changeset 53012 cb82606b8215
parent 52359 0eafa146b399
child 55940 7339ef350739
equal deleted inserted replaced
53011:aeee0a4be6cf 53012:cb82606b8215
     7 theory Quotient_Set
     7 theory Quotient_Set
     8 imports Main Quotient_Syntax
     8 imports Main Quotient_Syntax
     9 begin
     9 begin
    11 subsection {* Relator for set type *}
    11 subsection {* Contravariant set map (vimage) and set relator, rules for the Quotient package *}
    13 definition set_rel :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a set \<Rightarrow> 'b set \<Rightarrow> bool"
    14   where "set_rel R = (\<lambda>A B. (\<forall>x\<in>A. \<exists>y\<in>B. R x y) \<and> (\<forall>y\<in>B. \<exists>x\<in>A. R x y))"
    16 lemma set_relI:
    17   assumes "\<And>x. x \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>y\<in>B. R x y"
    18   assumes "\<And>y. y \<in> B \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>x\<in>A. R x y"
    19   shows "set_rel R A B"
    20   using assms unfolding set_rel_def by simp
    22 lemma set_rel_conversep: "set_rel (conversep R) = conversep (set_rel R)"
    23   unfolding set_rel_def by auto
    25 lemma set_rel_eq [relator_eq]: "set_rel (op =) = (op =)"
    26   unfolding set_rel_def fun_eq_iff by auto
    28 lemma set_rel_mono[relator_mono]:
    29   assumes "A \<le> B"
    30   shows "set_rel A \<le> set_rel B"
    31 using assms unfolding set_rel_def by blast
    33 lemma set_rel_OO[relator_distr]: "set_rel R OO set_rel S = set_rel (R OO S)"
    34   apply (rule sym)
    35   apply (intro ext, rename_tac X Z)
    36   apply (rule iffI)
    37   apply (rule_tac b="{y. (\<exists>x\<in>X. R x y) \<and> (\<exists>z\<in>Z. S y z)}" in relcomppI)
    38   apply (simp add: set_rel_def, fast)
    39   apply (simp add: set_rel_def, fast)
    40   apply (simp add: set_rel_def, fast)
    41   done
    43 lemma Domainp_set[relator_domain]:
    44   assumes "Domainp T = R"
    45   shows "Domainp (set_rel T) = (\<lambda>A. Ball A R)"
    46 using assms unfolding set_rel_def Domainp_iff[abs_def]
    47 apply (intro ext)
    48 apply (rule iffI) 
    49 apply blast
    50 apply (rename_tac A, rule_tac x="{y. \<exists>x\<in>A. T x y}" in exI, fast)
    51 done
    53 lemma reflp_set_rel[reflexivity_rule]: "reflp R \<Longrightarrow> reflp (set_rel R)"
    54   unfolding reflp_def set_rel_def by fast
    56 lemma left_total_set_rel[reflexivity_rule]: 
    57   "left_total A \<Longrightarrow> left_total (set_rel A)"
    58   unfolding left_total_def set_rel_def
    59   apply safe
    60   apply (rename_tac X, rule_tac x="{y. \<exists>x\<in>X. A x y}" in exI, fast)
    61 done
    63 lemma left_unique_set_rel[reflexivity_rule]: 
    64   "left_unique A \<Longrightarrow> left_unique (set_rel A)"
    65   unfolding left_unique_def set_rel_def
    66   by fast
    68 lemma symp_set_rel: "symp R \<Longrightarrow> symp (set_rel R)"
    69   unfolding symp_def set_rel_def by fast
    71 lemma transp_set_rel: "transp R \<Longrightarrow> transp (set_rel R)"
    72   unfolding transp_def set_rel_def by fast
    74 lemma equivp_set_rel: "equivp R \<Longrightarrow> equivp (set_rel R)"
    75   by (blast intro: equivpI reflp_set_rel symp_set_rel transp_set_rel
    76     elim: equivpE)
    78 lemma right_total_set_rel [transfer_rule]:
    79   "right_total A \<Longrightarrow> right_total (set_rel A)"
    80   unfolding right_total_def set_rel_def
    81   by (rule allI, rename_tac Y, rule_tac x="{x. \<exists>y\<in>Y. A x y}" in exI, fast)
    83 lemma right_unique_set_rel [transfer_rule]:
    84   "right_unique A \<Longrightarrow> right_unique (set_rel A)"
    85   unfolding right_unique_def set_rel_def by fast
    87 lemma bi_total_set_rel [transfer_rule]:
    88   "bi_total A \<Longrightarrow> bi_total (set_rel A)"
    89   unfolding bi_total_def set_rel_def
    90   apply safe
    91   apply (rename_tac X, rule_tac x="{y. \<exists>x\<in>X. A x y}" in exI, fast)
    92   apply (rename_tac Y, rule_tac x="{x. \<exists>y\<in>Y. A x y}" in exI, fast)
    93   done
    95 lemma bi_unique_set_rel [transfer_rule]:
    96   "bi_unique A \<Longrightarrow> bi_unique (set_rel A)"
    97   unfolding bi_unique_def set_rel_def by fast
    99 subsection {* Transfer rules for transfer package *}
   101 subsubsection {* Unconditional transfer rules *}
   103 lemma empty_transfer [transfer_rule]: "(set_rel A) {} {}"
   104   unfolding set_rel_def by simp
