changeset 24219 e558fe311376
parent 24218 fbf1646b267c
child 24220 a479ac416ac2
equal deleted inserted replaced
24218:fbf1646b267c 24219:e558fe311376
     1 (*  Title:      Pure/Tools/codegen_thingol.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
     5 Intermediate language ("Thin-gol") representing executable code.
     6 *)
     8 infix 8 `%%;
     9 infixr 6 `->;
    10 infixr 6 `-->;
    11 infix 4 `$;
    12 infix 4 `$$;
    13 infixr 3 `|->;
    14 infixr 3 `|-->;
    16 signature BASIC_CODEGEN_THINGOL =
    17 sig
    18   type vname = string;
    19   datatype dict =
    20       DictConst of string * dict list list
    21     | DictVar of string list * (vname * (int * int));
    22   datatype itype =
    23       `%% of string * itype list
    24     | ITyVar of vname;
    25   datatype iterm =
    26       IConst of string * (dict list list * itype list (*types of arguments*))
    27     | IVar of vname
    28     | `$ of iterm * iterm
    29     | `|-> of (vname * itype) * iterm
    30     | ICase of ((iterm * itype) * (iterm * iterm) list) * iterm;
    31         (*((term, type), [(selector pattern, body term )]), primitive term)*)
    32   val `-> : itype * itype -> itype;
    33   val `--> : itype list * itype -> itype;
    34   val `$$ : iterm * iterm list -> iterm;
    35   val `|--> : (vname * itype) list * iterm -> iterm;
    36   type typscheme = (vname * sort) list * itype;
    37 end;
    39 signature CODEGEN_THINGOL =
    40 sig
    41   include BASIC_CODEGEN_THINGOL;
    42   val unfoldl: ('a -> ('a * 'b) option) -> 'a -> 'a * 'b list;
    43   val unfoldr: ('a -> ('b * 'a) option) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a;
    44   val unfold_fun: itype -> itype list * itype;
    45   val unfold_app: iterm -> iterm * iterm list;
    46   val split_abs: iterm -> (((vname * iterm option) * itype) * iterm) option;
    47   val unfold_abs: iterm -> ((vname * iterm option) * itype) list * iterm;
    48   val split_let: iterm -> (((iterm * itype) * iterm) * iterm) option;
    49   val unfold_let: iterm -> ((iterm * itype) * iterm) list * iterm;
    50   val unfold_const_app: iterm ->
    51     ((string * (dict list list * itype list)) * iterm list) option;
    52   val collapse_let: ((vname * itype) * iterm) * iterm
    53     -> (iterm * itype) * (iterm * iterm) list;
    54   val eta_expand: (string * (dict list list * itype list)) * iterm list -> int -> iterm;
    55   val fold_constnames: (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> iterm -> 'a -> 'a;
    56   val fold_varnames: (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> iterm -> 'a -> 'a;
    57   val fold_unbound_varnames: (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> iterm -> 'a -> 'a;
    59   datatype def =
    60       Bot
    61     | Fun of (iterm list * iterm) list * typscheme
    62     | Datatype of (vname * sort) list * (string * itype list) list
    63     | Datatypecons of string
    64     | Class of (class * string) list * (vname * (string * itype) list)
    65     | Classop of class
    66     | Classrel of class * class
    67     | Classinst of (class * (string * (vname * sort) list))
    68           * ((class * (string * (string * dict list list))) list
    69         * (string * iterm) list);
    70   type code = def Graph.T;
    71   type transact;
    72   val empty_code: code;
    73   val merge_code: code * code -> code;
    74   val project_code: bool (*delete empty funs*)
    75     -> string list (*hidden*) -> string list option (*selected*)
    76     -> code -> code;
    77   val empty_funs: code -> string list;
    78   val is_cons: code -> string -> bool;
    79   val add_eval_def: string (*bind name*) * iterm -> code -> code;
    81   val ensure_def: (string -> string) -> (transact -> def * code) -> string
    82     -> string -> transact -> transact;
    83   val succeed: 'a -> transact -> 'a * code;
    84   val fail: string -> transact -> 'a * code;
    85   val message: string -> (transact -> 'a) -> transact -> 'a;
    86   val start_transact: (transact -> 'a * transact) -> code -> 'a * code;
