Sat, 08 Oct 2016 17:30:19 +0200
changeset 64112 84c1ae86b9af
parent 64097 331fbf2a0d2d (current diff)
parent 64111 b2290b9d0175 (diff)
child 64113 86efd3d4dc98
--- a/src/Pure/General/date.scala	Sat Oct 08 13:50:25 2016 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/date.scala	Sat Oct 08 17:30:19 2016 +0200
@@ -21,58 +21,54 @@
   object Format
-    def make(fmts: List[DateTimeFormatter], filter: String => String = s => s): Format =
+    def make(fmts: List[DateTimeFormatter], tune: String => String = s => s): Format =
-      @tailrec def parse_first(
-        last_exn: Option[Throwable], fs: List[DateTimeFormatter], str: String): TemporalAccessor =
-      {
-        fs match {
-          case Nil => throw last_exn.get
-          case f :: rest =>
-            try { ZonedDateTime.from(f.parse(str)) }
-            catch { case exn: DateTimeParseException => parse_first(Some(exn), rest, str) }
-        }
-      }
       new Format {
         def apply(date: Date): String = fmts.head.format(date.rep)
         def parse(str: String): Date =
-          new Date(ZonedDateTime.from(parse_first(None, fmts, filter(str))))
+          new Date(ZonedDateTime.from(Formatter.try_variants(fmts, tune(str))))
-    def make_variants(patterns: List[String],
-      locales: List[Locale] = List(Locale.ROOT),
-      filter: String => String = s => s): Format =
-    {
-      val fmts =
-        patterns.flatMap(pat =>
-          {
-            val fmt = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pat)
-          })
-      make(fmts, filter)
-    }
+    def apply(pats: String*): Format =
+      make(
-    def apply(patterns: String*): Format =
-      make(
-    val default: Format = apply("dd-MMM-uuuu HH:mm:ss xx")
-    val date: Format = apply("dd-MMM-uuuu")
-    val time: Format = apply("HH:mm:ss")
+    val default: Format = Format("dd-MMM-uuuu HH:mm:ss xx")
+    val date: Format = Format("dd-MMM-uuuu")
+    val time: Format = Format("HH:mm:ss")
   abstract class Format private
     def apply(date: Date): String
     def parse(str: String): Date
     def unapply(str: String): Option[Date] =
-      try { Some(parse(str)) }
-      catch { case _: DateTimeParseException => None }
-    object Strict
+      try { Some(parse(str)) } catch { case _: DateTimeParseException => None }
+  }
+  object Formatter
+  {
+    def pattern(pat: String): DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pat)
+    def variants(pats: List[String], locs: List[Locale] = Nil): List[DateTimeFormatter] =
+      pats.flatMap(pat => {
+        val fmt = pattern(pat)
+        if (locs.isEmpty) List(fmt) else
+      })
+    @tailrec def try_variants(fmts: List[DateTimeFormatter], str: String,
+      last_exn: Option[DateTimeParseException] = None): TemporalAccessor =
-      def unapply(s: String): Some[Date] = Some(parse(s))
+      fmts match {
+        case Nil =>
+          throw last_exn.getOrElse(new DateTimeParseException("Failed to parse date", str, 0))
+        case fmt :: rest =>
+          try { ZonedDateTime.from(fmt.parse(str)) }
+          catch { case exn: DateTimeParseException => try_variants(rest, str, Some(exn)) }
+      }
@@ -89,6 +85,9 @@
 sealed case class Date(rep: ZonedDateTime)
+  def to(zone: ZoneId): Date = new Date(rep.withZoneSameInstant(zone))
+  def to_utc: Date = to(ZoneId.of("UTC"))
   def time: Time = Time.instant(Instant.from(rep))
   def timezone: ZoneId = rep.getZone
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/build_log.scala	Sat Oct 08 13:50:25 2016 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/build_log.scala	Sat Oct 08 17:30:19 2016 +0200
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 /*  Title:      Pure/Tools/build_log.scala
     Author:     Makarius
-Build log parsing for historic versions, back to "build_history_base".
