renamed Proof_Document to Document;
Fri, 01 Jan 2010 14:41:25 +0100
changeset 34823 2f3ea37c5958
parent 34822 8c31275868cc
child 34824 ac35eee85f5c
renamed Proof_Document to Document;
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_model.scala	Thu Dec 31 23:48:18 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_model.scala	Fri Jan 01 14:41:25 2010 +0100
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 package isabelle.jedit
-import isabelle.proofdocument.{Change, Command, Edit, Insert, Remove, Proof_Document, Session}
+import isabelle.proofdocument.{Change, Command, Edit, Insert, Remove, Document, Session}
 import scala.actors.Actor, Actor._
 import scala.collection.mutable
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
   /* history of changes */
-  private def doc_or_pred(c: Change): Proof_Document =
+  private def doc_or_pred(c: Change): Document =
   def current_document() = doc_or_pred(current_change)
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@
   /* transforming offsets */
-  private def changes_from(doc: Proof_Document): List[Edit] =
+  private def changes_from(doc: Document): List[Edit] =
     List.flatten(current_change.ancestors( == :::
-  def from_current(doc: Proof_Document, offset: Int): Int =
+  def from_current(doc: Document, offset: Int): Int =
     (offset /: changes_from(doc).reverse) ((i, change) => change before i)
-  def to_current(doc: Proof_Document, offset: Int): Int =
+  def to_current(doc: Document, offset: Int): Int =
     (offset /: changes_from(doc)) ((i, change) => change after i)
   def lines_of_command(cmd: Command): (Int, Int) =
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_view.scala	Thu Dec 31 23:48:18 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/document_view.scala	Fri Jan 01 14:41:25 2010 +0100
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 package isabelle.jedit
-import isabelle.proofdocument.{Command, Proof_Document, Session}
+import isabelle.proofdocument.{Command, Document, Session}
 import scala.actors.Actor._
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 object Document_View
-  def choose_color(command: Command, doc: Proof_Document): Color =
+  def choose_color(command: Command, doc: Document): Color =
     command.status(doc) match {
       case Command.Status.UNPROCESSED => new Color(255, 228, 225)
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_sidekick.scala	Thu Dec 31 23:48:18 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/isabelle_sidekick.scala	Fri Jan 01 14:41:25 2010 +0100
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import errorlist.DefaultErrorSource
 import sidekick.{SideKickParser, SideKickParsedData, SideKickCompletion, IAsset}
-import isabelle.proofdocument.{Command, Markup_Node, Proof_Document}
+import isabelle.proofdocument.{Command, Markup_Node, Document}
 class Isabelle_Sidekick extends SideKickParser("isabelle")
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/command.scala	Thu Dec 31 23:48:18 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/command.scala	Fri Jan 01 14:41:25 2010 +0100
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
   def content(i: Int, j: Int): String = content.substring(i, j)
   val symbol_index = new Symbol.Index(content)
-  def start(doc: Proof_Document) = doc.token_start(tokens.first)
-  def stop(doc: Proof_Document) = doc.token_start(tokens.last) + tokens.last.length
+  def start(doc: Document) = doc.token_start(tokens.first)
+  def stop(doc: Document) = doc.token_start(tokens.last) + tokens.last.length
   def contains(p: Token) = tokens.contains(p)
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@
   def highlight: Markup_Text = current_state.highlight
-  private def cmd_state(doc: Proof_Document): State =  // FIXME clarify
+  private def cmd_state(doc: Document): State =  // FIXME clarify
     doc.states.getOrElse(this, this).current_state
-  def status(doc: Proof_Document) = cmd_state(doc).status
-  def results(doc: Proof_Document) = cmd_state(doc).results
-  def markup_root(doc: Proof_Document) = cmd_state(doc).markup_root
-  def highlight(doc: Proof_Document) = cmd_state(doc).highlight
-  def type_at(doc: Proof_Document, offset: Int) = cmd_state(doc).type_at(offset)
-  def ref_at(doc: Proof_Document, offset: Int) = cmd_state(doc).ref_at(offset)
+  def status(doc: Document) = cmd_state(doc).status
