changeset 28714 1992553cccfe
parent 28593 f087237af65d
child 28727 185110a4b97a
equal deleted inserted replaced
28713:135317cd34d6 28714:1992553cccfe
    85 \isatagquote
    85 \isatagquote
    86 %
    86 %
    87 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    87 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    88 \isaverbatim%
    88 \isaverbatim%
    89 \noindent%
    89 \noindent%
    90 \verb|dequeue :: forall a. Queue a -> (Maybe a, Queue a);|\newline%
    90 \hspace*{0pt}dequeue ::~forall a. Queue a -> (Maybe a, Queue a);\\
    91 \verb|dequeue (Queue xs (y : ys)) = (Just y, Queue xs ys);|\newline%
    91 \hspace*{0pt}dequeue (Queue xs (y :~ys)) = (Just y, Queue xs ys);\\
    92 \verb|dequeue (Queue xs []) =|\newline%
    92 \hspace*{0pt}dequeue (Queue xs []) =\\
    93 \verb|  (if nulla xs then (Nothing, Queue [] [])|\newline%
    93 \hspace*{0pt} ~(if nulla xs then (Nothing, Queue [] [])\\
    94 \verb|    else dequeue (Queue [] (rev xs)));|%
    94 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~else dequeue (Queue [] (rev xs)));%
    95 \end{isamarkuptext}%
    95 \end{isamarkuptext}%
    96 \isamarkuptrue%
    96 \isamarkuptrue%
    97 %
    97 %
    98 \endisatagquote
    98 \endisatagquote
    99 {\isafoldquote}%
    99 {\isafoldquote}%
   271 \isatagquote
   271 \isatagquote
   272 %
   272 %
   273 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   273 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   274 \isaverbatim%
   274 \isaverbatim%
   275 \noindent%
   275 \noindent%
   276 \verb|module Example where {|\newline%
   276 \hspace*{0pt}module Example where {\char123}\\
   277 \newline%
   277 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   278 \newline%
   278 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   279 \verb|data Nat = Suc Nat |\verb,|,\verb| Zero_nat;|\newline%
   279 \hspace*{0pt}data Nat = Suc Nat | Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   280 \newline%
   280 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   281 \verb|class Semigroup a where {|\newline%
   281 \hspace*{0pt}class Semigroup a where {\char123}\\
   282 \verb|  mult :: a -> a -> a;|\newline%
   282 \hspace*{0pt} ~mult ::~a -> a -> a;\\
   283 \verb|};|\newline%
   283 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125};\\
   284 \newline%
   284 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   285 \verb|class (Semigroup a) => Monoid a where {|\newline%
   285 \hspace*{0pt}class (Semigroup a) => Monoid a where {\char123}\\
   286 \verb|  neutral :: a;|\newline%
   286 \hspace*{0pt} ~neutral ::~a;\\
   287 \verb|};|\newline%
   287 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125};\\
   288 \newline%
   288 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   289 \verb|pow :: forall a. (Monoid a) => Nat -> a -> a;|\newline%
   289 \hspace*{0pt}pow ::~forall a. (Monoid a) => Nat -> a -> a;\\
   290 \verb|pow Zero_nat a = neutral;|\newline%
   290 \hspace*{0pt}pow Zero{\char95}nat a = neutral;\\
   291 \verb|pow (Suc n) a = mult a (pow n a);|\newline%
   291 \hspace*{0pt}pow (Suc n) a = mult a (pow n a);\\
   292 \newline%
   292 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   293 \verb|plus_nat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;|\newline%
   293 \hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat ::~Nat -> Nat -> Nat;\\
   294 \verb|plus_nat (Suc m) n = plus_nat m (Suc n);|\newline%
   294 \hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat m (Suc n);\\
   295 \verb|plus_nat Zero_nat n = n;|\newline%
   295 \hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = n;\\
   296 \newline%
   296 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   297 \verb|neutral_nat :: Nat;|\newline%
   297 \hspace*{0pt}neutral{\char95}nat ::~Nat;\\
   298 \verb|neutral_nat = Suc Zero_nat;|\newline%
   298 \hspace*{0pt}neutral{\char95}nat = Suc Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   299 \newline%
