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%% $Id$
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\chapter{Constructive Type Theory}
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Martin-L\"of's Constructive Type Theory \cite{martinlof84,nordstrom90} can
4 |
be viewed at many different levels. It is a formal system that embodies
5 |
the principles of intuitionistic mathematics; it embodies the
6 |
interpretation of propositions as types; it is a vehicle for deriving
7 |
programs from proofs. The logic is complex and many authors have attempted
8 |
to simplify it. Thompson~\cite{thompson91} is a readable and thorough
9 |
account of the theory.
10 |
11 |
Isabelle's original formulation of Type Theory was a kind of sequent
12 |
calculus, following Martin-L\"of~\cite{martinlof84}. It included rules for
13 |
building the context, namely variable bindings with their types. A typical
14 |
judgement was
15 |
\[ a(x@1,\ldots,x@n)\in A(x@1,\ldots,x@n) \;
16 |
[ x@1\in A@1, x@2\in A@2(x@1), \ldots, x@n\in A@n(x@1,\ldots,x@{n-1}) ]
17 |
18 |
This sequent calculus was not satisfactory because assumptions like
19 |
`suppose $A$ is a type' or `suppose $B(x)$ is a type for all $x$ in $A$'
20 |
could not be formalized.
21 |
22 |
The directory~\ttindexbold{CTT} implements Constructive Type Theory, using
23 |
natural deduction. The judgement above is expressed using $\Forall$ and
24 |
25 |
\[ \begin{array}{r@{}l}
26 |
\Forall x@1\ldots x@n. &
27 |
\List{x@1\in A@1;
28 |
x@2\in A@2(x@1); \cdots \;
29 |
x@n\in A@n(x@1,\ldots,x@{n-1})} \Imp \\
30 |
& \qquad\qquad a(x@1,\ldots,x@n)\in A(x@1,\ldots,x@n)
31 |
32 |
33 |
Assumptions can use all the judgement forms, for instance to express that
34 |
$B$ is a family of types over~$A$:
35 |
\[ \Forall x . x\in A \Imp B(x)\;{\rm type} \]
36 |
To justify the {\CTT} formulation it is probably best to appeal directly
37 |
to the semantic explanations of the rules~\cite{martinlof84}, rather than
38 |
to the rules themselves. The order of assumptions no longer matters,
39 |
unlike in standard Type Theory. Contexts, which are typical of many modern
40 |
type theories, are difficult to represent in Isabelle. In particular, it
41 |
is difficult to enforce that all the variables in a context are distinct.
42 |
43 |
The theory has the {\ML} identifier \ttindexbold{CTT.thy}. It does not
44 |
use polymorphism. Terms in {\CTT} have type~$i$, the type of individuals.
45 |
Types in {\CTT} have type~$t$.
46 |
47 |
{\CTT} supports all of Type Theory apart from list types, well ordering
48 |
types, and universes. Universes could be introduced {\em\`a la Tarski},
49 |
adding new constants as names for types. The formulation {\em\`a la
50 |
Russell}, where types denote themselves, is only possible if we identify
51 |
the meta-types~$i$ and~$o$. Most published formulations of well ordering
52 |
types have difficulties involving extensionality of functions; I suggest
53 |
that you use some other method for defining recursive types. List types
54 |
are easy to introduce by declaring new rules.
55 |
56 |
{\CTT} uses the 1982 version of Type Theory, with extensional equality.
57 |
The computation $a=b\in A$ and the equality $c\in Eq(A,a,b)$ are
58 |
interchangeable. Its rewriting tactics prove theorems of the form $a=b\in
59 |
A$. It could be modified to have intensional equality, but rewriting
60 |
tactics would have to prove theorems of the form $c\in Eq(A,a,b)$ and the
61 |
computation rules might require a second simplifier.
62 |
63 |
64 |
\begin{figure} \tabcolsep=1em %wider spacing in tables
65 |
66 |
67 |
\it symbol & \it meta-type & \it description \\
68 |
\idx{Type} & $t \to prop$ & judgement form \\
69 |
\idx{Eqtype} & $[t,t]\to prop$ & judgement form\\
70 |
\idx{Elem} & $[i, t]\to prop$ & judgement form\\
71 |
\idx{Eqelem} & $[i, i, t]\to prop$ & judgement form\\
72 |
\idx{Reduce} & $[i, i]\to prop$ & extra judgement form\\[2ex]
73 |
74 |
\idx{N} & $t$ & natural numbers type\\
75 |
\idx{0} & $i$ & constructor\\
76 |
\idx{succ} & $i\to i$ & constructor\\
77 |
\idx{rec} & $[i,i,[i,i]\to i]\to i$ & eliminator\\[2ex]
78 |
\idx{Prod} & $[t,i\to t]\to t$ & general product type\\
79 |
\idx{lambda} & $(i\to i)\to i$ & constructor\\[2ex]
80 |
\idx{Sum} & $[t, i\to t]\to t$ & general sum type\\
81 |
\idx{pair} & $[i,i]\to i$ & constructor\\
82 |
\idx{split} & $[i,[i,i]\to i]\to i$ & eliminator\\
83 |
\idx{fst} snd & $i\to i$ & projections\\[2ex]
84 |
\idx{inl} inr & $i\to i$ & constructors for $+$\\
85 |
\idx{when} & $[i,i\to i, i\to i]\to i$ & eliminator for $+$\\[2ex]
86 |
\idx{Eq} & $[t,i,i]\to t$ & equality type\\
87 |
\idx{eq} & $i$ & constructor\\[2ex]
88 |
\idx{F} & $t$ & empty type\\
89 |
\idx{contr} & $i\to i$ & eliminator\\[2ex]
90 |
\idx{T} & $t$ & singleton type\\
91 |
\idx{tt} & $i$ & constructor
92 |
93 |
94 |
\caption{The constants of {\CTT}} \label{ctt-constants}
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97 |
98 |
\begin{figure} \tabcolsep=1em %wider spacing in tables
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100 |
101 |
\it symbol &\it name &\it meta-type & \it precedence & \it description \\
102 |
\idx{lam} & \idx{lambda} & $(i\To o)\To i$ & 10 & $\lambda$-abstraction
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
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108 |
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110 |
111 |
\it symbol & \it meta-type & \it precedence & \it description \\
112 |
\tt ` & $[i,i]\to i$ & Left 55 & function application\\
113 |
\tt + & $[t,t]\to t$ & Right 30 & sum of two types
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
\begin{center} \tt\frenchspacing
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122 |
\it external & \it internal & \it standard notation \\
123 |
\idx{PROD} $x$:$A$ . $B[x]$ & Prod($A$, $\lambda x.B[x]$) &
124 |
\rm product $\prod@{x\in A}B[x]$ \\
125 |
\idx{SUM} $x$:$A$ . $B[x]$ & Sum($A$, $\lambda x.B[x]$) &
126 |
\rm sum $\sum@{x\in A}B[x]$ \\
127 |
$A$ --> $B$ & Prod($A$, $\lambda x.B$) &
128 |
\rm function space $A\to B$ \\
129 |
$A$ * $B$ & Sum($A$, $\lambda x.B$) &
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\rm binary product $A\times B$
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
\[ \begin{array}{rcl}
139 |
prop & = & type " type" \\
140 |
& | & type " = " type \\
141 |
& | & term " : " type \\
142 |
& | & term " = " term " : " type
143 |
144 |
type & = & \hbox{expression of type~$t$} \\
145 |
& | & "PROD~" id " : " type " . " type \\
146 |
& | & "SUM~~" id " : " type " . " type
147 |
148 |
term & = & \hbox{expression of type~$i$} \\
149 |
& | & "lam " id~id^* " . " term \\
150 |
& | & "< " term " , " term " >"
151 |
152 |
153 |
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\caption{Syntax of {\CTT}} \label{ctt-syntax}
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%%%%\section{Generic Packages} typedsimp.ML????????????????
