changeset 39347 50dec19e682b
parent 39346 d837998f1e60
child 39348 6f9c9899f99f
equal deleted inserted replaced
39346:d837998f1e60 39347:50dec19e682b
     1 (* ========================================================================= *)
     2 (* THE ACTIVE SET OF CLAUSES                                                 *)
     3 (* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the BSD License *)
     4 (* ========================================================================= *)
     6 structure Active :> Active =
     7 struct
     9 open Useful;
    11 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    12 (* Helper functions.                                                         *)
    13 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    15 local
    16   fun allFactors red =
    17       let
    18         fun allClause cl = List.all red (cl :: Clause.factor cl)
    19       in
    20         List.all allClause
    21       end;
    23   fun allResolutions red =
    24       let
    25         fun allClause2 cl_lit cl =
    26             let
    27               fun allLiteral2 lit =
    28                   case total (Clause.resolve cl_lit) (cl,lit) of
    29                     NONE => true
    30                   | SOME cl => allFactors red [cl]
    31             in
    32               LiteralSet.all allLiteral2 (Clause.literals cl)
    33             end
    35         fun allClause1 allCls cl =
    36             let
    37               val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
    39               fun allLiteral1 lit = List.all (allClause2 (cl,lit)) allCls
    40             in
    41               LiteralSet.all allLiteral1 (Clause.literals cl)
    42             end
    43       in
    44         fn [] => true
    45          | allCls as cl :: cls =>
    46            allClause1 allCls cl andalso allResolutions red cls
    47       end;
    49   fun allParamodulations red cls =
    50       let
    51         fun allClause2 cl_lit_ort_tm cl =
    52             let
    53               fun allLiteral2 lit =
    54                   let
    55                     val para = Clause.paramodulate cl_lit_ort_tm
    57                     fun allSubterms (path,tm) =
    58                         case total para (cl,lit,path,tm) of
    59                           NONE => true
    60                         | SOME cl => allFactors red [cl]
    61                   in
    62                     List.all allSubterms (Literal.nonVarTypedSubterms lit)
    63                   end
    64             in
    65               LiteralSet.all allLiteral2 (Clause.literals cl)
    66             end
    68         fun allClause1 cl =
    69             let
    70               val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
    72               fun allLiteral1 lit =
    73                   let
    74                     fun allCl2 x = List.all (allClause2 x) cls
    75                   in
    76                     case total Literal.destEq lit of
    77                       NONE => true
    78                     | SOME (l,r) =>
    79                       allCl2 (cl,lit,Rewrite.LeftToRight,l) andalso
    80                       allCl2 (cl,lit,Rewrite.RightToLeft,r)
    81                   end
    82             in
    83               LiteralSet.all allLiteral1 (Clause.literals cl)
    84             end
    85       in
    86         List.all allClause1 cls
    87       end;
    89   fun redundant {subsume,reduce,rewrite} =
    90       let
    91         fun simp cl =
    92             case Clause.simplify cl of
    93               NONE => true
    94             | SOME cl =>
    95               Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subsume (Clause.literals cl) orelse
    96               let
    97                 val cl' = cl
    98                 val cl' = Clause.reduce reduce cl'
    99                 val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewrite cl'
   100               in
   101                 not (Clause.equalThms cl cl') andalso simp cl'
   102               end
   103       in
   104         simp
   105       end;
   106 in
   107   fun isSaturated ordering subs cls =
   108       let
   109 (*TRACE2
   110         val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
   111         val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.checkSaturated: clauses" cls
   112 *)
   113         val red = Units.empty
   114         val rw = ( ordering)
   115         val red = redundant {subsume = subs, reduce = red, rewrite = rw}
   116       in
   117         allFactors red cls andalso
   118         allResolutions red cls andalso
   119         allParamodulations red cls
   120       end;
   122   fun checkSaturated ordering subs cls =
   123       if isSaturated ordering subs cls then () else raise Bug "unsaturated";
   124 end;
   126 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   127 (* A type of active clause sets.                                             *)
