changeset 7917 5e5b9813cce7
parent 7916 3cb310f40a3a
child 7918 2979b3b75dbd
equal deleted inserted replaced
7916:3cb310f40a3a 7917:5e5b9813cce7
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Real/HahnBanach/HahnBanach_lemmas.thy
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Gertrud Bauer, TU Munich
     4 *)
     6 header {* Lemmas about the supremal function w.r.t.~the function order *};
     8 theory HahnBanach_lemmas = FunctionNorm + Zorn_Lemma:;
    10 lemma rabs_ineq: 
    11   "[| is_subspace H E; is_vectorspace E; is_quasinorm E p; is_linearform H h |] 
    12   ==>  (ALL x:H. rabs (h x) <= p x)  = ( ALL x:H. h x <= p x)" 
    13   (concl is "?L = ?R");
    14 proof -;
    15   assume "is_subspace H E" "is_vectorspace E" "is_quasinorm E p" 
    16          "is_linearform H h";
    17   have h: "is_vectorspace H"; ..;
    18   show ?thesis;
    19   proof; 
    20     assume l: ?L;
    21     then; show ?R;
    22     proof (intro ballI); 
    23       fix x; assume x: "x:H";
    24       have "h x <= rabs (h x)"; by (rule rabs_ge_self);
    25       also; from l; have "... <= p x"; ..;
    26       finally; show "h x <= p x"; .;
    27     qed;
    28   next;
    29     assume r: ?R;
    30     then; show ?L;
    31     proof (intro ballI);
    32       fix x; assume "x:H";
    34       show "rabs (h x) <= p x"; 
    35       proof -; 
    36         show "!! r x. [| - r <= x; x <= r |] ==> rabs x <= r";
    37           by arith;
    38 	show "- p x <= h x";
    39 	proof (rule real_minus_le);
    40 	  from h; have "- h x = h ([-] x)"; 
    41             by (rule linearform_neg_linear [RS sym]);
    42 	  also; from r; have "... <= p ([-] x)"; by (simp!);
    43 	  also; have "... = p x"; 
    44             by (rule quasinorm_minus, rule subspace_subsetD);
    45 	  finally; show "- h x <= p x"; .; 
    46 	qed;
    47 	from r; show "h x <= p x"; ..; 
    48       qed;
    49     qed;
    50   qed;
    51 qed;  
    53 lemma  some_H'h't:
    54   "[| M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f; c: chain M; graph H h = Union c; 
    55   x:H|]
    56    ==> EX H' h' t. t : (graph H h) & t = (x, h x) & (graph H' h'):c 
    57                  & t:graph H' h' & is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E 
    58                  & is_subspace F H' & (graph F f <= graph H' h') 
    59                  & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)";
    60 proof -;
    61   assume m: "M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f" and cM: "c: chain M" 
    62      and u: "graph H h = Union c" "x:H";
    64   let ?P = "%H h. is_linearform H h
    65                     & is_subspace H E
    66                     & is_subspace F H
    67                     & (graph F f <= graph H h)
    68                     & (ALL x:H. h x <= p x)";
    70   have "EX t : (graph H h). t = (x, h x)"; 
    71     by (rule graphI2);
    72   thus ?thesis;
    73   proof (elim bexE); 
    74     fix t; assume t: "t : (graph H h)" "t = (x, h x)";
    75     with u; have ex1: "EX g:c. t:g";
    76       by (simp only: Union_iff);
    77     thus ?thesis;
    78     proof (elim bexE);
    79       fix g; assume g: "g:c" "t:g";
    80       from cM; have "c <= M"; by (rule chainD2);
    81       hence "g : M"; ..;
    82       hence "g : norm_pres_extensions E p F f"; by (simp only: m);
    83       hence "EX H' h'. graph H' h' = g & ?P H' h'"; 
    84         by (rule norm_pres_extension_D);
    85       thus ?thesis; by (elim exE conjE, intro exI conjI) (simp | simp!)+;
    86     qed;
    87   qed;
    88 qed;
    90 lemma some_H'h': "[| M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f; c: chain M; 
    91   graph H h = Union c; x:H|] 
    92   ==> EX H' h'. x:H' & (graph H' h' <= graph H h) & 
    93                 is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E & is_subspace F H' & 
    94                 (graph F f <= graph H' h') & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)"; 
