changeset 62145 5b946c81dfbf
parent 60592 c9bd1d902f04
child 62146 324bc1ffba12
equal deleted inserted replaced
62144:bdab93ccfaf8 62145:5b946c81dfbf
    11 type_synonym memChType = "(memOp, Vals) channel"
    11 type_synonym memChType = "(memOp, Vals) channel"
    12 type_synonym memType = "(Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals) stfun"  (* intention: MemLocs \<Rightarrow> MemVals *)
    12 type_synonym memType = "(Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals) stfun"  (* intention: MemLocs \<Rightarrow> MemVals *)
    13 type_synonym resType = "(PrIds \<Rightarrow> Vals) stfun"
    13 type_synonym resType = "(PrIds \<Rightarrow> Vals) stfun"
    15 consts
    16   (* state predicates *)
    16 (* state predicates *)
    17   MInit      :: "memType \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    18   PInit      :: "resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    18 definition MInit :: "memType \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    19   (* auxiliary predicates: is there a pending read/write request for
    19   where "MInit mm l == PRED mm!l = #InitVal"
    20      some process id and location/value? *)
    21   RdRequest  :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    21 definition PInit :: "resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    22   WrRequest  :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    22   where "PInit rs p == PRED rs!p = #NotAResult"
    24   (* actions *)
    25   GoodRead   :: "memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> action"
    25 (* auxiliary predicates: is there a pending read/write request for
    26   BadRead    :: "memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> action"
    26    some process id and location/value? *)
    27   ReadInner  :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> action"
    28   Read       :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    28 definition RdRequest :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    29   GoodWrite  :: "memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals \<Rightarrow> action"
    29   where "RdRequest ch p l == PRED Calling ch p \<and> (arg<ch!p> = #(read l))"
    30   BadWrite   :: "memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals \<Rightarrow> action"
    31   WriteInner :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals \<Rightarrow> action"
    31 definition WrRequest :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    32   Write      :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> action"
    32   where "WrRequest ch p l v == PRED Calling ch p \<and> (arg<ch!p> = #(write l v))"
    33   MemReturn  :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    34   MemFail    :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    35   RNext      :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    35 (* actions *)
    36   UNext      :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    37 (* a read that doesn't raise BadArg *)
    38   (* temporal formulas *)
    38 definition GoodRead :: "memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> action"
    39   RPSpec     :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> temporal"
    39   where "GoodRead mm rs p l == ACT #l \<in> #MemLoc \<and> ((rs!p)$ = $(mm!l))"
    40   UPSpec     :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> temporal"
    41   MSpec      :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> temporal"
    41 (* a read that raises BadArg *)
    42   IRSpec     :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> temporal"
    42 definition BadRead :: "memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> action"
    43   IUSpec     :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> temporal"
    43   where "BadRead mm rs p l == ACT #l \<notin> #MemLoc \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #BadArg)"
    45   RSpec      :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> temporal"
    45 (* the read action with l visible *)
    46   USpec      :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> temporal"
    46 definition ReadInner :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> action"
    47   where "ReadInner ch mm rs p l == ACT
    48   (* memory invariant: in the paper, the invariant is hidden in the definition of
    48     $(RdRequest ch p l)
    49      the predicate S used in the implementation proof, but it is easier to verify
    49     \<and> (GoodRead mm rs p l  \<or>  BadRead mm rs p l)
    50      at this level. *)
    50     \<and> unchanged (rtrner ch ! p)"
    51   MemInv    :: "memType \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> stpred"
    52 (* the read action with l quantified *)
    53 defs
    53 definition Read :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    54   MInit_def:         "MInit mm l == PRED mm!l = #InitVal"
    54   where "Read ch mm rs p == ACT (\<exists>l. ReadInner ch mm rs p l)"
