1 |
%% $Id$
2 |
3 |
The following sections discuss Isabelle's logical foundations in detail:
4 |
representing logical syntax in the typed $\lambda$-calculus; expressing
5 |
inference rules in Isabelle's meta-logic; combining rules by resolution.
6 |
7 |
If you wish to use Isabelle immediately, please turn to
8 |
page~\pageref{chap:getting}. You can always read about foundations later,
9 |
either by returning to this point or by looking up particular items in the
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
\neg P & \hbox{abbreviates} & P\imp\bot \\
15 |
P\bimp Q & \hbox{abbreviates} & (P\imp Q) \conj (Q\imp P)
16 |
17 |
\vskip 4ex
18 |
19 |
20 |
\infer[({\conj}I)]{P\conj Q}{P & Q} &
21 |
\infer[({\conj}E1)]{P}{P\conj Q} \qquad
22 |
\infer[({\conj}E2)]{Q}{P\conj Q} \\[4ex]
23 |
24 |
\infer[({\disj}I1)]{P\disj Q}{P} \qquad
25 |
\infer[({\disj}I2)]{P\disj Q}{Q} &
26 |
\infer[({\disj}E)]{R}{P\disj Q & \infer*{R}{[P]} & \infer*{R}{[Q]}}\\[4ex]
27 |
28 |
\infer[({\imp}I)]{P\imp Q}{\infer*{Q}{[P]}} &
29 |
\infer[({\imp}E)]{Q}{P\imp Q & P} \\[4ex]
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
\infer[({\forall}I)*]{\forall x.P}{P} &
35 |
\infer[({\forall}E)]{P[t/x]}{\forall x.P} \\[3ex]
36 |
37 |
\infer[({\exists}I)]{\exists x.P}{P[t/x]} &
38 |
\infer[({\exists}E)*]{Q}{{\exists x.P} & \infer*{Q}{[P]} } \\[3ex]
39 |
40 |
{t=t} \,(refl) & \vcenter{\infer[(subst)]{P[u/x]}{t=u & P[t/x]}}
41 |
\end{array} \)
42 |
43 |
44 |
*{\em Eigenvariable conditions\/}:
45 |
46 |
$\forall I$: provided $x$ is not free in the assumptions
47 |
48 |
$\exists E$: provided $x$ is not free in $Q$ or any assumption except $P$
49 |
\caption{Intuitionistic first-order logic} \label{fol-fig}
50 |
51 |
52 |
\section{Formalizing logical syntax in Isabelle}\label{sec:logical-syntax}
53 |
\index{first-order logic}
54 |
55 |
Figure~\ref{fol-fig} presents intuitionistic first-order logic,
56 |
including equality. Let us see how to formalize
57 |
this logic in Isabelle, illustrating the main features of Isabelle's
58 |
polymorphic meta-logic.
59 |
60 |
\index{lambda calc@$\lambda$-calculus}
61 |
Isabelle represents syntax using the simply typed $\lambda$-calculus. We
62 |
declare a type for each syntactic category of the logic. We declare a
63 |
constant for each symbol of the logic, giving each $n$-place operation an
64 |
$n$-argument curried function type. Most importantly,
65 |
$\lambda$-abstraction represents variable binding in quantifiers.
66 |
67 |
\index{types!syntax of}\index{types!function}\index{*fun type}
68 |
\index{type constructors}
69 |
Isabelle has \ML-style polymorphic types such as~$(\alpha)list$, where
70 |
$list$ is a type constructor and $\alpha$ is a type variable; for example,
71 |
$(bool)list$ is the type of lists of booleans. Function types have the
72 |
form $(\sigma,\tau)fun$ or $\sigma\To\tau$, where $\sigma$ and $\tau$ are
73 |
types. Curried function types may be abbreviated:
74 |
\[ \sigma@1\To (\cdots \sigma@n\To \tau\cdots) \quad \hbox{as} \quad
75 |
[\sigma@1, \ldots, \sigma@n] \To \tau \]
76 |
77 |
\index{terms!syntax of}
78 |
The syntax for terms is summarised below. Note that function application is
79 |
written $t(u)$ rather than the usual $t\,u$.
80 |
81 |
\index{lambda abs@$\lambda$-abstractions}\index{function applications}
82 |
83 |
t :: \tau & \hbox{type constraint, on a term or bound variable} \\
84 |
\lambda x.t & \hbox{abstraction} \\
85 |
\lambda x@1\ldots x@n.t
86 |
& \hbox{curried abstraction, $\lambda x@1. \ldots \lambda x@n.t$} \\
87 |
t(u) & \hbox{application} \\
88 |
t (u@1, \ldots, u@n) & \hbox{curried application, $t(u@1)\ldots(u@n)$}
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
\subsection{Simple types and constants}\index{types!simple|bold}
94 |
95 |
The syntactic categories of our logic (Fig.\ts\ref{fol-fig}) are {\bf
96 |
formulae} and {\bf terms}. Formulae denote truth values, so (following
97 |
tradition) let us call their type~$o$. To allow~0 and~$Suc(t)$ as terms,
98 |
let us declare a type~$nat$ of natural numbers. Later, we shall see
99 |
how to admit terms of other types.
100 |
101 |
\index{constants}\index{*nat type}\index{*o type}
102 |
After declaring the types~$o$ and~$nat$, we may declare constants for the
103 |
symbols of our logic. Since $\bot$ denotes a truth value (falsity) and 0
104 |
denotes a number, we put \begin{eqnarray*}
105 |
\bot & :: & o \\
106 |
0 & :: & nat.
107 |
108 |
If a symbol requires operands, the corresponding constant must have a
109 |
function type. In our logic, the successor function
110 |
($Suc$) is from natural numbers to natural numbers, negation ($\neg$) is a
111 |
function from truth values to truth values, and the binary connectives are
112 |
curried functions taking two truth values as arguments:
113 |
114 |
Suc & :: & nat\To nat \\
115 |
{\neg} & :: & o\To o \\
116 |
\conj,\disj,\imp,\bimp & :: & [o,o]\To o
117 |
118 |
The binary connectives can be declared as infixes, with appropriate
119 |
precedences, so that we write $P\conj Q\disj R$ instead of
120 |
$\disj(\conj(P,Q), R)$.
121 |
122 |
Section~\ref{sec:defining-theories} below describes the syntax of Isabelle
123 |
theory files and illustrates it by extending our logic with mathematical
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
\subsection{Polymorphic types and constants} \label{polymorphic}
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
Which type should we assign to the equality symbol? If we tried
133 |
$[nat,nat]\To o$, then equality would be restricted to the natural
134 |
numbers; we should have to declare different equality symbols for each
135 |
type. Isabelle's type system is polymorphic, so we could declare
136 |
137 |
{=} & :: & [\alpha,\alpha]\To o,
138 |
139 |
where the type variable~$\alpha$ ranges over all types.
140 |
But this is also wrong. The declaration is too polymorphic; $\alpha$
141 |
includes types like~$o$ and $nat\To nat$. Thus, it admits
142 |
$\bot=\neg(\bot)$ and $Suc=Suc$ as formulae, which is acceptable in
143 |
higher-order logic but not in first-order logic.
144 |
145 |
Isabelle's {\bf type classes}\index{classes} control
146 |
polymorphism~\cite{nipkow-prehofer}. Each type variable belongs to a
147 |
class, which denotes a set of types. Classes are partially ordered by the
148 |
subclass relation, which is essentially the subset relation on the sets of
149 |
types. They closely resemble the classes of the functional language
150 |
151 |
152 |
\index{*logic class}\index{*term class}
153 |
Isabelle provides the built-in class $logic$, which consists of the logical
154 |
types: the ones we want to reason about. Let us declare a class $term$, to
155 |
consist of all legal types of terms in our logic. The subclass structure
156 |
is now $term\le logic$.
157 |
158 |
\index{*nat type}
159 |
We put $nat$ in class $term$ by declaring $nat{::}term$. We declare the
160 |
equality constant by
161 |
162 |
{=} & :: & [\alpha{::}term,\alpha]\To o
163 |
164 |
where $\alpha{::}term$ constrains the type variable~$\alpha$ to class
165 |
$term$. Such type variables resemble Standard~\ML's equality type
166 |
167 |
168 |
We give~$o$ and function types the class $logic$ rather than~$term$, since
169 |
they are not legal types for terms. We may introduce new types of class
170 |
$term$ --- for instance, type $string$ or $real$ --- at any time. We can
171 |
even declare type constructors such as~$list$, and state that type
172 |
$(\tau)list$ belongs to class~$term$ provided $\tau$ does; equality
173 |
applies to lists of natural numbers but not to lists of formulae. We may
174 |
summarize this paragraph by a set of {\bf arity declarations} for type
175 |
176 |
\begin{eqnarray*}\index{*o type}\index{*fun type}
177 |
o & :: & logic \\
178 |
fun & :: & (logic,logic)logic \\
179 |
nat, string, real & :: & term \\
180 |
list & :: & (term)term
181 |
182 |
(Recall that $fun$ is the type constructor for function types.)
