1 |
2 |
\chapter{Object-logic specific elements}\label{ch:logics}
3 |
4 |
\section{General logic setup}\label{sec:object-logic}
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
\isarcmd{judgment} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
12 |
atomize & : & \isarmeth \\
13 |
atomize & : & \isaratt \\
14 |
rule_format & : & \isaratt \\
15 |
rulify & : & \isaratt \\
16 |
17 |
18 |
The very starting point for any Isabelle object-logic is a ``truth judgment''
19 |
that links object-level statements to the meta-logic (with its minimal
20 |
language of $prop$ that covers universal quantification $\Forall$ and
21 |
implication $\Imp$). Common object-logics are sufficiently expressive to
22 |
\emph{internalize} rule statements over $\Forall$ and $\Imp$ within their own
23 |
language. This is useful in certain situations where a rule needs to be
24 |
viewed as an atomic statement from the meta-level perspective (e.g.\ $\All x x
25 |
\in A \Imp P(x)$ versus $\forall x \in A. P(x)$).
26 |
27 |
From the following language elements, only the $atomize$ method and
28 |
$rule_format$ attribute are occasionally required by end-users, the rest is
29 |
for those who need to setup their own object-logic. In the latter case
30 |
existing formulations of Isabelle/FOL or Isabelle/HOL may be taken as
31 |
realistic examples.
32 |
33 |
Generic tools may refer to the information provided by object-logic
34 |
declarations internally (e.g.\ locales \S\ref{sec:locale}, or the Classical
35 |
Reasoner \S\ref{sec:classical}).
36 |
37 |
38 |
'judgment' constdecl
39 |
40 |
atomize ('(' 'full' ')')?
41 |
42 |
ruleformat ('(' 'noasm' ')')?
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{judgment}~c::\sigma~~syn$] declares constant $c$ as the
49 |
truth judgment of the current object-logic. Its type $\sigma$ should
50 |
specify a coercion of the category of object-level propositions to $prop$ of
51 |
the Pure meta-logic; the mixfix annotation $syn$ would typically just link
52 |
the object language (internally of syntactic category $logic$) with that of
53 |
$prop$. Only one $\isarkeyword{judgment}$ declaration may be given in any
54 |
theory development.
55 |
56 |
\item [$atomize$] (as a method) rewrites any non-atomic premises of a
57 |
sub-goal, using the meta-level equations declared via $atomize$ (as an
58 |
attribute) beforehand. As a result, heavily nested goals become amenable to
59 |
fundamental operations such as resolution (cf.\ the $rule$ method) and
60 |
proof-by-assumption (cf.\ $assumption$). Giving the ``$(full)$'' option
61 |
here means to turn the subgoal into an object-statement (if possible),
62 |
including the outermost parameters and assumptions as well.
63 |
64 |
A typical collection of $atomize$ rules for a particular object-logic would
65 |
provide an internalization for each of the connectives of $\Forall$, $\Imp$,
66 |
and $\equiv$. Meta-level conjunction expressed in the manner of minimal
67 |
higher-order logic as $\All{\PROP\,C} (A \Imp B \Imp \PROP\,C) \Imp PROP\,C$
68 |
should be covered as well (this is particularly important for locales, see
69 |
70 |
71 |
\item [$rule_format$] rewrites a theorem by the equalities declared as
72 |
$rulify$ rules in the current object-logic. By default, the result is fully
73 |
normalized, including assumptions and conclusions at any depth. The
74 |
$no_asm$ option restricts the transformation to the conclusion of a rule.
75 |
76 |
In common object-logics (HOL, FOL, ZF), the effect of $rule_format$ is to
77 |
replace (bounded) universal quantification ($\forall$) and implication
78 |
($\imp$) by the corresponding rule statements over $\Forall$ and $\Imp$.
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
\subsection{Primitive types}\label{sec:typedef}
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
\isarcmd{typedecl} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
90 |
\isarcmd{typedef} & : & \isartrans{theory}{proof(prove)} \\
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
'typedecl' typespec infix?
95 |
96 |
'typedef' parname? abstype '=' repset
97 |
98 |
99 |
abstype: typespec infix?
