original sources from Johannes Hölzl a48e0c6ab1aea77c52d596f7efc007a543d3d10c with minor modifications of directory layout;
Sun, 19 Oct 2008 16:51:55 +0200
changeset 34318 c13e168a8ae6
child 34319 eaac45c45348
original sources from Johannes Hölzl a48e0c6ab1aea77c52d596f7efc007a543d3d10c with minor modifications of directory layout;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/IsabellePlugin.ant	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<project name="IsabellePlugin installer" default="install" basedir=".">
+  <target name="install">
+  	<copy file="services.xml" todir="bin" />
+  	<copy file="dockables.xml" todir="bin" />
+  	<copy file="actions.xml" todir="bin" />
+  	<copy file="IsabellePlugin.props" todir="bin" />
+    <jar destfile="IsabellePlugin.jar" basedir="bin" /> 
+  </target>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/IsabellePlugin.props	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# jEdit Properties
+plugin.isabelle.jedit.Plugin.description=Isabelle/Isar integration into jEdit
+plugin.isabelle.jedit.Plugin.menu=Isabelle.show-output Isabelle.show-state Isabelle.activate
+Isabelle.show-output.label=Show Output
+Isabelle.show-state.label=Show State
+Isabelle.activate.label=Activate current buffer
+Isabelle_output.title=Isabelle Output
+Isabelle_state.title=Isabelle State
+options.isabelle.code=new isabelle.jedit.OptionPane();
+options.isabelle.font-path.title=Font Path
+options.isabelle.font-size.title=Font Size
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/actions.xml	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+	<ACTION NAME="Isabelle.show-output">
+		<CODE>
+			wm.addDockableWindow("Isabelle_output");
+		</CODE>
+	<ACTION NAME="Isabelle.show-state">
+		<CODE>
+			wm.addDockableWindow("Isabelle_state");
+		</CODE>
+	<ACTION NAME="Isabelle.activate">
+		<CODE>
+			isabelle.jedit.Plugin$.MODULE$.plugin().activate(view);
+		</CODE>
+			return view.getBuffer().getMode().getName() == "isabelle";
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/dockables.xml	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE DOCKABLES SYSTEM "dockables.dtd">
+	<DOCKABLE NAME="Isabelle_output">
+		new isabelle.jedit.OutputDockable(view, position);
+	<DOCKABLE NAME="Isabelle_state">
+		new isabelle.jedit.StateViewDockable(view, position);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/plugin/services.xml	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE SERVICES SYSTEM "services.dtd">
+	<SERVICE NAME="isa" CLASS="org.gjt.sp.jedit.io.VFS">
+		new isabelle.jedit.VFS();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/OptionPane.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+package isabelle.jedit
+import java.lang.Integer
+import java.awt.BorderLayout
+import java.awt.GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL
+import java.awt.BorderLayout.{ WEST, CENTER, EAST }
+import java.awt.event.{ ActionListener, ActionEvent }
+import javax.swing.{ JTextField, JButton, JPanel, JLabel, JFileChooser, 
+                     JSpinner, SwingUtilities, JComboBox }
+import isabelle.IsabelleSystem
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
+class OptionPane extends AbstractOptionPane("isabelle") {
+  import Plugin.property
+  var pathName = new JTextField()
+  var fontSize = new JSpinner()
+  var logicName = new JComboBox()
+  override def _init() {
+    addComponent(property("font-path.title"), {
+      val pickPath = new JButton("...")
+      pickPath.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+        override def actionPerformed(e : ActionEvent) {
+          val chooser = new JFileChooser(pathName.getText())
+          if (chooser.showOpenDialog(OptionPane.this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
+            pathName.setText(chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath())
+        } 
+      })
+      pathName.setText(property("font-path"))
+      val pathPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout())
+      pathPanel.add(pathName, CENTER)
+      pathPanel.add(pickPath, EAST)
+      pathPanel
+    addComponent(property("font-size.title"), {
+      try {
+        if (property("font-size") != null)
+          fontSize.setValue(Integer.valueOf(property("font-size")))
+      }
+      catch {
+        case e : NumberFormatException => 
+          fontSize.setValue(14)
+      }
+      fontSize
+    })
+    addComponent(property("logic.title"), {
+      val logics : Array[Object] = 
+        (IsabelleSystem.isabelle_tool("findlogics") _1).split("\\s").asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]
+      for (name <- logics) {
+        logicName.addItem(name)
+        if (name == property("logic"))
+          logicName.setSelectedItem(name)
+      }
+      logicName
+    })
+  }
+  override def _save() {
+    val size = fontSize.getValue()
+    val name = pathName.getText()
+    if (property("font-path") != name || property("font-size") != size.toString) {
+      property("font-path", name)
+      property("font-size", size.toString)
+      SwingUtilities invokeLater new Runnable() {
+        override def run() = 
+          Plugin.plugin.setFont(name, size.asInstanceOf[Integer].intValue)
+      }
+    }
+    val logic = logicName.getSelectedItem.asInstanceOf[String]
+    property("logic", logic) 
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/OutputDockable.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package isabelle.jedit
+import java.awt.GridLayout
+import javax.swing.{ JPanel, JTextArea, JScrollPane }
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
+class OutputDockable(view : View, position : String) extends JPanel {
+  {
+    val textView = new JTextArea()
+    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1))
+    add(new JScrollPane(textView))
+    textView.append("== Isabelle output ==\n")
+    Plugin.plugin.prover.outputInfo.add( text => textView.append(text) )
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/Plugin.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+package isabelle.jedit
+import java.awt.Font
+import java.io.{ FileInputStream, IOException }
+import isabelle.utils.EventSource
+import isabelle.prover.{ Prover, Command }
+import isabelle.IsabelleSystem
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.{ jEdit, EBMessage, EBPlugin, Buffer, EditPane, View }
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.{ EditPaneUpdate, PropertiesChanged }
+object Plugin {
+  val NAME = "Isabelle"
+  val OPTION_PREFIX = "options.isabelle."
