author | clasohm |
Tue, 05 Oct 1993 13:15:01 +0100 | |
changeset 24 | f3d4ff75d9f2 |
parent 0 | a5a9c433f639 |
child 41 | 97aae241094b |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
1 |
(* Title: library |
0 | 2 |
ID: $Id$ |
3 |
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory |
4 |
Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge |
5 |
6 |
Basic library: booleans, lists, pairs, input/output, etc. |
7 |
*) |
8 |
9 |
10 |
(**** Booleans: operators for combining predicates ****) |
11 |
12 |
infix orf; |
13 |
fun p orf q = fn x => p x orelse q x ; |
14 |
15 |
infix andf; |
16 |
fun p andf q = fn x => p x andalso q x ; |
17 |
18 |
fun notf p x = not (p x) ; |
19 |
20 |
fun orl [] = false |
21 |
| orl (x::l) = x orelse orl l; |
22 |
23 |
fun andl [] = true |
24 |
| andl (x::l) = x andalso andl l; |
25 |
26 |
(*exists pred [x1,...,xn] ======> pred(x1) orelse ... orelse pred(xn)*) |
27 |
fun exists (pred: 'a -> bool) : 'a list -> bool = |
28 |
let fun boolf [] = false |
29 |
| boolf (x::l) = (pred x) orelse boolf l |
30 |
in boolf end; |
31 |
32 |
(*forall pred [x1,...,xn] ======> pred(x1) andalso ... andalso pred(xn)*) |
33 |
fun forall (pred: 'a -> bool) : 'a list -> bool = |
34 |
let fun boolf [] = true |
35 |
| boolf (x::l) = (pred x) andalso (boolf l) |
36 |
in boolf end; |
37 |
38 |
39 |
(*** Lists ***) |
40 |
41 |
exception LIST of string; |
42 |
43 |
(*discriminator and selectors for lists. *) |
44 |
fun null [] = true |
45 |
| null (_::_) = false; |
46 |
47 |
fun hd [] = raise LIST "hd" |
48 |
| hd (a::_) = a; |
49 |
50 |
fun tl [] = raise LIST "tl" |
51 |
| tl (_::l) = l; |
52 |
53 |
54 |
(*curried functions for pairing and reversed pairing*) |
55 |
fun pair x y = (x,y); |
56 |
fun rpair x y = (y,x); |
57 |
58 |
fun fst(x,y) = x and snd(x,y) = y; |
59 |
60 |
(*Handy combinators*) |
61 |
fun curry f x y = f(x,y); |
62 |
fun uncurry f(x,y) = f x y; |
63 |
fun I x = x and K x y = x; |
64 |
65 |
(*Combine two functions forming the union of their domains*) |
66 |
infix orelf; |
67 |
fun f orelf g = fn x => f x handle Match=> g x; |
68 |
69 |
70 |
(*Application of (infix) operator to its left or right argument*) |
71 |
fun apl (x,f) y = f(x,y); |
72 |
fun apr (f,y) x = f(x,y); |
73 |
74 |
75 |
(*functional for pairs*) |
76 |
fun pairself f (x,y) = (f x, f y); |
77 |
78 |
(*Apply the function to a component of a pair*) |
79 |
fun apfst f (x, y) = (f x, y); |
80 |
fun apsnd f (x, y) = (x, f y); |
81 |
82 |
fun square (n: int) = n*n; |
83 |
84 |
fun fact 0 = 1 |
85 |
| fact n = n * fact(n-1); |
86 |
87 |
88 |
(*The following versions of fold are designed to fit nicely with infixes.*) |
89 |
90 |
(* (op @) (e, [x1,...,xn]) ======> ((e @ x1) @ x2) ... @ xn |
91 |
for operators that associate to the left. TAIL RECURSIVE*) |
92 |
fun foldl (f: 'a * 'b -> 'a) : 'a * 'b list -> 'a = |
93 |
let fun itl (e, []) = e |
94 |
| itl (e, a::l) = itl (f(e,a), l) |
95 |
in itl end; |
96 |
97 |
(* (op @) ([x1,...,xn], e) ======> x1 @ (x2 ... @ (xn @ e)) |
98 |
for operators that associate to the right. Not tail recursive.*) |
99 |
fun foldr f (l,e) = |
100 |
let fun itr [] = e |
101 |
| itr (a::l) = f(a, itr l) |
102 |
in itr l end; |