183 |
In \rmindex{higher-order logic}, equality does apply to truth values and
184 |
functions; this requires the arity declarations ${o::term}$
185 |
and ${fun::(term,term)term}$. The class system can also handle
186 |
overloading.\index{overloading|bold} We could declare $arith$ to be the
187 |
subclass of $term$ consisting of the `arithmetic' types, such as~$nat$.
188 |
Then we could declare the operators
189 |
190 |
{+},{-},{\times},{/} & :: & [\alpha{::}arith,\alpha]\To \alpha
191 |
192 |
If we declare new types $real$ and $complex$ of class $arith$, then we
193 |
in effect have three sets of operators:
194 |
195 |
{+},{-},{\times},{/} & :: & [nat,nat]\To nat \\
196 |
{+},{-},{\times},{/} & :: & [real,real]\To real \\
197 |
{+},{-},{\times},{/} & :: & [complex,complex]\To complex
198 |
199 |
Isabelle will regard these as distinct constants, each of which can be defined
200 |
separately. We could even introduce the type $(\alpha)vector$ and declare
201 |
its arity as $(arith)arith$. Then we could declare the constant
202 |
203 |
{+} & :: & [(\alpha)vector,(\alpha)vector]\To (\alpha)vector
204 |
205 |
and specify it in terms of ${+} :: [\alpha,\alpha]\To \alpha$.
206 |
207 |
A type variable may belong to any finite number of classes. Suppose that
208 |
we had declared yet another class $ord \le term$, the class of all
209 |
`ordered' types, and a constant
210 |
211 |
{\le} & :: & [\alpha{::}ord,\alpha]\To o.
212 |
213 |
In this context the variable $x$ in $x \le (x+x)$ will be assigned type
214 |
$\alpha{::}\{arith,ord\}$, which means $\alpha$ belongs to both $arith$ and
215 |
$ord$. Semantically the set $\{arith,ord\}$ should be understood as the
216 |
intersection of the sets of types represented by $arith$ and $ord$. Such
217 |
intersections of classes are called \bfindex{sorts}. The empty
218 |
intersection of classes, $\{\}$, contains all types and is thus the {\bf
219 |
universal sort}.
220 |
221 |
Even with overloading, each term has a unique, most general type. For this
222 |
to be possible, the class and type declarations must satisfy certain
223 |
technical constraints; see
224 |
225 |
{Sect.\ Defining Theories in the {\em Reference Manual}}%
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
\subsection{Higher types and quantifiers}
230 |
231 |
Quantifiers are regarded as operations upon functions. Ignoring polymorphism
232 |
for the moment, consider the formula $\forall x. P(x)$, where $x$ ranges
233 |
over type~$nat$. This is true if $P(x)$ is true for all~$x$. Abstracting
234 |
$P(x)$ into a function, this is the same as saying that $\lambda x.P(x)$
235 |
returns true for all arguments. Thus, the universal quantifier can be
236 |
represented by a constant
237 |
238 |
\forall & :: & (nat\To o) \To o,
239 |
240 |
which is essentially an infinitary truth table. The representation of $\forall
241 |
x. P(x)$ is $\forall(\lambda x. P(x))$.
242 |
243 |
The existential quantifier is treated
244 |
in the same way. Other binding operators are also easily handled; for
245 |
instance, the summation operator $\Sigma@{k=i}^j f(k)$ can be represented as
246 |
$\Sigma(i,j,\lambda k.f(k))$, where
247 |
248 |
\Sigma & :: & [nat,nat, nat\To nat] \To nat.
249 |
250 |
Quantifiers may be polymorphic. We may define $\forall$ and~$\exists$ over
251 |
all legal types of terms, not just the natural numbers, and
252 |
allow summations over all arithmetic types:
253 |
254 |
\forall,\exists & :: & (\alpha{::}term\To o) \To o \\
255 |
\Sigma & :: & [nat,nat, nat\To \alpha{::}arith] \To \alpha
256 |
257 |
Observe that the index variables still have type $nat$, while the values
258 |
being summed may belong to any arithmetic type.
259 |
260 |
261 |
\section{Formalizing logical rules in Isabelle}
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
Object-logics are formalized by extending Isabelle's
267 |
meta-logic~\cite{paulson89}, which is intuitionistic higher-order logic.
268 |
The meta-level connectives are {\bf implication}, the {\bf universal
269 |
quantifier}, and {\bf equality}.
270 |
271 |
\item The implication \(\phi\Imp \psi\) means `\(\phi\) implies
272 |
\(\psi\)', and expresses logical {\bf entailment}.
273 |
274 |
\item The quantification \(\Forall x.\phi\) means `\(\phi\) is true for
275 |
all $x$', and expresses {\bf generality} in rules and axiom schemes.
276 |
277 |
\item The equality \(a\equiv b\) means `$a$ equals $b$', for expressing
278 |
{\bf definitions} (see~\S\ref{definitions}).\index{definitions}
279 |
Equalities left over from the unification process, so called {\bf
280 |
flex-flex constraints},\index{flex-flex constraints} are written $a\qeq
281 |
b$. The two equality symbols have the same logical meaning.
282 |
283 |
284 |
The syntax of the meta-logic is formalized in the same manner
285 |
as object-logics, using the simply typed $\lambda$-calculus. Analogous to
286 |
type~$o$ above, there is a built-in type $prop$ of meta-level truth values.
287 |
Meta-level formulae will have this type. Type $prop$ belongs to
288 |
class~$logic$; also, $\sigma\To\tau$ belongs to $logic$ provided $\sigma$
289 |
and $\tau$ do. Here are the types of the built-in connectives:
290 |
\begin{eqnarray*}\index{*prop type}\index{*logic class}
291 |
\Imp & :: & [prop,prop]\To prop \\
292 |
\Forall & :: & (\alpha{::}logic\To prop) \To prop \\
293 |
{\equiv} & :: & [\alpha{::}\{\},\alpha]\To prop \\
294 |
\qeq & :: & [\alpha{::}\{\},\alpha]\To prop
295 |
296 |
The polymorphism in $\Forall$ is restricted to class~$logic$ to exclude
297 |
certain types, those used just for parsing. The type variable
298 |
$\alpha{::}\{\}$ ranges over the universal sort.
299 |
300 |
In our formalization of first-order logic, we declared a type~$o$ of
301 |
object-level truth values, rather than using~$prop$ for this purpose. If
302 |
we declared the object-level connectives to have types such as
303 |
${\neg}::prop\To prop$, then these connectives would be applicable to
304 |
meta-level formulae. Keeping $prop$ and $o$ as separate types maintains
305 |
the distinction between the meta-level and the object-level. To formalize
306 |
the inference rules, we shall need to relate the two levels; accordingly,
307 |
we declare the constant
308 |
\index{*Trueprop constant}
309 |
310 |
Trueprop & :: & o\To prop.
311 |
312 |
We may regard $Trueprop$ as a meta-level predicate, reading $Trueprop(P)$ as
313 |
`$P$ is true at the object-level.' Put another way, $Trueprop$ is a coercion
314 |
from $o$ to $prop$.
315 |
316 |
317 |
\subsection{Expressing propositional rules}
318 |
319 |
We shall illustrate the use of the meta-logic by formalizing the rules of
320 |
Fig.\ts\ref{fol-fig}. Each object-level rule is expressed as a meta-level
321 |
322 |
323 |
One of the simplest rules is $(\conj E1)$. Making
324 |
everything explicit, its formalization in the meta-logic is
325 |
$$ \Forall P\;Q. Trueprop(P\conj Q) \Imp Trueprop(P). \eqno(\conj E1) $$
326 |
This may look formidable, but it has an obvious reading: for all object-level
327 |
truth values $P$ and~$Q$, if $P\conj Q$ is true then so is~$P$. The
328 |
reading is correct because the meta-logic has simple models, where
329 |
types denote sets and $\Forall$ really means `for all.'
330 |
331 |
\index{*Trueprop constant}
332 |
Isabelle adopts notational conventions to ease the writing of rules. We may
333 |
hide the occurrences of $Trueprop$ by making it an implicit coercion.
334 |
Outer universal quantifiers may be dropped. Finally, the nested implication
335 |
336 |
\[ \phi@1\Imp(\cdots \phi@n\Imp\psi\cdots) \]
337 |
may be abbreviated as $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \psi$, which
338 |
formalizes a rule of $n$~premises.
339 |
340 |
Using these conventions, the conjunction rules become the following axioms.
