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(* Title: Provers/Arith/cancel_factor.ML
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ID: $Id$
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Author: Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
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Cancel common constant factor from balanced exression (e.g. =, <=, < of sums).
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(*abstract syntax*)
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val mk_sum: term list -> term
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val dest_sum: term -> term list
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val mk_bal: term * term -> term
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val dest_bal: term -> term * term
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val prove_conv: tactic -> tactic -> Sign.sg -> term * term -> thm
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val norm_tac: tactic (*AC0 etc.*)
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val multiply_tac: int -> tactic (*apply a ~~ b == k * a ~~ k * b (for k > 0)*)
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signature CANCEL_FACTOR =
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val proc: Sign.sg -> thm list -> term -> thm option
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functor CancelFactorFun(Data: CANCEL_FACTOR_DATA): CANCEL_FACTOR =
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(* greatest common divisor *)
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fun gcd (0, n) = n
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| gcd (m, n) = gcd (n mod m, m);
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val gcds = foldl gcd;
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(* count terms *)
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fun ins_term (t, []) = [(t, 1)]
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| ins_term (t, (u, k) :: uks) =
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if t aconv u then (u, k + 1) :: uks
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else (t, 1) :: (u, k) :: uks;
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fun count_terms ts = foldr ins_term (sort Term.term_ord ts, []);
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(* divide sum *)
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fun div_sum d tks =
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Data.mk_sum (flat (map (fn (t, k) => replicate (k div d) t) tks));
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(* the simplification procedure *)
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fun proc sg _ t =
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(case try Data.dest_bal t of
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None => None
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| Some bal =>
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(case pairself Data.dest_sum bal of
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([_], _) => None
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| (_, [_]) => None
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| ts_us =>
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val (tks, uks) = pairself count_terms ts_us;
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val d = gcds (gcds (0, map snd tks), map snd uks);
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if d = 0 orelse d = 1 then None
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else Some
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(Data.prove_conv (Data.multiply_tac d) Data.norm_tac sg
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(t, Data.mk_bal (div_sum d tks, div_sum d uks)))
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