   128 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   130 type simplify = {subsume : bool, reduce : bool, rewrite : bool};
   132 type parameters =
   133      {clause : Clause.parameters,
   134       prefactor : simplify,
   135       postfactor : simplify};
   137 datatype active =
   138     Active of
   139       {parameters : parameters,
   140        clauses : Clause.clause,
   141        units : Units.units,
   142        rewrite : Rewrite.rewrite,
   143        subsume : Clause.clause Subsume.subsume,
   144        literals : (Clause.clause * Literal.literal) LiteralNet.literalNet,
   145        equations :
   146          (Clause.clause * Literal.literal * Rewrite.orient * Term.term)
   147          TermNet.termNet,
   148        subterms :
   149          (Clause.clause * Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term)
   150          TermNet.termNet,
   151        allSubterms : (Clause.clause * Term.term) TermNet.termNet};
   153 fun getSubsume (Active {subsume = s, ...}) = s;
   155 fun setRewrite active rewrite =
   156     let
   157       val Active
   158             {parameters,clauses,units,subsume,literals,equations,
   159              subterms,allSubterms,...} = active
   160     in
   161       Active
   162         {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
   163          rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
   164          equations = equations, subterms = subterms, allSubterms = allSubterms}
   165     end;
   167 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   168 (* Basic operations.                                                         *)
   169 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   171 val maxSimplify : simplify = {subsume = true, reduce = true, rewrite = true};
   173 val default : parameters =
   174     {clause = Clause.default,
   175      prefactor = maxSimplify,
   176      postfactor = maxSimplify};
   178 fun empty parameters =
   179     let
   180       val {clause,...} = parameters
   181       val {ordering,...} = clause
   182     in
   183       Active
   184         {parameters = parameters,
   185          clauses = (),
   186          units = Units.empty,
   187          rewrite = ( ordering),
   188          subsume = (),
   189          literals = {fifo = false},
   190          equations = {fifo = false},
   191          subterms = {fifo = false},
   192          allSubterms = {fifo = false}}
   193     end;
   195 fun size (Active {clauses,...}) = IntMap.size clauses;
   197 fun clauses (Active {clauses = cls, ...}) =
   198     let
   199       fun add (_,cl,acc) = cl :: acc
   200     in
   201       IntMap.foldr add [] cls
   202     end;
   204 fun saturated active =
   205     let
   206       fun remove (cl,(cls,subs)) =
   207           let
   208             val lits = Clause.literals cl
   209           in
   210             if Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subs lits then (cls,subs)
   211             else (cl :: cls, Subsume.insert subs (lits,()))
   212           end
   214       val cls = clauses active
   215       val (cls,_) = foldl remove ([], ()) cls
   216       val (cls,subs) = foldl remove ([], ()) cls
   218 (*DEBUG
   219       val Active {parameters,...} = active
   220       val {clause,...} = parameters
   221       val {ordering,...} = clause
   222       val () = checkSaturated ordering subs cls
   223 *)
   224     in
   225       cls
   226     end;
   228 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   229 (* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
   230 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   232 val pp =
   233     let
   234       fun toStr active = "Active{" ^ Int.toString (size active) ^ "}"
   235     in
   236       Parser.ppMap toStr Parser.ppString
   237     end;
   239 (*DEBUG
   240 local
   241   open Parser;
   243   fun ppField f ppA p a =
   244       (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
   245        addString p (f ^ " =");
   246        addBreak p (1,0);
   247        ppA p a;
   248        endBlock p);
   250   val ppClauses =
   251       ppField "clauses"
   252         (Parser.ppMap IntMap.toList
   253            (Parser.ppList (Parser.ppPair Parser.ppInt Clause.pp)));
   255   val ppRewrite = ppField "rewrite" Rewrite.pp;
   257   val ppSubterms =
   258       ppField "subterms"
   259         (TermNet.pp
   260            (Parser.ppMap (fn (c,l,p,t) => (( c, l, p), t))
   261               (Parser.ppPair
   262                  (Parser.ppTriple Parser.ppInt Literal.pp Term.ppPath)
   263                  Term.pp)));
   264 in
   265   fun pp p (Active {clauses,rewrite,subterms,...}) =
   266       (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
   267        addString p "Active";
   268        addBreak p (1,0);
   269        beginBlock p Inconsistent 1;
   270        addString p "{";
   271        ppClauses p clauses;
   272        addString p ",";
   273        addBreak p (1,0);
   274        ppRewrite p rewrite;