341 |
These fully specify the properties of~$\conj$:
342 |
$$ \List{P; Q} \Imp P\conj Q \eqno(\conj I) $$
343 |
$$ P\conj Q \Imp P \qquad P\conj Q \Imp Q \eqno(\conj E1,2) $$
344 |
345 |
346 |
Next, consider the disjunction rules. The discharge of assumption in
347 |
$(\disj E)$ is expressed using $\Imp$:
348 |
\index{assumptions!discharge of}%
349 |
$$ P \Imp P\disj Q \qquad Q \Imp P\disj Q \eqno(\disj I1,2) $$
350 |
$$ \List{P\disj Q; P\Imp R; Q\Imp R} \Imp R \eqno(\disj E) $$
351 |
352 |
To understand this treatment of assumptions in natural
353 |
deduction, look at implication. The rule $({\imp}I)$ is the classic
354 |
example of natural deduction: to prove that $P\imp Q$ is true, assume $P$
355 |
is true and show that $Q$ must then be true. More concisely, if $P$
356 |
implies $Q$ (at the meta-level), then $P\imp Q$ is true (at the
357 |
object-level). Showing the coercion explicitly, this is formalized as
358 |
\[ (Trueprop(P)\Imp Trueprop(Q)) \Imp Trueprop(P\imp Q). \]
359 |
The rule $({\imp}E)$ is straightforward; hiding $Trueprop$, the axioms to
360 |
specify $\imp$ are
361 |
$$ (P \Imp Q) \Imp P\imp Q \eqno({\imp}I) $$
362 |
$$ \List{P\imp Q; P} \Imp Q. \eqno({\imp}E) $$
363 |
364 |
365 |
Finally, the intuitionistic contradiction rule is formalized as the axiom
366 |
$$ \bot \Imp P. \eqno(\bot E) $$
367 |
368 |
369 |
Earlier versions of Isabelle, and certain
370 |
papers~\cite{paulson89,paulson700}, use $\List{P}$ to mean $Trueprop(P)$.
371 |
372 |
373 |
\subsection{Quantifier rules and substitution}
374 |
375 |
\index{variables!bound}\index{lambda abs@$\lambda$-abstractions}
376 |
\index{function applications}
377 |
378 |
Isabelle expresses variable binding using $\lambda$-abstraction; for instance,
379 |
$\forall x.P$ is formalized as $\forall(\lambda x.P)$. Recall that $F(t)$
380 |
is Isabelle's syntax for application of the function~$F$ to the argument~$t$;
381 |
it is not a meta-notation for substitution. On the other hand, a substitution
382 |
will take place if $F$ has the form $\lambda x.P$; Isabelle transforms
383 |
$(\lambda x.P)(t)$ to~$P[t/x]$ by $\beta$-conversion. Thus, we can express
384 |
inference rules that involve substitution for bound variables.
385 |
386 |
387 |
A logic may attach provisos to certain of its rules, especially quantifier
388 |
rules. We cannot hope to formalize arbitrary provisos. Fortunately, those
389 |
typical of quantifier rules always have the same form, namely `$x$ not free in
390 |
\ldots {\it (some set of formulae)},' where $x$ is a variable (called a {\bf
391 |
parameter} or {\bf eigenvariable}) in some premise. Isabelle treats
392 |
provisos using~$\Forall$, its inbuilt notion of `for all'.
393 |
394 |
395 |
The purpose of the proviso `$x$ not free in \ldots' is
396 |
to ensure that the premise may not make assumptions about the value of~$x$,
397 |
and therefore holds for all~$x$. We formalize $(\forall I)$ by
398 |
\[ \left(\Forall x. Trueprop(P(x))\right) \Imp Trueprop(\forall x.P(x)). \]
399 |
This means, `if $P(x)$ is true for all~$x$, then $\forall x.P(x)$ is true.'
400 |
The $\forall E$ rule exploits $\beta$-conversion. Hiding $Trueprop$, the
401 |
$\forall$ axioms are
402 |
$$ \left(\Forall x. P(x)\right) \Imp \forall x.P(x) \eqno(\forall I) $$
403 |
$$ (\forall x.P(x)) \Imp P(t). \eqno(\forall E)$$
404 |
405 |
406 |
We have defined the object-level universal quantifier~($\forall$)
407 |
using~$\Forall$. But we do not require meta-level counterparts of all the
408 |
connectives of the object-logic! Consider the existential quantifier:
409 |
$$ P(t) \Imp \exists x.P(x) \eqno(\exists I)$$
410 |
$$ \List{\exists x.P(x);\; \Forall x. P(x)\Imp Q} \Imp Q \eqno(\exists E) $$
411 |
Let us verify $(\exists E)$ semantically. Suppose that the premises
412 |
hold; since $\exists x.P(x)$ is true, we may choose an~$a$ such that $P(a)$ is
413 |
true. Instantiating $\Forall x. P(x)\Imp Q$ with $a$ yields $P(a)\Imp Q$, and
414 |
we obtain the desired conclusion, $Q$.
415 |
416 |
The treatment of substitution deserves mention. The rule
417 |
\[ \infer{P[u/t]}{t=u & P} \]
418 |
would be hard to formalize in Isabelle. It calls for replacing~$t$ by $u$
419 |
throughout~$P$, which cannot be expressed using $\beta$-conversion. Our
420 |
rule~$(subst)$ uses~$P$ as a template for substitution, inferring $P[u/x]$
421 |
from~$P[t/x]$. When we formalize this as an axiom, the template becomes a
422 |
function variable:
423 |
$$ \List{t=u; P(t)} \Imp P(u). \eqno(subst)$$
424 |
425 |
426 |
\subsection{Signatures and theories}
427 |
428 |
429 |
A {\bf signature} contains the information necessary for type checking,
430 |
parsing and pretty printing a term. It specifies classes and their
431 |
relationships, types and their arities, constants and their types, etc. It
432 |
also contains syntax rules, specified using mixfix declarations.
433 |
434 |
Two signatures can be merged provided their specifications are compatible ---
435 |
they must not, for example, assign different types to the same constant.
436 |
Under similar conditions, a signature can be extended. Signatures are
437 |
managed internally by Isabelle; users seldom encounter them.
438 |
439 |
440 |
A {\bf theory} consists of a signature plus a collection of axioms. The
441 |
{\bf pure} theory contains only the meta-logic. Theories can be combined
442 |
provided their signatures are compatible. A theory definition extends an
443 |
existing theory with further signature specifications --- classes, types,
444 |
constants and mixfix declarations --- plus a list of axioms, expressed as
445 |
strings to be parsed. A theory can formalize a small piece of mathematics,
446 |
such as lists and their operations, or an entire logic. A mathematical
447 |
development typically involves many theories in a hierarchy. For example,
448 |
the pure theory could be extended to form a theory for
449 |
Fig.\ts\ref{fol-fig}; this could be extended in two separate ways to form a
450 |
theory for natural numbers and a theory for lists; the union of these two
451 |
could be extended into a theory defining the length of a list:
452 |
453 |
454 |
455 |
{} & {} & \hbox{Length} & {} & {} \\
456 |
{} & {} & \uparrow & {} & {} \\
457 |
{} & {} &\hbox{Nat}+\hbox{List}& {} & {} \\
458 |
{} & \nearrow & {} & \nwarrow & {} \\
459 |
\hbox{Nat} & {} & {} & {} & \hbox{List} \\
460 |
{} & \nwarrow & {} & \nearrow & {} \\
461 |
{} & {} &\hbox{FOL} & {} & {} \\
462 |
{} & {} & \uparrow & {} & {} \\
463 |
{} & {} &\hbox{Pure}& {} & {}
464 |
465 |
466 |
467 |
Each Isabelle proof typically works within a single theory, which is
468 |
associated with the proof state. However, many different theories may
469 |
coexist at the same time, and you may work in each of these during a single
470 |
471 |
472 |
\begin{warn}\index{constants!clashes with variables}%
473 |
Confusing problems arise if you work in the wrong theory. Each theory
474 |
defines its own syntax. An identifier may be regarded in one theory as a
475 |
constant and in another as a variable.
476 |
477 |
478 |
\section{Proof construction in Isabelle}
479 |
I have elsewhere described the meta-logic and demonstrated it by
480 |
formalizing first-order logic~\cite{paulson89}. There is a one-to-one
481 |
correspondence between meta-level proofs and object-level proofs. To each
482 |
use of a meta-level axiom, such as $(\forall I)$, there is a use of the
483 |
corresponding object-level rule. Object-level assumptions and parameters
484 |
have meta-level counterparts. The meta-level formalization is {\bf
485 |
faithful}, admitting no incorrect object-level inferences, and {\bf
486 |
adequate}, admitting all correct object-level inferences. These
487 |
properties must be demonstrated separately for each object-logic.
488 |
489 |
The meta-logic is defined by a collection of inference rules, including
490 |
equational rules for the $\lambda$-calculus and logical rules. The rules
491 |
for~$\Imp$ and~$\Forall$ resemble those for~$\imp$ and~$\forall$ in
492 |
Fig.\ts\ref{fol-fig}. Proofs performed using the primitive meta-rules
493 |
would be lengthy; Isabelle proofs normally use certain derived rules.
494 |
{\bf Resolution}, in particular, is convenient for backward proof.
