Thu, 02 Mar 2023 17:46:29 +0100
changeset 77487 57ede1743caf
parent 77435 df1150ec6cd7 (current diff)
parent 77486 032c76e04475 (diff)
child 77488 615a6a6a4b0b
--- a/NEWS	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -270,6 +270,10 @@
 scalable, and supports most options from "isabelle build". Partial
 builds are supported as well, e.g. "isabelle update -n -a".
+* System option "ML_process_policy" has been renamed to
+"process_policy", as it may affect other processes as well (notably in
+"isabelle build").
 * Isabelle/Scala provides generic support for XZ and Zstd compression,
 via Compress.Options and Compress.Cache. Bytes.uncompress automatically
 detects the compression scheme.
--- a/etc/build.props	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/etc/build.props	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@
   src/Pure/System/components.scala \
   src/Pure/System/executable.scala \
   src/Pure/System/getopts.scala \
+  src/Pure/System/host.scala \
   src/Pure/System/isabelle_charset.scala \
   src/Pure/System/isabelle_fonts.scala \
   src/Pure/System/isabelle_platform.scala \
@@ -162,7 +163,6 @@
   src/Pure/System/linux.scala \
   src/Pure/System/mingw.scala \
   src/Pure/System/nodejs.scala \
-  src/Pure/System/numa.scala \
   src/Pure/System/options.scala \
   src/Pure/System/platform.scala \
   src/Pure/System/posix_interrupt.scala \
--- a/etc/options	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/etc/options	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@
 option timeout_build : bool = true
   -- "observe timeout for session build"
+option process_policy : string = ""
+  -- "command prefix for underlying process, notably ML with NUMA policy"
 option process_output_tail : int = 40
   -- "build process output tail shown to user (in lines, 0 = unlimited)"
@@ -165,9 +168,6 @@
 public option ML_system_apple : bool = true
   -- "prefer native Apple/ARM64 platform (change requires restart)"
-public option ML_process_policy : string = ""
-  -- "ML process command prefix (process policy)"
 section "Build Process"
--- a/lib/scripts/polyml-version	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# polyml-version --- determine Poly/ML runtime system version
-if [ -x "$ML_HOME/polyml-version" ]; then
-  "$ML_HOME/polyml-version"
-elif [ -x "$ML_HOME/poly" ]; then
-  VERSION="$(env \
-    "$ML_HOME/poly" -v -H 10)"
-  REGEXP='^Poly/ML.*RTS version: [^ ]*(-[^ ]*).*$'
-  if [[ "$VERSION" =~ $REGEXP ]]; then
-    echo "polyml${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
-  else
-    echo polyml-undefined
-  fi
-  echo polyml-undefined
--- a/src/Doc/JEdit/JEdit.thy	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Doc/JEdit/JEdit.thy	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
     -l NAME      logic image name
     -m MODE      add print mode for output
     -n           no build of session image on startup
-    -p CMD       ML process command prefix (process policy)
+    -p CMD       command prefix for ML process (e.g. NUMA policy)
     -s           system build mode for session image (system_heaps=true)
     -u           user build mode for session image (system_heaps=false)
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
   Isabelle desktop application without further options.
   The \<^verbatim>\<open>-p\<close> option allows to override the implicit default of the system
-  option @{system_option_ref ML_process_policy} for ML processes started by
+  option @{system_option_ref process_policy} for ML processes started by
   the Prover IDE, e.g. to control CPU affinity on multiprocessor systems.
   The JVM system property \<^verbatim>\<open>isabelle.jedit_server\<close> provides a different server
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
             progress = progress,
             dirs = dirs,
             select_dirs = select_dirs,
-            numa_shuffling = NUMA.check(progress, numa_shuffling),
+            numa_shuffling = Host.numa_check(progress, numa_shuffling),
             max_jobs = max_jobs,
             verbose = verbose)
--- a/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_cronjob.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_cronjob.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -196,11 +196,9 @@
     def build_history_options: String =
       " -h " + Bash.string(host) + " " +
-      (java_heap match {
-        case "" => ""
-        case h =>
-      }) + options
+      if_proper(java_heap,
+        "-e 'ISABELLE_TOOL_JAVA_OPTIONS=\"$ISABELLE_TOOL_JAVA_OPTIONS -Xmx" + java_heap + "\"' ") +
+      options
   val remote_builds_old: List[Remote_Build] =
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_process.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_process.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -117,9 +117,10 @@
     bash_env.put("ISABELLE_TMP", File.standard_path(isabelle_tmp))
     bash_env.put("POLYSTATSDIR", isabelle_tmp.getAbsolutePath)
-    val policy = options.string("ML_process_policy") match { case "" => "" case s => s + " " }
+    val process_policy = options.string("process_policy")
+    val process_prefix = if_proper(process_policy, process_policy + " ")
-    Bash.process(policy + """"$ML_HOME/poly" -q """ + Bash.strings(bash_args),
+    Bash.process(process_prefix + "\"$POLYML_EXE\" -q " + Bash.strings(bash_args),
       cwd = cwd,
       env = bash_env,
       redirect = redirect,
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/host.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/System/host.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Information about compute hosts, including NUMA: Non-Uniform Memory Access of
+separate CPU nodes.
+See also --- notably "lstopo" or
+"hwloc-ls" (e.g. via Ubuntu package "hwloc").