    95 proof -;
    96   assume m: "M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f" and cM: "c: chain M" 
    97      and u: "graph H h = Union c" "x:H";  
    98   have "(x, h x): graph H h"; by (rule graphI); 
    99   also; have "... = Union c"; .;
   100   finally; have "(x, h x) : Union c"; .;
   101   hence "EX g:c. (x, h x):g"; by (simp only: Union_iff);
   102   thus ?thesis; 
   103   proof (elim bexE);
   104     fix g; assume g: "g:c" "(x, h x):g";
   105     from cM; have "c <= M"; by (rule chainD2);
   106     hence "g : M"; ..;
   107     hence "g : norm_pres_extensions E p F f"; by (simp only: m);
   108     hence "EX H' h'. graph H' h' = g 
   109                    & is_linearform H' h'
   110                    & is_subspace H' E
   111                    & is_subspace F H'
   112                    & (graph F f <= graph H' h')
   113                    & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)"; 
   114       by (rule norm_pres_extension_D);
   115     thus ?thesis; 
   116     proof (elim exE conjE, intro exI conjI);
   117       fix H' h'; assume g': "graph H' h' = g";
   118       with g; have "(x, h x): graph H' h'"; by simp;
   119       thus "x:H'"; by (rule graphD1);
   120       from g g'; have "graph H' h' : c"; by simp;
   121       with cM u; show "graph H' h' <= graph H h"; 
   122         by (simp only: chain_ball_Union_upper);
   123     qed simp+;
   124   qed;
   125 qed;
   127 lemma some_H'h'2: 
   128   "[| M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f; c: chain M; graph H h = Union c; 
   129   x:H; y:H|] 
   130   ==> EX H' h'. x:H' & y:H' & (graph H' h' <= graph H h) 
   131   & is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E & is_subspace F H' & 
   132                 (graph F f <= graph H' h') & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)"; 
   133 proof -;
   134   assume "M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f" "c: chain M" 
   135          "graph H h = Union c";
   137   let ?P = "%H h. is_linearform H h 
   138                     & is_subspace H E 
   139                     & is_subspace F H
   140                     & (graph F f <= graph H h)
   141                     & (ALL x:H. h x <= p x)";
   142   assume "x:H";
   143   have e1: "EX H' h' t. t : (graph H h) & t = (x, h x) & (graph H' h'):c 
   144                       & t:graph H' h' & ?P H' h'";
   145     by (rule some_H'h't); 
   146   assume "y:H";
   147   have e2: "EX H' h' t. t : (graph H h) & t = (y, h y) & (graph H' h'):c 
   148                       & t:graph H' h' & ?P H' h'";
   149     by (rule some_H'h't); 
   151   from e1 e2; show ?thesis; 
   152   proof (elim exE conjE);
   153     fix H' h' t' H'' h'' t''; 
   154     assume "t' : graph H h"             "t'' : graph H h" 
   155            "t' = (y, h y)"              "t'' = (x, h x)"
   156            "graph H' h' : c"            "graph H'' h'' : c"
   157            "t' : graph H' h'"           "t'' : graph H'' h''" 
   158            "is_linearform H' h'"        "is_linearform H'' h''"
   159            "is_subspace H' E"           "is_subspace H'' E"
   160            "is_subspace F H'"           "is_subspace F H''"
   161            "graph F f <= graph H' h'"   "graph F f <= graph H'' h''"
   162            "ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x"      "ALL x:H''. h'' x <= p x";
   164     have "(graph H'' h'') <= (graph H' h') 
   165          | (graph H' h') <= (graph H'' h'')";
   166       by (rule chainD);
   167     thus "?thesis";
   168     proof; 
   169       assume "(graph H'' h'') <= (graph H' h')";
   170       show ?thesis;
   171       proof (intro exI conjI);
   172         note [trans] = subsetD;
   173         have "(x, h x) : graph H'' h''"; by (simp!);
   174 	also; have "... <= graph H' h'"; .;
   175         finally; have xh: "(x, h x): graph H' h'"; .;
   176 	thus x: "x:H'"; by (rule graphD1);
   177 	show y: "y:H'"; by (simp!, rule graphD1);