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The constants are shown in Figure~\ref{ctt-constants}. The infixes include
163 |
the function application operator (sometimes called `apply'), and the
164 |
2-place type operators. Note that meta-level abstraction and application,
165 |
$\lambda x.b$ and $f(a)$, differ from object-level abstraction and
166 |
application, \hbox{\tt lam $x$.$b$} and $b{\tt`}a$. A {\CTT}
167 |
function~$f$ is simply an individual as far as Isabelle is concerned: its
168 |
Isabelle type is~$i$, not say $i\To i$.
169 |
170 |
171 |
The empty type is called $F$ and the one-element type is $T$; other finite
172 |
sets are built as $T+T+T$, etc. The notation for~{\CTT}
173 |
(Figure~\ref{ctt-syntax}) is based on that of Nordstr\"om et
174 |
al.~\cite{nordstrom90}. We can write
175 |
176 |
SUM y:B. PROD x:A. C(x,y) {\rm for} Sum(B, %y. Prod(A, %x. C(x,y)))
177 |
178 |
The special cases as \hbox{\tt$A$*$B$} and \hbox{\tt$A$-->$B$} abbreviate
179 |
general sums and products over a constant family.\footnote{Unlike normal
180 |
infix operators, {\tt*} and {\tt-->} merely define abbreviations; there are
181 |
no constants~{\tt op~*} and~\hbox{\tt op~-->}.} Isabelle accepts these
182 |
abbreviations in parsing and uses them whenever possible for printing.
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
\idx{refl_type} A type ==> A = A
188 |
\idx{refl_elem} a : A ==> a = a : A
189 |
190 |
\idx{sym_type} A = B ==> B = A
191 |
\idx{sym_elem} a = b : A ==> b = a : A
192 |
193 |
\idx{trans_type} [| A = B; B = C |] ==> A = C
194 |
\idx{trans_elem} [| a = b : A; b = c : A |] ==> a = c : A
195 |
196 |
\idx{equal_types} [| a : A; A = B |] ==> a : B
197 |
\idx{equal_typesL} [| a = b : A; A = B |] ==> a = b : B
198 |
199 |
\idx{subst_type} [| a : A; !!z. z:A ==> B(z) type |] ==> B(a) type
200 |
\idx{subst_typeL} [| a = c : A; !!z. z:A ==> B(z) = D(z)
201 |
|] ==> B(a) = D(c)
202 |
203 |
\idx{subst_elem} [| a : A; !!z. z:A ==> b(z):B(z) |] ==> b(a):B(a)
204 |
\idx{subst_elemL} [| a = c : A; !!z. z:A ==> b(z) = d(z) : B(z)
205 |
|] ==> b(a) = d(c) : B(a)
206 |
207 |
\idx{refl_red} Reduce(a,a)
208 |
\idx{red_if_equal} a = b : A ==> Reduce(a,b)
209 |
\idx{trans_red} [| a = b : A; Reduce(b,c) |] ==> a = c : A
210 |
211 |
\caption{General equality rules} \label{ctt-equality}
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
\idx{NF} N type
218 |
219 |
\idx{NI0} 0 : N
220 |
\idx{NI_succ} a : N ==> succ(a) : N
221 |
\idx{NI_succL} a = b : N ==> succ(a) = succ(b) : N
222 |
223 |
\idx{NE} [| p: N; a: C(0);
224 |
!!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u))
225 |
|] ==> rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v)) : C(p)
226 |
227 |
\idx{NEL} [| p = q : N; a = c : C(0);
228 |
!!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v)=d(u,v): C(succ(u))
229 |
|] ==> rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v)) = rec(q,c,d) : C(p)
230 |
231 |
\idx{NC0} [| a: C(0);
232 |
!!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u))
233 |
|] ==> rec(0, a, %u v.b(u,v)) = a : C(0)
234 |
235 |
\idx{NC_succ} [| p: N; a: C(0);
236 |
!!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u))
237 |
|] ==> rec(succ(p), a, %u v.b(u,v)) =
238 |
b(p, rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v))) : C(succ(p))
239 |
240 |
\idx{zero_ne_succ} [| a: N; 0 = succ(a) : N |] ==> 0: F
241 |
242 |
\caption{Rules for type~$N$} \label{ctt-N}
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244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
\idx{ProdF} [| A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type |] ==> PROD x:A.B(x) type
249 |
\idx{ProdFL} [| A = C; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) = D(x) |] ==>
250 |
PROD x:A.B(x) = PROD x:C.D(x)
251 |
252 |
\idx{ProdI} [| A type; !!x. x:A ==> b(x):B(x)
253 |
|] ==> lam x.b(x) : PROD x:A.B(x)
254 |
\idx{ProdIL} [| A type; !!x. x:A ==> b(x) = c(x) : B(x)
255 |
|] ==> lam x.b(x) = lam x.c(x) : PROD x:A.B(x)
256 |
257 |
\idx{ProdE} [| p : PROD x:A.B(x); a : A |] ==> p`a : B(a)
258 |
\idx{ProdEL} [| p=q: PROD x:A.B(x); a=b : A |] ==> p`a = q`b : B(a)
259 |
260 |
\idx{ProdC} [| a : A; !!x. x:A ==> b(x) : B(x)
261 |
|] ==> (lam x.b(x)) ` a = b(a) : B(a)
262 |
263 |
\idx{ProdC2} p : PROD x:A.B(x) ==> (lam x. p`x) = p : PROD x:A.B(x)
264 |
265 |
\caption{Rules for the product type $\prod@{x\in A}B[x]$} \label{ctt-prod}
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
\idx{SumF} [| A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type |] ==> SUM x:A.B(x) type
272 |
\idx{SumFL} [| A = C; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) = D(x)
273 |
|] ==> SUM x:A.B(x) = SUM x:C.D(x)
274 |
275 |
\idx{SumI} [| a : A; b : B(a) |] ==> <a,b> : SUM x:A.B(x)
276 |
\idx{SumIL} [| a=c:A; b=d:B(a) |] ==> <a,b> = <c,d> : SUM x:A.B(x)
277 |
278 |
\idx{SumE} [| p: SUM x:A.B(x);
279 |
!!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y): C(<x,y>)
280 |
|] ==> split(p, %x y.c(x,y)) : C(p)
281 |
282 |
\idx{SumEL} [| p=q : SUM x:A.B(x);
283 |
!!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y)=d(x,y): C(<x,y>)
