Theory Event

(*  Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1996  University of Cambridge

Datatype of events; function "spies"; freshness

"bad" agents have been broken by the Spy; their private keys and internal
    stores are visible to him

section‹Theory of Events for Security Protocols›

theory Event imports Message begin

consts  (*Initial states of agents -- parameter of the construction*)
  initState :: "agent  msg set"

  event = Says  agent agent msg
        | Gets  agent       msg
        | Notes agent       msg
  bad    :: "agent set"                         ― ‹compromised agents›

text‹The constant "spies" is retained for compatibility's sake›

  knows :: "agent  event list  msg set"
  knows_Nil:   "knows A [] = initState A"
| knows_Cons:
    "knows A (ev # evs) =
       (if A = Spy then 
        (case ev of
           Says A' B X  insert X (knows Spy evs)
         | Gets A' X  knows Spy evs
         | Notes A' X   
             if A'  bad then insert X (knows Spy evs) else knows Spy evs)
        (case ev of
           Says A' B X  
             if A'=A then insert X (knows A evs) else knows A evs
         | Gets A' X     
             if A'=A then insert X (knows A evs) else knows A evs
         | Notes A' X     
             if A'=A then insert X (knows A evs) else knows A evs))"

abbreviation (input)
  spies  :: "event list  msg set" where
  "spies == knows Spy"

text‹Spy has access to his own key for spoof messages, but Server is secure›
specification (bad)
  Spy_in_bad     [iff]: "Spy  bad"
  Server_not_bad [iff]: "Server  bad"
    by (rule exI [of _ "{Spy}"], simp)

  Case A=Spy on the Gets event
  enforces the fact that if a message is received then it must have been sent,
  therefore the oops case must use Notes

  (*Set of items that might be visible to somebody:
    complement of the set of fresh items*)
  used :: "event list  msg set"
  used_Nil:   "used []         = (UN B. parts (initState B))"
| used_Cons:  "used (ev # evs) =
                     (case ev of
                        Says A B X  parts {X}  used evs
                      | Gets A X    used evs
                      | Notes A X   parts {X}  used evs)"
    ― ‹The case for term‹Gets› seems anomalous, but term‹Gets› always
        follows term‹Says› in real protocols.  Seems difficult to change.
        See text‹Gets_correct› in theory text‹Guard/Extensions.thy›.›

lemma Notes_imp_used [rule_format]: "Notes A X  set evs  X  used evs"
apply (induct_tac evs)
apply (auto split: event.split) 

lemma Says_imp_used [rule_format]: "Says A B X  set evs  X  used evs"
apply (induct_tac evs)
apply (auto split: event.split) 

subsection‹Function term‹knows›

 parts(insert X (knows Spy evs)) = parts{X} ∪ parts(knows Spy evs).
  This version won't loop with the simplifier.*)
lemmas parts_insert_knows_A = parts_insert [of _ "knows A evs"] for A evs

lemma knows_Spy_Says [simp]:
     "knows Spy (Says A B X # evs) = insert X (knows Spy evs)"
by simp

text‹Letting the Spy see "bad" agents' notes avoids redundant case-splits
      on whether termA=Spy› and whether termAbad›
lemma knows_Spy_Notes [simp]:
     "knows Spy (Notes A X # evs) =  
          (if Abad then insert X (knows Spy evs) else knows Spy evs)"
by simp

lemma knows_Spy_Gets [simp]: "knows Spy (Gets A X # evs) = knows Spy evs"
by simp

lemma knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Says:
     "knows Spy evs  knows Spy (Says A B X # evs)"
by (simp add: subset_insertI)

lemma knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Notes:
     "knows Spy evs  knows Spy (Notes A X # evs)"
by force

lemma knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Gets:
     "knows Spy evs  knows Spy (Gets A X # evs)"
by (simp add: subset_insertI)

text‹Spy sees what is sent on the traffic›
lemma Says_imp_knows_Spy [rule_format]:
     "Says A B X  set evs  X  knows Spy evs"
apply (induct_tac "evs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) split: event.split)

lemma Notes_imp_knows_Spy [rule_format]:
     "Notes A X  set evs  A  bad  X  knows Spy evs"
apply (induct_tac "evs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) split: event.split)

text‹Elimination rules: derive contradictions from old Says events containing
  items known to be fresh›
lemmas knows_Spy_partsEs =
     Says_imp_knows_Spy [THEN parts.Inj, elim_format] 
     parts.Body [elim_format]

lemmas Says_imp_analz_Spy = Says_imp_knows_Spy [THEN analz.Inj]