+Build log parsing for current and historic formats.
 package isabelle
+import{File => JFile}
+import java.time.ZoneId
+import java.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParseException}
 import java.util.Locale
-import{File => JFile}
-import java.time.ZonedDateTime
-import java.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParseException}
 import scala.collection.mutable
 import scala.util.matching.Regex
@@ -18,6 +18,19 @@
 object Build_Log
+  /** directory content **/
+  def is_log(file: JFile): Boolean =
+    List(".log", ".log.gz", ".log.xz").exists(ext => file.getName.endsWith(ext))
+  def isatest_files(dir: Path): List[JFile] =
+    File.find_files(dir.file, file => is_log(file) && file.getName.startsWith("isatest-makeall-"))
+  def afp_test_files(dir: Path): List[JFile] =
+    File.find_files(dir.file, file => is_log(file) && file.getName.startsWith("afp-test-devel-"))
   /** settings **/
   object Settings
@@ -49,6 +62,7 @@
   /** log file **/
   object Log_File
@@ -75,6 +89,49 @@
     def apply(path: Path): Log_File = apply(path.file)
+    /* date format */
+    val Date_Format =
+    {
+      val fmts =
+        Date.Formatter.variants(
+          List("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss VV yyyy", "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss O yyyy"),
+          List(Locale.ENGLISH, Locale.GERMAN)) :::
+        List(
+          DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME,
+          Date.Formatter.pattern("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy").withZone(ZoneId.of("Europe/Berlin")))
+      def tune_timezone(s: String): String =
+        s match {
+          case "CET" | "MET" => "GMT+1"
+          case "CEST" | "MEST" => "GMT+2"
+          case "EST" => "Europe/Berlin"
+          case _ => s
+        }
+      def tune_weekday(s: String): String =
+        s match {
+          case "Die" => "Di"
+          case "Mit" => "Mi"
+          case "Don" => "Do"
+          case "Fre" => "Fr"
+          case "Sam" => "Sa"
+          case "Son" => "So"
+          case _ => s
+        }
+      def tune(s: String): String =
+        Word.implode(
+          Word.explode(s) match {
+            case a :: "M\uFFFDr" :: bs => tune_weekday(a) :: "Mär" ::
+            case a :: bs => tune_weekday(a) ::
+            case Nil => Nil
+          }
+        )
+      Date.Format.make(fmts, tune)
+    }
   class Log_File private(val name: String, val lines: List[String])
@@ -89,6 +146,16 @@
       error("Error in log file " + quote(name) + ": " + msg)
+    /* date format */
+    object Strict_Date
+    {
+      def unapply(s: String): Some[Date] =
+        try { Some(Log_File.Date_Format.parse(s)) }
+        catch { case exn: DateTimeParseException => log_file.err(exn.getMessage) }
+    }
     /* inlined content */
     def find[A](f: String => Option[A]): Option[A] =
@@ -130,6 +197,10 @@
     /* parse various formats */
+    def parse_meta_info(): Meta_Info = Build_Log.parse_meta_info(log_file)
+    def parse_build_info(): Build_Info = Build_Log.parse_build_info(log_file)
     def parse_session_info(
         default_name: String = "",
         command_timings: Boolean = false,
@@ -137,74 +208,15 @@
         task_statistics: Boolean = false): Session_Info =
         log_file, default_name, command_timings, ml_statistics, task_statistics)
-    def parse_header(): Header = Build_Log.parse_header(log_file)
-    def parse_build_info(): Build_Info = Build_Log.parse_build_info(log_file)
-  /* session log: produced by "isabelle build" */
-  sealed case class Session_Info(
-    session_name: String,
-    session_timing: Properties.T,
-    command_timings: List[Properties.T],
-    ml_statistics: List[Properties.T],
-    task_statistics: List[Properties.T])
-  private def parse_session_info(
-    log_file: Log_File,
-    default_name: String,
-    command_timings: Boolean,
-    ml_statistics: Boolean,
-    task_statistics: Boolean): Session_Info =
-  {
-    val xml_cache = new XML.Cache()
-    val session_name =
-      log_file.find_line("\ = ") match {
-        case None => default_name
-        case Some(name) if default_name == "" || default_name == name => name
-        case Some(name) => log_file.err("log from different session " + quote(name))
-      }
-    val session_timing = log_file.find_props("\fTiming = ") getOrElse Nil
-    val command_timings_ =
-      if (command_timings) log_file.filter_props("\fcommand_timing = ") else Nil
-    val ml_statistics_ =
-      if (ml_statistics) log_file.filter_props("\fML_statistics = ") else Nil
-    val task_statistics_ =
-      if (task_statistics) log_file.filter_props("\ftask_statistics = ") else Nil
-    Session_Info(session_name, session_timing, command_timings_, ml_statistics_, task_statistics_)
-  }
-  /* header and meta data */
-  val Date_Format =
-    Date.Format.make_variants(
-      List("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss VV yyyy", "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss O yyyy"),
-      List(Locale.ENGLISH, Locale.GERMAN),
-      // workaround for jdk-8u102
-      s => Word.implode(Word.explode(s).map({
-        case "CET" | "MET" => "GMT+1"
-        case "CEST" | "MEST" => "GMT+2"
-        case "EST" => "GMT+1"  // FIXME ??
