# HG changeset patch
# User berghofe
# Date 1296071469 -3600
# Node ID f938a6022d2edfe18c034916276b498de0f59e97
# Parent  28d94383249c8506284669674a1d9baba3526730
Replaced smod by standard mod operator to reflect actual behaviour
of the SPARK tools.

diff -r 28d94383249c -r f938a6022d2e src/HOL/SPARK/Examples/RIPEMD-160/Round.thy
--- a/src/HOL/SPARK/Examples/RIPEMD-160/Round.thy	Thu Jan 27 12:24:00 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Examples/RIPEMD-160/Round.thy	Wed Jan 26 20:51:09 2011 +0100
@@ -282,11 +282,11 @@
       uint_word_of_int_id[OF `0 <= cd` `cd <= ?M`]
       uint_word_of_int_id[OF `0 <= ce` `ce <= ?M`])
   let ?rotate_arg_l =
-    "((((ca + f 0 cb cc cd) smod 4294967296 +
-        x (r_l 0)) smod 4294967296 + k_l 0) smod 4294967296)"
+    "((((ca + f 0 cb cc cd) mod 4294967296 +
+        x (r_l 0)) mod 4294967296 + k_l 0) mod 4294967296)"
   let ?rotate_arg_r =
-    "((((ca + f 79 cb cc cd) smod 4294967296 +
-        x (r_r 0)) smod 4294967296 + k_r 0) smod 4294967296)"
+    "((((ca + f 79 cb cc cd) mod 4294967296 +
+        x (r_r 0)) mod 4294967296 + k_r 0) mod 4294967296)"
   note returns =
     `wordops__rotate (s_l 0) ?rotate_arg_l =
      rotate_left (s_l 0) ?rotate_arg_l`
@@ -330,20 +330,20 @@
   from this[OF x_lower x_upper x_lower' x_upper' `0 <= 0` `0 <= 79`]
     `0 \<le> ca` `0 \<le> ce` x_lower x_lower'
   show ?thesis unfolding returns(1) returns(2) unfolding returns
-    by (simp add: smod_pos_pos)
+    by simp
 spark_vc procedure_round_62
 proof -
   let ?M = "4294967295::int"
   let ?rotate_arg_l =
-    "((((cla + f (loop__1__j + 1) clb clc cld) smod 4294967296 +
-         x (r_l (loop__1__j + 1))) smod 4294967296 +
-         k_l (loop__1__j + 1)) smod 4294967296)"
+    "((((cla + f (loop__1__j + 1) clb clc cld) mod 4294967296 +
+         x (r_l (loop__1__j + 1))) mod 4294967296 +
+         k_l (loop__1__j + 1)) mod 4294967296)"
   let ?rotate_arg_r =
-    "((((cra + f (79 - (loop__1__j + 1)) crb crc crd) smod
-         4294967296 + x (r_r (loop__1__j + 1))) smod 4294967296 +
-         k_r (loop__1__j + 1)) smod 4294967296)"
+    "((((cra + f (79 - (loop__1__j + 1)) crb crc crd) mod
+         4294967296 + x (r_r (loop__1__j + 1))) mod 4294967296 +
+         k_r (loop__1__j + 1)) mod 4294967296)"
   have s: "78 - loop__1__j = (79 - (loop__1__j + 1))" by simp
   note returns =
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
     `0 \<le> cla` `0 \<le> cle` `0 \<le> cra` `0 \<le> cre` x_lower x_lower'
   show ?thesis unfolding `loop__1__j + 1 + 1 = loop__1__j + 2`
     unfolding returns(1) returns(2) unfolding returns
-    by (simp add: smod_pos_pos)
+    by simp
 spark_vc procedure_round_76
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
     unfolding round_def
     unfolding steps_to_steps'
     unfolding H1[symmetric]
-    by (simp add: uint_word_ariths(2) rdmods smod_pos_pos
+    by (simp add: uint_word_ariths(2) rdmods
diff -r 28d94383249c -r f938a6022d2e src/HOL/SPARK/SPARK_Setup.thy
--- a/src/HOL/SPARK/SPARK_Setup.thy	Thu Jan 27 12:24:00 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/SPARK_Setup.thy	Wed Jan 26 20:51:09 2011 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 text {*
-SPARK versions of div and mod, see section of SPARK Proof Manual
+SPARK version of div, see section of SPARK Proof Manual
 definition sdiv :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int" (infixl "sdiv" 70) where
@@ -27,23 +27,14 @@
         if 0 \<le> b then - (- a div b)
         else - a div - b)"
-definition smod :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int" (infixl "smod" 70) where
-  "a smod b = a - ((a sdiv b) * b)"
 lemma sdiv_minus_dividend: "- a sdiv b = - (a sdiv b)"
   by (simp add: sdiv_def)
 lemma sdiv_minus_divisor: "a sdiv - b = - (a sdiv b)"
   by (simp add: sdiv_def)
-lemma smod_minus_dividend: "- a smod b = - (a smod b)"
-  by (simp add: smod_def sdiv_minus_dividend)
-lemma smod_minus_divisor: "a smod - b = a smod b"
-  by (simp add: smod_def sdiv_minus_divisor)
 text {*
-Correspondence between HOL's and SPARK's versions of div and mod
+Correspondence between HOL's and SPARK's version of div
 lemma sdiv_pos_pos: "0 \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> b \<Longrightarrow> a sdiv b = a div b"
@@ -58,18 +49,6 @@
 lemma sdiv_neg_neg: "a < 0 \<Longrightarrow> b < 0 \<Longrightarrow> a sdiv b = - a div - b"
   by (simp add: sdiv_def)
-lemma smod_pos_pos: "0 \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> b \<Longrightarrow> a smod b = a mod b"
-  by (simp add: smod_def sdiv_pos_pos zmod_zdiv_equality')
-lemma smod_pos_neg: "0 \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> b < 0 \<Longrightarrow> a smod b = a mod - b"
-  by (simp add: smod_def sdiv_pos_neg zmod_zdiv_equality')
-lemma smod_neg_pos: "a < 0 \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> b \<Longrightarrow> a smod b = - (- a mod b)"
-  by (simp add: smod_def sdiv_neg_pos zmod_zdiv_equality')
-lemma smod_neg_neg: "a < 0 \<Longrightarrow> b < 0 \<Longrightarrow> a smod b = - (- a mod - b)"
-  by (simp add: smod_def sdiv_neg_neg zmod_zdiv_equality')
 text {*
 Updating a function at a set of points. Useful for building arrays.
diff -r 28d94383249c -r f938a6022d2e src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML
--- a/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML	Thu Jan 27 12:24:00 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML	Wed Jan 26 20:51:09 2011 +0100
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
       | tm_of vs (Funct ("div", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name sdiv}
           (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
-      | tm_of vs (Funct ("mod", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name smod}
+      | tm_of vs (Funct ("mod", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name mod}
           (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
       | tm_of vs (Funct ("-", [e])) =