changeset 37872 d83659570337
parent 37871 c7ce7685e087
child 37873 66d90b2b87bc
equal deleted inserted replaced
37871:c7ce7685e087 37872:d83659570337
     1 (*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML
     2     Author:     Steven Obua
     4 This module solves the problem that the computing oracle does not
     5 instantiate polymorphic rules. By going through the PCompute
     6 interface, all possible instantiations are resolved by compiling new
     7 programs, if necessary. The obvious disadvantage of this approach is
     8 that in the worst case for each new term to be rewritten, a new
     9 program may be compiled.
    10 *)
    12 (*
    13    Given constants/frees c_1::t_1, c_2::t_2, ...., c_n::t_n,
    14    and constants/frees d_1::d_1, d_2::s_2, ..., d_m::s_m
    16    Find all substitutions S such that
    17    a) the domain of S is tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
    18    b) there are indices i_1, ..., i_k, and j_1, ..., j_k with
    19       1. S (c_i_1::t_i_1) = d_j_1::s_j_1, ..., S (c_i_k::t_i_k) = d_j_k::s_j_k
    20       2. tvars (t_i_1, ..., t_i_k) = tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
    21 *)
    22 signature LINKER =
    23 sig
    24     exception Link of string
    26     datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
    27     val constant_of : term -> constant
    29     type instances
    30     type subst = Type.tyenv
    32     val empty : constant list -> instances
    33     val typ_of_constant : constant -> typ
    34     val add_instances : theory -> instances -> constant list -> subst list * instances
    35     val substs_of : instances -> subst list
    36     val is_polymorphic : constant -> bool
    37     val distinct_constants : constant list -> constant list
    38     val collect_consts : term list -> constant list
    39 end
    41 structure Linker : LINKER = struct
    43 exception Link of string;
    45 type subst = Type.tyenv
    47 datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
    48 fun constant_of (Const (name, ty)) = Constant (false, name, ty)
    49   | constant_of (Free (name, ty)) = Constant (true, name, ty)
    50   | constant_of _ = raise Link "constant_of"
    52 fun bool_ord (x,y) = if x then (if y then EQUAL else GREATER) else (if y then LESS else EQUAL)
    53 fun constant_ord (Constant (x1,x2,x3), Constant (y1,y2,y3)) = (prod_ord (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) Term_Ord.typ_ord) (((x1,x2),x3), ((y1,y2),y3))
    54 fun constant_modty_ord (Constant (x1,x2,_), Constant (y1,y2,_)) = (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) ((x1,x2), (y1,y2))
    57 structure Consttab = Table(type key = constant val ord = constant_ord);
    58 structure ConsttabModTy = Table(type key = constant val ord = constant_modty_ord);
    60 fun typ_of_constant (Constant (_, _, ty)) = ty
    62 val empty_subst = (Vartab.empty : Type.tyenv)
    64 fun merge_subst (A:Type.tyenv) (B:Type.tyenv) =
    65     SOME (Vartab.fold (fn (v, t) =>
    66                        fn tab =>
    67                           (case Vartab.lookup tab v of
    68                                NONE => Vartab.update (v, t) tab
    69                              | SOME t' => if t = t' then tab else raise Type.TYPE_MATCH)) A B)
    70     handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
    72 fun subst_ord (A:Type.tyenv, B:Type.tyenv) =
    73     (list_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.fast_indexname_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.sort_ord Term_Ord.typ_ord))) (Vartab.dest A, Vartab.dest B)
    75 structure Substtab = Table(type key = Type.tyenv val ord = subst_ord);
    77 fun substtab_union c = Substtab.fold Substtab.update c
    78 fun substtab_unions [] = Substtab.empty
    79   | substtab_unions [c] = c
    80   | substtab_unions (c::cs) = substtab_union c (substtab_unions cs)
    82 datatype instances = Instances of unit ConsttabModTy.table * Type.tyenv Consttab.table Consttab.table * constant list list * unit Substtab.table
    84 fun is_polymorphic (Constant (_, _, ty)) = not (null (Term.add_tvarsT ty []))
    86 fun distinct_constants cs =
    87     Consttab.keys (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ())) cs Consttab.empty)
    89 fun empty cs =
    90     let
    91         val cs = distinct_constants (filter is_polymorphic cs)
    92         val old_cs = cs
    93 (*      fun collect_tvars ty tab = fold (fn v => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar v, ()) tab) (OldTerm.typ_tvars ty) tab
    94         val tvars_count = length (Typtab.keys (fold (fn c => fn tab => collect_tvars (typ_of_constant c) tab) cs Typtab.empty))
    95         fun tvars_of ty = collect_tvars ty Typtab.empty
    96         val cs = map (fn c => (c, tvars_of (typ_of_constant c))) cs
    98         fun tyunion A B =
    99             Typtab.fold
   100                 (fn (v,()) => fn tab => Typtab.update (v, case Typtab.lookup tab v of NONE => 1 | SOME n => n+1) tab)
   101                 A B
   103         fun is_essential A B =
   104             Typtab.fold
   105             (fn (v, ()) => fn essential => essential orelse (case Typtab.lookup B v of NONE => raise Link "is_essential" | SOME n => n=1))
   106             A false
   108         fun add_minimal (c', tvs') (tvs, cs) =
   109             let
   110                 val tvs = tyunion tvs' tvs
