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(* Title: HOL/gfp
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ID: $Id$
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Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
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Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
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For gfp.thy. The Knaster-Tarski Theorem for greatest fixed points.
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open Gfp;
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(*** Proof of Knaster-Tarski Theorem using gfp ***)
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(* gfp(f) is the least upper bound of {u. u <= f(u)} *)
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val prems = goalw Gfp.thy [gfp_def] "[| X <= f(X) |] ==> X <= gfp(f)";
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by (rtac (CollectI RS Union_upper) 1);
17 |
by (resolve_tac prems 1);
18 |
qed "gfp_upperbound";
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20 |
val prems = goalw Gfp.thy [gfp_def]
21 |
"[| !!u. u <= f(u) ==> u<=X |] ==> gfp(f) <= X";
22 |
by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([Union_least]@prems) 1));
23 |
by (etac CollectD 1);
24 |
qed "gfp_least";
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26 |
val [mono] = goal Gfp.thy "mono(f) ==> gfp(f) <= f(gfp(f))";
27 |
by (EVERY1 [rtac gfp_least, rtac subset_trans, atac,
28 |
rtac (mono RS monoD), rtac gfp_upperbound, atac]);
29 |
qed "gfp_lemma2";
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31 |
val [mono] = goal Gfp.thy "mono(f) ==> f(gfp(f)) <= gfp(f)";
32 |
by (EVERY1 [rtac gfp_upperbound, rtac (mono RS monoD),
33 |
rtac gfp_lemma2, rtac mono]);
34 |
qed "gfp_lemma3";
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36 |
val [mono] = goal Gfp.thy "mono(f) ==> gfp(f) = f(gfp(f))";
37 |
by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [equalityI,gfp_lemma2,gfp_lemma3,mono] 1));
38 |
qed "gfp_Tarski";
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(*** Coinduction rules for greatest fixed points ***)
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(*weak version*)
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val prems = goal Gfp.thy
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"[| a: X; X <= f(X) |] ==> a : gfp(f)";
45 |
by (rtac (gfp_upperbound RS subsetD) 1);
46 |
by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
47 |
qed "weak_coinduct";
48 |
49 |
val [prem,mono] = goal Gfp.thy
50 |
"[| X <= f(X Un gfp(f)); mono(f) |] ==> \
51 |
\ X Un gfp(f) <= f(X Un gfp(f))";
52 |
by (rtac (prem RS Un_least) 1);
53 |
by (rtac (mono RS gfp_lemma2 RS subset_trans) 1);
54 |
by (rtac (Un_upper2 RS subset_trans) 1);
55 |
by (rtac (mono RS mono_Un) 1);
56 |
qed "coinduct_lemma";
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(*strong version, thanks to Coen & Frost*)
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goal Gfp.thy
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"!!X. [| mono(f); a: X; X <= f(X Un gfp(f)) |] ==> a : gfp(f)";
61 |
by (rtac (coinduct_lemma RSN (2, weak_coinduct)) 1);
62 |
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [UnI1, Un_least] 1));
63 |
qed "coinduct";
64 |
65 |
val [mono,prem] = goal Gfp.thy
66 |
"[| mono(f); a: gfp(f) |] ==> a: f(X Un gfp(f))";
67 |
by (rtac (mono RS mono_Un RS subsetD) 1);
68 |
by (rtac (mono RS gfp_lemma2 RS subsetD RS UnI2) 1);
69 |
by (rtac prem 1);
70 |
qed "gfp_fun_UnI2";
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(*** Even Stronger version of coinduct [by Martin Coen]
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- instead of the condition X <= f(X)