+  def results(doc: Document) = cmd_state(doc).results
+  def markup_root(doc: Document) = cmd_state(doc).markup_root
+  def highlight(doc: Document) = cmd_state(doc).highlight
+  def type_at(doc: Document, offset: Int) = cmd_state(doc).type_at(offset)
+  def ref_at(doc: Document, offset: Int) = cmd_state(doc).ref_at(offset)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/document.scala	Fri Jan 01 14:41:25 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * Document as list of commands, consisting of lists of tokens
+ *
+ * @author Johannes Hölzl, TU Munich
+ * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich
+ * @author Makarius
+ */
+package isabelle.proofdocument
+import scala.actors.Actor._
+import java.util.regex.Pattern
+object Document
+  // Be careful when changing this regex. Not only must it handle the
+  // spurious end of a token but also:
+  // Bug ID: 5050507 Pattern.matches throws StackOverflow Error
+  //
+  val token_pattern =
+    Pattern.compile(
+      "\\{\\*([^*]|\\*[^}]|\\*\\z)*(\\z|\\*\\})|" +
+      "\\(\\*([^*]|\\*[^)]|\\*\\z)*(\\z|\\*\\))|" +
+      "(\\?'?|')[A-Za-z_0-9.]*|" +
+      "[A-Za-z_0-9.]+|" +
+      "[!#$%&*+-/<=>?@^_|~]+|" +
+      "\"([^\\\\\"]?(\\\\(.|\\z))?)*+(\"|\\z)|" +
+      "`([^\\\\`]?(\\\\(.|\\z))?)*+(`|\\z)|" +
+      "[()\\[\\]{}:;]", Pattern.MULTILINE)
+  def empty(id: Isar_Document.Document_ID): Document =
+    new Document(id, Linear_Set(), Map(), Linear_Set(), Map())
+  type StructureChange = List[(Option[Command], Option[Command])]
+class Document(
+    val id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
+    val tokens: Linear_Set[Token],   // FIXME plain List, inside Command
+    val token_start: Map[Token, Int],  // FIXME eliminate
+    val commands: Linear_Set[Command],
+    var states: Map[Command, Command])   // FIXME immutable, eliminate!?
+  extends Session.Entity
+  import Document.StructureChange
+  def content = Token.string_from_tokens(Nil ++ tokens, token_start)
+  /* accumulated messages */
+  private val accumulator = actor {
+    loop {
+      react {
+        case (session: Session, message: XML.Tree) =>
+          message match {
+            case XML.Elem(Markup.MESSAGE, (Markup.CLASS, Markup.STATUS) :: _, elems) =>
+              for {
+                XML.Elem(Markup.EDIT, (Markup.ID, cmd_id) :: (Markup.STATE, state_id) :: _, _)
+                  <- elems
+              } {
+                session.lookup_entity(cmd_id) match {
+                  case Some(cmd: Command) =>
+                    val state = cmd.finish_static(state_id)
+                    session.register_entity(state)
+                    states += (cmd -> state)  // FIXME !?
+                    session.command_change.event(cmd)   // FIXME really!?
+                  case _ =>
+                }
+              }
+            case _ =>
+          }
+        case bad => System.err.println("document accumulator: ignoring bad message " + bad)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def consume(session: Session, message: XML.Tree) { accumulator ! (session, message) }
+  /** token view **/
+  def text_changed(session: Session, change: Change): (Document, StructureChange) =
+  {
+    def edit_doc(doc_chgs: (Document, StructureChange), edit: Edit) = {
+      val (doc, chgs) = doc_chgs
+      val (new_doc, chg) = doc.text_edit(session, edit,
+      (new_doc, chgs ++ chg)
+    }
+    ((this, Nil: StructureChange) /: change.edits)(edit_doc)
+  }
+  def text_edit(session: Session, e: Edit, id: String): (Document, StructureChange) =
+  {
+    case class TextChange(start: Int, added: String, removed: String)
+    val change = e match {
+      case Insert(s, a) => TextChange(s, a, "")
+      case Remove(s, r) => TextChange(s, "", r)
+    }
+    //indices of tokens
+    var start: Map[Token, Int] = token_start
+    def stop(t: Token) = start(t) + t.length
+    // split old token lists
+    val tokens = Nil ++ this.tokens
+    val (begin, remaining) = tokens.span(stop(_) < change.start)
+    val (removed, end) = remaining.span(token_start(_) <= change.start + change.removed.length)
+    // update indices
+    start = end.foldLeft(start)((s, t) =>
+      s + (t -> (s(t) + change.added.length - change.removed.length)))
+    val split_begin = removed.takeWhile(start(_) < change.start).
