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(* Title: HOLCF/Up1.thy
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ID: $Id$
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Author: Franz Regensburger
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Copyright 1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
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Up1 = Cfun3 + Sum +
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(* new type for lifting *)
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types "u" 1
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arities "u" :: (pcpo)term
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Rep_Up :: "('a)u => (void + 'a)"
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Abs_Up :: "(void + 'a) => ('a)u"
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Iup :: "'a => ('a)u"
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UU_up :: "('a)u"
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Ifup :: "('a->'b)=>('a)u => 'b"
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less_up :: "('a)u => ('a)u => bool"
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(*faking a type definition... *)
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(* ('a)u is isomorphic to void + 'a *)
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Rep_Up_inverse "Abs_Up(Rep_Up(p)) = p"
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Abs_Up_inverse "Rep_Up(Abs_Up(p)) = p"
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(*defining the abstract constants*)
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UU_up_def "UU_up == Abs_Up(Inl(UU))"
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Iup_def "Iup x == Abs_Up(Inr(x))"
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Ifup_def "Ifup(f)(x)== case Rep_Up(x) of Inl(y) => UU | Inr(z) => f`z"
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less_up_def "less_up(x1)(x2) == (case Rep_Up(x1) of
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Inl(y1) => True
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| Inr(y2) => (case Rep_Up(x2) of Inl(z1) => False
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| Inr(z2) => y2<<z2))"
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