1 |
signature FSPMLP =
2 |
3 |
type linprog
4 |
5 |
val y : linprog -> cterm
6 |
val A : linprog -> cterm * cterm
7 |
val b : linprog -> cterm
8 |
val c : linprog -> cterm * cterm
9 |
val r : linprog -> cterm
10 |
11 |
exception Load of string
12 |
13 |
val load : string -> int -> bool -> linprog
14 |
15 |
16 |
structure fspmlp : FSPMLP =
17 |
18 |
19 |
type linprog = cterm * (cterm * cterm) * cterm * (cterm * cterm) * cterm
20 |
21 |
fun y (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) = c1
22 |
fun A (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) = c2
23 |
fun b (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) = c3
24 |
fun c (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) = c4
25 |
fun r (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) = c5
26 |
27 |
structure CplexFloatSparseMatrixConverter =
28 |
MAKE_CPLEX_MATRIX_CONVERTER(structure cplex = Cplex and matrix_builder = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder);
29 |
30 |
datatype bound_type = LOWER | UPPER
31 |
32 |
fun intbound_ord ((i1, b1),(i2,b2)) =
33 |
if i1 < i2 then LESS
34 |
else if i1 = i2 then
35 |
(if b1 = b2 then EQUAL else if b1=LOWER then LESS else GREATER)
36 |
37 |
38 |
structure Inttab = TableFun(type key = int val ord = (rev_order o int_ord));
39 |
40 |
structure VarGraph = TableFun(type key = int*bound_type val ord = intbound_ord);
41 |
(* key -> (float option) * (int -> (float * (((float * float) * key) list)))) *)
42 |
(* dest_key -> (sure_bound * (row_index -> (row_bound * (((coeff_lower * coeff_upper) * src_key) list)))) *)
43 |
44 |
exception Internal of string;
45 |
46 |
fun add_row_bound g dest_key row_index row_bound =
47 |
48 |
val x =
49 |
case VarGraph.lookup (g, dest_key) of
50 |
None => (None, Inttab.update ((row_index, (row_bound, [])), Inttab.empty))
51 |
| Some (sure_bound, f) =>
52 |
53 |
case Inttab.lookup (f, row_index) of
54 |
None => Inttab.update ((row_index, (row_bound, [])), f)
55 |
| Some _ => raise (Internal "add_row_bound"))
56 |
57 |
VarGraph.update ((dest_key, x), g)
58 |
59 |
60 |
fun update_sure_bound g (key as (_, btype)) bound =
61 |
62 |
val x =
63 |
case VarGraph.lookup (g, key) of
64 |
None => (Some bound, Inttab.empty)
65 |
| Some (None, f) => (Some bound, f)
66 |
| Some (Some old_bound, f) =>
67 |
(Some ((case btype of
68 |
UPPER => FloatArith.min
69 |
| LOWER => FloatArith.max)
70 |
old_bound bound), f)
71 |
72 |
VarGraph.update ((key, x), g)
73 |
74 |
75 |
fun get_sure_bound g key =
76 |
case VarGraph.lookup (g, key) of
77 |
None => None
78 |
| Some (sure_bound, _) => sure_bound
79 |
80 |
(*fun get_row_bound g key row_index =
81 |
case VarGraph.lookup (g, key) of
82 |
None => None
83 |
| Some (sure_bound, f) =>
84 |
(case Inttab.lookup (f, row_index) of
85 |
None => None
86 |
| Some (row_bound, _) => (sure_bound, row_bound))*)
87 |
88 |
fun add_edge g src_key dest_key row_index coeff =
89 |
case VarGraph.lookup (g, dest_key) of
90 |
None => raise (Internal "add_edge: dest_key not found")
91 |
| Some (sure_bound, f) =>
92 |
(case Inttab.lookup (f, row_index) of
93 |
None => raise (Internal "add_edge: row_index not found")
94 |
| Some (row_bound, sources) =>
95 |
VarGraph.update ((dest_key, (sure_bound, Inttab.update ((row_index, (row_bound, (coeff, src_key) :: sources)), f))), g))
96 |
97 |
fun split_graph g =
98 |
99 |
fun split ((r1, r2), (key, (sure_bound, _))) =
100 |
case sure_bound of
101 |
None => (r1, r2)
102 |
| Some bound =>
103 |
(case key of
104 |
(u, UPPER) => (r1, Inttab.update ((u, bound), r2))
105 |
| (u, LOWER) => (Inttab.update ((u, bound), r1), r2))
106 |
107 |
VarGraph.foldl split ((Inttab.empty, Inttab.empty), g)
108 |
109 |
110 |
fun it2list t =
111 |
112 |
fun tolist (l, a) = a::l
113 |
114 |
Inttab.foldl tolist ([], t)
115 |
116 |
117 |
(* If safe is true, termination is guaranteed, but the sure bounds may be not optimal (relative to the algorithm).