+package isabelle
+object Host {
+  /* allocated resources */
+  object Node_Info { def none: Node_Info = Node_Info("", None) }
+  sealed case class Node_Info(hostname: String, numa_node: Option[Int])
+  /* available NUMA nodes */
+  private val numa_info_linux: Path = Path.explode("/sys/devices/system/node/online")
+  def numa_nodes(enabled: Boolean = true, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): List[Int] = {
+    val Single = """^(\d+)$""".r
+    val Multiple = """^(\d+)-(\d+)$""".r
+    def parse(s: String): List[Int] =
+      s match {
+        case Single(Value.Int(i)) => List(i)
+        case Multiple(Value.Int(i), Value.Int(j)) => (i to j).toList
+        case _ => error("Cannot parse CPU NUMA node specification: " + quote(s))
+      }
+    val numa_info = if (ssh.isabelle_platform.is_linux) Some(numa_info_linux) else None
+    for {
+      path <- numa_info.toList
+      if enabled && ssh.is_file(path)
+      s <- space_explode(',',
+      n <- parse(s)
+    } yield n
+  }
+  /* process policy via numactl tool */
+  def numactl(node: Int): String = "numactl -m" + node + " -N" + node
+  def numactl_ok(node: Int): Boolean = Isabelle_System.bash(numactl(node) + " true").ok
+  def process_policy(node: Int): String = if (numactl_ok(node)) numactl(node) else ""
+  def process_policy_options(options: Options, numa_node: Option[Int]): Options =
+    numa_node match {
+      case None => options
+      case Some(n) => options.string("process_policy") = process_policy(n)
+    }
+  def perhaps_process_policy_options(options: Options): Options = {
+    val numa_node =
+      try {
+        numa_nodes() match {
+          case ns if ns.length >= 2 && numactl_ok(ns.head) => Some(ns.head)
+          case _ => None
+        }
+      }
+      catch { case ERROR(_) => None }
+    process_policy_options(options, numa_node)
+  }
+  /* shuffling of NUMA nodes */
+  def numa_check(progress: Progress, enabled: Boolean): Boolean = {
+    def warning =
+      numa_nodes() match {
+        case ns if ns.length < 2 => Some("no NUMA nodes available")
+        case ns if !numactl_ok(ns.head) => Some("bad numactl tool")
+        case _ => None
+      }
+    enabled &&
+      (warning match {
+        case Some(s) =>
+          progress.echo_warning("Shuffling of NUMA CPU nodes is disabled: " + s)
+          false
+        case _ => true
+      })
+  }
+  /* SQL data model */
+  object Data {
+    def make_table(name: String, columns: List[SQL.Column], body: String = ""): SQL.Table =
+      SQL.Table("isabelle_host" + if_proper(name, "_" + name), columns, body = body)
+    object Node_Info {
+      val hostname = SQL.Column.string("hostname").make_primary_key
+      val numa_index ="numa_index")
+      val table = make_table("node_info", List(hostname, numa_index))
+    }
+    def read_numa_index(db: SQL.Database, hostname: String): Int =
+      db.using_statement(
+          sql = Node_Info.hostname.where_equal(hostname))
+      )(stmt => stmt.execute_query().iterator(
+    def update_numa_index(db: SQL.Database, hostname: String, numa_index: Int): Boolean =
+      if (read_numa_index(db, hostname) != numa_index) {
+        db.using_statement(
+          Node_Info.table.delete(sql = Node_Info.hostname.where_equal(hostname))
+        )(_.execute())
+        db.using_statement(Node_Info.table.insert()) { stmt =>
+          stmt.string(1) = hostname
+ = numa_index
+          stmt.execute()
+        }
+        true
+      }
+      else false
+  }
--- a/src/Pure/System/numa.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/System/numa.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-Support for Non-Uniform Memory Access of separate CPU nodes.
-package isabelle
-object NUMA {
-  /* information about nodes */
-  private val numa_info_linux: Path = Path.explode("/sys/devices/system/node/online")
-  private val Info_Single = """^(\d+)$""".r
-  private val Info_Multiple = """^(\d+)-(\d+)$""".r
-  private def parse_nodes(s: String): List[Int] =
-    s match {
-      case Info_Single(Value.Int(i)) => List(i)
-      case Info_Multiple(Value.Int(i), Value.Int(j)) => (i to j).toList
-      case _ => error("Cannot parse CPU node specification: " + quote(s))
-    }
-  def nodes(enabled: Boolean = true, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): List[Int] = {
-    val numa_info = if (ssh.isabelle_platform.is_linux) Some(numa_info_linux) else None
-    for {
-      path <- numa_info.toList
-      if enabled && ssh.is_file(path)
-      s <- space_explode(',',
-      n <- parse_nodes(s)
-    } yield n
-  }
-  /* CPU policy via numactl tool */
-  def numactl(node: Int): String = "numactl -m" + node + " -N" + node
-  def numactl_ok(node: Int): Boolean = Isabelle_System.bash(numactl(node) + " true").ok
-  def policy(node: Int): String = if (numactl_ok(node)) numactl(node) else ""
-  def policy_options(options: Options, numa_node: Option[Int]): Options =
-    numa_node match {
-      case None => options
-      case Some(n) => options.string("ML_process_policy") = policy(n)
-    }
-  def perhaps_policy_options(options: Options): Options = {
-    val numa_node =
-      try {
-        nodes() match {
-          case ns if ns.length >= 2 && numactl_ok(ns.head) => Some(ns.head)
-          case _ => None
-        }
-      }
-      catch { case ERROR(_) => None }
-    policy_options(options, numa_node)
-  }
-  /* shuffling of CPU nodes */
-  def check(progress: Progress, enabled: Boolean): Boolean = {
-    def warning =
-      nodes() match {
-        case ns if ns.length < 2 => Some("no NUMA nodes available")
-        case ns if !numactl_ok(ns.head) => Some("bad numactl tool")
-        case _ => None
-      }
-    enabled &&
-      (warning match {
-        case Some(s) => progress.echo_warning("Shuffling of CPU nodes is disabled: " + s); false
-        case _ => true
-      })
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/sessions.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/sessions.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -1484,13 +1484,13 @@
         database_server && {
           try_open_database(name) match {
             case Some(db) =>
-              try {
+              using(db) { db =>
                 db.transaction {
                   val relevant_db = session_info_defined(db, name)
                   init_session_info(db, name)
-              } finally { db.close() }
+              }
             case None => false
@@ -1508,6 +1508,37 @@
       (relevant, ok)
+    def init_output(name: String): Unit = {
+      clean_output(name)
+      using(open_database(name, output = true))(init_session_info(_, name))
+    }
+    def check_output(
+      name: String,
+      sources_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
+      input_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
+      fresh_build: Boolean,
+      store_heap: Boolean
+    ): (Boolean, SHA1.Shasum) = {
+      try_open_database(name) match {
+        case Some(db) =>
+          using(db)(read_build(_, name)) match {
+            case Some(build) =>
+              val output_shasum = find_heap_shasum(name)
+              val current =
+                !fresh_build &&
+                build.ok &&
+                build.sources == sources_shasum &&
+                build.input_heaps == input_shasum &&