   275 (*TRACE5
   276        addString p ",";
   277        addBreak p (1,0);
   278        ppSubterms p subterms;
   279 *)
   280        endBlock p;
   281        addString p "}";
   282        endBlock p);
   283 end;
   284 *)
   286 val toString = Parser.toString pp;
   288 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   289 (* Simplify clauses.                                                         *)
   290 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   292 fun simplify simp units rewr subs =
   293     let
   294       val {subsume = s, reduce = r, rewrite = w} = simp
   296       fun rewrite cl =
   297           let
   298             val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewr cl
   299           in
   300             if Clause.equalThms cl cl' then SOME cl else Clause.simplify cl'
   301           end
   302     in
   303       fn cl =>
   304          case Clause.simplify cl of
   305            NONE => NONE
   306          | SOME cl =>
   307            case (if w then rewrite cl else SOME cl) of
   308              NONE => NONE
   309            | SOME cl =>
   310              let
   311                val cl = if r then Clause.reduce units cl else cl
   312              in
   313                if s andalso Clause.subsumes subs cl then NONE else SOME cl
   314              end
   315     end;
   317 (*DEBUG
   318 val simplify = fn simp => fn units => fn rewr => fn subs => fn cl =>
   319     let
   320       fun traceCl s = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp ("Active.simplify: " ^ s)
   321 (*TRACE4
   322       val ppClOpt = Parser.ppOption Clause.pp
   323       val () = traceCl "cl" cl
   324 *)
   325       val cl' = simplify simp units rewr subs cl
   326 (*TRACE4
   327       val () = Parser.ppTrace ppClOpt "Active.simplify: cl'" cl'
   328 *)
   329       val () =
   330           case cl' of
   331             NONE => ()
   332           | SOME cl' =>
   333             case
   334               (case simplify simp units rewr subs cl' of
   335                  NONE => SOME ("away", K ())
   336                | SOME cl'' =>
   337                  if Clause.equalThms cl' cl'' then NONE
   338                  else SOME ("further", fn () => traceCl "cl''" cl'')) of
   339               NONE => ()
   340             | SOME (e,f) =>
   341               let
   342                 val () = traceCl "cl" cl
   343                 val () = traceCl "cl'" cl'
   344                 val () = f ()
   345               in
   346                 raise
   347                   Bug
   348                     ("Active.simplify: clause should have been simplified "^e)
   349               end
   350     in
   351       cl'
   352     end;
   353 *)
   355 fun simplifyActive simp active =
   356     let
   357       val Active {units,rewrite,subsume,...} = active
   358     in
   359       simplify simp units rewrite subsume
   360     end;
   362 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   363 (* Add a clause into the active set.                                         *)
   364 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   366 fun addUnit units cl =
   367     let
   368       val th = Clause.thm cl
   369     in
   370       case total Thm.destUnit th of
   371         SOME lit => Units.add units (lit,th)
   372       | NONE => units
   373     end;
   375 fun addRewrite rewrite cl =
   376     let
   377       val th = Clause.thm cl
   378     in
   379       case total Thm.destUnitEq th of
   380         SOME l_r => Rewrite.add rewrite ( cl, (l_r,th))
   381       | NONE => rewrite
   382     end;
   384 fun addSubsume subsume cl = Subsume.insert subsume (Clause.literals cl, cl);
   386 fun addLiterals literals cl =
   387     let
   388       fun add (lit as (_,atm), literals) =
   389           if Atom.isEq atm then literals
   390           else LiteralNet.insert literals (lit,(cl,lit))
   391     in
   392       LiteralSet.foldl add literals (Clause.largestLiterals cl)
   393     end;
   395 fun addEquations equations cl =
   396     let
   397       fun add ((lit,ort,tm),equations) =
   398           TermNet.insert equations (tm,(cl,lit,ort,tm))
   399     in
   400       foldl add equations (Clause.largestEquations cl)
   401     end;
   403 fun addSubterms subterms cl =
   404     let
   405       fun add ((lit,path,tm),subterms) =
   406           TermNet.insert subterms (tm,(cl,lit,path,tm))
   407     in
   408       foldl add subterms (Clause.largestSubterms cl)
   409     end;
   411 fun addAllSubterms allSubterms cl =
   412     let
   413       fun add ((_,_,tm),allSubterms) =
   414           TermNet.insert allSubterms (tm,(cl,tm))
   415     in
   416       foldl add allSubterms (Clause.allSubterms cl)
   417     end;
   419 fun addClause active cl =
   420     let
   421       val Active
   422             {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
   423              equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
   424       val clauses = IntMap.insert clauses ( cl, cl)
