changeset 48947 7eee8b2d2099
parent 48946 a9b8344f5196
child 48948 fa49f8890ef3
equal deleted inserted replaced
48946:a9b8344f5196 48947:7eee8b2d2099
     1 (*<*)
     2 theory Isar
     3 imports LaTeXsugar
     4 begin
     5 ML{* quick_and_dirty := true *}
     6 (*>*)
     7 text{*
     8 Apply-scripts are unreadable and hard to maintain. The language of choice
     9 for larger proofs is \concept{Isar}. The two key features of Isar are:
    10 \begin{itemize}
    11 \item It is structured, not linear.
    12 \item It is readable without running it because
    13 you need to state what you are proving at any given point.
    14 \end{itemize}
    15 Whereas apply-scripts are like assembly language programs, Isar proofs
    16 are like structured programs with comments. A typical Isar proof looks like this:
    17 *}text{*
    18 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
    19 \isacom{proof}\\
    20 \quad\isacom{assume} @{text"\""}$\mathit{formula}_0$@{text"\""}\\
    21 \quad\isacom{have} @{text"\""}$\mathit{formula}_1$@{text"\""} \quad\isacom{by} @{text simp}\\
    22 \quad\vdots\\
    23 \quad\isacom{have} @{text"\""}$\mathit{formula}_n$@{text"\""} \quad\isacom{by} @{text blast}\\
    24 \quad\isacom{show} @{text"\""}$\mathit{formula}_{n+1}$@{text"\""} \quad\isacom{by} @{text \<dots>}\\
    25 \isacom{qed}
    26 \end{tabular}
    27 *}text{*
    28 It proves $\mathit{formula}_0 \Longrightarrow \mathit{formula}_{n+1}$
    29 (provided each proof step succeeds).
    30 The intermediate \isacom{have} statements are merely stepping stones
    31 on the way towards the \isacom{show} statement that proves the actual
    32 goal. In more detail, this is the Isar core syntax:
    33 \medskip
    35 \begin{tabular}{@ {}lcl@ {}}
    36 \textit{proof} &=& \isacom{by} \textit{method}\\
    37       &$\mid$& \isacom{proof} [\textit{method}] \ \textit{step}$^*$ \ \isacom{qed}
    38 \end{tabular}
    39 \medskip
    41 \begin{tabular}{@ {}lcl@ {}}
    42 \textit{step} &=& \isacom{fix} \textit{variables} \\
    43       &$\mid$& \isacom{assume} \textit{proposition} \\
    44       &$\mid$& [\isacom{from} \textit{fact}$^+$] (\isacom{have} $\mid$ \isacom{show}) \ \textit{proposition} \ \textit{proof}
    45 \end{tabular}
    46 \medskip
    48 \begin{tabular}{@ {}lcl@ {}}
    49 \textit{proposition} &=& [\textit{name}:] @{text"\""}\textit{formula}@{text"\""}
    50 \end{tabular}
    51 \medskip
    53 \begin{tabular}{@ {}lcl@ {}}
    54 \textit{fact} &=& \textit{name} \ $\mid$ \ \dots
    55 \end{tabular}
    56 \medskip
    58 \noindent A proof can either be an atomic \isacom{by} with a single proof
    59 method which must finish off the statement being proved, for example @{text
    60 auto}.  Or it can be a \isacom{proof}--\isacom{qed} block of multiple
    61 steps. Such a block can optionally begin with a proof method that indicates
    62 how to start off the proof, e.g.\ \mbox{@{text"(induction xs)"}}.
    64 A step either assumes a proposition or states a proposition
    65 together with its proof. The optional \isacom{from} clause
    66 indicates which facts are to be used in the proof.
    67 Intermediate propositions are stated with \isacom{have}, the overall goal
    68 with \isacom{show}. A step can also introduce new local variables with
    69 \isacom{fix}. Logically, \isacom{fix} introduces @{text"\<And>"}-quantified
    70 variables, \isacom{assume} introduces the assumption of an implication
    71 (@{text"\<Longrightarrow>"}) and \isacom{have}/\isacom{show} the conclusion.
    73 Propositions are optionally named formulas. These names can be referred to in
    74 later \isacom{from} clauses. In the simplest case, a fact is such a name.
    75 But facts can also be composed with @{text OF} and @{text of} as shown in
    76 \S\ref{sec:forward-proof}---hence the \dots\ in the above grammar.  Note
    77 that assumptions, intermediate \isacom{have} statements and global lemmas all
    78 have the same status and are thus collectively referred to as
    79 \concept{facts}.
    81 Fact names can stand for whole lists of facts. For example, if @{text f} is
    82 defined by command \isacom{fun}, @{text"f.simps"} refers to the whole list of
    83 recursion equations defining @{text f}. Individual facts can be selected by
    84 writing @{text"f.simps(2)"}, whole sublists by @{text"f.simps(2-4)"}.
    87 \section{Isar by example}
    89 We show a number of proofs of Cantor's theorem that a function from a set to
    90 its powerset cannot be surjective, illustrating various features of Isar. The
    91 constant @{const surj} is predefined.