100 |
101 |
repset: term ('morphisms' name name)?
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{typedecl}~(\vec\alpha)t$] is similar to the original
108 |
$\isarkeyword{typedecl}$ of Isabelle/Pure (see \S\ref{sec:types-pure}), but
109 |
also declares type arity $t :: (term, \dots, term) term$, making $t$ an
110 |
actual HOL type constructor.
111 |
112 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{typedef}~(\vec\alpha)t = A$] sets up a goal stating
113 |
non-emptiness of the set $A$. After finishing the proof, the theory will be
114 |
augmented by a Gordon/HOL-style type definition, which establishes a
115 |
bijection between the representing set $A$ and the new type $t$.
116 |
117 |
Technically, $\isarkeyword{typedef}$ defines both a type $t$ and a set (term
118 |
constant) of the same name (an alternative base name may be given in
119 |
parentheses). The injection from type to set is called $Rep_t$, its inverse
120 |
$Abs_t$ (this may be changed via an explicit $\isarkeyword{morphisms}$
121 |
122 |
123 |
Theorems $Rep_t$, $Rep_inverse$, and $Abs_inverse$ provide the most basic
124 |
characterization as a corresponding injection/surjection pair (in both
125 |
directions). Rules $Rep_t_inject$ and $Abs_t_inject$ provide a slightly
126 |
more comfortable view on the injectivity part, suitable for automated proof
127 |
tools (e.g.\ in $simp$ or $iff$ declarations). Rules $Rep_t_cases$,
128 |
$Rep_t_induct$, and $Abs_t_cases$, $Abs_t_induct$ provide alternative views
129 |
on surjectivity; these are already declared as type or set rules for the
130 |
generic $cases$ and $induct$ methods.
131 |
132 |
133 |
Raw type declarations are rarely used in practice; the main application is
134 |
with experimental (or even axiomatic!) theory fragments. Instead of primitive
135 |
HOL type definitions, user-level theories usually refer to higher-level
136 |
packages such as $\isarkeyword{record}$ (see \S\ref{sec:hol-record}) or
137 |
$\isarkeyword{datatype}$ (see \S\ref{sec:hol-datatype}).
138 |
139 |
140 |
\subsection{Adhoc tuples}
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
split_format^* & : & \isaratt \\
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
splitformat (((name * ) + 'and') | ('(' complete ')'))
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
\item [$split_format~\vec p@1 \dots \vec p@n$] puts expressions of low-level
159 |
tuple types into canonical form as specified by the arguments given; $\vec
160 |
p@i$ refers to occurrences in premise $i$ of the rule. The
161 |
$split_format~(complete)$ form causes \emph{all} arguments in function
162 |
applications to be represented canonically according to their tuple type
163 |
164 |
165 |
Note that these operations tend to invent funny names for new local
166 |
parameters to be introduced.
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
In principle, records merely generalize the concept of tuples where components
174 |
may be addressed by labels instead of just position. The logical
175 |
infrastructure of records in Isabelle/HOL is slightly more advanced, though,
176 |
supporting truly extensible record schemes. This admits operations that are
177 |
polymorphic with respect to record extension, yielding ``object-oriented''
178 |
effects like (single) inheritance. See also \cite{NaraschewskiW-TPHOLs98} for
179 |
more details on object-oriented verification and record subtyping in HOL.
180 |
181 |
182 |
\subsection{Basic concepts}
183 |
184 |
Isabelle/HOL supports both \emph{fixed} and \emph{schematic} records at the
185 |
level of terms and types. The notation is as follows:
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
& record terms & record types \\ \hline
190 |
fixed & $\record{x = a\fs y = b}$ & $\record{x \ty A\fs y \ty B}$ \\
191 |
schematic & $\record{x = a\fs y = b\fs \more = m}$ &
192 |
$\record{x \ty A\fs y \ty B\fs \more \ty M}$ \\
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
\noindent The ASCII representation of $\record{x = a}$ is \texttt{(| x = a |)}.