text‹Compatibility for the old "spies" function›
lemmas spies_partsEs = knows_Spy_partsEs
lemmas Says_imp_spies = Says_imp_knows_Spy
lemmas parts_insert_spies = parts_insert_knows_A [of _ Spy]

subsection‹Knowledge of Agents›

lemma knows_Says: "knows A (Says A B X # evs) = insert X (knows A evs)"
by simp

lemma knows_Notes: "knows A (Notes A X # evs) = insert X (knows A evs)"
by simp

lemma knows_Gets:
     "A  Spy  knows A (Gets A X # evs) = insert X (knows A evs)"
by simp

lemma knows_subset_knows_Says: "knows A evs  knows A (Says A' B X # evs)"
by (simp add: subset_insertI)

lemma knows_subset_knows_Notes: "knows A evs  knows A (Notes A' X # evs)"
by (simp add: subset_insertI)

lemma knows_subset_knows_Gets: "knows A evs  knows A (Gets A' X # evs)"
by (simp add: subset_insertI)

text‹Agents know what they say›
lemma Says_imp_knows [rule_format]: "Says A B X  set evs  X  knows A evs"
apply (induct_tac "evs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) split: event.split)
apply blast

text‹Agents know what they note›
lemma Notes_imp_knows [rule_format]: "Notes A X  set evs  X  knows A evs"
apply (induct_tac "evs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) split: event.split)
apply blast

text‹Agents know what they receive›
lemma Gets_imp_knows_agents [rule_format]:
     "A  Spy  Gets A X  set evs  X  knows A evs"
apply (induct_tac "evs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) split: event.split)

text‹What agents DIFFERENT FROM Spy know 
  was either said, or noted, or got, or known initially›
lemma knows_imp_Says_Gets_Notes_initState [rule_format]:
     "[| X  knows A evs; A  Spy |] ==> B.
  Says A B X  set evs  Gets A X  set evs  Notes A X  set evs  X  initState A"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (induct_tac "evs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) split: event.split)
apply blast

text‹What the Spy knows -- for the time being --
  was either said or noted, or known initially›
lemma knows_Spy_imp_Says_Notes_initState [rule_format]:
     "[| X  knows Spy evs |] ==> A B.
  Says A B X  set evs  Notes A X  set evs  X  initState Spy"
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (induct_tac "evs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) split: event.split)
apply blast

lemma parts_knows_Spy_subset_used: "parts (knows Spy evs)  used evs"
apply (induct_tac "evs", force)  
apply (simp add: parts_insert_knows_A knows_Cons add: event.split, blast) 

lemmas usedI = parts_knows_Spy_subset_used [THEN subsetD, intro]

lemma initState_into_used: "X  parts (initState B)  X  used evs"
apply (induct_tac "evs")
apply (simp_all add: parts_insert_knows_A split: event.split, blast)

lemma used_Says [simp]: "used (Says A B X # evs) = parts{X}  used evs"
by simp

lemma used_Notes [simp]: "used (Notes A X # evs) = parts{X}  used evs"
by simp

lemma used_Gets [simp]: "used (Gets A X # evs) = used evs"
by simp

lemma used_nil_subset: "used []  used evs"
apply simp
apply (blast intro: initState_into_used)

text‹NOTE REMOVAL--laws above are cleaner, as they don't involve "case"›
declare knows_Cons [simp del]
        used_Nil [simp del] used_Cons [simp del]

text‹For proving theorems of the form termX  analz (knows Spy evs)  P
  New events added by induction to "evs" are discarded.  Provided 
  this information isn't needed, the proof will be much shorter, since
  it will omit complicated reasoning about term‹analz›.›

lemmas analz_mono_contra =
       knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Says [THEN analz_mono, THEN contra_subsetD]
       knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Notes [THEN analz_mono, THEN contra_subsetD]
       knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Gets [THEN analz_mono, THEN contra_subsetD]

lemmas analz_impI = impI [where P = "Y  analz (knows Spy evs)"] for Y evs

fun analz_mono_contra_tac ctxt =
  resolve_tac ctxt @{thms analz_impI} THEN' 
  REPEAT1 o (dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms analz_mono_contra})
  THEN' mp_tac ctxt

lemma knows_subset_knows_Cons: "knows A evs  knows A (e # evs)"
by (induct e, auto simp: knows_Cons)

lemma initState_subset_knows: "initState A  knows A evs"
apply (induct_tac evs, simp) 
apply (blast intro: knows_subset_knows_Cons [THEN subsetD])

text‹For proving new_keys_not_used›
lemma keysFor_parts_insert:
     "[| K  keysFor (parts (insert X G));  X  synth (analz H) |] 
      ==> K  keysFor (parts (G  H)) | Key (invKey K)  parts H" 
by (force 
    dest!: parts_insert_subset_Un [THEN keysFor_mono, THEN [2] rev_subsetD]
           analz_subset_parts [THEN keysFor_mono, THEN [2] rev_subsetD]
    intro: analz_subset_parts [THEN subsetD] parts_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])