+  def property(name : String) = jEdit.getProperty(OPTION_PREFIX + name)
+  def property(name : String, value : String) = 
+    jEdit.setProperty(OPTION_PREFIX + name, value)
+  var plugin : Plugin = null
+class Plugin extends EBPlugin {
+  import Plugin._
+  val prover = new Prover()
+  var theoryView : TheoryView = null
+  var viewFont : Font = null 
+  val viewFontChanged = new EventSource[Font]
+  private var _selectedState : Command = null
+  val stateUpdate = new EventSource[Command]
+  def selectedState = _selectedState
+  def selectedState_=(newState : Command) {
+    _selectedState = newState
+    stateUpdate fire newState
+  }
+  def activate(view : View) {
+    val logic = property("logic")
+    theoryView = new TheoryView(prover, view.getBuffer())
+    prover.start(if (logic == null) logic else "HOL")
+    val dir = view.getBuffer().getDirectory()
+    prover.setDocument(theoryView, 
+                       if (dir.startsWith("isa:")) dir.substring(4) else dir)
+    TheoryView.activateTextArea(view.getTextArea())
+  }
+  override def handleMessage(msg : EBMessage) = msg match {
+    case epu : EditPaneUpdate => epu.getWhat() match {
+      case EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGED =>
+        TheoryView.activateTextArea(epu.getEditPane().getTextArea())
+      case EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGING =>
+        TheoryView.deactivateTextArea(epu.getEditPane().getTextArea())
+      case _ =>
+    }
+    case _ =>
+  }
+  def setFont(path : String, size : Float) {
+    try {
+      val fontStream = new FileInputStream(path)
+      val font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, fontStream)
+      viewFont = font.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, size)
+      viewFontChanged.fire(viewFont)
+    }
+    catch {
+      case e : IOException =>
+    }
+  }
+  override def start() {
+    plugin = this
+    if (property("font-path") != null && property("font-size") != null)
+      try {
+        setFont(property("font-path"), property("font-size").toFloat)
+      }
+      catch {
+        case e : NumberFormatException =>
+      }
+  }
+  override def stop() {
+    // TODO: implement cleanup
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/StateViewDockable.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package isabelle.jedit
+import java.io.{ ByteArrayInputStream, FileInputStream, InputStream }
+import java.awt.GridLayout
+import javax.swing.{ JPanel, JTextArea, JScrollPane }
+import isabelle.IsabelleSystem.getenv
+import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document
+import org.xhtmlrenderer.simple.XHTMLPanel
+import org.xhtmlrenderer.context.AWTFontResolver
+import org.xhtmlrenderer.swing.NaiveUserAgent
+import org.xhtmlrenderer.resource.CSSResource
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
+object StateViewDockable {
+  val baseURL = "file://localhost" + getenv("ISABELLE_HOME") + "/lib/html/"
+  val userStylesheet = 
+    "file://localhost" + getenv("ISABELLE_HOME_USER") + "/etc/user.css";
+  val stylesheet = """
+@import "isabelle.css";
+@import '""" + userStylesheet + """';
+messages, message {
+  display: block;
+  white-space: pre-wrap;
+  font-family: Isabelle;
+class UserAgent extends NaiveUserAgent {
+  override def getCSSResource(uri : String) : CSSResource = {
+    if (uri == StateViewDockable.baseURL + "style")
+      new CSSResource(
+        new ByteArrayInputStream(StateViewDockable.stylesheet.getBytes()))
+    else {
+      val stream = resolveAndOpenStream(uri)
+      val resource = new CSSResource(stream)
+      if (stream == null)
+        resource.getResourceInputSource().setByteStream(
+          new ByteArrayInputStream(new Array[Byte](0)))
+      resource
+    }
+  }
+class StateViewDockable(view : View, position : String) extends JPanel {
+  {
+    val panel = new XHTMLPanel(new UserAgent())
+    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1))
+    add(new JScrollPane(panel))
+    val fontResolver =
+      panel.getSharedContext.getFontResolver.asInstanceOf[AWTFontResolver]
+    if (Plugin.plugin.viewFont != null)
+      fontResolver.setFontMapping("Isabelle", Plugin.plugin.viewFont)
+    Plugin.plugin.viewFontChanged.add(font => {
+      if (Plugin.plugin.viewFont != null)
+        fontResolver.setFontMapping("Isabelle", Plugin.plugin.viewFont)
+      panel.relayout()
+    })
+    Plugin.plugin.stateUpdate.add(state => {
+      if (state == null)
+        panel.setDocument(null : Document)
+      else
+        panel.setDocument(state.document, StateViewDockable.baseURL)
+    })
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/TheoryView.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+package isabelle.jedit
+import isabelle.utils.EventSource
+import isabelle.proofdocument.Text
+import isabelle.prover.{ Prover, Command, CommandChangeInfo }
+import isabelle.prover.Command.Phase
+import javax.swing.Timer
+import javax.swing.event.{ CaretListener, CaretEvent }
+import java.awt.Graphics2D
+import java.awt.event.{ ActionEvent, ActionListener }
+import java.awt.Color;
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.{ BufferListener, JEditBuffer }
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.{ TextArea, TextAreaExtension, TextAreaPainter }
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.SyntaxStyle
+object TheoryView {
+  val ISABELLE_THEORY_PROPERTY = "de.tum.in.isabelle.jedit.Theory";
+  def chooseColor(state : Command) : Color = {
+    if (state == null)
+      Color.red
+    else
+      state.phase match {
+        case Phase.UNPROCESSED => new Color(255, 255, 192)
+        case Phase.FINISHED => new Color(192, 255, 192)
+        case Phase.FAILED => new Color(255, 192, 192)
+        case _ => Color.red
+      }
+  }
+  def withView(view : TextArea, f : (TheoryView) => Unit) {
+    if (view != null && view.getBuffer() != null)
+      view.getBuffer().getProperty(ISABELLE_THEORY_PROPERTY) match {
+        case null => null
+        case view: TheoryView => f(view)
+        case _ => null
+      }
+  }
+  def activateTextArea(textArea : TextArea) {
+    withView(textArea, _.activate(textArea))
+  }	
+  def deactivateTextArea(textArea : TextArea) {
+    withView(textArea, _.deactivate(textArea))
+  }