+                build.output_heap == output_shasum &&
+                !(store_heap && output_shasum.is_empty)
+              (current, output_shasum)
+            case None => (false, SHA1.no_shasum)
+          }
+        case None => (false, SHA1.no_shasum)
+      }
+    }
     /* SQL database content */
@@ -1591,8 +1622,8 @@
     def read_session_timing(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Properties.T =
       Properties.decode(read_bytes(db, name, Session_Info.session_timing), cache = cache)
-    def read_command_timings(db: SQL.Database, name: String): List[Properties.T] =
-      read_properties(db, name, Session_Info.command_timings)
+    def read_command_timings(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Bytes =
+      read_bytes(db, name, Session_Info.command_timings)
     def read_theory_timings(db: SQL.Database, name: String): List[Properties.T] =
       read_properties(db, name, Session_Info.theory_timings)
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/build.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/build.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   object Results {
     def apply(context: Build_Process.Context, results: Map[String, Process_Result]): Results =
-      new Results(, context.deps, results)
+      new Results(, context.build_deps, results)
   class Results private(
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
             clean_build = clean_build,
             dirs = dirs,
             select_dirs = select_dirs,
-            numa_shuffling = NUMA.check(progress, numa_shuffling),
+            numa_shuffling = Host.numa_check(progress, numa_shuffling),
             max_jobs = max_jobs,
             list_files = list_files,
             check_keywords = check_keywords,
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/build_job.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/build_job.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -13,25 +13,21 @@
 trait Build_Job {
   def job_name: String
-  def node_info: Build_Job.Node_Info
-  def start(): Unit = ()
-  def terminate(): Unit = ()
+  def node_info: Host.Node_Info
+  def cancel(): Unit = ()
   def is_finished: Boolean = false
-  def finish: (Process_Result, SHA1.Shasum) = (Process_Result.undefined, SHA1.no_shasum)
+  def join: (Process_Result, SHA1.Shasum) = (Process_Result.undefined, SHA1.no_shasum)
   def make_abstract: Build_Job.Abstract = Build_Job.Abstract(job_name, node_info)
 object Build_Job {
-  object Node_Info { def none: Node_Info = Node_Info("", None) }
-  sealed case class Node_Info(hostname: String, numa_node: Option[Int])
-  sealed case class Result(node_info: Node_Info, process_result: Process_Result) {
+  sealed case class Result(node_info: Host.Node_Info, process_result: Process_Result) {
     def ok: Boolean = process_result.ok
   sealed case class Abstract(
     override val job_name: String,
-    override val node_info: Node_Info
+    override val node_info: Host.Node_Info
   ) extends Build_Job {
     override def make_abstract: Abstract = this
@@ -39,38 +35,106 @@
   /* build session */
-  class Build_Session(
-    progress: Progress,
-    verbose: Boolean,
+  def is_session_name(job_name: String): Boolean = !Long_Name.is_qualified(job_name)
+  def start_session(
+    build_context: Build_Process.Context,
     session_background: Sessions.Background,
-    session_heaps: List[Path],
-    store: Sessions.Store,
-    do_store: Boolean,
-    resources: Resources,
-    session_setup: (String, Session) => Unit,
-    sources_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
-    input_heaps: SHA1.Shasum,
-    override val node_info: Node_Info
+    input_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
+    node_info: Host.Node_Info
+  ): Session_Job = new Session_Job(build_context, session_background, input_shasum, node_info)
+  object Session_Context {
+    def load(
+      name: String,
+      deps: List[String],
+      ancestors: List[String],
+      sources_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
+      timeout: Time,
+      store: Sessions.Store,
+      progress: Progress = new Progress
+    ): Session_Context = {
+      def default: Session_Context =
+        new Session_Context(name, deps, ancestors, sources_shasum, timeout,, Bytes.empty)
+      store.try_open_database(name) match {
+        case None => default
+        case Some(db) =>
+          def ignore_error(msg: String) = {
+            progress.echo_warning(
+              "Ignoring bad database " + db + " for session " + quote(name) +
+              if_proper(msg, ":\n" + msg))
+            default
+          }
+          try {
+            val command_timings = store.read_command_timings(db, name)
+            val elapsed =
+              store.read_session_timing(db, name) match {
+                case Markup.Elapsed(s) => Time.seconds(s)
+                case _ =>
+              }
+            new Session_Context(
+              name, deps, ancestors, sources_shasum, timeout, elapsed, command_timings)
+          }
+          catch {
+            case ERROR(msg) => ignore_error(msg)
+            case exn: java.lang.Error => ignore_error(Exn.message(exn))
+            case _: XML.Error => ignore_error("XML.Error")
+          }
+          finally { db.close() }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  final class Session_Context(
+    val name: String,
+    val deps: List[String],
+    val ancestors: List[String],
+    val sources_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
+    val timeout: Time,
+    val old_time: Time,
+    val old_command_timings_blob: Bytes
+  ) {
+    override def toString: String = name
+  }
+  class Session_Job private[Build_Job](
+    build_context: Build_Process.Context,
+    session_background: Sessions.Background,
+    input_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
+    override val node_info: Host.Node_Info
   ) extends Build_Job {
+    private val store =
+    private val progress = build_context.progress
+    private val verbose = build_context.verbose
     def session_name: String = session_background.session_name
     def job_name: String = session_name
     val info: Sessions.Info = session_background.sessions_structure(session_name)
-    val options: Options = NUMA.policy_options(info.options, node_info.numa_node)
+    val options: Options = Host.process_policy_options(info.options, node_info.numa_node)
     val session_sources: Sessions.Sources =
       Sessions.Sources.load(session_background.base, cache = store.cache.compress)
-    private lazy val future_result: Future[Process_Result] =
+    val store_heap = build_context.store_heap(session_name)
+    private val future_result: Future[(Process_Result, SHA1.Shasum)] =
       Future.thread("build", uninterruptible = true) {
         val env =
             List("ISABELLE_ML_DEBUGGER" -> options.bool("ML_debugger").toString))
+        val session_heaps =
+ match {
+            case None => Nil
+            case Some(logic) => ML_Process.session_heaps(store, session_background, logic = logic)
+          }
         val use_prelude = if (session_heaps.isEmpty) else Nil
         val eval_store =
-          if (do_store) {
+          if (store_heap) {
             (if (info.theories.nonEmpty) List("ML_Heap.share_common_data ()") else Nil) :::