   178 	show "(graph H' h') <= (graph H h)";
   179 	  by (simp! only: chain_ball_Union_upper);
   180       qed;
   181     next;
   182       assume "(graph H' h') <= (graph H'' h'')";
   183       show ?thesis;
   184       proof (intro exI conjI);
   185 	show x: "x:H''"; by (simp!, rule graphD1);
   186         have "(y, h y) : graph H' h'"; by (simp!);
   187         also; have "... <= graph H'' h''"; .;
   188 	finally; have yh: "(y, h y): graph H'' h''"; .;
   189         thus y: "y:H''"; by (rule graphD1);
   190         show "(graph H'' h'') <= (graph H h)";
   191           by (simp! only: chain_ball_Union_upper);
   192       qed;
   193     qed;
   194   qed;
   195 qed;
   197 lemma sup_uniq: 
   198   "[| is_vectorspace E; is_subspace F E; is_quasinorm E p; 
   199   is_linearform F f; ALL x:F. f x <= p x; M == norm_pres_extensions E p F f;
   200    c : chain M; EX x. x : c; (x, y) : Union c; (x, z) : Union c |]
   201    ==> z = y";
   202 proof -;
   203   assume "M == norm_pres_extensions E p F f" "c : chain M" 
   204          "(x, y) : Union c" " (x, z) : Union c";
   205   hence "EX H h. (x, y) : graph H h & (x, z) : graph H h"; 
   206   proof (elim UnionE chainE2); 
   207     fix G1 G2; 
   208     assume "(x, y) : G1" "G1 : c" "(x, z) : G2" "G2 : c" "c <= M";
   209     have "G1 : M"; ..;
   210     hence e1: "EX H1 h1. graph H1 h1 = G1";  
   211       by (force! dest: norm_pres_extension_D);
   212     have "G2 : M"; ..;
   213     hence e2: "EX H2 h2. graph H2 h2 = G2";  
   214       by (force! dest: norm_pres_extension_D);
   215     from e1 e2; show ?thesis; 
   216     proof (elim exE);
   217       fix H1 h1 H2 h2; assume "graph H1 h1 = G1" "graph H2 h2 = G2";
   218       have "G1 <= G2 | G2 <= G1"; ..;
   219       thus ?thesis;
   220       proof;
   221         assume "G1 <= G2";
   222         thus ?thesis;
   223         proof (intro exI conjI);
   224           show "(x, y) : graph H2 h2"; by (force!);
   225           show "(x, z) : graph H2 h2"; by (simp!);
   226         qed;
   227       next;
   228         assume "G2 <= G1";
   229         thus ?thesis;
   230         proof (intro exI conjI);
   231           show "(x, y) : graph H1 h1"; by (simp!);
   232           show "(x, z) : graph H1 h1"; by (force!);
   233         qed;
   234       qed;
   235     qed;
   236   qed;
   237   thus ?thesis; 
   238   proof (elim exE conjE);
   239     fix H h; assume "(x, y) : graph H h" "(x, z) : graph H h";
   240     have "y = h x"; ..;
   241     also; have "... = z"; by (rule sym, rule);
   242     finally; show "z = y"; by (rule sym);
   243   qed;
   244 qed;
   246 lemma sup_lf: 
   247   "[| M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f; c: chain M; graph H h = Union c|] 
   248    ==> is_linearform H h";
   249 proof -; 
   250   assume "M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f" "c: chain M"
   251          "graph H h = Union c";
   253   let ?P = "%H h. is_linearform H h 
   254                     & is_subspace H E 
   255                     & is_subspace F H
   256                     & (graph F f <= graph H h)
   257                     & (ALL x:H. h x <= p x)";
   259   show "is_linearform H h";
   260   proof;
   261     fix x y; assume "x : H" "y : H"; 
   262     show "h (x [+] y) = h x + h y"; 
   263     proof -;
   264       have "EX H' h'. x:H' & y:H' & (graph H' h' <= graph H h) 
   265                     & is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E 
   266                     & is_subspace F H' &  (graph F f <= graph H' h') 
   267                     & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)";
   268         by (rule some_H'h'2);
   269       thus ?thesis; 
   270       proof (elim exE conjE);
   271         fix H' h'; assume "x:H'" "y:H'" 
   272           and b: "graph H' h' <= graph H h" 
   273           and "is_linearform H' h'" "is_subspace H' E";
   274         have h'x: "h' x = h x"; ..;