+class TheoryView(prover : Prover, buffer : JEditBuffer) 
+    extends TextAreaExtension with Text with BufferListener {
+  import TheoryView._
+  import Text.Changed
+  var textArea : TextArea = null;
+  var col : Changed = null;
+  val colTimer = new Timer(300, new ActionListener() {
+    override def actionPerformed(e : ActionEvent) { commit() }
+  })
+  val changesSource = new EventSource[Changed]
+  {
+    buffer.addBufferListener(this)
+    buffer.setProperty(ISABELLE_THEORY_PROPERTY, this)
+    prover.commandInfo.add(e => repaint(e.command))
+    prover.commandInfo.add(e => repaintAll())
+    Plugin.plugin.viewFontChanged.add(font => updateFont())
+    colTimer.stop
+    colTimer.setRepeats(true)
+  }
+  def activate(area : TextArea) {
+    textArea = area
+    textArea.addCaretListener(selectedStateController)
+    val painter = textArea.getPainter()
+    painter.addExtension(TextAreaPainter.LINE_BACKGROUND_LAYER + 1, this)
+    updateFont()
+  }
+  private def updateFont() {
+    if (textArea != null) {
+      val painter = textArea.getPainter()
+      if (Plugin.plugin.viewFont != null) {
+        painter.setStyles(painter.getStyles().map(style =>
+          new SyntaxStyle(style.getForegroundColor, 
+                          style.getBackgroundColor, 
+                          Plugin.plugin.viewFont)
+        ))
+        painter.setFont(Plugin.plugin.viewFont)
+        repaintAll()
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def deactivate(area : TextArea) {
+    textArea.getPainter().removeExtension(this)
+    textArea.removeCaretListener(selectedStateController)
+    textArea = null
+  }
+  val selectedStateController = new CaretListener() {
+    override def caretUpdate(e : CaretEvent) {
+      val cmd = prover.document.getNextCommandContaining(e.getDot())
+      if (cmd != null && cmd.start <= e.getDot() && 
+            Plugin.plugin.selectedState != cmd)
+        Plugin.plugin.selectedState = cmd
+    }
+  }
+  private def fromCurrent(pos : Int) =
+    if (col != null && col.start <= pos)
+      if (pos < col.start + col.added) col.start
+      else pos - col.added + col.removed
+    else pos
+  private def toCurrent(pos : Int) = 
+    if (col != null && col.start <= pos)
+      if (pos < col.start + col.removed) col.start
+      else pos + col.added - col.removed
+    else pos
+  def repaint(cmd : Command)
+  {
+    var ph = cmd.phase
+    if (textArea != null && ph != Phase.REMOVE && ph != Phase.REMOVED) {
+      var start = textArea.getLineOfOffset(toCurrent(cmd.start))
+      var stop = textArea.getLineOfOffset(toCurrent(cmd.stop) - 1)
+      textArea.invalidateLineRange(start, stop)
+      if (Plugin.plugin.selectedState == cmd)
+        Plugin.plugin.selectedState = cmd // update State view 
+    }
+  }
+  def repaintAll()
+  {
+    if (textArea != null)
+      textArea.invalidateLineRange(textArea.getFirstPhysicalLine, 
+                                   textArea.getLastPhysicalLine)
+  }
+  override def paintValidLine(gfx : Graphics2D, screenLine : Int,
+                              pl : Int, start : Int, end : Int, y : Int)
+  {	
+    var fm = textArea.getPainter().getFontMetrics()
+    var savedColor = gfx.getColor()
+    var e = prover.document.getNextCommandContaining(fromCurrent(start))
+    while (e != null && toCurrent(e.start) < end) {
+      val begin = Math.max(start, toCurrent(e.start))
+      val startP = textArea.offsetToXY(begin)
+      val finish = Math.min(end - 1, toCurrent(e.stop))
+      val stopP = if (finish < buffer.getLength()) textArea.offsetToXY(finish) 
+                  else { var p = textArea.offsetToXY(finish - 1) 
+                         p.x = p.x + fm.charWidth(' ') 
+                         p }
+      if (startP != null && stopP != null) {
+        gfx.setColor(chooseColor(e))
+        gfx.fillRect(startP.x, y, stopP.x - startP.x, fm.getHeight())
+      }
+      e = e.next
+    }
+    gfx.setColor(savedColor)
+  }
+  def content(start : Int, stop : Int) = buffer.getText(start, stop - start)
+  def length = buffer.getLength()
+  def changes = changesSource
+  private def commit() {
+    if (col != null)
+      changes.fire(col)
+    col = null
+    if (colTimer.isRunning())
+      colTimer.stop()
+  }	
+  private def delayCommit() {
+    if (colTimer.isRunning())
+      colTimer.restart()
+    else
+      colTimer.start()
+  }
+  override def contentInserted(buffer : JEditBuffer, startLine : Int, 
+                               offset : Int, numLines : Int, length : Int) { }
+  override def contentRemoved(buffer : JEditBuffer, startLine : Int, 
+                              offset : Int, numLines : Int, length : Int) { }
+  override def preContentInserted(buffer : JEditBuffer, startLine : Int,
+			offset : Int, numLines : Int, length : Int) {
+    if (col == null) 
+      col = new Changed(offset, length, 0)
+    else if (col.start <= offset && offset <= col.start + col.added) 
+      col = new Changed(col.start, col.added + length, col.removed)
+    else { 
+      commit()
+      col = new Changed(offset, length, 0) 
+    }
+    delayCommit()
+  }	
+  override def preContentRemoved(buffer : JEditBuffer, startLine : Int,
+			start : Int, numLines : Int, removed : Int) {
+    if (col == null)
+      col = new Changed(start, 0, removed)
+    else if (col.start > start + removed || start > col.start + col.added) { 
+      commit()
+      col = new Changed(start, 0, removed) 
+    }
+    else {
+      val offset = start - col.start
+      val diff = col.added - removed
+      val (added, addRemoved) = 
+        if (diff < offset) 
+          (offset max 0, diff - (offset max 0))
+        else 
+          (diff - (offset min 0), offset min 0)
+      col = new Changed(start min col.start, added, col.removed - addRemoved) 
+    }
+    delayCommit()
+  }
+  override def bufferLoaded(buffer : JEditBuffer) { }
+  override def foldHandlerChanged(buffer : JEditBuffer) { }
+  override def foldLevelChanged(buffer : JEditBuffer, startLine : Int, 
+                                endLine : Int) = { }
+  override def transactionComplete(buffer : JEditBuffer) = { } 
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit/VFS.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+package isabelle.jedit
+import java.io.InputStream
+import java.io.OutputStream
