changeset 33320 73998ef6ea91
parent 33296 a3924d1069e5
child 33341 5a989586d102
equal deleted inserted replaced
33319:74f0dcc0b5fb 33320:73998ef6ea91
  1982 by auto
  1982 by auto
  1984 lemmas half_gt_zero [simp] = half_gt_zero_iff [THEN iffD2, standard]
  1984 lemmas half_gt_zero [simp] = half_gt_zero_iff [THEN iffD2, standard]
  1987 subsection {* The divides relation *}
  1989 lemma zdvd_anti_sym:
  1990     "0 < m ==> 0 < n ==> m dvd n ==> n dvd m ==> m = (n::int)"
  1991   apply (simp add: dvd_def, auto)
  1992   apply (simp add: mult_assoc zero_less_mult_iff zmult_eq_1_iff)
  1993   done
  1995 lemma zdvd_dvd_eq: assumes "a \<noteq> 0" and "(a::int) dvd b" and "b dvd a" 
  1996   shows "\<bar>a\<bar> = \<bar>b\<bar>"
  1997 proof-
  1998   from `a dvd b` obtain k where k:"b = a*k" unfolding dvd_def by blast 
  1999   from `b dvd a` obtain k' where k':"a = b*k'" unfolding dvd_def by blast 
  2000   from k k' have "a = a*k*k'" by simp
  2001   with mult_cancel_left1[where c="a" and b="k*k'"]
  2002   have kk':"k*k' = 1" using `a\<noteq>0` by (simp add: mult_assoc)
  2003   hence "k = 1 \<and> k' = 1 \<or> k = -1 \<and> k' = -1" by (simp add: zmult_eq_1_iff)
  2004   thus ?thesis using k k' by auto
  2005 qed
  2007 lemma zdvd_zdiffD: "k dvd m - n ==> k dvd n ==> k dvd (m::int)"
  2008   apply (subgoal_tac "m = n + (m - n)")
  2009    apply (erule ssubst)
  2010    apply (blast intro: dvd_add, simp)
  2011   done
  2013 lemma zdvd_reduce: "(k dvd n + k * m) = (k dvd (n::int))"
  2014 apply (rule iffI)
  2015  apply (erule_tac [2] dvd_add)
  2016  apply (subgoal_tac "n = (n + k * m) - k * m")
  2017   apply (erule ssubst)
  2018   apply (erule dvd_diff)
  2019   apply(simp_all)
  2020 done
  2022 lemma dvd_imp_le_int:
  2023   fixes d i :: int
  2024   assumes "i \<noteq> 0" and "d dvd i"
  2025   shows "\<bar>d\<bar> \<le> \<bar>i\<bar>"
  2026 proof -
  2027   from `d dvd i` obtain k where "i = d * k" ..
  2028   with `i \<noteq> 0` have "k \<noteq> 0" by auto
  2029   then have "1 \<le> \<bar>k\<bar>" and "0 \<le> \<bar>d\<bar>" by auto
  2030   then have "\<bar>d\<bar> * 1 \<le> \<bar>d\<bar> * \<bar>k\<bar>" by (rule mult_left_mono)
  2031   with `i = d * k` show ?thesis by (simp add: abs_mult)
  2032 qed
  2034 lemma zdvd_not_zless:
  2035   fixes m n :: int
  2036   assumes "0 < m" and "m < n"
  2037   shows "\<not> n dvd m"
  2038 proof
  2039   from assms have "0 < n" by auto
  2040   assume "n dvd m" then obtain k where k: "m = n * k" ..
