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(* Title: HOL/Auth/KerberosIV
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ID: $Id$
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Author: Giampaolo Bella, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
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Copyright 1998 University of Cambridge
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The Kerberos protocol, version IV.
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KerberosIV = Shared +
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Kas, Tgs :: agent (*the two servers are translations...*)
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16 |
"Kas" == "Server"
17 |
"Tgs" == "Friend 0"
18 |
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21 |
(*Tgs is secure --- we already know that Kas is secure*)
22 |
Tgs_not_bad "Tgs ~: bad"
23 |
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(*The current time is just the length of the trace!*)
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CT :: event list=>nat
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ExpirAuth :: [nat, event list] => bool
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30 |
ExpirServ :: [nat, event list] => bool
31 |
32 |
ExpirAutc :: [nat, event list] => bool
33 |
34 |
RecentResp :: [nat, nat] => bool
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(* AuthKeys are those contained in an AuthTicket *)
39 |
AuthKeys :: event list => key set
40 |
"AuthKeys evs == {AuthKey. EX A Peer Tk. Says Kas A
41 |
(Crypt (shrK A) {|Key AuthKey, Agent Peer, Tk,
42 |
(Crypt (shrK Peer) {|Agent A, Agent Peer, Key AuthKey, Tk|})
43 |
|}) : set evs}"
44 |
45 |
(* A is the true creator of X if she has sent X and X never appeared on
46 |
the trace before this event. Recall that traces grow from head. *)
47 |
Issues :: [agent , agent, msg, event list] => bool ("_ Issues _ with _ on _")
48 |
"A Issues B with X on evs ==
49 |
EX Y. Says A B Y : set evs & X : parts {Y} &
50 |
X ~: parts (spies (takeWhile (% z. z ~= Says A B Y) (rev evs)))"
51 |
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(*Duration of the authentication key*)
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AuthLife :: nat
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(*Duration of the service key*)
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ServLife :: nat
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61 |
(*Duration of an authenticator*)
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AutcLife :: nat
63 |
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(*Upper bound on the time of reaction of a server*)
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RespLife :: nat
66 |
67 |
68 |
AuthLife_LB "2 <= AuthLife"
69 |
ServLife_LB "2 <= ServLife"
70 |
AutcLife_LB "1 <= AutcLife"
71 |
RespLife_LB "1 <= RespLife"
72 |
73 |
74 |
"CT" == "length"
75 |
76 |
"ExpirAuth T evs" == "AuthLife + T < CT evs"
77 |
78 |
"ExpirServ T evs" == "ServLife + T < CT evs"
79 |
80 |
"ExpirAutc T evs" == "AutcLife + T < CT evs"
81 |
82 |
"RecentResp T1 T2" == "T1 <= RespLife + T2"
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(* Predicate formalising the association between AuthKeys and ServKeys *)
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KeyCryptKey :: [key, key, event list] => bool
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"KeyCryptKey AuthKey ServKey evs ==
91 |
EX A B tt.
92 |
Says Tgs A (Crypt AuthKey
93 |
{|Key ServKey, Agent B, tt,
94 |
Crypt (shrK B) {|Agent A, Agent B, Key ServKey, tt|} |})
95 |
: set evs"
96 |
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99 |
kerberos :: event list set
100 |
inductive "kerberos"
101 |
102 |
103 |
Nil "[]: kerberos"
104 |
105 |
Fake "[| evs: kerberos; B ~= Spy;
106 |
X: synth (analz (spies evs)) |]
107 |
==> Says Spy B X # evs : kerberos"
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109 |
(* FROM the initiator *)
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K1 "[| evs1: kerberos |]
111 |
==> Says A Kas {|Agent A, Agent Tgs, Number (CT evs1)|} # evs1
112 |
: kerberos"
113 |
114 |
(* Adding the timestamp serves to A in K3 to check that
115 |
she doesn't get a reply too late. This kind of timeouts are ordinary.
116 |
If a server's reply is late, then it is likely to be fake. *)
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(*FROM Kas *)
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K2 "[| evs2: kerberos; Key AuthKey ~: used evs2;
122 |
Says A' Kas {|Agent A, Agent Tgs, Number Ta|} : set evs2 |]
123 |
==> Says Kas A
124 |
(Crypt (shrK A) {|Key AuthKey, Agent Tgs, Number (CT evs2),
125 |
(Crypt (shrK Tgs) {|Agent A, Agent Tgs, Key AuthKey,
126 |
Number (CT evs2)|})|}) # evs2 : kerberos"
127 |
128 |
The internal encryption builds the AuthTicket.