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
+import java.io.InputStreamReader
+import java.awt.Component
+import isabelle.Symbol.Interpretation
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.io
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.io.VFSFile
+import org.gjt.sp.jedit.io.VFSManager
+object VFS {
+  val converter = new Interpretation()
+  val BUFFER_SIZE = 1024
+  def inputConverter(in : InputStream) = {
+    val reader = new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8")
+    val buffer = new StringBuffer()
+    val array = new Array[Char](BUFFER_SIZE)
+    var finished = false
+    while (! finished) {
+      val length = reader.read(array, 0, array.length)
+      if (length == -1)
+        finished = true
+      else
+        buffer.append(array, 0, length)
+    }
+    val str = converter.decode(buffer.toString())
+    new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes())
+  }
+  class OutputConverter(out : OutputStream) extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
+    override def close() {
+      out.write(converter.encode(new String(buf, 0, count)).getBytes())
+      out.close()
+    }
+  }
+  def mapFile(vfs : VFS, base : VFSFile) =
+    if (base == null) null else new File(vfs, base)
+  class File(vfs : VFS, base : VFSFile) extends VFSFile {
+    override def getColor() = 
+      base.getColor()
+    override def getDeletePath() = 
+      base.getDeletePath()
+    override def getExtendedAttribute(name : String) =
+      base.getExtendedAttribute(name)
+    override def getIcon(expanded : Boolean, openBuffer : Boolean) = 
+      base.getIcon(expanded, openBuffer)
+    override def getLength() = 
+      base.getLength()  
+    override def getName() =
+      base.getName()
+    override def getPath() =
+      "isa:" + base.getPath()
+    override def getSymlinkPath() =
+      base.getSymlinkPath()
+    override def getType() =
+      base.getType()
+    override def getVFS() =
+      vfs
+    override def isBinary(session : Object) =
+      base.isBinary(session)
+    override def isHidden() =
+      base.isHidden()
+    override def isReadable() =
+      base.isReadable()
+    override def isWriteable() =
+      base.isWriteable()
+    override def setDeletePath(path : String) =
+      base.setDeletePath(path)
+    override def setHidden(hidden : Boolean) =
+      base.setHidden(hidden)
+    override def setLength(length : Long) =
+      base.setLength(length)
+    override def setName(name : String) =
+      base.setName(name)
+    override def setPath(path : String) =
+      base.setPath(path)
+    override def setReadable(readable : Boolean) =
+      base.setReadable(readable)
+    override def setWriteable(writeable : Boolean) =
+      base.setWriteable(writeable)
+    override def setSymlinkPath(symlinkPath : String) =
+      base.setSymlinkPath(symlinkPath)
+    override def setType(fType : Int) =
+      base.setType(fType)
+  } 
+ * The Isabelle virtual file system for jEdit.
+ * 
+ * This filesystem passes every operation on to FileVFS. Just the read and write
+ * operations are overwritten to convert the xsymbols to unicode on read and
+ * unicode to xsymbols on write.
+ * 
+ * @author Johannes Hölzl <hoelzl@in.tum.de>
+ */
+class VFS extends io.VFS("isa", VFSManager.getVFSForProtocol("file").getCapabilities()) {
+  private var baseVFS = VFSManager.getVFSForProtocol("file") 
+  private def cutPath(path : String) = 
+    if (path.startsWith("isa:")) path.substring(4) else path
+  override def createVFSSession(path : String, comp : Component) = 
+    baseVFS.createVFSSession(cutPath(path), comp)
+  override def getCapabilities() = 
+    baseVFS.getCapabilities()
+  override def getExtendedAttributes() = 
+    baseVFS.getExtendedAttributes()
+  override def getParentOfPath(path : String) = 
+    "isa:" + baseVFS.getParentOfPath(cutPath(path))
+  override def constructPath(parent : String, path : String) = 
+    "isa:" + baseVFS.constructPath(cutPath(parent), path)
+  override def getFileName(path : String) = 
+    baseVFS.getFileName(path)
+  override def getFileSeparator() = 
+    baseVFS.getFileSeparator()
+  override def getTwoStageSaveName(path : String) = 
+    "isa:" + baseVFS.getTwoStageSaveName(cutPath(path))
+  override def _canonPath(session : Object, path : String, comp : Component) =
+    "isa:" + baseVFS._canonPath(session, cutPath(path), comp)
+  override def _createInputStream(session : Object, path : String,
+                                  ignoreErrors : Boolean, comp : Component) =
+    VFS.inputConverter(baseVFS._createInputStream(session, cutPath(path), 
+                                                  ignoreErrors, comp))
+  override def _createOutputStream(session : Object, path : String,
+                                   comp : Component) =
+    new VFS.OutputConverter(baseVFS._createOutputStream(session, cutPath(path), comp))
+  override def _delete(session : Object, path : String, comp : Component) =
+    baseVFS._delete(session, cutPath(path), comp)
+  override def _getFile(session : Object, path : String, comp : Component) =
+    VFS.mapFile(this, baseVFS._getFile(session, cutPath(path), comp))
+  override def _listFiles(session : Object, path : String, comp :  Component) =
+    (baseVFS._listFiles(session, cutPath(path), comp)
+            .map(file => VFS.mapFile(this, file)))
+  override def _mkdir(session : Object, path : String, comp : Component) =
+    baseVFS._mkdir(session, cutPath(path), comp)
+  override def _rename(session : Object, from : String, to : String,
+                       comp : Component) =
+    baseVFS._rename(session, cutPath(from), cutPath(to), comp)
+  override def _backup(session : Object, path : String, comp : Component) =
+    baseVFS._backup(session, cutPath(path), comp);
+  override def _saveComplete(session : Object, buffer : Buffer, path : String,
+                             comp : Component) =
+    baseVFS._saveComplete(session, buffer, cutPath(path), comp)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/ProofDocument.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+package isabelle.proofdocument
+import java.util.regex.Pattern
+import isabelle.utils.EventSource
+object ProofDocument {
+  // Be carefully when changeing this regex. Not only must it handle the 