   106 lemma insert_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   107   "(A ===> set_rel A ===> set_rel A) insert insert"
   108   unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def by auto
   110 lemma union_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   111   "(set_rel A ===> set_rel A ===> set_rel A) union union"
   112   unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def by auto
   114 lemma Union_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   115   "(set_rel (set_rel A) ===> set_rel A) Union Union"
   116   unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def by simp fast
   118 lemma image_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   119   "((A ===> B) ===> set_rel A ===> set_rel B) image image"
   120   unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def by simp fast
   122 lemma UNION_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   123   "(set_rel A ===> (A ===> set_rel B) ===> set_rel B) UNION UNION"
   124   unfolding SUP_def [abs_def] by transfer_prover
   126 lemma Ball_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   127   "(set_rel A ===> (A ===> op =) ===> op =) Ball Ball"
   128   unfolding set_rel_def fun_rel_def by fast
   130 lemma Bex_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   131   "(set_rel A ===> (A ===> op =) ===> op =) Bex Bex"
   132   unfolding set_rel_def fun_rel_def by fast
   134 lemma Pow_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   135   "(set_rel A ===> set_rel (set_rel A)) Pow Pow"
   136   apply (rule fun_relI, rename_tac X Y, rule set_relI)
   137   apply (rename_tac X', rule_tac x="{y\<in>Y. \<exists>x\<in>X'. A x y}" in rev_bexI, clarsimp)
   138   apply (simp add: set_rel_def, fast)
   139   apply (rename_tac Y', rule_tac x="{x\<in>X. \<exists>y\<in>Y'. A x y}" in rev_bexI, clarsimp)
   140   apply (simp add: set_rel_def, fast)
   141   done
   143 lemma set_rel_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   144   "((A ===> B ===> op =) ===> set_rel A ===> set_rel B ===> op =)
   145     set_rel set_rel"
   146   unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def by fast
   149 subsubsection {* Rules requiring bi-unique, bi-total or right-total relations *}
   151 lemma member_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   152   assumes "bi_unique A"
   153   shows "(A ===> set_rel A ===> op =) (op \<in>) (op \<in>)"
   154   using assms unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def bi_unique_def by fast
   156 lemma right_total_Collect_transfer[transfer_rule]:
   157   assumes "right_total A"
   158   shows "((A ===> op =) ===> set_rel A) (\<lambda>P. Collect (\<lambda>x. P x \<and> Domainp A x)) Collect"
   159   using assms unfolding right_total_def set_rel_def fun_rel_def Domainp_iff by fast
   161 lemma Collect_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   162   assumes "bi_total A"
   163   shows "((A ===> op =) ===> set_rel A) Collect Collect"
   164   using assms unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def bi_total_def by fast
   166 lemma inter_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   167   assumes "bi_unique A"
   168   shows "(set_rel A ===> set_rel A ===> set_rel A) inter inter"
   169   using assms unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def bi_unique_def by fast
   171 lemma Diff_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   172   assumes "bi_unique A"
   173   shows "(set_rel A ===> set_rel A ===> set_rel A) (op -) (op -)"
   174   using assms unfolding fun_rel_def set_rel_def bi_unique_def
   175   unfolding Ball_def Bex_def Diff_eq
   176   by (safe, simp, metis, simp, metis)
   178 lemma subset_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   179   assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A"
   180   shows "(set_rel A ===> set_rel A ===> op =) (op \<subseteq>) (op \<subseteq>)"
   181   unfolding subset_eq [abs_def] by transfer_prover
   183 lemma right_total_UNIV_transfer[transfer_rule]: 
   184   assumes "right_total A"
   185   shows "(set_rel A) (Collect (Domainp A)) UNIV"
   186   using assms unfolding right_total_def set_rel_def Domainp_iff by blast
   188 lemma UNIV_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   189   assumes "bi_total A"
   190   shows "(set_rel A) UNIV UNIV"
   191   using assms unfolding set_rel_def bi_total_def by simp