197 |
198 |
A fixed record $\record{x = a\fs y = b}$ has field $x$ of value $a$ and field
199 |
$y$ of value $b$. The corresponding type is $\record{x \ty A\fs y \ty B}$,
200 |
assuming that $a \ty A$ and $b \ty B$.
201 |
202 |
A record scheme like $\record{x = a\fs y = b\fs \more = m}$ contains fields
203 |
$x$ and $y$ as before, but also possibly further fields as indicated by the
204 |
``$\more$'' notation (which is actually part of the syntax). The improper
205 |
field ``$\more$'' of a record scheme is called the \emph{more part}.
206 |
Logically it is just a free variable, which is occasionally referred to as
207 |
\emph{row variable} in the literature. The more part of a record scheme may
208 |
be instantiated by zero or more further components. For example, the above
209 |
scheme may get instantiated to $\record{x = a\fs y = b\fs z = c\fs \more =
210 |
m'}$, where $m'$ refers to a different more part. Fixed records are special
211 |
instances of record schemes, where ``$\more$'' is properly terminated by the
212 |
$() :: unit$ element. Actually, $\record{x = a\fs y = b}$ is just an
213 |
abbreviation for $\record{x = a\fs y = b\fs \more = ()}$.
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
Two key observations make extensible records in a simply typed language like
218 |
HOL feasible:
219 |
220 |
\item the more part is internalized, as a free term or type variable,
221 |
\item field names are externalized, they cannot be accessed within the logic
222 |
as first-class values.
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
In Isabelle/HOL record types have to be defined explicitly, fixing their field
228 |
names and types, and their (optional) parent record (see
229 |
{\S}\ref{sec:hol-record-def}). Afterwards, records may be formed using above
230 |
syntax, while obeying the canonical order of fields as given by their
231 |
declaration. The record package provides several standard operations like
232 |
selectors and updates (see {\S}\ref{sec:hol-record-ops}). The common setup
233 |
for various generic proof tools enable succinct reasoning patterns (see
234 |
{\S}\ref{sec:hol-record-thms}). See also the Isabelle/HOL tutorial
235 |
\cite{isabelle-hol-book} for further instructions on using records in
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
\subsection{Record specifications}\label{sec:hol-record-def}
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
\isarcmd{record} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
'record' typespec '=' (type '+')? (constdecl +)
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{record}~(\vec\alpha)t = \tau + \vec c :: \vec\sigma$]
253 |
defines extensible record type $(\vec\alpha)t$, derived from the optional
254 |
parent record $\tau$ by adding new field components $\vec c :: \vec\sigma$.
255 |
256 |
The type variables of $\tau$ and $\vec\sigma$ need to be covered by the
257 |
(distinct) parameters $\vec\alpha$. Type constructor $t$ has to be new,
258 |
while $\tau$ needs to specify an instance of an existing record type. At
259 |
least one new field $\vec c$ has to be specified. Basically, field names
260 |
need to belong to a unique record. This is not a real restriction in
261 |
practice, since fields are qualified by the record name internally.
262 |
263 |
The parent record specification $\tau$ is optional; if omitted $t$ becomes a
264 |
root record. The hierarchy of all records declared within a theory context
265 |
forms a forest structure, i.e.\ a set of trees starting with a root record
266 |
each. There is no way to merge multiple parent records!
267 |
268 |
For convenience, $(\vec\alpha) \, t$ is made a type abbreviation for the
269 |
fixed record type $\record{\vec c \ty \vec\sigma}$, likewise is
270 |
$(\vec\alpha, \zeta) \, t_scheme$ made an abbreviation for $\record{\vec c
271 |
\ty \vec\sigma\fs \more \ty \zeta}$.
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
\subsection{Record operations}\label{sec:hol-record-ops}
276 |
277 |
Any record definition of the form presented above produces certain standard
278 |
operations. Selectors and updates are provided for any field, including the
279 |
improper one ``$more$''. There are also cumulative record constructor
280 |
functions. To simplify the presentation below, we assume for now that
281 |
$(\vec\alpha) \, t$ is a root record with fields $\vec c \ty \vec\sigma$.
