changeset 76208 14dd8b46307f
parent 76207 8fcbce9f317c
child 76245 4111c94657b4
equal deleted inserted replaced
76207:8fcbce9f317c 76208:14dd8b46307f
  3858     by blast
  3858     by blast
  3859   with \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close> show ?thesis
  3859   with \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close> show ?thesis
  3860     by (auto simp add: mod_poly_def intro: *)
  3860     by (auto simp add: mod_poly_def intro: *)
  3861 qed
  3861 qed
  3863 inductive eucl_rel_poly :: "'a::field poly \<Rightarrow> 'a poly \<Rightarrow> 'a poly \<times> 'a poly \<Rightarrow> bool"
  3864   where
  3865     eucl_rel_poly_by0: "eucl_rel_poly x 0 (0, x)"
  3866   | eucl_rel_poly_dividesI: "y \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> x = q * y \<Longrightarrow> eucl_rel_poly x y (q, 0)"
  3867   | eucl_rel_poly_remainderI:
  3868       "y \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> degree r < degree y \<Longrightarrow> x = q * y + r \<Longrightarrow> eucl_rel_poly x y (q, r)"
  3870 lemma eucl_rel_poly_iff:
  3871   "eucl_rel_poly x y (q, r) \<longleftrightarrow>
  3872     x = q * y + r \<and> (if y = 0 then q = 0 else r = 0 \<or> degree r < degree y)"
  3873   by (auto elim: eucl_rel_poly.cases
  3874       intro: eucl_rel_poly_by0 eucl_rel_poly_dividesI eucl_rel_poly_remainderI)
  3876 lemma eucl_rel_poly:
  3877   "eucl_rel_poly x y (x div y, x mod y)"
  3878   using degree_mod_less_degree [of y x]
  3879   by (auto simp add: eucl_rel_poly_iff mod_eq_0_iff_dvd)
  3881 lemma
  3882   assumes 1: "eucl_rel_poly x y (q1, r1)"
  3883   assumes 2: "eucl_rel_poly x y (q2, r2)"
  3884   shows eucl_rel_poly_unique_div: "q1 = q2" (is ?Q)
  3885     and eucl_rel_poly_unique_mod: "r1 = r2" (is ?R)
  3886 proof -
  3887   have \<open>?Q \<and> ?R\<close>
  3888   proof (cases "y = 0")
  3889     assume "y = 0"
  3890     with assms show ?thesis
  3891       by (simp add: eucl_rel_poly_iff)
  3892   next
  3893     assume [simp]: "y \<noteq> 0"
  3894     from 1 have q1: "x = q1 * y + r1" and r1: "r1 = 0 \<or> degree r1 < degree y"
  3895       unfolding eucl_rel_poly_iff by simp_all
  3896     from 2 have q2: "x = q2 * y + r2" and r2: "r2 = 0 \<or> degree r2 < degree y"
  3897       unfolding eucl_rel_poly_iff by simp_all
  3898     from q1 q2 have q3: "(q1 - q2) * y = r2 - r1"
  3899       by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  3900     from r1 r2 have r3: "(r2 - r1) = 0 \<or> degree (r2 - r1) < degree y"
  3901       by (auto intro: degree_diff_less)
  3902     show "q1 = q2 \<and> r1 = r2"
  3903     proof (rule classical)
  3904       assume "\<not> ?thesis"
  3905       with q3 have "q1 \<noteq> q2" and "r1 \<noteq> r2" by auto
  3906       with r3 have "degree (r2 - r1) < degree y" by simp
  3907       also have "degree y \<le> degree (q1 - q2) + degree y" by simp
  3908       also from \<open>q1 \<noteq> q2\<close> have "\<dots> = degree ((q1 - q2) * y)"
  3909         by (simp add: degree_mult_eq)
  3910       also from q3 have "\<dots> = degree (r2 - r1)"
  3911         by simp
  3912       finally have "degree (r2 - r1) < degree (r2 - r1)" .
