locale.intro_locales_tac true (ProofContext.init thy)) haftmann@24589: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun intro_classes_tac facts st = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm st; haftmann@24218: val classes = Sign.all_classes thy; haftmann@24218: val class_trivs = map (Thm.class_triv thy) classes; haftmann@24218: val class_intros = these_intros thy; haftmann@24218: fun add_axclass_intro class = haftmann@24218: case try (AxClass.get_definition thy) class of SOME {intro, ...} => cons intro | _ => I; haftmann@24218: val axclass_intros = fold add_axclass_intro classes []; haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: st haftmann@24218: |> ((ALLGOALS (Method.insert_tac facts THEN' haftmann@24218: REPEAT_ALL_NEW (resolve_tac (class_trivs @ class_intros @ axclass_intros)))) haftmann@24218: THEN Tactic.distinct_subgoals_tac) haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun default_intro_classes_tac [] = intro_classes_tac [] haftmann@24218: | default_intro_classes_tac _ = Tactical.no_tac; (*no error message!*) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun default_tac rules ctxt facts = haftmann@24218: HEADGOAL (Method.some_rule_tac rules ctxt facts) ORELSE haftmann@24218: default_intro_classes_tac facts; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: val _ = Context.add_setup (Method.add_methods haftmann@24218: [("intro_classes", Method.no_args (Method.METHOD intro_classes_tac), haftmann@24218: "back-chain introduction rules of classes"), haftmann@24218: ("default", Method.thms_ctxt_args (Method.METHOD oo default_tac), haftmann@24218: "apply some intro/elim rule")]); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: (** classes and class target **) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: (* class definition *) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: local haftmann@24218: wenzelm@24707: fun read_param thy raw_t = (* FIXME ProofContext.read_const (!?) *) haftmann@24218: let wenzelm@24707: val t = Syntax.read_term_global thy raw_t haftmann@24218: in case try dest_Const t haftmann@24218: of SOME (c, _) => c haftmann@24218: | NONE => error ("Not a constant: " ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t) haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun gen_class add_locale prep_class prep_param bname haftmann@24218: raw_supclasses raw_elems raw_other_consts thy = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24589: fun mk_instT class = Symtab.empty haftmann@24589: |> Symtab.update (AxClass.param_tyvarname, TFree (AxClass.param_tyvarname, [class])); haftmann@24589: fun mk_inst class param_names cs = haftmann@24589: Symtab.empty haftmann@24589: |> fold2 (fn v => fn (c, ty) => Symtab.update (v, Const haftmann@24589: (c, Term.map_type_tfree (fn (v, _) => TFree (v, [class])) ty))) param_names cs; haftmann@24218: (*FIXME need proper concept for reading locale statements*) haftmann@24218: fun subst_classtyvar (_, _) = haftmann@24218: TFree (AxClass.param_tyvarname, []) haftmann@24218: | subst_classtyvar (v, sort) = haftmann@24589: error ("Sort constraint illegal in type class, for type variable " haftmann@24589: ^ v ^ "::" ^ Sign.string_of_sort thy sort); haftmann@24218: (*val subst_classtyvars = Element.map_ctxt {name = I, var = I, term = I, haftmann@24218: typ = Term.map_type_tfree subst_classtyvar, fact = I, attrib = I};*) haftmann@24218: val other_consts = map (prep_param thy) raw_other_consts; haftmann@24218: val (elems, includes) = fold_rev (fn Locale.Elem e => apfst (cons e) haftmann@24218: | Locale.Expr i => apsnd (cons i)) raw_elems ([], []); haftmann@24218: val supclasses = map (prep_class thy) raw_supclasses; haftmann@24218: val sups = filter (is_some o lookup_class_data thy) supclasses wenzelm@24731: |> Sign.minimize_sort thy; wenzelm@24731: val supsort = Sign.minimize_sort thy supclasses; haftmann@24657: val suplocales = map (Locale.Locale o #locale o the_class_data thy) sups; haftmann@24218: val supexpr = Locale.Merge (suplocales @ includes); haftmann@24218: val supparams = (map fst o Locale.parameters_of_expr thy) haftmann@24218: (Locale.Merge suplocales); haftmann@24435: val supconsts = AList.make (the o AList.lookup (op =) (params_of_sort thy sups)) haftmann@24218: (map fst supparams); haftmann@24218: (*val elems_constrains = map haftmann@24218: (Element.Constrains o apsnd (Term.map_type_tfree subst_classtyvar)) supparams;*) haftmann@24218: fun mk_tyvar (_, sort) = TFree (AxClass.param_tyvarname, haftmann@24218: if Sign.subsort thy (supsort, sort) then sort else error haftmann@24218: ("Sort " ^ Sign.string_of_sort thy sort haftmann@24218: ^ " is less general than permitted least general sort " haftmann@24218: ^ Sign.string_of_sort thy supsort)); haftmann@24218: fun extract_params thy name_locale = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val params = Locale.parameters_of thy name_locale; haftmann@24218: val v = case (maps typ_tfrees o map (snd o fst)) params haftmann@24657: of (v, _) :: _ => v haftmann@24657: | [] => AxClass.param_tyvarname; haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24657: (v, (map fst params, params haftmann@24218: |> (map o apfst o apsnd o Term.map_type_tfree) mk_tyvar haftmann@24218: |> (map o apsnd) (fork_mixfix true NONE #> fst) haftmann@24218: |> chop (length supconsts) haftmann@24218: |> snd)) haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: fun extract_assumes name_locale params thy cs = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val consts = supconsts @ (map (fst o fst) params ~~ cs); haftmann@24218: fun subst (Free (c, ty)) = haftmann@24218: Const ((fst o the o AList.lookup (op =) consts) c, ty) haftmann@24218: | subst t = t; haftmann@24218: fun prep_asm ((name, atts), ts) = haftmann@24218: ((NameSpace.base name, map (Attrib.attribute thy) atts), haftmann@24589: (map o map_aterms) subst ts); haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: Locale.global_asms_of thy name_locale haftmann@24218: |> map prep_asm haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: fun note_intro name_axclass class_intro = haftmann@24218: PureThy.note_thmss_qualified "" ((Logic.const_of_class o NameSpace.base) name_axclass) haftmann@24218: [(("intro", []), [([class_intro], [])])] haftmann@24218: #> snd haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: thy haftmann@24218: |> add_locale (SOME "") bname supexpr ((*elems_constrains @*) elems) haftmann@24218: |-> (fn name_locale => ProofContext.theory_result ( haftmann@24218: `(fn thy => extract_params thy name_locale) haftmann@24657: #-> (fn (v, (globals, params)) => haftmann@24589: AxClass.define_class_params (bname, supsort) params haftmann@24589: (extract_assumes name_locale params) other_consts haftmann@24589: #-> (fn (name_axclass, (consts, axioms)) => haftmann@24218: `(fn thy => class_intro thy name_locale name_axclass sups) haftmann@24218: #-> (fn class_intro => haftmann@24218: add_class_data ((name_axclass, sups), haftmann@24657: (name_locale, map fst params ~~ map fst consts, v, haftmann@24657: (mk_instT name_axclass, mk_inst name_axclass (map fst globals) haftmann@24589: (map snd supconsts @ consts)), class_intro)) haftmann@24218: #> note_intro name_axclass class_intro haftmann@24589: #> class_interpretation name_axclass axioms [] haftmann@24218: #> pair name_axclass haftmann@24218: ))))) haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: val class_cmd = gen_class Locale.add_locale Sign.intern_class read_param; haftmann@24218: val class = gen_class Locale.add_locale_i Sign.certify_class (K I); haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: end; (*local*) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: haftmann@24657: (* class target context *) haftmann@24657: haftmann@24657: fun remove_constraints class thy = haftmann@24657: thy |> fold_map (get_remove_contraint o fst) (these_localized thy class); haftmann@24657: haftmann@24657: haftmann@24589: (* definition in class target *) haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun export_fixes thy class = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24435: val consts = params_of_sort thy [class]; haftmann@24218: fun subst_aterm (t as Free (v, ty)) = (case AList.lookup (op =) consts v haftmann@24218: of SOME (c, _) => Const (c, ty) haftmann@24218: | NONE => t) haftmann@24218: | subst_aterm t = t; haftmann@24657: in Term.map_aterms subst_aterm end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24218: fun add_const_in_class class ((c, rhs), syn) thy = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val prfx = (Logic.const_of_class o NameSpace.base) class; haftmann@24657: fun mk_name c = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24218: val n1 = Sign.full_name thy c; haftmann@24218: val n2 = NameSpace.qualifier n1; haftmann@24218: val n3 = NameSpace.base n1; haftmann@24657: in NameSpace.implode [n2, prfx, n3] end; haftmann@24657: val v = (#v o the_class_data thy) class; haftmann@24657: val constrain_sort = curry (Sorts.inter_sort (Sign.classes_of thy)) [class]; haftmann@24657: val subst_typ = Term.map_type_tfree (fn var as (w, sort) => haftmann@24657: if w = v then TFree (w, constrain_sort sort) else TFree var); haftmann@24218: val rhs' = export_fixes thy class rhs; haftmann@24218: val ty' = Term.fastype_of rhs'; haftmann@24657: val ty'' = subst_typ ty'; haftmann@24657: val c' = mk_name c; haftmann@24657: val def = (c, Logic.mk_equals (Const (c', ty'), rhs')); haftmann@24218: val (syn', _) = fork_mixfix true NONE syn; haftmann@24657: fun interpret def thy = haftmann@24218: let haftmann@24589: val def' = symmetric def; haftmann@24218: val def_eq = Thm.prop_of def'; haftmann@24657: val typargs = Sign.const_typargs thy (c', fastype_of rhs); haftmann@24657: val typidx = find_index (fn TFree (w, _) => v = w | _ => false) typargs; haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24657: thy haftmann@24657: |> class_interpretation class [def'] [def_eq] haftmann@24657: |> add_class_const_def (class, ((c', (rhs, typidx)), def')) haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: in haftmann@24218: thy haftmann@24218: |> Sign.add_path prfx haftmann@24218: |> Sign.add_consts_authentic [(c, ty', syn')] haftmann@24218: |> Sign.parent_path haftmann@24218: |> Sign.sticky_prefix prfx haftmann@24218: |> PureThy.add_defs_i false [(def, [])] haftmann@24218: |-> (fn [def] => interpret def) haftmann@24657: |> Sign.add_const_constraint_i (c', SOME ty'') haftmann@24218: |> Sign.restore_naming thy haftmann@24218: end; haftmann@24218: haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: (* interpretation in class target *) haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: local haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: fun gen_interpretation_in_class prep_class do_proof (raw_class, raw_superclass) theory = haftmann@24589: let haftmann@24589: val class = prep_class theory raw_class; haftmann@24589: val superclass = prep_class theory raw_superclass; haftmann@24657: val loc_name = (#locale o the_class_data theory) class; haftmann@24657: val loc_expr = (Locale.Locale o #locale o the_class_data theory) superclass; haftmann@24589: fun prove_classrel (class, superclass) thy = haftmann@24589: let wenzelm@24731: val classes = Sign.complete_sort thy [superclass] haftmann@24589: |> filter_out (fn class' => Sign.subsort thy ([class], [class'])); haftmann@24589: fun instance_subclass (class1, class2) thy = haftmann@24589: let haftmann@24589: val interp = interpretation_in_rule thy (class1, class2); haftmann@24589: val ax = #axioms (AxClass.get_definition thy class1); haftmann@24589: val intro = #intro (AxClass.get_definition thy class2) haftmann@24589: |> Drule.instantiate' [SOME (Thm.ctyp_of thy haftmann@24589: (TVar ((AxClass.param_tyvarname, 0), [class1])))] []; wenzelm@24731: val thm = haftmann@24589: intro haftmann@24589: |> OF_LAST (interp OF ax) haftmann@24589: |> strip_all_ofclass thy (Sign.super_classes thy class2); haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: thy |> AxClass.add_classrel thm haftmann@24589: end; haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: thy |> fold_rev (curry instance_subclass class) classes haftmann@24589: end; haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: theory haftmann@24589: |> do_proof (prove_classrel (class, superclass)) (loc_name, loc_expr) haftmann@24589: end; haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: in haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: val interpretation_in_class = gen_interpretation_in_class Sign.certify_class haftmann@24589: (Locale.interpretation_in_locale o ProofContext.theory); haftmann@24589: val interpretation_in_class_cmd = gen_interpretation_in_class Sign.read_class haftmann@24589: (Locale.interpretation_in_locale o ProofContext.theory); haftmann@24589: val prove_interpretation_in_class = gen_interpretation_in_class Sign.certify_class haftmann@24589: o prove_interpretation_in; haftmann@24589: haftmann@24589: end; (*local*) haftmann@24589: haftmann@24657: (*experimental*) haftmann@24657: fun class_term_check thy class = haftmann@24657: let haftmann@24657: val algebra = Sign.classes_of thy; haftmann@24657: val { v, ... } = the_class_data thy class; haftmann@24657: fun add_constrain_classtyp sort' (ty as TFree (v, _)) = haftmann@24657: AList.map_default (op =) (v, []) (curry (Sorts.inter_sort algebra) sort') haftmann@24657: | add_constrain_classtyp sort' (Type (tyco, tys)) = case Sorts.mg_domain algebra tyco sort' haftmann@24657: of sorts => fold2 add_constrain_classtyp sorts tys; haftmann@24657: fun class_arg c idx ty = haftmann@24657: let haftmann@24657: val typargs = Sign.const_typargs thy (c, ty); haftmann@24657: fun classtyp (t as TFree (w, _)) = if w = v then NONE else SOME t haftmann@24657: | classtyp t = SOME t; haftmann@24657: in classtyp (nth typargs idx) end; haftmann@24657: fun add_inst (c, ty) (terminsts, typinsts) = case local_param thy class c haftmann@24657: of NONE => (terminsts, typinsts) haftmann@24657: | SOME (t, (class', idx)) => (case class_arg c idx ty haftmann@24657: of NONE => (((c, ty), t) :: terminsts, typinsts) haftmann@24657: | SOME ty => (terminsts, add_constrain_classtyp [class'] ty typinsts)); haftmann@24657: in pair o (fn ts => let haftmann@24657: val cs = (fold o fold_aterms) (fn Const c_ty => insert (op =) c_ty | _ => I) ts []; haftmann@24657: val (terminsts, typinsts) = fold add_inst cs ([], []); haftmann@24657: in haftmann@24657: ts haftmann@24657: |> (map o map_aterms) (fn t as Const c_ty => the_default t (AList.lookup (op =) terminsts c_ty) haftmann@24657: | t => t) haftmann@24657: |> (map o map_types o map_atyps) (fn t as TFree (v, sort) => haftmann@24657: case AList.lookup (op =) typinsts v haftmann@24657: of SOME sort' => TFree (v, Sorts.inter_sort algebra (sort, sort')) haftmann@24657: | NONE => t) haftmann@24657: end) end; haftmann@24657: haftmann@24657: val init_ref = ref (K (pair I) : class -> Proof.context -> (theory -> theory) * Proof.context); haftmann@24657: fun init class = ! init_ref class; haftmann@24657: haftmann@24657: fun init_default class ctxt = haftmann@24657: let haftmann@24657: val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt; haftmann@24657: val term_check = class_term_check thy class; haftmann@24657: in haftmann@24657: ctxt haftmann@24657: (*|> ProofContext.theory_result (remove_constraints class)*) haftmann@24657: |> Context.proof_map (Syntax.add_term_check term_check) haftmann@24657: (*|>> fold (fn (c, ty) => Sign.add_const_constraint_i (c, SOME ty))*) haftmann@24657: |> pair I haftmann@24657: end; haftmann@24657: haftmann@24218: end;