Theory types

(*<*)theory "types" imports Main begin(*>*)
type_synonym number = nat
type_synonym gate = "bool  bool  bool"
type_synonym ('a, 'b) alist = "('a × 'b) list"

Internally all synonyms are fully expanded.  As a consequence Isabelle's
output never contains synonyms.  Their main purpose is to improve the
readability of theories.  Synonyms can be used just like any other

subsection‹Constant Definitions›

Nonrecursive definitions can be made with the \commdx{definition}
command, for example nand› and xor› gates
(based on type typ‹gate› above):

definition nand :: gate where "nand A B  ¬(A  B)"
definition xor  :: gate where "xor  A B  A  ¬B  ¬A  B"

The symbol \indexboldpos{\isasymequiv}{$IsaEq} is a special form of equality
that must be used in constant definitions.
Pattern-matching is not allowed: each definition must be of
the form $f\,x@1\,\dots\,x@n~\isasymequiv~t$.
Section~\ref{sec:Simp-with-Defs} explains how definitions are used
in proofs. The default name of each definition is $f$_def›, where
$f$ is the name of the defined constant.›