  3913       then show ?thesis by simp
  3914     qed
  3915   qed
  3916   then show ?Q and ?R
  3917     by simp_all
  3918 qed
  3920 lemma pdivmod_pdivmodrel:
  3921   \<open>eucl_rel_poly x y (q, r) \<longleftrightarrow> (x div y, x mod y) = (q, r)\<close>
  3922   using eucl_rel_poly_unique_div [of x y _ _ q r, OF eucl_rel_poly]
  3923     eucl_rel_poly_unique_mod [of x y _ _ q r, OF eucl_rel_poly]
  3924     eucl_rel_poly [of x y]
  3925   by auto
  3927 lemma div_poly_eq: "eucl_rel_poly x y (q, r) \<Longrightarrow> x div y = q"
  3928   for x :: "'a::field poly"
  3929   by (simp add: pdivmod_pdivmodrel)
  3931 lemma mod_poly_eq: "eucl_rel_poly x y (q, r) \<Longrightarrow> x mod y = r"
  3932   for x :: "'a::field poly"
  3933   by (simp add: pdivmod_pdivmodrel)
  3935 lemma div_poly_less:
  3936   fixes x :: "'a::field poly"
  3937   assumes "degree x < degree y"
  3938   shows "x div y = 0"
  3939 proof -
  3940   from assms have "eucl_rel_poly x y (0, x)"
  3941     by (simp add: eucl_rel_poly_iff)
  3942   then show "x div y = 0"
  3943     by (rule div_poly_eq)
  3944 qed
  3946 lemma mod_poly_less:
  3947   assumes "degree x < degree y"
  3948   shows "x mod y = x"
  3949 proof -
  3950   from assms have "eucl_rel_poly x y (0, x)"
  3951     by (simp add: eucl_rel_poly_iff)
  3952   then show "x mod y = x"
  3953     by (rule mod_poly_eq)
  3954 qed
  3956 instantiation poly :: (field) unique_euclidean_ring
  3863 instantiation poly :: (field) unique_euclidean_ring
  3957 begin
  3864 begin
  3959 definition euclidean_size_poly :: "'a poly \<Rightarrow> nat"
  3866 definition euclidean_size_poly :: "'a poly \<Rightarrow> nat"
  3960   where "euclidean_size_poly p = (if p = 0 then 0 else 2 ^ degree p)"
  3867   where "euclidean_size_poly p = (if p = 0 then 0 else 2 ^ degree p)"
  3972   next
  3879   next
  3973     case False
  3880     case False
  3974     with \<open>p \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>euclidean_size r < euclidean_size p\<close>
  3881     with \<open>p \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>euclidean_size r < euclidean_size p\<close>
  3975     have \<open>degree r < degree p\<close>
  3882     have \<open>degree r < degree p\<close>
  3976       by (simp add: euclidean_size_poly_def)
  3883       by (simp add: euclidean_size_poly_def)
  3977     show \<open>(q * p + r) div p = q\<close>
  3884     with \<open>r \<noteq> 0\<close> have \<open>\<not> p dvd r\<close>
  3978       by (rule div_poly_eq)
  3885       by (auto dest: dvd_imp_degree)
  3979         (use \<open>degree r < degree p\<close> in \<open>auto simp add: eucl_rel_poly_iff\<close>)
  3886     have \<open>(q * p + r) div p = q \<and> (q * p + r) mod p = r\<close>
  3887     proof (rule ccontr)
  3888       assume \<open>\<not> ?thesis\<close>
  3889       moreover have *: \<open>((q * p + r) div p - q) * p = r - (q * p + r) mod p\<close>
  3890         by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  3891       ultimately have \<open>(q * p + r) div p \<noteq> q\<close> and \<open>(q * p + r) mod p \<noteq> r\<close>
  3892         using \<open>p \<noteq> 0\<close> by auto
  3893       from \<open>\<not> p dvd r\<close> have \<open>\<not> p dvd (q * p + r)\<close>
  3894         by simp
  3895       with \<open>p \<noteq> 0\<close> have \<open>degree ((q * p + r) mod p) < degree p\<close>
  3896         by (rule degree_mod_less_degree)
  3897       with \<open>degree r < degree p\<close> \<open>(q * p + r) mod p \<noteq> r\<close>
  3898       have \<open>degree (r - (q * p + r) mod p) < degree p\<close>
  3899         by (auto intro: degree_diff_less)
  3900       also have \<open>degree p \<le> degree ((q * p + r) div p - q) + degree p\<close>
  3901         by simp
  3902       also from \<open>(q * p + r) div p \<noteq> q\<close> \<open>p \<noteq> 0\<close>
  3903       have \<open>\<dots> = degree (((q * p + r) div p - q) * p)\<close>
  3904         by (simp add: degree_mult_eq)
  3905       also from * have \<open>\<dots> = degree (r - (q * p + r) mod p)\<close>
  3906         by simp
  3907       finally have \<open>degree (r - (q * p + r) mod p) < degree (r - (q * p + r) mod p)\<close> .