             List("ML_Heap.save_child " +
@@ -97,6 +161,13 @@
+        /* session */
+        val resources =
+          new Resources(session_background, log = build_context.log,
+            command_timings = build_context.old_command_timings(session_name))
         val session =
           new Session(options, resources) {
             override val cache: Term.Cache = store.cache
@@ -261,14 +332,20 @@
           case _ =>
-        session_setup(session_name, session)
+        build_context.session_setup(session_name, session)
         val eval_main = Command_Line.ML_tool("Isabelle_Process.init_build ()" :: eval_store)
-        val process = {
+        /* process */
+        val process =
           Isabelle_Process.start(options, session, session_background, session_heaps,
             use_prelude = use_prelude, eval_main = eval_main, cwd = info.dir.file, env = env)
-        }
+        val timeout_request: Option[Event_Timer.Request] =
+          if (info.timeout_ignored) None
+          else Some(Event_Timer.request( + info.timeout) { process.terminate() })
         val build_errors =
           Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_handler(_ => process.terminate()) {
@@ -290,9 +367,15 @@
-        val process_result =
+        val result0 =
           Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_handler(_ => process.terminate()) { process.await_shutdown() }
+        val was_timeout =
+          timeout_request match {
+            case None => false
+            case Some(request) => !request.cancel()
+          }
         val export_errors =
@@ -300,7 +383,7 @@
         val (document_output, document_errors) =
           try {
-            if (build_errors.isInstanceOf[Exn.Res[_]] && process_result.ok && info.documents.nonEmpty) {
+            if (build_errors.isInstanceOf[Exn.Res[_]] && result0.ok && info.documents.nonEmpty) {
               using(Export.open_database_context(store)) { database_context =>
                 val documents =
                   using(database_context.open_session(session_background)) {
@@ -322,7 +405,10 @@
             case Exn.Interrupt.ERROR(msg) => (Nil, List(msg))
-        val result = {
+        /* process result */
+        val result1 = {
           val theory_timing =
@@ -342,111 +428,102 @@
-          process_result.output(more_output)
+          result0.output(more_output)
             .errors_rc(export_errors ::: document_errors)
-        build_errors match {
-          case Exn.Res(build_errs) =>
-            val errs = build_errs ::: document_errors
-            if (errs.nonEmpty) {
-              result.error_rc.output(
-                errs.flatMap(s => split_lines(Output.error_message_text(s))) :::
-            }
-            else if (progress.stopped && result.ok) result.copy(rc = Process_Result.RC.interrupt)
-            else result
-          case Exn.Exn(Exn.Interrupt()) =>
-            if (result.ok) result.copy(rc = Process_Result.RC.interrupt)
-            else result
-          case Exn.Exn(exn) => throw exn
-        }
-      }
-    override def start(): Unit = future_result
-    override def terminate(): Unit = future_result.cancel()
-    override def is_finished: Boolean = future_result.is_finished
-    private val timeout_request: Option[Event_Timer.Request] = {
-      if (info.timeout_ignored) None
-      else Some(Event_Timer.request( + info.timeout) { terminate() })
-    }
-    override lazy val finish: (Process_Result, SHA1.Shasum) = {
-      val process_result = {
-        val result = future_result.join
-        val was_timeout =
-          timeout_request match {
-            case None => false
-            case Some(request) => !request.cancel()
+        val result2 =
+          build_errors match {
+            case Exn.Res(build_errs) =>
+              val errs = build_errs ::: document_errors
+              if (errs.nonEmpty) {
+                result1.error_rc.output(
+                  errs.flatMap(s => split_lines(Output.error_message_text(s))) :::
+              }
+              else if (progress.stopped && result1.ok) result1.copy(rc = Process_Result.RC.interrupt)
+              else result1
+            case Exn.Exn(Exn.Interrupt()) =>
+              if (result1.ok) result1.copy(rc = Process_Result.RC.interrupt)
+              else result1
+            case Exn.Exn(exn) => throw exn
-        if (result.ok) result
-        else if (was_timeout) result.error(Output.error_message_text("Timeout")).timeout_rc
-        else if (result.interrupted) result.error(Output.error_message_text("Interrupt"))
-        else result
+        val process_result =
+          if (result2.ok) result2
+          else if (was_timeout) result2.error(Output.error_message_text("Timeout")).timeout_rc
+          else if (result2.interrupted) result2.error(Output.error_message_text("Interrupt"))
+          else result2
+        /* output heap */
+        val output_shasum =
+          if (process_result.ok && store_heap && store.output_heap(session_name).is_file) {
+            SHA1.shasum(ML_Heap.write_digest(store.output_heap(session_name)), session_name)
+          }
+          else SHA1.no_shasum
+        val log_lines = process_result.out_lines.filterNot(Protocol_Message.Marker.test)
+        val build_log =
+          Build_Log.Log_File(session_name, process_result.out_lines).
+            parse_session_info(
+              command_timings = true,
+              theory_timings = true,
+              ml_statistics = true,
+              task_statistics = true)
+        // write log file
+        if (process_result.ok) {
+          File.write_gzip(store.output_log_gz(session_name), terminate_lines(log_lines))
+        }
+        else File.write(store.output_log(session_name), terminate_lines(log_lines))
+        // write database
+        using(store.open_database(session_name, output = true))(db =>
+          store.write_session_info(db, session_name, session_sources,
+            build_log =
+              if (process_result.timeout) build_log.error("Timeout") else build_log,
+            build =
+              Sessions.Build_Info(
+                sources = build_context.sources_shasum(session_name),
+                input_heaps = input_shasum,
+                output_heap = output_shasum,
+                process_result.rc, build_context.uuid)))
+        // messages
+        process_result.err_lines.foreach(progress.echo)
+        if (process_result.ok) {
+          if (verbose) {
+            val props = build_log.session_timing
+            val threads = Markup.Session_Timing.Threads.unapply(props) getOrElse 1
+            val timing = Markup.Timing_Properties.get(props)
+            progress.echo(
+              "Timing " + session_name + " (" + threads + " threads, " + timing.message_factor + ")")
+          }
+          progress.echo(
+            "Finished " + session_name + " (" + process_result.timing.message_resources + ")")
+        }
+        else {
+          progress.echo(
+            session_name + " FAILED (see also \"isabelle log -H Error " + session_name + "\")")
+          if (!process_result.interrupted) {
+            val tail ="process_output_tail")
+            val suffix = if (tail == 0) log_lines else log_lines.drop(log_lines.length - tail max 0)
+            val prefix = if (log_lines.length == suffix.length) Nil else List("...")