+      map (t => {
+          val split_tok = new Token(t.content.substring(0, change.start - start(t)), t.kind)
+          start += (split_tok -> start(t))
+          split_tok
+        })
+    val split_end = removed.dropWhile(stop(_) < change.start + change.removed.length).
+      map (t => {
+          val split_tok =
+            new Token(t.content.substring(change.start + change.removed.length - start(t)), t.kind)
+          start += (split_tok -> start(t))
+          split_tok
+        })
+    // update indices
+    start = removed.foldLeft (start) ((s, t) => s - t)
+    start = split_end.foldLeft (start) ((s, t) =>
+    s + (t -> (change.start + change.added.length)))
+    val ins = new Token(change.added, Token.Kind.OTHER)
+    start += (ins -> change.start)
+    var invalid_tokens = split_begin ::: ins :: split_end ::: end
+    var new_tokens: List[Token] = Nil
+    var old_suffix: List[Token] = Nil
+    val match_start =
+    val matcher =
+      Document.token_pattern.matcher(Token.string_from_tokens(invalid_tokens, start))
+    while (matcher.find() && invalid_tokens != Nil) {
+			val kind =
+        if (session.current_syntax.is_command(
+          Token.Kind.COMMAND_START
+        else if (matcher.end - matcher.start > 2 &&, 2) == "(*")
+          Token.Kind.COMMENT
+        else
+          Token.Kind.OTHER
+      val new_token = new Token(, kind)
+      start += (new_token -> (match_start + matcher.start))
+      new_tokens ::= new_token
+      invalid_tokens = invalid_tokens dropWhile (stop(_) < stop(new_token))
+      invalid_tokens match {
+        case t :: ts =>
+          if (start(t) == start(new_token) &&
+              start(t) > change.start + change.added.length) {
+          old_suffix = t :: ts
+          new_tokens = new_tokens.tail
+          invalid_tokens = Nil
+        }
+        case _ =>
+      }
+    }
+    val insert = new_tokens.reverse
+    val new_token_list = begin ::: insert ::: old_suffix
+    token_changed(session, id, begin.lastOption, insert,
+      old_suffix.firstOption, new_token_list, start)
+  }
+  /** command view **/
+  private def token_changed(
+    session: Session,
+    new_id: String,
+    before_change: Option[Token],
+    inserted_tokens: List[Token],
+    after_change: Option[Token],
+    new_tokens: List[Token],
+    new_token_start: Map[Token, Int]):
+  (Document, StructureChange) =
+  {
+    val new_tokenset = Linear_Set[Token]() ++ new_tokens
+    val cmd_before_change = before_change match {
+      case None => None
+      case Some(bc) =>
+        val cmd_with_bc = commands.find(_.contains(bc)).get
+        if (cmd_with_bc.tokens.last == bc) {
+          if (
+            Some(cmd_with_bc)
+          else commands.prev(cmd_with_bc)
+        }
+        else commands.prev(cmd_with_bc)
+    }
+    val cmd_after_change = after_change match {
+      case None => None
+      case Some(ac) =>
+        val cmd_with_ac = commands.find(_.contains(ac)).get
+        if (ac.is_start)
+          Some(cmd_with_ac)
+        else
+    }
+    val removed_commands = commands.dropWhile(Some(_) != cmd_before_change).drop(1).