103 |
104 |
(* (op @) [x1,...,xn] ======> x1 @ (x2 ..(x[n-1]. @ xn)) |
105 |
for n>0, operators that associate to the right. Not tail recursive.*) |
106 |
fun foldr1 f l = |
107 |
let fun itr [x] = x |
108 |
| itr (x::l) = f(x, itr l) |
109 |
in itr l end; |
110 |
111 |
112 |
(*Length of a list. Should unquestionably be a standard function*) |
113 |
local fun length1 (n, [ ]) = n (*TAIL RECURSIVE*) |
114 |
| length1 (n, x::l) = length1 (n+1, l) |
115 |
in fun length l = length1 (0,l) end; |
116 |
117 |
118 |
(*Take the first n elements from l.*) |
119 |
fun take (n, []) = [] |
120 |
| take (n, x::xs) = if n>0 then x::take(n-1,xs) |
121 |
else []; |
122 |
123 |
(*Drop the first n elements from l.*) |
124 |
fun drop (_, []) = [] |
125 |
| drop (n, x::xs) = if n>0 then drop (n-1, xs) |
126 |
else x::xs; |
127 |
128 |
(*Return nth element of l, where 0 designates the first element; |
129 |
raise EXCEPTION if list too short.*) |
130 |
fun nth_elem NL = case (drop NL) of |
131 |
[] => raise LIST "nth_elem" |
132 |
| x::l => x; |
133 |
134 |
135 |
(*make the list [from, from+1, ..., to]*) |
136 |
infix upto; |
137 |
fun from upto to = |
138 |
if from>to then [] else from :: ((from+1) upto to); |
139 |
140 |
(*make the list [from, from-1, ..., to]*) |
141 |
infix downto; |
142 |
fun from downto to = |
143 |
if from<to then [] else from :: ((from-1) downto to); |
144 |
145 |
(* predicate: downto0(is,n) <=> is = [n,n-1,...,0] *) |
146 |
fun downto0(i::is,n) = i=n andalso downto0(is,n-1) |
147 |
| downto0([],n) = n = ~1; |
148 |
149 |
(*Like Lisp's MAPC -- seq proc [x1,...,xn] evaluates |
150 |
proc(x1); ... ; proc(xn) for side effects.*) |
151 |
fun seq (proc: 'a -> unit) : 'a list -> unit = |
152 |
let fun seqf [] = () |
153 |
| seqf (x::l) = (proc x; seqf l) |
154 |
in seqf end; |
155 |
156 |
157 |
(*** Balanced folding; access to balanced trees ***) |
158 |
159 |
exception Balance; (*indicates non-positive argument to balancing fun*) |
160 |
161 |
(*Balanced folding; avoids deep nesting*) |
162 |
fun fold_bal f [x] = x |
163 |
| fold_bal f [] = raise Balance |
164 |
| fold_bal f xs = |
165 |
let val k = length xs div 2 |
166 |
in f (fold_bal f (take(k,xs)), |
167 |
fold_bal f (drop(k,xs))) |
168 |
end; |
169 |
170 |
(*Construct something of the form f(...g(...(x)...)) for balanced access*) |
171 |
fun access_bal (f,g,x) n i = |
172 |
let fun acc n i = (* 1<=i<=n*) |
173 |
if n=1 then x else |
174 |
let val n2 = n div 2 |
175 |
in if i<=n2 then f (acc n2 i) |
176 |
else g (acc (n-n2) (i-n2)) |
177 |
end |
178 |
in if 1<=i andalso i<=n then acc n i else raise Balance end; |
179 |
180 |
(*Construct ALL such accesses; could try harder to share recursive calls!*) |
181 |
fun accesses_bal (f,g,x) n = |
182 |
let fun acc n = |
183 |
if n=1 then [x] else |
184 |
let val n2 = n div 2 |
185 |
val acc2 = acc n2 |
186 |
in if n-n2=n2 then map f acc2 @ map g acc2 |
187 |
else map f acc2 @ map g (acc (n-n2)) end |
188 |
in if 1<=n then acc n else raise Balance end; |
189 |
190 |
191 |
(*** Input/Output ***) |
192 |
193 |
fun prs s = output(std_out,s); |
194 |
fun writeln s = prs (s ^ "\n"); |
195 |
196 |
(*Print error message and abort to top level*) |
