minor cleanup;
Wed, 19 Jan 1994 14:12:40 +0100
changeset 234 1b3bee8d5d7e
parent 233 efd6b4bb14dd
child 235 775dd81a58e5
minor cleanup; added extend, merge; added {lookup,make,dest}_multi;
--- a/src/Pure/symtab.ML	Wed Jan 19 14:10:54 1994 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/symtab.ML	Wed Jan 19 14:12:40 1994 +0100
@@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
-(*  Title: 	symtab
+(*  Title:      Pure/symtab.ML
     ID:         $Id$
-    Author: 	Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     Copyright   1989  University of Cambridge
-(*Unbalanced binary trees indexed by strings
-  No way to delete an entry
-  could generalize alist_of to a traversal functional
+Unbalanced binary trees indexed by strings; no way to delete an entry.
-signature SYMTAB = 
+signature SYMTAB =
-   type 'a table
-   val alist_of : 'a table -> (string*'a) list
-   val balance : 'a table -> 'a table
-   val lookup : 'a table * string -> 'a option
-   val null : 'a table
-   val is_null : 'a table -> bool
-   val st_of_alist : (string*'a)list * 'a table -> 'a table
-   val st_of_declist : (string list * 'a)list * 'a table -> 'a table
-   val update : (string*'a) * 'a table -> 'a table
-   val update_new : (string*'a) * 'a table -> 'a table
-   exception DUPLICATE of string
+  exception DUPLICATE of string
+  type 'a table
+  val null: 'a table
+  val is_null: 'a table -> bool
+  val lookup: 'a table * string -> 'a option
+  val update: (string * 'a) * 'a table -> 'a table
+  val update_new: (string * 'a) * 'a table -> 'a table
+  val alist_of: 'a table -> (string * 'a) list
+  val balance: 'a table -> 'a table
+  val st_of_alist: (string * 'a) list * 'a table -> 'a table
+  val st_of_declist: (string list * 'a) list * 'a table -> 'a table
+  val extend: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table * (string * 'a) list -> 'a table
+  val merge: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table * 'a table -> 'a table
+  val lookup_multi: 'a list table * string -> 'a list
+  val make_multi: (string * 'a) list -> 'a list table
+  val dest_multi: 'a list table -> (string * 'a) list
-functor SymtabFun () : SYMTAB = 
+functor SymtabFun(): SYMTAB =
 (*symbol table errors, such as from update_new*)
 exception DUPLICATE of string;
-datatype 'a table = Tip  |  Branch of (string * 'a * 'a table * 'a table);
+datatype 'a table = Tip | Branch of (string * 'a * 'a table * 'a table);
 val null = Tip;
@@ -40,42 +41,42 @@
   | is_null _ = false;
-fun lookup (symtab: 'a table, key: string) : 'a option = 
+fun lookup (symtab: 'a table, key: string) : 'a option =
   let fun look  Tip  = None
-	| look (Branch (key',entry,left,right)) =
-	    if      key < key' then look left
-	    else if key' < key then look right
-	    else  Some entry
+        | look (Branch (key', entry, left, right)) =
+            if      key < key' then look left
+            else if key' < key then look right
+            else  Some entry
   in look symtab end;
 (*update, allows overwriting of an entry*)
 fun update ((key: string, entry: 'a), symtab : 'a table)
   : 'a table =
-  let fun upd  Tip  = Branch (key,entry,Tip,Tip)
-	| upd (Branch(key',entry',left,right)) =
-	    if      key < key' then Branch (key',entry', upd left, right)
-	    else if key' < key then Branch (key',entry',left, upd right)
-	    else                    Branch (key,entry,left,right)
+  let fun upd  Tip  = Branch (key, entry, Tip, Tip)
+        | upd (Branch(key', entry', left, right)) =
+            if      key < key' then Branch (key', entry', upd left, right)
+            else if key' < key then Branch (key', entry', left, upd right)
+            else                    Branch (key, entry, left, right)
   in  upd symtab  end;
 (*Like update but fails if key is already defined in table.