+            progress.echo(Library.trim_line(cat_lines(prefix ::: suffix)))
+          }
+        }
+        (process_result.copy(out_lines = log_lines), output_shasum)
-      val output_heap =
-        if (process_result.ok && do_store && store.output_heap(session_name).is_file) {
-          SHA1.shasum(ML_Heap.write_digest(store.output_heap(session_name)), session_name)
-        }
-        else SHA1.no_shasum
-      val log_lines = process_result.out_lines.filterNot(Protocol_Message.Marker.test)
-      val build_log =
-        Build_Log.Log_File(session_name, process_result.out_lines).
-          parse_session_info(
-            command_timings = true,
-            theory_timings = true,
-            ml_statistics = true,
-            task_statistics = true)
-      // write log file
-      if (process_result.ok) {
-        File.write_gzip(store.output_log_gz(session_name), terminate_lines(log_lines))
-      }
-      else File.write(store.output_log(session_name), terminate_lines(log_lines))
-      // write database
-      using(store.open_database(session_name, output = true))(db =>
-        store.write_session_info(db, session_name, session_sources,
-          build_log =
-            if (process_result.timeout) build_log.error("Timeout") else build_log,
-          build =
-            Sessions.Build_Info(sources_shasum, input_heaps, output_heap,
-              process_result.rc, UUID.random().toString)))
-      // messages
-      process_result.err_lines.foreach(progress.echo)
-      if (process_result.ok) {
-        if (verbose) {
-          val props = build_log.session_timing
-          val threads = Markup.Session_Timing.Threads.unapply(props) getOrElse 1
-          val timing = Markup.Timing_Properties.get(props)
-          progress.echo(
-            "Timing " + session_name + " (" + threads + " threads, " + timing.message_factor + ")")
-        }
-        progress.echo(
-          "Finished " + session_name + " (" + process_result.timing.message_resources + ")")
-      }
-      else {
-        progress.echo(
-          session_name + " FAILED (see also \"isabelle log -H Error " + session_name + "\")")
-        if (!process_result.interrupted) {
-          val tail ="process_output_tail")
-          val suffix = if (tail == 0) log_lines else log_lines.drop(log_lines.length - tail max 0)
-          val prefix = if (log_lines.length == suffix.length) Nil else List("...")
-          progress.echo(Library.trim_line(cat_lines(prefix ::: suffix)))
-        }
-      }
-      (process_result.copy(out_lines = log_lines), output_heap)
-    }
+    override def cancel(): Unit = future_result.cancel()
+    override def is_finished: Boolean = future_result.is_finished
+    override def join: (Process_Result, SHA1.Shasum) = future_result.join
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/build_process.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/build_process.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -13,60 +13,12 @@
 object Build_Process {
-  /* static context */
-  object Session_Context {
-    def empty(session: String, timeout: Time): Session_Context =
-      new Session_Context(session, timeout,, Nil)
-    def apply(
-      session: String,
-      timeout: Time,
-      store: Sessions.Store,
-      progress: Progress = new Progress
-    ): Session_Context = {
-      store.try_open_database(session) match {
-        case None => empty(session, timeout)
-        case Some(db) =>
-          def ignore_error(msg: String) = {
-            progress.echo_warning("Ignoring bad database " + db +
-              " for session " + quote(session) + (if (msg == "") "" else ":\n" + msg))
-            empty(session, timeout)
-          }
-          try {
-            val command_timings = store.read_command_timings(db, session)
-            val elapsed =
-              store.read_session_timing(db, session) match {
-                case Markup.Elapsed(s) => Time.seconds(s)
-                case _ =>
-              }
-            new Session_Context(session, timeout, elapsed, command_timings)
-          }
-          catch {
-            case ERROR(msg) => ignore_error(msg)
-            case exn: java.lang.Error => ignore_error(Exn.message(exn))
-            case _: XML.Error => ignore_error("XML.Error")
-          }
-          finally { db.close() }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  final class Session_Context(
-    val session: String,
-    val timeout: Time,
-    val old_time: Time,
-    val old_command_timings: List[Properties.T]
-  ) {
-    def is_empty: Boolean = old_time.is_zero && old_command_timings.isEmpty
-    override def toString: String = session
-  }
+  /** static context **/
   object Context {
     def apply(
       store: Sessions.Store,
-      deps: Sessions.Deps,
+      build_deps: Sessions.Deps,
       progress: Progress = new Progress,
       hostname: String = Isabelle_System.hostname(),
       numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
@@ -76,17 +28,22 @@
       no_build: Boolean = false,
       verbose: Boolean = false,
       session_setup: (String, Session) => Unit = (_, _) => (),
-      instance: String = UUID.random().toString
+      uuid: String = UUID.random().toString
     ): Context = {
-      val sessions_structure = deps.sessions_structure
+      val sessions_structure = build_deps.sessions_structure
       val build_graph = sessions_structure.build_graph
       val sessions =
-          for (name <- build_graph.keys_iterator)
+          for ((name, (info, _)) <- build_graph.iterator)
           yield {
-            val timeout = sessions_structure(name).timeout
-            name -> Build_Process.Session_Context(name, timeout, store, progress = progress)
+            val deps = info.parent.toList
+            val ancestors = sessions_structure.build_requirements(deps)
+            val sources_shasum = build_deps.sources_shasum(name)
+            val session_context =
+              Build_Job.Session_Context.load(
+                name, deps, ancestors, sources_shasum, info.timeout, store, progress = progress)
+            name -> session_context
       val sessions_time = {
@@ -121,18 +78,17 @@
-      val numa_nodes = NUMA.nodes(enabled = numa_shuffling)
-      new Context(instance, store, deps, sessions, ordering, progress, hostname, numa_nodes,
+      val numa_nodes = Host.numa_nodes(enabled = numa_shuffling)
+      new Context(store, build_deps, sessions, ordering, progress, hostname, numa_nodes,
         build_heap = build_heap, max_jobs = max_jobs, fresh_build = fresh_build,
-        no_build = no_build, verbose = verbose, session_setup)
+        no_build = no_build, verbose = verbose, session_setup, uuid = uuid)
   final class Context private(
-    val instance: String,
     val store: Sessions.Store,