   299 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   300 \verb|mult_nat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;|\newline%
   300 \hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat ::~Nat -> Nat -> Nat;\\
   301 \verb|mult_nat Zero_nat n = Zero_nat;|\newline%
   301 \hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   302 \verb|mult_nat (Suc m) n = plus_nat n (mult_nat m n);|\newline%
   302 \hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat n (mult{\char95}nat m n);\\
   303 \newline%
   303 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   304 \verb|instance Semigroup Nat where {|\newline%
   304 \hspace*{0pt}instance Semigroup Nat where {\char123}\\
   305 \verb|  mult = mult_nat;|\newline%
   305 \hspace*{0pt} ~mult = mult{\char95}nat;\\
   306 \verb|};|\newline%
   306 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125};\\
   307 \newline%
   307 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   308 \verb|instance Monoid Nat where {|\newline%
   308 \hspace*{0pt}instance Monoid Nat where {\char123}\\
   309 \verb|  neutral = neutral_nat;|\newline%
   309 \hspace*{0pt} ~neutral = neutral{\char95}nat;\\
   310 \verb|};|\newline%
   310 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125};\\
   311 \newline%
   311 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   312 \verb|bexp :: Nat -> Nat;|\newline%
   312 \hspace*{0pt}bexp ::~Nat -> Nat;\\
   313 \verb|bexp n = pow n (Suc (Suc Zero_nat));|\newline%
   313 \hspace*{0pt}bexp n = pow n (Suc (Suc Zero{\char95}nat));\\
   314 \newline%
   314 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   315 \verb|}|%
   315 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125}%
   316 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   316 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   317 \isamarkuptrue%
   317 \isamarkuptrue%
   318 %
   318 %
   319 \endisatagquote
   319 \endisatagquote
   320 {\isafoldquote}%
   320 {\isafoldquote}%
   336 \isatagquote
   336 \isatagquote
   337 %
   337 %
   338 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   338 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   339 \isaverbatim%
   339 \isaverbatim%
   340 \noindent%
   340 \noindent%
   341 \verb|structure Example = |\newline%
   341 \hspace*{0pt}structure Example = \\
   342 \verb|struct|\newline%
   342 \hspace*{0pt}struct\\
   343 \newline%
   343 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   344 \verb|datatype nat = Suc of nat |\verb,|,\verb| Zero_nat;|\newline%
   344 \hspace*{0pt}datatype nat = Suc of nat | Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   345 \newline%
   345 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   346 \verb|type 'a semigroup = {mult : 'a -> 'a -> 'a};|\newline%
   346 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a semigroup = {\char123}mult :~'a -> 'a -> 'a{\char125};\\
   347 \verb|fun mult (A_:'a semigroup) = #mult A_;|\newline%
   347 \hspace*{0pt}fun mult (A{\char95}:'a semigroup) = {\char35}mult A{\char95};\\
   348 \newline%
   348 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   349 \verb|type 'a monoid = {Program__semigroup_monoid : 'a semigroup, neutral : 'a};|\newline%
   349 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a monoid = {\char123}Program{\char95}{\char95}semigroup{\char95}monoid :~'a semigroup, neutral :~'a{\char125};\\
   350 \verb|fun semigroup_monoid (A_:'a monoid) = #Program__semigroup_monoid A_;|\newline%
   350 \hspace*{0pt}fun semigroup{\char95}monoid (A{\char95}:'a monoid) = {\char35}Program{\char95}{\char95}semigroup{\char95}monoid A{\char95};\\
   351 \verb|fun neutral (A_:'a monoid) = #neutral A_;|\newline%
   351 \hspace*{0pt}fun neutral (A{\char95}:'a monoid) = {\char35}neutral A{\char95};\\
   352 \newline%
   352 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   353 \verb|fun pow A_ Zero_nat a = neutral A_|\newline%
   353 \hspace*{0pt}fun pow A{\char95}~Zero{\char95}nat a = neutral A{\char95}\\
