changeset 80273 f55a11cd3b71
parent 80182 29f2b8ff84f3
child 80480 972f7a4cdc0e
equal deleted inserted replaced
80272:9f89b3c41460 80273:f55a11cd3b71
     1 /*  Title:      Pure/Tools/update_tool.scala
     2     Author:     Makarius
     4 Update theory sources based on PIDE markup.
     5 */
     7 package isabelle
    10 object Update_Tool {
    11   val update_elements: Markup.Elements =
    12     Markup.Elements(Markup.UPDATE, Markup.LANGUAGE)
    14   def update_xml(options: Options, xml: XML.Body): XML.Body = {
    15     val update_path_cartouches = options.bool("update_path_cartouches")
    16     val update_cite = options.bool("update_cite")
    17     val cite_commands = Bibtex.cite_commands(options)
    19     def upd(lang: Markup.Language, ts: XML.Body): XML.Body =
    20       ts flatMap {
    21         case XML.Wrapped_Elem(markup, body1, body2) =>
    22           val body = if ( == Markup.UPDATE) body1 else body2
    23           upd(lang, body)
    24         case XML.Elem(Markup.Language(lang1), body) =>
    25           if (update_path_cartouches && lang1.is_path) {
    26             Token.read_embedded(Keyword.Keywords.empty, XML.content(body)) match {
    27               case Some(tok) => List(XML.Text(Symbol.cartouche(tok.content)))
    28               case None => upd(lang1, body)
    29             }
    30           }
    31           else if (update_cite && lang1.is_antiquotation) {
    32             List(XML.Text(Bibtex.update_cite_antiquotation(cite_commands, XML.content(body))))
    33           }
    34           else upd(lang1, body)
    35         case XML.Elem(_, body) => upd(lang, body)
    36         case XML.Text(s) if update_cite && lang.is_document =>
    37           List(XML.Text(Bibtex.update_cite_commands(s)))
    38         case t => List(t)
    39       }
    40     upd(Markup.Language.outer, xml)
    41   }
    43   def default_base_logic: String = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_LOGIC")
    45   def update(options: Options,
    46     update_options: List[Options.Spec],
    47     selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty,
    48     base_logics: List[String] = Nil,
    49     progress: Progress = new Progress,
    50     build_heap: Boolean = false,
    51     clean_build: Boolean = false,
    52     dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
    53     select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
    54     numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
    55     max_jobs: Option[Int] = None,
    56     fresh_build: Boolean = false,
    57     no_build: Boolean = false
    58   ): Build.Results = {
    59     /* excluded sessions */
    61     val exclude: Set[String] =
    62       if (base_logics.isEmpty) Set.empty
    63       else {
    64         Sessions.load_structure(options, dirs = dirs ::: select_dirs)
    65           .selection(Sessions.Selection(sessions = base_logics))
    66           .build_graph.domain
    67       }
    69     // test
    70     options ++ update_options
    72     def augment_options(name: String): List[Options.Spec] =
    73       if (exclude(name)) Nil else update_options
    76     /* build */
    78     val build_options = options + "build_thorough"
    80     val build_results =
    81, progress = progress, dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs,
    82         selection = selection, build_heap = build_heap, clean_build = clean_build,
    83         numa_shuffling = numa_shuffling, max_jobs = max_jobs, fresh_build = fresh_build,
    84         no_build = no_build, augment_options = augment_options)
    86     val store =
    87     val sessions_structure = build_results.deps.sessions_structure
    90     /* update */
    92     var seen_theory = Set.empty[String]
    94     using(Export.open_database_context(store)) { database_context =>
    95       for {
    96         session <- sessions_structure.build_topological_order
    97         if build_results(session).ok && !exclude(session)
    98       } {
    99         progress.echo("Updating " + session + " ...")