495 |
496 |
Unification is central to theorem proving. It supports quantifier
497 |
reasoning by allowing certain `unknown' terms to be instantiated later,
498 |
possibly in stages. When proving that the time required to sort $n$
499 |
integers is proportional to~$n^2$, we need not state the constant of
500 |
proportionality; when proving that a hardware adder will deliver the sum of
501 |
its inputs, we need not state how many clock ticks will be required. Such
502 |
quantities often emerge from the proof.
503 |
504 |
Isabelle provides {\bf schematic variables}, or {\bf
505 |
unknowns},\index{unknowns} for unification. Logically, unknowns are free
506 |
variables. But while ordinary variables remain fixed, unification may
507 |
instantiate unknowns. Unknowns are written with a ?\ prefix and are
508 |
frequently subscripted: $\Var{a}$, $\Var{a@1}$, $\Var{a@2}$, \ldots,
509 |
$\Var{P}$, $\Var{P@1}$, \ldots.
510 |
511 |
Recall that an inference rule of the form
512 |
\[ \infer{\phi}{\phi@1 & \ldots & \phi@n} \]
513 |
is formalized in Isabelle's meta-logic as the axiom
514 |
$\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$.\index{resolution}
515 |
Such axioms resemble Prolog's Horn clauses, and can be combined by
516 |
resolution --- Isabelle's principal proof method. Resolution yields both
517 |
forward and backward proof. Backward proof works by unifying a goal with
518 |
the conclusion of a rule, whose premises become new subgoals. Forward proof
519 |
works by unifying theorems with the premises of a rule, deriving a new theorem.
520 |
521 |
Isabelle formulae require an extended notion of resolution.
522 |
They differ from Horn clauses in two major respects:
523 |
524 |
\item They are written in the typed $\lambda$-calculus, and therefore must be
525 |
resolved using higher-order unification.
526 |
527 |
\item The constituents of a clause need not be atomic formulae. Any
528 |
formula of the form $Trueprop(\cdots)$ is atomic, but axioms such as
529 |
${\imp}I$ and $\forall I$ contain non-atomic formulae.
530 |
531 |
Isabelle has little in common with classical resolution theorem provers
532 |
such as Otter~\cite{wos-bledsoe}. At the meta-level, Isabelle proves
533 |
theorems in their positive form, not by refutation. However, an
534 |
object-logic that includes a contradiction rule may employ a refutation
535 |
proof procedure.
536 |
537 |
538 |
\subsection{Higher-order unification}
539 |
540 |
Unification is equation solving. The solution of $f(\Var{x},c) \qeq
541 |
f(d,\Var{y})$ is $\Var{x}\equiv d$ and $\Var{y}\equiv c$. {\bf
542 |
Higher-order unification} is equation solving for typed $\lambda$-terms.
543 |
To handle $\beta$-conversion, it must reduce $(\lambda x.t)u$ to $t[u/x]$.
544 |
That is easy --- in the typed $\lambda$-calculus, all reduction sequences
545 |
terminate at a normal form. But it must guess the unknown
546 |
function~$\Var{f}$ in order to solve the equation
547 |
\begin{equation} \label{hou-eqn}
548 |
\Var{f}(t) \qeq g(u@1,\ldots,u@k).
549 |
550 |
Huet's~\cite{huet75} search procedure solves equations by imitation and
551 |
projection. {\bf Imitation} makes~$\Var{f}$ apply the leading symbol (if a
552 |
constant) of the right-hand side. To solve equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}), it
553 |
554 |
\[ \Var{f} \equiv \lambda x. g(\Var{h@1}(x),\ldots,\Var{h@k}(x)), \]
555 |
where $\Var{h@1}$, \ldots, $\Var{h@k}$ are new unknowns. Assuming there are no
556 |
other occurrences of~$\Var{f}$, equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}) simplifies to the
557 |
set of equations
558 |
\[ \Var{h@1}(t)\qeq u@1 \quad\ldots\quad \Var{h@k}(t)\qeq u@k. \]
559 |
If the procedure solves these equations, instantiating $\Var{h@1}$, \ldots,
560 |
$\Var{h@k}$, then it yields an instantiation for~$\Var{f}$.
561 |
562 |
{\bf Projection} makes $\Var{f}$ apply one of its arguments. To solve
563 |
equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}), if $t$ expects~$m$ arguments and delivers a
564 |
result of suitable type, it guesses
565 |
\[ \Var{f} \equiv \lambda x. x(\Var{h@1}(x),\ldots,\Var{h@m}(x)), \]
566 |
where $\Var{h@1}$, \ldots, $\Var{h@m}$ are new unknowns. Assuming there are no
567 |
other occurrences of~$\Var{f}$, equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}) simplifies to the
568 |
569 |
\[ t(\Var{h@1}(t),\ldots,\Var{h@m}(t)) \qeq g(u@1,\ldots,u@k). $$
570 |
571 |
\begin{warn}\index{unification!incompleteness of}%
572 |
Huet's unification procedure is complete. Isabelle's polymorphic version,
573 |
which solves for type unknowns as well as for term unknowns, is incomplete.
574 |
The problem is that projection requires type information. In
575 |
equation~(\ref{hou-eqn}), if the type of~$t$ is unknown, then projections
576 |
are possible for all~$m\geq0$, and the types of the $\Var{h@i}$ will be
577 |
similarly unconstrained. Therefore, Isabelle never attempts such
578 |
projections, and may fail to find unifiers where a type unknown turns out
579 |
to be a function type.
580 |
581 |
582 |
583 |
Given $\Var{f}(t@1,\ldots,t@n)\qeq u$, Huet's procedure could make up to
584 |
$n+1$ guesses. The search tree and set of unifiers may be infinite. But
585 |
higher-order unification can work effectively, provided you are careful
586 |
with {\bf function unknowns}:
587 |
588 |
\item Equations with no function unknowns are solved using first-order
589 |
unification, extended to treat bound variables. For example, $\lambda x.x
590 |
\qeq \lambda x.\Var{y}$ has no solution because $\Var{y}\equiv x$ would
591 |
capture the free variable~$x$.
592 |
593 |
\item An occurrence of the term $\Var{f}(x,y,z)$, where the arguments are
594 |
distinct bound variables, causes no difficulties. Its projections can only
595 |
match the corresponding variables.
596 |
597 |
\item Even an equation such as $\Var{f}(a)\qeq a+a$ is all right. It has
598 |
four solutions, but Isabelle evaluates them lazily, trying projection before
599 |
imitation. The first solution is usually the one desired:
600 |
\[ \Var{f}\equiv \lambda x. x+x \quad
601 |
\Var{f}\equiv \lambda x. a+x \quad
602 |
\Var{f}\equiv \lambda x. x+a \quad
603 |
\Var{f}\equiv \lambda x. a+a \]
604 |
\item Equations such as $\Var{f}(\Var{x},\Var{y})\qeq t$ and
605 |
$\Var{f}(\Var{g}(x))\qeq t$ admit vast numbers of unifiers, and must be
606 |
607 |
608 |
In problematic cases, you may have to instantiate some unknowns before
609 |
invoking unification.
610 |
611 |
612 |
\subsection{Joining rules by resolution} \label{joining}
613 |
614 |
Let $\List{\psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m} \Imp \psi$ and $\List{\phi@1; \ldots;
615 |
\phi@n} \Imp \phi$ be two Isabelle theorems, representing object-level rules.
616 |
Choosing some~$i$ from~1 to~$n$, suppose that $\psi$ and $\phi@i$ have a
617 |
higher-order unifier. Writing $Xs$ for the application of substitution~$s$ to
618 |
expression~$X$, this means there is some~$s$ such that $\psi s\equiv \phi@i s$.
619 |
By resolution, we may conclude
620 |
\[ (\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@{i-1}; \psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m;
621 |
\phi@{i+1}; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi)s.
622 |
623 |
The substitution~$s$ may instantiate unknowns in both rules. In short,
624 |
resolution is the following rule:
625 |
\[ \infer[(\psi s\equiv \phi@i s)]
626 |
{(\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@{i-1}; \psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m;
627 |
\phi@{i+1}; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi)s}
628 |
{\List{\psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m} \Imp \psi & &
629 |
\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi}
630 |
631 |
It operates at the meta-level, on Isabelle theorems, and is justified by
632 |
the properties of $\Imp$ and~$\Forall$. It takes the number~$i$ (for
633 |
$1\leq i\leq n$) as a parameter and may yield infinitely many conclusions,
634 |
one for each unifier of $\psi$ with $\phi@i$. Isabelle returns these
635 |
conclusions as a sequence (lazy list).
636 |
637 |
Resolution expects the rules to have no outer quantifiers~($\Forall$). It
638 |
may rename or instantiate any schematic variables, but leaves free
639 |
variables unchanged. When constructing a theory, Isabelle puts the rules
640 |
into a standard form containing no free variables; for instance, $({\imp}E)$
641 |
642 |
\[ \List{\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}; \Var{P}} \Imp \Var{Q}.