    55   PInit_def:         "PInit rs p == PRED rs!p = #NotAResult"
    56 (* similar definitions for the write action *)
    57   RdRequest_def:     "RdRequest ch p l == PRED
    57 definition GoodWrite :: "memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals \<Rightarrow> action"
    58                          Calling ch p \<and> (arg<ch!p> = #(read l))"
    58   where "GoodWrite mm rs p l v ==
    59   WrRequest_def:     "WrRequest ch p l v == PRED
    59     ACT #l \<in> #MemLoc \<and> #v \<in> #MemVal
    60                          Calling ch p \<and> (arg<ch!p> = #(write l v))"
    60       \<and> ((mm!l)$ = #v) \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #OK)"
    61   (* a read that doesn't raise BadArg *)
    62   GoodRead_def:      "GoodRead mm rs p l == ACT
    62 definition BadWrite :: "memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals \<Rightarrow> action"
    63                         #l \<in> #MemLoc \<and> ((rs!p)$ = $(mm!l))"
    63   where "BadWrite mm rs p l v == ACT
    64   (* a read that raises BadArg *)
    64     \<not> (#l \<in> #MemLoc \<and> #v \<in> #MemVal)
    65   BadRead_def:       "BadRead mm rs p l == ACT
    65     \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #BadArg) \<and> unchanged (mm!l)"
    66                         #l \<notin> #MemLoc \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #BadArg)"
    67   (* the read action with l visible *)
    67 definition WriteInner :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> Vals \<Rightarrow> action"
    68   ReadInner_def:     "ReadInner ch mm rs p l == ACT
    68   where "WriteInner ch mm rs p l v == ACT
    69                          $(RdRequest ch p l)
    69     $(WrRequest ch p l v)
    70                          \<and> (GoodRead mm rs p l  \<or>  BadRead mm rs p l)
    70     \<and> (GoodWrite mm rs p l v  \<or>  BadWrite mm rs p l v)
    71                          \<and> unchanged (rtrner ch ! p)"
    71     \<and> unchanged (rtrner ch ! p)"
    72   (* the read action with l quantified *)
    73   Read_def:          "Read ch mm rs p == ACT (\<exists>l. ReadInner ch mm rs p l)"
    73 definition Write :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> action"
    74   where "Write ch mm rs p l == ACT (\<exists>v. WriteInner ch mm rs p l v)"
    75   (* similar definitions for the write action *)
    76   GoodWrite_def:     "GoodWrite mm rs p l v == ACT
    77                         #l \<in> #MemLoc \<and> #v \<in> #MemVal
    77 (* the return action *)
    78                         \<and> ((mm!l)$ = #v) \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #OK)"
    78 definition MemReturn :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    79   BadWrite_def:      "BadWrite mm rs p l v == ACT
    79   where "MemReturn ch rs p == ACT
    80                         \<not> (#l \<in> #MemLoc \<and> #v \<in> #MemVal)
    80    (   ($(rs!p) \<noteq> #NotAResult)
    81                         \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #BadArg) \<and> unchanged (mm!l)"
    81     \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #NotAResult)
    82   WriteInner_def:    "WriteInner ch mm rs p l v == ACT
    82     \<and> Return ch p (rs!p))"
    83                         $(WrRequest ch p l v)
    84                         \<and> (GoodWrite mm rs p l v  \<or>  BadWrite mm rs p l v)
    84 (* the failure action of the unreliable memory *)
    85                         \<and> unchanged (rtrner ch ! p)"
    85 definition MemFail :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    86   Write_def:         "Write ch mm rs p l == ACT (\<exists>v. WriteInner ch mm rs p l v)"
    86   where "MemFail ch rs p == ACT
    87     $(Calling ch p)
    88   (* the return action *)
    88     \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #MemFailure)
    89   MemReturn_def:     "MemReturn ch rs p == ACT
    89     \<and> unchanged (rtrner ch ! p)"
    90                        (   ($(rs!p) \<noteq> #NotAResult)
    91                         \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #NotAResult)
    91 (* next-state relations for reliable / unreliable memory *)
    92                         \<and> Return ch p (rs!p))"
    92 definition RNext :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    93   where "RNext ch mm rs p == ACT
    94   (* the failure action of the unreliable memory *)
    94    (  Read ch mm rs p
    95   MemFail_def:       "MemFail ch rs p == ACT
    95     \<or> (\<exists>l. Write ch mm rs p l)
    96                         $(Calling ch p)
    96     \<or> MemReturn ch rs p)"
    97                         \<and> ((rs!p)$ = #MemFailure)
    98                         \<and> unchanged (rtrner ch ! p)"
    98 definition UNext :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> action"
    99   (* next-state relations for reliable / unreliable memory *)
    99   where "UNext ch mm rs p == ACT (RNext ch mm rs p \<or> MemFail ch rs p)"