129 |
The timestamp doesn't change inside the two encryptions: the external copy
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will be used by the initiator in K3; the one inside the
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AuthTicket by Tgs in K4.
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(* FROM the initiator *)
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K3 "[| evs3: kerberos;
138 |
Says A Kas {|Agent A, Agent Tgs, Number Ta|} : set evs3;
139 |
Says Kas' A (Crypt (shrK A) {|Key AuthKey, Agent Tgs, Number Tk,
140 |
AuthTicket|}) : set evs3;
141 |
RecentResp Tk Ta
142 |
143 |
==> Says A Tgs {|AuthTicket,
144 |
(Crypt AuthKey {|Agent A, Number (CT evs3)|}),
145 |
Agent B|} # evs3 : kerberos"
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(*The two events amongst the premises allow A to accept only those AuthKeys
147 |
that are not issued late. *)
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(* FROM Tgs *)
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(* Note that the last temporal check is not mentioned in the original MIT
153 |
specification. Adding it strengthens the guarantees assessed by the
154 |
protocol. Theorems that exploit it have the suffix `_refined'
155 |
156 |
K4 "[| evs4: kerberos; Key ServKey ~: used evs4; B ~= Tgs;
157 |
Says A' Tgs {|
158 |
(Crypt (shrK Tgs) {|Agent A, Agent Tgs, Key AuthKey,
159 |
Number Tk|}),
160 |
(Crypt AuthKey {|Agent A, Number Ta1|}), Agent B|}
161 |
: set evs4;
162 |
~ ExpirAuth Tk evs4;
163 |
~ ExpirAutc Ta1 evs4;
164 |
ServLife + (CT evs4) <= AuthLife + Tk
165 |
166 |
==> Says Tgs A
167 |
(Crypt AuthKey {|Key ServKey, Agent B, Number (CT evs4),
168 |
Crypt (shrK B) {|Agent A, Agent B, Key ServKey,
169 |
Number (CT evs4)|} |})
170 |
# evs4 : kerberos"
171 |
(* Tgs creates a new session key per each request for a service, without
172 |
checking if there is still a fresh one for that service.
173 |
The cipher under Tgs' key is the AuthTicket, the cipher under B's key
174 |
is the ServTicket, which is built now.
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NOTE that the last temporal check is not present in the MIT specification.
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(* FROM the initiator *)
182 |
K5 "[| evs5: kerberos;
183 |
Says A Tgs
184 |
{|AuthTicket, (Crypt AuthKey {|Agent A, Number Ta1|} ),
185 |
Agent B|}
186 |
: set evs5;
187 |
Says Tgs' A
188 |
(Crypt AuthKey {|Key ServKey, Agent B, Number Tt, ServTicket|} )
189 |
: set evs5;
190 |
RecentResp Tt Ta1 |]
191 |
==> Says A B {|ServTicket,
192 |
Crypt ServKey {|Agent A, Number (CT evs5)|} |}
193 |
# evs5 : kerberos"
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(* Checks similar to those in K3. *)
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(* FROM the responder*)
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K6 "[| evs6: kerberos;
200 |
Says A' B {|
201 |
(Crypt (shrK B) {|Agent A, Agent B, Key ServKey, Number Tt|} ),
202 |
(Crypt ServKey {|Agent A, Number Ta2|} )|}
203 |
: set evs6;
204 |
~ ExpirServ Tt evs6;
205 |
~ ExpirAutc Ta2 evs6
206 |
207 |
==> Says B A (Crypt ServKey (Number Ta2) )
208 |
# evs6 : kerberos"
209 |
(* Checks similar to those in K4. *)
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212 |
213 |
(* Leaking an AuthKey... *)
214 |
Oops1 "[| evsO1: kerberos; A ~= Spy;
215 |
Says Kas A
216 |
(Crypt (shrK A) {|Key AuthKey, Agent Tgs, Number Tk,
217 |
AuthTicket|}) : set evsO1;
218 |
ExpirAuth Tk evsO1 |]
219 |
==> Says A Spy {|Agent A, Agent Tgs, Number Tk, Key AuthKey|}
220 |
# evsO1 : kerberos"
221 |
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223 |
224 |
(*Leaking a ServKey... *)
225 |
Oops2 "[| evsO2: kerberos; A ~= Spy;
226 |
Says Tgs A
227 |
(Crypt AuthKey {|Key ServKey, Agent B, Number Tt, ServTicket|})
228 |
: set evsO2;
229 |
ExpirServ Tt evsO2 |]
230 |
==> Says A Spy {|Agent A, Agent B, Number Tt, Key ServKey|}
231 |
# evsO2 : kerberos"
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