+  // spurious end of a token but also:  
+  // Bug ID: 5050507 Pattern.matches throws StackOverflow Error
+  // http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=5050507
+  val tokenPattern = 
+    Pattern.compile(
+      "\\{\\*([^*]|\\*[^}]|\\*\\z)*(\\z|\\*\\})|" +
+      "\\(\\*([^*]|\\*[^)]|\\*\\z)*(\\z|\\*\\))|" +
+      "(\\?'?|')[A-Za-z_0-9.]*|" + 
+      "[A-Za-z_0-9.]+|" + 
+      "[!#$%&*+-/<=>?@^_|~]+|" +
+      "\"([^\\\\\"]?(\\\\(.|\\z))?)*+(\"|\\z)|" +
+      "`([^\\\\`]?(\\\\(.|\\z))?)*+(`|\\z)|" +
+      "[()\\[\\]{}:;]", Pattern.MULTILINE)
+abstract class ProofDocument[C](text : Text) {
+  import ProofDocument._
+  protected var firstToken : Token[C] = null
+  protected var lastToken : Token[C] = null
+  private var active = false 
+  {
+    text.changes.add(e => textChanged(e.start, e.added, e.removed))
+  }
+  def activate() : Unit =
+    if (! active) {
+      active = true
+      textChanged(0, text.length, 0)
+    }
+  protected def tokens(start : Token[C], stop : Token[C]) = 
+    new Iterator[Token[C]]() {
+      var current = start
+      def hasNext() = current != stop && current != null
+      def next() = { val save = current ; current = current.next ; save }
+    }
+  protected def tokens(start : Token[C]) : Iterator[Token[C]] = 
+    tokens(start, null)
+  protected def tokens() : Iterator[Token[C]] = 
+    tokens(firstToken, null)
+  private def checkStart(t : Token[C], P : (Int) => Boolean)
+    = t != null && P(t.start)
+  private def checkStop(t : Token[C], P : (Int) => Boolean)
+    = t != null && P(t.stop)
+  private def scan(s : Token[C], f : (Token[C]) => Boolean) : Token[C] = {
+    var current = s
+    while (current != null) {
+      val next = current.next
+      if (next == null || f(next))
+        return current
+      current = next
+    }
+    return null
+  }
+  private def textChanged(start : Int, addedLen : Int, removedLen : Int) {
+    if (active == false)
+      return
+    var beforeChange = 
+      if (checkStop(firstToken, _ < start)) scan(firstToken, _.stop >= start) 
+      else null
+    var firstRemoved = 
+      if (beforeChange != null) beforeChange.next
+      else if (checkStart(firstToken, _ <= start + removedLen)) firstToken
+      else null 
+    var lastRemoved = scan(firstRemoved, _.start > start + removedLen)
+    var shiftToken = 
+      if (lastRemoved != null) lastRemoved
+      else if (checkStart(firstToken, _ > start)) firstToken
+      else null
+    while(shiftToken != null) {
+      shiftToken.shift(addedLen - removedLen, start)
+      shiftToken = shiftToken.next
+    }
+    // scan changed tokens until the end of the text or a matching token is
+    // found which is beyond the changed area
+    val matchStart = if (beforeChange == null) 0 else beforeChange.stop
+    var firstAdded : Token[C] = null
+    var lastAdded : Token[C] = null
+    val matcher = tokenPattern.matcher(text.content(matchStart, text.length))
+    var finished = false
+    var position = 0 
+    while(matcher.find(position) && ! finished) {
+      position = matcher.end()
+      val newToken = new Token[C](matcher.start() + matchStart, 
+                                  matcher.end() + matchStart,
+                                  isStartKeyword(matcher.group()),
+                                  matcher.end() - matcher.start() > 2 &&
+                                  matcher.group().substring(0, 2) == "(*")
+      if (firstAdded == null)
+        firstAdded = newToken
+      else {
+        newToken.previous = lastAdded
+        lastAdded.next = newToken
+      }
+      lastAdded = newToken
+      while(checkStop(lastRemoved, _ < newToken.stop) &&
+              lastRemoved.next != null)	
+        lastRemoved = lastRemoved.next
+      if (newToken.stop >= start + addedLen && 
+            checkStop(lastRemoved, _ == newToken.stop) )
+        finished = true
+    }
+    var afterChange = if (lastRemoved != null) lastRemoved.next else null
+    // remove superflous first token-change
+    if (firstAdded != null && firstAdded == firstRemoved && 
+          firstAdded.stop < start) {
+      beforeChange = firstRemoved
+      if (lastRemoved == firstRemoved) {
+        lastRemoved = null
+        firstRemoved = null
+      }
+      else {
+        firstRemoved = firstRemoved.next
+        if (firstRemoved == null)
+          System.err.println("ERROR")
+        assert(firstRemoved != null)
+      }
+      if (lastAdded == firstAdded) {
+        lastAdded = null
+        firstAdded = null
+      }
+      if (firstAdded != null)
+        firstAdded = firstAdded.next
+    }
+    // remove superflous last token-change
+    if (lastAdded != null && lastAdded == lastRemoved &&
+          lastAdded.start > start + addedLen) {
+      afterChange = lastRemoved
+      if (firstRemoved == lastRemoved) {
+        firstRemoved = null
+        lastRemoved = null
+      }
+      else {
+        lastRemoved = lastRemoved.previous
+        if (lastRemoved == null)
+          System.err.println("ERROR")
+        assert(lastRemoved != null)
+      }
+      if (lastAdded == firstAdded) {
+        lastAdded = null
+        firstAdded = null
+      }
+      else
+        lastAdded = lastAdded.previous
+    }
+    if (firstRemoved == null && firstAdded == null)
+      return
+    if (firstToken == null) {
+      firstToken = firstAdded
+      lastToken = lastAdded
+    }
+    else {
+      // cut removed tokens out of list
+      if (firstRemoved != null)
+        firstRemoved.previous = null
+      if (lastRemoved != null)
+        lastRemoved.next = null
+      if (firstToken == firstRemoved)
+        if (firstAdded != null)
+          firstToken = firstAdded
+        else
+          firstToken = afterChange
+      if (lastToken == lastRemoved)
+        if (lastAdded != null)
+          lastToken = lastAdded
+        else
+          lastToken = beforeChange
+      // insert new tokens into list
+      if (firstAdded != null) {
+        firstAdded.previous = beforeChange
+        if (beforeChange != null)
+          beforeChange.next = firstAdded
+        else
+          firstToken = firstAdded
+      }
+      else if (beforeChange != null)
+        beforeChange.next = afterChange
+      if (lastAdded != null) {
+        lastAdded.next = afterChange
+        if (afterChange != null)