643 |
644 |
When resolving two rules, the unknowns in the first rule are renamed, by
645 |
subscripting, to make them distinct from the unknowns in the second rule. To
646 |
resolve $({\imp}E)$ with itself, the first copy of the rule becomes
647 |
\[ \List{\Var{P@1}\imp \Var{Q@1}; \Var{P@1}} \Imp \Var{Q@1}. \]
648 |
Resolving this with $({\imp}E)$ in the first premise, unifying $\Var{Q@1}$ with
649 |
$\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}$, is the meta-level inference
650 |
\[ \infer{\List{\Var{P@1}\imp (\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}); \Var{P@1}; \Var{P}}
651 |
652 |
{\List{\Var{P@1}\imp \Var{Q@1}; \Var{P@1}} \Imp \Var{Q@1} & &
653 |
\List{\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}; \Var{P}} \Imp \Var{Q}}
654 |
655 |
Renaming the unknowns in the resolvent, we have derived the
656 |
object-level rule\index{rules!derived}
657 |
\[ \infer{Q.}{R\imp (P\imp Q) & R & P} \]
658 |
Joining rules in this fashion is a simple way of proving theorems. The
659 |
derived rules are conservative extensions of the object-logic, and may permit
660 |
simpler proofs. Let us consider another example. Suppose we have the axiom
661 |
$$ \forall x\,y. Suc(x)=Suc(y)\imp x=y. \eqno (inject) $$
662 |
663 |
664 |
The standard form of $(\forall E)$ is
665 |
$\forall x.\Var{P}(x) \Imp \Var{P}(\Var{t})$.
666 |
Resolving $(inject)$ with $(\forall E)$ replaces $\Var{P}$ by
667 |
$\lambda x. \forall y. Suc(x)=Suc(y)\imp x=y$ and leaves $\Var{t}$
668 |
unchanged, yielding
669 |
\[ \forall y. Suc(\Var{t})=Suc(y)\imp \Var{t}=y. \]
670 |
Resolving this with $(\forall E)$ puts a subscript on~$\Var{t}$
671 |
and yields
672 |
\[ Suc(\Var{t@1})=Suc(\Var{t})\imp \Var{t@1}=\Var{t}. \]
673 |
Resolving this with $({\imp}E)$ increases the subscripts and yields
674 |
\[ Suc(\Var{t@2})=Suc(\Var{t@1})\Imp \Var{t@2}=\Var{t@1}.
675 |
676 |
We have derived the rule
677 |
\[ \infer{m=n,}{Suc(m)=Suc(n)} \]
678 |
which goes directly from $Suc(m)=Suc(n)$ to $m=n$. It is handy for simplifying
679 |
an equation like $Suc(Suc(Suc(m)))=Suc(Suc(Suc(0)))$.
680 |
681 |
682 |
\section{Lifting a rule into a context}
683 |
The rules $({\imp}I)$ and $(\forall I)$ may seem unsuitable for
684 |
resolution. They have non-atomic premises, namely $P\Imp Q$ and $\Forall
685 |
x.P(x)$, while the conclusions of all the rules are atomic (they have the form
686 |
$Trueprop(\cdots)$). Isabelle gets round the problem through a meta-inference
687 |
called \bfindex{lifting}. Let us consider how to construct proofs such as
688 |
\[ \infer[({\imp}I)]{P\imp(Q\imp R)}
689 |
{\infer[({\imp}I)]{Q\imp R}
690 |
691 |
692 |
\infer[(\forall I)]{\forall x\,y.P(x,y)}
693 |
{\infer[(\forall I)]{\forall y.P(x,y)}{P(x,y)}}
694 |
695 |
696 |
\subsection{Lifting over assumptions}
697 |
\index{assumptions!lifting over}
698 |
Lifting over $\theta\Imp{}$ is the following meta-inference rule:
699 |
\[ \infer{\List{\theta\Imp\phi@1; \ldots; \theta\Imp\phi@n} \Imp
700 |
(\theta \Imp \phi)}
701 |
{\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi} \]
702 |
This is clearly sound: if $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$ is true and
703 |
$\theta\Imp\phi@1$, \ldots, $\theta\Imp\phi@n$ and $\theta$ are all true then
704 |
$\phi$ must be true. Iterated lifting over a series of meta-formulae
705 |
$\theta@k$, \ldots, $\theta@1$ yields an object-rule whose conclusion is
706 |
$\List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k} \Imp \phi$. Typically the $\theta@i$ are
707 |
the assumptions in a natural deduction proof; lifting copies them into a rule's
708 |
premises and conclusion.
709 |
710 |
When resolving two rules, Isabelle lifts the first one if necessary. The
711 |
standard form of $({\imp}I)$ is
712 |
\[ (\Var{P} \Imp \Var{Q}) \Imp \Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}. \]
713 |
To resolve this rule with itself, Isabelle modifies one copy as follows: it
714 |
renames the unknowns to $\Var{P@1}$ and $\Var{Q@1}$, then lifts the rule over
715 |
$\Var{P}\Imp{}$ to obtain
716 |
\[ (\Var{P}\Imp (\Var{P@1} \Imp \Var{Q@1})) \Imp (\Var{P} \Imp
717 |
(\Var{P@1}\imp \Var{Q@1})). \]
718 |
Using the $\List{\cdots}$ abbreviation, this can be written as
719 |
\[ \List{\List{\Var{P}; \Var{P@1}} \Imp \Var{Q@1}; \Var{P}}
720 |
\Imp \Var{P@1}\imp \Var{Q@1}. \]
721 |
Unifying $\Var{P}\Imp \Var{P@1}\imp\Var{Q@1}$ with $\Var{P} \Imp
722 |
\Var{Q}$ instantiates $\Var{Q}$ to ${\Var{P@1}\imp\Var{Q@1}}$.
723 |
Resolution yields
724 |
\[ (\List{\Var{P}; \Var{P@1}} \Imp \Var{Q@1}) \Imp
725 |
\Var{P}\imp(\Var{P@1}\imp\Var{Q@1}). \]
726 |
This represents the derived rule
727 |
\[ \infer{P\imp(Q\imp R).}{\infer*{R}{[P,Q]}} \]
728 |
729 |
\subsection{Lifting over parameters}
730 |
\index{parameters!lifting over}
731 |
An analogous form of lifting handles premises of the form $\Forall x\ldots\,$.
732 |
Here, lifting prefixes an object-rule's premises and conclusion with $\Forall
733 |
x$. At the same time, lifting introduces a dependence upon~$x$. It replaces
734 |
each unknown $\Var{a}$ in the rule by $\Var{a'}(x)$, where $\Var{a'}$ is a new
735 |
unknown (by subscripting) of suitable type --- necessarily a function type. In
736 |
short, lifting is the meta-inference
737 |
\[ \infer{\List{\Forall x.\phi@1^x; \ldots; \Forall x.\phi@n^x}
738 |
\Imp \Forall x.\phi^x,}
739 |
{\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi} \]
740 |
741 |
where $\phi^x$ stands for the result of lifting unknowns over~$x$ in
742 |
$\phi$. It is not hard to verify that this meta-inference is sound. If
743 |
$\phi\Imp\psi$ then $\phi^x\Imp\psi^x$ for all~$x$; so if $\phi^x$ is true
744 |
for all~$x$ then so is $\psi^x$. Thus, from $\phi\Imp\psi$ we conclude
745 |
$(\Forall x.\phi^x) \Imp (\Forall x.\psi^x)$.
746 |
747 |
For example, $(\disj I)$ might be lifted to
748 |
\[ (\Forall x.\Var{P@1}(x)) \Imp (\Forall x. \Var{P@1}(x)\disj \Var{Q@1}(x))\]
749 |
and $(\forall I)$ to
750 |
\[ (\Forall x\,y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) \Imp (\Forall x. \forall y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)). \]
751 |
Isabelle has renamed a bound variable in $(\forall I)$ from $x$ to~$y$,
752 |
avoiding a clash. Resolving the above with $(\forall I)$ is the meta-inference
753 |
\[ \infer{\Forall x\,y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) \Imp \forall x\,y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) }
754 |
{(\Forall x\,y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) \Imp
755 |
(\Forall x. \forall y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)) &
756 |
(\Forall x.\Var{P}(x)) \Imp (\forall x.\Var{P}(x))} \]
757 |
Here, $\Var{P}$ is replaced by $\lambda x.\forall y.\Var{P@1}(x,y)$; the
758 |
resolvent expresses the derived rule
759 |
\[ \vcenter{ \infer{\forall x\,y.Q(x,y)}{Q(x,y)} }
760 |
\quad\hbox{provided $x$, $y$ not free in the assumptions}
761 |
762 |
I discuss lifting and parameters at length elsewhere~\cite{paulson89}.
763 |
Miller goes into even greater detail~\cite{miller-mixed}.