-        case a => a })))
-  object Header_Kind extends Enumeration
-  {
-    val ISATEST = Value("isatest")
-    val AFP_TEST = Value("afp-test")
-    val JENKINS = Value("jenkins")
-  }
-  sealed case class Header(
-    kind: Header_Kind.Value, props: Properties.T, settings: List[(String, String)])
+  /** meta info **/
   object Field
+    val build_engine = "build_engine"
     val build_host = "build_host"
     val build_start = "build_start"
     val build_end = "build_end"
@@ -212,66 +224,110 @@
     val afp_version = "afp_version"
+  object Meta_Info
+  {
+    val empty: Meta_Info = Meta_Info(Nil, Nil)
+  }
+  sealed case class Meta_Info(props: Properties.T, settings: List[(String, String)])
+  {
+    def is_empty: Boolean = props.isEmpty && settings.isEmpty
+  }
   object Isatest
-    val Test_Start = new Regex("""^------------------- starting test --- (.+) --- (.+)$""")
-    val Test_End = new Regex("""^------------------- test (?:successful|FAILED) --- (.+) --- .*$""")
+    val engine = "isatest"
+    val Start = new Regex("""^------------------- starting test --- (.+) --- (.+)$""")
+    val End = new Regex("""^------------------- test (?:successful|FAILED) --- (.+) --- .*$""")
     val Isabelle_Version = new Regex("""^Isabelle version: (\S+)$""")
     val No_AFP_Version = new Regex("""$.""")
-  object AFP
+  object AFP_Test
-    val Test_Start = new Regex("""^Start test(?: for .+)? at ([^,]+), (.*)$""")
-    val Test_Start_Old = new Regex("""^Start test(?: for .+)? at ([^,]+)$""")
-    val Test_End = new Regex("""^End test on (.+), .+, elapsed time:.*$""")
+    val engine = "afp-test"
+    val Start = new Regex("""^Start test(?: for .+)? at ([^,]+), (.*)$""")
+    val Start_Old = new Regex("""^Start test(?: for .+)? at ([^,]+)$""")
+    val End = new Regex("""^End test on (.+), .+, elapsed time:.*$""")
     val Isabelle_Version = new Regex("""^Isabelle version: .* -- hg id (\S+)$""")
     val AFP_Version = new Regex("""^AFP version: .* -- hg id (\S+)$""")
+    val Bad_Init = new Regex("""^cp:.*: Disc quota exceeded$""")
-  private def parse_header(log_file: Log_File): Header =
+  object Jenkins
-    def parse(kind: Header_Kind.Value, start: Date, hostname: String,
-      Test_End: Regex, Isabelle_Version: Regex, AFP_Version: Regex): Header =
+    val engine = "jenkins"
+    val Start = new Regex("""^Started .*$""")
+    val Start_Date = new Regex("""^Build started at (.+)$""")
+    val No_End = new Regex("""$.""")
+    val Isabelle_Version = new Regex("""^Isabelle id (\S+)$""")
+    val AFP_Version = new Regex("""^AFP id (\S+)$""")
+    val BUILD = "=== BUILD ==="
+    val FINISHED = "Finished: "
+  }
+  private def parse_meta_info(log_file: Log_File): Meta_Info =
+  {
+    def parse(engine: String, host: String, start: Date,
+      End: Regex, Isabelle_Version: Regex, AFP_Version: Regex): Meta_Info =
-      val start_date = Field.build_start -> start.toString
+      val build_engine = if (engine == "") Nil else List(Field.build_engine -> engine)
+      val build_host = if (host == "") Nil else List(Field.build_host -> host)
+      val start_date = List(Field.build_start -> start.toString)
       val end_date =
         log_file.lines.last match {
-          case Test_End(Date_Format.Strict(end_date)) =>
+          case End(log_file.Strict_Date(end_date)) =>
             List(Field.build_end -> end_date.toString)
           case _ => Nil
-      val build_host = if (hostname == "") Nil else List(Field.build_host -> hostname)
       val isabelle_version =
         log_file.find_match(Isabelle_Version).map(Field.isabelle_version -> _)
       val afp_version =
         log_file.find_match(AFP_Version).map(Field.afp_version -> _)
-      Header(kind,
-        start_date :: end_date ::: build_host :::
-          isabelle_version.toList ::: afp_version.toList,
+      Meta_Info(build_engine ::: build_host :::
+          start_date ::: end_date ::: isabelle_version.toList ::: afp_version.toList,
     log_file.lines match {
-      case Isatest.Test_Start(Date_Format.Strict(start), hostname) :: _ =>
-        parse(Header_Kind.ISATEST, start, hostname,
-          Isatest.Test_End, Isatest.Isabelle_Version, Isatest.No_AFP_Version)
-      case AFP.Test_Start(Date_Format.Strict(start), hostname) :: _ =>
-        parse(Header_Kind.AFP_TEST, start, hostname,