+          afterChange.previous = lastAdded
+        else
+          lastToken = lastAdded
+      }
+      else if (afterChange != null)
+        afterChange.previous = beforeChange
+    }
+    tokenChanged(beforeChange, afterChange, firstRemoved)
+  }
+  protected def isStartKeyword(str : String) : Boolean;
+  protected def tokenChanged(start : Token[C], stop : Token[C], 
+                             removed : Token[C]) 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/Text.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package isabelle.proofdocument
+import isabelle.utils.EventSource
+object Text {
+  class Changed(val start : Int, val added : Int, val removed : Int) { }
+trait Text {
+  def content(start : Int, stop : Int) : String
+  def length : Int
+  def changes : EventSource[Text.Changed]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/Token.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package isabelle.proofdocument
+class Token[C](var start : Int, var stop : Int, val isCommandStart : Boolean,
+               val isComment : Boolean) {
+  var next : Token[C] = null
+  var previous : Token[C] = null
+  var command : C = null.asInstanceOf[C]
+  def length = stop - start
+  def shift(offset : Int, bottomClamp : Int) {
+    start = bottomClamp max (start + offset)
+    stop = bottomClamp max (stop + offset)
+  }
+  override def hashCode() : Int = (31 + start) * 31 + stop
+  override def equals(obj : Any) : Boolean = {
+    if (super.equals(obj))
+      return true;
+    if (null == obj)
+      return false;
+    obj match {
+      case other: Token[_] => 
+        (start == other.start) && (stop == other.stop)
+      case other: Any => false  
+    }
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/proofdocument/tests/TestProofDocument.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+package isabelle.proofdocument.tests
+import org.testng.annotations._
+import org.testng.Assert._
+import isabelle.proofdocument._
+import isabelle.utils.EventSource
+class TextMockup() extends Text {
+  var content = ""
+  val changes = new EventSource[Text.Changed]
+  def content(start : Int, stop : Int) = content.substring(start, stop)
+  def length = content.length
+  def change(start : Int, added : String, removed : Int) {
+    content = content.substring(0, start) + added + content.substring(start + removed)
+    changes.fire(new Text.Changed(start, added.length, removed))
+  }
+class ProofDocumentTest(text : Text) extends ProofDocument[String](text) {
+  var start : Token[String] = null
+  var stop : Token[String] = null
+  var removed : Token[String] = null
+  def isStartKeyword(s : String) : Boolean = false
+  def tokenChanged(start_ : Token[String], stop_ : Token[String], 
+                   removed_ : Token[String]) {
+    start = start_
+    stop = stop_
+    removed = removed_
+  }
+  override def tokens = super.tokens
+  override def tokens(s : Token[String]) = super.tokens(s)
+  override def tokens(s : Token[String], e : Token[String]) = super.tokens(s, e)
+  def first = firstToken
+  def last = lastToken
+  def checkLinks(first : Token[String], last : Token[String]) {
+    var iter = first
+    var prev : Token[String] = null
+    while(iter != null) {
+      assert(iter.previous == prev)
+      prev = iter
+      iter = iter.next
+    }
+    if (last != null)
+      assert(prev == last)
+  }
+class TestProofDocument {
+  private def ranges(ts : Iterator[Token[String]]) =
+    (for (t <- ts) yield (t.start, t.stop)).toList
+  @Test
+  def testParsing() {
+    def check(tokens : String*) = {
+      var content = ""
+      var structure = Nil : List[(Int, Int)]
+      for(tok <- tokens) {
+        if (tok != " ")
+          structure = (content.length, content.length + tok.length) :: structure
+        content = content + tok
+      }
+      val text = new TextMockup()
+      val document = new ProofDocumentTest(text)
+      text.change(0, content, 0)
+      document.checkLinks(document.first, document.last)
+      assertEquals(ranges(document.tokens), structure.reverse)
+    }
+    check("lemma", " " , "fixes", " ", "A", " ", ":", ":", " ", "'a", " ", 
+          "shows", "\"True\"", " ", "using", "`A = A`", "by", "(", "auto", " ", 
+          "simp", " ", "add", ":", "refl", ")")
+  }
+  @Test
+  def testChanging() {
+    val text = new TextMockup()
+    val document = new ProofDocumentTest(text)
+    def compare(start : Int, add : String, remove : Int) {
+      val oldDocument = ranges(document.tokens)
+      text.change(start, add, remove)
+      document.checkLinks(document.first, document.last)
+      document.checkLinks(document.removed, null)
+      val offset = remove - add.length
+      val before = if (document.start == null) Nil 
+                   else ranges(document.tokens(document.first, document.start.next))
+      val after = (for(t <- document.tokens(document.stop)) 
+                     yield (t.start + offset, t.stop + offset)).toList
+      val removed = ranges(document.tokens(document.removed))
+      assertEquals((before ++ removed ++ after).length, oldDocument.length, 
+                   "Mismatch on token count")
+      assertEquals(before, oldDocument.take(before.length),
+                   "Tokens before changed part")
+      assertEquals(after, oldDocument.drop(before.length + removed.length),
+                   "Tokens before changed part")
+      val newText = new TextMockup()
+      val newDocument = new ProofDocumentTest(newText)
+      newText.change(0, text.content, 0)
+      newDocument.checkLinks(newDocument.first, newDocument.last)
+      assertEquals(ranges(document.tokens), ranges(newDocument.tokens),
+                   "Mismatch on entirely reparsed document")
+    }
+    val s = """lemma fixes a :: nat assumes T: \"A\" shows \"B ==> A\" using `A` by auto"""
+    compare(0, s, text.content.length)
+    compare(0, "(*", 0)
+    compare(text.content.length, "*)", 0)
+    compare(0, "", 2)
+    compare(1, "", 7)
+    compare(0, "test :: 12 34", text.content.length)
+    compare(6, "", 1)
+    compare(6, ":", 0)
+    compare(8, "56", 2)
+    compare(2, "", 4)
+    compare(0, "test  :: 12 34", text.content.length)
+    compare(5, "test 1 2", 0)
+    compare(4, " test 2 3", 0)