  3908       then show False
  3909         by simp
  3910     qed
  3911     then show \<open>(q * p + r) div p = q\<close> ..
  3980   qed
  3912   qed
  3981 qed (auto simp: euclidean_size_poly_def div_mult_mod_eq div_poly_less degree_mult_eq power_add
  3913 qed (auto simp: euclidean_size_poly_def degree_mult_eq power_add intro: degree_mod_less_degree)
  3982     intro!: degree_mod_less_degree split: if_splits)
  3984 end
  3915 end
  3986 lemma euclidean_relation_polyI [case_names by0 divides euclidean_relation]:
  3917 lemma euclidean_relation_polyI [case_names by0 divides euclidean_relation]:
  3987   \<open>(x div y, x mod y) = (q, r)\<close>
  3918   \<open>(x div y, x mod y) = (q, r)\<close>
  3994 lemma div_poly_eq_0_iff:
  3925 lemma div_poly_eq_0_iff:
  3995   \<open>x div y = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> x = 0 \<or> y = 0 \<or> degree x < degree y\<close> for x y :: \<open>'a::field poly\<close>
  3926   \<open>x div y = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> x = 0 \<or> y = 0 \<or> degree x < degree y\<close> for x y :: \<open>'a::field poly\<close>
  3996   by (simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.div_eq_0_iff euclidean_size_poly_def)
  3927   by (simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.div_eq_0_iff euclidean_size_poly_def)
  3929 lemma div_poly_less:
  3930   \<open>x div y = 0\<close> if \<open>degree x < degree y\<close> for x y :: \<open>'a::field poly\<close>
  3931   using that by (simp add: div_poly_eq_0_iff)
  3933 lemma mod_poly_less:
  3934   \<open>x mod y = x\<close> if \<open>degree x < degree y\<close>
  3935   using that by (simp add: mod_eq_self_iff_div_eq_0 div_poly_eq_0_iff)
  3998 lemma degree_div_less:
  3937 lemma degree_div_less:
  3999   fixes x y::"'a::field poly"
  3938   \<open>degree (x div y) < degree x\<close>
  4000   assumes "degree x\<noteq>0" "degree y\<noteq>0"
  3939     if \<open>degree x > 0\<close> \<open>degree y > 0\<close>
  4001   shows "degree (x div y) < degree x"
  3940     for x y :: \<open>'a::field poly\<close>
  4002 proof -
  3941 proof (cases \<open>x div y = 0\<close>)
  4003   have "x\<noteq>0" "y\<noteq>0" using assms by auto
  3942   case True
  4004   define q r where "q=x div y" and "r=x mod y"
  3943   with \<open>degree x > 0\<close> show ?thesis
  4005   have *:"eucl_rel_poly x y (q, r)" unfolding q_def r_def 
  3944     by simp
  4006     by (simp add: eucl_rel_poly)
  3945 next
  4007   then have "r = 0 \<or> degree r < degree y" using \<open>y\<noteq>0\<close> unfolding eucl_rel_poly_iff by auto
  3946   case False
  4008   moreover have ?thesis when "r=0"
  3947   from that have \<open>x \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close>
  4009   proof -
  3948     and *: \<open>degree (x div y * y + x mod y) > 0\<close>
  4010     have "x = q * y" using * that unfolding eucl_rel_poly_iff by auto
  3949     by auto
  4011     then have "q\<noteq>0" using \<open>x\<noteq>0\<close> \<open>y\<noteq>0\<close> by auto
  3950   show ?thesis
  4012     from degree_mult_eq[OF this \<open>y\<noteq>0\<close>] \<open>x = q * y\<close> 
  3951   proof (cases \<open>y dvd x\<close>)
  4013     have "degree x = degree q +degree y" by auto
  4014     then show ?thesis unfolding q_def using assms by auto
  4015   qed
  4016   moreover have ?thesis when "degree r<degree y"
  4017   proof (cases "degree y>degree x")
  4018     case True
  3952     case True
  4019     then have "q=0" unfolding q_def using div_poly_less by auto
  3953     then obtain z where \<open>x = y * z\<close> ..