197 |
exception ERROR; |
198 |
fun error (msg) = (writeln msg; raise ERROR); |
199 |
200 |
fun assert p msg = if p then () else error msg; |
201 |
fun deny p msg = if p then error msg else (); |
202 |
203 |
(*For the "test" target in Makefiles -- signifies successful termination*) |
204 |
fun maketest msg = |
205 |
(writeln msg; |
206 |
output(open_out "test", "Test examples ran successfully\n")); |
207 |
208 |
(*print a list surrounded by the brackets lpar and rpar, with comma separator |
209 |
print nothing for empty list*) |
210 |
fun print_list (lpar, rpar, pre: 'a -> unit) (l : 'a list) = |
211 |
let fun prec(x) = (prs","; pre(x)) |
212 |
in case l of |
213 |
[] => () |
214 |
| x::l => (prs lpar; pre x; seq prec l; prs rpar) |
215 |
end; |
216 |
217 |
(*print a list of items separated by newlines*) |
218 |
fun print_list_ln (pre: 'a -> unit) : 'a list -> unit = |
219 |
seq (fn x => (pre x; writeln"")); |
220 |
221 |
fun is_letter ch = |
222 |
(ord"A" <= ord ch) andalso (ord ch <= ord"Z") orelse |
223 |
(ord"a" <= ord ch) andalso (ord ch <= ord"z"); |
224 |
225 |
fun is_digit ch = |
226 |
(ord"0" <= ord ch) andalso (ord ch <= ord"9"); |
227 |
228 |
(*letter or _ or prime (') *) |
229 |
fun is_quasi_letter "_" = true |
230 |
| is_quasi_letter "'" = true |
231 |
| is_quasi_letter ch = is_letter ch; |
232 |
233 |
(*white space: blanks, tabs, newlines*) |
234 |
val is_blank : string -> bool = fn |
235 |
" " => true | "\t" => true | "\n" => true | _ => false; |
236 |
237 |
val is_letdig = is_quasi_letter orf is_digit; |
238 |
239 |
val to_lower = |
240 |
let |
241 |
fun lower ch = |
242 |
if ch >= "A" andalso ch <= "Z" then |
243 |
chr (ord ch - ord "A" + ord "a") |
244 |
else ch; |
245 |
in |
246 |
implode o (map lower) o explode |
247 |
end; |
248 |
249 |
250 |
(*** Timing ***) |
251 |
252 |
(*Unconditional timing function*) |
253 |
val timeit = cond_timeit true; |
254 |
255 |
(*Timed application function*) |
256 |
fun timeap f x = timeit(fn()=> f x); |
257 |
258 |
(*Timed "use" function, printing filenames*) |
259 |
fun time_use fname = timeit(fn()=> |
260 |
(writeln("\n**** Starting " ^ fname ^ " ****"); use fname; |
261 |
writeln("\n**** Finished " ^ fname ^ " ****"))); |
262 |
263 |
264 |
(*** Misc functions ***) |
265 |
266 |
(*Function exponentiation: f(...(f x)...) with n applications of f *) |
267 |
fun funpow n f x = |
268 |
let fun rep (0,x) = x |
269 |
| rep (n,x) = rep (n-1, f x) |
270 |
in rep (n,x) end; |
271 |
272 |
(*Combine two lists forming a list of pairs: |
273 |
[x1,...,xn] ~~ [y1,...,yn] ======> [(x1,y1), ..., (xn,yn)] *) |
274 |
infix ~~; |
275 |
fun [] ~~ [] = [] |
276 |
| (x::xs) ~~ (y::ys) = (x,y) :: (xs ~~ ys) |
277 |
| _ ~~ _ = raise LIST "~~"; |
278 |
279 |
(*Inverse of ~~; the old 'split'. |
280 |
[(x1,y1), ..., (xn,yn)] ======> ( [x1,...,xn] , [y1,...,yn] ) *) |
281 |
fun split_list (l: ('a*'b)list) = (map #1 l, map #2 l); |
282 |
283 |
(*make the list [x; x; ...; x] of length n*) |
284 |
fun replicate n (x: 'a) : 'a list = |
285 |
let fun rep (0,xs) = xs |
286 |
| rep (n,xs) = rep(n-1, x::xs) |
287 |
in if n<0 then raise LIST "replicate" |
288 |
else rep (n,[]) |
289 |
end; |
290 |
291 |
