changeset 0 a5a9c433f639
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-1:000000000000 0:a5a9c433f639
     1 (*  Title: 	Types and Sorts
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:	Tobias Nipkow & Lawrence C Paulson
     5 Maybe type classes should go in a separate module?
     6 *)
     9 signature TYPE =
    10 sig
    11   structure Symtab:SYMTAB
    12   type type_sig
    13   val defaultS: type_sig -> sort
    14   val extend: type_sig * (class * class list)list * sort *
    15 	      (string list * int)list *
    16 	      (string list * (sort list * class))list -> type_sig
    17   val freeze: (indexname -> bool) -> term -> term
    18   val freeze_vars: typ -> typ
    19   val infer_types: type_sig * typ Symtab.table * (indexname -> typ option) *
    20 		   (indexname -> sort option) * (typ -> string) * typ * term
    21 		   -> term * (indexname*typ)list
    22   val inst_term_tvars: type_sig * (indexname * typ)list -> term -> term
    23   val logical_type: type_sig -> string -> bool
    24   val merge: type_sig * type_sig -> type_sig
    25   val thaw_vars: typ -> typ
    26   val tsig0: type_sig
    27   val type_errors: type_sig * (typ->string) -> typ * string list -> string list
    28   val typ_instance: type_sig * typ * typ -> bool
    29   val typ_match: type_sig -> (indexname*typ)list * (typ*typ) ->
    30 		 (indexname*typ)list
    31   val unify: type_sig -> (typ*typ) * (indexname*typ)list -> (indexname*typ)list
    32   val varifyT: typ -> typ
    33   val varify: term * string list -> term
    34   exception TUNIFY
    35   exception TYPE_MATCH;
    36 end;
    38 functor TypeFun(structure Symtab:SYMTAB and Syntax:SYNTAX) : TYPE =
    39 struct
    40 structure Symtab = Symtab
    42 (* Miscellany *)
    44 val commas = space_implode ",";
    45 fun str_of_sort S = "{" ^ commas S ^ "}";
    46 fun str_of_dom dom = "(" ^ commas (map str_of_sort dom) ^ ")";
    47 fun str_of_decl(t,w,C) = t ^ ": " ^ str_of_dom w ^ C;
    50 (* Association list Manipulation  *)
    53 (* two-fold Association list lookup *)
    55 fun assoc2 (aal,(key1,key2)) = case assoc (aal,key1) of
    56     Some (al) => assoc (al,key2)
    57   | None => None;
    61 (**** TYPE CLASSES ****)
    63 type domain = sort list;
    64 type arity = domain * class;
    66 datatype type_sig =
    67    TySg of {classes: class list,
    68 	    default: sort,
    69 	    subclass: (class * class list) list,
    70 	    args: (string * int) list,
    71 	    coreg: (string * (class * domain) list) list };
    73 (* classes: a list of all declared classes;
    74    default: the default sort attached to all unconstrained TVars
    75             occurring in a term to be type-inferred;
    76    subclass: association list representation of subclass relationship;
    77              (c,cs) is interpreted as "c is a proper subclass of all
    78              elemenst of cs". Note that c itself is not a memeber of cs.