+    compare(0, "theory Scratch\nimports Main\nbegin\n\nlemma test_x: fixes X :: nat shows \"∃ X. X > 0\" by auto\n\nend", text.content.length)
+    compare(72, "", 11)
+    compare(71, "", 1)
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/prover/Command.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package isabelle.prover
+import isabelle.proofdocument.Token
+import isabelle.{ YXML, XML }
+object Command {
+  object Phase extends Enumeration {
+    val FINISHED = Value("FINISHED")
+    val REMOVE = Value("REMOVE")
+    val REMOVED = Value("REMOVED")
+    val FAILED = Value("FAILED")
+  }
+  private var nextId : Long = 0
+  def generateId : Long = {
+    nextId = nextId + 1
+    return nextId
+  }
+  def idFromString(id : String) = Long.unbox(java.lang.Long.valueOf(id, 36))
+class Command(val first : Token[Command], val last : Token[Command]) {
+  import Command._
+  {
+    var t = first
+    while(t != null) {
+      t.command = this
+      t = if (t == last) null else t.next
+    }
+  }
+  val id : Long = generateId
+  var phase = Phase.UNPROCESSED
+  var results = Nil : List[XML.Tree]
+  def idString = java.lang.Long.toString(id, 36)
+  def document = XML.document(results match {
+                                case Nil => XML.Elem("message", List(), List())
+                                case List(elem) => elem
+                                case _ => 
+                                  XML.Elem("messages", List(), List(results.first,
+                                                                    results.last))
+                              }, "style")
+  def addResult(tree : XML.Tree) {
+    results = results ::: List(tree)
+  }
+  def next = if (last.next != null) last.next.command else null
+  def previous = if (first.previous != null) first.previous.command else null
+  def start = first start
+  def stop = last stop
+  def properStart = start
+  def properStop = {
+    var i = last
+    while (i != first && i.isComment)
+      i = i.previous
+    i.stop
+  }  	
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/prover/CommandChangeInfo.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+package isabelle.prover
+class CommandChangeInfo(val command : Command)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/prover/Document.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+package isabelle.prover
+import isabelle.proofdocument.{ ProofDocument, Token, Text }
+import isabelle.utils.EventSource
+object Document {
+  class StructureChange(val beforeChange : Command,
+                        val addedCommands : List[Command],
+                        val removedCommands : List[Command])
+class Document(text : Text, prover : Prover) extends ProofDocument[Command](text) 
+  val structuralChanges = new EventSource[Document.StructureChange]() 
+  def isStartKeyword(s : String) = prover.commandKeywords.contains(s) 
+  def commands() = new Iterator[Command] {
+    var current = firstToken
+    def hasNext() = current != null
+    def next() = { try {val s = current.command ; current = s.last.next ; s}
+    catch { case error : NullPointerException => 
+      System.err.println("NPE!")
+      throw error
+    } 
+    }
+  }
+  def getContent(cmd : Command) = text.content(cmd.properStart, cmd.properStop)
+  def getNextCommandContaining(pos : Int) : Command = {
+    for( cmd <- commands()) { if (pos < cmd.stop) return cmd }
+    return null
+  }
+  override def tokenChanged(start : Token[Command], stop : Token[Command], 
+                            removed : Token[Command]) {
+    var removedCommands : List[Command] = Nil
+    var first : Command = null
+    var last : Command = null
+    for(t <- tokens(removed)) {
+      if (first == null)
+        first = t.command
+      if (t.command != last)
+        removedCommands = t.command :: removedCommands
+      last = t.command
+    }
+    var before : Command = null
+    if (! removedCommands.isEmpty) {
+      if (first.first == removed) {
+        if (start == null)
+          before = null
+        else
+          before = start.command
+      }
+      else
+        before = first.previous
+    }
+    var addedCommands : List[Command] = Nil
+    var scan : Token[Command] = null
+    if (start != null) {
+      val next = start.next
+      if (first != null && first.first != removed) {
+        scan = first.first
+        if (before == null)
+          before = first.previous
+      }
+      else if (next != null && next != stop) {
+        if (next.isCommandStart) {
+          before = start.command
+          scan = next
+        }
+        else if (first == null || first.first == removed) {
+          first = start.command
+          removedCommands = first :: removedCommands
+          scan = first.first
+          if (before == null)
+            before = first.previous
+        }
+        else {
+          scan = first.first
+          if (before == null)
+            before = first.previous
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      scan = firstToken
+    var stopScan : Token[Command] = null
+    if (stop != null) {
+      if (stop == stop.command.first)
+        stopScan = stop
+      else
+        stopScan = stop.command.last.next
+    }
+    else if (last != null)
+      stopScan = last.last.next
+    else
+      stopScan = null
+    var cmdStart : Token[Command] = null
+    var cmdStop : Token[Command] = null
+    var overrun = false
+    var finished = false
+    while (scan != null && !finished) {
+      if (scan == stopScan)	{
+        if (scan.isCommandStart)
+          finished = true
+        else
+          overrun = true
+      }
+      if (scan.isCommandStart && cmdStart != null && !finished) {
+        if (! overrun) {
+          addedCommands = new Command(cmdStart, cmdStop) :: addedCommands
+          cmdStart = scan
+          cmdStop = scan
+        }
+        else
+          finished = true
+      }
+      else if (! finished) {
+        if (cmdStart == null)
+          cmdStart = scan
+        cmdStop = scan
+      }
+      if (overrun && !finished) {
+        if (scan.command != last)
+          removedCommands = scan.command :: removedCommands
+        last = scan.command
+      }
+      if (!finished)
+        scan = scan.next
+    }
+    if (cmdStart != null)
+      addedCommands = new Command(cmdStart, cmdStop) :: addedCommands