764 |
765 |
766 |
\section{Backward proof by resolution}
767 |
\index{resolution!in backward proof}
768 |
769 |
Resolution is convenient for deriving simple rules and for reasoning
770 |
forward from facts. It can also support backward proof, where we start
771 |
with a goal and refine it to progressively simpler subgoals until all have
772 |
been solved. {\sc lcf} and its descendants {\sc hol} and Nuprl provide
773 |
tactics and tacticals, which constitute a high-level language for
774 |
expressing proof searches. {\bf Tactics} refine subgoals while {\bf
775 |
tacticals} combine tactics.
776 |
777 |
\index{LCF system}
778 |
Isabelle's tactics and tacticals work differently from {\sc lcf}'s. An
779 |
Isabelle rule is bidirectional: there is no distinction between
780 |
inputs and outputs. {\sc lcf} has a separate tactic for each rule;
781 |
Isabelle performs refinement by any rule in a uniform fashion, using
782 |
783 |
784 |
Isabelle works with meta-level theorems of the form
785 |
\( \List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi \).
786 |
We have viewed this as the {\bf rule} with premises
787 |
$\phi@1$,~\ldots,~$\phi@n$ and conclusion~$\phi$. It can also be viewed as
788 |
the {\bf proof state}\index{proof state}
789 |
with subgoals $\phi@1$,~\ldots,~$\phi@n$ and main
790 |
791 |
792 |
To prove the formula~$\phi$, take $\phi\Imp \phi$ as the initial proof
793 |
state. This assertion is, trivially, a theorem. At a later stage in the
794 |
backward proof, a typical proof state is $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n}
795 |
\Imp \phi$. This proof state is a theorem, ensuring that the subgoals
796 |
$\phi@1$,~\ldots,~$\phi@n$ imply~$\phi$. If $n=0$ then we have
797 |
proved~$\phi$ outright. If $\phi$ contains unknowns, they may become
798 |
instantiated during the proof; a proof state may be $\List{\phi@1; \ldots;
799 |
\phi@n} \Imp \phi'$, where $\phi'$ is an instance of~$\phi$.
800 |
801 |
\subsection{Refinement by resolution}
802 |
To refine subgoal~$i$ of a proof state by a rule, perform the following
803 |
804 |
\[ \infer{\hbox{new proof state}}{\hbox{rule} & & \hbox{proof state}} \]
805 |
Suppose the rule is $\List{\psi'@1; \ldots; \psi'@m} \Imp \psi'$ after
806 |
lifting over subgoal~$i$'s assumptions and parameters. If the proof state
807 |
is $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$, then the new proof state is
808 |
(for~$1\leq i\leq n$)
809 |
\[ (\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@{i-1}; \psi'@1;
810 |
\ldots; \psi'@m; \phi@{i+1}; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi)s. \]
811 |
Substitution~$s$ unifies $\psi'$ with~$\phi@i$. In the proof state,
812 |
subgoal~$i$ is replaced by $m$ new subgoals, the rule's instantiated premises.
813 |
If some of the rule's unknowns are left un-instantiated, they become new
814 |
unknowns in the proof state. Refinement by~$(\exists I)$, namely
815 |
\[ \Var{P}(\Var{t}) \Imp \exists x. \Var{P}(x), \]
816 |
inserts a new unknown derived from~$\Var{t}$ by subscripting and lifting.
817 |
We do not have to specify an `existential witness' when
818 |
applying~$(\exists I)$. Further resolutions may instantiate unknowns in
819 |
the proof state.
820 |
821 |
\subsection{Proof by assumption}
822 |
\index{assumptions!use of}
823 |
In the course of a natural deduction proof, parameters $x@1$, \ldots,~$x@l$ and
824 |
assumptions $\theta@1$, \ldots, $\theta@k$ accumulate, forming a context for
825 |
each subgoal. Repeated lifting steps can lift a rule into any context. To
826 |
aid readability, Isabelle puts contexts into a normal form, gathering the
827 |
parameters at the front:
828 |
\begin{equation} \label{context-eqn}
829 |
\Forall x@1 \ldots x@l. \List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k}\Imp\theta.
830 |
831 |
Under the usual reading of the connectives, this expresses that $\theta$
832 |
follows from $\theta@1$,~\ldots~$\theta@k$ for arbitrary
833 |
$x@1$,~\ldots,~$x@l$. It is trivially true if $\theta$ equals any of
834 |
$\theta@1$,~\ldots~$\theta@k$, or is unifiable with any of them. This
835 |
models proof by assumption in natural deduction.
836 |
837 |
Isabelle automates the meta-inference for proof by assumption. Its arguments
838 |
are the meta-theorem $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$, and some~$i$
839 |
from~1 to~$n$, where $\phi@i$ has the form~(\ref{context-eqn}). Its results
840 |
are meta-theorems of the form
841 |
\[ (\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@{i-1}; \phi@{i+1}; \phi@n} \Imp \phi)s \]
842 |
for each $s$ and~$j$ such that $s$ unifies $\lambda x@1 \ldots x@l. \theta@j$
843 |
with $\lambda x@1 \ldots x@l. \theta$. Isabelle supplies the parameters
844 |
$x@1$,~\ldots,~$x@l$ to higher-order unification as bound variables, which
845 |
regards them as unique constants with a limited scope --- this enforces
846 |
parameter provisos~\cite{paulson89}.
847 |
848 |
The premise represents a proof state with~$n$ subgoals, of which the~$i$th
849 |
is to be solved by assumption. Isabelle searches the subgoal's context for
850 |
an assumption~$\theta@j$ that can solve it. For each unifier, the
851 |
meta-inference returns an instantiated proof state from which the $i$th
852 |
subgoal has been removed. Isabelle searches for a unifying assumption; for
853 |
readability and robustness, proofs do not refer to assumptions by number.
854 |
855 |
Consider the proof state
856 |
\[ (\List{P(a); P(b)} \Imp P(\Var{x})) \Imp Q(\Var{x}). \]
857 |
Proof by assumption (with $i=1$, the only possibility) yields two results:
858 |
859 |
\item $Q(a)$, instantiating $\Var{x}\equiv a$
860 |
\item $Q(b)$, instantiating $\Var{x}\equiv b$
861 |
862 |
Here, proof by assumption affects the main goal. It could also affect
863 |
other subgoals; if we also had the subgoal ${\List{P(b); P(c)} \Imp
864 |
P(\Var{x})}$, then $\Var{x}\equiv a$ would transform it to ${\List{P(b);
865 |
P(c)} \Imp P(a)}$, which might be unprovable.
866 |
867 |
868 |
\subsection{A propositional proof} \label{prop-proof}
869 |
870 |
Our first example avoids quantifiers. Given the main goal $P\disj P\imp
871 |
P$, Isabelle creates the initial state
872 |
\[ (P\disj P\imp P)\Imp (P\disj P\imp P). \]
873 |
874 |
Bear in mind that every proof state we derive will be a meta-theorem,
875 |
expressing that the subgoals imply the main goal. Our aim is to reach the
876 |
state $P\disj P\imp P$; this meta-theorem is the desired result.
877 |
878 |
The first step is to refine subgoal~1 by (${\imp}I)$, creating a new state
879 |
where $P\disj P$ is an assumption:
880 |
\[ (P\disj P\Imp P)\Imp (P\disj P\imp P) \]
881 |
The next step is $(\disj E)$, which replaces subgoal~1 by three new subgoals.
882 |
Because of lifting, each subgoal contains a copy of the context --- the
883 |
assumption $P\disj P$. (In fact, this assumption is now redundant; we shall
884 |
shortly see how to get rid of it!) The new proof state is the following
885 |
meta-theorem, laid out for clarity:
886 |
\[ \begin{array}{l@{}l@{\qquad\qquad}l}
887 |
\lbrakk\;& P\disj P\Imp \Var{P@1}\disj\Var{Q@1}; & \hbox{(subgoal 1)} \\
888 |
& \List{P\disj P; \Var{P@1}} \Imp P; & \hbox{(subgoal 2)} \\
889 |
& \List{P\disj P; \Var{Q@1}} \Imp P & \hbox{(subgoal 3)} \\
890 |
\rbrakk\;& \Imp (P\disj P\imp P) & \hbox{(main goal)}
891 |
892 |
893 |
Notice the unknowns in the proof state. Because we have applied $(\disj E)$,
894 |
we must prove some disjunction, $\Var{P@1}\disj\Var{Q@1}$. Of course,
895 |
subgoal~1 is provable by assumption. This instantiates both $\Var{P@1}$ and
896 |
$\Var{Q@1}$ to~$P$ throughout the proof state:
897 |
\[ \begin{array}{l@{}l@{\qquad\qquad}l}
898 |
\lbrakk\;& \List{P\disj P; P} \Imp P; & \hbox{(subgoal 1)} \\
899 |
& \List{P\disj P; P} \Imp P & \hbox{(subgoal 2)} \\
900 |
\rbrakk\;& \Imp (P\disj P\imp P) & \hbox{(main goal)}
901 |
\end{array} \]
902 |
Both of the remaining subgoals can be proved by assumption. After two such
903 |
steps, the proof state is $P\disj P\imp P$.