    79    args: an association list of all declared types with the number of their
    80          arguments
    81    coreg: a two-fold association list of all type arities; (t,al) means that
    82           type constructor t has the arities in al; an element (c,ss) of al
    83           represents the arity (ss)c
    84 *)
    87 val tsig0 = TySg{classes = [],
    88 		 default = [],
    89 		 subclass = [],
    90 		 args = [],
    91 		 coreg = []};
    93 fun undcl_class (s) = error("Class " ^ s ^ " has not been declared");
    95 fun undcl_type(c) = "Undeclared type: " ^ c;
    96 fun undcl_type_err(c) = error(undcl_type(c));
    99 (* 'leq' checks the partial order on classes according to the
   100    statements in the association list 'a' (i.e.'subclass')
   101 *)
   103 fun less a (C,D) = case assoc (a,C) of
   104      Some(ss) => D mem ss
   105    | None => undcl_class (C) ;
   107 fun leq a (C,D)  =  C = D orelse less a (C,D);
   110 fun defaultS(TySg{default,...}) = default;
   112 (* 'logical_type' checks if some type declaration t has as range
   113    a class which is a subclass of "logic" *)
   115 fun logical_type(tsig as TySg{subclass,coreg,...}) t =
   116   let fun is_log C = leq subclass (C,"logic")
   117   in case assoc (coreg,t) of
   118       Some(ars) => exists (is_log o #1) ars
   119     | None => undcl_type_err(t)
   120   end;
   123 (* 'sortorder' checks the ordering on sets of classes,i.e. on sorts:
   124    S1 <= S2 ,iff for every class C2 in S2 there exists a class C1 in S1
   125    with C1 <= C2 (according to an association list 'a')
   126 *)
   128 fun sortorder a (S1,S2) =
   129   forall  (fn C2 => exists  (fn C1 => leq a (C1,C2))  S1)  S2;
   132 (* 'inj' inserts a new class C into a given class set S (i.e.sort) only if
   133   there exists no class in S which is <= C;
   134   the resulting set is minimal if S was minimal
   135 *)
   137 fun inj a (C,S) =
   138   let fun inj1 [] = [C]
   139         | inj1 (D::T) = if leq a (D,C) then D::T
   140                         else if leq a (C,D) then inj1 T
   141                              else D::(inj1 T)
   142   in inj1 S end;
   145 (* 'union_sort' forms the minimal union set of two sorts S1 and S2
   146    under the assumption that S2 is minimal *)
   148 fun union_sort a = foldr (inj a);
   151 (* 'elementwise_union' forms elementwise the minimal union set of two
   152    sort lists under the assumption that the two lists have the same length
   153 *) 
   155 fun elementwise_union a (Ss1,Ss2) = map (union_sort a) (Ss1~~Ss2);
   158 (* 'lew' checks for two sort lists the ordering for all corresponding list
   159    elements (i.e. sorts) *)
   161 fun lew a (w1,w2) = forall (sortorder a)  (w1~~w2);
   164 (* 'is_min' checks if a class C is minimal in a given sort S under the 
   165    assumption that S contains C *) 
   167 fun is_min a S C = not (exists (fn (D) => less a (D,C)) S);
   170 (* 'min_sort' reduces a sort to its minimal classes *)
   172 fun min_sort a S = distinct(filter (is_min a S) S);
   175 (* 'min_domain' minimizes the domain sorts of type declarationsl;
   176    the function will be applied on the type declarations in extensions *) 
   178 fun min_domain subclass =
   179   let fun one_min (f,(doms,ran)) = (f, (map (min_sort subclass) doms, ran))
   180   in map one_min end;
   183 (* 'min_filter' filters a list 'ars' consisting of arities (domain * class)
   184    and gives back a list of those range classes whose domains meet the 
   185    predicate 'pred' *)
   187 fun min_filter a pred ars =
   188   let fun filt ([],l) = l
   189         | filt ((c,x)::xs,l) = if pred(x) then filt (xs,inj a (c,l))
   190                                else filt (xs,l)
   191   in filt (ars,[]) end;
   194 (* 'cod_above' filters all arities whose domains are elementwise >= than
   195    a given domain 'w' and gives back a list of the corresponding range 
   196    classes *)
   198 fun cod_above (a,w,ars) = min_filter a (fn w' => lew a (w,w')) ars;
   201 (* 'least_sort' returns for a given type its maximum sort:
   202    - type variables, free types: the sort brought with
   203    - type constructors: recursive determination of the maximum sort of the
   204                     arguments if the type is declared in 'coreg' of the 
   205                     given type signature  *) 
   207 fun least_sort (tsig as TySg{subclass,coreg,...}) =
   208   let fun ls(T as Type(a,Ts)) =
   209 	  let val ars = case assoc (coreg,a) of Some(ars) => ars
   210 			      | None => raise TYPE(undcl_type a,[T],[]);
   211 	  in cod_above(subclass,map ls Ts,ars) end
   212 	| ls(TFree(a,S)) = S
   213 	| ls(TVar(a,S)) = S
   214   in ls end;
   217 fun check_has_sort(tsig as TySg{subclass,coreg,...},T,S) =
