1 |
(* Modified for Poly/ML from SML/NJ Library version 0.2
2 |
3 |
* COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by AT&T Bell Laboratories.
4 |
* See file mosml/copyrght/copyrght.att for details.
5 |
6 |
* Original author: John Reppy, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974
7 |
* Current version from the Moscow ML distribution, copied by permission.
8 |
9 |
10 |
(* Polyhash -- polymorphic hashtables as in the SML/NJ Library *)
11 |
12 |
signature Polyhash =
13 |
14 |
15 |
type ('key, 'data) hash_table
16 |
17 |
val mkTable : ('_key -> int) * ('_key * '_key -> bool) -> int * exn
18 |
-> ('_key, '_data) hash_table
19 |
val numItems : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> int
20 |
val insert : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> '_key * '_data -> unit
21 |
val peekInsert : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> '_key * '_data
22 |
-> '_data option
23 |
val find : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data
24 |
val peek : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data option
25 |
val remove : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data
26 |
val listItems : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> ('key * 'data) list
27 |
val apply : ('key * 'data -> unit) -> ('key, 'data) hash_table -> unit
28 |
val map : ('_key * 'data -> '_res) -> ('_key, 'data) hash_table
29 |
-> ('_key, '_res) hash_table
30 |
val filter : ('key * 'data -> bool) -> ('key, 'data) hash_table -> unit
31 |
val transform : ('data -> '_res) -> ('_key, 'data) hash_table
32 |
-> ('_key, '_res) hash_table
33 |
val copy : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> ('_key, '_data) hash_table
34 |
val bucketSizes : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> int list
35 |
36 |
(*Additions due to L. C. Paulson and Jia Meng*)
37 |
val hashw : word * word -> word
38 |
val hashw_char : Char.char * word -> word
39 |
val hashw_int : int * word -> word
40 |
val hashw_vector : word Vector.vector * word -> word
41 |
val hashw_string : string * word -> word
42 |
val hashw_strings : string list * word -> word
43 |
val hash_string : string -> int
44 |
45 |
46 |
[('key, 'data) hash_table] is the type of hashtables with keys of type
47 |
'key and data values of type 'data.
48 |
49 |
[mkTable (hashVal, sameKey) (sz, exc)] returns a new hashtable,
50 |
using hash function hashVal and equality predicate sameKey. The sz
51 |
is a size hint, and exc is the exception raised by function find.
52 |
It must be the case that sameKey(k1, k2) implies hashVal(k1) =
53 |
hashVal(k2) for all k1,k2.
54 |
55 |
[numItems htbl] is the number of items in the hash table.
56 |
57 |
[insert htbl (k, d)] inserts data d for key k. If k already had an
58 |
item associated with it, then the old item is overwritten.
59 |
60 |
[find htbl k] returns d, where d is the data item associated with key k,
61 |
or raises the exception (given at creation of htbl) if there is no such d.
62 |
63 |
[peek htbl k] returns SOME d, where d is the data item associated with
64 |
key k, or NONE if there is no such d.
65 |
66 |
[peekInsert htbl (k, d)] inserts data d for key k, if k is not
67 |
already in the table, returning NONE. If k is already in the
68 |
table, and the associated data value is d', then returns SOME d'
69 |
and leaves the table unmodified.
70 |
71 |
[remove htbl k] returns d, where d is the data item associated with key k,
72 |
removing d from the table; or raises the exception if there is no such d.
73 |
74 |
[listItems htbl] returns a list of the (key, data) pairs in the hashtable.
75 |
76 |
[apply f htbl] applies function f to all (key, data) pairs in the
77 |
hashtable, in some order.
78 |
79 |
[map f htbl] returns a new hashtable, whose data items have been
80 |
obtained by applying f to the (key, data) pairs in htbl. The new
81 |
tables have the same keys, hash function, equality predicate, and
82 |
exception, as htbl.
83 |
84 |
[filter p htbl] deletes from htbl all data items which do not
85 |
satisfy predicate p.
86 |
87 |
[transform f htbl] as map, but only the (old) data values are used
88 |
when computing the new data values.