+    // relink commands
+    addedCommands = addedCommands.reverse
+    removedCommands = removedCommands.reverse
+    structuralChanges.fire(new Document.StructureChange(before, addedCommands, 
+                                                        removedCommands))
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/prover/Prover.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+package isabelle.prover
+import scala.collection.mutable.{ HashMap, HashSet }
+import java.util.Properties
+import javax.swing.SwingUtilities
+import isabelle.proofdocument.{ ProofDocument, Text }
+import isabelle.IsabelleProcess.Result
+import isabelle.YXML.parse_failsafe
+import isabelle.XML.{ Elem, Tree }
+import isabelle.Symbol.Interpretation
+import isabelle.IsabelleSyntax.{ encode_properties, encode_string }
+import isabelle.utils.EventSource
+import Command.Phase
+class Prover() {
+  val converter = new Interpretation()
+  private var _logic = "HOL"
+  private var process = null : IsabelleProcess
+  private var commands = new HashMap[String, Command]
+  val commandKeywords = new HashSet[String]
+  private var initialized = false
+  val activated = new EventSource[Unit]
+  val commandInfo = new EventSource[CommandChangeInfo]
+  val outputInfo = new EventSource[String]
+  var document = null : Document
+  var workerThread = new Thread("isabelle.Prover: worker") {
+    override def run() : Unit = {
+      while (true) {
+        val r = process.get_result
+        val id = if (r.props != null) r.props.getProperty("id") else null
+        val st = if (id != null) commands.getOrElse(id, null) else null
+        if (r.kind == IsabelleProcess.Kind.EXIT)
+          return
+        else if (r.kind == IsabelleProcess.Kind.STDOUT 
+                 || r.kind == IsabelleProcess.Kind.STDIN)
+          inUIThread(() => outputInfo.fire(r.result))
+        else if (r.kind == IsabelleProcess.Kind.WRITELN && !initialized) {
+          initialized = true
+          inUIThread(() => 
+            if (document != null) {
+              document.activate()
+              activated.fire(())
+            }
+          )
+        }
+        else {
+          val tree = parse_failsafe(converter.decode(r.result))
+          tree match {
+            case Elem("message", _, List(Elem("command_decl", List(("name", name), 
+                                                                   ("kind", _)), _))) =>
+              commandKeywords.addEntry(name)
+            case _ =>
+              if (st != null)
+                handleResult(st, r, tree)
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def handleResult(st : Command, r : Result, tree : XML.Tree) {
+    def fireChange() = 
+      inUIThread(() => commandInfo.fire(new CommandChangeInfo(st)))
+    r.kind match {
+      case IsabelleProcess.Kind.ERROR => 
+        if (st.phase != Phase.REMOVED && st.phase != Phase.REMOVE)
+          st.phase = Phase.FAILED
+        st.addResult(tree)
+        fireChange()
+      case IsabelleProcess.Kind.WRITELN =>
+        st.addResult(tree)
+        fireChange()
+      case IsabelleProcess.Kind.PRIORITY =>
+        st.addResult(tree)
+        fireChange()
+      case IsabelleProcess.Kind.WARNING =>
+        st.addResult(tree)
+        fireChange()
+      case IsabelleProcess.Kind.STATUS =>
+        val state = tree match { case Elem("message", _, 
+                                           Elem (name, _, _) :: _) => name
+                                 case _ => null }
+        if (st.phase != Phase.REMOVED && st.phase != Phase.REMOVE) {
+          state match {
+            case "finished" => 
+              st.phase = Phase.FINISHED
+              fireChange()
+            case "unprocessed" => 
+              st.phase = Phase.UNPROCESSED
+              fireChange()
+            case "failed" => 
+              st.phase = Phase.FAILED
+              fireChange()
+            case "removed" =>
+              commands.removeKey(st.idString)
+              st.phase = Phase.REMOVED
+              fireChange()
+            case _ =>
+          }
+        }
+      case _ =>
+    }
+  }
+  def logic = _logic
+  def start(logic : String) {
+    if (logic != null)
+      _logic = logic
+    process = new IsabelleProcess("-m", "xsymbols", _logic)
+    workerThread.start
+  }
+  def stop() {
+    process.kill
+  }
+  private def inUIThread(runnable : () => Unit) {
+    SwingUtilities invokeAndWait new Runnable() {
+      override def run() { runnable() }
+    }
+  }
+  def setDocument(text : Text, path : String) {
+    this.document = new Document(text, this)
+    process.ML("ThyLoad.add_path " + encode_string(path))
+    document.structuralChanges.add(changes => {
+      for (cmd <- changes.removedCommands) remove(cmd)
+      for (cmd <- changes.addedCommands) send(cmd)
+    })
+    if (initialized) {
+      document.activate()
+      activated.fire(())
+    }
+  }
+  private def send(cmd : Command) {
+    commands.put(cmd.idString, cmd)
+    val props = new Properties()
+    props.setProperty("id", cmd.idString)
+    props.setProperty("offset", "1")
+    val content = converter.encode(document.getContent(cmd))
+    process.output_sync("Isar.command " 
+                        + encode_properties(props)
+                        + " "
+                        + encode_string(content))
+    process.output_sync("Isar.insert "
+                        + encode_string(if (cmd.previous == null) "" 
+                                        else cmd.previous.idString)
+                        + " "
+                        + encode_string(cmd.idString))
+    cmd.phase = Phase.UNPROCESSED
+  }
+  def remove(cmd : Command) {
+    cmd.phase = Phase.REMOVE
+    process.output_sync("Isar.remove " + encode_string(cmd.idString))
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/utils/EventSource.scala	Sun Oct 19 16:51:55 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package isabelle.utils
+import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
+class EventSource[Event] {
+  private val handlers = new HashSet[(Event) => Unit]()
+  def add(handler : (Event) => Unit) { handlers += handler }
+  def remove(handler : (Event) => Unit) { handlers -= handler }
+  def fire(event : Event) { for(h <- handlers) h(event) }
\ No newline at end of file