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(* Title: astar
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ID: $Id$
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Author: Norbert Voelker, FernUniversitaet Hagen
4 |
Remarks: Implementation of A*-like proof procedure by modification
5 |
of the existing code for BEST_FIRST and best_tac so that the
6 |
current level of search is taken into account.
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(*Insertion into priority queue of states, marked with level *)
10 |
fun insert_with_level (lnth: int*int*thm, []) = [lnth]
11 |
| insert_with_level ((l,m,th), (l',n,th')::nths) =
12 |
if n<m then (l',n,th') :: insert_with_level ((l,m,th), nths)
13 |
else if n=m andalso eq_thm(th,th')
14 |
then (l',n,th')::nths
15 |
else (l,m,th)::(l',n,th')::nths;
16 |
17 |
(*For creating output sequence*)
18 |
fun some_of_list [] = None
19 |
| some_of_list (x::l) = Some (x, Sequence.seqof (fn () => some_of_list l));
20 |
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val trace_ASTAR = ref false;
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fun (Tactic tf0) THEN_ASTAR (satp, costf, tac) =
25 |
let val tf = tracify trace_ASTAR tac;
26 |
fun bfs (news,nprfs,level) =
27 |
let fun cost thm = (level,costf level thm,thm)
28 |
in (case partition satp news of
29 |
30 |
=> next (foldr insert_with_level (map cost nonsats, nprfs))
31 |
| (sats,_) => some_of_list sats)
32 |
end and
33 |
next [] = None
34 |
| next ((level,n,prf)::nprfs) =
35 |
(if !trace_ASTAR
36 |
then writeln("level = " ^ string_of_int level ^
37 |
" cost = " ^ string_of_int n ^
38 |
" queue length =" ^ string_of_int (length nprfs))
39 |
else ();
40 |
bfs (Sequence.list_of_s (tf prf), nprfs,level+1))
41 |
fun tf st = bfs (Sequence.list_of_s (tf0 st), [], 0)
42 |
in traced_tac tf end;
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(*Ordinary ASTAR, with no initial tactic*)
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fun ASTAR (satp,costf) tac = all_tac THEN_ASTAR (satp,costf,tac);
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(* ASTAR with weight weight_ASTAR as a classical prover *)
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val weight_ASTAR = ref 5;
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fun astar_tac cs =
51 |
SELECT_GOAL ( ASTAR (has_fewer_prems 1
52 |
, fn level =>(fn thm =>size_of_thm thm + !weight_ASTAR *level))
53 |
(step_tac cs 1));
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fun slow_astar_tac cs =
56 |
SELECT_GOAL ( ASTAR (has_fewer_prems 1
57 |
, fn level =>(fn thm =>size_of_thm thm + !weight_ASTAR *level))
58 |
(slow_step_tac cs 1));
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