   275         have h'y: "h' y = h y"; ..;
   276         have h'xy: "h' (x [+] y) = h' x + h' y"; 
   277           by (rule linearform_add_linear);
   278         have "h' (x [+] y) = h (x [+] y)";  
   279         proof -;
   280           have "x [+] y : H'"; ..;
   281           with b; show ?thesis; ..;
   282         qed;
   283         with h'x h'y h'xy; show ?thesis;
   284           by (simp!); 
   285       qed;
   286     qed;
   287   next;  
   288     fix a x; assume  "x : H";
   289     show "h (a [*] x) = a * (h x)"; 
   290     proof -;
   291       have "EX H' h'. x:H' & (graph H' h' <= graph H h) 
   292                     & is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E
   293                     & is_subspace F H' & (graph F f <= graph H' h') 
   294                     & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)";
   295 	by (rule some_H'h');
   296       thus ?thesis; 
   297       proof (elim exE conjE);
   298 	fix H' h';
   299 	assume b: "graph H' h' <= graph H h";
   300 	assume "x:H'" "is_linearform H' h'" "is_subspace H' E";
   301 	have h'x: "h' x = h x"; ..;
   302 	have h'ax: "h' (a [*] x) = a * h' x"; 
   303           by (rule linearform_mult_linear);
   304 	have "h' (a [*] x) = h (a [*] x)";
   305 	proof -;
   306 	  have "a [*] x : H'"; ..;
   307 	  with b; show ?thesis; ..;
   308 	qed;
   309 	with h'x h'ax; show ?thesis;
   310 	  by (simp!);
   311       qed;
   312     qed;
   313   qed;
   314 qed;
   316 lemma sup_ext:
   317   "[| M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f; c: chain M; EX x. x:c; 
   318   graph H h = Union c|] ==> graph F f <= graph H h";
   319 proof -;
   320   assume "M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f" "c: chain M" 
   321          "graph H h = Union c"
   322   and e: "EX x. x:c";
   324   thus ?thesis; 
   325   proof (elim exE);
   326     fix x; assume "x:c"; 
   327     show ?thesis;    
   328     proof -;
   329       have "x:norm_pres_extensions E p F f"; 
   330       proof (rule subsetD);
   331 	show "c <= norm_pres_extensions E p F f"; by (simp! add: chainD2);
   332       qed;
   334       hence "(EX G g. graph G g = x
   335                     & is_linearform G g 
   336                     & is_subspace G E
   337                     & is_subspace F G
   338                     & (graph F f <= graph G g) 
   339                     & (ALL x:G. g x <= p x))";
   340 	by (simp! add: norm_pres_extension_D);
   342       thus ?thesis; 
   343       proof (elim exE conjE); 
   344 	fix G g; assume "graph G g = x" "graph F f <= graph G g";
   345 	show ?thesis; 
   346         proof -; 
   347           have "graph F f <= graph G g"; .;
   348           also; have "graph G g <= graph H h"; by ((simp!), fast);
   349           finally; show ?thesis; .;
   350         qed;
   351       qed;
   352     qed;
   353   qed;
   354 qed;
   357 lemma sup_supF: 
   358   "[| M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f; c: chain M; EX x. x:c;
   359   graph H h = Union c; is_subspace F E |] ==> is_subspace F H";
   360 proof -; 
   361   assume "M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f" "c: chain M" "EX x. x:c" 
   362          "graph H h = Union c"
   363     "is_subspace F E";
   365   show ?thesis; 
   366   proof (rule subspaceI);
   367     show "<0> : F"; ..;
   368     show "F <= H"; 
   369     proof (rule graph_extD2);
   370       show "graph F f <= graph H h";
   371         by (rule sup_ext);
   372     qed;
   373     show "ALL x:F. ALL y:F. x [+] y : F"; 
   374     proof (intro ballI); 
   375       fix x y; assume "x:F" "y:F";
   376       show "x [+] y : F"; by (simp!);
   377     qed;
   378     show "ALL x:F. ALL a. a [*] x : F";
   379     proof (intro ballI allI);
   380       fix x a; assume "x:F";
   381       show "a [*] x : F"; by (simp!);
   382     qed;
   383   qed;
   384 qed;
   387 lemma sup_subE: 
   388   "[| M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f; c: chain M; EX x. x:c; 