(*Flatten a list of lists to a list.*) |
292 |
fun flat (ls: 'c list list) : 'c list = foldr (op @) (ls,[]); |
293 |
294 |
295 |
(*** polymorphic set operations ***) |
296 |
297 |
(*membership in a list*) |
298 |
infix mem; |
299 |
fun x mem [] = false |
300 |
| x mem (y::l) = (x=y) orelse (x mem l); |
301 |
302 |
(*insertion into list if not already there*) |
303 |
infix ins; |
304 |
fun x ins xs = if x mem xs then xs else x::xs; |
305 |
306 |
(*union of sets represented as lists: no repetitions*) |
307 |
infix union; |
308 |
fun xs union [] = xs |
309 |
| [] union ys = ys |
310 |
| (x::xs) union ys = xs union (x ins ys); |
311 |
312 |
infix inter; |
313 |
fun [] inter ys = [] |
314 |
| (x::xs) inter ys = if x mem ys then x::(xs inter ys) |
315 |
else xs inter ys; |
316 |
317 |
infix subset; |
318 |
fun [] subset ys = true |
319 |
| (x::xs) subset ys = x mem ys andalso xs subset ys; |
320 |
321 |
(*removing an element from a list WITHOUT duplicates*) |
322 |
infix \; |
323 |
fun (y::ys) \ x = if x=y then ys else y::(ys \ x) |
324 |
| [] \ x = []; |
325 |
326 |
infix \\; |
327 |
val op \\ = foldl (op \); |
328 |
329 |
(*** option stuff ***) |
330 |
331 |
datatype 'a option = None | Some of 'a; |
332 |
333 |
exception OPTION of string; |
334 |
335 |
fun the (Some x) = x |
336 |
| the None = raise OPTION "the"; |
337 |
338 |
fun is_some (Some _) = true |
339 |
| is_some None = false; |
340 |
341 |
fun is_none (Some _) = false |
342 |
| is_none None = true; |
343 |
344 |
345 |
(*** Association lists ***) |
346 |
347 |
(*Association list lookup*) |
348 |
fun assoc ([], key) = None |
349 |
| assoc ((keyi,xi)::pairs, key) = |
350 |
if key=keyi then Some xi else assoc (pairs,key); |
351 |
352 |
fun assocs ps x = case assoc(ps,x) of None => [] | Some(ys) => ys; |
353 |
354 |
(*Association list update*) |
355 |
fun overwrite(al,p as (key,_)) = |
356 |
let fun over((q as (keyi,_))::pairs) = |
357 |
if keyi=key then p::pairs else q::(over pairs) |
358 |
| over[] = [p] |
359 |
in over al end; |
360 |
361 |
(*Copy the list preserving elements that satisfy the predicate*) |
362 |
fun filter (pred: 'a->bool) : 'a list -> 'a list = |
363 |
let fun filt [] = [] |
364 |
| filt (x::xs) = if pred(x) then x :: filt xs else filt xs |
365 |
in filt end; |
366 |
367 |
fun filter_out f = filter (not o f); |
368 |
369 |
370 |
(*** List operations, generalized to an arbitrary equality function "eq" |
371 |
-- so what good are equality types?? ***) |
372 |
373 |
(*removing an element from a list -- possibly WITH duplicates*) |
374 |
fun gen_rem eq (xs,y) = filter_out (fn x => eq(x,y)) xs; |
375 |
376 |
(*generalized membership test*) |
377 |
fun gen_mem eq (x, []) = false |
378 |
| gen_mem eq (x, y::ys) = eq(x,y) orelse gen_mem eq (x,ys); |
379 |
380 |
(*generalized insertion*) |
381 |
fun gen_ins eq (x,xs) = if gen_mem eq (x,xs) then xs else x::xs; |
382 |
383 |
(*generalized union*) |
384 |
fun gen_union eq (xs,[]) = xs |
385 |
| gen_union eq ([],ys) = ys |
386 |
| gen_union eq (x::xs,ys) = gen_union eq (xs, gen_ins eq (x,ys)); |
387 |
388 |
(*Generalized association list lookup*) |
389 |
fun gen_assoc eq ([], key) = None |
390 |
| gen_assoc eq ((keyi,xi)::pairs, key) = |