  4020     then show ?thesis unfolding q_def using assms(1) by auto
  3954     then have \<open>degree (x div y) < degree (x div y * y)\<close>
  3955       using \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>x \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>degree y > 0\<close> by (simp add: degree_mult_eq)
  3956     with \<open>y dvd x\<close> show ?thesis
  3957       by simp
  4021   next
  3958   next
  4022     case False
  3959     case False
  4023     then have "degree x>degree r" using that by auto
  3960     with \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close> have \<open>degree (x mod y) < degree y\<close>
  4024     then have "degree x = degree (x-r)" using degree_add_eq_right[of "-r" x] by auto
  3961       by (rule degree_mod_less_degree)
  4025     have "x-r = q*y" using * unfolding eucl_rel_poly_iff by auto
  3962     with \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>x div y \<noteq> 0\<close> have \<open>degree (x mod y) < degree (x div y * y)\<close>
  4026     then have "q\<noteq>0" using \<open>degree r < degree x\<close> by auto
  3963       by (simp add: degree_mult_eq)
  4027     have "degree x = degree q +degree y" 
  3964     then have \<open>degree (x div y * y + x mod y) = degree (x div y * y)\<close>
  4028       using  degree_mult_eq[OF \<open>q\<noteq>0\<close> \<open>y\<noteq>0\<close>] \<open>x-r = q*y\<close> \<open>degree x = degree (x-r)\<close> by auto
  3965       by (rule degree_add_eq_left)
  4029     then show ?thesis unfolding q_def using assms by auto
  3966     with \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>x div y \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>degree y > 0\<close> show ?thesis
  3967       by (simp add: degree_mult_eq)
  4030   qed
  3968   qed
  4031   ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  3969 qed
  4032 qed  
  3971 lemma degree_mod_less': "b \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> a mod b \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> degree (a mod b) < degree b"
  3972   by (rule degree_mod_less_degree) auto
  4034 lemma degree_mod_less: "y \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> x mod y = 0 \<or> degree (x mod y) < degree y"
  3974 lemma degree_mod_less: "y \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> x mod y = 0 \<or> degree (x mod y) < degree y"
  4035   using eucl_rel_poly [of x y] unfolding eucl_rel_poly_iff by simp
  3975   using degree_mod_less' by blast
  4037 lemma degree_mod_less': "b \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> a mod b \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> degree (a mod b) < degree b"
  4038   using degree_mod_less [of b a] by auto
  4040 lemma eucl_rel_poly_pCons:
  4041   assumes rel: "eucl_rel_poly x y (q, r)"
  4042   assumes y: "y \<noteq> 0"
  4043   assumes b: "b = coeff (pCons a r) (degree y) / coeff y (degree y)"
  4044   shows "eucl_rel_poly (pCons a x) y (pCons b q, pCons a r - smult b y)"
  4045     (is "eucl_rel_poly ?x y (?q, ?r)")
  4046 proof -
  4047   from assms have x: "x = q * y + r" and r: "r = 0 \<or> degree r < degree y"
  4048     by (simp_all add: eucl_rel_poly_iff)
  4049   from b x have "?x = ?q * y + ?r" by simp
  4050   moreover
  4051   have "?r = 0 \<or> degree ?r < degree y"
  4052   proof (rule eq_zero_or_degree_less)
  4053     show "degree ?r \<le> degree y"
  4054     proof (rule degree_diff_le)
  4055       from r show "degree (pCons a r) \<le> degree y"
  4056         by auto
  4057       show "degree (smult b y) \<le> degree y"
  4058         by (rule degree_smult_le)
  4059     qed
  4060     from \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close> show "coeff ?r (degree y) = 0"
  4061       by (simp add: b)
  4062   qed
  4063   ultimately show ?thesis
  4064     unfolding eucl_rel_poly_iff using \<open>y \<noteq> 0\<close> by simp
  4065 qed
  4067 lemma div_smult_left: \<open>smult a x div y = smult a (x div y)\<close> (is ?Q)