   354 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| pow A_ (Suc n) a = mult (semigroup_monoid A_) a (pow A_ n a);|\newline%
   354 \hspace*{0pt} ~| pow A{\char95}~(Suc n) a = mult (semigroup{\char95}monoid A{\char95}) a (pow A{\char95}~n a);\\
   355 \newline%
   355 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   356 \verb|fun plus_nat (Suc m) n = plus_nat m (Suc n)|\newline%
   356 \hspace*{0pt}fun plus{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat m (Suc n)\\
   357 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat Zero_nat n = n;|\newline%
   357 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = n;\\
   358 \newline%
   358 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   359 \verb|val neutral_nat : nat = Suc Zero_nat;|\newline%
   359 \hspace*{0pt}val neutral{\char95}nat :~nat = Suc Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   360 \newline%
   360 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   361 \verb|fun mult_nat Zero_nat n = Zero_nat|\newline%
   361 \hspace*{0pt}fun mult{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = Zero{\char95}nat\\
   362 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| mult_nat (Suc m) n = plus_nat n (mult_nat m n);|\newline%
   362 \hspace*{0pt} ~| mult{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat n (mult{\char95}nat m n);\\
   363 \newline%
   363 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   364 \verb|val semigroup_nat = {mult = mult_nat} : nat semigroup;|\newline%
   364 \hspace*{0pt}val semigroup{\char95}nat = {\char123}mult = mult{\char95}nat{\char125}~:~nat semigroup;\\
   365 \newline%
   365 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   366 \verb|val monoid_nat =|\newline%
   366 \hspace*{0pt}val monoid{\char95}nat =\\
   367 \verb|  {Program__semigroup_monoid = semigroup_nat, neutral = neutral_nat} :|\newline%
   367 \hspace*{0pt} ~{\char123}Program{\char95}{\char95}semigroup{\char95}monoid = semigroup{\char95}nat, neutral = neutral{\char95}nat{\char125}~:\\
   368 \verb|  nat monoid;|\newline%
   368 \hspace*{0pt} ~nat monoid;\\
   369 \newline%
   369 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   370 \verb|fun bexp n = pow monoid_nat n (Suc (Suc Zero_nat));|\newline%
   370 \hspace*{0pt}fun bexp n = pow monoid{\char95}nat n (Suc (Suc Zero{\char95}nat));\\
   371 \newline%
   371 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   372 \verb|end; (*struct Example*)|%
   372 \hspace*{0pt}end; (*struct Example*)%
   373 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   373 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   374 \isamarkuptrue%
   374 \isamarkuptrue%
   375 %
   375 %
   376 \endisatagquote
   376 \endisatagquote
   377 {\isafoldquote}%
   377 {\isafoldquote}%
   657 \isatagquote
   657 \isatagquote
   658 %
   658 %
   659 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   659 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   660 \isaverbatim%
   660 \isaverbatim%
   661 \noindent%
   661 \noindent%
   662 \verb|structure Example = |\newline%
   662 \hspace*{0pt}structure Example = \\
   663 \verb|struct|\newline%
   663 \hspace*{0pt}struct\\
   664 \newline%
   664 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   665 \verb|datatype nat = Dig1 of nat |\verb,|,\verb| Dig0 of nat |\verb,|,\verb| One_nat |\verb,|,\verb| Zero_nat;|\newline%
   665 \hspace*{0pt}datatype nat = Dig1 of nat | Dig0 of nat | One{\char95}nat | Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   666 \newline%
   666 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   667 \verb|fun plus_nat (Dig1 m) (Dig1 n) = Dig0 (plus_nat (plus_nat m n) One_nat)|\newline%
   667 \hspace*{0pt}fun plus{\char95}nat (Dig1 m) (Dig1 n) = Dig0 (plus{\char95}nat (plus{\char95}nat m n) One{\char95}nat)\\
   668 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat (Dig1 m) (Dig0 n) = Dig1 (plus_nat m n)|\newline%
   668 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat (Dig1 m) (Dig0 n) = Dig1 (plus{\char95}nat m n)\\