89 |
90 |
[copy htbl] returns a complete copy of htbl.
91 |
92 |
[bucketSizes htbl] returns a list of the sizes of the buckets.
93 |
This is to allow users to gauge the quality of their hashing
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
structure Polyhash :> Polyhash =
101 |
102 |
103 |
datatype ('key, 'data) bucket_t
104 |
105 |
| B of int * 'key * 'data * ('key, 'data) bucket_t
106 |
107 |
datatype ('key, 'data) hash_table =
108 |
HT of {hashVal : 'key -> int,
109 |
sameKey : 'key * 'key -> bool,
110 |
not_found : exn,
111 |
table : ('key, 'data) bucket_t Array.array ref,
112 |
n_items : int ref}
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
prim_val andb_ : int -> int -> int = 2 "and";
117 |
prim_val lshift_ : int -> int -> int = 2 "shift_left";
118 |
119 |
fun andb_ x y = Word.toInt (Word.andb (Word.fromInt x, Word.fromInt y));
120 |
fun lshift_ x y = Word.toInt (Word.<< (Word.fromInt x, Word.fromInt y));
121 |
122 |
fun index (i, sz) = andb_ i (sz-1)
123 |
124 |
(* find smallest power of 2 (>= 32) that is >= n *)
125 |
fun roundUp n =
126 |
let fun f i = if (i >= n) then i else f (lshift_ i 1)
127 |
in f 32 end
128 |
129 |
130 |
(* Create a new table; the int is a size hint and the exception
131 |
* is to be raised by find.
132 |
133 |
fun mkTable (hashVal, sameKey) (sizeHint, notFound) = HT{
134 |
135 |
136 |
not_found = notFound,
137 |
table = ref (Array.array(roundUp sizeHint, NIL)),
138 |
n_items = ref 0
139 |
140 |
141 |
(* conditionally grow a table *)
142 |
fun growTable (HT{table, n_items, ...}) = let
143 |
val arr = !table
144 |
val sz = Array.length arr
145 |
146 |
if (!n_items >= sz)
147 |
then let
148 |
val newSz = sz+sz
149 |
val newArr = Array.array (newSz, NIL)
150 |
fun copy NIL = ()
151 |
| copy (B(h, key, v, rest)) = let
152 |
val indx = index (h, newSz)
153 |
154 |
Array.update (newArr, indx,
155 |
B(h, key, v, Array.sub(newArr, indx)));
156 |
copy rest
157 |
158 |
fun bucket n = (copy (Array.sub(arr, n)); bucket (n+1))
159 |
160 |
(bucket 0) handle _ => ();
161 |
table := newArr
162 |
163 |
else ()
164 |
end (* growTable *);
165 |
166 |
(* Insert an item. If the key already has an item associated with it,
167 |
* then the old item is discarded.
168 |
169 |
fun insert (tbl as HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, ...}) (key, item) =
170 |
171 |
val arr = !table
172 |
val sz = Array.length arr
173 |
val hash = hashVal key
174 |
val indx = index (hash, sz)
175 |
fun look NIL = (
176 |
Array.update(arr, indx, B(hash, key, item, Array.sub(arr, indx)));
177 |
inc n_items;
178 |
growTable tbl;
179 |
180 |
| look (B(h, k, v, r)) = if ((hash = h) andalso sameKey(key, k))
181 |
then B(hash, key, item, r)
182 |
else (case (look r)
183 |
of NIL => NIL
184 |
| rest => B(h, k, v, rest)
185 |
(* end case *))
186 |
187 |
case (look (Array.sub (arr, indx)))
188 |
of NIL => ()
189 |
| b => Array.update(arr, indx, b)
190 |
191 |
192 |
(* Insert an item if not there already; if it is there already,
193 |
then return the old data value and leave the table unmodified..