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consider X <= (f(X) Un f(f(X)) ...) Un gfp(X) ***)
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76 |
val [prem] = goal Gfp.thy "mono(f) ==> mono(%x. f(x) Un X Un B)";
77 |
by (REPEAT (ares_tac [subset_refl, monoI, Un_mono, prem RS monoD] 1));
78 |
qed "coinduct3_mono_lemma";
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80 |
val [prem,mono] = goal Gfp.thy
81 |
"[| X <= f(lfp(%x. f(x) Un X Un gfp(f))); mono(f) |] ==> \
82 |
\ lfp(%x. f(x) Un X Un gfp(f)) <= f(lfp(%x. f(x) Un X Un gfp(f)))";
83 |
by (rtac subset_trans 1);
84 |
by (rtac (mono RS coinduct3_mono_lemma RS lfp_lemma3) 1);
85 |
by (rtac (Un_least RS Un_least) 1);
86 |
by (rtac subset_refl 1);
87 |
by (rtac prem 1);
88 |
by (rtac (mono RS gfp_Tarski RS equalityD1 RS subset_trans) 1);
89 |
by (rtac (mono RS monoD) 1);
90 |
by (stac (mono RS coinduct3_mono_lemma RS lfp_Tarski) 1);
91 |
by (rtac Un_upper2 1);
92 |
qed "coinduct3_lemma";
93 |
94 |
val prems = goal Gfp.thy
95 |
"[| mono(f); a:X; X <= f(lfp(%x. f(x) Un X Un gfp(f))) |] ==> a : gfp(f)";
96 |
by (rtac (coinduct3_lemma RSN (2,weak_coinduct)) 1);
97 |
by (resolve_tac (prems RL [coinduct3_mono_lemma RS lfp_Tarski RS ssubst]) 1);
98 |
by (rtac (UnI2 RS UnI1) 1);
99 |
by (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1));
100 |
qed "coinduct3";
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(** Definition forms of gfp_Tarski and coinduct, to control unfolding **)
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val [rew,mono] = goal Gfp.thy "[| A==gfp(f); mono(f) |] ==> A = f(A)";
106 |
by (rewtac rew);
107 |
by (rtac (mono RS gfp_Tarski) 1);
108 |
qed "def_gfp_Tarski";
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110 |
val rew::prems = goal Gfp.thy
111 |
"[| A==gfp(f); mono(f); a:X; X <= f(X Un A) |] ==> a: A";
112 |
by (rewtac rew);
113 |
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (map (rewrite_rule [rew]) prems @ [coinduct]) 1));
114 |
qed "def_coinduct";
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(*The version used in the induction/coinduction package*)
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val prems = goal Gfp.thy
118 |
"[| A == gfp(%w. Collect(P(w))); mono(%w. Collect(P(w))); \
119 |
\ a: X; !!z. z: X ==> P (X Un A) z |] ==> \
120 |
\ a : A";
121 |
by (rtac def_coinduct 1);
122 |
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ [subsetI,CollectI]) 1));
123 |
qed "def_Collect_coinduct";
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125 |
val rew::prems = goal Gfp.thy
126 |
"[| A==gfp(f); mono(f); a:X; X <= f(lfp(%x. f(x) Un X Un A)) |] ==> a: A";
127 |
by (rewtac rew);
128 |
by (REPEAT (ares_tac (map (rewrite_rule [rew]) prems @ [coinduct3]) 1));
129 |
qed "def_coinduct3";
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(*Monotonicity of gfp!*)
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val prems = goal Gfp.thy
133 |
"[| mono(f); !!Z. f(Z)<=g(Z) |] ==> gfp(f) <= gfp(g)";
134 |
by (rtac gfp_upperbound 1);
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by (rtac subset_trans 1);
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by (rtac gfp_lemma2 1);
137 |
by (resolve_tac prems 1);
138 |
by (resolve_tac prems 1);
139 |
val gfp_mono = result();
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(*Monotonicity of gfp!*)
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val [prem] = goal Gfp.thy "[| !!Z. f(Z)<=g(Z) |] ==> gfp(f) <= gfp(g)";
143 |
by (rtac (gfp_upperbound RS gfp_least) 1);
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by (etac (prem RSN (2,subset_trans)) 1);
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qed "gfp_mono";