391 |
if eq(key,keyi) then Some xi else gen_assoc eq (pairs,key); |
392 |
393 |
(** Finding list elements and duplicates **) |
394 |
395 |
(* find the position of an element in a list *) |
396 |
fun find(x,ys) = |
397 |
let fun f(y::ys,i) = if x=y then i else f(ys,i+1) |
398 |
| f(_,_) = raise LIST "find" |
399 |
in f(ys,0) end; |
400 |
401 |
(*Returns the tail beginning with the first repeated element, or []. *) |
402 |
fun findrep [] = [] |
403 |
| findrep (x::xs) = if x mem xs then x::xs else findrep xs; |
404 |
405 |
fun distinct1 (seen, []) = rev seen |
406 |
| distinct1 (seen, x::xs) = |
407 |
if x mem seen then distinct1 (seen, xs) |
408 |
else distinct1 (x::seen, xs); |
409 |
410 |
(*Makes a list of the distinct members of the input*) |
411 |
fun distinct xs = distinct1([],xs); |
412 |
413 |
414 |
(*Use the keyfun to make a list of (x,key) pairs.*) |
415 |
fun make_keylist (keyfun: 'a->'b) : 'a list -> ('a * 'b) list = |
416 |
let fun keypair x = (x, keyfun x) |
417 |
in map keypair end; |
418 |
419 |
(*Given a list of (x,key) pairs and a searchkey |
420 |
return the list of xs from each pair whose key equals searchkey*) |
421 |
fun keyfilter [] searchkey = [] |
422 |
| keyfilter ((x,key)::pairs) searchkey = |
423 |
if key=searchkey then x :: keyfilter pairs searchkey |
424 |
else keyfilter pairs searchkey; |
425 |
426 |
fun mapfilter (f: 'a -> 'b option) ([]: 'a list) = [] : 'b list |
427 |
| mapfilter f (x::xs) = |
428 |
case (f x) of |
429 |
None => mapfilter f xs |
430 |
| Some y => y :: mapfilter f xs; |
431 |
432 |
433 |
(*Partition list into elements that satisfy predicate and those that don't. |
434 |
Preserves order of elements in both lists. *) |
435 |
fun partition (pred: 'a->bool) (ys: 'a list) : ('a list * 'a list) = |
436 |
let fun part ([], answer) = answer |
437 |
| part (x::xs, (ys, ns)) = if pred(x) |
438 |
then part (xs, (x::ys, ns)) |
439 |
else part (xs, (ys, x::ns)) |
440 |
in part (rev ys, ([],[])) end; |
441 |
442 |
443 |
fun partition_eq (eq:'a * 'a -> bool) = |
444 |
let fun part [] = [] |
445 |
| part (x::ys) = let val (xs,xs') = partition (apl(x,eq)) ys |
446 |
in (x::xs)::(part xs') end |
447 |
in part end; |
448 |
449 |
450 |
(*Partition a list into buckets [ bi, b(i+1),...,bj ] |
451 |
putting x in bk if p(k)(x) holds. Preserve order of elements if possible.*) |
452 |
fun partition_list p i j = |
453 |
let fun part k xs = |
454 |
if k>j then |
455 |
(case xs of [] => [] |
456 |
| _ => raise LIST "partition_list") |
457 |
else |
458 |
let val (ns,rest) = partition (p k) xs; |
459 |
in ns :: part(k+1)rest end |
460 |
in part i end; |
461 |
462 |
463 |
(*Insertion sort. Stable (does not reorder equal elements) |
464 |
'less' is less-than test on type 'a. *) |
465 |
fun sort (less: 'a*'a -> bool) = |
466 |
let fun insert (x, []) = [x] |
467 |
| insert (x, y::ys) = |
468 |
if less(y,x) then y :: insert (x,ys) else x::y::ys; |
469 |
fun sort1 [] = [] |
470 |
| sort1 (x::xs) = insert (x, sort1 xs) |
471 |
in sort1 end; |
472 |
473 |
(*Transitive Closure. Not Warshall's algorithm*) |
474 |
fun transitive_closure [] = [] |
475 |
| transitive_closure ((x,ys)::ps) = |
476 |
let val qs = transitive_closure ps |