-    val deps: Sessions.Deps,
-    sessions: Map[String, Session_Context],
+    val build_deps: Sessions.Deps,
+    val sessions: Map[String, Build_Job.Session_Context],
     val ordering: Ordering[String],
     val progress: Progress,
     val hostname: String,
@@ -143,18 +99,36 @@
     val no_build: Boolean,
     val verbose: Boolean,
     val session_setup: (String, Session) => Unit,
+    val uuid: String
   ) {
-    def sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure = deps.sessions_structure
+    def build_options: Options = store.options
+    val log: Logger =
+      build_options.string("system_log") match {
+        case "" => No_Logger
+        case "-" => Logger.make(progress)
+        case log_file => Logger.make(Some(Path.explode(log_file)))
+      }
+    def sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure = build_deps.sessions_structure
-    def apply(session: String): Session_Context =
-      sessions.getOrElse(session, Session_Context.empty(session,
+    def sources_shasum(name: String): SHA1.Shasum = sessions(name).sources_shasum
-    def do_store(session: String): Boolean =
-      build_heap || Sessions.is_pure(session) || !sessions_structure.build_graph.is_maximal(session)
+    def old_command_timings(name: String): List[Properties.T] =
+      sessions.get(name) match {
+        case Some(session_context) =>
+          Properties.uncompress(session_context.old_command_timings_blob, cache = store.cache)
+        case None => Nil
+      }
+    def store_heap(name: String): Boolean =
+      build_heap || Sessions.is_pure(name) ||
+      sessions.valuesIterator.exists(_.ancestors.contains(name))
-  /* dynamic state */
+  /** dynamic state **/
   case class Entry(name: String, deps: List[String], info: JSON.Object.T = JSON.Object.empty) {
     def is_ready: Boolean = deps.isEmpty
@@ -163,10 +137,10 @@
   case class Result(
-    current: Boolean,
-    output_heap: SHA1.Shasum,
-    node_info: Build_Job.Node_Info,
-    process_result: Process_Result
+    process_result: Process_Result,
+    output_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
+    node_info: Host.Node_Info,
+    current: Boolean
   ) {
     def ok: Boolean = process_result.ok
@@ -199,7 +173,7 @@
     def is_running(name: String): Boolean = running.isDefinedAt(name)
-    def stop_running(): Unit = running.valuesIterator.foreach(_.terminate())
+    def stop_running(): Unit = running.valuesIterator.foreach(_.cancel())
     def finished_running(): List[Build_Job] =
@@ -212,21 +186,19 @@
     def make_result(
       name: String,
-      current: Boolean,
-      output_heap: SHA1.Shasum,
       process_result: Process_Result,
-      node_info: Build_Job.Node_Info = Build_Job.Node_Info.none
+      output_shasum: SHA1.Shasum,
+      node_info: Host.Node_Info = Host.Node_Info.none,
+      current: Boolean = false
     ): State = {
-      val result = Build_Process.Result(current, output_heap, node_info, process_result)
-      copy(results = results + (name -> result))
+      val entry = name -> Build_Process.Result(process_result, output_shasum, node_info, current)
+      copy(results = results + entry)
-    def get_results(names: List[String]): List[Build_Process.Result] =
-  /* SQL data model */
+  /** SQL data model **/
   object Data {
     val database = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/build.db")
@@ -235,26 +207,26 @@
       SQL.Table("isabelle_build" + if_proper(name, "_" + name), columns, body = body)
     object Generic {
-      val instance = SQL.Column.string("instance")
+      val uuid = SQL.Column.string("uuid")
       val name = SQL.Column.string("name")
-      def sql_equal(instance: String = "", name: String = ""): SQL.Source =
+      def sql_equal(uuid: String = "", name: String = ""): SQL.Source =
-          if_proper(instance, Generic.instance.equal(instance)),
+          if_proper(uuid, Generic.uuid.equal(uuid)),
-      def sql_member(instance: String = "", names: Iterable[String] = Nil): SQL.Source =
+      def sql_member(uuid: String = "", names: Iterable[String] = Nil): SQL.Source =
-          if_proper(instance, Generic.instance.equal(instance)),
+          if_proper(uuid, Generic.uuid.equal(uuid)),
     object Base {
-      val instance = Generic.instance.make_primary_key
+      val uuid = Generic.uuid.make_primary_key
       val ml_platform = SQL.Column.string("ml_platform")
       val options = SQL.Column.string("options")
-      val table = make_table("", List(instance, ml_platform, options))
+      val table = make_table("", List(uuid, ml_platform, options))
     object Serial {
@@ -263,13 +235,6 @@
       val table = make_table("serial", List(serial))
-    object Node_Info {
-      val hostname = SQL.Column.string("hostname").make_primary_key
-      val numa_index ="numa_index")
-      val table = make_table("node_info", List(hostname, numa_index))
-    }
     object Pending {
       val name =
       val deps = SQL.Column.string("deps")
@@ -315,26 +280,6 @@
-    def read_numa_index(db: SQL.Database, hostname: String): Int =
-      db.using_statement(
-          sql = Node_Info.hostname.where_equal(hostname))
-      )(stmt => stmt.execute_query().iterator(
-    def update_numa_index(db: SQL.Database, hostname: String, numa_index: Int): Boolean =
-      if (read_numa_index(db, hostname) != numa_index) {
-        db.using_statement(
-          Node_Info.table.delete(sql = Node_Info.hostname.where_equal(hostname))
-        )(_.execute())
-        db.using_statement(Node_Info.table.insert()) { stmt =>
-          stmt.string(1) = hostname
- = numa_index
-          stmt.execute()
-        }
-        true
-      }
-      else false
     def read_pending(db: SQL.Database): List[Entry] =
       db.using_statement( = SQL.order_by(List( { stmt =>
@@ -375,7 +320,7 @@
             val name = res.string(
             val hostname = res.string(Running.hostname)
             val numa_node = res.get_int(Running.numa_node)
-            Build_Job.Abstract(name, Build_Job.Node_Info(hostname, numa_node))
+            Build_Job.Abstract(name, Host.Node_Info(hostname, numa_node))
@@ -417,7 +362,7 @@
             val timing_elapsed = res.long(Results.timing_elapsed)
             val timing_cpu = res.long(Results.timing_cpu)
             val timing_gc = res.long(Results.timing_gc)
-            val node_info = Build_Job.Node_Info(hostname, numa_node)
+            val node_info = Host.Node_Info(hostname, numa_node)
             val process_result =
                 out_lines = split_lines(out),
@@ -460,10 +405,10 @@
-          Node_Info.table,
-          Results.table)
+          Results.table,
+          Host.Data.Node_Info.table)
       for (table <- tables) db.create_table(table)
@@ -476,7 +421,7 @@