   218   if sortorder subclass ((least_sort tsig T),S) then ()
   219   else raise TYPE("Type not of sort " ^ (str_of_sort S),[T],[])
   222 (*Instantiation of type variables in types *)
   223 fun inst_typ_tvars(tsig,tye) =
   224   let fun inst(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a, map inst Ts)
   225 	| inst(T as TFree _) = T
   226 	| inst(T as TVar(v,S)) = (case assoc(tye,v) of
   227 		None => T | Some(U) => (check_has_sort(tsig,U,S); U))
   228   in inst end;
   230 (*Instantiation of type variables in terms *)
   231 fun inst_term_tvars(tsig,tye) = map_term_types (inst_typ_tvars(tsig,tye));
   233 exception TYPE_MATCH;
   235 (* Typ matching
   236    typ_match(ts,s,(U,T)) = s' <=> s'(U)=T and s' is an extension of s *)
   237 fun typ_match tsig =
   238 let fun tm(subs, (TVar(v,S), T)) = (case assoc(subs,v) of
   239 		None => ( (v, (check_has_sort(tsig,T,S); T))::subs
   240 			handle TYPE _ => raise TYPE_MATCH )
   241 	      | Some(U) => if U=T then subs else raise TYPE_MATCH)
   242       | tm(subs, (Type(a,Ts), Type(b,Us))) =
   243 	if a<>b then raise TYPE_MATCH
   244 	else foldl tm (subs, Ts~~Us)
   245       | tm(subs, (TFree(x), TFree(y))) =
   246 	if x=y then subs else raise TYPE_MATCH
   247       | tm _ = raise TYPE_MATCH
   248 in tm end;
   250 fun typ_instance(tsig,T,U) = let val x = typ_match tsig ([],(U,T)) in true end
   251 			     handle TYPE_MATCH => false;
   256 fun not_ident(s) = error("Must be an identifier: " ^ s);
   258 fun twice(a) = error("Type constructor " ^a^ " has already been declared.");
   260 (*Is the type valid? Accumulates error messages in "errs".*)
   261 fun type_errors (tsig as TySg{classes,subclass,args,...},
   262                  string_of_typ) (T,errs) =
   263 let fun class_err([],errs) = errs
   264      |  class_err(S::Ss,errs) = 
   265           if S mem classes then class_err (Ss,errs)
   266 	  else class_err (Ss,("Class " ^ S ^ " has not been declared") :: errs)
   267     fun errors(Type(c,Us), errs) =
   268 	let val errs' = foldr errors (Us,errs)
   269 	in case assoc(args,c) of
   270 	     None => (undcl_type c) :: errs
   271 	   | Some(n) => if n=length(Us) then errs'
   272 		        else ("Wrong number of arguments: " ^ c) :: errs
   273 	end
   274       | errors(TFree(_,S), errs) = class_err(S,errs)
   275       | errors(TVar(_,S), errs) = class_err(S,errs);
   276 in case errors(T,[]) of
   277      [] => ((least_sort tsig T; errs)
   278 	    handle TYPE(_,[U],_) => ("Ill-formed type: " ^ string_of_typ U)
   279 				    :: errs)
   280    | errs' => errs'@errs
   281 end;
   284 (* 'add_class' adds a new class to the list of all existing classes *) 
   286 fun add_class (classes,(s,_)) =
   287   if s mem classes then error("Class " ^ s ^ " declared twice.")
   288   else s::classes;
   290 (* 'add_subclass' adds a tuple consisiting of a new class (the new class
   291    has already been inserted into the 'classes' list) and its
   292    superclasses (they must be declared in 'classes' too) to the 'subclass' 
   293    list of the given type signature; 
   294    furthermore all inherited superclasses according to the superclasses 
   295    brought with are inserted and there is a check that there are no
   296    cycles (i.e. C <= D <= C, with C <> D); *)
   298 fun add_subclass classes (subclass,(s,ges)) =
   299 let fun upd (subclass,s') = if s' mem classes then
   300         let val Some(ges') = assoc (subclass,s)
   301         in case assoc (subclass,s') of
   302              Some(sups) => if s mem sups
   303                            then error(" Cycle :" ^ s^" <= "^ s'^" <= "^ s )
   304                            else overwrite (subclass,(s,sups union ges'))
   305            | None => subclass
   306          end
   307          else undcl_class(s')
   308 in foldl upd (subclass@[(s,ges)],ges) end;
   311 (* 'extend_classes' inserts all new classes into the corresponding
   312    lists ('classes','subclass') if possible *)
   314 fun extend_classes (classes,subclass,newclasses) =
   315   if newclasses = [] then (classes,subclass) else
   316   let val classes' = foldl add_class (classes,newclasses);
   317       val subclass' = foldl (add_subclass classes') (subclass,newclasses);
   318   in (classes',subclass') end;
   320 (* Corregularity *)
   322 (* 'is_unique_decl' checks if there exists just one declaration t:(Ss)C *)
   324 fun is_unique_decl coreg (t,(s,w)) = case assoc2 (coreg,(t,s)) of
   325       Some(w1) => if w = w1 then () else
   326 	error("There are two declarations\n" ^
   327               str_of_decl(t,w,s) ^ " and\n" ^
   328 	      str_of_decl(t,w1,s) ^ "\n" ^
   329               "with the same result class.")