   425       and subsume = addSubsume subsume cl
   426       and literals = addLiterals literals cl
   427       and equations = addEquations equations cl
   428       and subterms = addSubterms subterms cl
   429       and allSubterms = addAllSubterms allSubterms cl
   430     in
   431       Active
   432         {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
   433          rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
   434          equations = equations, subterms = subterms,
   435          allSubterms = allSubterms}
   436     end;
   438 fun addFactorClause active cl =
   439     let
   440       val Active
   441             {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
   442              equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
   443       val units = addUnit units cl
   444       and rewrite = addRewrite rewrite cl
   445     in
   446       Active
   447         {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
   448          rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
   449          equations = equations, subterms = subterms, allSubterms = allSubterms}
   450     end;
   452 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   453 (* Derive (unfactored) consequences of a clause.                             *)
   454 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   456 fun deduceResolution literals cl (lit as (_,atm), acc) =
   457     let
   458       fun resolve (cl_lit,acc) =
   459           case total (Clause.resolve cl_lit) (cl,lit) of
   460             SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
   461           | NONE => acc
   462 (*TRACE4
   463       val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Active.deduceResolution: lit" lit
   464 *)
   465     in
   466       if Atom.isEq atm then acc
   467       else foldl resolve acc (LiteralNet.unify literals (Literal.negate lit))
   468     end;
   470 fun deduceParamodulationWith subterms cl ((lit,ort,tm),acc) =
   471     let
   472       fun para (cl_lit_path_tm,acc) =
   473           case total (Clause.paramodulate (cl,lit,ort,tm)) cl_lit_path_tm of
   474             SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
   475           | NONE => acc
   476     in
   477       foldl para acc (TermNet.unify subterms tm)
   478     end;
   480 fun deduceParamodulationInto equations cl ((lit,path,tm),acc) =
   481     let
   482       fun para (cl_lit_ort_tm,acc) =
   483           case total (Clause.paramodulate cl_lit_ort_tm) (cl,lit,path,tm) of
   484             SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
   485           | NONE => acc
   486     in
   487       foldl para acc (TermNet.unify equations tm)
   488     end;
   490 fun deduce active cl =
   491     let
   492       val Active {parameters,literals,equations,subterms,...} = active
   494       val lits = Clause.largestLiterals cl
   495       val eqns = Clause.largestEquations cl
   496       val subtms =
   497           if TermNet.null equations then [] else Clause.largestSubterms cl
   499       val acc = []
   500       val acc = LiteralSet.foldl (deduceResolution literals cl) acc lits
   501       val acc = foldl (deduceParamodulationWith subterms cl) acc eqns
   502       val acc = foldl (deduceParamodulationInto equations cl) acc subtms
   503     in
   504       rev acc
   505     end;
   507 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   508 (* Extract clauses from the active set that can be simplified.               *)
   509 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   511 local
   512   fun clause_rewritables active =
   513       let
   514         val Active {clauses,rewrite,...} = active
   516         fun rewr (id,cl,ids) =
   517             let
   518               val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewrite cl
   519             in
   520               if Clause.equalThms cl cl' then ids else IntSet.add ids id
   521             end
   522       in
   523         IntMap.foldr rewr IntSet.empty clauses
   524       end;
   526   fun orderedRedexResidues (((l,r),_),ort) =
   527       case ort of
   528         NONE => []
   529       | SOME Rewrite.LeftToRight => [(l,r,true)]
   530       | SOME Rewrite.RightToLeft => [(r,l,true)];
   532   fun unorderedRedexResidues (((l,r),_),ort) =
   533       case ort of
   534         NONE => [(l,r,false),(r,l,false)]
   535       | SOME _ => [];
   537   fun rewrite_rewritables active rewr_ids =
   538       let
   539         val Active {parameters,rewrite,clauses,allSubterms,...} = active
   540         val {clause = {ordering,...}, ...} = parameters
   541         val order = ordering
   543         fun addRewr (id,acc) =
   544             if IntMap.inDomain id clauses then IntSet.add acc id else acc
   546         fun addReduce ((l,r,ord),acc) =
   547             let
   548               fun isValidRewr tm =
   549                   case total (Subst.match Subst.empty l) tm of
   550                     NONE => false