  2041   with `0 < m` have "0 < n * k" by auto
  2042   with `0 < n` have "0 < k" by (simp add: zero_less_mult_iff)
  2043   with k `0 < n` `m < n` have "n * k < n * 1" by simp
  2044   with `0 < n` `0 < k` show False unfolding mult_less_cancel_left by auto
  2045 qed
  2047 lemma zdvd_mult_cancel: assumes d:"k * m dvd k * n" and kz:"k \<noteq> (0::int)"
  2048   shows "m dvd n"
  2049 proof-
  2050   from d obtain h where h: "k*n = k*m * h" unfolding dvd_def by blast
  2051   {assume "n \<noteq> m*h" hence "k* n \<noteq> k* (m*h)" using kz by simp
  2052     with h have False by (simp add: mult_assoc)}
  2053   hence "n = m * h" by blast
  2054   thus ?thesis by simp
  2055 qed
  2057 theorem zdvd_int: "(x dvd y) = (int x dvd int y)"
  2058 proof -
  2059   have "\<And>k. int y = int x * k \<Longrightarrow> x dvd y"
  2060   proof -
  2061     fix k
  2062     assume A: "int y = int x * k"
  2063     then show "x dvd y" proof (cases k)
  2064       case (1 n) with A have "y = x * n" by (simp add: of_nat_mult [symmetric])
  2065       then show ?thesis ..
  2066     next
  2067       case (2 n) with A have "int y = int x * (- int (Suc n))" by simp
  2068       also have "\<dots> = - (int x * int (Suc n))" by (simp only: mult_minus_right)
  2069       also have "\<dots> = - int (x * Suc n)" by (simp only: of_nat_mult [symmetric])
  2070       finally have "- int (x * Suc n) = int y" ..
  2071       then show ?thesis by (simp only: negative_eq_positive) auto
  2072     qed
  2073   qed
  2074   then show ?thesis by (auto elim!: dvdE simp only: dvd_triv_left of_nat_mult)
  2075 qed
  2077 lemma zdvd1_eq[simp]: "(x::int) dvd 1 = ( \<bar>x\<bar> = 1)"
  2078 proof
  2079   assume d: "x dvd 1" hence "int (nat \<bar>x\<bar>) dvd int (nat 1)" by simp
  2080   hence "nat \<bar>x\<bar> dvd 1" by (simp add: zdvd_int)
  2081   hence "nat \<bar>x\<bar> = 1"  by simp
  2082   thus "\<bar>x\<bar> = 1" by (cases "x < 0", auto)
  2083 next
  2084   assume "\<bar>x\<bar>=1"
  2085   then have "x = 1 \<or> x = -1" by auto
  2086   then show "x dvd 1" by (auto intro: dvdI)
  2087 qed
  2089 lemma zdvd_mult_cancel1: 
  2090   assumes mp:"m \<noteq>(0::int)" shows "(m * n dvd m) = (\<bar>n\<bar> = 1)"
  2091 proof
  2092   assume n1: "\<bar>n\<bar> = 1" thus "m * n dvd m" 
  2093     by (cases "n >0", auto simp add: minus_dvd_iff minus_equation_iff)
  2094 next
  2095   assume H: "m * n dvd m" hence H2: "m * n dvd m * 1" by simp
  2096   from zdvd_mult_cancel[OF H2 mp] show "\<bar>n\<bar> = 1" by (simp only: zdvd1_eq)
  2097 qed
  2099 lemma int_dvd_iff: "(int m dvd z) = (m dvd nat (abs z))"
  2100   unfolding zdvd_int by (cases "z \<ge> 0") simp_all
  2102 lemma dvd_int_iff: "(z dvd int m) = (nat (abs z) dvd m)"
  2103   unfolding zdvd_int by (cases "z \<ge> 0") simp_all
  2105 lemma nat_dvd_iff: "(nat z dvd m) = (if 0 \<le> z then (z dvd int m) else m = 0)"
  2106   by (auto simp add: dvd_int_iff)
  2108 lemma zdvd_imp_le: "[| z dvd n; 0 < n |] ==> z \<le> (n::int)"
  2109   apply (rule_tac z=n in int_cases)
  2110   apply (auto simp add: dvd_int_iff)
  2111   apply (rule_tac z=z in int_cases)
  2112   apply (auto simp add: dvd_imp_le)
  2113   done
  1987 subsection {* Configuration of the code generator *}
  2116 subsection {* Configuration of the code generator *}
  1989 code_datatype Pls Min Bit0 Bit1 "number_of \<Colon> int \<Rightarrow> int"
  2118 code_datatype Pls Min Bit0 Bit1 "number_of \<Colon> int \<Rightarrow> int"
  1991 lemmas pred_succ_numeral_code [code] =
  2120 lemmas pred_succ_numeral_code [code] =