    88   val trace: bool ref;
    89   val tracing: ('a -> string) -> 'a -> 'a;
    90 end;
    92 structure CodegenThingol: CODEGEN_THINGOL =
    93 struct
    95 (** auxiliary **)
    97 val trace = ref false;
    98 fun tracing f x = (if !trace then Output.tracing (f x) else (); x);
   100 fun unfoldl dest x =
   101   case dest x
   102    of NONE => (x, [])
   103     | SOME (x1, x2) =>
   104         let val (x', xs') = unfoldl dest x1 in (x', xs' @ [x2]) end;
   106 fun unfoldr dest x =
   107   case dest x
   108    of NONE => ([], x)
   109     | SOME (x1, x2) =>
   110         let val (xs', x') = unfoldr dest x2 in (x1::xs', x') end;
   113 (** language core - types, pattern, expressions **)
   115 (* language representation *)
   117 type vname = string;
   119 datatype dict =
   120     DictConst of string * dict list list
   121   | DictVar of string list * (vname * (int * int));
   123 datatype itype =
   124     `%% of string * itype list
   125   | ITyVar of vname;
   127 datatype iterm =
   128     IConst of string * (dict list list * itype list)
   129   | IVar of vname
   130   | `$ of iterm * iterm
   131   | `|-> of (vname * itype) * iterm
   132   | ICase of ((iterm * itype) * (iterm * iterm) list) * iterm;
   133     (*see also signature*)
   135 (*
   136   variable naming conventions
   138   bare names:
   139     variable names          v
   140     class names             class
   141     type constructor names  tyco
   142     datatype names          dtco
   143     const names (general)   c
   144     constructor names       co
   145     class operation names   clsop (op)
   146     arbitrary name          s
   148     v, c, co, clsop also annotated with types etc.
   150   constructs:
   151     sort                    sort
   152     type parameters         vs
   153     type                    ty
   154     type schemes            tysm
   155     term                    t
   156     (term as pattern)       p
   157     instance (class, tyco)  inst
   158  *)
   160 fun ty1 `-> ty2 = "fun" `%% [ty1, ty2];
   161 val op `--> = Library.foldr (op `->);
   162 val op `$$ = Library.foldl (op `$);
   163 val op `|--> = Library.foldr (op `|->);
   165 val unfold_fun = unfoldr
   166   (fn "fun" `%% [ty1, ty2] => SOME (ty1, ty2)
   167     | _ => NONE);
   169 val unfold_app = unfoldl
   170   (fn op `$ t => SOME t
   171     | _ => NONE);
   173 val split_abs =
   174   (fn (v, ty) `|-> (t as ICase (((IVar w, _), [(p, t')]), _)) =>
   175         if v = w then SOME (((v, SOME p), ty), t') else SOME (((v, NONE), ty), t)
   176     | (v, ty) `|-> t => SOME (((v, NONE), ty), t)
   177     | _ => NONE);
   179 val unfold_abs = unfoldr split_abs;
   181 val split_let = 
   182   (fn ICase (((td, ty), [(p, t)]), _) => SOME (((p, ty), td), t)
   183     | _ => NONE);
   185 val unfold_let = unfoldr split_let;
   187 fun unfold_const_app t =
   188  case unfold_app t
   189   of (IConst c, ts) => SOME (c, ts)
   190    | _ => NONE;
   192 fun fold_aiterms f (t as IConst _) = f t
   193   | fold_aiterms f (t as IVar _) = f t
   194   | fold_aiterms f (t1 `$ t2) = fold_aiterms f t1 #> fold_aiterms f t2
   195   | fold_aiterms f (t as _ `|-> t') = f t #> fold_aiterms f t'
   196   | fold_aiterms f (ICase (_, t)) = fold_aiterms f t;
   198 fun fold_constnames f =
   199   let
   200     fun add (IConst (c, _)) = f c
   201       | add _ = I;
   202   in fold_aiterms add end;
   204 fun fold_varnames f =
   205   let
   206     fun add (IVar v) = f v
   207       | add ((v, _) `|-> _) = f v
   208       | add _ = I;
   209   in fold_aiterms add end;
   211 fun fold_unbound_varnames f =
   212   let
   213     fun add _ (IConst _) = I
   214       | add vs (IVar v) = if not (member (op =) vs v) then f v else I
   215       | add vs (t1 `$ t2) = add vs t1 #> add vs t2
   216       | add vs ((v, _) `|-> t) = add (insert (op =) v vs) t
   217       | add vs (ICase (_, t)) = add vs t;
   218   in add [] end;
   220 fun collapse_let (((v, ty), se), be as ICase (((IVar w, _), ds), _)) =
   221       let
   222         fun exists_v t = fold_unbound_varnames (fn w => fn b =>