    92 *}
    94 lemma "\<not> surj(f :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a set)"
    95 proof
    96   assume 0: "surj f"
    97   from 0 have 1: "\<forall>A. \<exists>a. A = f a" by(simp add: surj_def)
    98   from 1 have 2: "\<exists>a. {x. x \<notin> f x} = f a" by blast
    99   from 2 show "False" by blast
   100 qed
   102 text{*
   103 The \isacom{proof} command lacks an explicit method how to perform
   104 the proof. In such cases Isabelle tries to use some standard introduction
   105 rule, in the above case for @{text"\<not>"}:
   106 \[
   107 \inferrule{
   108 \mbox{@{thm (prem 1) notI}}}
   109 {\mbox{@{thm (concl) notI}}}
   110 \]
   111 In order to prove @{prop"~ P"}, assume @{text P} and show @{text False}.
   112 Thus we may assume @{prop"surj f"}. The proof shows that names of propositions
   113 may be (single!) digits---meaningful names are hard to invent and are often
   114 not necessary. Both \isacom{have} steps are obvious. The second one introduces
   115 the diagonal set @{term"{x. x \<notin> f x}"}, the key idea in the proof.
   116 If you wonder why @{text 2} directly implies @{text False}: from @{text 2}
   117 it follows that @{prop"a \<notin> f a \<longleftrightarrow> a \<in> f a"}.
   119 \subsection{@{text this}, @{text then}, @{text hence} and @{text thus}}
   121 Labels should be avoided. They interrupt the flow of the reader who has to
   122 scan the context for the point where the label was introduced. Ideally, the
   123 proof is a linear flow, where the output of one step becomes the input of the
   124 next step, piping the previously proved fact into the next proof, just like
   125 in a UNIX pipe. In such cases the predefined name @{text this} can be used
   126 to refer to the proposition proved in the previous step. This allows us to
   127 eliminate all labels from our proof (we suppress the \isacom{lemma} statement):
   128 *}
   129 (*<*)
   130 lemma "\<not> surj(f :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a set)"
   131 (*>*)
   132 proof
   133   assume "surj f"
   134   from this have "\<exists>a. {x. x \<notin> f x} = f a" by(auto simp: surj_def)
   135   from this show "False" by blast
   136 qed
   138 text{* We have also taken the opportunity to compress the two \isacom{have}
   139 steps into one.
   141 To compact the text further, Isar has a few convenient abbreviations:
   142 \medskip
   144 \begin{tabular}{rcl}
   145 \isacom{then} &=& \isacom{from} @{text this}\\
   146 \isacom{thus} &=& \isacom{then} \isacom{show}\\
   147 \isacom{hence} &=& \isacom{then} \isacom{have}
   148 \end{tabular}
   149 \medskip
   151 \noindent
   152 With the help of these abbreviations the proof becomes
   153 *}
   154 (*<*)
   155 lemma "\<not> surj(f :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a set)"
   156 (*>*)
   157 proof
   158   assume "surj f"
   159   hence "\<exists>a. {x. x \<notin> f x} = f a" by(auto simp: surj_def)
   160   thus "False" by blast
   161 qed
   162 text{*
   164 There are two further linguistic variations:
   165 \medskip
   167 \begin{tabular}{rcl}
   168 (\isacom{have}$\mid$\isacom{show}) \ \textit{prop} \ \isacom{using} \ \textit{facts}
   169 &=&
   170 \isacom{from} \ \textit{facts} \ (\isacom{have}$\mid$\isacom{show}) \ \textit{prop}\\
   171 \isacom{with} \ \textit{facts} &=& \isacom{from} \ \textit{facts} \isa{this}
   172 \end{tabular}
   173 \medskip
   175 \noindent The \isacom{using} idiom de-emphasizes the used facts by moving them
   176 behind the proposition.
   178 \subsection{Structured lemma statements: \isacom{fixes}, \isacom{assumes}, \isacom{shows}}
   180 Lemmas can also be stated in a more structured fashion. To demonstrate this
   181 feature with Cantor's theorem, we rephrase @{prop"\<not> surj f"}
   182 a little:
   183 *}
   185 lemma
   186   fixes f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a set"
   187   assumes s: "surj f"
   188   shows "False"
   190 txt{* The optional \isacom{fixes} part allows you to state the types of
   191 variables up front rather than by decorating one of their occurrences in the
   192 formula with a type constraint. The key advantage of the structured format is
   193 the \isacom{assumes} part that allows you to name each assumption; multiple
   194 assumptions can be separated by \isacom{and}. The
   195 \isacom{shows} part gives the goal. The actual theorem that will come out of
   196 the proof is @{prop"surj f \<Longrightarrow> False"}, but during the proof the assumption
   197 @{prop"surj f"} is available under the name @{text s} like any other fact.
   198 *}
   200 proof -
   201   have "\<exists> a. {x. x \<notin> f x} = f a" using s
   202     by(auto simp: surj_def)
   203   thus "False" by blast
   204 qed
   206 text{* In the \isacom{have} step the assumption @{prop"surj f"} is now
   207 referenced by its name @{text s}. The duplication of @{prop"surj f"} in the
   208 above proofs (once in the statement of the lemma, once in its proof) has been
   209 eliminated.
   211 \begin{warn}
   212 Note the dash after the \isacom{proof}
   213 command.  It is the null method that does nothing to the goal. Leaving it out
   214 would ask Isabelle to try some suitable introduction rule on the goal @{const
   215 False}---but there is no suitable introduction rule and \isacom{proof}
   216 would fail.
   217 \end{warn}
   219 Stating a lemma with \isacom{assumes}-\isacom{shows} implicitly introduces the
   220 name @{text assms} that stands for the list of all assumptions. You can refer
   221 to individual assumptions by @{text"assms(1)"}, @{text"assms(2)"} etc,
   222 thus obviating the need to name them individually.
   224 \section{Proof patterns}
   226 We show a number of important basic proof patterns. Many of them arise from
   227 the rules of natural deduction that are applied by \isacom{proof} by
   228 default. The patterns are phrased in terms of \isacom{show} but work for
   229 \isacom{have} and \isacom{lemma}, too.
   231 We start with two forms of \concept{case analysis}:
   232 starting from a formula @{text P} we have the two cases @{text P} and
   233 @{prop"~P"}, and starting from a fact @{prop"P \<or> Q"}
   234 we have the two cases @{text P} and @{text Q}:
   235 *}text_raw{*
   236 \begin{tabular}{@ {}ll@ {}}
   237 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   238 \isa{%
   239 *}
   240 (*<*)lemma "R" proof-(*>*)
   241 show "R"
   242 proof cases
   243   assume "P"
   244   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   245   show "R" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   246 next
   247   assume "\<not> P"
   248   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   249   show "R" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   250 qed(*<*)oops(*>*)
   251 text_raw {* }
   252 \end{minipage}
   253 &
   254 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   255 \isa{%
   256 *}
   257 (*<*)lemma "R" proof-(*>*)
   258 have "P \<or> Q" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   259 then show "R"
   260 proof
   261   assume "P"
   262   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   263   show "R" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   264 next
   265   assume "Q"
   266   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   267   show "R" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   268 qed(*<*)oops(*>*)
   270 text_raw {* }
   271 \end{minipage}
   272 \end{tabular}
   273 \medskip
   274 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   275 How to prove a logical equivalence:
   276 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   277 \isa{%
   278 *}
   279 (*<*)lemma "P\<longleftrightarrow>Q" proof-(*>*)
   280 show "P \<longleftrightarrow> Q"
   281 proof
   282   assume "P"
   283   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   284   show "Q" (*<*)sorry(*>*) txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   285 next
   286   assume "Q"
   287   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   288   show "P" (*<*)sorry(*>*) txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   289 qed(*<*)qed(*>*)
   290 text_raw {* }
   291 \medskip
   292 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   293 Proofs by contradiction:
   294 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   295 \begin{tabular}{@ {}ll@ {}}
   296 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   297 \isa{%
   298 *}
   299 (*<*)lemma "\<not> P" proof-(*>*)
   300 show "\<not> P"
   301 proof
   302   assume "P"
   303   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   304   show "False" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   305 qed(*<*)oops(*>*)
   307 text_raw {* }
   308 \end{minipage}
   309 &
   310 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   311 \isa{%
   312 *}
   313 (*<*)lemma "P" proof-(*>*)
   314 show "P"
   315 proof (rule ccontr)
   316   assume "\<not>P"
   317   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   318   show "False" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   319 qed(*<*)oops(*>*)
   321 text_raw {* }
   322 \end{minipage}
   323 \end{tabular}
   324 \medskip
   325 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   326 The name @{thm[source] ccontr} stands for ``classical contradiction''.
   328 How to prove quantified formulas:
   329 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   330 \begin{tabular}{@ {}ll@ {}}
   331 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   332 \isa{%
   333 *}
   334 (*<*)lemma "ALL x. P x" proof-(*>*)
   335 show "\<forall>x. P(x)"
   336 proof
   337   fix x
   338   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   339   show "P(x)" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   340 qed(*<*)oops(*>*)
   342 text_raw {* }
   343 \end{minipage}
   344 &
   345 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   346 \isa{%
   347 *}
   348 (*<*)lemma "EX x. P(x)" proof-(*>*)
   349 show "\<exists>x. P(x)"
   350 proof
   351   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   352   show "P(witness)" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   353 qed
   354 (*<*)oops(*>*)
   356 text_raw {* }
   357 \end{minipage}
   358 \end{tabular}
   359 \medskip
   360 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   361 In the proof of \noquotes{@{prop[source]"\<forall>x. P(x)"}},
   362 the step \isacom{fix}~@{text x} introduces a locally fixed variable @{text x}
   363 into the subproof, the proverbial ``arbitrary but fixed value''.
   364 Instead of @{text x} we could have chosen any name in the subproof.
   365 In the proof of \noquotes{@{prop[source]"\<exists>x. P(x)"}},
   366 @{text witness} is some arbitrary
   367 term for which we can prove that it satisfies @{text P}.
   369 How to reason forward from \noquotes{@{prop[source] "\<exists>x. P(x)"}}:
   370 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   371 *}
   372 (*<*)lemma True proof- assume 1: "EX x. P x"(*>*)
   373 have "\<exists>x. P(x)" (*<*)by(rule 1)(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   374 then obtain x where p: "P(x)" by blast
   375 (*<*)oops(*>*)
   376 text{*
   377 After the \isacom{obtain} step, @{text x} (we could have chosen any name)
   378 is a fixed local
   379 variable, and @{text p} is the name of the fact
   380 \noquotes{@{prop[source] "P(x)"}}.
   381 This pattern works for one or more @{text x}.
   382 As an example of the \isacom{obtain} command, here is the proof of
   383 Cantor's theorem in more detail:
   384 *}
   386 lemma "\<not> surj(f :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a set)"
   387 proof
   388   assume "surj f"
   389   hence  "\<exists>a. {x. x \<notin> f x} = f a" by(auto simp: surj_def)
   390   then obtain a where  "{x. x \<notin> f x} = f a"  by blast
   391   hence  "a \<notin> f a \<longleftrightarrow> a \<in> f a"  by blast
   392   thus "False" by blast
   393 qed
   395 text_raw{*
   396 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   398 Finally, how to prove set equality and subset relationship:
   399 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   400 \begin{tabular}{@ {}ll@ {}}
   401 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   402 \isa{%
   403 *}
   404 (*<*)lemma "A = (B::'a set)" proof-(*>*)
   405 show "A = B"
   406 proof
   407   show "A \<subseteq> B" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   408 next
   409   show "B \<subseteq> A" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   410 qed(*<*)qed(*>*)
   412 text_raw {* }
   413 \end{minipage}
   414 &
   415 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   416 \isa{%
   417 *}
   418 (*<*)lemma "A <= (B::'a set)" proof-(*>*)
   419 show "A \<subseteq> B"
   420 proof
   421   fix x
   422   assume "x \<in> A"
   423   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   424   show "x \<in> B" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   425 qed(*<*)qed(*>*)
   427 text_raw {* }
   428 \end{minipage}
   429 \end{tabular}
   430 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   431 \section{Streamlining proofs}
   433 \subsection{Pattern matching and quotations}
   435 In the proof patterns shown above, formulas are often duplicated.
   436 This can make the text harder to read, write and maintain. Pattern matching
   437 is an abbreviation mechanism to avoid such duplication. Writing
   438 \begin{quote}
   439 \isacom{show} \ \textit{formula} @{text"("}\isacom{is} \textit{pattern}@{text")"}
   440 \end{quote}
   441 matches the pattern against the formula, thus instantiating the unknowns in
   442 the pattern for later use. As an example, consider the proof pattern for
   443 @{text"\<longleftrightarrow>"}:
   444 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   445 *}
   446 (*<*)lemma "formula\<^isub>1 \<longleftrightarrow> formula\<^isub>2" proof-(*>*)
   447 show "formula\<^isub>1 \<longleftrightarrow> formula\<^isub>2" (is "?L \<longleftrightarrow> ?R")
   448 proof
   449   assume "?L"
   450   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   451   show "?R" (*<*)sorry(*>*) txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   452 next
   453   assume "?R"
   454   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   455   show "?L" (*<*)sorry(*>*) txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   456 qed(*<*)qed(*>*)
   458 text{* Instead of duplicating @{text"formula\<^isub>i"} in the text, we introduce
   459 the two abbreviations @{text"?L"} and @{text"?R"} by pattern matching.
   460 Pattern matching works wherever a formula is stated, in particular
   461 with \isacom{have} and \isacom{lemma}.
   463 The unknown @{text"?thesis"} is implicitly matched against any goal stated by
   464 \isacom{lemma} or \isacom{show}. Here is a typical example: *}
   466 lemma "formula"
   467 proof -
   468   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\quad$\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   469   show ?thesis (*<*)sorry(*>*) txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   470 qed
   472 text{* 
   473 Unknowns can also be instantiated with \isacom{let} commands
   474 \begin{quote}
   475 \isacom{let} @{text"?t"} = @{text"\""}\textit{some-big-term}@{text"\""}
   476 \end{quote}
   477 Later proof steps can refer to @{text"?t"}:
   478 \begin{quote}
   479 \isacom{have} @{text"\""}\dots @{text"?t"} \dots@{text"\""}
   480 \end{quote}
   481 \begin{warn}
   482 Names of facts are introduced with @{text"name:"} and refer to proved
   483 theorems. Unknowns @{text"?X"} refer to terms or formulas.
   484 \end{warn}
   486 Although abbreviations shorten the text, the reader needs to remember what
   487 they stand for. Similarly for names of facts. Names like @{text 1}, @{text 2}
   488 and @{text 3} are not helpful and should only be used in short proofs. For
   489 longer proofs, descriptive names are better. But look at this example:
   490 \begin{quote}
   491 \isacom{have} \ @{text"x_gr_0: \"x > 0\""}\\
   492 $\vdots$\\
   493 \isacom{from} @{text "x_gr_0"} \dots
   494 \end{quote}
   495 The name is longer than the fact it stands for! Short facts do not need names,
   496 one can refer to them easily by quoting them:
   497 \begin{quote}
   498 \isacom{have} \ @{text"\"x > 0\""}\\
   499 $\vdots$\\
   500 \isacom{from} @{text "`x>0`"} \dots
   501 \end{quote}
   502 Note that the quotes around @{text"x>0"} are \concept{back quotes}.
   503 They refer to the fact not by name but by value.
   505 \subsection{\isacom{moreover}}
   507 Sometimes one needs a number of facts to enable some deduction. Of course
   508 one can name these facts individually, as shown on the right,
   509 but one can also combine them with \isacom{moreover}, as shown on the left:
   510 *}text_raw{*
   511 \begin{tabular}{@ {}ll@ {}}
   512 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   513 \isa{%
   514 *}
   515 (*<*)lemma "P" proof-(*>*)
   516 have "P\<^isub>1" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   517 moreover have "P\<^isub>2" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   518 moreover
   519 txt_raw{*\\$\vdots$\\\hspace{-1.4ex}*}(*<*)have "True" ..(*>*)
   520 moreover have "P\<^isub>n" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   521 ultimately have "P"  (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   522 (*<*)oops(*>*)
   524 text_raw {* }
   525 \end{minipage}
   526 &
   527 \qquad
   528 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   529 \isa{%
   530 *}
   531 (*<*)lemma "P" proof-(*>*)
   532 have lab\<^isub>1: "P\<^isub>1" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   533 have lab\<^isub>2: "P\<^isub>2" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$*}
   534 txt_raw{*\\$\vdots$\\\hspace{-1.4ex}*}
   535 have lab\<^isub>n: "P\<^isub>n" (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   536 from lab\<^isub>1 lab\<^isub>2 txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   537 have "P"  (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   538 (*<*)oops(*>*)
   540 text_raw {* }
   541 \end{minipage}
   542 \end{tabular}
   543 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   544 The \isacom{moreover} version is no shorter but expresses the structure more
   545 clearly and avoids new names.
   547 \subsection{Raw proof blocks}
   549 Sometimes one would like to prove some lemma locally within a proof.
   550 A lemma that shares the current context of assumptions but that
   551 has its own assumptions and is generalized over its locally fixed
   552 variables at the end. This is what a \concept{raw proof block} does:
   553 \begin{quote}
   554 @{text"{"} \isacom{fix} @{text"x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n"}\\
   555 \mbox{}\ \ \ \isacom{assume} @{text"A\<^isub>1 \<dots> A\<^isub>m"}\\
   556 \mbox{}\ \ \ $\vdots$\\
   557 \mbox{}\ \ \ \isacom{have} @{text"B"}\\
   558 @{text"}"}
   559 \end{quote}
   560 proves @{text"\<lbrakk> A\<^isub>1; \<dots> ; A\<^isub>m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> B"}
   561 where all @{text"x\<^isub>i"} have been replaced by unknowns @{text"?x\<^isub>i"}.
   562 \begin{warn}
   563 The conclusion of a raw proof block is \emph{not} indicated by \isacom{show}
   564 but is simply the final \isacom{have}.
   565 \end{warn}
   567 As an example we prove a simple fact about divisibility on integers.
   568 The definition of @{text "dvd"} is @{thm dvd_def}.
   569 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   570 *}
   572 lemma fixes a b :: int assumes "b dvd (a+b)" shows "b dvd a"
   573 proof -
   574   { fix k assume k: "a+b = b*k"
   575     have "\<exists>k'. a = b*k'"
   576     proof
   577       show "a = b*(k - 1)" using k by(simp add: algebra_simps)
   578     qed }
   579   then show ?thesis using assms by(auto simp add: dvd_def)
   580 qed
   582 text{* Note that the result of a raw proof block has no name. In this example
   583 it was directly piped (via \isacom{then}) into the final proof, but it can
   584 also be named for later reference: you simply follow the block directly by a
   585 \isacom{note} command:
   586 \begin{quote}
   587 \isacom{note} \ @{text"name = this"}
   588 \end{quote}
   589 This introduces a new name @{text name} that refers to @{text this},
   590 the fact just proved, in this case the preceding block. In general,
   591 \isacom{note} introduces a new name for one or more facts.
   593 \section{Case analysis and induction}
   595 \subsection{Datatype case analysis}
   597 We have seen case analysis on formulas. Now we want to distinguish
   598 which form some term takes: is it @{text 0} or of the form @{term"Suc n"},
   599 is it @{term"[]"} or of the form @{term"x#xs"}, etc. Here is a typical example
   600 proof by case analysis on the form of @{text xs}:
   601 *}
   603 lemma "length(tl xs) = length xs - 1"
   604 proof (cases xs)
   605   assume "xs = []"
   606   thus ?thesis by simp
   607 next
   608   fix y ys assume "xs = y#ys"
   609   thus ?thesis by simp
   610 qed
   612 text{* Function @{text tl} (''tail'') is defined by @{thm tl.simps(1)} and
   613 @{thm tl.simps(2)}. Note that the result type of @{const length} is @{typ nat}
   614 and @{prop"0 - 1 = (0::nat)"}.
   616 This proof pattern works for any term @{text t} whose type is a datatype.
   617 The goal has to be proved for each constructor @{text C}:
   618 \begin{quote}
   619 \isacom{fix} \ @{text"x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n"} \isacom{assume} @{text"\"t = C x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n\""}
   620 \end{quote}
   621 Each case can be written in a more compact form by means of the \isacom{case}
   622 command:
   623 \begin{quote}
   624 \isacom{case} @{text "(C x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n)"}
   625 \end{quote}
   626 This is equivalent to the explicit \isacom{fix}-\isacom{assume} line
   627 but also gives the assumption @{text"\"t = C x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n\""} a name: @{text C},
   628 like the constructor.
   629 Here is the \isacom{case} version of the proof above:
   630 *}
   631 (*<*)lemma "length(tl xs) = length xs - 1"(*>*)
   632 proof (cases xs)
   633   case Nil
   634   thus ?thesis by simp
   635 next
   636   case (Cons y ys)
   637   thus ?thesis by simp
   638 qed
   640 text{* Remember that @{text Nil} and @{text Cons} are the alphanumeric names
   641 for @{text"[]"} and @{text"#"}. The names of the assumptions
   642 are not used because they are directly piped (via \isacom{thus})
   643 into the proof of the claim.
   645 \subsection{Structural induction}
   647 We illustrate structural induction with an example based on natural numbers:
   648 the sum (@{text"\<Sum>"}) of the first @{text n} natural numbers
   649 (@{text"{0..n::nat}"}) is equal to \mbox{@{term"n*(n+1) div 2::nat"}}.
   650 Never mind the details, just focus on the pattern:
   651 *}
   653 lemma "\<Sum>{0..n::nat} = n*(n+1) div 2"
   654 proof (induction n)
   655   show "\<Sum>{0..0::nat} = 0*(0+1) div 2" by simp
   656 next
   657   fix n assume "\<Sum>{0..n::nat} = n*(n+1) div 2"
   658   thus "\<Sum>{0..Suc n} = Suc n*(Suc n+1) div 2" by simp
   659 qed
   661 text{* Except for the rewrite steps, everything is explicitly given. This
   662 makes the proof easily readable, but the duplication means it is tedious to
   663 write and maintain. Here is how pattern
   664 matching can completely avoid any duplication: *}
   666 lemma "\<Sum>{0..n::nat} = n*(n+1) div 2" (is "?P n")
   667 proof (induction n)
   668   show "?P 0" by simp
   669 next
   670   fix n assume "?P n"
   671   thus "?P(Suc n)" by simp
   672 qed
   674 text{* The first line introduces an abbreviation @{text"?P n"} for the goal.
   675 Pattern matching @{text"?P n"} with the goal instantiates @{text"?P"} to the
   676 function @{term"\<lambda>n. \<Sum>{0..n::nat} = n*(n+1) div 2"}.  Now the proposition to
   677 be proved in the base case can be written as @{text"?P 0"}, the induction
   678 hypothesis as @{text"?P n"}, and the conclusion of the induction step as
   679 @{text"?P(Suc n)"}.
   681 Induction also provides the \isacom{case} idiom that abbreviates
   682 the \isacom{fix}-\isacom{assume} step. The above proof becomes
   683 *}
   684 (*<*)lemma "\<Sum>{0..n::nat} = n*(n+1) div 2"(*>*)
   685 proof (induction n)
   686   case 0
   687   show ?case by simp
   688 next
   689   case (Suc n)
   690   thus ?case by simp
   691 qed
   693 text{*
   694 The unknown @{text "?case"} is set in each case to the required
   695 claim, i.e.\ @{text"?P 0"} and \mbox{@{text"?P(Suc n)"}} in the above proof,
   696 without requiring the user to define a @{text "?P"}. The general
   697 pattern for induction over @{typ nat} is shown on the left-hand side:
   698 *}text_raw{*
   699 \begin{tabular}{@ {}ll@ {}}
   700 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   701 \isa{%
   702 *}
   703 (*<*)lemma "P(n::nat)" proof -(*>*)
   704 show "P(n)"
   705 proof (induction n)
   706   case 0
   707   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\ \ $\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1ex}*}
   708   show ?case (*<*)sorry(*>*) txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   709 next
   710   case (Suc n)
   711   txt_raw{*\\\mbox{}\ \ $\vdots$\\\mbox{}\hspace{-1ex}*}
   712   show ?case (*<*)sorry(*>*) txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   713 qed(*<*)qed(*>*)
   715 text_raw {* }
   716 \end{minipage}
   717 &
   718 \begin{minipage}[t]{.4\textwidth}
   719 ~\\
   720 ~\\
   721 \isacom{let} @{text"?case = \"P(0)\""}\\
   722 ~\\
   723 ~\\
   724 ~\\[1ex]
   725 \isacom{fix} @{text n} \isacom{assume} @{text"Suc: \"P(n)\""}\\
   726 \isacom{let} @{text"?case = \"P(Suc n)\""}\\
   727 \end{minipage}
   728 \end{tabular}
   729 \medskip
   730 *}
   731 text{*
   732 On the right side you can see what the \isacom{case} command
   733 on the left stands for.
   735 In case the goal is an implication, induction does one more thing: the
   736 proposition to be proved in each case is not the whole implication but only
   737 its conclusion; the premises of the implication are immediately made
   738 assumptions of that case. That is, if in the above proof we replace
   739 \isacom{show}~@{text"P(n)"} by
   740 \mbox{\isacom{show}~@{text"A(n) \<Longrightarrow> P(n)"}}
   741 then \isacom{case}~@{text 0} stands for
   742 \begin{quote}
   743 \isacom{assume} \ @{text"0: \"A(0)\""}\\
   744 \isacom{let} @{text"?case = \"P(0)\""}
   745 \end{quote}
   746 and \isacom{case}~@{text"(Suc n)"} stands for
   747 \begin{quote}
   748 \isacom{fix} @{text n}\\
   749 \isacom{assume} @{text"Suc:"}
   750   \begin{tabular}[t]{l}@{text"\"A(n) \<Longrightarrow> P(n)\""}\\@{text"\"A(Suc n)\""}\end{tabular}\\
   751 \isacom{let} @{text"?case = \"P(Suc n)\""}
   752 \end{quote}
   753 The list of assumptions @{text Suc} is actually subdivided
   754 into @{text"Suc.IH"}, the induction hypotheses (here @{text"A(n) \<Longrightarrow> P(n)"})
   755 and @{text"Suc.prems"}, the premises of the goal being proved
   756 (here @{text"A(Suc n)"}).
   758 Induction works for any datatype.
   759 Proving a goal @{text"\<lbrakk> A\<^isub>1(x); \<dots>; A\<^isub>k(x) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P(x)"}
   760 by induction on @{text x} generates a proof obligation for each constructor
   761 @{text C} of the datatype. The command @{text"case (C x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n)"}
   762 performs the following steps:
   763 \begin{enumerate}
   764 \item \isacom{fix} @{text"x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n"}
   765 \item \isacom{assume} the induction hypotheses (calling them @{text C.IH})
   766  and the premises \mbox{@{text"A\<^isub>i(C x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n)"}} (calling them @{text"C.prems"})
   767  and calling the whole list @{text C}
   768 \item \isacom{let} @{text"?case = \"P(C x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>n)\""}
   769 \end{enumerate}
   771 \subsection{Rule induction}
   773 Recall the inductive and recursive definitions of even numbers in
   774 \autoref{sec:inductive-defs}:
   775 *}
   777 inductive ev :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   778 ev0: "ev 0" |
   779 evSS: "ev n \<Longrightarrow> ev(Suc(Suc n))"
   781 fun even :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   782 "even 0 = True" |
   783 "even (Suc 0) = False" |
   784 "even (Suc(Suc n)) = even n"
   786 text{* We recast the proof of @{prop"ev n \<Longrightarrow> even n"} in Isar. The
   787 left column shows the actual proof text, the right column shows
   788 the implicit effect of the two \isacom{case} commands:*}text_raw{*
   789 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\qquad}l@ {}}
   790 \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\textwidth}
   791 \isa{%
   792 *}
   794 lemma "ev n \<Longrightarrow> even n"
   795 proof(induction rule: ev.induct)
   796   case ev0
   797   show ?case by simp
   798 next
   799   case evSS
   803   thus ?case by simp
   804 qed
   806 text_raw {* }
   807 \end{minipage}
   808 &
   809 \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\textwidth}
   810 ~\\
   811 ~\\
   812 \isacom{let} @{text"?case = \"even 0\""}\\
   813 ~\\
   814 ~\\
   815 \isacom{fix} @{text n}\\
   816 \isacom{assume} @{text"evSS:"}
   817   \begin{tabular}[t]{l} @{text"\"ev n\""}\\@{text"\"even n\""}\end{tabular}\\
   818 \isacom{let} @{text"?case = \"even(Suc(Suc n))\""}\\
   819 \end{minipage}
   820 \end{tabular}
   821 \medskip
   822 *}
   823 text{*
   824 The proof resembles structural induction, but the induction rule is given
   825 explicitly and the names of the cases are the names of the rules in the
   826 inductive definition.
   827 Let us examine the two assumptions named @{thm[source]evSS}:
   828 @{prop "ev n"} is the premise of rule @{thm[source]evSS}, which we may assume
   829 because we are in the case where that rule was used; @{prop"even n"}
   830 is the induction hypothesis.
   831 \begin{warn}
   832 Because each \isacom{case} command introduces a list of assumptions
   833 named like the case name, which is the name of a rule of the inductive
   834 definition, those rules now need to be accessed with a qualified name, here
   835 @{thm[source] ev.ev0} and @{thm[source] ev.evSS}
   836 \end{warn}
   838 In the case @{thm[source]evSS} of the proof above we have pretended that the
   839 system fixes a variable @{text n}.  But unless the user provides the name
   840 @{text n}, the system will just invent its own name that cannot be referred
   841 to.  In the above proof, we do not need to refer to it, hence we do not give
   842 it a specific name. In case one needs to refer to it one writes
   843 \begin{quote}
   844 \isacom{case} @{text"(evSS m)"}
   845 \end{quote}
   846 just like \isacom{case}~@{text"(Suc n)"} in earlier structural inductions.
   847 The name @{text m} is an arbitrary choice. As a result,
   848 case @{thm[source] evSS} is derived from a renamed version of
   849 rule @{thm[source] evSS}: @{text"ev m \<Longrightarrow> ev(Suc(Suc m))"}.
   850 Here is an example with a (contrived) intermediate step that refers to @{text m}:
   851 *}
   853 lemma "ev n \<Longrightarrow> even n"
   854 proof(induction rule: ev.induct)
   855   case ev0 show ?case by simp
   856 next
   857   case (evSS m)
   858   have "even(Suc(Suc m)) = even m" by simp
   859   thus ?case using `even m` by blast
   860 qed
   862 text{*
   863 \indent
   864 In general, let @{text I} be a (for simplicity unary) inductively defined
   865 predicate and let the rules in the definition of @{text I}
   866 be called @{text "rule\<^isub>1"}, \dots, @{text "rule\<^isub>n"}. A proof by rule
   867 induction follows this pattern:
   868 *}
   870 (*<*)
   871 inductive I where rule\<^isub>1: "I()" |  rule\<^isub>2: "I()" |  rule\<^isub>n: "I()"
   872 lemma "I x \<Longrightarrow> P x" proof-(*>*)
   873 show "I x \<Longrightarrow> P x"
   874 proof(induction rule: I.induct)
   875   case rule\<^isub>1
   876   txt_raw{*\\[-.4ex]\mbox{}\ \ $\vdots$\\[-.4ex]\mbox{}\hspace{-1ex}*}
   877   show ?case (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   878 next
   879   txt_raw{*\\[-.4ex]$\vdots$\\[-.4ex]\mbox{}\hspace{-1ex}*}
   880 (*<*)
   881   case rule\<^isub>2
   882   show ?case sorry
   883 (*>*)
   884 next
   885   case rule\<^isub>n
   886   txt_raw{*\\[-.4ex]\mbox{}\ \ $\vdots$\\[-.4ex]\mbox{}\hspace{-1ex}*}
   887   show ?case (*<*)sorry(*>*)txt_raw{*\ $\dots$\\*}
   888 qed(*<*)qed(*>*)
   890 text{*
   891 One can provide explicit variable names by writing
   892 \isacom{case}~@{text"(rule\<^isub>i x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>k)"}, thus renaming the first @{text k}
   893 free variables in rule @{text i} to @{text"x\<^isub>1 \<dots> x\<^isub>k"},
   894 going through rule @{text i} from left to right.
   896 \subsection{Assumption naming}
   898 In any induction, \isacom{case}~@{text name} sets up a list of assumptions
   899 also called @{text name}, which is subdivided into three parts:
   900 \begin{description}
   901 \item[@{text name.IH}] contains the induction hypotheses.
   902 \item[@{text name.hyps}] contains all the other hypotheses of this case in the
   903 induction rule. For rule inductions these are the hypotheses of rule
   904 @{text name}, for structural inductions these are empty.
   905 \item[@{text name.prems}] contains the (suitably instantiated) premises
   906 of the statement being proved, i.e. the @{text A\<^isub>i} when
   907 proving @{text"\<lbrakk> A\<^isub>1; \<dots>; A\<^isub>n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A"}.
   908 \end{description}
   909 \begin{warn}
   910 Proof method @{text induct} differs from @{text induction}
   911 only in this naming policy: @{text induct} does not distinguish
   912 @{text IH} from @{text hyps} but subsumes @{text IH} under @{text hyps}.
   913 \end{warn}
   915 More complicated inductive proofs than the ones we have seen so far
   916 often need to refer to specific assumptions---just @{text name} or even
   917 @{text name.prems} and @{text name.IH} can be too unspecific.
   918 This is where the indexing of fact lists comes in handy, e.g.\
   919 @{text"name.IH(2)"} or @{text"name.prems(1-2)"}.
   921 \subsection{Rule inversion}
   923 Rule inversion is case analysis of which rule could have been used to
   924 derive some fact. The name \concept{rule inversion} emphasizes that we are
   925 reasoning backwards: by which rules could some given fact have been proved?
   926 For the inductive definition of @{const ev}, rule inversion can be summarized
   927 like this:
   928 @{prop[display]"ev n \<Longrightarrow> n = 0 \<or> (EX k. n = Suc(Suc k) \<and> ev k)"}
   929 The realisation in Isabelle is a case analysis.
   930 A simple example is the proof that @{prop"ev n \<Longrightarrow> ev (n - 2)"}. We
   931 already went through the details informally in \autoref{sec:Logic:even}. This
   932 is the Isar proof:
   933 *}
   934 (*<*)
   935 notepad
   936 begin fix n
   937 (*>*)
   938   assume "ev n"
   939   from this have "ev(n - 2)"
   940   proof cases
   941     case ev0 thus "ev(n - 2)" by (simp add: ev.ev0)
   942   next
   943     case (evSS k) thus "ev(n - 2)" by (simp add: ev.evSS)
   944   qed
   945 (*<*)
   946 end
   947 (*>*)
   949 text{* The key point here is that a case analysis over some inductively
   950 defined predicate is triggered by piping the given fact
   951 (here: \isacom{from}~@{text this}) into a proof by @{text cases}.
   952 Let us examine the assumptions available in each case. In case @{text ev0}
   953 we have @{text"n = 0"} and in case @{text evSS} we have @{prop"n = Suc(Suc k)"}
   954 and @{prop"ev k"}. In each case the assumptions are available under the name
   955 of the case; there is no fine grained naming schema like for induction.
   957 Sometimes some rules could not have been used to derive the given fact
   958 because constructors clash. As an extreme example consider
   959 rule inversion applied to @{prop"ev(Suc 0)"}: neither rule @{text ev0} nor
   960 rule @{text evSS} can yield @{prop"ev(Suc 0)"} because @{text"Suc 0"} unifies
   961 neither with @{text 0} nor with @{term"Suc(Suc n)"}. Impossible cases do not
   962 have to be proved. Hence we can prove anything from @{prop"ev(Suc 0)"}:
   963 *}
   964 (*<*)
   965 notepad begin fix P
   966 (*>*)
   967   assume "ev(Suc 0)" then have P by cases
   968 (*<*)
   969 end
   970 (*>*)
   972 text{* That is, @{prop"ev(Suc 0)"} is simply not provable: *}
   974 lemma "\<not> ev(Suc 0)"
   975 proof
   976   assume "ev(Suc 0)" then show False by cases
   977 qed
   979 text{* Normally not all cases will be impossible. As a simple exercise,
   980 prove that \mbox{@{prop"\<not> ev(Suc(Suc(Suc 0)))"}.}
   981 *}
   983 (*
   984 lemma "\<not> ev(Suc(Suc(Suc 0)))"
   985 proof
   986   assume "ev(Suc(Suc(Suc 0)))"
   987   then show False
   988   proof cases
   989     case evSS
   990     from `ev(Suc 0)` show False by cases
   991   qed
   992 qed
   993 *)
   995 (*<*)
   996 end
   997 (*>*)