+      takeWhile(Some(_) != cmd_after_change)
+    // calculate inserted commands
+    def tokens_to_commands(tokens: List[Token]): List[Command]= {
+      tokens match {
+        case Nil => Nil
+        case t :: ts =>
+          val (cmd, rest) =
+            ts.span(t => t.kind != Token.Kind.COMMAND_START && t.kind != Token.Kind.COMMENT)
+          new Command(session.create_id(), t :: cmd, new_token_start) :: tokens_to_commands(rest)
+      }
+    }
+    val split_begin =
+      if (before_change.isDefined) {
+        val changed =
+          if (cmd_before_change.isDefined)
+            new_tokens.dropWhile(_ != cmd_before_change.get.tokens.last).drop(1)
+          else new_tokenset
+        if (changed.exists(_ == before_change.get))
+          changed.takeWhile(_ != before_change.get).toList :::
+            List(before_change.get)
+        else Nil
+      } else Nil
+    val split_end =
+      if (after_change.isDefined) {
+        val unchanged = new_tokens.dropWhile(_ != after_change.get)
+        if(cmd_after_change.isDefined) {
+          if (unchanged.exists(_ == cmd_after_change.get.tokens.first))
+            unchanged.takeWhile(_ != cmd_after_change.get.tokens.first).toList
+          else Nil
+        } else {
+          unchanged
+        }
+      } else Nil
+    val rescan_begin =
+      split_begin :::
+ => new_tokens.dropWhile(_ != bc).drop(1)).getOrElse(new_tokens)
+    val rescanning_tokens =
+ => rescan_begin.takeWhile(_ != ac)).getOrElse(rescan_begin) :::
+        split_end
+    val inserted_commands = tokens_to_commands(rescanning_tokens.toList)
+    // build new document
+    val new_commandset = commands.
+      delete_between(cmd_before_change, cmd_after_change).
+      append_after(cmd_before_change, inserted_commands)
+    val doc =
+      new Document(new_id, new_tokenset, new_token_start, new_commandset,
+        states -- removed_commands)
+    val removes =
+      for (cmd <- removed_commands) yield (cmd_before_change -> None)
+    val inserts =
+      for (cmd <- inserted_commands) yield (doc.commands.prev(cmd) -> Some(cmd))
+    return (doc, removes.toList ++ inserts)
+  }
+  val commands_offsets = {
+    var last_stop = 0
+    (for (c <- commands) yield {
+      val r = c -> (last_stop,c.stop(this))
+      last_stop = c.stop(this)
+      r
+    }).toArray
+  }
+  def command_at(pos: Int): Option[Command] =
+    find_command(pos, 0, commands_offsets.length)
+  // use a binary search to find commands for a given offset
+  private def find_command(pos: Int, array_start: Int, array_stop: Int): Option[Command] =
+  {
+    val middle_index = (array_start + array_stop) / 2
+    if (middle_index >= commands_offsets.length) return None
+    val (middle, (start, stop)) = commands_offsets(middle_index)
+    // does middle contain pos?