   330     | None => ();
   332 (* 'restr2' checks if there are two declarations t:(Ss1)C1 and t:(Ss2)C2
   333    such that C1 >= C2 then Ss1 >= Ss2 (elementwise) *)
   335 fun subs (classes,subclass) C = 
   336   let fun sub (rl,l) = if leq subclass (l,C) then l::rl else rl
   337   in foldl sub ([],classes) end;
   339 fun coreg_err(t,(w1,C),(w2,D)) =
   340     error("Declarations " ^ str_of_decl(t,w1,C) ^ " and "
   341                           ^ str_of_decl(t,w2,D) ^ " are in conflict");
   343 fun restr2 classes (subclass,coreg) (t,(s,w)) =
   344   let fun restr ([],test) = ()
   345         | restr (s1::Ss,test) = (case assoc2 (coreg,(t,s1)) of
   346               Some (dom) => if lew subclass (test (w,dom)) then restr (Ss,test)
   347                             else coreg_err (t,(w,s),(dom,s1))
   348             | None => restr (Ss,test))
   349       fun forward (t,(s,w)) =
   350         let val s_sups = case assoc (subclass,s) of
   351                    Some(s_sups) => s_sups | None => undcl_class(s);
   352         in restr (s_sups,I) end
   353       fun backward (t,(s,w)) =
   354         let val s_subs = subs (classes,subclass) s
   355         in restr (s_subs,fn (x,y) => (y,x)) end
   356   in (backward (t,(s,w)); forward (t,(s,w))) end;
   359 fun varying_decls(t) =
   360     error("Type constructor "^t^" has varying number of arguments.");
   364 (* 'coregular' checks
   365    - the two restriction conditions 'is_unique_decl' and 'restr2'
   366    - if the classes in the new type declarations are known in the 
   367      given type signature
   368    - if one type constructor has always the same number of arguments;
   369    if one type declaration has passed all checks it is inserted into 
   370    the 'coreg' association list of the given type signatrure  *)
   372 fun coregular (classes,subclass,args) =
   373   let fun ex C = if C mem classes then () else undcl_class(C);
   375       fun addar(w,C) (coreg,t) = case assoc(args,t) of
   376             Some(n) => if n <> length w then varying_decls(t) else
   377                      (is_unique_decl coreg (t,(C,w));
   378 	              (seq o seq) ex w;
   379 	              restr2 classes (subclass,coreg) (t,(C,w));
   380                       let val Some(ars) = assoc(coreg,t)
   381                       in overwrite(coreg,(t,(C,w) ins ars)) end)
   382           | None => undcl_type_err(t);
   384       fun addts(coreg,(ts,ar)) = foldl (addar ar) (coreg,ts)
   386   in addts end;
   389 (* 'close' extends the 'coreg' association list after all new type
   390    declarations have been inserted successfully:
   391    for every declaration t:(Ss)C , for all classses D with C <= D:
   392       if there is no declaration t:(Ss')C' with C < C' and C' <= D
   393       then insert the declaration t:(Ss)D into 'coreg'
   394    this means, if there exists a declaration t:(Ss)C and there is
   395    no declaration t:(Ss')D with C <=D then the declaration holds
   396    for all range classes more general than C *)   
   398 fun close (coreg,subclass) =
   399   let fun check sl (l,(s,dom)) = case assoc (subclass,s) of
   400           Some(sups) =>
   401             let fun close_sup (l,sup) =
   402                   if exists (fn s'' => less subclass (s,s'') andalso
   403                                        leq subclass (s'',sup)) sl
   404                   then l
   405                   else (sup,dom)::l
   406             in foldl close_sup (l,sups) end
   407         | None => l;
   408       fun ext (s,l) = (s, foldl (check (map #1 l)) (l,l));
   409   in map ext coreg end;
   411 fun add_types(ac,(ts,n)) =
   412   let fun add_type((args,coreg),t) = case assoc(args,t) of
   413           Some _ => twice(t) | None => ((t,n)::args,(t,[])::coreg)
   414   in if n<0
   415      then error("Type constructor cannot have negative number of arguments")
   416      else foldl add_type (ac,ts)
   417   end;
   419 (* 'extend' takes the above described check- and extend-functions to