       for (table <- tables) db.using_statement(table.delete())(_.execute())
       db.using_statement(Base.table.insert()) { stmt =>
-        stmt.string(1) = build_context.instance
+        stmt.string(1) = build_context.uuid
         stmt.string(2) = Isabelle_System.getenv("ML_PLATFORM")
         stmt.string(3) = = ""))
@@ -485,16 +430,16 @@
     def update_database(
       db: SQL.Database,
-      instance: String,
+      uuid: String,
       hostname: String,
       state: State
     ): State = {
       val changed =
-          update_numa_index(db, hostname, state.numa_index),
           update_pending(db, state.pending),
           update_running(db, state.running),
-          update_results(db, state.results))
+          update_results(db, state.results),
+          Host.Data.update_numa_index(db, hostname, state.numa_index))
       val serial0 = get_serial(db)
       val serial = if (changed.exists(identity)) serial0 + 1 else serial0
@@ -506,23 +451,25 @@
-/* main process */
+/** main process **/
-class Build_Process(protected val build_context: Build_Process.Context) extends AutoCloseable {
+class Build_Process(protected val build_context: Build_Process.Context)
+extends AutoCloseable {
+  /* context */
   protected val store: Sessions.Store =
   protected val build_options: Options = store.options
-  protected val build_deps: Sessions.Deps = build_context.deps
+  protected val build_deps: Sessions.Deps = build_context.build_deps
   protected val progress: Progress = build_context.progress
   protected val verbose: Boolean = build_context.verbose
-  protected val log: Logger =
-    build_options.string("system_log") match {
-      case "" => No_Logger
-      case "-" => Logger.make(progress)
-      case log_file => Logger.make(Some(Path.explode(log_file)))
-    }
+  /* global state: internal var vs. external database */
-  protected val database: Option[SQL.Database] =
+  private var _state: Build_Process.State = init_state(Build_Process.State())
+  private val _database: Option[SQL.Database] =
     if (!build_options.bool("build_database_test")) None
     else if (store.database_server) Some(store.open_database_server())
     else {
@@ -532,149 +479,130 @@
-  def close(): Unit = database.foreach(_.close())
+  def close(): Unit = synchronized { _database.foreach(_.close()) }
+  private def setup_database(): Unit =
+    synchronized {
+      for (db <- _database) {
+        db.transaction { Build_Process.Data.init_database(db, build_context) }
+        db.rebuild()
+      }
+    }
-  // global state
-  protected var _state: Build_Process.State = init_state(Build_Process.State())
+  protected def synchronized_database[A](body: => A): A =
+    synchronized {
+      _database match {
+        case None => body
+        case Some(db) => db.transaction { body }
+      }
+    }
+  private def sync_database(): Unit =
+    synchronized_database {
+      for (db <- _database) {
+        _state =
+          Build_Process.Data.update_database(
+            db, build_context.uuid, build_context.hostname, _state)
+      }
+    }
+  /* policy operations */
   protected def init_state(state: Build_Process.State): Build_Process.State = {
     val old_pending =
     val new_pending =
         for {
-          (name, (_, (preds, _))) <- build_context.sessions_structure.build_graph.iterator
+          (name, session_context) <- build_context.sessions.iterator
           if !old_pending(name)
-        } yield Build_Process.Entry(name, preds.toList))
+        } yield Build_Process.Entry(name, session_context.deps))
     state.copy(pending = new_pending ::: state.pending)
-  protected def next_pending(): Option[String] = synchronized {
-    if (_state.running.size < (build_context.max_jobs max 1)) {
-      _state.pending.filter(entry => entry.is_ready && !_state.is_running(
+  protected def next_job(state: Build_Process.State): Option[String] =
+    if (state.running.size < (build_context.max_jobs max 1)) {
+      state.pending.filter(entry => entry.is_ready && !state.is_running(
     else None
-  }
-  protected def start_job(session_name: String): Unit = {
-    val ancestor_results = synchronized {
-      _state.get_results(
-        build_deps.sessions_structure.build_requirements(List(session_name)).
-          filterNot(_ == session_name))
-    }
-    val input_heaps =
+  protected def start_session(state: Build_Process.State, session_name: String): Build_Process.State = {
+    val ancestor_results =
+      for (a <- build_context.sessions(session_name).ancestors) yield state.results(a)
+    val input_shasum =
       if (ancestor_results.isEmpty) {
-      else SHA1.flat_shasum(
+      else SHA1.flat_shasum(
+    val store_heap = build_context.store_heap(session_name)
-    val do_store = build_context.do_store(session_name)
-    val (current, output_heap) = {
-      store.try_open_database(session_name) match {
-        case Some(db) =>
-          using(db)(store.read_build(_, session_name)) match {
-            case Some(build) =>
-              val output_heap = store.find_heap_shasum(session_name)
-              val current =
-                !build_context.fresh_build &&
-                build.ok &&
-                build.sources == build_deps.sources_shasum(session_name) &&
-                build.input_heaps == input_heaps &&
-                build.output_heap == output_heap &&
-                !(do_store && output_heap.is_empty)
-              (current, output_heap)
-            case None => (false, SHA1.no_shasum)
-          }
-        case None => (false, SHA1.no_shasum)
-      }
-    }
+    val (current, output_shasum) =
+      store.check_output(session_name,
+        sources_shasum = build_context.sources_shasum(session_name),
+        input_shasum = input_shasum,
+        fresh_build = build_context.fresh_build,
+        store_heap = store_heap)
     val all_current = current && ancestor_results.forall(_.current)
     if (all_current) {
-      synchronized {
-        _state = _state.
-          remove_pending(session_name).
-          make_result(session_name, true, output_heap, Process_Result.ok)
-      }
+      state
+        .remove_pending(session_name)
+        .make_result(session_name, Process_Result.ok, output_shasum, current = true)
     else if (build_context.no_build) {
       progress.echo_if(verbose, "Skipping " + session_name + " ...")
-      synchronized {
-        _state = _state.
-          remove_pending(session_name).
-          make_result(session_name, false, output_heap, Process_Result.error)
-      }
+      state.
+        remove_pending(session_name).
+        make_result(session_name, Process_Result.error, output_shasum)
-    else if (ancestor_results.forall(_.ok) && !progress.stopped) {
-      progress.echo((if (do_store) "Building " else "Running ") + session_name + " ...")