   111                 val cs = (c', tvs')::cs
   112             in
   113                 if forall (fn (c',tvs') => is_essential tvs' tvs) cs then
   114                     SOME (tvs, cs)
   115                 else
   116                     NONE
   117             end
   119         fun is_spanning (tvs, _) = (length (Typtab.keys tvs) = tvars_count)
   121         fun generate_minimal_subsets subsets [] = subsets
   122           | generate_minimal_subsets subsets (c::cs) =
   123             let
   124                 val subsets' = map_filter (add_minimal c) subsets
   125             in
   126                 generate_minimal_subsets (subsets@subsets') cs
   127             end*)
   129         val minimal_subsets = [old_cs] (*map (fn (tvs, cs) => map fst cs) (filter is_spanning (generate_minimal_subsets [(Typtab.empty, [])] cs))*)
   131         val constants = Consttab.keys (fold (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ()))) minimal_subsets Consttab.empty)
   133     in
   134         Instances (
   135         fold (fn c => fn tab => ConsttabModTy.update (c, ()) tab) constants ConsttabModTy.empty,
   136         Consttab.make (map (fn c => (c, Consttab.empty : Type.tyenv Consttab.table)) constants),
   137         minimal_subsets, Substtab.empty)
   138     end
   140 local
   141 fun calc ctab substtab [] = substtab
   142   | calc ctab substtab (c::cs) =
   143     let
   144         val csubsts = map snd (Consttab.dest (the (Consttab.lookup ctab c)))
   145         fun merge_substs substtab subst =
   146             Substtab.fold (fn (s,_) =>
   147                            fn tab =>
   148                               (case merge_subst subst s of NONE => tab | SOME s => Substtab.update (s, ()) tab))
   149                           substtab Substtab.empty
   150         val substtab = substtab_unions (map (merge_substs substtab) csubsts)
   151     in
   152         calc ctab substtab cs
   153     end
   154 in
   155 fun calc_substs ctab (cs:constant list) = calc ctab (Substtab.update (empty_subst, ()) Substtab.empty) cs
   156 end
   158 fun add_instances thy (Instances (cfilter, ctab,minsets,substs)) cs =
   159     let
   160 (*      val _ = writeln (makestring ("add_instances: ", length_cs, length cs, length (Consttab.keys ctab)))*)
   161         fun calc_instantiations (constant as Constant (free, name, ty)) instantiations =
   162             Consttab.fold (fn (constant' as Constant (free', name', ty'), insttab) =>
   163                            fn instantiations =>
   164                               if free <> free' orelse name <> name' then
   165                                   instantiations
   166                               else case Consttab.lookup insttab constant of
   167                                        SOME _ => instantiations
   168                                      | NONE => ((constant', (constant, Sign.typ_match thy (ty', ty) empty_subst))::instantiations
   169                                                 handle TYPE_MATCH => instantiations))
   170                           ctab instantiations
   171         val instantiations = fold calc_instantiations cs []
   172         (*val _ = writeln ("instantiations = "^(makestring (length instantiations)))*)
   173         fun update_ctab (constant', entry) ctab =
   174             (case Consttab.lookup ctab constant' of
   175                  NONE => raise Link "internal error: update_ctab"
   176                | SOME tab => Consttab.update (constant', Consttab.update entry tab) ctab)
   177         val ctab = fold update_ctab instantiations ctab
   178         val new_substs = fold (fn minset => fn substs => substtab_union (calc_substs ctab minset) substs)
   179                               minsets Substtab.empty
   180         val (added_substs, substs) =
   181             Substtab.fold (fn (ns, _) =>
   182                            fn (added, substtab) =>
   183                               (case Substtab.lookup substs ns of
   184                                    NONE => (ns::added, Substtab.update (ns, ()) substtab)
   185                                  | SOME () => (added, substtab)))
   186                           new_substs ([], substs)
   187     in
   188         (added_substs, Instances (cfilter, ctab, minsets, substs))
   189     end
   191 fun substs_of (Instances (_,_,_,substs)) = Substtab.keys substs
   193 fun eq_to_meta th = (@{thm HOL.eq_reflection} OF [th] handle THM _ => th)
   196 local
   198 fun collect (Var x) tab = tab
   199   | collect (Bound _) tab = tab
   200   | collect (a $ b) tab = collect b (collect a tab)
   201   | collect (Abs (_, _, body)) tab = collect body tab
   202   | collect t tab = Consttab.update (constant_of t, ()) tab
   204 in
   205   fun collect_consts tms = Consttab.keys (fold collect tms Consttab.empty)
   206 end
   208 end
   210 signature PCOMPUTE =
   211 sig
   212     type pcomputer
   214     val make : Compute.machine -> theory -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
   215     val make_with_cache : Compute.machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
   217     val add_instances : pcomputer -> Linker.constant list -> bool 
   218     val add_instances' : pcomputer -> term list -> bool
   220     val rewrite : pcomputer -> cterm list -> thm list
   221     val simplify : pcomputer -> Compute.theorem -> thm