284 |
|] ==> split(p, %x y.c(x,y)) = split(q, %x y.d(x,y)) : C(p)
285 |
286 |
\idx{SumC} [| a: A; b: B(a);
287 |
!!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y): C(<x,y>)
288 |
|] ==> split(<a,b>, %x y.c(x,y)) = c(a,b) : C(<a,b>)
289 |
290 |
\idx{fst_def} fst(a) == split(a, %x y.x)
291 |
\idx{snd_def} snd(a) == split(a, %x y.y)
292 |
293 |
\caption{Rules for the sum type $\sum@{x\in A}B[x]$} \label{ctt-sum}
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
\idx{PlusF} [| A type; B type |] ==> A+B type
300 |
\idx{PlusFL} [| A = C; B = D |] ==> A+B = C+D
301 |
302 |
\idx{PlusI_inl} [| a : A; B type |] ==> inl(a) : A+B
303 |
\idx{PlusI_inlL} [| a = c : A; B type |] ==> inl(a) = inl(c) : A+B
304 |
305 |
\idx{PlusI_inr} [| A type; b : B |] ==> inr(b) : A+B
306 |
\idx{PlusI_inrL} [| A type; b = d : B |] ==> inr(b) = inr(d) : A+B
307 |
308 |
\idx{PlusE} [| p: A+B;
309 |
!!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x));
310 |
!!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y))
311 |
|] ==> when(p, %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) : C(p)
312 |
313 |
\idx{PlusEL} [| p = q : A+B;
314 |
!!x. x: A ==> c(x) = e(x) : C(inl(x));
315 |
!!y. y: B ==> d(y) = f(y) : C(inr(y))
316 |
|] ==> when(p, %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) =
317 |
when(q, %x.e(x), %y.f(y)) : C(p)
318 |
319 |
\idx{PlusC_inl} [| a: A;
320 |
!!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x));
321 |
!!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y))
322 |
|] ==> when(inl(a), %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) = c(a) : C(inl(a))
323 |
324 |
\idx{PlusC_inr} [| b: B;
325 |
!!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x));
326 |
!!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y))
327 |
|] ==> when(inr(b), %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) = d(b) : C(inr(b))
328 |
329 |
\caption{Rules for the binary sum type $A+B$} \label{ctt-plus}
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
\idx{EqF} [| A type; a : A; b : A |] ==> Eq(A,a,b) type
336 |
\idx{EqFL} [| A=B; a=c: A; b=d : A |] ==> Eq(A,a,b) = Eq(B,c,d)
337 |
\idx{EqI} a = b : A ==> eq : Eq(A,a,b)
338 |
\idx{EqE} p : Eq(A,a,b) ==> a = b : A
339 |
\idx{EqC} p : Eq(A,a,b) ==> p = eq : Eq(A,a,b)
340 |
341 |
\subcaption{The equality type $Eq(A,a,b)$}
342 |
343 |
344 |
\idx{FF} F type
345 |
\idx{FE} [| p: F; C type |] ==> contr(p) : C
346 |
\idx{FEL} [| p = q : F; C type |] ==> contr(p) = contr(q) : C
347 |
348 |
\subcaption{The empty type $F$}
349 |
350 |
351 |
\idx{TF} T type
352 |
\idx{TI} tt : T
353 |
\idx{TE} [| p : T; c : C(tt) |] ==> c : C(p)
354 |
\idx{TEL} [| p = q : T; c = d : C(tt) |] ==> c = d : C(p)
355 |
\idx{TC} p : T ==> p = tt : T)
356 |
357 |
\subcaption{The unit type $T$}
358 |
359 |
\caption{Rules for other {\CTT} types} \label{ctt-others}
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
\idx{replace_type} [| B = A; a : A |] ==> a : B
367 |
\idx{subst_eqtyparg} [| a=c : A; !!z. z:A ==> B(z) type |] ==> B(a)=B(c)
368 |
369 |
\idx{subst_prodE} [| p: Prod(A,B); a: A; !!z. z: B(a) ==> c(z): C(z)
370 |
|] ==> c(p`a): C(p`a)
371 |
372 |
\idx{SumIL2} [| c=a : A; d=b : B(a) |] ==> <c,d> = <a,b> : Sum(A,B)
373 |
374 |
\idx{SumE_fst} p : Sum(A,B) ==> fst(p) : A
375 |
376 |
\idx{SumE_snd} [| p: Sum(A,B); A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type
377 |
|] ==> snd(p) : B(fst(p))
378 |
379 |
380 |
\caption{Derived rules for {\CTT}} \label{ctt-derived}
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
\section{Rules of inference}
385 |
The rules obey the following naming conventions. Type formation rules have
386 |
the suffix~{\tt F}\@. Introduction rules have the suffix~{\tt I}\@.
387 |
Elimination rules have the suffix~{\tt E}\@. Computation rules, which
388 |
describe the reduction of eliminators, have the suffix~{\tt C}\@. The
389 |
equality versions of the rules (which permit reductions on subterms) are
390 |
called {\em long} rules; their names have the suffix~{\tt L}\@.
391 |
Introduction and computation rules often are further suffixed with
392 |
constructor names.
393 |
394 |
Figures~\ref{ctt-equality}--\ref{ctt-others} shows the rules. Those
395 |
for~$N$ include \ttindex{zero_ne_succ}, $0\not=n+1$: the fourth Peano axiom
396 |
cannot be derived without universes \cite[page 91]{martinlof84}.
397 |
Figure~\ref{ctt-sum} shows the rules for general sums, which include binary
398 |
products as a special case, with the projections \ttindex{fst}
399 |
400 |
401 |
The extra judgement \ttindex{Reduce} is used to implement rewriting. The
402 |
judgement ${\tt Reduce}(a,b)$ holds when $a=b:A$ holds. It also holds
403 |
when $a$ and $b$ are syntactically identical, even if they are ill-typed,
404 |
because rule \ttindex{refl_red} does not verify that $a$ belongs to $A$. These
405 |
rules do not give rise to new theorems about the standard judgements ---
406 |
note that the only rule that makes use of {\tt Reduce} is \ttindex{trans_red},
407 |
whose first premise ensures that $a$ and $b$ (and thus $c$) are well-typed.
