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Isabelle/jEdit based on Isabelle/Scala
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The Isabelle/Scala layer that is already part of Isabelle/Pure
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provides some general infrastructure for advanced prover interaction
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and integration. The Isabelle/jEdit application serves as an example
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for asynchronous proof checking with support for parallel processing.
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See also the paper:
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Makarius Wenzel. Asynchronous Proof Processing with Isabelle/Scala
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and Isabelle/jEdit. In C. Sacerdoti Coen and D. Aspinall, editors,
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User Interfaces for Theorem Provers (UITP 2010), FLOC 2010 Satellite
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Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2010. To appear in ENTCS.
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Some limitations of the current implementation (as of Isabelle2009-2):
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* No provisions for editing multiple theory files.
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* No reclaiming of old/unused document versions. Memory will fill
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up eventually, both on the JVM and ML side.
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* No support for non-local markup, e.g. commands reporting on
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previous commands (proof end on proof head), or markup produced by
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loading external files.
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* General lack of various conveniences known from Proof General.
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Despite these shortcomings, Isabelle/jEdit already demonstrates that
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interactive theorem proving can be much more than command-line
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interaction via TTY or editor front-ends (such as Proof General and
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its many remakes).
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Known problems with Mac OS
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- The MacOSX plugin for jEdit disrupts regular C-X/C/V operations,
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e.g. between the editor and the Console plugin, which is a standard
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swing text box. Similar for search boxes etc.
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- ToggleButton selected state is not rendered if window focus is lost,
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which is probably a genuine feature of the Apple look-and-feel.
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- Anti-aliasing does not really work as well as for Linux or Windows.
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(General Apple/Swing problem?)
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- Font.createFont mangles the font family of non-regular fonts,
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e.g. bold. IsabelleText font files need to be installed manually.
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- Missing glyphs are collected from other fonts (like Emacs, Firefox).
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This is actually an advantage over the Oracle/Sun JVM on Windows or
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Linux, but probably also the deeper reason for the other oddities of
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Apple font management.
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- Works best with Sun Java 1.6.x -- avoid OpenJDK for now.
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Licenses and home sites of contributing systems
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* Scala: BSD-style
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* jEdit: GPL (with special cases)
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* Lobo/Cobra: GPL and LGPL
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