118 |
If safe is false, termination is not guaranteed, but on termination the sure bounds are optimal (relative to the algorithm) *)
119 |
fun propagate_sure_bounds safe names g =
120 |
121 |
(* returns None if no new sure bound could be calculated, otherwise the new sure bound is returned *)
122 |
fun calc_sure_bound_from_sources g (key as (_, btype)) =
123 |
124 |
fun mult_upper x (lower, upper) =
125 |
if FloatArith.is_negative x then
126 |
FloatArith.mul x lower
127 |
128 |
FloatArith.mul x upper
129 |
130 |
fun mult_lower x (lower, upper) =
131 |
if FloatArith.is_negative x then
132 |
FloatArith.mul x upper
133 |
134 |
FloatArith.mul x lower
135 |
136 |
val mult_btype = case btype of UPPER => mult_upper | LOWER => mult_lower
137 |
138 |
fun calc_sure_bound (sure_bound, (row_index, (row_bound, sources))) =
139 |
140 |
fun add_src_bound (sum, (coeff, src_key)) =
141 |
case sum of
142 |
None => None
143 |
| Some x =>
144 |
(case get_sure_bound g src_key of
145 |
None => None
146 |
| Some src_sure_bound => Some (FloatArith.add x (mult_btype src_sure_bound coeff)))
147 |
148 |
case foldl add_src_bound (Some row_bound, sources) of
149 |
None => sure_bound
150 |
| new_sure_bound as (Some new_bound) =>
151 |
(case sure_bound of
152 |
None => new_sure_bound
153 |
| Some old_bound =>
154 |
Some (case btype of
155 |
UPPER => FloatArith.min old_bound new_bound
156 |
| LOWER => FloatArith.max old_bound new_bound))
157 |
158 |
159 |
case VarGraph.lookup (g, key) of
160 |
None => None
161 |
| Some (sure_bound, f) =>
162 |
163 |
val x = Inttab.foldl calc_sure_bound (sure_bound, f)
164 |
165 |
if x = sure_bound then None else x
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
fun propagate ((g, b), (key, _)) =
170 |
case calc_sure_bound_from_sources g key of
171 |
None => (g,b)
172 |
| Some bound => (update_sure_bound g key bound,
173 |
if safe then
174 |
case get_sure_bound g key of
175 |
None => true
176 |
| _ => b
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
val (g, b) = VarGraph.foldl propagate ((g, false), g)
181 |
182 |
if b then propagate_sure_bounds safe names g else g
183 |
184 |
185 |
exception Load of string;
186 |
187 |
fun calcr safe_propagation xlen names prec A b =
188 |
189 |
val empty = Inttab.empty
190 |
191 |
fun instab t i x = Inttab.update ((i,x), t)
192 |
193 |
fun isnegstr x = String.isPrefix "-" x
194 |
fun negstr x = if isnegstr x then String.extract (x, 1, NONE) else "-"^x
195 |
196 |
fun test_1 (lower, upper) =
197 |
if lower = upper then
198 |
(if FloatArith.is_equal lower (IntInf.fromInt ~1, FloatArith.izero) then ~1
199 |
else if FloatArith.is_equal lower (IntInf.fromInt 1, FloatArith.izero) then 1
200 |
else 0)
201 |
else 0
202 |
203 |
fun calcr (g, (row_index, a)) =
204 |
205 |
val b = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.v_elem_at b row_index
206 |
val (_, b2) = ExactFloatingPoint.approx_decstr_by_bin prec (case b of None => "0" | Some b => b)
207 |
val approx_a = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.v_fold (fn (l, (i,s)) =>
208 |
(i, ExactFloatingPoint.approx_decstr_by_bin prec s)::l) [] a
209 |
210 |
fun fold_dest_nodes (g, (dest_index, dest_value)) =
211 |
212 |
val dest_test = test_1 dest_value
213 |
214 |
if dest_test = 0 then
215 |
216 |
else let
217 |
val (dest_key as (_, dest_btype), row_bound) =
218 |
if dest_test = ~1 then
219 |
((dest_index, LOWER), FloatArith.neg b2)
220 |
221 |
((dest_index, UPPER), b2)
222 |
223 |
fun fold_src_nodes (g, (src_index, src_value as (src_lower, src_upper))) =
224 |
if src_index = dest_index then g
225 |
226 |
227 |
val coeff = case dest_btype of
228 |
UPPER => (FloatArith.neg src_upper, FloatArith.neg src_lower)
229 |
| LOWER => src_value
230 |
231 |
if FloatArith.is_negative src_lower then
