Tuned documentation
Thu, 12 Nov 2020 16:44:29 +0100
changeset 72592 b6b6248d4719
parent 72591 56514a42eee8
child 72593 914f1f98839c
Tuned documentation
--- a/src/Doc/Sledgehammer/document/root.tex	Thu Nov 12 16:42:22 2020 +0100
+++ b/src/Doc/Sledgehammer/document/root.tex	Thu Nov 12 16:44:29 2020 +0100
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
 The supported ATPs include agsyHOL \cite{agsyHOL}, Alt-Ergo \cite{alt-ergo}, E
-\cite{schulz-2002}, iProver \cite{korovin-2009}, LEO-II \cite{leo2}, Leo-III
+\cite{schulz-2019}, iProver \cite{korovin-2009}, LEO-II \cite{leo2}, Leo-III
 \cite{leo3}, Satallax \cite{satallax}, SPASS \cite{weidenbach-et-al-2009},
 Vampire \cite{riazanov-voronkov-2002}, Waldmeister \cite{waldmeister}, and
 Zipperposition \cite{cruanes-2014}. The ATPs are run either locally or remotely
 via the System\-On\-TPTP web service \cite{sutcliffe-2000}. The supported SMT
 solvers are CVC3 \cite{cvc3}, CVC4 \cite{cvc4}, veriT \cite{bouton-et-al-2009},
-and Z3 \cite{z3}. These are always run locally.
+and Z3 \cite{de-moura-2008}. These are always run locally.
 The problem passed to the external provers (or solvers) consists of your current
 goal together with a heuristic selection of hundreds of facts (theorems) from the
@@ -160,21 +160,21 @@
 \item[\labelitemi] If you installed an official Isabelle package, it should
-already include properly setup executables for CVC4, E, SPASS, Vampire, and Z3,
-ready to use. To use Vampire, you must confirm that you are a noncommercial
-user, as indicated by the message that is displayed when Sledgehammer is
-invoked the first time.
+already include properly set up executables for CVC4, E, SPASS, Vampire, veriT,
+and Z3, ready to use. To use Vampire, you must confirm that you are a
+noncommercial user, as indicated by the message that is displayed when
+Sledgehammer is invoked the first time.
 \item[\labelitemi] Alternatively, you can download the Isabelle-aware CVC3,
-CVC4, E, SPASS, Vampire, and Z3 binary packages from \download. Extract the
-archives, then add a line to your \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER\slash etc\slash
+CVC4, E, SPASS, Vampire, veriT, and Z3 binary packages from \download. Extract
+the archives, then add a line to your \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER\slash
+etc\slash components}%
 \footnote{The variable \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER} is set by Isabelle at
 startup. Its value can be retrieved by executing \texttt{isabelle}
 \texttt{getenv} \texttt{ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER} on the command line.}
-file with the absolute path to CVC3, CVC4, E, SPASS, Vampire, or Z3. For
-example, if the \texttt{components} file does not exist yet and you extracted
-SPASS to \texttt{/usr/local/spass-3.8ds}, create it with the single line
+file with the absolute path to the prover. For example, if the
+\texttt{components} file does not exist yet and you extracted SPASS to
+\texttt{/usr/local/spass-3.8ds}, create it with the single line
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 variable \texttt{CVC3\_\allowbreak SOLVER}, \texttt{CVC4\_\allowbreak SOLVER},
 \texttt{VERIT\_\allowbreak SOLVER}, or \texttt{Z3\_SOLVER} to the complete path
 of the executable, \emph{including the file name}. Sledgehammer has been tested
-with CVC3 2.2 and 2.4.1, CVC4 1.5-prerelease, veriT smtcomp2019, and Z3 4.3.2.
+with CVC3 2.2 and 2.4.1, CVC4 1.5-prerelease, veriT 2020.10-rmx, and Z3 4.3.2.
 Since Z3's output format is somewhat unstable, other versions of the solver
 might not work well with Sledgehammer. Ideally, also set
 \texttt{CVC3\_VERSION}, \texttt{CVC4\_VERSION}, \texttt{VERIT\_VERSION}, or
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@
 Instead of issuing the \textbf{sledgehammer} command, you can also use the
-Sledgehammer panel in Isabelle/jEdit. Sledgehammer produces the following output
-after a few seconds:
+Sledgehammer panel in Isabelle/jEdit. Sledgehammer might produce something like
+the following output after a few seconds:
@@ -267,9 +267,9 @@
 provers are installed and how many processor cores are available, some of the
 provers might be missing or present with a \textit{remote\_} prefix.
