changeset 1934 58573e7041b4
child 1943 20574dca5a3e
equal deleted inserted replaced
1933:8b24773de6db 1934:58573e7041b4
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Auth/NS_Shared
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     4     Copyright   1996  University of Cambridge
     6 Inductive relation "ns_shared" for Needham-Schroeder Shared-Key protocol.
     8 From page 247 of
     9   Burrows, Abadi and Needham.  A Logic of Authentication.
    10   Proc. Royal Soc. 426 (1989)
    11 *)
    13 open NS_Shared;
    15 (**** Inductive proofs about ns_shared ****)
    17 (*The Enemy can see more than anybody else, except for their initial state*)
    18 goal thy 
    19  "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==> \
    20 \     sees A evs <= initState A Un sees Enemy evs";
    21 be ns_shared.induct 1;
    22 by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (!claset addDs [sees_Says_subset_insert RS subsetD] 
    23 			        addss (!simpset))));
    24 qed "sees_agent_subset_sees_Enemy";
    27 (*Nobody sends themselves messages*)
    28 goal thy "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==> ALL A X. Says A A X ~: set_of_list evs";
    29 be ns_shared.induct 1;
    30 by (Auto_tac());
    31 qed_spec_mp "not_Says_to_self";
    32 Addsimps [not_Says_to_self];
    33 AddSEs   [not_Says_to_self RSN (2, rev_notE)];
    35 goal thy "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==> Notes A X ~: set_of_list evs";
    36 be ns_shared.induct 1;
    37 by (Auto_tac());
    38 qed "not_Notes";
    39 Addsimps [not_Notes];
    40 AddSEs   [not_Notes RSN (2, rev_notE)];
    43 (*For reasoning about message NS3*)
    44 goal thy "!!evs. (Says S A (Crypt {|N, B, K, X|} KA)) : set_of_list evs ==> \
    45 \                X : parts (sees Enemy evs)";
    46 by (fast_tac (!claset addSEs partsEs
    47 	              addSDs [Says_imp_sees_Enemy RS parts.Inj]) 1);
    48 qed "NS3_msg_in_parts_sees_Enemy";
    51 (*** Server keys are not betrayed ***)
    53 (*Enemy never sees another agent's server key!*)
    54 goal thy 
    55  "!!evs. [| evs : ns_shared; A ~= Enemy |] ==> \
    56 \        Key (serverKey A) ~: parts (sees Enemy evs)";
    57 be ns_shared.induct 1;
    58 bd NS3_msg_in_parts_sees_Enemy 5;
    59 by (Auto_tac());
    60 (*Deals with Fake message*)
    61 by (best_tac (!claset addDs [impOfSubs analz_subset_parts,
    62 			     impOfSubs synth_analz_parts_insert_subset_Un]) 1);
    63 qed "Enemy_not_see_serverKey";
    65 bind_thm ("Enemy_not_analz_serverKey",
    66 	  [analz_subset_parts, Enemy_not_see_serverKey] MRS contra_subsetD);
    68 Addsimps [Enemy_not_see_serverKey, 
    69 	  not_sym RSN (2, Enemy_not_see_serverKey), 
    70 	  Enemy_not_analz_serverKey, 
    71 	  not_sym RSN (2, Enemy_not_analz_serverKey)];
    73 (*We go to some trouble to preserve R in the 3rd subgoal*)
    74 val major::prems = 
    75 goal thy  "[| Key (serverKey A) : parts (sees Enemy evs);    \
    76 \             evs : ns_shared;                                  \
    77 \             A=Enemy ==> R                                  \
    78 \           |] ==> R";
    79 br ccontr 1;
    80 br ([major, Enemy_not_see_serverKey] MRS rev_notE) 1;
    81 by (swap_res_tac prems 2);
    82 by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (!claset addIs prems)));
    83 qed "Enemy_see_serverKey_E";
    85 bind_thm ("Enemy_analz_serverKey_E", 
    86 	  analz_subset_parts RS subsetD RS Enemy_see_serverKey_E);
    88 (*Classical reasoner doesn't need the not_sym versions (with swapped ~=) *)
    89 AddSEs [Enemy_see_serverKey_E, Enemy_analz_serverKey_E];
    92 (*No Friend will ever see another agent's server key 
    93   (excluding the Enemy, who might transmit his).