   193 lemma right_total_Compl_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   194   assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" and [transfer_rule]: "right_total A"
   195   shows "(set_rel A ===> set_rel A) (\<lambda>S. uminus S \<inter> Collect (Domainp A)) uminus"
   196   unfolding Compl_eq [abs_def]
   197   by (subst Collect_conj_eq[symmetric]) transfer_prover
   199 lemma Compl_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   200   assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" and [transfer_rule]: "bi_total A"
   201   shows "(set_rel A ===> set_rel A) uminus uminus"
   202   unfolding Compl_eq [abs_def] by transfer_prover
   204 lemma right_total_Inter_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   205   assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" and [transfer_rule]: "right_total A"
   206   shows "(set_rel (set_rel A) ===> set_rel A) (\<lambda>S. Inter S \<inter> Collect (Domainp A)) Inter"
   207   unfolding Inter_eq[abs_def]
   208   by (subst Collect_conj_eq[symmetric]) transfer_prover
   210 lemma Inter_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   211   assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" and [transfer_rule]: "bi_total A"
   212   shows "(set_rel (set_rel A) ===> set_rel A) Inter Inter"
   213   unfolding Inter_eq [abs_def] by transfer_prover
   215 lemma filter_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   216   assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A"
   217   shows "((A ===> op=) ===> set_rel A ===> set_rel A) Set.filter Set.filter"
   218   unfolding Set.filter_def[abs_def] fun_rel_def set_rel_def by blast
   220 lemma bi_unique_set_rel_lemma:
   221   assumes "bi_unique R" and "set_rel R X Y"
   222   obtains f where "Y = image f X" and "inj_on f X" and "\<forall>x\<in>X. R x (f x)"
   223 proof
   224   let ?f = "\<lambda>x. THE y. R x y"
   225   from assms show f: "\<forall>x\<in>X. R x (?f x)"
   226     apply (clarsimp simp add: set_rel_def)
   227     apply (drule (1) bspec, clarify)
   228     apply (rule theI2, assumption)
   229     apply (simp add: bi_unique_def)
   230     apply assumption
   231     done
   232   from assms show "Y = image ?f X"
   233     apply safe
   234     apply (clarsimp simp add: set_rel_def)
   235     apply (drule (1) bspec, clarify)
   236     apply (rule image_eqI)
   237     apply (rule the_equality [symmetric], assumption)
   238     apply (simp add: bi_unique_def)
   239     apply assumption
   240     apply (clarsimp simp add: set_rel_def)
   241     apply (frule (1) bspec, clarify)
   242     apply (rule theI2, assumption)
   243     apply (clarsimp simp add: bi_unique_def)
   244     apply (simp add: bi_unique_def, metis)
   245     done
   246   show "inj_on ?f X"
   247     apply (rule inj_onI)
   248     apply (drule f [rule_format])
   249     apply (drule f [rule_format])
   250     apply (simp add: assms(1) [unfolded bi_unique_def])
   251     done
   252 qed
   254 lemma finite_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   255   "bi_unique A \<Longrightarrow> (set_rel A ===> op =) finite finite"
   256   by (rule fun_relI, erule (1) bi_unique_set_rel_lemma,
   257     auto dest: finite_imageD)
   259 lemma card_transfer [transfer_rule]:
   260   "bi_unique A \<Longrightarrow> (set_rel A ===> op =) card card"
   261   by (rule fun_relI, erule (1) bi_unique_set_rel_lemma, simp add: card_image)
   263 subsection {* Setup for lifting package *}
   265 lemma Quotient_set[quot_map]:
   266   assumes "Quotient R Abs Rep T"
   267   shows "Quotient (set_rel R) (image Abs) (image Rep) (set_rel T)"
   268   using assms unfolding Quotient_alt_def4
   269   apply (simp add: set_rel_OO[symmetric] set_rel_conversep)
   270   apply (simp add: set_rel_def, fast)
   271   done
   273 lemma set_invariant_commute [invariant_commute]:
   274   "set_rel (Lifting.invariant P) = Lifting.invariant (\<lambda>A. Ball A P)"
   275   unfolding fun_eq_iff set_rel_def Lifting.invariant_def Ball_def by fast
   277 subsection {* Contravariant set map (vimage) and set relator *}
   279 definition "vset_rel R xs ys \<equiv> \<forall>x y. R x y \<longrightarrow> x \<in> xs \<longleftrightarrow> y \<in> ys"
    13 definition "vset_rel R xs ys \<equiv> \<forall>x y. R x y \<longrightarrow> x \<in> xs \<longleftrightarrow> y \<in> ys"
   281 lemma vset_rel_eq [id_simps]:
    15 lemma vset_rel_eq [id_simps]:
   282   "vset_rel op = = op ="
    16   "vset_rel op = = op ="