   223           b orelse v = w) t false;
   224       in if v = w andalso forall (fn (t1, t2) =>
   225         exists_v t1 orelse not (exists_v t2)) ds
   226         then ((se, ty), ds)
   227         else ((se, ty), [(IVar v, be)])
   228       end
   229   | collapse_let (((v, ty), se), be) =
   230       ((se, ty), [(IVar v, be)])
   232 fun eta_expand (c as (_, (_, tys)), ts) k =
   233   let
   234     val j = length ts;
   235     val l = k - j;
   236     val ctxt = (fold o fold_varnames) Name.declare ts Name.context;
   237     val vs_tys = Name.names ctxt "a" ((curry Library.take l o curry Library.drop j) tys);
   238   in vs_tys `|--> IConst c `$$ ts @ map (fn (v, _) => IVar v) vs_tys end;
   241 (** definitions, transactions **)
   243 (* type definitions *)
   245 type typscheme = (vname * sort) list * itype;
   246 datatype def =
   247     Bot
   248   | Fun of (iterm list * iterm) list * typscheme
   249   | Datatype of (vname * sort) list * (string * itype list) list
   250   | Datatypecons of string
   251   | Class of (class * string) list * (vname * (string * itype) list)
   252   | Classop of class
   253   | Classrel of class * class
   254   | Classinst of (class * (string * (vname * sort) list))
   255         * ((class * (string * (string * dict list list))) list
   256       * (string * iterm) list);
   258 type code = def Graph.T;
   259 type transact = Graph.key option * code;
   260 exception FAIL of string list;
   263 (* abstract code *)
   265 val empty_code = Graph.empty : code; (*read: "depends on"*)
   267 fun ensure_bot name = Graph.default_node (name, Bot);
   269 fun add_def_incr (name, Bot) code =
   270       (case the_default Bot (try (Graph.get_node code) name)
   271        of Bot => error "Attempted to add Bot to code"
   272         | _ => code)
   273   | add_def_incr (name, def) code =
   274       (case try (Graph.get_node code) name
   275        of NONE => Graph.new_node (name, def) code
   276         | SOME Bot => Graph.map_node name (K def) code
   277         | SOME _ => error ("Tried to overwrite definition " ^ quote name));
   279 fun add_dep (dep as (name1, name2)) =
   280   if name1 = name2 then I else Graph.add_edge dep;
   282 val merge_code : code * code -> code = Graph.merge (K true);
   284 fun project_code delete_empty_funs hidden raw_selected code =
   285   let
   286     fun is_empty_fun name = case Graph.get_node code name
   287      of Fun ([], _) => true
   288       | _ => false;
   289     val names = subtract (op =) hidden (Graph.keys code);
   290     val deleted = Graph.all_preds code (filter is_empty_fun names);
   291     val selected = case raw_selected
   292      of NONE => names |> subtract (op =) deleted 
   293       | SOME sel => sel
   294           |> delete_empty_funs ? subtract (op =) deleted
   295           |> subtract (op =) hidden
   296           |> Graph.all_succs code
   297           |> delete_empty_funs ? subtract (op =) deleted
   298           |> subtract (op =) hidden;
   299   in
   300     code
   301     |> Graph.subgraph (member (op =) selected)
   302   end;
   304 fun empty_funs code =
   305   Graph.fold (fn (name, (Fun ([], _), _)) => cons name
   306                | _ => I) code [];
   308 fun is_cons code name = case Graph.get_node code name
   309  of Datatypecons _ => true
   310   | _ => false;
   312 fun check_samemodule names =
   313   fold (fn name =>
   314     let
   315       val module_name = (NameSpace.qualifier o NameSpace.qualifier) name
   316     in
   317      fn NONE => SOME module_name
   318       | SOME module_name' => if module_name = module_name' then SOME module_name
   319           else error ("Inconsistent name prefix for simultanous names: " ^ commas_quote names)
   320     end
   321   ) names NONE;
   323 fun check_funeqs eqs =
   324   (fold (fn (pats, _) =>
   325     let
   326       val l = length pats
   327     in
   328      fn NONE => SOME l
   329       | SOME l' => if l = l' then SOME l
   330           else error "Function definition with different number of arguments"
   331     end
   332   ) eqs NONE; eqs);