232 |
add_edge g (src_index, UPPER) dest_key row_index coeff
233 |
234 |
add_edge g (src_index, LOWER) dest_key row_index coeff
235 |
236 |
237 |
foldl fold_src_nodes ((add_row_bound g dest_key row_index row_bound), approx_a)
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
case approx_a of
242 |
[] => g
243 |
| [(u, a)] =>
244 |
245 |
val atest = test_1 a
246 |
247 |
if atest = ~1 then
248 |
update_sure_bound g (u, LOWER) (FloatArith.neg b2)
249 |
else if atest = 1 then
250 |
update_sure_bound g (u, UPPER) b2
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
| _ => foldl fold_dest_nodes (g, approx_a)
255 |
256 |
257 |
val g = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.m_fold calcr VarGraph.empty A
258 |
val g = propagate_sure_bounds safe_propagation names g
259 |
260 |
val (r1, r2) = split_graph g
261 |
262 |
fun abs_estimate i r1 r2 =
263 |
if i = 0 then FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.empty_spmat
264 |
265 |
266 |
val index = xlen-i
267 |
val r = abs_estimate (i-1) r1 r2
268 |
val b1 = case Inttab.lookup (r1, index) of None => raise (Load ("x-value not bounded from below: "^(names index))) | Some x => x
269 |
val b2 = case Inttab.lookup (r2, index) of None => raise (Load ("x-value not bounded from above: "^(names index))) | Some x => x
270 |
val abs_max = FloatArith.max (FloatArith.neg (FloatArith.negative_part b1)) (FloatArith.positive_part b2)
271 |
val vec = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.cons_spvec (FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.mk_spvec_entry 0 abs_max) FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.empty_spvec
272 |
273 |
FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.cons_spmat (FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.mk_spmat_entry index vec) r
274 |
275 |
276 |
FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.sign_term (abs_estimate xlen r1 r2)
277 |
278 |
279 |
fun load filename prec safe_propagation =
280 |
281 |
val prog = Cplex.load_cplexFile filename
282 |
val prog = Cplex.elim_nonfree_bounds prog
283 |
val prog = Cplex.relax_strict_ineqs prog
284 |
val (maximize, c, A, b, (xlen, names, _)) = CplexFloatSparseMatrixConverter.convert_prog prog
285 |
val r = calcr safe_propagation xlen names prec A b
286 |
val _ = if maximize then () else raise Load "sorry, cannot handle minimization problems"
287 |
val (dualprog, indexof) = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.dual_cplexProg c A b
288 |
val results = Cplex.solve dualprog
289 |
val (optimal,v) = CplexFloatSparseMatrixConverter.convert_results results indexof
290 |
val A = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.cut_matrix v None A
291 |
fun id x = x
292 |
val v = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.set_vector FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.empty_matrix 0 v
293 |
val b = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.transpose_matrix (FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.set_vector FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.empty_matrix 0 b)
294 |
val c = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.set_vector FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.empty_matrix 0 c
295 |
val (y1, _) = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.approx_matrix prec FloatArith.positive_part v
296 |
val A = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.approx_matrix prec id A
297 |
val (_,b2) = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.approx_matrix prec id b
298 |
val c = FloatSparseMatrixBuilder.approx_matrix prec id c
299 |
300 |
(y1, A, b2, c, r)
301 |
end handle CplexFloatSparseMatrixConverter.Converter s => (raise (Load ("Converter: "^s)))
302 |
303 |
end |