282 |
283 |
\medskip \textbf{Selectors} and \textbf{updates} are available for any field
284 |
(including ``$more$''):
285 |
286 |
c@i & \ty & \record{\vec c \ty \vec \sigma, \more \ty \zeta} \To \sigma@i \\
287 |
c@i_update & \ty & \sigma@i \To \record{\vec c \ty \vec\sigma, \more \ty \zeta} \To
288 |
\record{\vec c \ty \vec\sigma, \more \ty \zeta}
289 |
290 |
291 |
There is special syntax for application of updates: $r \, \record{x \asn a}$
292 |
abbreviates term $x_update \, a \, r$. Further notation for repeated updates
293 |
is also available: $r \, \record{x \asn a} \, \record{y \asn b} \, \record{z
294 |
\asn c}$ may be written $r \, \record{x \asn a\fs y \asn b\fs z \asn c}$.
295 |
Note that because of postfix notation the order of fields shown here is
296 |
reverse than in the actual term. Since repeated updates are just function
297 |
applications, fields may be freely permuted in $\record{x \asn a\fs y \asn
298 |
b\fs z \asn c}$, as far as logical equality is concerned. Thus
299 |
commutativity of updates can be proven within the logic for any two fields,
300 |
but not as a general theorem: fields are not first-class values.
301 |
302 |
\medskip The \textbf{make} operation provides a cumulative record constructor
303 |
304 |
305 |
t{\dtt}make & \ty & \vec\sigma \To \record{\vec c \ty \vec \sigma} \\
306 |
307 |
308 |
\medskip We now reconsider the case of non-root records, which are derived of
309 |
some parent. In general, the latter may depend on another parent as well,
310 |
resulting in a list of \emph{ancestor records}. Appending the lists of fields
311 |
of all ancestors results in a certain field prefix. The record package
312 |
automatically takes care of this by lifting operations over this context of
313 |
ancestor fields. Assuming that $(\vec\alpha) \, t$ has ancestor fields $\vec
314 |
b \ty \vec\rho$, the above record operations will get the following types:
315 |
316 |
c@i & \ty & \record{\vec b \ty \vec\rho, \vec c \ty \vec\sigma, \more \ty
317 |
\zeta} \To \sigma@i \\
318 |
c@i_update & \ty & \sigma@i \To
319 |
\record{\vec b \ty \vec\rho, \vec c \ty \vec\sigma, \more \ty \zeta} \To
320 |
\record{\vec b \ty \vec\rho, \vec c \ty \vec\sigma, \more \ty \zeta} \\
321 |
t{\dtt}make & \ty & \vec\rho \To \vec\sigma \To
322 |
\record{\vec b \ty \vec\rho, \vec c \ty \vec \sigma} \\
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |
\medskip Some further operations address the extension aspect of a derived
327 |
record scheme specifically: $fields$ produces a record fragment consisting of
328 |
exactly the new fields introduced here (the result may serve as a more part
329 |
elsewhere); $extend$ takes a fixed record and adds a given more part;
330 |
$truncate$ restricts a record scheme to a fixed record.
331 |
332 |
333 |
t{\dtt}fields & \ty & \vec\sigma \To \record{\vec c \ty \vec \sigma} \\
334 |
t{\dtt}extend & \ty & \record{\vec d \ty \vec \rho, \vec c \ty \vec\sigma} \To
335 |
\zeta \To \record{\vec d \ty \vec \rho, \vec c \ty \vec\sigma, \more \ty \zeta} \\
336 |
t{\dtt}truncate & \ty & \record{\vec d \ty \vec \rho, \vec c \ty \vec\sigma, \more \ty \zeta} \To
337 |
\record{\vec d \ty \vec \rho, \vec c \ty \vec\sigma} \\
338 |
339 |
340 |
\noindent Note that $t{\dtt}make$ and $t{\dtt}fields$ are actually coincide for root records.
341 |
342 |
343 |
\subsection{Derived rules and proof tools}\label{sec:hol-record-thms}
344 |
345 |
The record package proves several results internally, declaring these facts to
346 |
appropriate proof tools. This enables users to reason about record structures
347 |
quite comfortably. Assume that $t$ is a record type as specified above.
