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This document describes a link between Isabelle/HOL and the \SPARK{}/Ada tool
5 |
suite for the verification of high-integrity software.
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Using this link, verification problems can be tackled that are beyond reach
7 |
of the proof tools currently available for \SPARK{}. A number of examples
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can be found in the directory \texttt{HOL/SPARK/Examples} in the Isabelle
9 |
distribution. An open-source version of the \SPARK{} tool suite is available
10 |
free of charge from \hbox{\href{http://libre.adacore.com}{libre.adacore.com}}.
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In the remainder of \secref{sec:intro},
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we give an introduction to \SPARK{} and the HOL-\SPARK{} link. The verification
14 |
of an example program is described in \secref{sec:example-verification}. In
15 |
\secref{sec:vc-principles}, we explain the principles underlying the generation
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of verification conditions for \SPARK{} programs. Finally, \secref{sec:spark-reference}
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describes the commands provided by the HOL-\SPARK{} link, as well as the encoding
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of \SPARK{} types in HOL.
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\SPARK{} \cite{Barnes} is a subset of the Ada language that has been designed to
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allow verification of high-integrity software. It is missing certain features of
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Ada that can make programs difficult to verify, such as \emph{access types},
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\emph{dynamic data structures}, and \emph{recursion}. \SPARK{} allows to prove
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absence of \emph{runtime exceptions}, as well as \emph{partial correctness}
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using pre- and postconditions. Loops can be annotated with \emph{invariants},
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and each procedure must have a \emph{dataflow annotation}, specifying the
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dependencies of the output parameters on the input parameters of the procedure.
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Since \SPARK{} annotations are just written as comments, \SPARK{} programs can be
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compiled by an ordinary Ada compiler such as GNAT. \SPARK{} comes with a number
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of tools, notably the \emph{Examiner} that, given a \SPARK{} program as an input,
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performs a \emph{dataflow analysis} and generates \emph{verification conditions}
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(VCs) that must be proved in order for the program to be exception-free and partially
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correct. The VCs generated by the Examiner are formulae expressed in
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a language called FDL, which is first-order logic extended with
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arithmetic operators, arrays, records, and enumeration types. For example,
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the FDL expression
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for_all(i: integer, ((i >= min) and (i <= max)) ->
41 |
(element(a, [i]) = 0))
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43 |
states that all elements of the array \texttt{a} with indices greater or equal to
44 |
\texttt{min} and smaller or equal to \texttt{max} are $0$.
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VCs are processed by another \SPARK{} tool called the
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\emph{Simplifier} that either completely solves VCs or transforms them
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into simpler, equivalent conditions. The latter VCs
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can then be processed using another tool called
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the \emph{Proof Checker}. While the Simplifier tries to prove VCs in a completely
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automatic way, the Proof Checker requires user interaction, which enables it to
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prove formulae that are beyond the scope of the Simplifier. The steps
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that are required to manually prove a VC are recorded in a log file by the Proof
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Checker. Finally, this log file, together with the output of the other \SPARK{} tools
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mentioned above, is read by a tool called POGS (\textbf{P}roof \textbf{O}bli\textbf{G}ation
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\textbf{S}ummariser) that produces a table mentioning for each VC the method by which
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it has been proved.
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In order to overcome the limitations of FDL and to express complex specifications,
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\SPARK{} allows the user to declare so-called
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\emph{proof functions}. The desired properties of such functions are described
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by postulating a set of rules that can be used by the Simplifier and Proof Checker
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\cite[\S 11.7]{Barnes}. An obvious drawback of this approach is that incorrect
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rules can easily introduce inconsistencies.
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The HOL-\SPARK{} verification environment, which is built on top of Isabelle's object
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logic HOL, is intended as an alternative
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to the \SPARK{} Proof Checker, and improves on it in a number of ways.