    94   The Server, of course, knows all server keys.*)
    95 goal thy 
    96  "!!evs. [| evs : ns_shared; A ~= Enemy;  A ~= Friend j |] ==> \
    97 \        Key (serverKey A) ~: parts (sees (Friend j) evs)";
    98 br (sees_agent_subset_sees_Enemy RS parts_mono RS contra_subsetD) 1;
    99 by (ALLGOALS Asm_simp_tac);
   100 qed "Friend_not_see_serverKey";
   103 (*Not for Addsimps -- it can cause goals to blow up!*)
   104 goal thy  
   105  "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==>                                  \
   106 \        (Key (serverKey A) \
   107 \           : analz (insert (Key (serverKey B)) (sees Enemy evs))) =  \
   108 \        (A=B | A=Enemy)";
   109 by (best_tac (!claset addDs [impOfSubs analz_subset_parts]
   110 		      addIs [impOfSubs (subset_insertI RS analz_mono)]
   111 	              addss (!simpset)) 1);
   112 qed "serverKey_mem_analz";
   115 (*** Future keys can't be seen or used! ***)
   117 (*Nobody can have SEEN keys that will be generated in the future.
   118   This has to be proved anew for each protocol description,
   119   but should go by similar reasoning every time.  Hardest case is the
   120   standard Fake rule.  
   121       The length comparison, and Union over C, are essential for the 
   122   induction! *)
   123 goal thy "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==> \
   124 \                length evs <= length evs' --> \
   125 \                          Key (newK evs') ~: (UN C. parts (sees C evs))";
   126 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   127 bd NS3_msg_in_parts_sees_Enemy 5;
   128 (*auto_tac does not work here, as it performs safe_tac first*)
   129 by (ALLGOALS Asm_simp_tac);
   130 by (ALLGOALS (best_tac (!claset addDs [impOfSubs analz_subset_parts,
   131 				       impOfSubs parts_insert_subset_Un,
   132 				       Suc_leD]
   133 			        addss (!simpset))));
   134 val lemma = result();
   136 (*Variant needed for the main theorem below*)
   137 goal thy 
   138  "!!evs. [| evs : ns_shared;  length evs <= length evs' |] ==> \
   139 \        Key (newK evs') ~: parts (sees C evs)";
   140 by (fast_tac (!claset addDs [lemma]) 1);
   141 qed "new_keys_not_seen";
   142 Addsimps [new_keys_not_seen];
   144 (*Another variant: old messages must contain old keys!*)
   145 goal thy 
   146  "!!evs. [| Says A B X : set_of_list evs;  \
   147 \           Key (newK evt) : parts {X};    \
   148 \           evs : ns_shared                 \
   149 \        |] ==> length evt < length evs";
   150 br ccontr 1;
   151 by (fast_tac (!claset addSDs [new_keys_not_seen, Says_imp_sees_Enemy]
   152 	              addIs [impOfSubs parts_mono, leI]) 1);
   153 qed "Says_imp_old_keys";
   156 (*Nobody can have USED keys that will be generated in the future.