408 |
409 |
Derived rules are shown in Figure~\ref{ctt-derived}. The rule
410 |
\ttindex{subst_prodE} is derived from \ttindex{prodE}, and is easier to
411 |
use in backwards proof. The rules \ttindex{SumE_fst} and
412 |
\ttindex{SumE_snd} express the typing of~\ttindex{fst} and~\ttindex{snd};
413 |
together, they are roughly equivalent to~\ttindex{SumE} with the advantage
414 |
of creating no parameters. These rules are demonstrated in a proof of the
415 |
Axiom of Choice~(\S\ref{ctt-choice}).
416 |
417 |
All the rules are given in $\eta$-expanded form. For instance, every
418 |
occurrence of $\lambda u\,v.b(u,v)$ could be abbreviated to~$b$ in the
419 |
rules for~$N$. This permits Isabelle to preserve bound variable names
420 |
during backward proof. Names of bound variables in the conclusion (here,
421 |
$u$ and~$v$) are matched with corresponding bound variables in the premises.
422 |
423 |
424 |
\section{Rule lists}
425 |
The Type Theory tactics provide rewriting, type inference, and logical
426 |
reasoning. Many proof procedures work by repeatedly resolving certain Type
427 |
Theory rules against a proof state. {\CTT} defines lists --- each with
428 |
429 |
\hbox{\tt thm list} --- of related rules.
430 |
431 |
432 |
contains formation rules for the types $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, $Eq$,
433 |
$F$, and $T$.
434 |
435 |
436 |
contains long formation rules for $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, and $Eq$. (For
437 |
other types use \ttindex{refl_type}.)
438 |
439 |
440 |
contains introduction rules for the types $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, and
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 |
contains long introduction rules for $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, and $+$. (For
445 |
$T$ use \ttindex{refl_elem}.)
446 |
447 |
448 |
contains elimination rules for the types $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, and
449 |
$F$. The rules for $Eq$ and $T$ are omitted because they involve no
450 |
451 |
452 |
453 |
contains long elimination rules for $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, and $F$.
454 |
455 |
456 |
contains computation rules for the types $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, and $+$.
457 |
Those for $Eq$ and $T$ involve no eliminator.
458 |
459 |
460 |
contains the definitions of \ttindex{fst} and \ttindex{snd}.
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 |
\section{Tactics for subgoal reordering}
465 |
466 |
test_assume_tac : int -> tactic
467 |
typechk_tac : thm list -> tactic
468 |
equal_tac : thm list -> tactic
469 |
intr_tac : thm list -> tactic
470 |
471 |
Blind application of {\CTT} rules seldom leads to a proof. The elimination
472 |
rules, especially, create subgoals containing new unknowns. These subgoals
473 |
unify with anything, causing an undirectional search. The standard tactic
474 |
\ttindex{filt_resolve_tac} (see the {\em Reference Manual}) can reject
475 |
overly flexible goals; so does the {\CTT} tactic {\tt test_assume_tac}.
476 |
Used with the tactical \ttindex{REPEAT_FIRST} they achieve a simple kind of
477 |
subgoal reordering: the less flexible subgoals are attempted first. Do
478 |
some single step proofs, or study the examples below, to see why this is
479 |
480 |
481 |
\item[\ttindexbold{test_assume_tac} $i$]
482 |
uses \ttindex{assume_tac} to solve the subgoal by assumption, but only if
483 |
subgoal~$i$ has the form $a\in A$ and the head of $a$ is not an unknown.
484 |
Otherwise, it fails.
485 |
486 |
\item[\ttindexbold{typechk_tac} $thms$]
487 |
uses $thms$ with formation, introduction, and elimination rules to check
488 |
the typing of constructions. It is designed to solve goals of the form
489 |
$a\in \Var{A}$, where $a$ is rigid and $\Var{A}$ is flexible. Thus it
490 |
performs Hindley-Milner type inference. The tactic can also solve goals of
491 |
the form $A\;\rm type$.
492 |
493 |
\item[\ttindexbold{equal_tac} $thms$]
494 |
uses $thms$ with the long introduction and elimination rules to solve goals
495 |
of the form $a=b\in A$, where $a$ is rigid. It is intended for deriving
496 |
the long rules for defined constants such as the arithmetic operators. The
497 |
tactic can also perform type checking.
498 |
499 |
\item[\ttindexbold{intr_tac} $thms$]
500 |
uses $thms$ with the introduction rules to break down a type. It is
501 |
designed for goals like $\Var{a}\in A$ where $\Var{a}$ is flexible and $A$
502 |
rigid. These typically arise when trying to prove a proposition~$A$,
503 |
expressed as a type.
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
508 |
\section{Rewriting tactics}
509 |
510 |
rew_tac : thm list -> tactic
511 |
hyp_rew_tac : thm list -> tactic
512 |
513 |
Object-level simplification is accomplished through proof, using the {\tt
514 |
CTT} equality rules and the built-in rewriting functor
515 |
\ttindex{TSimpFun}.\footnote{This should not be confused with {\tt
516 |
SimpFun}, which is the main rewriting functor; {\tt TSimpFun} is only
517 |
useful for {\CTT} and similar logics with type inference rules.}
518 |
The rewrites include the computation rules and other equations. The
519 |
long versions of the other rules permit rewriting of subterms and subtypes.
520 |
Also used are transitivity and the extra judgement form \ttindex{Reduce}.
521 |
Meta-level simplification handles only definitional equality.
522 |
523 |
\item[\ttindexbold{rew_tac} $thms$]
524 |
applies $thms$ and the computation rules as left-to-right rewrites. It
525 |
solves the goal $a=b\in A$ by rewriting $a$ to $b$. If $b$ is an unknown
526 |
then it is assigned the rewritten form of~$a$. All subgoals are rewritten.
527 |
528 |
\item[\ttindexbold{hyp_rew_tac} $thms$]
529 |
is like {\tt rew_tac}, but includes as rewrites any equations present in
530 |
the assumptions.
531 |
532 |
533 |
534 |
\section{Tactics for logical reasoning}
535 |
Interpreting propositions as types lets {\CTT} express statements of
536 |
intuitionistic logic. However, Constructive Type Theory is not just
537 |
another syntax for first-order logic. A key question: can assumptions be
538 |
deleted after use? Not every occurrence of a type represents a
539 |
proposition, and Type Theory assumptions declare variables.
540 |
541 |
In first-order logic, $\disj$-elimination with the assumption $P\disj Q$
542 |
creates one subgoal assuming $P$ and another assuming $Q$, and $P\disj Q$
543 |
can be deleted. In Type Theory, $+$-elimination with the assumption $z\in
544 |
A+B$ creates one subgoal assuming $x\in A$ and another assuming $y\in B$
545 |
(for arbitrary $x$ and $y$). Deleting $z\in A+B$ may render the subgoals
546 |
unprovable if other assumptions refer to $z$. Some people might argue that
547 |
such subgoals are not even meaningful.
