Fixed old bug in the simplifier. Term to be simplified now carries around its
Sun, 16 Apr 1995 11:59:44 +0200
changeset 1065 8425cb5acb77
parent 1064 5d6fb2c938e0
child 1066 ab11d05780f4
Fixed old bug in the simplifier. Term to be simplified now carries around its maxidx. Needed for renaming rewrite or congruence rules. maxidx should be ~1 in most cases (ie no Vars), hence reasonable overhead.
--- a/src/Pure/thm.ML	Sun Apr 16 11:56:11 1995 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/thm.ML	Sun Apr 16 11:59:44 1995 +0200
@@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@
 fun termless tu = (termord tu = LESS);
-fun check_conv(thm as Thm{hyps,prop,sign,...}, prop0) =
+fun check_conv(thm as Thm{hyps,prop,sign,maxidx,...}, prop0) =
   let fun err() = (trace_thm "Proved wrong thm (Check subgoaler?)" thm;
                    trace_term "Should have proved" sign prop0;
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@
        Const("==",_) $ lhs $ rhs =>
          if (lhs = lhs0) orelse
             (lhs aconv Envir.norm_term (Envir.empty 0) lhs0)
-         then (trace_thm "SUCCEEDED" thm; Some(hyps,rhs))
+         then (trace_thm "SUCCEEDED" thm; Some(hyps,maxidx,rhs))
          else err()
      | _ => err()
@@ -1227,22 +1227,26 @@
 (*Conversion to apply the meta simpset to a term*)
-fun rewritec (prover,signt) (mss as Mss{net,...}) (hypst,t) =
+fun rewritec (prover,signt) (mss as Mss{net,...}) (hypst,maxidxt,t) =
   let val etat = Pattern.eta_contract t;
       fun rew {thm as Thm{sign,hyps,maxidx,prop,...}, lhs, perm} =
         let val unit = if Sign.subsig(sign,signt) then ()
                   else (trace_thm"Warning: rewrite rule from different theory"
                         raise Pattern.MATCH)
-            val insts = Pattern.match (#tsig(Sign.rep_sg signt)) (lhs,etat)
-            val prop' = ren_inst(insts,prop,lhs,t);
+            val rprop = if maxidxt = ~1 then prop
+                        else Logic.incr_indexes([],maxidxt+1) prop;
+            val rlhs = if maxidxt = ~1 then lhs
+                       else fst(Logic.dest_equals(Logic.strip_imp_concl rprop))
+            val insts = Pattern.match (#tsig(Sign.rep_sg signt)) (rlhs,etat)
+            val prop' = ren_inst(insts,rprop,rlhs,t);
             val hyps' = hyps union hypst;
-            val thm' = Thm{sign=signt, hyps=hyps', prop=prop',
-                           maxidx=maxidx_of_term prop'}
+            val maxidx' = maxidx_of_term prop'
+            val thm' = Thm{sign=signt, hyps=hyps', prop=prop', maxidx=maxidx'}
             val (lhs',rhs') = Logic.dest_equals(Logic.strip_imp_concl prop')
         in if perm andalso not(termless(rhs',lhs')) then None else
            if Logic.count_prems(prop',0) = 0
-           then (trace_thm "Rewriting:" thm'; Some(hyps',rhs'))
+           then (trace_thm "Rewriting:" thm'; Some(hyps',maxidx',rhs'))
            else (trace_thm "Trying to rewrite:" thm';
                  case prover mss thm' of
                    None       => (trace_thm "FAILED" thm'; None)
@@ -1255,19 +1259,23 @@
             in case opt of None => rews rrules | some => some end;
   in case etat of
-       Abs(_,_,body) $ u => Some(hypst,subst_bounds([u], body))
+       Abs(_,_,body) $ u => Some(hypst, maxidxt, subst_bounds([u], body))
      | _                 => rews(Net.match_term net etat)
 (*Conversion to apply a congruence rule to a term*)
-fun congc (prover,signt) {thm=cong,lhs=lhs} (hypst,t) =
+fun congc (prover,signt) {thm=cong,lhs=lhs} (hypst,maxidxt,t) =
   let val Thm{sign,hyps,maxidx,prop,...} = cong
       val unit = if Sign.subsig(sign,signt) then ()
                  else error("Congruence rule from different theory")
       val tsig = #tsig(Sign.rep_sg signt)
-      val insts = Pattern.match tsig (lhs,t) handle Pattern.MATCH =>
+      val rprop = if maxidxt = ~1 then prop
+                  else Logic.incr_indexes([],maxidxt+1) prop;
+      val rlhs = if maxidxt = ~1 then lhs
+                 else fst(Logic.dest_equals(Logic.strip_imp_concl rprop))
+      val insts = Pattern.match tsig (rlhs,t) handle Pattern.MATCH =>
                   error("Congruence rule did not match")
-      val prop' = ren_inst(insts,prop,lhs,t);
+      val prop' = ren_inst(insts,rprop,rlhs,t);
       val thm' = Thm{sign=signt, hyps=hyps union hypst,