194 |
195 |
fun peekInsert (tbl as HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, ...}) (key, item) =
196 |
let val arr = !table
197 |
val sz = Array.length arr
198 |
val hash = hashVal key
199 |
val indx = index (hash, sz)
200 |
fun look NIL =
201 |
(Array.update(arr, indx, B(hash, key, item,
202 |
Array.sub(arr, indx)));
203 |
inc n_items;
204 |
growTable tbl;
205 |
206 |
| look (B(h, k, v, r)) =
207 |
if hash = h andalso sameKey(key, k) then SOME v
208 |
else look r
209 |
210 |
look (Array.sub (arr, indx))
211 |
212 |
213 |
(* find an item, the table's exception is raised if the item doesn't exist *)
214 |
fun find (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, not_found, ...}) key = let
215 |
val arr = !table
216 |
val sz = Array.length arr
217 |
val hash = hashVal key
218 |
val indx = index (hash, sz)
219 |
fun look NIL = raise not_found
220 |
| look (B(h, k, v, r)) = if ((hash = h) andalso sameKey(key, k))
221 |
then v
222 |
else look r
223 |
224 |
look (Array.sub (arr, indx))
225 |
226 |
227 |
(* look for an item, return NONE if the item doesn't exist *)
228 |
fun peek (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, ...}) key = let
229 |
val arr = !table
230 |
val sz = Array.length arr
231 |
val hash = hashVal key
232 |
val indx = index (hash, sz)
233 |
fun look NIL = NONE
234 |
| look (B(h, k, v, r)) = if ((hash = h) andalso sameKey(key, k))
235 |
then SOME v
236 |
else look r
237 |
238 |
look (Array.sub (arr, indx))
239 |
240 |
241 |
(* Remove an item. The table's exception is raised if
242 |
* the item doesn't exist.
243 |
244 |
fun remove (HT{hashVal, sameKey, not_found, table, n_items}) key = let
245 |
val arr = !table
246 |
val sz = Array.length arr
247 |
val hash = hashVal key
248 |
val indx = index (hash, sz)
249 |
fun look NIL = raise not_found
250 |
| look (B(h, k, v, r)) = if ((hash = h) andalso sameKey(key, k))
251 |
then (v, r)
252 |
else let val (item, r') = look r in (item, B(h, k, v, r')) end
253 |
val (item, bucket) = look (Array.sub (arr, indx))
254 |
255 |
Array.update (arr, indx, bucket);
256 |
n_items := !n_items - 1;
257 |
258 |
end (* remove *);
259 |
260 |
(* Return the number of items in the table *)
261 |
fun numItems (HT{n_items, ...}) = !n_items
262 |
263 |
(* return a list of the items in the table *)
264 |
fun listItems (HT{table = ref arr, n_items, ...}) = let
265 |
fun f (_, l, 0) = l
266 |
| f (~1, l, _) = l
267 |
| f (i, l, n) = let
268 |
fun g (NIL, l, n) = f (i-1, l, n)
269 |
| g (B(_, k, v, r), l, n) = g(r, (k, v)::l, n-1)
270 |
271 |
g (Array.sub(arr, i), l, n)
272 |
273 |
274 |
f ((Array.length arr) - 1, [], !n_items)
275 |
end (* listItems *);
276 |
277 |
(* Apply a function to the entries of the table *)
278 |
fun apply f (HT{table, ...}) = let
279 |
fun appF NIL = ()
280 |
| appF (B(_, key, item, rest)) = (
281 |
f (key, item);
282 |
appF rest)
283 |
val arr = !table
284 |
val sz = Array.length arr
285 |
fun appToTbl i = if (i < sz)
286 |
then (appF (Array.sub (arr, i)); appToTbl(i+1))
287 |
else ()
288 |
289 |
appToTbl 0
290 |
end (* apply *);
291 |
292 |
(* Map a table to a new table that has the same keys and exception *)
293 |
fun map f (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, not_found}) = let
294 |
fun mapF NIL = NIL
295 |
| mapF (B(hash, key, item, rest)) =
296 |
B(hash, key, f (key, item), mapF rest)
297 |
val arr = !table
298 |
val sz = Array.length arr
299 |
val newArr = Array.array (sz, NIL)
300 |
fun mapTbl i = if (i < sz)
301 |
then (
302 |
Array.update(newArr, i, mapF (Array.sub(arr, i)));
303 |
mapTbl (i+1))
304 |
else ()
305 |
306 |
mapTbl 0;
307 |
308 |
309 |
table = ref newArr,
310 |
n_items = ref(!n_items),
311 |
not_found = not_found}
312 |
end (* transform *);
313 |
314 |
(* remove any hash table items that do not satisfy the given
315 |
* predicate.