   157   ...very like new_keys_not_seen*)
   158 goal thy "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==> \
   159 \                length evs <= length evs' --> \
   160 \                newK evs' ~: keysFor (UN C. parts (sees C evs))";
   161 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   162 bd NS3_msg_in_parts_sees_Enemy 5;
   163 by (ALLGOALS Asm_simp_tac);
   164 (*NS1 and NS2*)
   165 map (by o fast_tac (!claset addDs [Suc_leD] addss (!simpset))) [3,2];
   166 (*Fake and NS3*)
   167 map (by o best_tac
   168      (!claset addSDs [newK_invKey]
   169 	      addDs [impOfSubs (analz_subset_parts RS keysFor_mono),
   170 		     impOfSubs (parts_insert_subset_Un RS keysFor_mono),
   171 		     Suc_leD]
   172 	      addEs [new_keys_not_seen RS not_parts_not_analz RSN (2,rev_notE)]
   173 	      addss (!simpset)))
   174     [2,1];
   175 (*NS4 and NS5: nonce exchange*)
   176 by (ALLGOALS (deepen_tac (!claset addSDs [newK_invKey, Says_imp_old_keys]
   177 	                          addIs  [less_SucI, impOfSubs keysFor_mono]
   178 		                  addss (!simpset addsimps [le_def])) 0));
   179 val lemma = result();
   181 goal thy 
   182  "!!evs. [| evs : ns_shared;  length evs <= length evs' |] ==> \
   183 \        newK evs' ~: keysFor (parts (sees C evs))";
   184 by (fast_tac (!claset addSDs [lemma] addss (!simpset)) 1);
   185 qed "new_keys_not_used";
   187 bind_thm ("new_keys_not_analzd",
   188 	  [analz_subset_parts RS keysFor_mono,
   189 	   new_keys_not_used] MRS contra_subsetD);
   191 Addsimps [new_keys_not_used, new_keys_not_analzd];
   194 (** Lemmas concerning the form of items passed in messages **)
   196 (*Describes the form *and age* of K, and the form of X,
   197   when the following message is sent*)
   198 goal thy 
   199  "!!evs. [| Says Server A (Crypt {|N, Agent B, K, X|} K') : set_of_list evs; \
   200 \           evs : ns_shared    \
   201 \        |] ==> (EX evt:ns_shared. \
   202 \                         K = Key(newK evt) & \
   203 \                         X = (Crypt {|K, Agent A|} (serverKey B)) & \
   204 \                         K' = serverKey A & \
   205 \                         length evt < length evs)";
   206 be rev_mp 1;
   207 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   208 by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (!claset addIs [less_SucI] addss (!simpset))));
   209 qed "Says_Server_message_form";
   212 (*Describes the form of X when the following message is sent*)
   213 goal thy
   214  "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==>                             \
   215 \        ALL A NA B K X.                            \
   216 \            (Crypt {|Nonce NA, Agent B, Key K, X|} (serverKey A)) \
   217 \            : parts (sees Enemy evs) & A ~= Enemy  -->   \
   218 \          (EX evt:ns_shared. K = newK evt & \
   219 \                          X = (Crypt {|Key K, Agent A|} (serverKey B)))";
   220 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   221 bd NS3_msg_in_parts_sees_Enemy 5;
   222 by (Step_tac 1);
   223 by (ALLGOALS Asm_full_simp_tac);
   224 (*Remaining cases are Fake and NS2*)
   225 by (fast_tac (!claset addSDs [spec]) 2);
   226 (*Now for the Fake case*)
   227 by (best_tac (!claset addDs [impOfSubs analz_subset_parts,
   228 			     impOfSubs synth_analz_parts_insert_subset_Un]
   229 	              addss (!simpset)) 1);
   230 qed_spec_mp "encrypted_form";
   233 (*For eliminating the A ~= Enemy condition from the previous result*)
   234 goal thy 
   235  "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==>                             \
   236 \        ALL S A NA B K X.                            \
   237 \            Says S A (Crypt {|Nonce NA, Agent B, Key K, X|} (serverKey A)) \