method_setup analz_mono_contra = ‹
    Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (REPEAT_FIRST (analz_mono_contra_tac ctxt)))
    "for proving theorems of the form X ∉ analz (knows Spy evs) ⟶ P"

subsubsection‹Useful for case analysis on whether a hash is a spoof or not›

lemmas syan_impI = impI [where P = "Y  synth (analz (knows Spy evs))"] for Y evs

val knows_Cons = @{thm knows_Cons};
val used_Nil = @{thm used_Nil};
val used_Cons = @{thm used_Cons};

val Notes_imp_used = @{thm Notes_imp_used};
val Says_imp_used = @{thm Says_imp_used};
val Says_imp_knows_Spy = @{thm Says_imp_knows_Spy};
val Notes_imp_knows_Spy = @{thm Notes_imp_knows_Spy};
val knows_Spy_partsEs = @{thms knows_Spy_partsEs};
val spies_partsEs = @{thms spies_partsEs};
val Says_imp_spies = @{thm Says_imp_spies};
val parts_insert_spies = @{thm parts_insert_spies};
val Says_imp_knows = @{thm Says_imp_knows};
val Notes_imp_knows = @{thm Notes_imp_knows};
val Gets_imp_knows_agents = @{thm Gets_imp_knows_agents};
val knows_imp_Says_Gets_Notes_initState = @{thm knows_imp_Says_Gets_Notes_initState};
val knows_Spy_imp_Says_Notes_initState = @{thm knows_Spy_imp_Says_Notes_initState};
val usedI = @{thm usedI};
val initState_into_used = @{thm initState_into_used};
val used_Says = @{thm used_Says};
val used_Notes = @{thm used_Notes};
val used_Gets = @{thm used_Gets};
val used_nil_subset = @{thm used_nil_subset};
val analz_mono_contra = @{thms analz_mono_contra};
val knows_subset_knows_Cons = @{thm knows_subset_knows_Cons};
val initState_subset_knows = @{thm initState_subset_knows};
val keysFor_parts_insert = @{thm keysFor_parts_insert};

val synth_analz_mono = @{thm synth_analz_mono};

val knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Says = @{thm knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Says};
val knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Notes = @{thm knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Notes};
val knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Gets = @{thm knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Gets};

fun synth_analz_mono_contra_tac ctxt = 
  resolve_tac ctxt @{thms syan_impI} THEN'
  REPEAT1 o 
    (dresolve_tac ctxt
     [@{thm knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Says} RS @{thm synth_analz_mono} RS @{thm contra_subsetD},
      @{thm knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Notes} RS @{thm synth_analz_mono} RS @{thm contra_subsetD},
      @{thm knows_Spy_subset_knows_Spy_Gets} RS @{thm synth_analz_mono} RS @{thm contra_subsetD}])
  mp_tac ctxt

method_setup synth_analz_mono_contra = ‹
    Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (REPEAT_FIRST (synth_analz_mono_contra_tac ctxt)))
    "for proving theorems of the form X ∉ synth (analz (knows Spy evs)) ⟶ P"

section‹Event Traces \label{sec:events}›

text ‹
The system's behaviour is formalized as a set of traces of
\emph{events}.  The most important event, Says A B X›, expresses
$A\to B : X$, which is the attempt by~$A$ to send~$B$ the message~$X$.
A trace is simply a list, constructed in reverse
using~#›.  Other event types include reception of messages (when
we want to make it explicit) and an agent's storing a fact.

Sometimes the protocol requires an agent to generate a new nonce. The
probability that a 20-byte random number has appeared before is effectively
zero.  To formalize this important property, the set term‹used evs
denotes the set of all items mentioned in the trace~evs›.
The function used› has a straightforward
recursive definition.  Here is the case for Says› event:
@{thm [display,indent=5] used_Says [no_vars]}

The function knows› formalizes an agent's knowledge.  Mostly we only
care about the spy's knowledge, and term‹knows Spy evs is the set of items
available to the spy in the trace~evs›.  Already in the empty trace,
the spy starts with some secrets at his disposal, such as the private keys
of compromised users.  After each Says› event, the spy learns the
message that was sent:
@{thm [display,indent=5] knows_Spy_Says [no_vars]}
Combinations of functions express other important
sets of messages derived from~evs›:
\item term‹analz (knows Spy evs) is everything that the spy could
learn by decryption
\item term‹synth (analz (knows Spy evs)) is everything that the spy
could generate