316 |
317 |
fun filter pred (HT{table, n_items, not_found, ...}) = let
318 |
fun filterP NIL = NIL
319 |
| filterP (B(hash, key, item, rest)) = if (pred(key, item))
320 |
then B(hash, key, item, filterP rest)
321 |
else filterP rest
322 |
val arr = !table
323 |
val sz = Array.length arr
324 |
fun filterTbl i = if (i < sz)
325 |
then (
326 |
Array.update (arr, i, filterP (Array.sub (arr, i)));
327 |
filterTbl (i+1))
328 |
else ()
329 |
330 |
filterTbl 0
331 |
end (* filter *);
332 |
333 |
(* Map a table to a new table that has the same keys, exception,
334 |
hash function, and equality function *)
335 |
336 |
fun transform f (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, not_found}) = let
337 |
fun mapF NIL = NIL
338 |
| mapF (B(hash, key, item, rest)) = B(hash, key, f item, mapF rest)
339 |
val arr = !table
340 |
val sz = Array.length arr
341 |
val newArr = Array.array (sz, NIL)
342 |
fun mapTbl i = if (i < sz)
343 |
then (
344 |
Array.update(newArr, i, mapF (Array.sub(arr, i)));
345 |
mapTbl (i+1))
346 |
else ()
347 |
348 |
mapTbl 0;
349 |
350 |
351 |
table = ref newArr,
352 |
n_items = ref(!n_items),
353 |
not_found = not_found}
354 |
end (* transform *);
355 |
356 |
(* Create a copy of a hash table *)
357 |
fun copy (HT{hashVal, sameKey, table, n_items, not_found}) = let
358 |
val arr = !table
359 |
val sz = Array.length arr
360 |
val newArr = Array.array (sz, NIL)
361 |
fun mapTbl i = (
362 |
Array.update (newArr, i, Array.sub(arr, i));
363 |
mapTbl (i+1))
364 |
365 |
(mapTbl 0) handle _ => ();
366 |
367 |
368 |
table = ref newArr,
369 |
n_items = ref(!n_items),
370 |
not_found = not_found}
371 |
end (* copy *);
372 |
373 |
(* returns a list of the sizes of the various buckets. This is to
374 |
* allow users to gauge the quality of their hashing function.
375 |
376 |
fun bucketSizes (HT{table = ref arr, ...}) = let
377 |
fun len (NIL, n) = n
378 |
| len (B(_, _, _, r), n) = len(r, n+1)
379 |
fun f (~1, l) = l
380 |
| f (i, l) = f (i-1, len (Array.sub (arr, i), 0) :: l)
381 |
382 |
f ((Array.length arr)-1, [])
383 |
384 |
385 |
(*Added by lcp.
386 |
This is essentially the described in Compilers:
387 |
Principles, Techniques, and Tools, by Aho, Sethi and Ullman.*)
388 |
389 |
(*This hash function is recommended in Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and
390 |
Tools, by Aho, Sethi and Ullman. The hashpjw function, which they particularly
391 |
recommend, triggers a bug in versions of Poly/ML up to 4.2.0.*)
392 |
fun hashw (u,w) = Word.+ (u, Word.*(0w65599,w))
393 |
394 |
fun hashw_char (c,w) = hashw (Word.fromInt (Char.ord c), w);
395 |
396 |
fun hashw_int (i,w) = hashw (Word.fromInt i, w);
397 |
398 |
fun hashw_vector (v,w) = Vector.foldl hashw w v;
399 |
400 |
fun hashw_string (s:string, w) = CharVector.foldl hashw_char w s;
401 |
402 |
fun hashw_strings (ss, w) = List.foldl hashw_string w ss;
403 |
404 |
fun hash_string s = Word.toIntX (hashw_string(s,0w0));
405 |
406 |