   420    extend a given type signature with new classes and new type declarations *)
   422 fun extend (TySg{classes,default,subclass,args,coreg},
   423             newclasses,newdefault,types,arities) =
   424 let val (classes',subclass') = extend_classes(classes,subclass,newclasses);
   425     val (args',coreg') = foldl add_types ((args,coreg),types);
   426     val old_coreg = map #1 coreg;
   427     fun is_old(c) = if c mem old_coreg then () else undcl_type_err(c);
   428     fun is_new(c) = if c mem old_coreg then twice(c) else ();
   429     val coreg'' = foldl (coregular (classes',subclass',args'))
   430                         (coreg',min_domain subclass' arities);
   431     val coreg''' = close (coreg'',subclass');
   432     val default' = if null newdefault then default else newdefault;
   433 in TySg{classes=classes', default=default',subclass=subclass', args=args',
   434 	coreg=coreg'''} end;
   437 (* 'assoc_union' merges two association lists if the contents associated
   438    the keys are lists *)
   440 fun assoc_union (as1,[]) = as1
   441   | assoc_union (as1,(key,l2)::as2) = case assoc (as1,key) of
   442         Some(l1) => assoc_union (overwrite(as1,(key,l1 union l2)),as2)
   443       | None => assoc_union ((key,l2)::as1,as2);
   446 fun trcl r =
   447   let val r' = transitive_closure r
   448   in if exists (op mem) r' then error("Cyclic class structure!") else r' end;
   451 (* 'merge_coreg' builds the union of two 'coreg' lists;
   452    it only checks the two restriction conditions and inserts afterwards
   453    all elements of the second list into the first one *) 
   455 fun merge_coreg classes subclass1 =
   456   let fun test_ar classes (t,ars1) (coreg1,(s,w)) =
   457         (is_unique_decl coreg1 (t,(s,w));
   458 	 restr2 classes (subclass1,coreg1) (t,(s,w));
   459 	 overwrite (coreg1,(t,(s,w) ins ars1)));
   461       fun merge_c (coreg1,(c as (t,ars2))) = case assoc (coreg1,t) of
   462           Some(ars1) => foldl (test_ar classes (t,ars1)) (coreg1,ars2)
   463         | None => c::coreg1
   464   in foldl merge_c end;
   466 fun merge_args(args,(t,n)) = case assoc(args,t) of
   467       Some(m) => if m=n then args else varying_decls(t)
   468     | None => (t,n)::args;
   470 (* 'merge' takes the above declared functions to merge two type signatures *)
   472 fun merge(TySg{classes=classes1,default=default1,subclass=subclass1,args=args1,
   473            coreg=coreg1},
   474 	  TySg{classes=classes2,default=default2,subclass=subclass2,args=args2,
   475            coreg=coreg2}) =
   476   let val classes' = classes1 union classes2;
   477       val subclass' = trcl (assoc_union (subclass1,subclass2));
   478       val args' = foldl merge_args (args1,args2)
   479       val coreg' = merge_coreg classes' subclass' (coreg1,coreg2);
   480       val default' = min_sort subclass' (default1 @ default2)
   481   in TySg{classes=classes' , default=default',subclass=subclass', args=args',
   482 	  coreg=coreg'} 
   483   end;
   485 (**** TYPE INFERENCE ****)
   487 (*
   489 Input:
   490 - a 'raw' term which contains only dummy types and some explicit type
   491   constraints encoded as terms.
   492 - the expected type of the term.
   494 Output:
   495 - the correctly typed term
   496 - the substitution needed to unify the actual type of the term with its
   497   expected type; only the TVars in the expected type are included.
   499 During type inference all TVars in the term have negative index. This keeps
   500 them apart from normal TVars, which is essential, because at the end the type
   501 of the term is unified with the expected type, which contains normal TVars.
   503 1. Add initial type information to the term (add_types).
   504    This freezes (freeze_vars) TVars in explicitly provided types (eg
   505    constraints or defaults) by turning them into TFrees.
   506 2. Carry out type inference, possibly introducing new negative TVars.
   507 3. Unify actual and expected type.
   508 4. Turn all (negative) TVars into unique new TFrees (freeze).