-          AFP.Test_End, AFP.Isabelle_Version, AFP.AFP_Version)
-      case AFP.Test_Start_Old(Date_Format.Strict(start)) :: _ =>
-        parse(Header_Kind.AFP_TEST, start, "",
-          AFP.Test_End, AFP.Isabelle_Version, AFP.AFP_Version)
-      case _ => log_file.err("cannot detect log header format")
+      case Isatest.Start(log_file.Strict_Date(start), host) :: _ =>
+        parse(Isatest.engine, host, start, Isatest.End,
+          Isatest.Isabelle_Version, Isatest.No_AFP_Version)
+      case AFP_Test.Start(log_file.Strict_Date(start), host) :: _ =>
+        parse(AFP_Test.engine, host, start, AFP_Test.End,
+          AFP_Test.Isabelle_Version, AFP_Test.AFP_Version)
+      case AFP_Test.Start_Old(log_file.Strict_Date(start)) :: _ =>
+        parse(AFP_Test.engine, "", start, AFP_Test.End,
+          AFP_Test.Isabelle_Version, AFP_Test.AFP_Version)
+      case Jenkins.Start() :: _
+      if log_file.lines.contains(Jenkins.CONFIGURATION) ||
+         log_file.lines.last.startsWith(Jenkins.FINISHED) =>
+        log_file.lines.dropWhile(_ != Jenkins.BUILD) match {
+          case Jenkins.BUILD :: _ :: Jenkins.Start_Date(log_file.Strict_Date(start)) :: _ =>
+            parse(Jenkins.engine, "","Europe/Berlin")), Jenkins.No_End,
+              Jenkins.Isabelle_Version, Jenkins.AFP_Version)
+          case _ => Meta_Info.empty
+        }
+      case line :: _ if line.startsWith("\0") => Meta_Info.empty
+      case List(Isatest.End(_)) => Meta_Info.empty
+      case _ :: AFP_Test.Bad_Init() :: _ => Meta_Info.empty
+      case Nil => Meta_Info.empty
+      case _ => log_file.err("cannot detect log file format")
-  /* build info: produced by isabelle build */
+  /** build info: produced by isabelle build **/
   object Session_Status extends Enumeration
@@ -397,4 +453,41 @@
+  /** session info: produced by "isabelle build" **/
+  sealed case class Session_Info(
+    session_name: String,
+    session_timing: Properties.T,
+    command_timings: List[Properties.T],
+    ml_statistics: List[Properties.T],
+    task_statistics: List[Properties.T])
+  private def parse_session_info(
+    log_file: Log_File,
+    default_name: String,
+    command_timings: Boolean,
+    ml_statistics: Boolean,
+    task_statistics: Boolean): Session_Info =
+  {
+    val xml_cache = new XML.Cache()
+    val session_name =
+      log_file.find_line("\ = ") match {
+        case None => default_name
+        case Some(name) if default_name == "" || default_name == name => name
+        case Some(name) => log_file.err("log from different session " + quote(name))
+      }
+    val session_timing = log_file.find_props("\fTiming = ") getOrElse Nil
+    val command_timings_ =
+      if (command_timings) log_file.filter_props("\fcommand_timing = ") else Nil
+    val ml_statistics_ =
+      if (ml_statistics) log_file.filter_props("\fML_statistics = ") else Nil
+    val task_statistics_ =
+      if (task_statistics) log_file.filter_props("\ftask_statistics = ") else Nil
+    Session_Info(session_name, session_timing, command_timings_, ml_statistics_, task_statistics_)
+  }
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/build_stats.scala	Sat Oct 08 13:50:25 2016 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/build_stats.scala	Sat Oct 08 17:30:19 2016 +0200
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     val all_infos = CI_API.Job_Info) =>
-        (job_info.timestamp / 1000, job_info.read_output.parse_build_info), job_infos)
+        (job_info.timestamp / 1000, job_info.read_main_log.parse_build_info), job_infos)
     val all_sessions =
       (Set.empty[String] /: all_infos)(
         { case (s, (_, info)) => s ++ info.sessions.keySet })
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/ci_api.scala	Sat Oct 08 13:50:25 2016 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/ci_api.scala	Sat Oct 08 17:30:19 2016 +0200
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
     output: URL,
     session_logs: List[(String, URL)])
-    def read_output(): Build_Log.Log_File = Build_Log.Log_File(job_name,
-    def read_log_file(name: String): Build_Log.Log_File =
+    def read_main_log(): Build_Log.Log_File = Build_Log.Log_File(job_name,
+    def read_session_log(name: String): Build_Log.Log_File =
         session_logs.collectFirst({ case (a, b) if a == name => Url.read_gzip(b) }) getOrElse "")