-For each successful prover, Sledgehammer gives a one-line \textit{metis} or
-\textit{smt} method call. Rough timings are shown in parentheses, indicating how
-fast the call is. You can click the proof to insert it into the theory text.
+For each successful prover, Sledgehammer gives a one-line Isabelle proof. Rough
+timings are shown in parentheses, indicating how fast the call is. You can
+click the proof to insert it into the theory text.
 In addition, you can ask Sledgehammer for an Isar text proof by enabling the
 \textit{isar\_proofs} option (\S\ref{output-format}):
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@
 When Isar proof construction is successful, it can yield proofs that are more
-readable and also faster than the \textit{metis} or \textit{smt} one-line
-proofs. This feature is experimental and is only available for ATPs.
+readable and also faster than \textit{metis} or \textit{smt} one-line
+proofs. This feature is experimental.
@@ -448,15 +448,10 @@
 versions of Metis. It is somewhat slower than \textit{metis}, but the proof
 search is fully typed, and it also includes more powerful rules such as the
 axiom ``$x = \const{True} \mathrel{\lor} x = \const{False}$'' for reasoning in
-higher-order places (e.g., in set comprehensions). The method is automatically
-tried as a fallback when \textit{metis} fails, and it is sometimes
-generated by Sledgehammer instead of \textit{metis} if the proof obviously
-requires type information or if \textit{metis} failed when Sledgehammer
-preplayed the proof. (By default, Sledgehammer tries to run \textit{metis} with
-various sets of option for up to 1~second each time to ensure that the generated
-one-line proofs actually work and to display timing information. This can be
-configured using the \textit{preplay\_timeout} and \textit{dont\_preplay}
-options (\S\ref{timeouts}).)
+higher-order places (e.g., in set comprehensions). The method is tried as a
+fallback when \textit{metis} fails, and it is sometimes generated by
+Sledgehammer instead of \textit{metis} if the proof obviously requires type
+information or if \textit{metis} failed when Sledgehammer preplayed the proof.
 At the other end of the soundness spectrum, \textit{metis} (\textit{no\_types})
 uses no type information at all during the proof search, which is more efficient
@@ -480,17 +475,18 @@
 to Metis?}
 Orthogonally to the encoding of types, it is important to choose an appropriate
-translation of $\lambda$-abstractions. Metis supports three translation schemes,
-in decreasing order of power: Curry combinators (the default),
+translation of $\lambda$-abstractions. Metis supports three translation
+schemes, in decreasing order of power: Curry combinators (the default),
 $\lambda$-lifting, and a ``hiding'' scheme that disables all reasoning under
 $\lambda$-abstractions. The more powerful schemes also give the automatic
-provers more rope to hang themselves. See the \textit{lam\_trans} option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}) for details.
+provers more rope to hang themselves. See the \textit{lam\_trans} option
+(\S\ref{problem-encoding}) for details.
 \point{Are the generated proofs minimal?}
 Automatic provers frequently use many more facts than are necessary.
-Sledgehammer includes a minimization tool that takes a set of facts returned by
+Sledgehammer includes a proof minimization tool that takes a set of facts returned by
 a given prover and repeatedly calls a prover or proof method with subsets of
 those facts to find a minimal set. Reducing the number of facts typically helps
 reconstruction, while decluttering the proof scripts.
@@ -730,7 +726,7 @@
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{e}:} E is a first-order resolution prover
-developed by Stephan Schulz \cite{schulz-2002}. To use E, set the environment
+developed by Stephan Schulz \cite{schulz-2019}. To use E, set the environment
 variable \texttt{E\_HOME} to the directory that contains the \texttt{eproof}
 executable and \texttt{E\_VERSION} to the version number (e.g., ``1.8''), or
 install the prebuilt E package from \download. Sledgehammer has been tested with
@@ -747,27 +743,27 @@
 higher-order prover developed by Christoph Benzm\"uller et al.\ \cite{leo2},
 with support for the TPTP typed higher-order syntax (TH0). To use LEO-II, set
 the environment variable \texttt{LEO2\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
-\texttt{leo} executable. Sledgehammer requires version 1.3.4 or above.