   223     val make_theorem : pcomputer -> thm -> string list -> Compute.theorem
   224     val instantiate : pcomputer -> (string * cterm) list -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem
   225     val evaluate_prem : pcomputer -> int -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem
   226     val modus_ponens : pcomputer -> int -> thm -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem 
   228 end
   230 structure PCompute : PCOMPUTE = struct
   232 exception PCompute of string
   234 datatype theorem = MonoThm of thm | PolyThm of thm * Linker.instances * thm list
   235 datatype pattern = MonoPattern of term | PolyPattern of term * Linker.instances * term list
   237 datatype pcomputer =
   238   PComputer of theory_ref * * theorem list Unsynchronized.ref *
   239     pattern list Unsynchronized.ref 
   241 (*fun collect_consts (Var x) = []
   242   | collect_consts (Bound _) = []
   243   | collect_consts (a $ b) = (collect_consts a)@(collect_consts b)
   244   | collect_consts (Abs (_, _, body)) = collect_consts body
   245   | collect_consts t = [Linker.constant_of t]*)
   247 fun computer_of (PComputer (_,computer,_,_)) = computer
   249 fun collect_consts_of_thm th = 
   250     let
   251         val th = prop_of th
   252         val (prems, th) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems th, Logic.strip_imp_concl th)
   253         val (left, right) = Logic.dest_equals th
   254     in
   255         (Linker.collect_consts [left], Linker.collect_consts (right::prems))
   256     end
   258 fun create_theorem th =
   259 let
   260     val (left, right) = collect_consts_of_thm th
   261     val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic left
   262     val tytab = fold (fn p => fn tab => fold (fn n => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar n, ()) tab) (OldTerm.typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant p)) tab) polycs Typtab.empty
   263     fun check_const (c::cs) cs' =
   264         let
   265             val tvars = OldTerm.typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant c)
   266             val wrong = fold (fn n => fn wrong => wrong orelse is_none (Typtab.lookup tytab (TVar n))) tvars false
   267         in
   268             if wrong then raise PCompute "right hand side of theorem contains type variables which do not occur on the left hand side"
   269             else
   270                 if null (tvars) then
   271                     check_const cs (c::cs')
   272                 else
   273                     check_const cs cs'
   274         end
   275       | check_const [] cs' = cs'
   276     val monocs = check_const right []
   277 in
   278     if null (polycs) then
   279         (monocs, MonoThm th)
   280     else
   281         (monocs, PolyThm (th, Linker.empty polycs, []))
   282 end
   284 fun create_pattern pat = 
   285 let
   286     val cs = Linker.collect_consts [pat]
   287     val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic cs
   288 in
   289     if null (polycs) then
   290         MonoPattern pat
   291     else
   292         PolyPattern (pat, Linker.empty polycs, [])
   293 end
   295 fun create_computer machine thy pats ths =
   296     let
   297         fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
   298           | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
   299         fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
   300           | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
   301         val ths = fold_rev add ths []
   302         val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
   303     in
   304         Compute.make_with_cache machine thy pats ths
   305     end
   307 fun update_computer computer pats ths = 
   308     let
   309         fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
   310           | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
   311         fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
   312           | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
   313         val ths = fold_rev add ths []
   314         val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
   315     in
   316         Compute.update_with_cache computer pats ths
   317     end
   319 fun conv_subst thy (subst : Type.tyenv) =
   320     map (fn (iname, (sort, ty)) => (ctyp_of thy (TVar (iname, sort)), ctyp_of thy ty)) (Vartab.dest subst)
   322 fun add_monos thy monocs pats ths =
   323     let
   324         val changed = Unsynchronized.ref false
   325         fun add monocs (th as (MonoThm _)) = ([], th)
   326           | add monocs (PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths)) =
   327             let
   328                 val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
   329                 val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
   330                 val newths = map (fn subst => Thm.instantiate (conv_subst thy subst, []) th) newsubsts
   331 (*              val _ = if not (null newths) then (print ("added new theorems: ", newths); ()) else ()*)
   332                 val newmonos = fold (fn th => fn monos => (snd (collect_consts_of_thm th))@monos) newths []
   333             in
   334                 (newmonos, PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths@newths))
   335             end