   100   RNext_def:         "RNext ch mm rs p == ACT
   101                        (  Read ch mm rs p
   102                         \<or> (\<exists>l. Write ch mm rs p l)
   102 (* temporal formulas *)
   103                         \<or> MemReturn ch rs p)"
   104   UNext_def:         "UNext ch mm rs p == ACT
   104 definition RPSpec :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> temporal"
   105                         (RNext ch mm rs p \<or> MemFail ch rs p)"
   105   where "RPSpec ch mm rs p == TEMP
   106     Init(PInit rs p)
   107   RPSpec_def:        "RPSpec ch mm rs p == TEMP
   107     \<and> \<box>[ RNext ch mm rs p ]_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)
   108                         Init(PInit rs p)
   108     \<and> WF(RNext ch mm rs p)_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)
   109                         \<and> \<box>[ RNext ch mm rs p ]_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)
   109     \<and> WF(MemReturn ch rs p)_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)"
   110                         \<and> WF(RNext ch mm rs p)_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)
   111                         \<and> WF(MemReturn ch rs p)_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)"
   111 definition UPSpec :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> PrIds \<Rightarrow> temporal"
   112   UPSpec_def:        "UPSpec ch mm rs p == TEMP
   112   where "UPSpec ch mm rs p == TEMP
   113                         Init(PInit rs p)
   113     Init(PInit rs p)
   114                         \<and> \<box>[ UNext ch mm rs p ]_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)
   114     \<and> \<box>[ UNext ch mm rs p ]_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)
   115                         \<and> WF(RNext ch mm rs p)_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)
   115     \<and> WF(RNext ch mm rs p)_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)
   116                         \<and> WF(MemReturn ch rs p)_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)"
   116     \<and> WF(MemReturn ch rs p)_(rtrner ch ! p, rs!p)"
   117   MSpec_def:         "MSpec ch mm rs l == TEMP
   118                         Init(MInit mm l)
   118 definition MSpec :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> temporal"
   119                         \<and> \<box>[ \<exists>p. Write ch mm rs p l ]_(mm!l)"
   119   where "MSpec ch mm rs l == TEMP
   120   IRSpec_def:        "IRSpec ch mm rs == TEMP
   120     Init(MInit mm l)
   121                         (\<forall>p. RPSpec ch mm rs p)
   121     \<and> \<box>[ \<exists>p. Write ch mm rs p l ]_(mm!l)"
   122                         \<and> (\<forall>l. #l \<in> #MemLoc \<longrightarrow> MSpec ch mm rs l)"
   123   IUSpec_def:        "IUSpec ch mm rs == TEMP
   123 definition IRSpec :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> temporal"
   124                         (\<forall>p. UPSpec ch mm rs p)
   124   where "IRSpec ch mm rs == TEMP
   125                         \<and> (\<forall>l. #l \<in> #MemLoc \<longrightarrow> MSpec ch mm rs l)"
   125     (\<forall>p. RPSpec ch mm rs p)
   126     \<and> (\<forall>l. #l \<in> #MemLoc \<longrightarrow> MSpec ch mm rs l)"
   127   RSpec_def:         "RSpec ch rs == TEMP (\<exists>\<exists>mm. IRSpec ch mm rs)"
   128   USpec_def:         "USpec ch == TEMP (\<exists>\<exists>mm rs. IUSpec ch mm rs)"
   128 definition IUSpec :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> memType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> temporal"
   129   where "IUSpec ch mm rs == TEMP
   130   MemInv_def:        "MemInv mm l == PRED  #l \<in> #MemLoc \<longrightarrow> mm!l \<in> #MemVal"
   130     (\<forall>p. UPSpec ch mm rs p)
   131     \<and> (\<forall>l. #l \<in> #MemLoc \<longrightarrow> MSpec ch mm rs l)"
   133 definition RSpec :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> resType \<Rightarrow> temporal"
   134   where "RSpec ch rs == TEMP (\<exists>\<exists>mm. IRSpec ch mm rs)"
   136 definition USpec :: "memChType \<Rightarrow> temporal"
   137   where "USpec ch == TEMP (\<exists>\<exists>mm rs. IUSpec ch mm rs)"
   139 (* memory invariant: in the paper, the invariant is hidden in the definition of
   140    the predicate S used in the implementation proof, but it is easier to verify
   141    at this level. *)
   142 definition MemInv :: "memType \<Rightarrow> Locs \<Rightarrow> stpred"
   143   where "MemInv mm l == PRED  #l \<in> #MemLoc \<longrightarrow> mm!l \<in> #MemVal"
   132 lemmas RM_action_defs =
   145 lemmas RM_action_defs =
   133   MInit_def PInit_def RdRequest_def WrRequest_def MemInv_def
   146   MInit_def PInit_def RdRequest_def WrRequest_def MemInv_def
   134   GoodRead_def BadRead_def ReadInner_def Read_def
   147   GoodRead_def BadRead_def ReadInner_def Read_def
   135   GoodWrite_def BadWrite_def WriteInner_def Write_def
   148   GoodWrite_def BadWrite_def WriteInner_def Write_def