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\title{Isabelle: An Overview}
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\author{Lawrence C. Paulson}
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\date{October 2003}
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Isabelle~\cite{isa-tutorial} is a generic proof assistant. It allows mathematical formulas to be expressed in a
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formal language and provides tools for proving those formulas in a
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logical calculus. The main potential application in industry is
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\emph{formal verification}, which includes proving the
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correctness of computer hardware or software and proving
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properties of computer languages and protocols. Among its research
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applications are the formalization of mathematical proofs.
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Compared with similar tools, Isabelle's distinguishing feature is its flexibility. Most proof assistants
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are built around a single formal calculus, typically higher-order logic.
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Isabelle has the capacity to
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accept a variety of formal calculi. The distributed version
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supports higher-order logic but also axiomatic set theory and several other
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formalisms. Isabelle provides excellent notational support:
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new notations can be introduced, using normal mathematical symbols.
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The main limitation of all such systems is that proving theorems
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requires much effort
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from an expert user. Isabelle incorporates some tools to improve
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the user's productivity by automating some parts of the proof process.
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In particular, Isabelle's \emph{classical reasoner} can perform long
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chains of reasoning steps to prove formulas. The \emph{simplifier}
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can prove certain arithmetic facts and can reason about equations.
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Isabelle is closely integrated with the
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\hfootref{http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/lcp/papers/protocols.html}{Proof General} user interface, which greatly eases the task of interacting with
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Isabelle. Proof General is open-source software under the GNU General Public
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License. Using Isabelle without Proof General would be difficult.
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Isabelle is distributed with large theories of formalized mathematics,
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including elementary number theory (for example, Gauss's law of quadratic reciprocity), analysis (basic properties of limits, derivatives and integrals) and algebra (up to Sylow's theorem). Also provided are numerous
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examples arising from research into formal verification. The total size of
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the distribution (program sources and documentation) is about 5.4MB.
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Isabelle is a joint project between Cambridge and the Technical University
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of Munich, Germany. Prof.\ Tobias Nipkow leads the German team; other significant contributors at Munich include Dr. Markus Wenzel, Dr. Gerwin Klein and Mr.\ Stefan Berghofer.
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The development of Isabelle at Cambridge was funded by the following grants:
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\item \emph{Supporting Logics} (6/1986--11/1989). SERC grant GR/E0355.7
\item \emph{Logical Frameworks: Design, Implementation and Experiment} (6/1989--3/1992). ESPRIT Basic Research Action 3245
\item \emph{Types for Proofs and Programs}: ESPRIT Basic Research Action 6453 (9/1992--8/1995)
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\item \emph{Combining HOL with Isabelle} (9/1992--8/1995). EPSRC grant GR/H40570
\item \emph{Mechanising Temporal Reasoning} (11/1995--4/1999). EPSRC grant reference GR/K57381
\item \emph{Authentication Logics: New Theory and Implementations} (1/1996--6/1999). EPSRC grant GR/K77051
\item \emph{Compositional Proofs of Concurrent Programs} (10/1999--6/2003). EPSRC grant GR/M75440 (RG28587)
\item \emph{Verifying Electronic Commerce Protocols} (10/2000--9/2003). EPSRC grant GR/R 01156/01 (NRAG/002)
%\item \emph{Automation for Interactive Proof} (2/2004--1/2007).
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%EPSRC grant GR/S57198/01 (NRAG/071)
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Lawrence Paulson was the Principal Investigator on all of these grants.
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The Munich side had support from German sponsors.
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