   Allows st_of_alist, etc. to detect multiple definitions*)
 fun update_new ((key: string, entry: 'a), symtab : 'a table)
   : 'a table =
-  let fun upd Tip = Branch (key,entry,Tip,Tip)
-	| upd (Branch(key',entry',left,right)) =
-	    if      key < key' then Branch (key',entry', upd left, right)
-	    else if key' < key then Branch (key',entry',left, upd right)
-	    else  raise DUPLICATE(key)
+  let fun upd Tip = Branch (key, entry, Tip, Tip)
+        | upd (Branch(key', entry', left, right)) =
+            if      key < key' then Branch (key', entry', upd left, right)
+            else if key' < key then Branch (key', entry', left, upd right)
+            else  raise DUPLICATE(key)
   in  upd symtab  end;
 (*conversion of symbol table to sorted association list*)
 fun alist_of (symtab : 'a table) : (string * 'a) list =
-  let fun ali (symtab,cont) = case symtab of
-		Tip => cont
-	| Branch (key,entry,left,right) =>
-	    ali(left, (key,entry) :: ali(right,cont))
-  in  ali (symtab,[])  end;
+  let fun ali (symtab, cont) = case symtab of
+                Tip => cont
+        | Branch (key, entry, left, right) =>
+            ali(left, (key, entry) :: ali(right, cont))
+  in  ali (symtab, [])  end;
 (*Make a balanced tree of the first n members of the sorted alist (sal).
@@ -83,10 +84,10 @@
 fun bal_of (sal, 0) = Tip
   | bal_of (sal, n) =
       let val mid = n div 2
-      in  case  drop (mid,sal) of
-	    [] => bal_of (sal, mid)   (*should not occur*)
-	  | ((key,entry):: pairs) =>
-		Branch(key,entry, bal_of(sal,mid), bal_of(pairs, n-mid-1))
+      in  case  drop (mid, sal) of
+            [] => bal_of (sal, mid)   (*should not occur*)
+          | ((key, entry):: pairs) =>
+                Branch(key, entry, bal_of(sal, mid), bal_of(pairs, n-mid-1))
@@ -97,18 +98,51 @@
 (*Addition of association list to a symbol table*)
 fun st_of_alist (al, symtab) =
-    foldr update_new (al, symtab);
+  foldr update_new (al, symtab);
 (*A "declaration" associates the same entry with a list of keys;
   does not allow overwriting of an entry*)
 fun decl_update_new ((keys : string list, entry: 'a), symtab)
   : 'a table =
-  let fun decl (key,symtab) = update_new((key,entry), symtab)
-  in  foldr decl (keys, symtab)  end;
+  let fun decl (key, symtab) = update_new ((key, entry), symtab)
+  in foldr decl (keys, symtab) end;
 (*Addition of a list of declarations to a symbol table*)
 fun st_of_declist (dl, symtab) =
-    balance (foldr decl_update_new (dl, symtab))
+  balance (foldr decl_update_new (dl, symtab));
+(* extend, merge tables *)
+fun eq_pair eq ((key1, entry1), (key2, entry2)) =
+  key1 = key2 andalso eq (entry1, entry2);
+fun mk_tab alst = balance (st_of_alist (alst, Tip));
+fun extend eq (tab, alst) =
+  generic_extend (eq_pair eq) alist_of mk_tab tab alst;
+fun merge eq (tab1, tab2) =
+  generic_merge (eq_pair eq) alist_of mk_tab tab1 tab2;
+(* tables with multiple entries per key *)
+(*order of entries with same key is preserved*)
+fun lookup_multi (tab, key) =
+  (case lookup (tab, key) of
+    Some entries => entries
+  | None => []);
+fun cons_entry ((key, entry), tab) =
+  update ((key, entry :: lookup_multi (tab, key)), tab);
+fun make_multi alst =
+  balance (foldr cons_entry (alst, Tip));
+fun dest_multi tab =
+  flat (map (fn (key, entries) => map (pair key) entries) (alist_of tab));