-      store.clean_output(session_name)
-      using(store.open_database(session_name, output = true))(
-        store.init_session_info(_, session_name))
-      val session_background = build_deps.background(session_name)
-      val session_heaps =
- match {
-          case None => Nil
-          case Some(logic) => ML_Process.session_heaps(store, session_background, logic = logic)
-        }
-      val resources =
-        new Resources(session_background, log = log,
-          command_timings = build_context(session_name).old_command_timings)
-      val job =
-        synchronized {
-          val (numa_node, state1) = _state.numa_next(build_context.numa_nodes)
-          val node_info = Build_Job.Node_Info(build_context.hostname, numa_node)
-          val job =
-            new Build_Job.Build_Session(progress, verbose, session_background, session_heaps,
-              store, do_store, resources, build_context.session_setup,
-              build_deps.sources_shasum(session_name), input_heaps, node_info)
-          _state = state1.add_running(session_name, job)
-          job
-        }
-      job.start()
+    else if (!ancestor_results.forall(_.ok) || progress.stopped) {
+      progress.echo(session_name + " CANCELLED")
+      state
+        .remove_pending(session_name)
+        .make_result(session_name, Process_Result.undefined, output_shasum)
     else {
-      progress.echo(session_name + " CANCELLED")
-      synchronized {
-        _state = _state.
-          remove_pending(session_name).
-          make_result(session_name, false, output_heap, Process_Result.undefined)
-      }
+      progress.echo((if (store_heap) "Building " else "Running ") + session_name + " ...")
+      store.init_output(session_name)
+      val (numa_node, state1) = state.numa_next(build_context.numa_nodes)
+      val node_info = Host.Node_Info(build_context.hostname, numa_node)
+      val job =
+        Build_Job.start_session(
+          build_context, build_deps.background(session_name), input_shasum, node_info)
+      state1.add_running(session_name, job)
-  protected def setup_database(): Unit =
-    for (db <- database) {
-      synchronized {
-        db.transaction {
-          Build_Process.Data.init_database(db, build_context)
-        }
+  /* run */
+  def run(): Map[String, Process_Result] = {
+    def finished(): Boolean = synchronized_database { _state.finished }
+    def sleep(): Unit =
+      Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_handler(_ => progress.stop()) {
+        build_options.seconds("editor_input_delay").sleep()
-      db.rebuild()
-    }
-  protected def sync_database(): Unit =
-    for (db <- database) {
-      synchronized {
-        db.transaction {
-          _state =
-            Build_Process.Data.update_database(
-              db, build_context.instance, build_context.hostname, _state)
-        }
+    def start(): Boolean = synchronized_database {
+      next_job(_state) match {
+        case Some(name) =>
+          if (Build_Job.is_session_name(name)) {
+            _state = start_session(_state, name)
+            true
+          }
+          else error("Unsupported build job name " + quote(name))
+        case None => false
-  protected def sleep(): Unit =
-    Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_handler(_ => progress.stop()) {
-      build_options.seconds("editor_input_delay").sleep()
-    }
-  def run(): Map[String, Process_Result] = {
-    def finished(): Boolean = synchronized { _state.finished }
     if (finished()) {
       progress.echo_warning("Nothing to build")
       Map.empty[String, Process_Result]
@@ -682,28 +610,26 @@
     else {
       while (!finished()) {
-        if (progress.stopped) synchronized { _state.stop_running() }
+        if (progress.stopped) synchronized_database { _state.stop_running() }
-        for (job <- synchronized { _state.finished_running() }) {
+        for (job <- synchronized_database { _state.finished_running() }) {
           val job_name = job.job_name
-          val (process_result, output_heap) = job.finish
-          synchronized {
+          val (process_result, output_shasum) = job.join
+          synchronized_database {
             _state = _state.
-              make_result(job_name, false, output_heap, process_result, node_info = job.node_info)
+              make_result(job_name, process_result, output_shasum, node_info = job.node_info)
-        next_pending() match {
-          case Some(name) =>
-            start_job(name)
-          case None =>
-            sync_database()
-            sleep()
+        if (!start()) {
+          sync_database()
+          sleep()
-      synchronized {
+      synchronized_database {
         for ((name, result) <- _state.results) yield name -> result.process_result
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/dump.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/dump.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
     ): Context = {
       val session_options: Options = {
         val options1 =
-          NUMA.perhaps_policy_options(options) +
+          Host.perhaps_process_policy_options(options) +
             "parallel_proofs=0" +
             "completion_limit=0" +
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/update.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/update.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
               dirs = dirs,
               select_dirs = select_dirs,
-              numa_shuffling = NUMA.check(progress, numa_shuffling),
+              numa_shuffling = Host.numa_check(progress, numa_shuffling),
               max_jobs = max_jobs,
               no_build = no_build,
--- a/src/Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_main.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_main.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
     -m MODE      add print mode for output
     -n           no build of session image on startup
     -o OPTION    override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-    -p CMD       ML process command prefix (process policy)
+    -p CMD       command prefix for ML process (e.g. NUMA policy)
     -s           system build mode for session image (system_heaps=true)
     -u           user build mode for session image (system_heaps=false)
     -v           verbose logging of language server
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
           "m:" -> (arg => modes = modes ::: List(arg)),
           "n" -> (_ => no_build = true),
           "o:" -> add_option,
-          "p:" -> (arg => add_option("ML_process_policy=" + arg)),
+          "p:" -> (arg => add_option("process_policy=" + arg)),
           "s" -> (_ => add_option("system_heaps=true")),
           "u" -> (_ => add_option("system_heaps=false")),
           "v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/lib/Tools/jedit	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/lib/Tools/jedit	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   echo "    -l NAME      logic session name"
   echo "    -m MODE      add print mode for output"
   echo "    -n           no build of session image on startup"
-  echo "    -p CMD       ML process command prefix (process policy)"
+  echo "    -p CMD       command prefix for ML process (e.g. NUMA policy)"
   echo "    -s           system build mode for session image (system_heaps=true)"
   echo "    -u           user build mode for session image (system_heaps=false)"
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
   exec isabelle java -splash:"$(platform_path "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/logo/isabelle.gif")" \
     "${JAVA_ARGS[@]}" isabelle.jedit.JEdit_Main "${ARGS[@]}"
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_sessions.scala	Thu Mar 02 11:34:54 2023 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_sessions.scala	Thu Mar 02 17:46:29 2023 +0100
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
     val options2 =
-      Isabelle_System.getenv("JEDIT_ML_PROCESS_POLICY") match {
+      Isabelle_System.getenv("JEDIT_PROCESS_POLICY") match {
         case "" => options1
-        case s => options1.string.update("ML_process_policy", s)
+        case s => options1.string.update("process_policy", s)