+    if (start <= pos && pos < stop)
+      Some(middle)
+    else if (start > pos)
+      find_command(pos, array_start, middle_index)
+    else if (stop <= pos)
+      find_command(pos, middle_index + 1, array_stop)
+    else error("impossible")
+  }
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/html_panel.scala	Thu Dec 31 23:48:18 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/html_panel.scala	Fri Jan 01 14:41:25 2010 +0100
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 import javax.swing.{JButton, JPanel, JScrollPane}
 import java.util.logging.{Logger, Level}
-import org.w3c.dom.Document
 import org.w3c.dom.html2.HTMLElement
 import org.lobobrowser.html.parser.{DocumentBuilderImpl, InputSourceImpl}
@@ -102,8 +101,8 @@
   private val main_actor = actor {
     // crude double buffering
-    var doc1: Document = null
-    var doc2: Document = null
+    var doc1: org.w3c.dom.Document = null
+    var doc2: org.w3c.dom.Document = null
     loop {
       react {
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/proof_document.scala	Thu Dec 31 23:48:18 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
- * Document as list of commands, consisting of lists of tokens
- *
- * @author Johannes Hölzl, TU Munich
- * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich
- * @author Makarius
- */
-package isabelle.proofdocument
-import scala.actors.Actor._
-import java.util.regex.Pattern
-object Proof_Document
-  // Be careful when changing this regex. Not only must it handle the
-  // spurious end of a token but also:
-  // Bug ID: 5050507 Pattern.matches throws StackOverflow Error
-  //
-  val token_pattern =
-    Pattern.compile(
-      "\\{\\*([^*]|\\*[^}]|\\*\\z)*(\\z|\\*\\})|" +
-      "\\(\\*([^*]|\\*[^)]|\\*\\z)*(\\z|\\*\\))|" +
-      "(\\?'?|')[A-Za-z_0-9.]*|" +
-      "[A-Za-z_0-9.]+|" +
-      "[!#$%&*+-/<=>?@^_|~]+|" +
-      "\"([^\\\\\"]?(\\\\(.|\\z))?)*+(\"|\\z)|" +
-      "`([^\\\\`]?(\\\\(.|\\z))?)*+(`|\\z)|" +
-      "[()\\[\\]{}:;]", Pattern.MULTILINE)
-  def empty(id: Isar_Document.Document_ID): Proof_Document =
-    new Proof_Document(id, Linear_Set(), Map(), Linear_Set(), Map())
-  type StructureChange = List[(Option[Command], Option[Command])]
-class Proof_Document(
-    val id: Isar_Document.Document_ID,
-    val tokens: Linear_Set[Token],   // FIXME plain List, inside Command
-    val token_start: Map[Token, Int],  // FIXME eliminate
-    val commands: Linear_Set[Command],
-    var states: Map[Command, Command])   // FIXME immutable, eliminate!?
-  extends Session.Entity
-  import Proof_Document.StructureChange
-  def content = Token.string_from_tokens(Nil ++ tokens, token_start)
-  /* accumulated messages */
-  private val accumulator = actor {
-    loop {
-      react {
-        case (session: Session, message: XML.Tree) =>
-          message match {
-            case XML.Elem(Markup.MESSAGE, (Markup.CLASS, Markup.STATUS) :: _, elems) =>
-              for {
-                XML.Elem(Markup.EDIT, (Markup.ID, cmd_id) :: (Markup.STATE, state_id) :: _, _)
-                  <- elems
-              } {
-                session.lookup_entity(cmd_id) match {
-                  case Some(cmd: Command) =>
-                    val state = cmd.finish_static(state_id)
-                    session.register_entity(state)
-                    states += (cmd -> state)  // FIXME !?
-                    session.command_change.event(cmd)   // FIXME really!?
-                  case _ =>
-                }
-              }
-            case _ =>
-          }
-        case bad => System.err.println("document accumulator: ignoring bad message " + bad)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def consume(session: Session, message: XML.Tree) { accumulator ! (session, message) }
-  /** token view **/
-  def text_changed(session: Session, change: Change): (Proof_Document, StructureChange) =
-  {
-    def edit_doc(doc_chgs: (Proof_Document, StructureChange), edit: Edit) = {
-      val (doc, chgs) = doc_chgs
-      val (new_doc, chg) = doc.text_edit(session, edit,
-      (new_doc, chgs ++ chg)
-    }
-    ((this, Nil: StructureChange) /: change.edits)(edit_doc)
-  }
-  def text_edit(session: Session, e: Edit, id: String): (Proof_Document, StructureChange) =
-  {
-    case class TextChange(start: Int, added: String, removed: String)
-    val change = e match {
-      case Insert(s, a) => TextChange(s, a, "")
-      case Remove(s, r) => TextChange(s, "", r)
-    }
-    //indices of tokens
-    var start: Map[Token, Int] = token_start
-    def stop(t: Token) = start(t) + t.length
-    // split old token lists
-    val tokens = Nil ++ this.tokens
-    val (begin, remaining) = tokens.span(stop(_) < change.start)
-    val (removed, end) = remaining.span(token_start(_) <= change.start + change.removed.length)
-    // update indices
-    start = end.foldLeft(start)((s, t) =>
-      s + (t -> (s(t) + change.added.length - change.removed.length)))
-    val split_begin = removed.takeWhile(start(_) < change.start).
