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     1 % latex main
     2 % dvips -Pprosper -o main.dvi
     3 % ps2pdf main.pdf
     4 \documentclass[pdf,nototal,myframes,slideColor,colorBG]{prosper}
     6 \usepackage{pstricks,pst-node,pst-text,pst-3d}
     7 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
     8 \usepackage{amsmath}
    11 \usepackage{graphicx,color,latexsym}
    13 \newenvironment{cslide}[1]{\begin{slide}{\blue #1}}{\end{slide}}
    14 \newcommand{\emcolorbox}[1]{\colorbox{yellow}{#1}}
    16 \slideCaption{}
    18 \begin{document}
    20 \title{Isabelle/HOL --- A Practical Introduction}
    21 \author{Tobias Nipkow
    22 \\{\small joint work with Larry Paulson and Markus Wenzel}
    23 }
    24 \institution{Technische Universität München
    25 \\ \vspace{0.5cm}\includegraphics[scale=.4]{isabelle_hol}
    26 }
    27 \maketitle
    29 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 \begin{cslide}{What is {\blue Isabelle}?}
    31 \begin{itemize}
    32 \item A \emph{logical framwork}
    33 \item A generic theorem prover
    34 \item A system for implementing proof assistants
    35 \end{itemize}
    36 \end{cslide}
    37 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 \overlays{5}{
    39 \begin{cslide}{What is {\blue Isabelle/HOL}?}
    40 \FromSlide{2}
    41 \begin{itemize}
    42 \item An interactive proof assistant
    43 \FromSlide{3}
    44 \item {\small for higher-order logic}
    45 \FromSlide{4}
    46 \item Similar to HOL, PVS, Coq, \dots
    47 \FromSlide{5}
    48 \item But different enough (e.g. \emph{structured proofs})
    49 \end{itemize}
    50 \end{cslide}}
    51 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 \overlays{2}{
    53 \begin{cslide}{Why Theorem Proving/Verification/\dots?}
    54 \FromSlide{2}
    55 \vfill
    56 \begin{center}
    57 \Large \emph{\red Because!}
    58 \end{center}
    59 \vfill
    60 \end{cslide}}
    61 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 \overlays{2}{
    63 \begin{cslide}{Overview of course}
    64 \begin{enumerate}
    65 \item Introduction to Isabelle/HOL (LNCS 2283)
    66 \begin{itemize}
    67 \item Definitions (datatypes, functions, relations, \dots)
    68 \item Proofs (tactic style)
    69 \end{itemize}
    70 \FromSlide{2}
    71 \item Structured proofs (\emph{Isar})
    72 \end{enumerate}
    73 \end{cslide}}
    74 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 \overlays{2}{
    76 \begin{cslide}{Proof styles}
    77 \begin{tabular}{cc}
    78 \begin{tabular}{l}
    79 \texttt{apply(induct\_tac $x$)}\\
    80 \texttt{apply simp}\\
    81 \texttt{apply(rule allI)+}\\
    82 \texttt{apply assumption}\\
    83 \vdots
    84 \end{tabular}
    85 &
    86 \FromSlide{2}
    87 \begin{tabular}{l}
    88 \texttt{proof (induct $x$)}\\
    89 \quad \texttt{show $P(0)$ by simp}\\
    90 \texttt{next}\\
    91 \quad \texttt{assume $P(n)$}\\
    92 \quad \texttt{hence $Q$  by simp}\\
    93 \quad \texttt{thus $P(n+1)$  by blast}\\
    94 \texttt{qed}
    95 \end{tabular}\\\\
    96 Tactic style & \FromSlide{2} Structured (Mizar, Isar)
    97 \end{tabular}
    98 \end{cslide}}
    99 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 \begin{cslide}{}
   101 \vfill
   102 \begin{center}
   103 \Large Part 1\\[2em]
   104 Introduction to Isabelle/HOL
   105 \end{center}
   106 \end{cslide}
   107 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 \begin{cslide}{Overview of Part 1}
   109 \begin{itemize}
   110 \item Functional Programming
   111 \item Logic
   112 \item Sets and Relations
   113 \end{itemize}
   114 \end{cslide}
   115 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 \begin{cslide}{Functional Programming}
   117 \begin{itemize}
   118 \item An introductory example
   119 \item Proof by simplification
   120 \item Case study: Expression compiler
   121 \item Advanced datatypes
   122 \item Advanced recursive functions
   123 \end{itemize}
   124 \end{cslide}
   125 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 \begin{cslide}{Logic (Natural Deduction)}
   127 \begin{itemize}
   128 \item Propositional logic
   129 \item Quantifiers
   130 \item Automation
   131 \item Forward proof
   132 \end{itemize}
   133 \end{cslide}
   134 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 \begin{cslide}{Sets and Relations}
   136 \begin{itemize}
   137 \item Introduction to the library
   138 \item Case study: verified model checking
   139 \item Inductively defined sets
   140 \end{itemize}
   141 \end{cslide}
   142 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 \begin{cslide}{}
   144 \vfill
   145 \begin{center}
   146 \Large Part 2\\[2em]
   147 Structured Proofs in Isabelle/Isar/HOL
   148 \end{center}
   149 \end{cslide}
   150 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 \begin{cslide}{Motto}
   152 \vfill
   153 \begin{center}
   154 \Large\emcolorbox{Proofs should be readable}
   155 \end{center}
   156 \end{cslide}
   157 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 \begin{cslide}{Why Readable Proofs?}
   159 \begin{itemize}
   160 \item Communication
   161 \item Maintenance
   162 \end{itemize}
   163 \end{cslide}
   164 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 \overlays{2}{
   166 \begin{cslide}{A Proof Skeleton}
   167 \begin{tabular}{l}
   168 \textbf{proof}\\
   169 \quad\textbf{assume} {\blue\sl assumption}\\
   170 \quad\textbf{have} {\blue\sl intermediate result} \textbf{by} ...\\
   171 \quad\vdots\\
   172 \quad\textbf{have} {\blue\sl intermediate result} \textbf{by} ...\\
   173 \quad\textbf{show} {\blue\sl conclusion}\\
   174 \textbf{qed}
   175 \end{tabular}
   176 \bigskip
   178 \FromSlide{2}
   179 Proves {\blue\sl assumption $\Longrightarrow$ conclusion}
   180 \end{cslide}}
   181 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 \overlays{2}{
   183 \begin{cslide}{Proofs and Statements}
   184 \begin{center}
   185 \begin{tabular}{@{}lrl@{}}
   186 \emph{proof} & ::= & \textbf{proof} \emph{statement}* \textbf{qed} \\
   187                  &$\mid$& \textbf{by} \emph{method}\\[2ex]
   188 \FromSlide{2}
   189 \emph{statement} &\FromSlide{2}::= & \FromSlide{2}\textbf{assume} \emph{propositions} \\
   190              &\FromSlide{2}$\mid$& \FromSlide{2}(\textbf{show} $\mid$ \textbf{have})
   191                       \emph{proposition} \emph{proof}
   192 \end{tabular}
   193 \end{center}
   194 \end{cslide}}
   195 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 \begin{cslide}{Overview of Part 2}
   197 \begin{itemize}
   198 \item Logic
   199 \item Induction
   200 \end{itemize}
   201 \end{cslide}
   202 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   204 \end{document}
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