904 |
905 |
906 |
\subsection{A quantifier proof}
907 |
\index{examples!with quantifiers}
908 |
To illustrate quantifiers and $\Forall$-lifting, let us prove
909 |
$(\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x))$. The initial proof
910 |
state is the trivial meta-theorem
911 |
\[ (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x)) \Imp
912 |
(\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x)). \]
913 |
As above, the first step is refinement by (${\imp}I)$:
914 |
\[ (\exists x.P(f(x))\Imp \exists x.P(x)) \Imp
915 |
(\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x))
916 |
917 |
The next step is $(\exists E)$, which replaces subgoal~1 by two new subgoals.
918 |
Both have the assumption $\exists x.P(f(x))$. The new proof
919 |
state is the meta-theorem
920 |
\[ \begin{array}{l@{}l@{\qquad\qquad}l}
921 |
\lbrakk\;& \exists x.P(f(x)) \Imp \exists x.\Var{P@1}(x); & \hbox{(subgoal 1)} \\
922 |
& \Forall x.\List{\exists x.P(f(x)); \Var{P@1}(x)} \Imp
923 |
\exists x.P(x) & \hbox{(subgoal 2)} \\
924 |
\rbrakk\;& \Imp (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x)) & \hbox{(main goal)}
925 |
926 |
927 |
The unknown $\Var{P@1}$ appears in both subgoals. Because we have applied
928 |
$(\exists E)$, we must prove $\exists x.\Var{P@1}(x)$, where $\Var{P@1}(x)$ may
929 |
become any formula possibly containing~$x$. Proving subgoal~1 by assumption
930 |
instantiates $\Var{P@1}$ to~$\lambda x.P(f(x))$:
931 |
\[ \left(\Forall x.\List{\exists x.P(f(x)); P(f(x))} \Imp
932 |
\exists x.P(x)\right)
933 |
\Imp (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x))
934 |
935 |
The next step is refinement by $(\exists I)$. The rule is lifted into the
936 |
context of the parameter~$x$ and the assumption $P(f(x))$. This copies
937 |
the context to the subgoal and allows the existential witness to
938 |
depend upon~$x$:
939 |
\[ \left(\Forall x.\List{\exists x.P(f(x)); P(f(x))} \Imp
940 |
941 |
\Imp (\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x))
942 |
943 |
The existential witness, $\Var{x@2}(x)$, consists of an unknown
944 |
applied to a parameter. Proof by assumption unifies $\lambda x.P(f(x))$
945 |
with $\lambda x.P(\Var{x@2}(x))$, instantiating $\Var{x@2}$ to $f$. The final
946 |
proof state contains no subgoals: $(\exists x.P(f(x)))\imp(\exists x.P(x))$.
947 |
948 |
949 |
\subsection{Tactics and tacticals}
950 |
951 |
{\bf Tactics} perform backward proof. Isabelle tactics differ from those
952 |
of {\sc lcf}, {\sc hol} and Nuprl by operating on entire proof states,
953 |
rather than on individual subgoals. An Isabelle tactic is a function that
954 |
takes a proof state and returns a sequence (lazy list) of possible
955 |
successor states. Lazy lists are coded in ML as functions, a standard
956 |
technique~\cite{paulson91}. Isabelle represents proof states by theorems.
957 |
958 |
Basic tactics execute the meta-rules described above, operating on a
959 |
given subgoal. The {\bf resolution tactics} take a list of rules and
960 |
return next states for each combination of rule and unifier. The {\bf
961 |
assumption tactic} examines the subgoal's assumptions and returns next
962 |
states for each combination of assumption and unifier. Lazy lists are
963 |
essential because higher-order resolution may return infinitely many
964 |
unifiers. If there are no matching rules or assumptions then no next
965 |
states are generated; a tactic application that returns an empty list is
966 |
said to {\bf fail}.
967 |
968 |
Sequences realize their full potential with {\bf tacticals} --- operators
969 |
for combining tactics. Depth-first search, breadth-first search and
970 |
best-first search (where a heuristic function selects the best state to
971 |
explore) return their outcomes as a sequence. Isabelle provides such
972 |
procedures in the form of tacticals. Simpler procedures can be expressed
973 |
directly using the basic tacticals {\tt THEN}, {\tt ORELSE} and {\tt REPEAT}:
974 |
975 |
\item[$tac1$ THEN $tac2$] is a tactic for sequential composition. Applied
976 |
to a proof state, it returns all states reachable in two steps by applying
977 |
$tac1$ followed by~$tac2$.
978 |
979 |
\item[$tac1$ ORELSE $tac2$] is a choice tactic. Applied to a state, it
980 |
tries~$tac1$ and returns the result if non-empty; otherwise, it uses~$tac2$.
981 |
982 |
\item[REPEAT $tac$] is a repetition tactic. Applied to a state, it
983 |
returns all states reachable by applying~$tac$ as long as possible --- until
984 |
it would fail.
985 |
986 |
For instance, this tactic repeatedly applies $tac1$ and~$tac2$, giving
987 |
$tac1$ priority:
988 |
\begin{center} \tt
989 |
REPEAT($tac1$ ORELSE $tac2$)
990 |
991 |
992 |
993 |
\section{Variations on resolution}
994 |
In principle, resolution and proof by assumption suffice to prove all
995 |
theorems. However, specialized forms of resolution are helpful for working
996 |
with elimination rules. Elim-resolution applies an elimination rule to an
997 |
assumption; destruct-resolution is similar, but applies a rule in a forward
998 |
999 |
1000 |
The last part of the section shows how the techniques for proving theorems
1001 |
can also serve to derive rules.
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
Consider proving the theorem $((R\disj R)\disj R)\disj R\imp R$. By
1007 |
$({\imp}I)$, we prove~$R$ from the assumption $((R\disj R)\disj R)\disj R$.
1008 |
Applying $(\disj E)$ to this assumption yields two subgoals, one that
1009 |
assumes~$R$ (and is therefore trivial) and one that assumes $(R\disj
1010 |
R)\disj R$. This subgoal admits another application of $(\disj E)$. Since
1011 |
natural deduction never discards assumptions, we eventually generate a
1012 |
subgoal containing much that is redundant:
1013 |
\[ \List{((R\disj R)\disj R)\disj R; (R\disj R)\disj R; R\disj R; R} \Imp R. \]
1014 |
In general, using $(\disj E)$ on the assumption $P\disj Q$ creates two new
1015 |
subgoals with the additional assumption $P$ or~$Q$. In these subgoals,
1016 |
$P\disj Q$ is redundant. Other elimination rules behave
1017 |
similarly. In first-order logic, only universally quantified
1018 |
assumptions are sometimes needed more than once --- say, to prove
1019 |
$P(f(f(a)))$ from the assumptions $\forall x.P(x)\imp P(f(x))$ and~$P(a)$.
1020 |
1021 |
Many logics can be formulated as sequent calculi that delete redundant
1022 |
assumptions after use. The rule $(\disj E)$ might become
1023 |
\[ \infer[\disj\hbox{-left}]
1024 |
{\Gamma,P\disj Q,\Delta \turn \Theta}
1025 |
{\Gamma,P,\Delta \turn \Theta && \Gamma,Q,\Delta \turn \Theta} \]
1026 |
In backward proof, a goal containing $P\disj Q$ on the left of the~$\turn$
1027 |
(that is, as an assumption) splits into two subgoals, replacing $P\disj Q$
1028 |
by $P$ or~$Q$. But the sequent calculus, with its explicit handling of
1029 |
assumptions, can be tiresome to use.
1030 |
1031 |
Elim-resolution is Isabelle's way of getting sequent calculus behaviour
1032 |
from natural deduction rules. It lets an elimination rule consume an
1033 |
assumption. Elim-resolution combines two meta-theorems:
1034 |
1035 |
\item a rule $\List{\psi@1; \ldots; \psi@m} \Imp \psi$
1036 |
\item a proof state $\List{\phi@1; \ldots; \phi@n} \Imp \phi$
1037 |
1038 |
The rule must have at least one premise, thus $m>0$. Write the rule's
1039 |
lifted form as $\List{\psi'@1; \ldots; \psi'@m} \Imp \psi'$. Suppose we
1040 |
wish to change subgoal number~$i$.
1041 |
1042 |
Ordinary resolution would attempt to reduce~$\phi@i$,
1043 |
replacing subgoal~$i$ by $m$ new ones. Elim-resolution tries
1044 |
simultaneously to reduce~$\phi@i$ and to solve~$\psi'@1$ by assumption; it
1045 |
returns a sequence of next states. Each of these replaces subgoal~$i$ by
1046 |
instances of $\psi'@2$, \ldots, $\psi'@m$ from which the selected
1047 |
assumption has been deleted. Suppose $\phi@i$ has the parameter~$x$ and
1048 |
assumptions $\theta@1$,~\ldots,~$\theta@k$. Then $\psi'@1$, the rule's first
1049 |
premise after lifting, will be
1050 |
\( \Forall x. \List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k}\Imp \psi^{x}@1 \).