   509 5. Thaw all TVars frozen in step 1 (thaw_vars).
   511 *)
   513 (*Raised if types are not unifiable*)
   514 exception TUNIFY;
   516 val tyvar_count = ref(~1);
   518 fun tyinit() = (tyvar_count := ~1);
   520 fun new_tvar_inx() = (tyvar_count := !tyvar_count-1; !tyvar_count)
   522 (*
   523 Generate new TVar.  Index is < ~1 to distinguish it from TVars generated from
   524 variable names (see id_type).  Name is arbitrary because index is new.
   525 *)
   527 fun gen_tyvar(S) = TVar(("'a", new_tvar_inx()),S);
   528 fun new_id_type(a) = TVar(("'"^a, new_tvar_inx()),[]);
   530 (*Occurs check: type variable occurs in type?*)
   531 fun occ v tye =
   532   let fun occ(Type(_,Ts)) = exists occ Ts
   533         | occ(TFree _) = false
   534         | occ(TVar(w,_)) = v=w orelse
   535                            (case assoc(tye,w) of
   536                               None   => false
   537                             | Some U => occ U);
   538   in occ end;
   540 (*Chase variable assignments in tye.  
   541   If devar (T,tye) returns a type var then it must be unassigned.*) 
   542 fun devar (T as TVar(v,_), tye) = (case  assoc(tye,v)  of
   543           Some U =>  devar (U,tye)
   544         | None   =>  T)
   545   | devar (T,tye) = T;
   548 (* 'dom' returns for a type constructor t the list of those domains
   549    which deliver a given range class C *)
   551 fun dom coreg t C = case assoc2 (coreg, (t,C)) of
   552     Some(Ss) => Ss
   553   | None => raise TUNIFY;
   556 (* 'Dom' returns the union of all domain lists of 'dom' for a given sort S
   557    (i.e. a set of range classes ); the union is carried out elementwise
   558    for the seperate sorts in the domains *)
   560 fun Dom (subclass,coreg) (t,S) =
   561   let val domlist = map (dom coreg t) S;
   562   in if null domlist then []
   563      else foldl (elementwise_union subclass) (hd domlist,tl domlist)
   564   end;
   567 fun W ((T,S),tsig as TySg{subclass,coreg,...},tye) =
   568   let fun Wd ((T,S),tye) = W ((devar (T,tye),S),tsig,tye)
   569       fun Wk(T as TVar(v,S')) = 
   570 	      if sortorder subclass (S',S) then tye
   571 	      else (v,gen_tyvar(union_sort subclass (S',S)))::tye
   572 	| Wk(T as TFree(v,S')) = if sortorder subclass (S',S) then tye
   573 				 else raise TUNIFY
   574 	| Wk(T as Type(f,Ts)) = 
   575 	   if null S then tye 
   576 	   else foldr Wd (Ts~~(Dom (subclass,coreg) (f,S)) ,tye)
   577   in Wk(T) end;
   580 (* Order-sorted Unification of Types (U)  *)
   583 (* Precondition: both types are well-formed w.r.t. type constructor arities *)
   584 fun unify (tsig as TySg{subclass,coreg,...}) = 
   585   let fun unif ((T,U),tye) =
   586         case (devar(T,tye), devar(U,tye)) of
   587 	  (T as TVar(v,S1), U as TVar(w,S2)) =>
   588              if v=w then tye else
   589              if sortorder subclass (S1,S2) then (w,T)::tye else
   590              if sortorder subclass (S2,S1) then (v,U)::tye
   591              else let val nu = gen_tyvar (union_sort subclass (S1,S2))
   592                   in (v,nu)::(w,nu)::tye end
   593         | (T as TVar(v,S), U) =>
   594              if occ v tye U then raise TUNIFY else W ((U,S),tsig,(v,U)::tye)
   595         | (U, T as TVar (v,S)) =>
   596              if occ v tye U then raise TUNIFY else W ((U,S),tsig,(v,U)::tye)
   597         | (Type(a,Ts),Type(b,Us)) =>