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
\item Standard conversions for selectors or updates applied to record
352 |
constructor terms are made part of the default Simplifier context; thus
353 |
proofs by reduction of basic operations merely require the $simp$ method
354 |
without further arguments. These rules are available as $t{\dtt}simps$.
355 |
356 |
\item Selectors applied to updated records are automatically reduced by an
357 |
internal simplification procedure, which is also part of the default
358 |
Simplifier context.
359 |
360 |
\item Inject equations of a form analogous to $((x, y) = (x', y')) \equiv x=x'
361 |
\conj y=y'$ are declared to the Simplifier and Classical Reasoner as $iff$
362 |
rules. These rules are available as $t{\dtt}iffs$.
363 |
364 |
\item The introduction rule for record equality analogous to $x~r = x~r' \Imp
365 |
y~r = y~r' \Imp \dots \Imp r = r'$ is declared to the Simplifier, and as the
366 |
basic rule context as ``$intro?$''. The rule is called $t{\dtt}equality$.
367 |
368 |
\item Representations of arbitrary record expressions as canonical constructor
369 |
terms are provided both in $cases$ and $induct$ format (cf.\ the generic
370 |
proof methods of the same name, \S\ref{sec:cases-induct}). Several
371 |
variations are available, for fixed records, record schemes, more parts etc.
372 |
373 |
The generic proof methods are sufficiently smart to pick the most sensible
374 |
rule according to the type of the indicated record expression: users just
375 |
need to apply something like ``$(cases r)$'' to a certain proof problem.
376 |
377 |
\item The derived record operations $t{\dtt}make$, $t{\dtt}fields$,
378 |
$t{\dtt}extend$, $t{\dtt}truncate$ are \emph{not} treated automatically, but
379 |
usually need to be expanded by hand, using the collective fact
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
\isarcmd{datatype} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
390 |
\isarcmd{rep_datatype} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
391 |
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
'datatype' (dtspec + 'and')
398 |
399 |
repdatatype (name * ) dtrules
400 |
401 |
402 |
dtspec: parname? typespec infix? '=' (cons + '|')
403 |
404 |
cons: name (type * ) mixfix?
405 |
406 |
dtrules: 'distinct' thmrefs 'inject' thmrefs 'induction' thmrefs
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{datatype}$] defines inductive datatypes in HOL.
411 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{rep_datatype}$] represents existing types as inductive
412 |
ones, generating the standard infrastructure of derived concepts (primitive
413 |
recursion etc.).
414 |
415 |
416 |
The induction and exhaustion theorems generated provide case names according
417 |
to the constructors involved, while parameters are named after the types (see
418 |
also \S\ref{sec:cases-induct}).
419 |
420 |
See \cite{isabelle-HOL} for more details on datatypes, but beware of the
421 |
old-style theory syntax being used there! Apart from proper proof methods for
422 |
case-analysis and induction, there are also emulations of ML tactics
423 |
\texttt{case_tac} and \texttt{induct_tac} available, see
424 |
\S\ref{sec:induct_tac}; these admit to refer directly to the internal
425 |
structure of subgoals (including internally bound parameters).
426 |
427 |
428 |
\subsection{Recursive functions}\label{sec:recursion}
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
\isarcmd{primrec} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
433 |
\isarcmd{recdef} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
434 |
\isarcmd{recdef_tc}^* & : & \isartrans{theory}{proof(prove)} \\
435 |
436 |
% \isarcmd{defer_recdef} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 |
'primrec' parname? (equation + )
453 |
454 |
'recdef' ('(' 'permissive' ')')? \\ name term (prop + ) hints?
455 |
456 |
recdeftc thmdecl? tc
457 |
458 |
459 |
equation: thmdecl? prop
460 |
461 |
hints: '(' 'hints' (recdefmod * ) ')'
462 |
463 |
recdefmod: ((recdefsimp | recdefcong | recdefwf) (() | 'add' | 'del') ':' thmrefs) | clasimpmod
464 |
465 |
tc: nameref ('(' nat ')')?
466 |
467 |
468 |
469 |
470 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{primrec}$] defines primitive recursive functions over
471 |
datatypes, see also \cite{isabelle-HOL} FIXME.