   669 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat (Dig0 m) (Dig1 n) = Dig1 (plus_nat m n)|\newline%
   669 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat (Dig0 m) (Dig1 n) = Dig1 (plus{\char95}nat m n)\\
   670 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat (Dig0 m) (Dig0 n) = Dig0 (plus_nat m n)|\newline%
   670 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat (Dig0 m) (Dig0 n) = Dig0 (plus{\char95}nat m n)\\
   671 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat (Dig1 m) One_nat = Dig0 (plus_nat m One_nat)|\newline%
   671 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat (Dig1 m) One{\char95}nat = Dig0 (plus{\char95}nat m One{\char95}nat)\\
   672 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat One_nat (Dig1 n) = Dig0 (plus_nat n One_nat)|\newline%
   672 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat One{\char95}nat (Dig1 n) = Dig0 (plus{\char95}nat n One{\char95}nat)\\
   673 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat (Dig0 m) One_nat = Dig1 m|\newline%
   673 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat (Dig0 m) One{\char95}nat = Dig1 m\\
   674 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat One_nat (Dig0 n) = Dig1 n|\newline%
   674 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat One{\char95}nat (Dig0 n) = Dig1 n\\
   675 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat m Zero_nat = m|\newline%
   675 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat m Zero{\char95}nat = m\\
   676 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| plus_nat Zero_nat n = n;|\newline%
   676 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = n;\\
   677 \newline%
   677 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   678 \verb|end; (*struct Example*)|%
   678 \hspace*{0pt}end; (*struct Example*)%
   679 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   679 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   680 \isamarkuptrue%
   680 \isamarkuptrue%
   681 %
   681 %
   682 \endisatagquote
   682 \endisatagquote
   683 {\isafoldquote}%
   683 {\isafoldquote}%
   774 \isatagquote
   774 \isatagquote
   775 %
   775 %
   776 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   776 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   777 \isaverbatim%
   777 \isaverbatim%
   778 \noindent%
   778 \noindent%
   779 \verb|structure Example = |\newline%
   779 \hspace*{0pt}structure Example = \\
   780 \verb|struct|\newline%
   780 \hspace*{0pt}struct\\
   781 \newline%
   781 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   782 \verb|type 'a eq = {eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool};|\newline%
   782 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a eq = {\char123}eq :~'a -> 'a -> bool{\char125};\\
   783 \verb|fun eq (A_:'a eq) = #eq A_;|\newline%
   783 \hspace*{0pt}fun eq (A{\char95}:'a eq) = {\char35}eq A{\char95};\\
   784 \newline%
   784 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   785 \verb|fun eqop A_ a b = eq A_ a b;|\newline%
   785 \hspace*{0pt}fun eqop A{\char95}~a b = eq A{\char95}~a b;\\
   786 \newline%
   786 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   787 \verb|fun member A_ x [] = false|\newline%
   787 \hspace*{0pt}fun member A{\char95}~x [] = false\\
   788 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| member A_ x (y :: ys) = eqop A_ x y orelse member A_ x ys;|\newline%
   788 \hspace*{0pt} ~| member A{\char95}~x (y ::~ys) = eqop A{\char95}~x y orelse member A{\char95}~x ys;\\
   789 \newline%
   789 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   790 \verb|fun collect_duplicates A_ xs ys [] = xs|\newline%
   790 \hspace*{0pt}fun collect{\char95}duplicates A{\char95}~xs ys [] = xs\\
   791 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| collect_duplicates A_ xs ys (z :: zs) =|\newline%
   791 \hspace*{0pt} ~| collect{\char95}duplicates A{\char95}~xs ys (z ::~zs) =\\