   598 	     if a<>b then raise TUNIFY else foldr unif (Ts~~Us,tye)
   599         | (T,U) => if T=U then tye else raise TUNIFY
   600   in unif end;
   602 (*Instantiation of type variables in types*)
   603 (*Pre: instantiations obey restrictions! *)
   604 fun inst_typ tye =
   605   let fun inst(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a, map inst Ts)
   606         | inst(T as TFree _) = T
   607         | inst(T as TVar(v,_)) =
   608             (case assoc(tye,v) of Some U => inst U | None => T)
   609   in inst end;
   611 (*Type inference for polymorphic term*)
   612 fun infer tsig =
   613   let fun inf(Ts, Const (_,T), tye) = (T,tye)
   614         | inf(Ts, Free  (_,T), tye) = (T,tye)
   615         | inf(Ts, Bound i, tye) = ((nth_elem(i,Ts) , tye)
   616           handle LIST _=> raise TYPE ("loose bound variable", [], [Bound i]))
   617         | inf(Ts, Var (_,T), tye) = (T,tye)
   618         | inf(Ts, Abs (_,T,body), tye) = 
   619 	    let val (U,tye') = inf(T::Ts, body, tye) in  (T-->U, tye')  end
   620         | inf(Ts, f$u, tye) =
   621 	    let val (U,tyeU) = inf(Ts, u, tye);
   622 	        val (T,tyeT) = inf(Ts, f, tyeU);
   623                 fun err s =
   624                   raise TYPE(s, [inst_typ tyeT T, inst_typ tyeT U], [f$u])
   625 	    in case T of
   626 	         Type("fun",[T1,T2]) =>
   627 		   ( (T2, unify tsig ((T1,U), tyeT))
   628                      handle TUNIFY => err"type mismatch in application" )
   629 	       | TVar _ => 
   630                    let val T2 = gen_tyvar([])
   631                    in (T2, unify tsig ((T, U-->T2), tyeT))
   632                       handle TUNIFY => err"type mismatch in application"
   633                    end
   634                | _ => err"rator must have function type"
   635            end
   636   in inf end;
   638 fun freeze_vars(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a,map freeze_vars Ts)
   639   | freeze_vars(T as TFree _) = T
   640   | freeze_vars(TVar(v,S)) = TFree(Syntax.string_of_vname v, S);
   642 (* Attach a type to a constant *)
   643 fun type_const (a,T) = Const(a, incr_tvar (new_tvar_inx()) T);
   645 (*Find type of ident.  If not in table then use ident's name for tyvar
   646   to get consistent typing.*)
   647 fun type_of_ixn(types,ixn as (a,_)) =
   648       case types ixn of Some T => freeze_vars T | None => TVar(("'"^a,~1),[]);
   650 fun constrain(term,T) = Const(Syntax.constrainC,T-->T) $ term;
   651 fun constrainAbs(Abs(a,_,body),T) = Abs(a,T,body);
   653 (*
   655 Attach types to a term.  Input is a "parse tree" containing dummy types.
   656 Type constraints are translated and checked for validity wrt tsig.
   657 TVars in constraints are frozen.
   659 The atoms in the resulting term satisfy the following spec:
   661 Const(a,T):
   662   T is a renamed copy of the generic type of a; renaming decreases index of
   663   all TVars by new_tvar_inx(), which is less than ~1. The index of all TVars
   664   in the generic type must be 0 for this to work!
   666 Free(a,T), Var(ixn,T):
   667   T is either the frozen default type of a or TVar(("'"^a,~1),[])
   669 Abs(a,T,_):
   670   T is either a type constraint or TVar(("'"^a,i),[]), where i is generated
   671   by new_tvar_inx(). Thus different abstractions can have the bound variables
   672   of the same name but different types.