548 |
549 |
mp_tac : int -> tactic
550 |
add_mp_tac : int -> tactic
551 |
safestep_tac : thm list -> int -> tactic
552 |
safe_tac : thm list -> int -> tactic
553 |
step_tac : thm list -> int -> tactic
554 |
pc_tac : thm list -> int -> tactic
555 |
556 |
These are loosely based on the intuitionistic proof procedures
557 |
of~\ttindex{FOL}. For the reasons discussed above, a rule that is safe for
558 |
propositional reasoning may be unsafe for type checking; thus, some of the
559 |
``safe'' tactics are misnamed.
560 |
561 |
\item[\ttindexbold{mp_tac} $i$]
562 |
searches in subgoal~$i$ for assumptions of the form $f\in\Pi(A,B)$ and
563 |
$a\in A$, where~$A$ may be found by unification. It replaces
564 |
$f\in\Pi(A,B)$ by $z\in B(a)$, where~$z$ is a new parameter. The tactic
565 |
can produce multiple outcomes for each suitable pair of assumptions. In
566 |
short, {\tt mp_tac} performs Modus Ponens among the assumptions.
567 |
568 |
\item[\ttindexbold{add_mp_tac} $i$]
569 |
is like {\tt mp_tac}~$i$ but retains the assumption $f\in\Pi(A,B)$.
570 |
571 |
\item[\ttindexbold{safestep_tac} $thms$ $i$]
572 |
attacks subgoal~$i$ using formation rules and certain other `safe' rules
573 |
(\ttindex{FE}, \ttindex{ProdI}, \ttindex{SumE}, \ttindex{PlusE}), calling
574 |
{\tt mp_tac} when appropriate. It also uses~$thms$,
575 |
which are typically premises of the rule being derived.
576 |
577 |
\item[\ttindexbold{safe_tac} $thms$ $i$]
578 |
tries to solve subgoal~$i$ by backtracking, using {\tt safestep_tac}.
579 |
580 |
\item[\ttindexbold{step_tac} $thms$ $i$]
581 |
tries to reduce subgoal~$i$ using {\tt safestep_tac}, then tries unsafe
582 |
rules. It may produce multiple outcomes.
583 |
584 |
\item[\ttindexbold{pc_tac} $thms$ $i$]
585 |
tries to solve subgoal~$i$ by backtracking, using {\tt step_tac}.
586 |
587 |
588 |
589 |
590 |
591 |
592 |
\idx{add_def} a#+b == rec(a, b, %u v.succ(v))
593 |
\idx{diff_def} a-b == rec(b, a, %u v.rec(v, 0, %x y.x))
594 |
\idx{absdiff_def} a|-|b == (a-b) #+ (b-a)
595 |
\idx{mult_def} a#*b == rec(a, 0, %u v. b #+ v)
596 |
597 |
\idx{mod_def} a//b == rec(a, 0,
598 |
%u v. rec(succ(v) |-| b, 0, %x y.succ(v)))
599 |
600 |
\idx{quo_def} a/b == rec(a, 0,
601 |
%u v. rec(succ(u) // b, succ(v), %x y.v))
602 |
603 |
\subcaption{Definitions of the operators}
604 |
605 |
606 |
\idx{add_typing} [| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #+ b : N
607 |
\idx{addC0} b:N ==> 0 #+ b = b : N
608 |
\idx{addC_succ} [| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) #+ b = succ(a #+ b) : N
609 |
610 |
\idx{add_assoc} [| a:N; b:N; c:N |] ==>
611 |
(a #+ b) #+ c = a #+ (b #+ c) : N
612 |
613 |
\idx{add_commute} [| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #+ b = b #+ a : N
614 |
615 |
\idx{mult_typing} [| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #* b : N
616 |
\idx{multC0} b:N ==> 0 #* b = 0 : N
617 |
\idx{multC_succ} [| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) #* b = b #+ (a#*b) : N
618 |
\idx{mult_commute} [| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #* b = b #* a : N
619 |
620 |
\idx{add_mult_dist} [| a:N; b:N; c:N |] ==>
621 |
(a #+ b) #* c = (a #* c) #+ (b #* c) : N
622 |
623 |
\idx{mult_assoc} [| a:N; b:N; c:N |] ==>
624 |
(a #* b) #* c = a #* (b #* c) : N
625 |
626 |
\idx{diff_typing} [| a:N; b:N |] ==> a - b : N
627 |
\idx{diffC0} a:N ==> a - 0 = a : N
628 |
\idx{diff_0_eq_0} b:N ==> 0 - b = 0 : N
629 |
\idx{diff_succ_succ} [| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) - succ(b) = a - b : N
630 |
\idx{diff_self_eq_0} a:N ==> a - a = 0 : N
631 |
\idx{add_inverse_diff} [| a:N; b:N; b-a=0 : N |] ==> b #+ (a-b) = a : N
632 |
633 |
\subcaption{Some theorems of arithmetic}
634 |
\caption{The theory of arithmetic} \label{ctt-arith}
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 |
\section{A theory of arithmetic}
639 |
{\CTT} contains a theory of elementary arithmetic. It proves the
640 |
properties of addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, and
641 |
remainder, culminating in the theorem
642 |
\[ a \bmod b + (a/b)\times b = a. \]
643 |
Figure~\ref{ctt-arith} presents the definitions and some of the key
644 |
theorems, including commutative, distributive, and associative laws. The
645 |
theory has the {\ML} identifier \ttindexbold{arith.thy}. All proofs are on
646 |
the file \ttindexbold{CTT/arith.ML}.
647 |
648 |
The operators~\verb'#+', \verb'-', \verb'|-|', \verb'#*', \verb'//'
649 |
and~\verb'/' stand for sum, difference, absolute difference, product,
650 |
remainder and quotient, respectively. Since Type Theory has only primitive
651 |
recursion, some of their definitions may be obscure.
652 |
653 |
The difference~$a-b$ is computed by taking $b$ predecessors of~$a$, where
654 |
the predecessor function is $\lambda v. {\tt rec}(v, 0, \lambda x\,y.x)$.
655 |
656 |
The remainder $a//b$ counts up to~$a$ in a cyclic fashion, using 0 as the
657 |
successor of~$b-1$. Absolute difference is used to test the equality
658 |
659 |
660 |
The quotient $a//b$ is computed by adding one for every number $x$ such
661 |
that $0\leq x \leq a$ and $x//b = 0$.
662 |
663 |
664 |
665 |
\section{The examples directory}
666 |
This directory contains examples and experimental proofs in {\CTT}.
667 |
668 |
669 |
contains simple examples of type checking and type deduction.
670 |
671 |
672 |
contains some examples from Martin-L\"of~\cite{martinlof84}, proved using
673 |
{\tt pc_tac}.