   334 fun check_prep_def code Bot =
   335       Bot
   336   | check_prep_def code (Fun (eqs, d)) =
   337       Fun (check_funeqs eqs, d)
   338   | check_prep_def code (d as Datatype _) =
   339       d
   340   | check_prep_def code (Datatypecons dtco) =
   341       error "Attempted to add bare term constructor"
   342   | check_prep_def code (d as Class _) =
   343       d
   344   | check_prep_def code (Classop _) =
   345       error "Attempted to add bare class operation"
   346   | check_prep_def code (Classrel _) =
   347       error "Attempted to add bare class relation"
   348   | check_prep_def code (d as Classinst ((class, (tyco, arity)), (_, inst_classops))) =
   349       let
   350         val Class (_, (_, classops)) = Graph.get_node code class;
   351         val _ = if length inst_classops > length classops
   352           then error "Too many class operations given"
   353           else ();
   354         fun check_classop (f, _) =
   355           if AList.defined (op =) inst_classops f
   356           then () else error ("Missing definition for class operation " ^ quote f);
   357         val _ = map check_classop classops;
   358       in d end;
   360 fun postprocess_def (name, Datatype (_, constrs)) =
   361       tap (fn _ => check_samemodule (name :: map fst constrs))
   362       #> fold (fn (co, _) =>
   363         add_def_incr (co, Datatypecons name)
   364         #> add_dep (co, name)
   365         #> add_dep (name, co)
   366       ) constrs
   367   | postprocess_def (name, Class (classrels, (_, classops))) =
   368       tap (fn _ => check_samemodule (name :: map fst classops @ map snd classrels))
   369       #> fold (fn (f, _) =>
   370         add_def_incr (f, Classop name)
   371         #> add_dep (f, name)
   372         #> add_dep (name, f)
   373       ) classops
   374       #> fold (fn (superclass, classrel) =>
   375         add_def_incr (classrel, Classrel (name, superclass))
   376         #> add_dep (classrel, name)
   377         #> add_dep (name, classrel)
   378       ) classrels
   379   | postprocess_def _ =
   380       I;
   383 (* transaction protocol *)
   385 fun ensure_def labelled_name defgen msg name (dep, code) =
   386   let
   387     val msg' = (case dep
   388      of NONE => msg
   389       | SOME dep => msg ^ ", required for " ^ labelled_name dep);
   390     fun add_dp NONE = I
   391       | add_dp (SOME dep) =
   392           tracing (fn _ => "adding dependency " ^ labelled_name dep
   393             ^ " -> " ^ labelled_name name)
   394           #> add_dep (dep, name);
   395     fun prep_def def code =
   396       (check_prep_def code def, code);
   397     fun invoke_generator name defgen code =
   398       defgen (SOME name, code) handle FAIL msgs => raise FAIL (msg' :: msgs);
   399     fun add_def false =
   400           ensure_bot name
   401           #> add_dp dep
   402           #> invoke_generator name defgen
   403           #-> (fn def => prep_def def)
   404           #-> (fn def => add_def_incr (name, def)
   405           #> postprocess_def (name, def))
   406       | add_def true =
   407           add_dp dep;
   408   in
   409     code
   410     |> add_def (can (Graph.get_node code) name)
   411     |> pair dep
   412   end;
   414 fun succeed some (_, code) = (some, code);
   416 fun fail msg (_, code) = raise FAIL [msg];
   418 fun message msg f trns =
   419   f trns handle FAIL msgs =>
   420     raise FAIL (msg :: msgs);
   422 fun start_transact f code =
   423   let
   424     fun handle_fail f x =
   425       (f x
   426       handle FAIL msgs =>
   427         (error o cat_lines) ("Code generation failed, while:" :: msgs))
   428   in
   429     (NONE, code)
   430     |> handle_fail f
   431     |-> (fn x => fn (_, code) => (x, code))
   432   end;
   434 fun add_eval_def (name, t) code =
   435   code
   436   |> Graph.new_node (name, Fun ([([], t)], ([("_", [])], ITyVar "_")))
   437   |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge name) (Graph.keys code);
   439 end; (*struct*)
   442 structure BasicCodegenThingol: BASIC_CODEGEN_THINGOL = CodegenThingol;