   792 \verb|    (if member A_ z xs|\newline%
   792 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~(if member A{\char95}~z xs\\
   793 \verb|      then (if member A_ z ys then collect_duplicates A_ xs ys zs|\newline%
   793 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~then (if member A{\char95}~z ys then collect{\char95}duplicates A{\char95}~xs ys zs\\
   794 \verb|             else collect_duplicates A_ xs (z :: ys) zs)|\newline%
   794 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~~~~~~~~else collect{\char95}duplicates A{\char95}~xs (z ::~ys) zs)\\
   795 \verb|      else collect_duplicates A_ (z :: xs) (z :: ys) zs);|\newline%
   795 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~else collect{\char95}duplicates A{\char95}~(z ::~xs) (z ::~ys) zs);\\
   796 \newline%
   796 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   797 \verb|end; (*struct Example*)|%
   797 \hspace*{0pt}end; (*struct Example*)%
   798 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   798 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   799 \isamarkuptrue%
   799 \isamarkuptrue%
   800 %
   800 %
   801 \endisatagquote
   801 \endisatagquote
   802 {\isafoldquote}%
   802 {\isafoldquote}%
   910 \isatagquote
   910 \isatagquote
   911 %
   911 %
   912 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   912 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   913 \isaverbatim%
   913 \isaverbatim%
   914 \noindent%
   914 \noindent%
   915 \verb|structure Example = |\newline%
   915 \hspace*{0pt}structure Example = \\
   916 \verb|struct|\newline%
   916 \hspace*{0pt}struct\\
   917 \newline%
   917 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   918 \verb|type 'a eq = {eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool};|\newline%
   918 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a eq = {\char123}eq :~'a -> 'a -> bool{\char125};\\
   919 \verb|fun eq (A_:'a eq) = #eq A_;|\newline%
   919 \hspace*{0pt}fun eq (A{\char95}:'a eq) = {\char35}eq A{\char95};\\
   920 \newline%
   920 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   921 \verb|type 'a ord = {less_eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool, less : 'a -> 'a -> bool};|\newline%
   921 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a ord = {\char123}less{\char95}eq :~'a -> 'a -> bool, less :~'a -> 'a -> bool{\char125};\\
   922 \verb|fun less_eq (A_:'a ord) = #less_eq A_;|\newline%
   922 \hspace*{0pt}fun less{\char95}eq (A{\char95}:'a ord) = {\char35}less{\char95}eq A{\char95};\\
   923 \verb|fun less (A_:'a ord) = #less A_;|\newline%
   923 \hspace*{0pt}fun less (A{\char95}:'a ord) = {\char35}less A{\char95};\\
   924 \newline%
   924 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   925 \verb|fun eqop A_ a b = eq A_ a b;|\newline%
   925 \hspace*{0pt}fun eqop A{\char95}~a b = eq A{\char95}~a b;\\
   926 \newline%
   926 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   927 \verb|type 'a preorder = {Orderings__ord_preorder : 'a ord};|\newline%
   927 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a preorder = {\char123}Orderings{\char95}{\char95}ord{\char95}preorder :~'a ord{\char125};\\
   928 \verb|fun ord_preorder (A_:'a preorder) = #Orderings__ord_preorder A_;|\newline%
   928 \hspace*{0pt}fun ord{\char95}preorder (A{\char95}:'a preorder) = {\char35}Orderings{\char95}{\char95}ord{\char95}preorder A{\char95};\\
   929 \newline%
   929 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   930 \verb|type 'a order = {Orderings__preorder_order : 'a preorder};|\newline%
   930 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a order = {\char123}Orderings{\char95}{\char95}preorder{\char95}order :~'a preorder{\char125};\\
   931 \verb|fun preorder_order (A_:'a order) = #Orderings__preorder_order A_;|\newline%
   931 \hspace*{0pt}fun preorder{\char95}order (A{\char95}:'a order) = {\char35}Orderings{\char95}{\char95}preorder{\char95}order A{\char95};\\