674 |
675 |
676 |
contains simple examples of rewriting.
677 |
678 |
679 |
demonstrates the use of unknowns with some trivial examples of program
680 |
681 |
682 |
683 |
684 |
\section{Example: type inference}
685 |
Type inference involves proving a goal of the form $a\in\Var{A}$, where $a$
686 |
is a term and $\Var{A}$ is an unknown standing for its type. The type,
687 |
688 |
unknown, takes shape in the course of the proof. Our example is the
689 |
predecessor function on the natural numbers.
690 |
691 |
goal CTT.thy "lam n. rec(n, 0, %x y.x) : ?A";
692 |
{\out Level 0}
693 |
{\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : ?A}
694 |
{\out 1. lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : ?A}
695 |
696 |
Since the term is a Constructive Type Theory $\lambda$-abstraction (not to
697 |
be confused with a meta-level abstraction), we apply the rule
698 |
\ttindex{ProdI}, for $\Pi$-introduction. This instantiates~$\Var{A}$ to a
699 |
product type of unknown domain and range.
700 |
701 |
by (resolve_tac [ProdI] 1);
702 |
{\out Level 1}
703 |
{\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : PROD x:?A1. ?B1(x)}
704 |
{\out 1. ?A1 type}
705 |
{\out 2. !!n. n : ?A1 ==> rec(n,0,%x y. x) : ?B1(n)}
706 |
707 |
Subgoal~1 can be solved by instantiating~$\Var{A@1}$ to any type, but this
708 |
could invalidate subgoal~2. We therefore tackle the latter subgoal. It
709 |
asks the type of a term beginning with {\tt rec}, which can be found by
710 |
711 |
712 |
by (eresolve_tac [NE] 2);
713 |
{\out Level 2}
714 |
{\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : PROD x:N. ?C2(x,x)}
715 |
{\out 1. N type}
716 |
{\out 2. !!n. 0 : ?C2(n,0)}
717 |
{\out 3. !!n x y. [| x : N; y : ?C2(n,x) |] ==> x : ?C2(n,succ(x))}
718 |
719 |
We now know~$\Var{A@1}$ is the type of natural numbers. However, let us
720 |
continue with subgoal~2. What is the type of~0?\index{*NIO}
721 |
722 |
by (resolve_tac [NI0] 2);
723 |
{\out Level 3}
724 |
{\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : N --> N}
725 |
{\out 1. N type}
726 |
{\out 2. !!n x y. [| x : N; y : N |] ==> x : N}
727 |
728 |
The type~$\Var{A}$ is now determined. It is $\prod@{n\in N}N$, which is
729 |
equivalent to $N\to N$. But we must prove all the subgoals to show that
730 |
the original term is validly typed. Subgoal~2 is provable by assumption
731 |
and the remaining subgoal falls by $N$-formation.\index{*NF}
732 |
733 |
by (assume_tac 2);
734 |
{\out Level 4}
735 |
{\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : N --> N}
736 |
{\out 1. N type}
737 |
by (resolve_tac [NF] 1);
738 |
{\out Level 5}
739 |
{\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : N --> N}
740 |
{\out No subgoals!}
741 |
742 |
Calling \ttindex{typechk_tac} can prove this theorem in one step.
743 |
744 |
745 |
\section{An example of logical reasoning}
746 |
Logical reasoning in Type Theory involves proving a goal of the form
747 |
$\Var{a}\in A$, where type $A$ expresses a proposition and $\Var{a}$ is an
748 |
unknown standing
749 |
for its proof term: a value of type $A$. This term is initially unknown, as
750 |
with type inference, and takes shape during the proof. Our example
751 |
expresses, by propositions-as-types, a theorem about quantifiers in a
752 |
sorted logic:
753 |
\[ \infer{(\ex{x\in A}P(x)) \disj (\ex{x\in A}Q(x))}
754 |
{\ex{x\in A}P(x)\disj Q(x)}
755 |
756 |
It it related to a distributive law of Type Theory:
757 |
\[ \infer{(A\times B) + (A\times C)}{A\times(B+C)} \]
758 |
Generalizing this from $\times$ to $\Sigma$, and making the typing
759 |
conditions explicit, yields
760 |
\[ \infer{\Var{a} \in (\sum@{x\in A} B(x)) + (\sum@{x\in A} C(x))}
761 |
{\hbox{$A$ type} &
762 |
\infer*{\hbox{$B(x)$ type}}{[x\in A]} &
763 |
\infer*{\hbox{$C(x)$ type}}{[x\in A]} &
764 |
p\in \sum@{x\in A} B(x)+C(x)}
765 |
766 |
To derive this rule, we bind its premises --- returned by~\ttindex{goal}
767 |
--- to the {\ML} variable~{\tt prems}.
768 |
769 |
val prems = goal CTT.thy
770 |
"[| A type; \ttback
771 |
\ttback !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type; \ttback
772 |
\ttback !!x. x:A ==> C(x) type; \ttback
773 |
\ttback p: SUM x:A. B(x) + C(x) \ttback
774 |
\ttback |] ==> ?a : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))";
775 |
{\out Level 0}
776 |
{\out ?a : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
777 |
{\out 1. ?a : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
778 |
779 |
One of the premises involves summation ($\Sigma$). Since it is a premise
780 |
rather than the assumption of a goal, it cannot be found by
781 |
\ttindex{eresolve_tac}. We could insert it by calling
782 |
\hbox{\tt \ttindex{cut_facts_tac} prems 1}. Instead, let us resolve the
783 |
$\Sigma$-elimination rule with the premises; this yields one result, which
784 |
we supply to \ttindex{resolve_tac}.\index{*SumE}\index{*RL}
785 |
786 |
by (resolve_tac (prems RL [SumE]) 1);
787 |
{\out Level 1}
788 |
{\out split(p,?c1) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
789 |
{\out 1. !!x y.}
790 |
{\out [| x : A; y : B(x) + C(x) |] ==>}
791 |
{\out ?c1(x,y) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
792 |
793 |
The subgoal has two new parameters. In the main goal, $\Var{a}$ has been
794 |
instantiated with a \ttindex{split} term. The assumption $y\in B(x) + C(x)$ is
795 |
eliminated next, causing a case split and a new parameter. The main goal
796 |
now contains~\ttindex{when}.
