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(* Title: HOL/IMPP/Misc.thy
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Author: David von Oheimb, TUM
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header {* Several examples for Hoare logic *}
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theory Misc
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imports Hoare
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10 |
11 |
12 |
newlocs_def: "newlocs == %x. undefined"
13 |
setlocs_def: "setlocs s l' == case s of st g l => st g l'"
14 |
getlocs_def: "getlocs s == case s of st g l => l"
15 |
update_def: "update s vn v == case vn of
16 |
Glb gn => (case s of st g l => st (g(gn:=v)) l)
17 |
| Loc ln => (case s of st g l => st g (l(ln:=v)))"
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subsection "state access"
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lemma getlocs_def2: "getlocs (st g l) = l"
23 |
apply (unfold getlocs_def)
24 |
apply simp
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27 |
lemma update_Loc_idem2 [simp]: "s[Loc Y::=s<Y>] = s"
28 |
apply (unfold update_def)
29 |
apply (induct_tac s)
30 |
apply (simp add: getlocs_def2)
31 |
32 |
33 |
lemma update_overwrt [simp]: "s[X::=x][X::=y] = s[X::=y]"
34 |
apply (unfold update_def)
35 |
apply (induct_tac X)
36 |
apply auto
37 |
apply (induct_tac [!] s)
38 |
apply auto
39 |
40 |
41 |
lemma getlocs_Loc_update [simp]: "(s[Loc Y::=k])<Y'> = (if Y=Y' then k else s<Y'>)"
42 |
apply (unfold update_def)
43 |
apply (induct_tac s)
44 |
apply (simp add: getlocs_def2)
45 |
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lemma getlocs_Glb_update [simp]: "getlocs (s[Glb Y::=k]) = getlocs s"
48 |
apply (unfold update_def)
49 |
apply (induct_tac s)
50 |
apply (simp add: getlocs_def2)
51 |
52 |
53 |
lemma getlocs_setlocs [simp]: "getlocs (setlocs s l) = l"
54 |
apply (unfold setlocs_def)
55 |
apply (induct_tac s)
56 |
apply auto
57 |
apply (simp add: getlocs_def2)
58 |
59 |
60 |
lemma getlocs_setlocs_lemma: "getlocs (setlocs s (getlocs s')[Y::=k]) = getlocs (s'[Y::=k])"
61 |
apply (induct_tac Y)
62 |
apply (rule_tac [2] ext)
63 |
apply auto
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lemma classic_Local_valid:
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"!v. G|={%Z s. P Z (s[Loc Y::=v]) & s<Y> = a (s[Loc Y::=v])}.
69 |
c .{%Z s. Q Z (s[Loc Y::=v])} ==> G|={P}. LOCAL Y:=a IN c .{Q}"
70 |
apply (unfold hoare_valids_def)
71 |
apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: triple_valid_def2)
72 |
apply clarsimp
73 |
apply (drule_tac x = "s<Y>" in spec)
74 |
apply (tactic "smp_tac 1 1")
75 |
apply (drule spec)
76 |
apply (drule_tac x = "s[Loc Y::=a s]" in spec)
77 |
apply (simp (no_asm_use))
78 |
apply (erule (1) notE impE)
79 |
apply (tactic "smp_tac 1 1")
80 |
apply simp
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82 |
83 |
lemma classic_Local: "!v. G|-{%Z s. P Z (s[Loc Y::=v]) & s<Y> = a (s[Loc Y::=v])}.
84 |
c .{%Z s. Q Z (s[Loc Y::=v])} ==> G|-{P}. LOCAL Y:=a IN c .{Q}"
85 |
apply (rule export_s)
86 |
apply (rule hoare_derivs.Local [THEN conseq1])
87 |
apply (erule spec)
88 |
apply force
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lemma classic_Local_indep: "[| Y~=Y'; G|-{P}. c .{%Z s. s<Y'> = d} |] ==>
92 |
G|-{%Z s. P Z (s[Loc Y::=a s])}. LOCAL Y:=a IN c .{%Z s. s<Y'> = d}"
93 |
apply (rule classic_Local)
94 |
apply clarsimp
95 |
apply (erule conseq12)
96 |
apply clarsimp
97 |
apply (drule sym)
98 |
apply simp
99 |
100 |
101 |
lemma Local_indep: "[| Y~=Y'; G|-{P}. c .{%Z s. s<Y'> = d} |] ==>
102 |
G|-{%Z s. P Z (s[Loc Y::=a s])}. LOCAL Y:=a IN c .{%Z s. s<Y'> = d}"
103 |
apply (rule export_s)
104 |
apply (rule hoare_derivs.Local)
105 |
apply clarsimp
106 |
107 |
108 |
lemma weak_Local_indep: "[| Y'~=Y; G|-{P}. c .{%Z s. s<Y'> = d} |] ==>
109 |
G|-{%Z s. P Z (s[Loc Y::=a s])}. LOCAL Y:=a IN c .{%Z s. s<Y'> = d}"
110 |
apply (rule weak_Local)
111 |
apply auto
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113 |
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lemma export_Local_invariant: "G|-{%Z s. Z = s<Y>}. LOCAL Y:=a IN c .{%Z s. Z = s<Y>}"
116 |
apply (rule export_s)
117 |
apply (rule_tac P' = "%Z s. s'=s & True" and Q' = "%Z s. s'<Y> = s<Y>" in conseq12)
118 |
prefer 2
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apply clarsimp
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apply (rule hoare_derivs.Local)
121 |
apply clarsimp
122 |
apply (rule trueI)
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lemma classic_Local_invariant: "G|-{%Z s. Z = s<Y>}. LOCAL Y:=a IN c .{%Z s. Z = s<Y>}"
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apply (rule classic_Local)
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apply clarsimp
128 |
apply (rule trueI [THEN conseq12])
129 |
apply clarsimp
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lemma Call_invariant: "G|-{P}. BODY pn .{%Z s. Q Z (setlocs s (getlocs s')[X::=s<Res>])} ==>
133 |
G|-{%Z s. s'=s & I Z (getlocs (s[X::=k Z])) & P Z (setlocs s newlocs[Loc Arg::=a s])}.
134 |
X:=CALL pn (a) .{%Z s. I Z (getlocs (s[X::=k Z])) & Q Z s}"
135 |
apply (rule_tac s'1 = "s'" and
136 |
Q' = "%Z s. I Z (getlocs (s[X::=k Z])) = I Z (getlocs (s'[X::=k Z])) & Q Z s" in
137 |
hoare_derivs.Call [THEN conseq12])
138 |
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: getlocs_setlocs_lemma)
139 |
apply force
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