1 (* Title: Subst/Unify |
2 Author: Konrad Slind, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory |
3 Copyright 1997 University of Cambridge |
4 |
5 Unification algorithm |
6 *) |
7 |
8 Unify = Unifier + WF_Rel + |
9 |
10 datatype 'a subst = Fail | Subst ('a list) |
11 |
12 consts |
13 |
14 uterm_less :: "(('a uterm * 'a uterm) * ('a uterm * 'a uterm)) set" |
15 unifyRel :: "(('a uterm * 'a uterm) * ('a uterm * 'a uterm)) set" |
16 unify :: "'a uterm * 'a uterm => ('a * 'a uterm) subst" |
17 |
18 defs |
19 |
20 uterm_less_def "uterm_less == rprod (measure uterm_size) |
21 (measure uterm_size)" |
22 |
23 (* Termination relation for the Unify function *) |
24 unifyRel_def "unifyRel == inv_image (finite_psubset ** uterm_less) |
25 (%(x,y). (vars_of x Un vars_of y, (x,y)))" |
26 |
27 recdef unify "unifyRel" |
28 "unify(Const m, Const n) = (if (m=n) then Subst[] else Fail)" |
29 "unify(Const m, Comb M N) = Fail" |
30 "unify(Const m, Var v) = Subst[(v,Const m)]" |
31 "unify(Var v, M) = (if (Var v <: M) then Fail else Subst[(v,M)])" |
32 "unify(Comb M N, Const x) = Fail" |
33 "unify(Comb M N, Var v) = (if (Var v <: Comb M N) then Fail |
34 else Subst[(v,Comb M N)])" |
35 "unify(Comb M1 N1, Comb M2 N2) = |
36 (case unify(M1,M2) |
37 of Fail => Fail |
38 | Subst theta => (case unify(N1 <| theta, N2 <| theta) |
39 of Fail => Fail |
40 | Subst sigma => Subst (theta <> sigma)))" |
41 end |