472 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{recdef}$] defines general well-founded recursive
473 |
functions (using the TFL package), see also \cite{isabelle-HOL} FIXME. The
474 |
$(permissive)$ option tells TFL to recover from failed proof attempts,
475 |
returning unfinished results. The $recdef_simp$, $recdef_cong$, and
476 |
$recdef_wf$ hints refer to auxiliary rules to be used in the internal
477 |
automated proof process of TFL. Additional $clasimpmod$ declarations (cf.\
478 |
\S\ref{sec:clasimp}) may be given to tune the context of the Simplifier
479 |
(cf.\ \S\ref{sec:simplifier}) and Classical reasoner (cf.\
480 |
481 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{recdef_tc}~c~(i)$] recommences the proof for leftover
482 |
termination condition number $i$ (default $1$) as generated by a
483 |
$\isarkeyword{recdef}$ definition of constant $c$.
484 |
485 |
Note that in most cases, $\isarkeyword{recdef}$ is able to finish its
486 |
internal proofs without manual intervention.
487 |
488 |
489 |
Both kinds of recursive definitions accommodate reasoning by induction (cf.\
490 |
\S\ref{sec:cases-induct}): rule $c\mathord{.}induct$ (where $c$ is the name of
491 |
the function definition) refers to a specific induction rule, with parameters
492 |
named according to the user-specified equations. Case names of
493 |
$\isarkeyword{primrec}$ are that of the datatypes involved, while those of
494 |
$\isarkeyword{recdef}$ are numbered (starting from $1$).
495 |
496 |
The equations provided by these packages may be referred later as theorem list
497 |
$f\mathord.simps$, where $f$ is the (collective) name of the functions
498 |
defined. Individual equations may be named explicitly as well; note that for
499 |
$\isarkeyword{recdef}$ each specification given by the user may result in
500 |
several theorems.
501 |
502 |
\medskip Hints for $\isarkeyword{recdef}$ may be also declared globally, using
503 |
the following attributes.
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
recdef_simp & : & \isaratt \\
508 |
recdef_cong & : & \isaratt \\
509 |
recdef_wf & : & \isaratt \\
510 |
511 |
512 |
513 |
514 |
515 |
516 |
517 |
518 |
519 |
520 |
521 |
522 |
(recdefsimp | recdefcong | recdefwf) (() | 'add' | 'del')
523 |
524 |
525 |
526 |
527 |
\subsection{(Co)Inductive sets}\label{sec:hol-inductive}
528 |
529 |
530 |
531 |
\isarcmd{inductive} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
532 |
\isarcmd{coinductive} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
533 |
mono & : & \isaratt \\
534 |
535 |
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
('inductive' | 'coinductive') sets intros monos?
541 |
542 |
'mono' (() | 'add' | 'del')
543 |
544 |
545 |
sets: (term +)
546 |
547 |
intros: 'intros' (thmdecl? prop +)
548 |
549 |
monos: 'monos' thmrefs
550 |
551 |
552 |
553 |
554 |
\item [$\isarkeyword{inductive}$ and $\isarkeyword{coinductive}$] define
555 |
(co)inductive sets from the given introduction rules.
556 |
\item [$mono$] declares monotonicity rules. These rule are involved in the
557 |
automated monotonicity proof of $\isarkeyword{inductive}$.
558 |
559 |
560 |
See \cite{isabelle-HOL} FIXME for further information on inductive definitions
561 |
in HOL.
562 |
563 |
564 |
\subsection{Arithmetic proof support}
565 |
566 |
567 |
568 |
arith & : & \isarmeth \\
569 |
arith_split & : & \isaratt \\
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 |
'arith' '!'?
574 |
575 |
576 |
577 |
The $arith$ method decides linear arithmetic problems (on types $nat$, $int$,
578 |
$real$). Any current facts are inserted into the goal before running the
579 |
procedure. The ``!''~argument causes the full context of assumptions to be
580 |
included. The $arith_split$ attribute declares case split rules to be
581 |
expanded before the arithmetic procedure is invoked.
