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(* Title: HOL/Hoare/Pointer_ExamplesAbort.thy
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ID: $Id$
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Author: Tobias Nipkow
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Copyright 2002 TUM
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Examples of verifications of pointer programs
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theory Pointer_ExamplesAbort imports HeapSyntaxAbort begin
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section "Verifications"
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subsection "List reversal"
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text "Interestingly, this proof is the same as for the unguarded program:"
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lemma "VARS tl p q r
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{List tl p Ps \<and> List tl q Qs \<and> set Ps \<inter> set Qs = {}}
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WHILE p \<noteq> Null
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INV {\<exists>ps qs. List tl p ps \<and> List tl q qs \<and> set ps \<inter> set qs = {} \<and>
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rev ps @ qs = rev Ps @ Qs}
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DO r := p; (p \<noteq> Null \<rightarrow> p := p^.tl); r^.tl := q; q := r OD
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{List tl q (rev Ps @ Qs)}"
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apply vcg_simp
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apply fastsimp
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apply(fastsimp intro:notin_List_update[THEN iffD2])
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apply fastsimp
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