  3977 lemma div_smult_left: \<open>smult a x div y = smult a (x div y)\<close> (is ?Q)
  4068   and mod_smult_left: \<open>smult a x mod y = smult a (x mod y)\<close> (is ?R)
  3978   and mod_smult_left: \<open>smult a x mod y = smult a (x mod y)\<close> (is ?R)
  4069   for x y :: \<open>'a::field poly\<close>
  3979   for x y :: \<open>'a::field poly\<close>
  4070 proof -
  3980 proof -
  4189   qed
  4099   qed
  4190   then show ?Q and ?R
  4100   then show ?Q and ?R
  4191     by simp_all
  4101     by simp_all
  4192 qed
  4102 qed
  4104 lemma dvd_pCons_imp_dvd_pCons_mod:
  4105   \<open>y dvd pCons a (x mod y)\<close> if \<open>y dvd pCons a x\<close>
  4106 proof -
  4107   have \<open>pCons a x = pCons a (x div y * y + x mod y)\<close>
  4108     by simp
  4109   also have \<open>\<dots> = pCons 0 (x div y * y) + pCons a (x mod y)\<close>
  4110     by simp
  4111   also have \<open>pCons 0 (x div y * y) = (x div y * monom 1 (Suc 0)) * y\<close>
  4112     by (simp add: monom_Suc)
  4113   finally show \<open>y dvd pCons a (x mod y)\<close>
  4114     using \<open>y dvd pCons a x\<close> by simp
  4115 qed
  4117 lemma degree_less_if_less_eqI:
  4118   \<open>degree x < degree y\<close> if \<open>degree x \<le> degree y\<close> \<open>coeff x (degree y) = 0\<close> \<open>x \<noteq> 0\<close>
  4119 proof (cases \<open>degree x = degree y\<close>)
  4120   case True
  4121   with \<open>coeff x (degree y) = 0\<close> have \<open>lead_coeff x = 0\<close>
  4122     by simp
  4123   then have \<open>x = 0\<close>
  4124     by simp
  4125   with \<open>x \<noteq> 0\<close> show ?thesis
  4126     by simp
  4127 next
  4128   case False
  4129   with \<open>degree x \<le> degree y\<close> show ?thesis
  4130     by simp
  4131 qed
  4194 lemma div_pCons_eq:
  4133 lemma div_pCons_eq:
  4195   "pCons a p div q =
  4134     \<open>pCons a p div q = (if q = 0 then 0 else pCons (coeff (pCons a (p mod q)) (degree q) / lead_coeff q) (p div q))\<close> (is ?Q)
  4196     (if q = 0 then 0
  4135   and mod_pCons_eq:
  4197      else pCons (coeff (pCons a (p mod q)) (degree q) / lead_coeff q) (p div q))"
  4136     \<open>pCons a p mod q = (if q = 0 then pCons a p else pCons a (p mod q) - smult (coeff (pCons a (p mod q)) (degree q) / lead_coeff q) q)\<close> (is ?R)
  4198   using eucl_rel_poly_pCons [OF eucl_rel_poly _ refl, of q a p]
  4137     for x y :: \<open>'a::field poly\<close>
  4199   by (auto intro: div_poly_eq)
  4138 proof -
  4139   have \<open>?Q\<close> and \<open>?R\<close> if \<open>q = 0\<close>
  4201 lemma mod_pCons_eq:
  4140     using that by simp_all
  4202   "pCons a p mod q =
  4141   moreover have \<open>?Q\<close> and \<open>?R\<close> if \<open>q \<noteq> 0\<close>
  4203     (if q = 0 then pCons a p
  4142   proof -
  4204      else pCons a (p mod q) - smult (coeff (pCons a (p mod q)) (degree q) / lead_coeff q) q)"
  4143     define b where \<open>b = coeff (pCons a (p mod q)) (degree q) / lead_coeff q\<close>
  4205   using eucl_rel_poly_pCons [OF eucl_rel_poly _ refl, of q a p]
  4144     have \<open>(pCons a p div q, pCons a p mod q) =
  4206   by (auto intro: mod_poly_eq)
  4145       (pCons b (p div q), (pCons a (p mod q) - smult b q))\<close> (is \<open>_ = (?q, ?r)\<close>)
  4146     proof (cases q ?q ?r \<open>pCons a p\<close> rule: euclidean_relation_polyI)
  4147       case by0
  4148       with \<open>q \<noteq> 0\<close> show ?case by simp
  4149     next
  4150       case divides
  4151       show ?case
  4152       proof (cases \<open>pCons a (p mod q) = 0\<close>)
  4153         case True
  4154         then show ?thesis
  4155           by (auto simp add: b_def)
  4156       next
  4157         case False
  4158         have \<open>q dvd pCons a (p mod q)\<close>
  4159           using \<open>q dvd pCons a p\<close> by (rule dvd_pCons_imp_dvd_pCons_mod)
  4160         then obtain s where *: \<open>pCons a (p mod q) = q * s\<close> ..