477 |
val zs = foldl (fn (zs,y) => assocs qs y union zs) (ys,ys) |
478 |
fun step(u,us) = (u, if x mem us then zs union us else us) |
479 |
in (x,zs) :: map step qs end; |
480 |
481 |
(*** Converting integers to strings, generating identifiers, etc. ***) |
482 |
483 |
(*Expand the number in the given base |
484 |
example: radixpand(2, 8) gives [1, 0, 0, 0] *) |
485 |
fun radixpand (base,num) : int list = |
486 |
let fun radix (n,tail) = |
487 |
if n<base then n :: tail |
488 |
else radix (n div base, (n mod base) :: tail) |
489 |
in radix (num,[]) end; |
490 |
491 |
(*Expands a number into a string of characters starting from "zerochar" |
492 |
example: radixstring(2,"0", 8) gives "1000" *) |
493 |
fun radixstring (base,zerochar,num) = |
494 |
let val offset = ord(zerochar); |
495 |
fun chrof n = chr(offset+n) |
496 |
in implode (map chrof (radixpand (base,num))) end; |
497 |
498 |
fun string_of_int n = |
499 |
if n < 0 then "~" ^ radixstring(10,"0",~n) else radixstring(10,"0",n); |
500 |
501 |
val print_int = prs o string_of_int; |
502 |
503 |
local |
504 |
val a = ord("a") and z = ord("z") and A = ord("A") and Z = ord("Z") |
505 |
and k0 = ord("0") and k9 = ord("9") |
506 |
in |
507 |
508 |
(*Increment a list of letters like a reversed base 26 number. |
509 |
If head is "z", bumps chars in tail. |
510 |
Digits are incremented as if they were integers. |
511 |
"_" and "'" are not changed. |
512 |
For making variants of identifiers. *) |
513 |
514 |
fun bump_int_list(c::cs) = if c="9" then "0" :: bump_int_list cs else |
515 |
if k0 <= ord(c) andalso ord(c) < k9 then chr(ord(c)+1) :: cs |
516 |
else "1" :: c :: cs |
517 |
| bump_int_list([]) = error("bump_int_list: not an identifier"); |
518 |
519 |
fun bump_list([],d) = [d] |
520 |
| bump_list(["'"],d) = [d,"'"] |
521 |
| bump_list("z"::cs,_) = "a" :: bump_list(cs,"a") |
522 |
| bump_list("Z"::cs,_) = "A" :: bump_list(cs,"A") |
523 |
| bump_list("9"::cs,_) = "0" :: bump_int_list cs |
524 |
| bump_list(c::cs,_) = let val k = ord(c) |
525 |
in if (a <= k andalso k < z) orelse (A <= k andalso k < Z) orelse |
526 |
(k0 <= k andalso k < k9) then chr(k+1) :: cs else |
527 |
if c="'" orelse c="_" then c :: bump_list(cs,"") else |
528 |
error("bump_list: not legal in identifier: " ^ |
529 |
implode(rev(c::cs))) |
530 |
end; |
531 |
532 |
end; |
533 |
534 |
fun bump_string s : string = implode (rev (bump_list(rev(explode s),""))); |
535 |
536 |
537 |
(*** Operations on integer lists ***) |
538 |
539 |
fun sum [] = 0 |
540 |
| sum (n::ns) = n + sum ns; |
541 |
542 |
fun max[m : int] = m |
543 |
| max(m::n::ns) = if m>n then max(m::ns) else max(n::ns) |
544 |
| max [] = raise LIST "max"; |
545 |
546 |
fun min[m : int] = m |
547 |
| min(m::n::ns) = if m<n then min(m::ns) else min(n::ns) |
548 |
| min [] = raise LIST "min"; |
549 |
550 |
551 |
(*** Lexical scanning ***) |
552 |
553 |
(* [x1,...,xi,...,xn] ---> ([x1,...,x(i-1)], [xi,..., xn]) |
554 |
where xi is the first element that does not satisfy the predicate*) |
555 |
fun take_prefix (pred : 'a -> bool) (xs: 'a list) : 'a list * 'a list = |
556 |
let fun take (rxs, []) = (rev rxs, []) |
557 |
| take (rxs, x::xs) = |
558 |