   674 *)
   676 fun add_types (tsig, const_tab, types, sorts, string_of_typ) =
   677   let val S0 = defaultS tsig;
   678       fun defS0 ixn = case sorts ixn of Some S => S | None => S0;
   679       fun prepareT(typ) =
   680 	let val T = Syntax.typ_of_term defS0 typ;
   681 	    val T' = freeze_vars T
   682 	in case type_errors (tsig,string_of_typ) (T,[]) of
   683 	     [] => T'
   684 	   | errs => raise TYPE(cat_lines errs,[T],[])
   685 	end
   686       fun add (Const(a,_)) =
   687             (case Symtab.lookup(const_tab, a) of
   688                Some T => type_const(a,T)
   689              | None => raise TYPE ("No such constant: "^a, [], []))
   690         | add (Bound i) = Bound i
   691         | add (Free(a,_)) =
   692             (case Symtab.lookup(const_tab, a) of
   693                Some T => type_const(a,T)
   694              | None => Free(a, type_of_ixn(types,(a,~1))))
   695         | add (Var(ixn,_)) = Var(ixn, type_of_ixn(types,ixn))
   696         | add (Abs(a,_,body)) = Abs(a, new_id_type a, add body)
   697         | add ((f as Const(a,_)$t1)$t2) =
   698 	    if a=Syntax.constrainC then constrain(add t1,prepareT t2) else
   699 	    if a=Syntax.constrainAbsC then constrainAbs(add t1,prepareT t2)
   700 	    else add f $ add t2
   701         | add (f$t) = add f $ add t
   702   in  add  end;
   705 (* Post-Processing *)
   708 (*Instantiation of type variables in terms*)
   709 fun inst_types tye = map_term_types (inst_typ tye);
   711 (*Delete explicit constraints -- occurrences of "_constrain" *)
   712 fun unconstrain (Abs(a,T,t)) = Abs(a, T, unconstrain t)
   713   | unconstrain ((f as Const(a,_)) $ t) =
   714       if a=Syntax.constrainC then unconstrain t
   715       else unconstrain f $ unconstrain t
   716   | unconstrain (f$t) = unconstrain f $ unconstrain t
   717   | unconstrain (t) = t;
   720 (* Turn all TVars which satisfy p into new TFrees *)
   721 fun freeze p t =
   722   let val fs = add_term_tfree_names(t,[]);
   723       val inxs = filter p (add_term_tvar_ixns(t,[]));
   724       val vmap = inxs ~~ variantlist(map #1 inxs, fs);
   725       fun free(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a, map free Ts)
   726         | free(T as TVar(v,S)) =
   727             (case assoc(vmap,v) of None => T | Some(a) => TFree(a,S))
   728         | free(T as TFree _) = T
   729   in map_term_types free t end;
   731 (* Thaw all TVars that were frozen in freeze_vars *)
   732 fun thaw_vars(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a, map thaw_vars Ts)
   733   | thaw_vars(T as TFree(a,S)) = (case explode a of
   734 	  "?"::"'"::vn => let val ((b,i),_) = Syntax.scan_varname vn
   735 			  in TVar(("'"^b,i),S) end
   736 	| _ => T)
   737   | thaw_vars(T) = T;
   740 fun restrict tye =
   741   let fun clean(tye1, ((a,i),T)) =
   742 	if i < 0 then tye1 else ((a,i),inst_typ tye T) :: tye1
   743   in foldl clean ([],tye) end
   746 (*Infer types for term t using tables. Check that t's type and T unify *)
   748 fun infer_term (tsig, const_tab, types, sorts, string_of_typ, T, t) =
   749   let val u = add_types (tsig, const_tab, types, sorts, string_of_typ) t;
   750       val (U,tye) = infer tsig ([], u, []);
   751       val uu = unconstrain u;
   752       val tye' = unify tsig ((T,U),tye) handle TUNIFY => raise TYPE
   753 	("Term does not have expected type", [T, U], [inst_types tye uu])
   754       val Ttye = restrict tye' (* restriction to TVars in T *)
   755       val all = Const("", Type("", map snd Ttye)) $ (inst_types tye' uu)
   756         (* all is a dummy term which contains all exported TVars *)
   757       val Const(_,Type(_,Ts)) $ u'' =
   758             map_term_types thaw_vars (freeze (fn (_,i) => i<0) all)
   759         (* turn all internally generated TVars into TFrees
   760            and thaw all initially frozen TVars *)
   761   in (u'', (map fst Ttye) ~~ Ts) end;
   763 fun infer_types args = (tyinit(); infer_term args);
   766 (* Turn TFrees into TVars to allow types & axioms to be written without "?" *)
   767 fun varifyT(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a,map varifyT Ts)
   768   | varifyT(TFree(a,S)) = TVar((a,0),S)
   769   | varifyT(T) = T;
   771 (* Turn TFrees except those in fixed into new TVars *)
   772 fun varify(t,fixed) =
   773   let val fs = add_term_tfree_names(t,[]) \\ fixed;
   774       val ixns = add_term_tvar_ixns(t,[]);
   775       val fmap = fs ~~ variantlist(fs, map #1 ixns)
   776       fun thaw(Type(a,Ts)) = Type(a, map thaw Ts)
   777         | thaw(T as TVar _) = T
   778         | thaw(T as TFree(a,S)) =
   779             (case assoc(fmap,a) of None => T | Some b => TVar((b,0),S))
   780   in map_term_types thaw t end;
   783 end;