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HOL-\SPARK{} allows Isabelle to directly parse files generated
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by the Examiner and Simplifier, and provides a special proof command to conduct
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proofs of VCs, which can make use of the full power of Isabelle's rich
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collection of proof methods.
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Proofs can be conducted using Isabelle's graphical user interface, which makes
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it easy to navigate through larger proof scripts. Moreover, proof functions
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can be introduced in a \emph{definitional} way, for example by using Isabelle's
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package for recursive functions, rather than by just stating their properties as axioms,
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which avoids introducing inconsistencies.
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\tikzstyle{box}=[draw, drop shadow, fill=white, text width=3.5cm, text centered]
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\tikzstyle{rbox}=[draw, drop shadow, fill=white, rounded corners, minimum height=1cm]
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85 |
\node[box] (src) at (5,0) {Source files (\texttt{*.ads, *.adb})};
86 |
\node[rbox] (exa) at (5,-2) {Examiner};
87 |
\node[box] (fdl) at (0.5,-4) {FDL declarations \\ (\texttt{*.fdl})};
88 |
\node[box] (vcs) at (5,-4) {VCs \\ (\texttt{*.vcg})};
89 |
\node[box] (rls) at (9.5,-4) {Rules \\ (\texttt{*.rls})};
90 |
\node[rbox] (simp) at (5,-6) {Simplifier};
91 |
\node[box] (siv) at (5,-8) {Simplified VCs \\ (\texttt{*.siv})};
92 |
\node[rbox] (isa) at (5,-10) {HOL-\SPARK{}};
93 |
\node[box] (thy) at (9.5,-10) {Theory files \\ (\texttt{*.thy})};
94 |
\node[box] (prv) at (5,-12) {Proof review files \\ (\texttt{*.prv})};
95 |
\node[rbox] (pogs) at (5,-14) {POGS};
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\node[box] (sum) at (5,-16) {Summary file \\ (\texttt{*.sum})};
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\draw[-latex] (src) -- (exa);
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\draw[-latex] (exa) -- (fdl);
100 |
\draw[-latex] (exa) -- (vcs);
101 |
\draw[-latex] (exa) -- (rls);
102 |
\draw[-latex] (fdl) -- (simp);
103 |
\draw[-latex] (vcs) -- (simp);
104 |
\draw[-latex] (rls) -- (simp);
105 |
\draw[-latex] (simp) -- (siv);
106 |
\draw[-latex] (fdl) .. controls (0.5,-8) .. (isa);
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\draw[-latex] (siv) -- (isa);
108 |
\draw[-latex] (rls) .. controls (9.5,-8) .. (isa);
109 |
\draw[-latex] (thy) -- (isa);
110 |
\draw[-latex] (isa) -- (prv);
111 |
\draw[-latex] (vcs) .. controls (-1,-6) and (-1,-13) .. (pogs);
112 |
\draw[-latex] (siv) .. controls (1,-9) and (1,-12) .. (pogs);
113 |
\draw[-latex] (prv) -- (pogs);
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\draw[-latex] (pogs) -- (sum);
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\caption{\SPARK{} program verification tool chain}
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Figure \ref{fig:spark-toolchain} shows the integration of HOL-\SPARK{} into the
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tool chain for the verification of \SPARK{} programs. HOL-\SPARK{} processes declarations
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(\texttt{*.fdl}) and rules (\texttt{*.rls}) produced by the Examiner, as well as
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simplified VCs (\texttt{*.siv}) produced by the \SPARK{} Simplifier. Alternatively,
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the original unsimplified VCs (\texttt{*.vcg}) produced by the Examiner can be
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used as well. Processing of the \SPARK{} files is triggered by an Isabelle
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theory file (\texttt{*.thy}), which also contains the proofs for the VCs contained
127 |
in the \texttt{*.siv} or \texttt{*.vcg} files. Once that all verification conditions
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have been successfully proved, Isabelle generates a proof review file (\texttt{*.prv})
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notifying the POGS tool of the VCs that have been discharged.