changeset 30101 5c6efec476ae
parent 30100 e1c714d33c5c
parent 29777 f3284860004c
child 30105 37f47ea6fed1
equal deleted inserted replaced
30100:e1c714d33c5c 30101:5c6efec476ae
     1 %
     2 \begin{isabellebody}%
     3 \def\isabellecontext{Product}%
     4 %
     5 \isamarkupheader{Syntactic classes%
     6 }
     7 \isamarkuptrue%
     8 %
     9 \isadelimtheory
    10 %
    11 \endisadelimtheory
    12 %
    13 \isatagtheory
    14 \isacommand{theory}\isamarkupfalse%
    15 \ Product\ \isakeyword{imports}\ Main\ \isakeyword{begin}%
    16 \endisatagtheory
    17 {\isafoldtheory}%
    18 %
    19 \isadelimtheory
    20 %
    21 \endisadelimtheory
    22 %
    23 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    24 \medskip\noindent There is still a feature of Isabelle's type system
    25   left that we have not yet discussed.  When declaring polymorphic
    26   constants \isa{c\ {\isasymColon}\ {\isasymsigma}}, the type variables occurring in \isa{{\isasymsigma}}
    27   may be constrained by type classes (or even general sorts) in an
    28   arbitrary way.  Note that by default, in Isabelle/HOL the
    29   declaration \isa{{\isasymodot}\ {\isasymColon}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a} is actually an abbreviation
    30   for \isa{{\isasymodot}\ {\isasymColon}\ {\isacharprime}a{\isasymColon}type\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a} Since class \isa{type} is the
    31   universal class of HOL, this is not really a constraint at all.
    33  The \isa{product} class below provides a less degenerate example of
    34  syntactic type classes.%
    35 \end{isamarkuptext}%
    36 \isamarkuptrue%
    37 \isacommand{axclass}\isamarkupfalse%
    38 \isanewline
    39 \ \ product\ {\isasymsubseteq}\ type\isanewline
    40 \isacommand{consts}\isamarkupfalse%
    41 \isanewline
    42 \ \ product\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharprime}a{\isasymColon}product\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ \ \ \ {\isacharparenleft}\isakeyword{infixl}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isasymodot}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ {\isadigit{7}}{\isadigit{0}}{\isacharparenright}%
    43 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    44 Here class \isa{product} is defined as subclass of \isa{type}
    45   without any additional axioms.  This effects in logical equivalence
    46   of \isa{product} and \isa{type}, as is reflected by the trivial
    47   introduction rule generated for this definition.
    49   \medskip So what is the difference of declaring \isa{{\isasymodot}\ {\isasymColon}\ {\isacharprime}a{\isasymColon}product\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a} vs.\ declaring \isa{{\isasymodot}\ {\isasymColon}\ {\isacharprime}a{\isasymColon}type\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a} anyway?  In this particular case where \isa{product\ {\isasymequiv}\ type}, it should be obvious that both declarations are the same
    50   from the logic's point of view.  It even makes the most sense to
    51   remove sort constraints from constant declarations, as far as the
    52   purely logical meaning is concerned \cite{Wenzel:1997:TPHOL}.
    54   On the other hand there are syntactic differences, of course.
    55  Constants \isa{{\isasymodot}} on some type \isa{{\isasymtau}} are rejected by the
    56  type-checker, unless the arity \isa{{\isasymtau}\ {\isasymColon}\ product} is part of the
    57  type signature.  In our example, this arity may be always added when
    58  required by means of an \isakeyword{instance} with the default proof
    59  (double-dot).
    61   \medskip Thus, we may observe the following discipline of using
    62   syntactic classes.  Overloaded polymorphic constants have their type
    63   arguments restricted to an associated (logically trivial) class
    64   \isa{c}.  Only immediately before \emph{specifying} these
    65   constants on a certain type \isa{{\isasymtau}} do we instantiate \isa{{\isasymtau}\ {\isasymColon}\ c}.
    67   This is done for class \isa{product} and type \isa{bool} as
    68   follows.%
    69 \end{isamarkuptext}%
    70 \isamarkuptrue%
    71 \isacommand{instance}\isamarkupfalse%
    72 \ bool\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ product%
    73 \isadelimproof
    74 \ %
    75 \endisadelimproof
    76 %
    77 \isatagproof
    78 \isacommand{{\isachardot}{\isachardot}}\isamarkupfalse%
    79 %
    80 \endisatagproof
    81 {\isafoldproof}%
    82 %
    83 \isadelimproof
    84 %
    85 \endisadelimproof
    86 \isanewline
    87 \isacommand{defs}\isamarkupfalse%
    88 \ {\isacharparenleft}\isakeyword{overloaded}{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
    89 \ \ product{\isacharunderscore}bool{\isacharunderscore}def{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}x\ {\isasymodot}\ y\ {\isasymequiv}\ x\ {\isasymand}\ y{\isachardoublequoteclose}%
    90 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    91 The definition \isa{prod{\isacharunderscore}bool{\isacharunderscore}def} becomes syntactically
    92  well-formed only after the arity \isa{bool\ {\isasymColon}\ product} is made
    93  known to the type checker.
    95  \medskip It is very important to see that above \isakeyword{defs} are
    96  not directly connected with \isakeyword{instance} at all!  We were
    97  just following our convention to specify \isa{{\isasymodot}} on \isa{bool}
    98  after having instantiated \isa{bool\ {\isasymColon}\ product}.  Isabelle does
    99  not require these definitions, which is in contrast to programming
   100  languages like Haskell \cite{haskell-report}.
   102  \medskip While Isabelle type classes and those of Haskell are almost
   103  the same as far as type-checking and type inference are concerned,
   104  there are important semantic differences.  Haskell classes require
   105  their instances to \emph{provide operations} of certain \emph{names}.
   106  Therefore, its \texttt{instance} has a \texttt{where} part that tells
   107  the system what these ``member functions'' should be.
   109  This style of \texttt{instance} would not make much sense in
   110  Isabelle's meta-logic, because there is no internal notion of
   111  ``providing operations'' or even ``names of functions''.%
   112 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   113 \isamarkuptrue%
   114 %
   115 \isadelimtheory
   116 %
   117 \endisadelimtheory
   118 %
   119 \isatagtheory
   120 \isacommand{end}\isamarkupfalse%
   121 %
   122 \endisatagtheory
   123 {\isafoldtheory}%
   124 %
   125 \isadelimtheory
   126 %
   127 \endisadelimtheory
   128 \isanewline
   129 \end{isabellebody}%
   130 %%% Local Variables:
   131 %%% mode: latex
   132 %%% TeX-master: "root"
   133 %%% End: