changeset 3807 82a99b090d9d
child 3945 ae9c61d69888
equal deleted inserted replaced
3806:f371115aed37 3807:82a99b090d9d
     1 (*  Title: 	~/projects/isabelle/TLA/hypsubst.ML
     2     Authors: 	Martin D Coen, Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C Paulson
     3     Copyright   1995  University of Cambridge
     5 Tactic to substitute using the assumption x=t in the rest of the subgoal,
     6 and to delete that assumption.  Original version due to Martin Coen.
     8 This version uses the simplifier, and requires it to be already present.
    10 Local changes for TLA (Stephan Merz):
    11   Simplify equations like f(x) = g(y) if x,y are bound variables.
    12   This is useful for TLA if f and g are state variables. f and g may be
    13   free or bound variables, or even constants. (This may be unsafe, but
    14   we do some type checking to restrict this to state variables!)
    18 Test data:
    20 goal thy "!!x.[| Q(x,y,z); y=x; a=x; z=y; P(y) |] ==> P(z)";
    21 goal thy "!!x.[| Q(x,y,z); z=f(x); x=z |] ==> P(z)";
    22 goal thy "!!y. [| ?x=y; P(?x) |] ==> y = a";
    23 goal thy "!!z. [| ?x=y; P(?x) |] ==> y = a";
    25 by (hyp_subst_tac 1);
    26 by (bound_hyp_subst_tac 1);
    28 Here hyp_subst_tac goes wrong; harder still to prove P(f(f(a))) & P(f(a))
    29 goal thy "P(a) --> (EX y. a=y --> P(f(a)))";
    30 *)
    32 (*** Signatures unchanged (but renamed) from the original hypsubst.ML ***)
    34 signature ACTHYPSUBST_DATA =
    35   sig
    36   structure Simplifier : SIMPLIFIER
    37   val dest_eq	       : term -> term*term
    38   val eq_reflection    : thm		   (* a=b ==> a==b *)
    39   val imp_intr	       : thm		   (* (P ==> Q) ==> P-->Q *)
    40   val rev_mp	       : thm		   (* [| P;  P-->Q |] ==> Q *)
    41   val subst	       : thm		   (* [| a=b;  P(a) |] ==> P(b) *)
    42   val sym	       : thm		   (* a=b ==> b=a *)
    43   end;
    46 signature ACTHYPSUBST =
    47   sig
    48   val action_bound_hyp_subst_tac    : int -> tactic
    49   val action_hyp_subst_tac          : int -> tactic
    50     (*exported purely for debugging purposes*)
    51   val gen_hyp_subst_tac      : bool -> int -> tactic
    52   val vars_gen_hyp_subst_tac : bool -> int -> tactic
    53   val eq_var                 : bool -> bool -> term -> int * bool
    54   val inspect_pair           : bool -> bool -> term * term -> bool
    55   val mk_eqs                 : thm -> thm list
    56   val thin_leading_eqs_tac   : bool -> int -> int -> tactic
    57   end;
    60 functor ActHypsubstFun(Data: ACTHYPSUBST_DATA): ACTHYPSUBST = 
    61 struct
    63 fun STATE tacfun st = tacfun st st;
    66 local open Data in
    68 exception EQ_VAR;
    70 fun loose (i,t) = 0 mem add_loose_bnos(t,i,[]);
    72 local val odot = ord"."
    73 in
    74 (*Simplifier turns Bound variables to dotted Free variables: 
    75   change it back (any Bound variable will do)
    76 *)
    77 fun contract t =
    78     case Pattern.eta_contract t of
    79 	Free(a,T) => if (ord a = odot) then Bound 0 else Free(a,T)
    80       | Free at $ Free(b,T) => Free at $
    81                                (if ord b = odot then Bound 0 else Free(b,T))
    82       | t'        => t'
    83 end;
    85 fun has_vars t = maxidx_of_term t <> ~1;
    87 (* Added for TLA version.
    88    Is type ty the type of a state variable? Only then do we substitute
    89    in applications. This function either returns true or raises Match.
    90 *)
    91 fun is_stvar (Type("fun", Type("state",[])::_)) = true;
    94 (*If novars then we forbid Vars in the equality.
    95   If bnd then we only look for Bound (or dotted Free) variables to eliminate. 
    96   When can we safely delete the equality?
    97     Not if it equates two constants; consider 0=1.
    98     Not if it resembles x=t[x], since substitution does not eliminate x.
    99     Not if it resembles ?x=0; another goal could instantiate ?x to Suc(i)
   100     Not if it involves a variable free in the premises, 
   101         but we can't check for this -- hence bnd and bound_hyp_subst_tac
   102   Prefer to eliminate Bound variables if possible.
   103   Result:  true = use as is,  false = reorient first *)
   104 fun inspect_pair bnd novars (t,u) =
   105   case (contract t, contract u) of
   106        (Bound i, _) => if loose(i,u) orelse novars andalso has_vars u 
   107 		       then raise Match 
   108 		       else true		(*eliminates t*)
   109      | (_, Bound i) => if loose(i,t) orelse novars andalso has_vars t  
   110 		       then raise Match 
   111 		       else false		(*eliminates u*)
   112      | (Free _, _) =>  if bnd orelse Logic.occs(t,u) orelse  
   113 		          novars andalso has_vars u  
   114 		       then raise Match 
   115 		       else true		(*eliminates t*)
   116      | (_, Free _) =>  if bnd orelse Logic.occs(u,t) orelse  
   117 		          novars andalso has_vars t 
   118 		       then raise Match 
   119 		       else false		(*eliminates u*)
   120      | (Free(_,ty) $ (Bound _), _) => 
   121                        if bnd orelse 
   122                           novars andalso has_vars u
   123                        then raise Match 
   124                        else is_stvar(ty)        (* changed for TLA *)
   125      | (_, Free(_,ty) $ (Bound _)) => 
   126                        if bnd orelse 
   127                           novars andalso has_vars t
   128                        then raise Match 
   129                        else not(is_stvar(ty))   (* changed for TLA *)
   130      | ((Bound _) $ (Bound _), _) => (* can't check for types here *)
   131                        if bnd orelse 
   132                           novars andalso has_vars u
   133                        then raise Match 
   134                        else true
   135      | (_, (Bound _) $ (Bound _)) => (* can't check for types here *)
   136                        if bnd orelse 
   137                           novars andalso has_vars t
   138                        then raise Match 
   139                        else false
   140      | (Const(_,ty) $ (Bound _), _) => 
   141                        if bnd orelse 
   142                           novars andalso has_vars u
   143                        then raise Match 
   144                        else is_stvar(ty)        (* changed for TLA *)
   145      | (_, Const(_,ty) $ (Bound _)) => 
   146                        if bnd orelse
   147                           novars andalso has_vars t
   148                        then raise Match 
   149                        else not(is_stvar(ty))   (* changed for TLA *)
   150      | _ => raise Match;
   152 (*Locates a substitutable variable on the left (resp. right) of an equality
   153    assumption.  Returns the number of intervening assumptions. *)
   154 fun eq_var bnd novars =
   155   let fun eq_var_aux k (Const("all",_) $ Abs(_,_,t)) = eq_var_aux k t
   156 	| eq_var_aux k (Const("==>",_) $ A $ B) = 
   157 	      ((k, inspect_pair bnd novars (dest_eq A))
   158 		      (*Exception comes from inspect_pair or dest_eq*)
   159 	       handle Match => eq_var_aux (k+1) B)
   160 	| eq_var_aux k _ = raise EQ_VAR
   161   in  eq_var_aux 0  end;
   163 (*We do not try to delete ALL equality assumptions at once.  But
   164   it is easy to handle several consecutive equality assumptions in a row.
   165   Note that we have to inspect the proof state after doing the rewriting,
   166   since e.g. z=f(x); x=z changes to z=f(x); x=f(x) and the second equality
   167   must NOT be deleted.  Tactic must rotate or delete m assumptions.
   168 *)
   169 fun thin_leading_eqs_tac bnd m i = STATE(fn state =>
   170     let fun count []      = 0
   171 	  | count (A::Bs) = ((inspect_pair bnd true (dest_eq A);  
   172 			      1 + count Bs)
   173                              handle Match => 0)
   174 	val (_,_,Bi,_) = dest_state(state,i)
   175         val j = Int.min (m, count (Logic.strip_assums_hyp Bi))
   176     in  REPEAT_DETERM_N j     (etac thin_rl i)   THEN
   177         REPEAT_DETERM_N (m-j) (etac revcut_rl i)
   178     end);
   180 (*For the simpset.  Adds ALL suitable equalities, even if not first!
   181   No vars are allowed here, as simpsets are built from meta-assumptions*)
   182 fun mk_eqs th = 
   183     [ if inspect_pair false false (Data.dest_eq (#prop (rep_thm th)))
   184       then th RS Data.eq_reflection
   185       else symmetric(th RS Data.eq_reflection) (*reorient*) ] 
   186     handle Match => [];  (*Exception comes from inspect_pair or dest_eq*)
   188 local open Simplifier 
   189 in
   191   val hyp_subst_ss = empty_ss setmksimps mk_eqs
   193   (*Select a suitable equality assumption and substitute throughout the subgoal
   194     Replaces only Bound variables if bnd is true*)
   195   fun gen_hyp_subst_tac bnd i = DETERM (STATE(fn state =>
   196 	let val (_,_,Bi,_) = dest_state(state,i)
   197 	    val n = length(Logic.strip_assums_hyp Bi) - 1
   198 	    val (k,_) = eq_var bnd true Bi
   199 	in 
   200 	   EVERY [REPEAT_DETERM_N k (etac revcut_rl i),
   201 		  asm_full_simp_tac hyp_subst_ss i,
   202 		  etac thin_rl i,
   203 		  thin_leading_eqs_tac bnd (n-k) i]
   204 	end
   205 	handle THM _ => no_tac | EQ_VAR => no_tac));
   207 end;
   209 val ssubst = standard (sym RS subst);
   211 (*Old version of the tactic above -- slower but the only way
   212   to handle equalities containing Vars.*)
   213 fun vars_gen_hyp_subst_tac bnd i = DETERM (STATE(fn state =>
   214       let val (_,_,Bi,_) = dest_state(state,i)
   215 	  val n = length(Logic.strip_assums_hyp Bi) - 1
   216 	  val (k,symopt) = eq_var bnd false Bi
   217       in 
   218 	 EVERY [REPEAT_DETERM_N k (etac rev_mp i),
   219 		etac revcut_rl i,
   220 		REPEAT_DETERM_N (n-k) (etac rev_mp i),
   221 		etac (if symopt then ssubst else subst) i,
   222 		REPEAT_DETERM_N n (rtac imp_intr i)]
   223       end
   224       handle THM _ => no_tac | EQ_VAR => no_tac));
   226 (*Substitutes for Free or Bound variables*)
   227 val action_hyp_subst_tac = 
   228     (* gen_hyp_subst_tac false ORELSE' *) vars_gen_hyp_subst_tac false;
   230 (*Substitutes for Bound variables only -- this is always safe*)
   231 val action_bound_hyp_subst_tac = 
   232     (* gen_hyp_subst_tac true ORELSE' *) vars_gen_hyp_subst_tac true;
   234 end
   235 end;