   551                   | SOME sub =>
   552                     ord orelse
   553                     let
   554                       val tm' = Subst.subst (Subst.normalize sub) r
   555                     in
   556                       order (tm,tm') = SOME GREATER
   557                     end
   559               fun addRed ((cl,tm),acc) =
   560                   let
   561 (*TRACE5
   562                     val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Active.addRed: cl" cl
   563                     val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addRed: tm" tm
   564 *)
   565                     val id = cl
   566                   in
   567                     if IntSet.member id acc then acc
   568                     else if not (isValidRewr tm) then acc
   569                     else IntSet.add acc id
   570                   end
   572 (*TRACE5
   573               val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addReduce: l" l
   574               val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addReduce: r" r
   575               val () = Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppBool "Active.addReduce: ord" ord
   576 *)
   577             in
   578               List.foldl addRed acc (TermNet.matched allSubterms l)
   579             end
   581         fun addEquation redexResidues (id,acc) =
   582             case Rewrite.peek rewrite id of
   583               NONE => acc
   584             | SOME eqn_ort => List.foldl addReduce acc (redexResidues eqn_ort)
   586         val addOrdered = addEquation orderedRedexResidues
   588         val addUnordered = addEquation unorderedRedexResidues
   590         val ids = IntSet.empty
   591         val ids = List.foldl addRewr ids rewr_ids
   592         val ids = List.foldl addOrdered ids rewr_ids
   593         val ids = List.foldl addUnordered ids rewr_ids
   594       in
   595         ids
   596       end;
   598   fun choose_clause_rewritables active ids = size active <= length ids
   600   fun rewritables active ids =
   601       if choose_clause_rewritables active ids then clause_rewritables active
   602       else rewrite_rewritables active ids;
   604 (*DEBUG
   605   val rewritables = fn active => fn ids =>
   606       let
   607         val clause_ids = clause_rewritables active
   608         val rewrite_ids = rewrite_rewritables active ids
   610         val () =
   611             if IntSet.equal rewrite_ids clause_ids then ()
   612             else
   613               let
   614                 val ppIdl = Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt
   615                 val ppIds = Parser.ppMap IntSet.toList ppIdl
   616                 val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Active.rewritables: active" active
   617                 val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIdl "Active.rewritables: ids" ids
   618                 val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIds
   619                            "Active.rewritables: clause_ids" clause_ids
   620                 val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIds
   621                            "Active.rewritables: rewrite_ids" rewrite_ids
   622               in
   623                 raise Bug "Active.rewritables: ~(rewrite_ids SUBSET clause_ids)"
   624               end
   625       in
   626         if choose_clause_rewritables active ids then clause_ids else rewrite_ids
   627       end;
   628 *)
   630   fun delete active ids =
   631       if IntSet.null ids then active
   632       else
   633         let
   634           fun idPred id = not (IntSet.member id ids)
   636           fun clausePred cl = idPred ( cl)
   638           val Active
   639                 {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
   640                  equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
   642           val clauses = IntMap.filter (idPred o fst) clauses
   643           and subsume = Subsume.filter clausePred subsume
   644           and literals = LiteralNet.filter (clausePred o #1) literals
   645           and equations = TermNet.filter (clausePred o #1) equations
   646           and subterms = TermNet.filter (clausePred o #1) subterms
   647           and allSubterms = TermNet.filter (clausePred o fst) allSubterms
   648         in
   649           Active
   650             {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
   651              rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
   652              equations = equations, subterms = subterms,
   653              allSubterms = allSubterms}
   654         end;
   655 in
   656   fun extract_rewritables (active as Active {clauses,rewrite,...}) =
   657       if Rewrite.isReduced rewrite then (active,[])
   658       else
   659         let
   660 (*TRACE3
   661           val () = trace "Active.extract_rewritables: inter-reducing\n"
   662 *)
   663           val (rewrite,ids) = Rewrite.reduce' rewrite