+\texttt{leo} executable. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 1.3.4.
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{leo3}:} Leo-III is an automatic
 higher-order prover developed by Alexander Steen, Max Wisniewski, Christoph
 Benzm\"uller et al.\ \cite{leo3},
 with support for the TPTP typed higher-order syntax (TH0). To use Leo-III, set
 the environment variable \texttt{LEO3\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
-\texttt{leo3} executable. Sledgehammer requires version 1.1 or above.
+\texttt{leo3} executable. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 1.1.
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{satallax}:} Satallax is an automatic
 higher-order prover developed by Chad Brown et al.\ \cite{satallax}, with
 support for the TPTP typed higher-order syntax (TH0). To use Satallax, set the
 environment variable \texttt{SATALLAX\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
-\texttt{satallax} executable. Sledgehammer requires version 2.2 or above.
+\texttt{satallax} executable. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 2.2.
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{spass}:} SPASS is a first-order resolution
 prover developed by Christoph Weidenbach et al.\ \cite{weidenbach-et-al-2009}.
 To use SPASS, set the environment variable \texttt{SPASS\_HOME} to the directory
 that contains the \texttt{SPASS} executable and \texttt{SPASS\_VERSION} to the
 version number (e.g., ``3.8ds''), or install the prebuilt SPASS package from
-\download. Sledgehammer requires version 3.8ds or above.
+\download. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 3.8ds.
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{vampire}:} Vampire is a first-order
 resolution prover developed by Andrei Voronkov and his colleagues
@@ -779,20 +775,20 @@
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{verit}:} veriT \cite{bouton-et-al-2009} is an
 SMT solver developed by David D\'eharbe, Pascal Fontaine, and their colleagues.
-It is specifically designed to produce detailed proofs for reconstruction in
-proof assistants. To use veriT, set the environment variable
-\texttt{VERIT\_SOLVER} to the complete path of the executable, including the
-file name. Sledgehammer has been tested with version smtcomp2019.
+It is designed to produce detailed proofs for reconstruction in proof
+assistants. To use veriT, set the environment variable \texttt{VERIT\_SOLVER}
+to the complete path of the executable, including the file name. Sledgehammer
+has been tested with version 2020.10-rmx.
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{z3}:} Z3 is an SMT solver developed at
-Microsoft Research \cite{z3}. To use Z3, set the environment variable
+Microsoft Research \cite{de-moura-2008}. To use Z3, set the environment variable
 \texttt{Z3\_SOLVER} to the complete path of the executable, including the
 file name. Sledgehammer has been tested with a pre-release version of 4.4.0.
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{z3\_tptp}:} This version of Z3 pretends to
-be an ATP, exploiting Z3's support for the TPTP typed first-order format
-(TF0). It is included for experimental purposes. It requires version 4.3.1 of
-Z3 or above. To use it, set the environment variable \texttt{Z3\_TPTP\_HOME}
+be an ATP, exploiting Z3's support for the TPTP typed first-order format (TF0).
+It is included for experimental purposes. Sledgehammer has been tested with
+version 4.3.1. To use it, set the environment variable \texttt{Z3\_TPTP\_HOME}
 to the directory that contains the \texttt{z3\_tptp} executable.
 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{zipperposition}:} Zipperposition
@@ -864,8 +860,8 @@
 {\small See also \textit{verbose} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
-Specifies whether the minimization tool should be invoked automatically after
-proof search.
+Specifies whether the proof minimization tool should be invoked automatically
+after proof search.
 {\small See also \textit{preplay\_timeout} (\S\ref{timeouts})
@@ -954,7 +950,7 @@
 are relevant and 1 only theorems that refer to previously seen constants.
-Specifies whether MaSh should be run automatically by Sledgehammer to learn the
+Specifies whether Sledgehammer invocations should run MaSh to learn the
 available theories (and hence provide more accurate results). Learning takes
 place only if MaSh is enabled.
@@ -1307,7 +1303,7 @@
   sledgehammer[prover=e,prover_timeout=10] Huffman.thy
-This command specifies Sledgehammer as the action, using E as the prover with a
+This command specifies Sledgehammer as the action, using the E prover with a
 timeout of 10 seconds. The results are written to \texttt{output/Huffman.log}.
