Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:13:46 +0100 nipkow *** empty log message ***
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:11:16 +0100 nipkow exhaust -> cases
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 12:51:10 +0100 nipkow exhaust_tac -> cases_tac
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 12:42:41 +0100 paulson renamed "f" to "le" and "mset" to "multiset"
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 12:42:05 +0100 paulson fixed the goal statement of sorted_qsort
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 12:25:52 +0100 wenzelm adapted to new PureThy.add_thms etc.;
(0) -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -30 -10 -6 +6 +10 +30 +100 +300 +1000 +3000 +10000 +30000 tip