  4161         with False have \<open>s \<noteq> 0\<close>
  4162           by auto
  4163         from \<open>q \<noteq> 0\<close> have \<open>degree (pCons a (p mod q)) \<le> degree q\<close>
  4164           by (auto simp add: Suc_le_eq intro: degree_mod_less_degree)
  4165         moreover from \<open>s \<noteq> 0\<close> have \<open>degree q \<le> degree (pCons a (p mod q))\<close>
  4166           by (simp add: degree_mult_right_le *)
  4167         ultimately have \<open>degree (pCons a (p mod q)) = degree q\<close>
  4168           by (rule order.antisym)
  4169         with \<open>s \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>q \<noteq> 0\<close> have \<open>degree s = 0\<close>
  4170           by (simp add: * degree_mult_eq)
  4171         then obtain c where \<open>s = [:c:]\<close>
  4172           by (rule degree_eq_zeroE)
  4173         also have \<open>c = b\<close>
  4174           using \<open>q \<noteq> 0\<close> by (simp add: b_def * \<open>s = [:c:]\<close>)
  4175         finally have \<open>smult b q = pCons a (p mod q)\<close>
  4176           by (simp add: *)
  4177         then show ?thesis
  4178           by simp
  4179       qed
  4180     next
  4181       case euclidean_relation
  4182       then have \<open>degree q > 0\<close>
  4183         using is_unit_iff_degree by blast
  4184       from \<open>q \<noteq> 0\<close> have \<open>degree (pCons a (p mod q)) \<le> degree q\<close>
  4185         by (auto simp add: Suc_le_eq intro: degree_mod_less_degree)
  4186       moreover have \<open>degree (smult b q) \<le> degree q\<close>
  4187         by (rule degree_smult_le)
  4188       ultimately have \<open>degree (pCons a (p mod q) - smult b q) \<le> degree q\<close>
  4189         by (rule degree_diff_le)
  4190       moreover have \<open>coeff (pCons a (p mod q) - smult b q) (degree q) = 0\<close>
  4191         using \<open>degree q > 0\<close> by (auto simp add: b_def)
  4192       ultimately have \<open>degree (pCons a (p mod q) - smult b q) < degree q\<close>
  4193         using \<open>degree q > 0\<close>
  4194         by (cases \<open>pCons a (p mod q) = smult b q\<close>)
  4195           (auto intro: degree_less_if_less_eqI)
  4196       then show ?case
  4197         by simp
  4198     qed
  4199     with \<open>q \<noteq> 0\<close> show ?Q and ?R
  4200       by (simp_all add: b_def)
  4201   qed
  4202   ultimately show ?Q and ?R
  4203     by simp_all
  4204 qed
  4208 lemma div_mod_fold_coeffs:
  4206 lemma div_mod_fold_coeffs:
  4209   "(p div q, p mod q) =
  4207   "(p div q, p mod q) =
  4210     (if q = 0 then (0, p)
  4208     (if q = 0 then (0, p)
  4211      else
  4209      else