-      map (t => {
-          val split_tok = new Token(t.content.substring(0, change.start - start(t)), t.kind)
-          start += (split_tok -> start(t))
-          split_tok
-        })
-    val split_end = removed.dropWhile(stop(_) < change.start + change.removed.length).
-      map (t => {
-          val split_tok =
-            new Token(t.content.substring(change.start + change.removed.length - start(t)), t.kind)
-          start += (split_tok -> start(t))
-          split_tok
-        })
-    // update indices
-    start = removed.foldLeft (start) ((s, t) => s - t)
-    start = split_end.foldLeft (start) ((s, t) =>
-    s + (t -> (change.start + change.added.length)))
-    val ins = new Token(change.added, Token.Kind.OTHER)
-    start += (ins -> change.start)
-    var invalid_tokens = split_begin ::: ins :: split_end ::: end
-    var new_tokens: List[Token] = Nil
-    var old_suffix: List[Token] = Nil
-    val match_start =
-    val matcher =
-      Proof_Document.token_pattern.matcher(Token.string_from_tokens(invalid_tokens, start))
-    while (matcher.find() && invalid_tokens != Nil) {
-			val kind =
-        if (session.current_syntax.is_command(
-          Token.Kind.COMMAND_START
-        else if (matcher.end - matcher.start > 2 &&, 2) == "(*")
-          Token.Kind.COMMENT
-        else
-          Token.Kind.OTHER
-      val new_token = new Token(, kind)
-      start += (new_token -> (match_start + matcher.start))
-      new_tokens ::= new_token
-      invalid_tokens = invalid_tokens dropWhile (stop(_) < stop(new_token))
-      invalid_tokens match {
-        case t :: ts =>
-          if (start(t) == start(new_token) &&
-              start(t) > change.start + change.added.length) {
-          old_suffix = t :: ts
-          new_tokens = new_tokens.tail
-          invalid_tokens = Nil
-        }
-        case _ =>
-      }
-    }
-    val insert = new_tokens.reverse
-    val new_token_list = begin ::: insert ::: old_suffix
-    token_changed(session, id, begin.lastOption, insert,
-      old_suffix.firstOption, new_token_list, start)
-  }
-  /** command view **/
-  private def token_changed(
-    session: Session,
-    new_id: String,
-    before_change: Option[Token],
-    inserted_tokens: List[Token],
-    after_change: Option[Token],
-    new_tokens: List[Token],
-    new_token_start: Map[Token, Int]):
-  (Proof_Document, StructureChange) =
-  {
-    val new_tokenset = Linear_Set[Token]() ++ new_tokens
-    val cmd_before_change = before_change match {
-      case None => None
-      case Some(bc) =>
-        val cmd_with_bc = commands.find(_.contains(bc)).get
-        if (cmd_with_bc.tokens.last == bc) {
-          if (
-            Some(cmd_with_bc)
-          else commands.prev(cmd_with_bc)
-        }
-        else commands.prev(cmd_with_bc)
-    }
-    val cmd_after_change = after_change match {
-      case None => None
-      case Some(ac) =>
-        val cmd_with_ac = commands.find(_.contains(ac)).get
-        if (ac.is_start)
-          Some(cmd_with_ac)
-        else
-    }
-    val removed_commands = commands.dropWhile(Some(_) != cmd_before_change).drop(1).
