clasohm@0: #!/bin/sh clasohm@0: #make-dist clasohm@0: #make a distribution directory of Isabelle sources. Example: clasohm@0: # rm -r /usr/groups/theory/isabelle/91 clasohm@0: # make-dist /usr/groups/theory/isabelle/91 clasohm@0: clasohm@0: #BEFORE MAKING A NEW DISTRIBUTION VERSION, CHECK... clasohm@0: # * that make-all works perfectly clasohm@0: # * that README files are up-to-date clasohm@0: # * that the version number has been updated clasohm@0: clasohm@0: #This version copies EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! clasohm@0: clasohm@0: set -e #terminate if error clasohm@0: clasohm@0: #Pure Isabelle clasohm@0: mkdir ${1?'No destination directory specified'} clasohm@0: cp -ipr . $1 clasohm@0: clasohm@0: #TO WRITE POLY/ML AND ISABELLE TAPES, USE SHELL SCRIPT write-dist clasohm@0: #TO PACK FOR EMAIL, USE SHELL SCRIPTS make-emaildist, send-emaildist