797 |
798 |
799 |
by (eresolve_tac [PlusE] 1);
800 |
{\out Level 2}
801 |
{\out split(p,%x y. when(y,?c2(x,y),?d2(x,y)))}
802 |
{\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
803 |
{\out 1. !!x y xa.}
804 |
{\out [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==>}
805 |
{\out ?c2(x,y,xa) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
806 |
{\out 2. !!x y ya.}
807 |
{\out [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
808 |
{\out ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
809 |
810 |
To complete the proof object for the main goal, we need to instantiate the
811 |
terms $\Var{c@2}(x,y,xa)$ and $\Var{d@2}(x,y,xa)$. We attack subgoal~1 by
812 |
introduction of~$+$; since it assumes $xa\in B(x)$, we take the left
813 |
814 |
815 |
816 |
by (resolve_tac [PlusI_inl] 1);
817 |
{\out Level 3}
818 |
{\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(?a3(x,y,xa)),?d2(x,y)))}
819 |
{\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
820 |
{\out 1. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> ?a3(x,y,xa) : SUM x:A. B(x)}
821 |
{\out 2. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> SUM x:A. C(x) type}
822 |
{\out 3. !!x y ya.}
823 |
{\out [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
824 |
{\out ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
825 |
826 |
A new subgoal has appeared, to verify that $\sum@{x\in A}C(x)$ is a type.
827 |
Continuing with subgoal~1, we apply $\Sigma$-introduction. The main goal
828 |
now contains an ordered pair.
829 |
830 |
831 |
by (resolve_tac [SumI] 1);
832 |
{\out Level 4}
833 |
{\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<?a4(x,y,xa),?b4(x,y,xa)>),?d2(x,y)))}
834 |
{\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
835 |
{\out 1. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> ?a4(x,y,xa) : A}
836 |
{\out 2. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> ?b4(x,y,xa) : B(?a4(x,y,xa))}
837 |
{\out 3. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> SUM x:A. C(x) type}
838 |
{\out 4. !!x y ya.}
839 |
{\out [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
840 |
{\out ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
841 |
842 |
The two new subgoals both hold by assumption. Observe how the unknowns
843 |
$\Var{a@4}$ and $\Var{b@4}$ are instantiated throughout the proof state.
844 |
845 |
by (assume_tac 1);
846 |
{\out Level 5}
847 |
{\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<x,?b4(x,y,xa)>),?d2(x,y)))}
848 |
{\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
849 |
{\out 1. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> ?b4(x,y,xa) : B(x)}
850 |
{\out 2. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> SUM x:A. C(x) type}
851 |
{\out 3. !!x y ya.}
852 |
{\out [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
853 |
{\out ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
854 |
by (assume_tac 1);
855 |
{\out Level 6}
856 |
{\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<x,xa>),?d2(x,y)))}
857 |
{\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
858 |
{\out 1. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> SUM x:A. C(x) type}
859 |
{\out 2. !!x y ya.}
860 |
{\out [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
861 |
{\out ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
862 |
863 |
Subgoal~1 is just type checking. It yields to \ttindex{typechk_tac},
864 |
supplied with the current list of premises.
865 |
866 |
by (typechk_tac prems);
867 |
{\out Level 7}
868 |
{\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<x,xa>),?d2(x,y)))}
869 |
{\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
870 |
{\out 1. !!x y ya.}
871 |
{\out [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
872 |
{\out ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
873 |
874 |
The other case is similar. Let us prove it by \ttindex{pc_tac}, and note
875 |
the final proof object.
876 |
877 |
by (pc_tac prems 1);
878 |
{\out Level 8}
879 |
{\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<x,xa>),%y. inr(<x,y>)))}
880 |
{\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
881 |
{\out No subgoals!}
882 |
883 |
Calling \ttindex{pc_tac} after the first $\Sigma$-elimination above also
884 |
proves this theorem.
885 |
886 |
887 |
\section{Example: deriving a currying functional}
888 |
In simply-typed languages such as {\ML}, a currying functional has the type
889 |
\[ (A\times B \to C) \to (A\to (B\to C)). \]
890 |
Let us generalize this to~$\Sigma$ and~$\Pi$. The argument of the
891 |
functional is a function that maps $z:\Sigma(A,B)$ to~$C(z)$; the resulting
892 |
function maps $x\in A$ and $y\in B(x)$ to $C(\langle x,y\rangle)$. Here
893 |
$B$ is a family over~$A$, while $C$ is a family over $\Sigma(A,B)$.
894 |
895 |
val prems = goal CTT.thy
896 |
"[| A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type; \ttback
897 |
\ttback !!z. z: (SUM x:A. B(x)) ==> C(z) type |] \ttback
898 |
\ttback ==> ?a : (PROD z : (SUM x:A . B(x)) . C(z)) \ttback
899 |
\ttback --> (PROD x:A . PROD y:B(x) . C(<x,y>))";
900 |
{\out Level 0}
901 |
{\out ?a : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) --> (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
902 |
{\out 1. ?a : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) -->}
903 |
{\out (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
904 |
905 |
This is an opportunity to demonstrate \ttindex{intr_tac}. Here, the tactic
906 |
repeatedly applies $\Pi$-introduction, automatically proving the rather
907 |
tiresome typing conditions. Note that $\Var{a}$ becomes instantiated to
908 |
three nested $\lambda$-abstractions.
909 |
910 |
by (intr_tac prems);
911 |
{\out Level 1}
912 |
{\out lam x xa xb. ?b7(x,xa,xb)}
913 |
{\out : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) --> (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
914 |
{\out 1. !!uu x y.}
915 |
{\out [| uu : PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z); x : A; y : B(x) |] ==>}
916 |
{\out ?b7(uu,x,y) : C(<x,y>)}
917 |
918 |
Using $\Pi$-elimination, we solve subgoal~1 by applying the function~$uu$.
919 |
920 |
921 |
by (eresolve_tac [ProdE] 1);
922 |
{\out Level 2}
923 |
{\out lam x xa xb. x ` <xa,xb>}
924 |
{\out : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) --> (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
925 |
{\out 1. !!uu x y. [| x : A; y : B(x) |] ==> <x,y> : SUM x:A. B(x)}
926 |
927 |
Finally, we exhibit a suitable argument for the function application. This
928 |
is straightforward using introduction rules.
929 |
930 |
931 |
by (intr_tac prems);
932 |
{\out Level 3}
933 |
{\out lam x xa xb. x ` <xa,xb>}
934 |
{\out : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) --> (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
935 |
{\out No subgoals!}
936 |
937 |
Calling~\ttindex{pc_tac} would have proved this theorem in one step; it can
938 |
also prove an example by Martin-L\"of, related to $\disj$-elimination
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 |
\section{Example: proving the Axiom of Choice} \label{ctt-choice}
943 |
Suppose we have a function $h\in \prod@{x\in A}\sum@{y\in B(x)} C(x,y)$,
944 |
which takes $x\in A$ to some $y\in B(x)$ paired with some $z\in C(x,y)$.
945 |
Interpreting propositions as types, this asserts that for all $x\in A$
946 |
there exists $y\in B(x)$ such that $C(x,y)$. The Axiom of Choice asserts
947 |
that we can construct a function $f\in \prod@{x\in A}B(x)$ such that
948 |
$C(x,f{\tt`}x)$ for all $x\in A$, where the latter property is witnessed by a
949 |
function $g\in \prod@{x\in A}C(x,f{\tt`}x)$.