   664           val active = setRewrite active rewrite
   665           val ids = rewritables active ids
   666           val cls = IntSet.transform (IntMap.get clauses) ids
   667 (*TRACE3
   668           val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
   669           val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.extract_rewritables: cls" cls
   670 *)
   671         in
   672           (delete active ids, cls)
   673         end
   674 (*DEBUG
   675         handle Error err =>
   676           raise Bug ("Active.extract_rewritables: shouldn't fail\n" ^ err);
   677 *)
   678 end;
   680 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   681 (* Factor clauses.                                                           *)
   682 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   684 local
   685   fun prefactor_simplify active subsume =
   686       let
   687         val Active {parameters,units,rewrite,...} = active
   688         val {prefactor,...} = parameters
   689       in
   690         simplify prefactor units rewrite subsume
   691       end;
   693   fun postfactor_simplify active subsume =
   694       let
   695         val Active {parameters,units,rewrite,...} = active
   696         val {postfactor,...} = parameters
   697       in
   698         simplify postfactor units rewrite subsume
   699       end;
   701   val sort_utilitywise =
   702       let
   703         fun utility cl =
   704             case LiteralSet.size (Clause.literals cl) of
   705               0 => ~1
   706             | 1 => if Thm.isUnitEq (Clause.thm cl) then 0 else 1
   707             | n => n
   708       in
   709         sortMap utility
   710       end;
   712   fun factor_add (cl, active_subsume_acc as (active,subsume,acc)) =
   713       case postfactor_simplify active subsume cl of
   714         NONE => active_subsume_acc
   715       | SOME cl =>
   716         let
   717           val active = addFactorClause active cl
   718           and subsume = addSubsume subsume cl
   719           and acc = cl :: acc
   720         in
   721           (active,subsume,acc)
   722         end;
   724   fun factor1 (cl, active_subsume_acc as (active,subsume,_)) =
   725       case prefactor_simplify active subsume cl of
   726         NONE => active_subsume_acc
   727       | SOME cl =>
   728         let
   729           val cls = sort_utilitywise (cl :: Clause.factor cl)
   730         in
   731           foldl factor_add active_subsume_acc cls
   732         end;
   734   fun factor' active acc [] = (active, rev acc)
   735     | factor' active acc cls =
   736       let
   737         val cls = sort_utilitywise cls
   738         val subsume = getSubsume active
   739         val (active,_,acc) = foldl factor1 (active,subsume,acc) cls
   740         val (active,cls) = extract_rewritables active
   741       in
   742         factor' active acc cls
   743       end;
   744 in
   745   fun factor active cls = factor' active [] cls;
   746 end;
   748 (*TRACE4
   749 val factor = fn active => fn cls =>
   750     let
   751       val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
   752       val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.factor: cls" cls
   753       val (active,cls') = factor active cls
   754       val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.factor: cls'" cls'
   755     in
   756       (active,cls')
   757     end;
   758 *)
   760 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   761 (* Create a new active clause set and initialize clauses.                    *)
   762 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   764 fun new parameters ths =
   765     let
   766       val {clause,...} = parameters
   768       fun mk_clause th =
   769  {parameters = clause, id = Clause.newId (), thm = th}
   771       val cls = map mk_clause ths
   772     in
   773       factor (empty parameters) cls
   774     end;
   776 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   777 (* Add a clause into the active set and deduce all consequences.             *)
   778 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   780 fun add active cl =
   781     case simplifyActive maxSimplify active cl of
   782       NONE => (active,[])
   783     | SOME cl' =>
   784       if Clause.isContradiction cl' then (active,[cl'])
   785       else if not (Clause.equalThms cl cl') then factor active [cl']
   786       else
   787         let
   788 (*TRACE3
   789           val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Active.add: cl" cl
   790 *)
   791           val active = addClause active cl
   792           val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
   793           val cls = deduce active cl
   794           val (active,cls) = factor active cls
   795 (*TRACE2
   796           val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
   797           val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.add: cls" cls
   798 *)
   799         in
   800           (active,cls)
   801         end;
   803 end