   336         fun addpats monocs (pat as (MonoPattern _)) = pat
   337           | addpats monocs (PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats)) =
   338             let
   339                 val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
   340                 val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
   341                 val newpats = map (fn subst => Envir.subst_term_types subst p) newsubsts
   342             in
   343                 PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats@newpats)
   344             end 
   345         fun step monocs ths =
   346             fold_rev (fn th =>
   347                       fn (newmonos, ths) =>
   348                          let 
   349                              val (newmonos', th') = add monocs th 
   350                          in
   351                              (newmonos'@newmonos, th'::ths)
   352                          end)
   353                      ths ([], [])
   354         fun loop monocs pats ths =
   355             let 
   356                 val (monocs', ths') = step monocs ths 
   357                 val pats' = map (addpats monocs) pats
   358             in
   359                 if null (monocs') then
   360                     (pats', ths')
   361                 else
   362                     loop monocs' pats' ths'
   363             end
   364         val result = loop monocs pats ths
   365     in
   366         (!changed, result)
   367     end
   369 datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
   371 fun thm2cthm th =
   372     let
   373         val {hyps, prop, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
   374     in
   375         ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
   376     end
   378 val cthm_ord' = prod_ord (prod_ord (list_ord Term_Ord.term_ord) (list_ord Term_Ord.sort_ord)) Term_Ord.term_ord
   380 fun cthm_ord (ComputeThm (h1, sh1, p1), ComputeThm (h2, sh2, p2)) = cthm_ord' (((h1,sh1), p1), ((h2, sh2), p2))
   382 structure CThmtab = Table(type key = cthm val ord = cthm_ord)
   384 fun remove_duplicates ths =
   385     let
   386         val counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
   387         val tab = Unsynchronized.ref (CThmtab.empty : unit CThmtab.table)
   388         val thstab = Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.empty : thm Inttab.table)
   389         fun update th =
   390             let
   391                 val key = thm2cthm th
   392             in
   393                 case CThmtab.lookup (!tab) key of
   394                     NONE => ((tab := CThmtab.update_new (key, ()) (!tab)); thstab := Inttab.update_new (!counter, th) (!thstab); counter := !counter + 1)
   395                   | _ => ()
   396             end
   397         val _ = map update ths
   398     in
   399         map snd (Inttab.dest (!thstab))
   400     end
   402 fun make_with_cache machine thy pats ths cs =
   403     let
   404         val ths = remove_duplicates ths
   405         val (monocs, ths) = fold_rev (fn th => 
   406                                       fn (monocs, ths) => 
   407                                          let val (m, t) = create_theorem th in 
   408                                              (m@monocs, t::ths)
   409                                          end)
   410                                      ths (cs, [])
   411         val pats = map create_pattern pats
   412         val (_, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy monocs pats ths
   413         val computer = create_computer machine thy pats ths
   414     in
   415         PComputer (Theory.check_thy thy, computer, Unsynchronized.ref ths, Unsynchronized.ref pats)
   416     end
   418 fun make machine thy ths cs = make_with_cache machine thy [] ths cs
   420 fun add_instances (PComputer (thyref, computer, rths, rpats)) cs = 
   421     let
   422         val thy = Theory.deref thyref
   423         val (changed, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy cs (!rpats) (!rths)
   424     in
   425         if changed then
   426             (update_computer computer pats ths;
   427              rths := ths;
   428              rpats := pats;
   429              true)
   430         else
   431             false
   433     end
   435 fun add_instances' pc ts = add_instances pc (Linker.collect_consts ts)
   437 fun rewrite pc cts =
   438     let
   439         val _ = add_instances' pc (map term_of cts)
   440         val computer = (computer_of pc)
   441     in
   442         map (fn ct => Compute.rewrite computer ct) cts
   443     end
   445 fun simplify pc th = Compute.simplify (computer_of pc) th
   447 fun make_theorem pc th vars = 
   448     let
   449         val _ = add_instances' pc [prop_of th]
   451     in
   452         Compute.make_theorem (computer_of pc) th vars
   453     end
   455 fun instantiate pc insts th = 
   456     let
   457         val _ = add_instances' pc (map (term_of o snd) insts)
   458     in
   459         Compute.instantiate (computer_of pc) insts th
   460     end
   462 fun evaluate_prem pc prem_no th = Compute.evaluate_prem (computer_of pc) prem_no th
   464 fun modus_ponens pc prem_no th' th =
   465     let
   466         val _ = add_instances' pc [prop_of th']
   467     in
   468         Compute.modus_ponens (computer_of pc) prem_no th' th
   469     end    
   472 end