582 |
583 |
Note that a simpler (but faster) version of arithmetic reasoning is already
584 |
performed by the Simplifier.
585 |
586 |
587 |
\subsection{Cases and induction: emulating tactic scripts}\label{sec:induct_tac}
588 |
589 |
The following important tactical tools of Isabelle/HOL have been ported to
590 |
Isar. These should be never used in proper proof texts!
591 |
592 |
593 |
594 |
595 |
case_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
596 |
induct_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
597 |
ind_cases^* & : & \isarmeth \\
598 |
\isarcmd{inductive_cases} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
599 |
600 |
601 |
602 |
603 |
604 |
605 |
606 |
607 |
608 |
609 |
610 |
611 |
612 |
613 |
614 |
casetac goalspec? term rule?
615 |
616 |
inducttac goalspec? (insts * 'and') rule?
617 |
618 |
indcases (prop +)
619 |
620 |
inductivecases (thmdecl? (prop +) + 'and')
621 |
622 |
623 |
rule: ('rule' ':' thmref)
624 |
625 |
626 |
627 |
628 |
\item [$case_tac$ and $induct_tac$] admit to reason about inductive datatypes
629 |
only (unless an alternative rule is given explicitly). Furthermore,
630 |
$case_tac$ does a classical case split on booleans; $induct_tac$ allows only
631 |
variables to be given as instantiation. These tactic emulations feature
632 |
both goal addressing and dynamic instantiation. Note that named rule cases
633 |
are \emph{not} provided as would be by the proper $induct$ and $cases$ proof
634 |
methods (see \S\ref{sec:cases-induct}).
635 |
636 |
\item [$ind_cases$ and $\isarkeyword{inductive_cases}$] provide an interface
637 |
to the \texttt{mk_cases} operation. Rules are simplified in an unrestricted
638 |
forward manner.
639 |
640 |
While $ind_cases$ is a proof method to apply the result immediately as
641 |
elimination rules, $\isarkeyword{inductive_cases}$ provides case split
642 |
theorems at the theory level for later use,
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
647 |
648 |
\subsection{Mixfix syntax for continuous operations}
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 |
653 |
\isarcmd{consts} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
654 |
\isarcmd{constdefs} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
655 |
656 |
657 |
HOLCF provides a separate type for continuous functions $\alpha \rightarrow
658 |
\beta$, with an explicit application operator $f \cdot x$. Isabelle mixfix
659 |
syntax normally refers directly to the pure meta-level function type $\alpha
660 |
\To \beta$, with application $f\,x$.
661 |
662 |
The HOLCF variants of $\CONSTS$ and $\CONSTDEFS$ have the same outer syntax as
663 |
the pure versions (cf.\ \S\ref{sec:consts}). Internally, declarations
664 |
involving continuous function types are treated specifically, transforming the
665 |
syntax template accordingly and generating syntax translation rules for the
666 |
abstract and concrete representation of application.
667 |
668 |
The behavior for plain meta-level function types is unchanged. Mixed
669 |
continuous and meta-level application is \emph{not} supported.
670 |
671 |
\subsection{Recursive domains}
672 |
673 |
674 |
675 |
\isarcmd{domain} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
676 |
677 |
678 |
679 |
'domain' parname? (dmspec + 'and')
680 |
681 |
682 |
dmspec: typespec '=' (cons + '|')
683 |
684 |
cons: name (type * ) mixfix?
685 |
686 |
dtrules: 'distinct' thmrefs 'inject' thmrefs 'induction' thmrefs
687 |
688 |
689 |
Recursive domains in HOLCF are analogous to datatypes in classical HOL (cf.\
690 |
\S\ref{sec:hol-datatype}). Mutual recursive is supported, but no nesting nor
691 |
arbitrary branching. Domain constructors may be strict (default) or lazy, the
692 |
latter admits to introduce infinitary objects in the typical LCF manner (e.g.\
693 |
lazy lists). See also \cite{MuellerNvOS99} for a general discussion of HOLCF
694 |
695 |
696 |
697 |
698 |
699 |
\subsection{Type checking}
700 |
701 |
702 |
703 |
\subsection{Inductive sets and datatypes}
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
708 |
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