                      prop=prop', maxidx=maxidx_of_term prop'}
       val unit = trace_thm "Applying congruence rule" thm';
@@ -1298,36 +1306,39 @@
                                | None => trec)
       and subc (mss as Mss{net,congs,bounds,prems,mk_rews})
-               (trec as (hyps,t)) =
+               (trec as (hyps,maxidx,t)) =
         (case t of
             Abs(a,T,t) =>
               let val b = variant bounds a
                   val v = Free("." ^ b,T)
                   val mss' = Mss{net=net, congs=congs, bounds=b::bounds,
-              in case botc true mss' (hyps,subst_bounds([v],t)) of
-                   Some(hyps',t') =>
-                     Some(hyps', Abs(a, T, abstract_over(v,t')))
+              in case botc true mss' (hyps,maxidx,subst_bounds([v],t)) of
+                   Some(hyps',maxidx',t') =>
+                     Some(hyps', maxidx', Abs(a, T, abstract_over(v,t')))
                  | None => None
           | t$u => (case t of
-              Const("==>",_)$s  => Some(impc(hyps,s,u,mss))
+              Const("==>",_)$s  => Some(impc(hyps,maxidx,s,u,mss))
             | Abs(_,_,body) =>
-                let val trec = (hyps,subst_bounds([u], body))
+                let val trec = (hyps,maxidx,subst_bounds([u], body))
                 in case subc mss trec of
                      None => Some(trec)
                    | trec => trec
             | _  =>
                 let fun appc() =
-                          (case botc true mss (hyps,t) of
-                             Some(hyps1,t1) =>
-                               (case botc true mss (hyps1,u) of
-                                  Some(hyps2,u1) => Some(hyps2,t1$u1)
-                                | None => Some(hyps1,t1$u))
+                          (case botc true mss (hyps,maxidx,t) of
+                             Some(hyps1,maxidx1,t1) =>
+                               (case botc true mss (hyps1,maxidx,u) of
+                                  Some(hyps2,maxidx2,u1) =>
+                                    Some(hyps2,max[maxidx1,maxidx2],t1$u1)
+                                | None =>
+                                    Some(hyps1,max[maxidx1,maxidx],t1$u))
                            | None =>
-                               (case botc true mss (hyps,u) of
-                                  Some(hyps1,u1) => Some(hyps1,t$u1)
+                               (case botc true mss (hyps,maxidx,u) of
+                                  Some(hyps1,maxidx1,u1) =>
+                                    Some(hyps1,max[maxidx,maxidx1],t$u1)
                                 | None => None))
                     val (h,ts) = strip_comb t
                 in case h of
@@ -1339,16 +1350,17 @@
           | _ => None)
-      and impc(hyps,s,u,mss as Mss{mk_rews,...}) =
-        let val (hyps1,s1) = if simprem then try_botc mss (hyps,s)
-                             else (hyps,s)
+      and impc(hyps,maxidx,s,u,mss as Mss{mk_rews,...}) =
+        let val (hyps1,_,s1) = if simprem then try_botc mss (hyps,maxidx,s)
+                               else (hyps,0,s);
+            val maxidx1 = maxidx_of_term s1
             val mss1 =
-              if not useprem orelse maxidx_of_term s1 <> ~1 then mss
+              if not useprem orelse maxidx1 <> ~1 then mss
               else let val thm = Thm{sign=sign,hyps=[s1],prop=s1,maxidx= ~1}
                    in add_simps(add_prems(mss,[thm]), mk_rews thm) end
-            val (hyps2,u1) = try_botc mss1 (hyps1,u)
+            val (hyps2,maxidx2,u1) = try_botc mss1 (hyps1,maxidx,u)
             val hyps3 = if s1 mem hyps1 then hyps2 else hyps2\s1
-        in (hyps3, Logic.mk_implies(s1,u1)) end
+        in (hyps3, max[maxidx1,maxidx2], Logic.mk_implies(s1,u1)) end
   in try_botc end;
@@ -1363,9 +1375,9 @@
 (*** FIXME: check that #bounds(mss) does not "occur" in ct alread ***)
 fun rewrite_cterm mode mss prover ct =
   let val {sign, t, T, maxidx} = rep_cterm ct;
-      val (hyps,u) = bottomc (mode,prover,sign) mss ([],t);
+      val (hyps,maxidxu,u) = bottomc (mode,prover,sign) mss ([],maxidx,t);
       val prop = Logic.mk_equals(t,u)
-  in  Thm{sign= sign, hyps= hyps, maxidx= maxidx_of_term prop, prop= prop}
+  in  Thm{sign= sign, hyps= hyps, maxidx= max[maxidx,maxidxu], prop= prop}