   238 \            : set_of_list evs  -->   \
   239 \        S = Server | S = Enemy";
   240 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   241 by (ALLGOALS Asm_simp_tac);
   242 (*We are left with NS3*)
   243 by (subgoal_tac "S = Server | S = Enemy" 1);
   244 (*First justify this assumption!*)
   245 by (fast_tac (!claset addSEs [allE, mp] addss (!simpset)) 2);
   246 by (Step_tac 1);
   247 bd Says_Server_message_form 1;
   248 by (ALLGOALS Full_simp_tac);
   249 (*Final case.  Clear out needless quantifiers to speed the following step*)
   250 by (eres_inst_tac [("V","ALL x. ?P(x)")] thin_rl 1);
   251 bd encrypted_form 1;
   252 br (parts.Inj RS conjI) 1;
   253 auto();
   254 qed_spec_mp "Server_or_Enemy";
   257 (*Describes the form of X when the following message is sent;
   258   use Says_Server_message_form if applicable*)
   259 goal thy 
   260  "!!evs. [| Says S A (Crypt {|Nonce NA, Agent B, Key K, X|} (serverKey A)) \
   261 \            : set_of_list evs;                              \
   262 \           evs : ns_shared               \
   263 \        |] ==> (EX evt:ns_shared. K = newK evt & length evt < length evs & \
   264 \                               X = (Crypt {|Key K, Agent A|} (serverKey B)))";
   265 by (forward_tac [Server_or_Enemy] 1);
   266 ba 1;
   267 by (Step_tac 1);
   268 by (fast_tac (!claset addSDs [Says_Server_message_form] addss (!simpset)) 1);
   269 by (forward_tac [encrypted_form] 1);
   270 br (parts.Inj RS conjI) 1;
   271 by (auto_tac (!claset addIs [Says_imp_old_keys], !simpset));
   272 qed "Says_S_message_form";
   276 (****
   277  The following is to prove theorems of the form
   279           Key K : analz (insert (Key (newK evt)) 
   280 	                   (insert (Key (serverKey C)) (sees Enemy evs))) ==>
   281           Key K : analz (insert (Key (serverKey C)) (sees Enemy evs))
   283  A more general formula must be proved inductively.
   285 ****)
   288 (*NOT useful in this form, but it says that session keys are not used
   289   to encrypt messages containing other keys, in the actual protocol.
   290   We require that agents should behave like this subsequently also.*)
   291 goal thy 
   292  "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==> \
   293 \        (Crypt X (newK evt)) : parts (sees Enemy evs) & \
   294 \        Key K : parts {X} --> Key K : parts (sees Enemy evs)";
   295 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   296 bd NS3_msg_in_parts_sees_Enemy 5;
   297 by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps pushes)));
   298 (*Deals with Faked messages*)
   299 by (best_tac (!claset addSEs partsEs
   300 		      addDs [impOfSubs analz_subset_parts,
   301                              impOfSubs parts_insert_subset_Un]
   302                       addss (!simpset)) 1);
   303 (*NS4 and NS5*)
   304 by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (!claset addss (!simpset))));
   305 result();
   308 (** Specialized rewriting for this proof **)
   310 Delsimps [image_insert];
   311 Addsimps [image_insert RS sym];
   313 goal thy "insert (Key (newK x)) (sees A evs) = \
   314 \         Key `` (newK``{x}) Un (sees A evs)";
   315 by (Fast_tac 1);
   316 val insert_Key_singleton = result();
   318 goal thy "insert (Key (f x)) (Key``(f``E) Un C) = \
   319 \         Key `` (f `` (insert x E)) Un C";
   320 by (Fast_tac 1);
   321 val insert_Key_image = result();
   324 (** Session keys are not used to encrypt other session keys **)
   326 goal thy  
   327  "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==> \
   328 \  ALL K E. (Key K : analz (insert (Key (serverKey C)) \
   329 \                             (Key``(newK``E) Un (sees Enemy evs)))) = \