-      takeWhile(Some(_) != cmd_after_change)
-    // calculate inserted commands
-    def tokens_to_commands(tokens: List[Token]): List[Command]= {
-      tokens match {
-        case Nil => Nil
-        case t :: ts =>
-          val (cmd, rest) =
-            ts.span(t => t.kind != Token.Kind.COMMAND_START && t.kind != Token.Kind.COMMENT)
-          new Command(session.create_id(), t :: cmd, new_token_start) :: tokens_to_commands(rest)
-      }
-    }
-    val split_begin =
-      if (before_change.isDefined) {
-        val changed =
-          if (cmd_before_change.isDefined)
-            new_tokens.dropWhile(_ != cmd_before_change.get.tokens.last).drop(1)
-          else new_tokenset
-        if (changed.exists(_ == before_change.get))
-          changed.takeWhile(_ != before_change.get).toList :::
-            List(before_change.get)
-        else Nil
-      } else Nil
-    val split_end =
-      if (after_change.isDefined) {
-        val unchanged = new_tokens.dropWhile(_ != after_change.get)
-        if(cmd_after_change.isDefined) {
-          if (unchanged.exists(_ == cmd_after_change.get.tokens.first))
-            unchanged.takeWhile(_ != cmd_after_change.get.tokens.first).toList
-          else Nil
-        } else {
-          unchanged
-        }
-      } else Nil
-    val rescan_begin =
-      split_begin :::
- => new_tokens.dropWhile(_ != bc).drop(1)).getOrElse(new_tokens)
-    val rescanning_tokens =
- => rescan_begin.takeWhile(_ != ac)).getOrElse(rescan_begin) :::
-        split_end
-    val inserted_commands = tokens_to_commands(rescanning_tokens.toList)
-    // build new document
-    val new_commandset = commands.
-      delete_between(cmd_before_change, cmd_after_change).
-      append_after(cmd_before_change, inserted_commands)
-    val doc =
-      new Proof_Document(new_id, new_tokenset, new_token_start, new_commandset,
-        states -- removed_commands)
-    val removes =
-      for (cmd <- removed_commands) yield (cmd_before_change -> None)
-    val inserts =
-      for (cmd <- inserted_commands) yield (doc.commands.prev(cmd) -> Some(cmd))
-    return (doc, removes.toList ++ inserts)
-  }
-  val commands_offsets = {
-    var last_stop = 0
-    (for (c <- commands) yield {
-      val r = c -> (last_stop,c.stop(this))
-      last_stop = c.stop(this)
-      r
-    }).toArray
-  }
-  def command_at(pos: Int): Option[Command] =
-    find_command(pos, 0, commands_offsets.length)
-  // use a binary search to find commands for a given offset
-  private def find_command(pos: Int, array_start: Int, array_stop: Int): Option[Command] =
-  {
-    val middle_index = (array_start + array_stop) / 2
-    if (middle_index >= commands_offsets.length) return None
-    val (middle, (start, stop)) = commands_offsets(middle_index)
-    // does middle contain pos?
-    if (start <= pos && pos < stop)
-      Some(middle)
-    else if (start > pos)
-      find_command(pos, array_start, middle_index)
-    else if (stop <= pos)
-      find_command(pos, middle_index + 1, array_stop)
-    else error("impossible")
-  }
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/session.scala	Thu Dec 31 23:48:18 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/session.scala	Fri Jan 01 14:41:25 2010 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   val results = new Event_Bus[Command]
   val command_change = new Event_Bus[Command]
-  val document_change = new Event_Bus[Proof_Document]
+  val document_change = new Event_Bus[Document]
   /* unique ids */
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
   def lookup_entity(id: Session.Entity_ID): Option[Session.Entity] = entities.get(id)
   // FIXME eliminate
-  @volatile private var documents = Map[Isar_Document.Document_ID, Proof_Document]()
-  def document(id: Isar_Document.Document_ID): Option[Proof_Document] = documents.get(id)
+  @volatile private var documents = Map[Isar_Document.Document_ID, Document]()
+  def document(id: Isar_Document.Document_ID): Option[Document] = documents.get(id)
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
         case Begin_Document(path: String) if prover != null =>
           val id = create_id()
-          val doc = Proof_Document.empty(id)
+          val doc = Document.empty(id)
           documents += (id -> doc)
           prover.begin_document(id, path)
@@ -229,6 +229,6 @@
   def stop() { session_actor ! Stop }
   def input(change: Change) { session_actor ! change }
-  def begin_document(path: String): Proof_Document =
-    (session_actor !? Begin_Document(path)).asInstanceOf[Proof_Document]
+  def begin_document(path: String): Document =
+    (session_actor !? Begin_Document(path)).asInstanceOf[Document]