1051 |
Elim-resolution tries to unify $\psi'\qeq\phi@i$ and
1052 |
$\lambda x. \theta@j \qeq \lambda x. \psi^{x}@1$ simultaneously, for
1053 |
1054 |
1055 |
Let us redo the example from~\S\ref{prop-proof}. The elimination rule
1056 |
is~$(\disj E)$,
1057 |
\[ \List{\Var{P}\disj \Var{Q};\; \Var{P}\Imp \Var{R};\; \Var{Q}\Imp \Var{R}}
1058 |
\Imp \Var{R} \]
1059 |
and the proof state is $(P\disj P\Imp P)\Imp (P\disj P\imp P)$. The
1060 |
lifted rule is
1061 |
\[ \begin{array}{l@{}l}
1062 |
\lbrakk\;& P\disj P \Imp \Var{P@1}\disj\Var{Q@1}; \\
1063 |
& \List{P\disj P ;\; \Var{P@1}} \Imp \Var{R@1}; \\
1064 |
& \List{P\disj P ;\; \Var{Q@1}} \Imp \Var{R@1} \\
1065 |
\rbrakk\;& \Imp \Var{R@1}
1066 |
1067 |
1068 |
Unification takes the simultaneous equations
1069 |
$P\disj P \qeq \Var{P@1}\disj\Var{Q@1}$ and $\Var{R@1} \qeq P$, yielding
1070 |
$\Var{P@1}\equiv\Var{Q@1}\equiv\Var{R@1} \equiv P$. The new proof state
1071 |
is simply
1072 |
\[ \List{P \Imp P;\; P \Imp P} \Imp (P\disj P\imp P).
1073 |
1074 |
Elim-resolution's simultaneous unification gives better control
1075 |
than ordinary resolution. Recall the substitution rule:
1076 |
$$ \List{\Var{t}=\Var{u}; \Var{P}(\Var{t})} \Imp \Var{P}(\Var{u})
1077 |
\eqno(subst) $$
1078 |
Unsuitable for ordinary resolution because $\Var{P}(\Var{u})$ admits many
1079 |
unifiers, $(subst)$ works well with elim-resolution. It deletes some
1080 |
assumption of the form $x=y$ and replaces every~$y$ by~$x$ in the subgoal
1081 |
formula. The simultaneous unification instantiates $\Var{u}$ to~$y$; if
1082 |
$y$ is not an unknown, then $\Var{P}(y)$ can easily be unified with another
1083 |
1084 |
1085 |
In logical parlance, the premise containing the connective to be eliminated
1086 |
is called the \bfindex{major premise}. Elim-resolution expects the major
1087 |
premise to come first. The order of the premises is significant in
1088 |
1089 |
1090 |
\subsection{Destruction rules} \label{destruct}
1091 |
1092 |
\index{forward proof}
1093 |
1094 |
Looking back to Fig.\ts\ref{fol-fig}, notice that there are two kinds of
1095 |
elimination rule. The rules $({\conj}E1)$, $({\conj}E2)$, $({\imp}E)$ and
1096 |
$({\forall}E)$ extract the conclusion from the major premise. In Isabelle
1097 |
parlance, such rules are called {\bf destruction rules}; they are readable
1098 |
and easy to use in forward proof. The rules $({\disj}E)$, $({\bot}E)$ and
1099 |
$({\exists}E)$ work by discharging assumptions; they support backward proof
1100 |
in a style reminiscent of the sequent calculus.
1101 |
1102 |
The latter style is the most general form of elimination rule. In natural
1103 |
deduction, there is no way to recast $({\disj}E)$, $({\bot}E)$ or
1104 |
$({\exists}E)$ as destruction rules. But we can write general elimination
1105 |
rules for $\conj$, $\imp$ and~$\forall$:
1106 |
1107 |
\infer{R}{P\conj Q & \infer*{R}{[P,Q]}} \qquad
1108 |
\infer{R}{P\imp Q & P & \infer*{R}{[Q]}} \qquad
1109 |
\infer{Q}{\forall x.P & \infer*{Q}{[P[t/x]]}}
1110 |
1111 |
Because they are concise, destruction rules are simpler to derive than the
1112 |
corresponding elimination rules. To facilitate their use in backward
1113 |
proof, Isabelle provides a means of transforming a destruction rule such as
1114 |
\[ \infer[\quad\hbox{to the elimination rule}\quad]{Q}{P@1 & \ldots & P@m}
1115 |
\infer{R.}{P@1 & \ldots & P@m & \infer*{R}{[Q]}}
1116 |
1117 |
{\bf Destruct-resolution}\index{destruct-resolution} combines this
1118 |
transformation with elim-resolution. It applies a destruction rule to some
1119 |
assumption of a subgoal. Given the rule above, it replaces the
1120 |
assumption~$P@1$ by~$Q$, with new subgoals of showing instances of $P@2$,
1121 |
\ldots,~$P@m$. Destruct-resolution works forward from a subgoal's
1122 |
assumptions. Ordinary resolution performs forward reasoning from theorems,
1123 |
as illustrated in~\S\ref{joining}.
1124 |
1125 |
1126 |
\subsection{Deriving rules by resolution} \label{deriving}
1127 |
\index{rules!derived|bold}\index{meta-assumptions!syntax of}
1128 |
The meta-logic, itself a form of the predicate calculus, is defined by a
1129 |
system of natural deduction rules. Each theorem may depend upon
1130 |
meta-assumptions. The theorem that~$\phi$ follows from the assumptions
1131 |
$\phi@1$, \ldots, $\phi@n$ is written
1132 |
\[ \phi \quad [\phi@1,\ldots,\phi@n]. \]
1133 |
A more conventional notation might be $\phi@1,\ldots,\phi@n \turn \phi$,
1134 |
but Isabelle's notation is more readable with large formulae.
1135 |
1136 |
Meta-level natural deduction provides a convenient mechanism for deriving
1137 |
new object-level rules. To derive the rule
1138 |
\[ \infer{\phi,}{\theta@1 & \ldots & \theta@k} \]
1139 |
assume the premises $\theta@1$,~\ldots,~$\theta@k$ at the
1140 |
meta-level. Then prove $\phi$, possibly using these assumptions.
1141 |
Starting with a proof state $\phi\Imp\phi$, assumptions may accumulate,
1142 |
reaching a final state such as
1143 |
\[ \phi \quad [\theta@1,\ldots,\theta@k]. \]
1144 |
The meta-rule for $\Imp$ introduction discharges an assumption.
1145 |
Discharging them in the order $\theta@k,\ldots,\theta@1$ yields the
1146 |
meta-theorem $\List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k} \Imp \phi$, with no
1147 |
assumptions. This represents the desired rule.
1148 |
Let us derive the general $\conj$ elimination rule:
1149 |
$$ \infer{R}{P\conj Q & \infer*{R}{[P,Q]}} \eqno(\conj E)$$
1150 |
We assume $P\conj Q$ and $\List{P;Q}\Imp R$, and commence backward proof in
1151 |
the state $R\Imp R$. Resolving this with the second assumption yields the
1152 |
1153 |
\[ \phantom{\List{P\conj Q;\; P\conj Q}}
1154 |
\llap{$\List{P;Q}$}\Imp R \quad [\,\List{P;Q}\Imp R\,]. \]
1155 |
Resolving subgoals~1 and~2 with~$({\conj}E1)$ and~$({\conj}E2)$,
1156 |
respectively, yields the state
1157 |
\[ \List{P\conj \Var{Q@1};\; \Var{P@2}\conj Q}\Imp R
1158 |
\quad [\,\List{P;Q}\Imp R\,].
1159 |
1160 |
The unknowns $\Var{Q@1}$ and~$\Var{P@2}$ arise from unconstrained
1161 |
subformulae in the premises of~$({\conj}E1)$ and~$({\conj}E2)$. Resolving
1162 |
both subgoals with the assumption $P\conj Q$ instantiates the unknowns to yield
1163 |
\[ R \quad [\, \List{P;Q}\Imp R, P\conj Q \,]. \]
1164 |
The proof may use the meta-assumptions in any order, and as often as
1165 |
necessary; when finished, we discharge them in the correct order to
1166 |
obtain the desired form:
1167 |
\[ \List{P\conj Q;\; \List{P;Q}\Imp R} \Imp R \]
1168 |
We have derived the rule using free variables, which prevents their
1169 |
premature instantiation during the proof; we may now replace them by
1170 |
schematic variables.
1171 |
1172 |
1173 |
Schematic variables are not allowed in meta-assumptions, for a variety of
1174 |
reasons. Meta-assumptions remain fixed throughout a proof.
1175 |
1176 |