   330 \           (K : newK``E |  \
   331 \            Key K : analz (insert (Key (serverKey C)) \
   332 \                             (sees Enemy evs)))";
   333 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   334 by (forward_tac [Says_S_message_form] 5 THEN assume_tac 5);	
   335 by (REPEAT ((eresolve_tac [bexE, conjE] ORELSE' hyp_subst_tac) 5));
   336 by (ALLGOALS 
   337     (asm_simp_tac 
   338      (!simpset addsimps ([insert_Key_singleton, insert_Key_image, pushKey_newK]
   339 			 @ pushes)
   340                setloop split_tac [expand_if])));
   341 (*Cases NS2 and NS3!!  Simple, thanks to auto case splits*)
   342 by (REPEAT (Fast_tac 3));
   343 (*Base case*)
   344 by (fast_tac (!claset addIs [image_eqI] addss (!simpset)) 1);
   345 (** LEVEL 7 **)
   346 (*Fake case*)
   347 by (REPEAT (Safe_step_tac 1));
   348 by (fast_tac (!claset addSEs [impOfSubs analz_mono]) 2);
   349 by (subgoal_tac 
   350     "Key K : analz \
   351 \             (synth \
   352 \              (analz (insert (Key (serverKey C)) \
   353 \                        (Key``(newK``E) Un (sees Enemy evsa)))))" 1);
   354 (*First, justify this subgoal*)
   355 (*Discard formulae for better speed*)
   356 by (eres_inst_tac [("V","ALL S.?P(S)")] thin_rl 2);
   357 by (eres_inst_tac [("V","?Q ~: ?QQ")] thin_rl 2);
   358 by (best_tac (!claset addIs [impOfSubs (analz_mono RS synth_mono)]
   359                       addSEs [impOfSubs analz_mono]) 2);
   360 by (Asm_full_simp_tac 1);
   361 by (deepen_tac (!claset addIs [impOfSubs analz_mono]) 0 1);
   362 qed_spec_mp "analz_image_newK";
   365 goal thy
   366  "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==>                               \
   367 \        Key K : analz (insert (Key (newK evt))            \
   368 \                         (insert (Key (serverKey C))      \
   369 \                          (sees Enemy evs))) =            \
   370 \             (K = newK evt |                              \
   371 \              Key K : analz (insert (Key (serverKey C))   \
   372 \                               (sees Enemy evs)))";
   373 by (asm_simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps [pushKey_newK, analz_image_newK, 
   374 				   insert_Key_singleton]) 1);
   375 by (Fast_tac 1);
   376 qed "analz_insert_Key_newK";
   380 (*This says that the Key, K, uniquely identifies the message.
   381     But if C=Enemy then he could send all sorts of nonsense.*)
   382 goal thy 
   383  "!!evs. evs : ns_shared ==>                      \
   384 \      EX X'. ALL C S A Y N B X.               \
   385 \         C ~= Enemy -->                       \
   386 \         Says S A Y : set_of_list evs -->     \
   387 \         ((Crypt {|N, Agent B, Key K, X|} (serverKey C)) : parts{Y} --> \
   388 \       (X = X'))";
   389 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   390 by (forward_tac [Says_S_message_form] 5 THEN assume_tac 5);	
   391 by (ALLGOALS 
   392     (asm_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [all_conj_distrib, imp_conj_distrib])));
   393 (*NS2: Case split propagates some context to other subgoal...*)
   394 by (excluded_middle_tac "K = newK evsa" 2);
   395 by (Asm_simp_tac 2);
   396 (*...we assume X is a very new message, and handle this case by contradiction*)
   397 by (fast_tac (!claset addIs [impOfSubs (subset_insertI RS parts_mono)]
   398 		      addSEs partsEs
   399 		      addEs [Says_imp_old_keys RS less_irrefl]
   400 	              addss (!simpset)) 2);
   401 (*NS3: No relevant messages*)
   402 by (fast_tac (!claset addSEs [exI] addss (!simpset)) 2);
   403 (*Fake*)
   404 by (Step_tac 1);
   405 br exI 1;
   406 br conjI 1;
   407 ba 2;
   408 by (Step_tac 1);
   409 (** LEVEL 12 **)