950 |
951 |
In principle, the Axiom of Choice is simple to derive in Constructive Type
952 |
Theory \cite[page~50]{martinlof84}. The following definitions work:
953 |
954 |
f & \equiv & {\tt fst} \circ h \\
955 |
g & \equiv & {\tt snd} \circ h
956 |
957 |
But a completely formal proof is hard to find. Many of the rules can be
958 |
applied in a multiplicity of ways, yielding a large number of higher-order
959 |
unifiers. The proof can get bogged down in the details. But with a
960 |
careful selection of derived rules (recall Figure~\ref{ctt-derived}) and
961 |
the type checking tactics, we can prove the theorem in nine steps.
962 |
963 |
val prems = goal CTT.thy
964 |
"[| A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type; \ttback
965 |
\ttback !!x y.[| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> C(x,y) type \ttback
966 |
\ttback |] ==> ?a : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) \ttback
967 |
\ttback --> (SUM f: (PROD x:A. B(x)). PROD x:A. C(x, f`x))";
968 |
{\out Level 0}
969 |
{\out ?a : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
970 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
971 |
{\out 1. ?a : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
972 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
973 |
974 |
First, \ttindex{intr_tac} applies introduction rules and performs routine
975 |
type checking. This instantiates~$\Var{a}$ to a construction involving
976 |
three $\lambda$-abstractions and an ordered pair.
977 |
978 |
by (intr_tac prems);
979 |
{\out Level 1}
980 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. ?b7(x,xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
981 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
982 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
983 |
{\out 1. !!uu x.}
984 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
985 |
{\out ?b7(uu,x) : B(x)}
986 |
{\out 2. !!uu x.}
987 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
988 |
{\out ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,(lam x. ?b7(uu,x)) ` x)}
989 |
990 |
Subgoal~1 asks to find the choice function itself, taking $x\in A$ to some
991 |
$\Var{b@7}(uu,x)\in B(x)$. Subgoal~2 asks, given $x\in A$, for a proof
992 |
object $\Var{b@8}(uu,x)$ to witness that the choice function's argument
993 |
and result lie in the relation~$C$.
994 |
995 |
996 |
by (eresolve_tac [ProdE RS SumE_fst] 1);
997 |
{\out Level 2}
998 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
999 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
1000 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
1001 |
{\out 1. !!uu x. x : A ==> x : A}
1002 |
{\out 2. !!uu x.}
1003 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
1004 |
{\out ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,(lam x. fst(uu ` x)) ` x)}
1005 |
1006 |
Above, we have composed \ttindex{fst} with the function~$h$ (named~$uu$ in
1007 |
the assumptions). Unification has deduced that the function must be
1008 |
applied to $x\in A$.
1009 |
1010 |
by (assume_tac 1);
1011 |
{\out Level 3}
1012 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
1013 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
1014 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
1015 |
{\out 1. !!uu x.}
1016 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
1017 |
{\out ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,(lam x. fst(uu ` x)) ` x)}
1018 |
1019 |
Before we can compose \ttindex{snd} with~$h$, the arguments of $C$ must be
1020 |
simplified. The derived rule \ttindex{replace_type} lets us replace a type
1021 |
by any equivalent type:
1022 |
1023 |
by (resolve_tac [replace_type] 1);
1024 |
{\out Level 4}
1025 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
1026 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
1027 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
1028 |
{\out 1. !!uu x.}
1029 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
1030 |
{\out C(x,(lam x. fst(uu ` x)) ` x) = ?A13(uu,x)}
1031 |
{\out 2. !!uu x.}
1032 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
1033 |
{\out ?b8(uu,x) : ?A13(uu,x)}
1034 |
1035 |
The derived rule \ttindex{subst_eqtyparg} lets us simplify a type's
1036 |
argument (by currying, $C(x)$ is a unary type operator):
1037 |
1038 |
by (resolve_tac [subst_eqtyparg] 1);
1039 |
{\out Level 5}
1040 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
1041 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
1042 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
1043 |
{\out 1. !!uu x.}
1044 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
1045 |
{\out (lam x. fst(uu ` x)) ` x = ?c14(uu,x) : ?A14(uu,x)}
1046 |
{\out 2. !!uu x z.}
1047 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A;}
1048 |
{\out z : ?A14(uu,x) |] ==>}
1049 |
{\out C(x,z) type}
1050 |
{\out 3. !!uu x.}
1051 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
1052 |
{\out ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,?c14(uu,x))}
1053 |
1054 |
The rule \ttindex{ProdC} is simply $\beta$-reduction. The term
1055 |
$\Var{c@{14}}(uu,x)$ receives the simplified form, $f{\tt`}x$.
1056 |
1057 |
by (resolve_tac [ProdC] 1);
1058 |
{\out Level 6}
1059 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
1060 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
1061 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
1062 |
{\out 1. !!uu x.}
1063 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==> x : ?A15(uu,x)}
1064 |
{\out 2. !!uu x xa.}
1065 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A;}
1066 |
{\out xa : ?A15(uu,x) |] ==>}
1067 |
{\out fst(uu ` xa) : ?B15(uu,x,xa)}
1068 |
{\out 3. !!uu x z.}
1069 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A;}
1070 |
{\out z : ?B15(uu,x,x) |] ==>}
1071 |
{\out C(x,z) type}
1072 |
{\out 4. !!uu x.}
1073 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
1074 |
{\out ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,fst(uu ` x))}
1075 |
1076 |
Routine type checking goals proliferate in Constructive Type Theory, but
1077 |
\ttindex{typechk_tac} quickly solves them. Note the inclusion of
1078 |
1079 |
1080 |
by (typechk_tac (SumE_fst::prems));
1081 |
{\out Level 7}
1082 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
1083 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
1084 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
1085 |
{\out 1. !!uu x.}
1086 |
{\out [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
1087 |
{\out ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,fst(uu ` x))}
1088 |
1089 |
We are finally ready to compose \ttindex{snd} with~$h$.
1090 |
1091 |
1092 |
by (eresolve_tac [ProdE RS SumE_snd] 1);
1093 |
{\out Level 8}
1094 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. snd(x ` xa)>}
1095 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
1096 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
1097 |
{\out 1. !!uu x. x : A ==> x : A}
1098 |
{\out 2. !!uu x. x : A ==> B(x) type}
1099 |
{\out 3. !!uu x xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> C(x,xa) type}
1100 |
1101 |
The proof object has reached its final form. We call \ttindex{typechk_tac}
1102 |
to finish the type checking.
1103 |
1104 |
by (typechk_tac prems);
1105 |
{\out Level 9}
1106 |
{\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. snd(x ` xa)>}
1107 |
{\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
1108 |
{\out (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
1109 |
{\out No subgoals!}
1110 |