   932 \newline%
   932 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   933 \verb|fun less_eqa (A1_, A2_) B_ (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =|\newline%
   933 \hspace*{0pt}fun less{\char95}eqa (A1{\char95}, A2{\char95}) B{\char95}~(x1, y1) (x2, y2) =\\
   934 \verb|  less ((ord_preorder o preorder_order) A2_) x1 x2 orelse|\newline%
   934 \hspace*{0pt} ~less ((ord{\char95}preorder o preorder{\char95}order) A2{\char95}) x1 x2 orelse\\
   935 \verb|    eqop A1_ x1 x2 andalso|\newline%
   935 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~eqop A1{\char95}~x1 x2 andalso\\
   936 \verb|      less_eq ((ord_preorder o preorder_order) B_) y1 y2|\newline%
   936 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~less{\char95}eq ((ord{\char95}preorder o preorder{\char95}order) B{\char95}) y1 y2\\
   937 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| less_eqa (A1_, A2_) B_ (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =|\newline%
   937 \hspace*{0pt} ~| less{\char95}eqa (A1{\char95}, A2{\char95}) B{\char95}~(x1, y1) (x2, y2) =\\
   938 \verb|    less ((ord_preorder o preorder_order) A2_) x1 x2 orelse|\newline%
   938 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~less ((ord{\char95}preorder o preorder{\char95}order) A2{\char95}) x1 x2 orelse\\
   939 \verb|      eqop A1_ x1 x2 andalso|\newline%
   939 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~eqop A1{\char95}~x1 x2 andalso\\
   940 \verb|        less_eq ((ord_preorder o preorder_order) B_) y1 y2;|\newline%
   940 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~~~less{\char95}eq ((ord{\char95}preorder o preorder{\char95}order) B{\char95}) y1 y2;\\
   941 \newline%
   941 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   942 \verb|end; (*struct Example*)|%
   942 \hspace*{0pt}end; (*struct Example*)%
   943 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   943 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   944 \isamarkuptrue%
   944 \isamarkuptrue%
   945 %
   945 %
   946 \endisatagquote
   946 \endisatagquote
   947 {\isafoldquote}%
   947 {\isafoldquote}%
  1031 \isatagquote
  1031 \isatagquote
  1032 %
  1032 %
  1033 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
  1033 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
  1034 \isaverbatim%
  1034 \isaverbatim%
  1035 \noindent%
  1035 \noindent%
  1036 \verb|structure Example = |\newline%
  1036 \hspace*{0pt}structure Example = \\
  1037 \verb|struct|\newline%
  1037 \hspace*{0pt}struct\\
  1038 \newline%
  1038 \hspace*{0pt}\\
  1039 \verb|datatype nat = Suc of nat |\verb,|,\verb| Zero_nat;|\newline%
  1039 \hspace*{0pt}datatype nat = Suc of nat | Zero{\char95}nat;\\
  1040 \newline%
  1040 \hspace*{0pt}\\
  1041 \verb|fun null [] = true|\newline%
  1041 \hspace*{0pt}fun null [] = true\\
  1042 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| null (x :: xs) = false;|\newline%
  1042 \hspace*{0pt} ~| null (x ::~xs) = false;\\
  1043 \newline%
  1043 \hspace*{0pt}\\
  1044 \verb|fun eq_nat (Suc a) Zero_nat = false|\newline%
  1044 \hspace*{0pt}fun eq{\char95}nat (Suc a) Zero{\char95}nat = false\\
  1045 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| eq_nat Zero_nat (Suc a) = false|\newline%
  1045 \hspace*{0pt} ~| eq{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat (Suc a) = false\\
  1046 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| eq_nat (Suc nat) (Suc nat') = eq_nat nat nat'|\newline%
  1046 \hspace*{0pt} ~| eq{\char95}nat (Suc nat) (Suc nat') = eq{\char95}nat nat nat'\\
  1047 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| eq_nat Zero_nat Zero_nat = true;|\newline%
  1047 \hspace*{0pt} ~| eq{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat = true;\\
  1048 \newline%
  1048 \hspace*{0pt}\\
  1049 \verb|datatype monotype = Mono of nat * monotype list;|\newline%
  1049 \hspace*{0pt}datatype monotype = Mono of nat * monotype list;\\
  1050 \newline%
  1050 \hspace*{0pt}\\