   410 by (subgoal_tac "Crypt {|N, Agent Ba, Key K, Xa|} (serverKey C) \
   411 \                  : parts (sees Enemy evsa)" 1);
   412 by (eres_inst_tac [("V","ALL S.?P(S)")] thin_rl 2);
   413 by (best_tac (!claset addSEs [impOfSubs analz_subset_parts]
   414 	              addDs [impOfSubs parts_insert_subset_Un]
   415                       addss (!simpset)) 2);
   416 by (eres_inst_tac [("V","?aa : parts {X}")] thin_rl 1);
   417 bd parts_singleton 1;
   418 by (Step_tac 1);
   419 bd seesD 1;
   420 by (Step_tac 1);
   421 by (Full_simp_tac 2);
   422 by (fast_tac (!claset addSDs [spec]) 1);
   423 val lemma = result();
   426 (*In messages of this form, the session key uniquely identifies the rest*)
   427 goal thy 
   428  "!!evs. [| Says S A          \
   429 \             (Crypt {|N, Agent B, Key K, X|} (serverKey C))     \
   430 \                  : set_of_list evs; \
   431  \          Says S' A'                                         \
   432 \             (Crypt {|N', Agent B', Key K, X'|} (serverKey C')) \
   433 \                  : set_of_list evs;                         \
   434 \           evs : ns_shared;  C ~= Enemy;  C' ~= Enemy    |] ==> X = X'";
   435 bd lemma 1;
   436 be exE 1;
   437 by (forw_inst_tac [("psi", "ALL C.?P(C)")] asm_rl 1);
   438 by (Fast_tac 1);
   439 qed "unique_session_keys";
   443 (*Crucial secrecy property: Enemy does not see the keys sent in msg NS2
   444    -- even if another key is compromised*)
   445 goal thy 
   446  "!!evs. [| Says Server (Friend i) \
   447 \            (Crypt {|N, Agent(Friend j), K, X|} K') : set_of_list evs;  \
   448 \           evs : ns_shared;  Friend i ~= C;  Friend j ~= C              \
   449 \        |] ==>                                                       \
   450 \     K ~: analz (insert (Key (serverKey C)) (sees Enemy evs))";
   451 be rev_mp 1;
   452 be ns_shared.induct 1;
   453 by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps pushes)));
   454 (*Next 3 steps infer that K has the form "Key (newK evs'" ... *)
   455 by (REPEAT_FIRST (resolve_tac [conjI, impI]));
   456 by (TRYALL (forward_tac [Says_Server_message_form] THEN' assume_tac));
   457 by (REPEAT_FIRST (eresolve_tac [bexE, conjE] ORELSE' hyp_subst_tac));
   458 by (ALLGOALS 
   459     (asm_full_simp_tac 
   460      (!simpset addsimps ([analz_subset_parts RS contra_subsetD,
   461 			  analz_insert_Key_newK] @ pushes)
   462                setloop split_tac [expand_if])));
   463 (*NS2*)
   464 by (fast_tac (!claset addSEs [less_irrefl]) 2);
   465 (** LEVEL 8 **)
   466 (*Now for the Fake case*)
   467 br notI 1;
   468 by (subgoal_tac 
   469     "Key (newK evt) : \
   470 \    analz (synth (analz (insert (Key (serverKey C)) \
   471 \                                  (sees Enemy evsa))))" 1);
   472 be (impOfSubs analz_mono) 2;
   473 by (deepen_tac (!claset addIs [analz_mono RS synth_mono RSN (2,rev_subsetD),
   474 			       impOfSubs synth_increasing,
   475 			       impOfSubs analz_increasing]) 0 2);
   476 (*Proves the Fake goal*)
   477 by (fast_tac (!claset addss (!simpset)) 1);
   479 (**LEVEL 13**)
   480 (*NS3: that message from the Server was sent earlier*)
   481 by (mp_tac 1);
   482 by (forward_tac [Says_S_message_form] 1 THEN assume_tac 1);
   483 by (REPEAT_FIRST (eresolve_tac [bexE, conjE] ORELSE' hyp_subst_tac));
   484 by (asm_full_simp_tac
   485     (!simpset addsimps (mem_if::analz_insert_Key_newK::pushes)) 1);
   486 by (Step_tac 1);
   487 (**LEVEL 18 **)
   488 bd unique_session_keys 1;
   489 by (REPEAT_FIRST assume_tac);
   490 by (ALLGOALS Full_simp_tac);
   491 by (Step_tac 1);
   492 by (asm_full_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [serverKey_mem_analz]) 1);
   493 qed "Enemy_not_see_encrypted_key";