   389   graph H h = Union c; is_subspace F E|] ==> is_subspace H E";
   390 proof -; 
   391   assume "M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f" "c: chain M" "EX x. x:c" 
   392          "graph H h = Union c" "is_subspace F E";
   394   show ?thesis; 
   395   proof;
   397     show "<0> : H"; 
   398     proof (rule subsetD [of F H]);
   399       have "is_subspace F H"; by (rule sup_supF);
   400       thus "F <= H"; ..;
   401       show  "<0> : F"; ..;
   402     qed;
   404     show "H <= E"; 
   405     proof;
   406       fix x; assume "x:H";
   407       show "x:E";
   408       proof -;
   409 	have "EX H' h'. x:H' & (graph H' h' <= graph H h) 
   410               & is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E & is_subspace F H' 
   411               & (graph F f <= graph H' h') & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)"; 
   412 	  by (rule some_H'h');
   413 	thus ?thesis;
   414 	proof (elim exE conjE);
   415 	  fix H' h'; assume "x:H'" "is_subspace H' E";
   416 	  show "x:E"; 
   417 	  proof (rule subsetD);
   418 	    show "H' <= E"; ..;
   419 	  qed;
   420 	qed;
   421       qed;
   422     qed;
   424     show "ALL x:H. ALL y:H. x [+] y : H"; 
   425     proof (intro ballI); 
   426       fix x y; assume "x:H" "y:H";
   427       show "x [+] y : H";   
   428       proof -;
   429  	have "EX H' h'. x:H' & y:H' & (graph H' h' <= graph H h) 
   430               & is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E & is_subspace F H'
   431               & (graph F f <= graph H' h') & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)"; 
   432 	  by (rule some_H'h'2); 
   433 	thus ?thesis;
   434 	proof (elim exE conjE); 
   435 	  fix H' h'; 
   436           assume "x:H'" "y:H'" "is_subspace H' E" 
   437                  "graph H' h' <= graph H h";
   438 	  have "H' <= H"; ..;
   439 	  thus ?thesis;
   440 	  proof (rule subsetD);
   441 	    show "x [+] y : H'"; ..; 
   442 	  qed;
   443 	qed;
   444       qed;
   445     qed;      
   447     show "ALL x:H. ALL a. a [*] x : H"; 
   448     proof (intro ballI allI); 
   449       fix x and a::real; assume "x:H";
   450       show "a [*] x : H"; 
   451       proof -;
   452 	have "EX H' h'. x:H' & (graph H' h' <= graph H h) & 
   453                is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E & is_subspace F H' & 
   454                (graph F f <= graph H' h') & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)"; 
   455 	  by (rule some_H'h'); 
   456 	thus ?thesis;
   457 	proof (elim exE conjE);
   458 	  fix H' h'; 
   459           assume "x:H'" "is_subspace H' E" "graph H' h' <= graph H h";
   460   	  have "H' <= H"; ..;
   461 	  thus ?thesis;
   462 	  proof (rule subsetD);
   463 	    show "a [*] x : H'"; ..;
   464 	  qed;
   465 	qed;
   466       qed;
   467     qed;
   468   qed;
   469 qed;
   471 lemma sup_norm_pres: "[| M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f; c: chain M; 
   472   graph H h = Union c|] ==> ALL x::'a:H. h x <= p x";
   473 proof;
   474   assume "M = norm_pres_extensions E p F f" "c: chain M" 
   475          "graph H h = Union c";
   476   fix x; assume "x:H";
   477   show "h x <= p x"; 
   478   proof -; 
   479     have "EX H' h'. x:H' & (graph H' h' <= graph H h) 
   480                 & is_linearform H' h' & is_subspace H' E & is_subspace F H'
   481                 & (graph F f <= graph H' h') & (ALL x:H'. h' x <= p x)"; 
   482       by (rule some_H'h');
   483     thus ?thesis; 
   484     proof (elim exE conjE);
   485       fix H' h'; assume "x: H'" "graph H' h' <= graph H h" 
   486       and a: "ALL x: H'. h' x <= p x" ;
   487       have "h x = h' x"; 
   488       proof (rule sym); 
   489         show "h' x = h x"; ..;
   490       qed;
   491       also; from a; have "... <= p x "; ..;
   492       finally; show ?thesis; .;  
   493     qed;
   494   qed;
   495 qed;
   497 end;