  1051 \verb|fun list_all2 p (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = p x y andalso list_all2 p xs ys|\newline%
  1051 \hspace*{0pt}fun list{\char95}all2 p (x ::~xs) (y ::~ys) = p x y andalso list{\char95}all2 p xs ys\\
  1052 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| list_all2 p xs [] = null xs|\newline%
  1052 \hspace*{0pt} ~| list{\char95}all2 p xs [] = null xs\\
  1053 \verb|  |\verb,|,\verb| list_all2 p [] ys = null ys;|\newline%
  1053 \hspace*{0pt} ~| list{\char95}all2 p [] ys = null ys;\\
  1054 \newline%
  1054 \hspace*{0pt}\\
  1055 \verb|fun eq_monotype (Mono (tyco1, typargs1)) (Mono (tyco2, typargs2)) =|\newline%
  1055 \hspace*{0pt}fun eq{\char95}monotype (Mono (tyco1, typargs1)) (Mono (tyco2, typargs2)) =\\
  1056 \verb|  eq_nat tyco1 tyco2 andalso list_all2 eq_monotype typargs1 typargs2;|\newline%
  1056 \hspace*{0pt} ~eq{\char95}nat tyco1 tyco2 andalso list{\char95}all2 eq{\char95}monotype typargs1 typargs2;\\
  1057 \newline%
  1057 \hspace*{0pt}\\
  1058 \verb|end; (*struct Example*)|%
  1058 \hspace*{0pt}end; (*struct Example*)%
  1059 \end{isamarkuptext}%
  1059 \end{isamarkuptext}%
  1060 \isamarkuptrue%
  1060 \isamarkuptrue%
  1061 %
  1061 %
  1062 \endisatagquote
  1062 \endisatagquote
  1063 {\isafoldquote}%
  1063 {\isafoldquote}%
  1106 \isatagquote
  1106 \isatagquote
  1107 %
  1107 %
  1108 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
  1108 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
  1109 \isaverbatim%
  1109 \isaverbatim%
  1110 \noindent%
  1110 \noindent%
  1111 \verb|strict_dequeue :: forall a. Queue a -> (a, Queue a);|\newline%
  1111 \hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue ::~forall a. Queue a -> (a, Queue a);\\
  1112 \verb|strict_dequeue (Queue xs (y : ys)) = (y, Queue xs ys);|\newline%
  1112 \hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (Queue xs (y :~ys)) = (y, Queue xs ys);\\
  1113 \verb|strict_dequeue (Queue xs []) =|\newline%
  1113 \hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue (Queue xs []) =\\
  1114 \verb|  let {|\newline%
  1114 \hspace*{0pt} ~let {\char123}\\
  1115 \verb|    (y : ys) = rev xs;|\newline%
  1115 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~(y :~ys) = rev xs;\\
  1116 \verb|  } in (y, Queue [] ys);|%
  1116 \hspace*{0pt} ~{\char125}~in (y, Queue [] ys);%
  1117 \end{isamarkuptext}%
  1117 \end{isamarkuptext}%
  1118 \isamarkuptrue%
  1118 \isamarkuptrue%
  1119 %
  1119 %
  1120 \endisatagquote
  1120 \endisatagquote
  1121 {\isafoldquote}%
  1121 {\isafoldquote}%
  1202 \isatagquote
  1202 \isatagquote
  1203 %
  1203 %
  1204 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
  1204 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
  1205 \isaverbatim%
  1205 \isaverbatim%
  1206 \noindent%
  1206 \noindent%
  1207 \verb|empty_queue :: forall a. a;|\newline%
  1207 \hspace*{0pt}empty{\char95}queue ::~forall a. a;\\
  1208 \verb|empty_queue = error "empty_queue";|\newline%
  1208 \hspace*{0pt}empty{\char95}queue = error {\char34}empty{\char95}queue{\char34};\\
  1209 \newline%
  1209 \hspace*{0pt}\\
  1210 \verb|strict_dequeue' :: forall a. Queue a -> (a, Queue a);|\newline%
  1210 \hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue' ::~forall a. Queue a -> (a, Queue a);\\
  1211 \verb|strict_dequeue' (Queue xs []) =|\newline%
  1211 \hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue' (Queue xs []) =\\
  1212 \verb|  (if nulla xs then empty_queue else strict_dequeue' (Queue [] (rev xs)));|\newline%
  1212 \hspace*{0pt} ~(if nulla xs then empty{\char95}queue else strict{\char95}dequeue' (Queue [] (rev xs)));\\
  1213 \verb|strict_dequeue' (Queue xs (y : ys)) = (y, Queue xs ys);|%
  1213 \hspace*{0pt}strict{\char95}dequeue' (Queue xs (y :~ys)) = (y, Queue xs ys);%
  1214 \end{isamarkuptext}%
  1214 \end{isamarkuptext}%
  1215 \isamarkuptrue%
  1215 \isamarkuptrue%
  1216 %
  1216 %
  1217 \endisatagquote
  1217 \endisatagquote
  1218 {\isafoldquote}%
  1218 {\isafoldquote}%