if pred x then take(x::rxs, xs) else (rev rxs, x::xs) |
559 |
in take([],xs) end; |
560 |
561 |
infix prefix; |
562 |
fun [] prefix _ = true |
563 |
| (x::xs) prefix (y::ys) = (x=y) andalso (xs prefix ys) |
564 |
| _ prefix _ = false; |
565 |
566 |
(* [x1, x2, ..., xn] ---> [x1, s, x2, s, ..., s, xn] *) |
567 |
fun separate s (x :: (xs as _ :: _)) = x :: s :: separate s xs |
568 |
| separate _ xs = xs; |
569 |
570 |
(*space_implode "..." (explode "hello"); gives "h...e...l...l...o" *) |
571 |
fun space_implode a bs = implode (separate a bs); |
572 |
573 |
fun quote s = "\"" ^ s ^ "\""; |
574 |
575 |
(*Concatenate messages, one per line, into a string*) |
576 |
val cat_lines = implode o (map (apr(op^,"\n"))); |
577 |
578 |
(*Scan a list of characters into "words" composed of "letters" (recognized |
579 |
by is_let) and separated by any number of non-"letters".*) |
580 |
fun scanwords is_let cs = |
581 |
let fun scan1 [] = [] |
582 |
| scan1 cs = |
583 |
let val (lets, rest) = take_prefix is_let cs |
584 |
in implode lets :: scanwords is_let rest end; |
585 |
in scan1 (#2 (take_prefix (not o is_let) cs)) end; |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
586 |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
587 |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
588 |
(*** Operations on filenames ***) |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
589 |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
590 |
(*Convert Unix filename of the form path/file to "path/" and "file" ; |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
591 |
if filename contains no slash, then it returns "" and "file" *) |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
592 |
fun split_filename name = |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
593 |
let val (file,path) = take_prefix (apr(op<>,"/")) (rev (explode name)) |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
594 |
in (implode(rev path), implode(rev file)) end; |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
595 |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
596 |
(*Merge splitted filename (path and file); |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
597 |
if path does not end with one a slash is appended *) |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
598 |
fun tack_on "" name = name |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
599 |
| tack_on path name = |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
600 |
if (hd (rev (explode path))) = "/" then path ^ name |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
601 |
else path ^ "/" ^ name; |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
602 |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
603 |
(*Remove the extension of a filename, i.e. the part after the last '.' *) |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
604 |
fun remove_ext name = |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
605 |
let val (file,_) = take_prefix (apr(op<>,".")) (rev (explode name)) |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
606 |
in implode (rev file) end; |
added functions that operate on filenames: split_filename (originally located
607 |