 \subsection{Example of Benchmarking Another Tool}
--- a/src/Doc/manual.bib	Thu Nov 12 16:42:22 2020 +0100
+++ b/src/Doc/manual.bib	Thu Nov 12 16:44:29 2020 +0100
@@ -587,6 +587,25 @@
   publisher	= CUP,
   year		= 1990}
+  author    = {Leonardo de Moura and
+               Nikolaj Bj{\o}rner},
+  editor    = {C. R. Ramakrishnan and
+               Jakob Rehof},
+  title     = {{Z3}: An Efficient {SMT} Solver},
+  booktitle = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems --- TACAS 2008},
+  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+  volume    = {4963},
+  pages     = {337--340},
+  publisher = {Springer},
+  year      = {2008},
+  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-78800-3\_24},
+  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-78800-3\_24},
+  timestamp = {Tue, 14 May 2019 10:00:53 +0200},
+  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/tacas/MouraB08.bib},
+  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
   author	= {Keith J. Devlin},
   title		= {Fundamentals of Contemporary Set Theory},
@@ -1107,10 +1126,23 @@
   title =   {The Objective Caml system -- Documentation and user's manual},
   note =    {\url{http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/}}}
-  author = "Fredrik Lindblad",
-  title = "{agsyHOL}",
-  note = "\url{https://github.com/frelindb/agsyHOL}"}
+  author    = {Fredrik Lindblad},
+  editor    = {St{\'{e}}phane Demri and
+               Deepak Kapur and
+               Christoph Weidenbach},
+  title     = {A Focused Sequent Calculus for Higher-Order Logic},
+  booktitle = {Automated Reasoning --- IJCAR 2014},
+  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+  volume    = {8562},
+  pages     = {61--75},
+  publisher = {Springer},
+  year      = {2014},
+  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08587-6\_5},
+  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-08587-6\_5},
+  timestamp = {Tue, 14 May 2019 10:00:39 +0200},
+  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cade/Lindblad14.bib},
+  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}}
   title = "Coinductive",
@@ -1819,14 +1851,23 @@
   number =       4
-  author = "Stephan Schulz",
-  title = "E---A Brainiac Theorem Prover",
-  journal = "Journal of AI Communications",
-  year = 2002,
-  volume = 15,
-  number ="2/3",
-  pages = "111--126"}
+  author    = {Stephan Schulz and
+               Simon Cruanes and
+               Petar Vukmirovi\'c},
+  editor    = {Pascal Fontaine},
+  title     = {Faster, Higher, Stronger: {E} 2.3},
+  booktitle = {Automated Deduction --- {CADE}-27},
+  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+  volume    = {11716},
+  pages     = {495--507},
+  publisher = {Springer},
+  year      = {2019},
+  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29436-6\_29},
+  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-29436-6\_29},
+  timestamp = {Sat, 19 Oct 2019 20:28:03 +0200},
+  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cade/0001CV19.bib},
+  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}}
   author	= {Konrad Slind},
@@ -2019,10 +2060,28 @@
   note =	 {\url{http://x-symbol.sourceforge.net}}
-  author = "Christoph Weidenbach and Dilyana Dimova and Arnaud Fietzke and Rohit Kumar and Martin Suda and Patrick Wischnewski",
-  title = "{SPASS} Version 3.5",
-  note = {\url{http://www.spass-prover.org/publications/spass.pdf}}}
+  author    = {Christoph Weidenbach and
+               Dilyana Dimova and
+               Arnaud Fietzke and
+               Rohit Kumar and
+               Martin Suda and
+               Patrick Wischnewski},
+  editor    = {Renate A. Schmidt},
+  title     = {{SPASS} Version 3.5},
+  booktitle = {Automated Deduction - CADE-22, 22nd International Conference on Automated
+               Deduction, Montreal, Canada, August 2-7, 2009. Proceedings},
+  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+  volume    = {5663},
+  pages     = {140--145},
+  publisher = {Springer},
+  year      = {2009},
+  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02959-2\_10},
+  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-02959-2\_10},
+  timestamp = {Tue, 14 May 2019 10:00:39 +0200},
+  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cade/WeidenbachDFKSW09.bib},
+  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
   author = {Makarius Wenzel},
@@ -2255,13 +2314,6 @@
   title = 	 {On the Implementation of an Extensible Declarative Proof Language},
   crossref =     {tphols99}}
-  key = "Z3",
-  title = "Z3: An Efficient {SMT} Solver",
-  note = "\url{http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/z3/}"}