   100         val session_options = sessions_structure(session).options
   101         val proper_session_theory =
   102           build_results.deps(session)
   103         using(database_context.open_session0(session)) { session_context =>
   104           for {
   105             db <- session_context.session_db()
   106             theory <- store.read_theories(db, session)
   107             if proper_session_theory(theory) && !seen_theory(theory)
   108           } {
   109             seen_theory += theory
   110             val theory_context = session_context.theory(theory)
   111             for {
   112               theory_snapshot <- Build.read_theory(theory_context)
   113               node_name <- theory_snapshot.node_files
   114               snapshot = theory_snapshot.switch(node_name)
   115               if snapshot.node.source_wellformed
   116             } {
   117               progress.expose_interrupt()
   118               val xml = YXML.parse_body(YXML.string_of_body(snapshot.xml_markup(elements = update_elements)))
   119               val source1 = XML.content(update_xml(session_options, xml))
   120               if (source1 != snapshot.node.source) {
   121                 val path = Path.explode(node_name.node)
   122                 progress.echo("File " + quote(File.standard_path(path)))
   123                 File.write(path, source1)
   124               }
   125             }
   126           }
   127         }
   128       }
   129     }
   131     build_results
   132   }
   135   /* Isabelle tool wrapper */
   137   val isabelle_tool =
   138     Isabelle_Tool("update", "update theory sources based on PIDE markup",,
   139       { args =>
   140         var base_sessions: List[String] = Nil
   141         var select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil
   142         var numa_shuffling = false
   143         var requirements = false
   144         var exclude_session_groups: List[String] = Nil
   145         var all_sessions = false
   146         var build_heap = false
   147         var clean_build = false
   148         var dirs: List[Path] = Nil
   149         var fresh_build = false
   150         var session_groups: List[String] = Nil
   151         var max_jobs: Option[Int] = None
   152         var base_logics: List[String] = List(default_base_logic)
   153         var no_build = false
   154         var options = Options.init()
   155         var update_options: List[Options.Spec] = Nil
   156         var verbose = false
   157         var exclude_sessions: List[String] = Nil
   159         val getopts = Getopts("""
   160 Usage: isabelle update [OPTIONS] [SESSIONS ...]
   162   Options are:
   163     -B NAME      include session NAME and all descendants
   164     -D DIR       include session directory and select its sessions
   165     -R           refer to requirements of selected sessions
   166     -X NAME      exclude sessions from group NAME and all descendants
   167     -a           select all sessions
   168     -b           build heap images
   169     -c           clean build
   170     -d DIR       include session directory
   171     -f           fresh build
   172     -g NAME      select session group NAME
   173     -j INT       maximum number of parallel jobs (default 1)
   174     -l NAMES     comma-separated list of base logics, to remain unchanged
   175                  (default: """ + quote(default_base_logic) + """)
   176     -n           no build -- take existing session build databases
   177     -o OPTION    override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
   178     -u OPT       override "update" option for selected sessions
   179     -v           verbose
   180     -x NAME      exclude session NAME and all descendants
   182   Update theory sources based on PIDE markup produced by "isabelle build".
   183 """,
   184         "B:" -> (arg => base_sessions = base_sessions ::: List(arg)),
   185         "D:" -> (arg => select_dirs = select_dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
   186         "N" -> (_ => numa_shuffling = true),
   187         "R" -> (_ => requirements = true),
   188         "X:" -> (arg => exclude_session_groups = exclude_session_groups ::: List(arg)),
   189         "a" -> (_ => all_sessions = true),
   190         "b" -> (_ => build_heap = true),
   191         "c" -> (_ => clean_build = true),
   192         "d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
   193         "f" -> (_ => fresh_build = true),
   194         "g:" -> (arg => session_groups = session_groups ::: List(arg)),
   195         "j:" -> (arg => max_jobs = Some(Value.Nat.parse(arg))),
   196         "l:" -> (arg => base_logics = space_explode(',', arg)),
   197         "n" -> (_ => no_build = true),
   198         "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
   199         "u:" -> (arg => update_options = update_options ::: List(Options.Spec("update_" + arg))),
   200         "v" -> (_ => verbose = true),
   201         "x:" -> (arg => exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions ::: List(arg)))
   203         val sessions = getopts(args)
   205         val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
   207         val results =
   208           progress.interrupt_handler {
   209             update(options, update_options,
   210               selection = Sessions.Selection(
   211                 requirements = requirements,
   212                 all_sessions = all_sessions,
   213                 base_sessions = base_sessions,
   214                 exclude_session_groups = exclude_session_groups,
   215                 exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions,
   216                 session_groups = session_groups,
   217                 sessions = sessions),
   218               base_logics = base_logics,
   219               progress = progress,
   220               build_heap = build_heap,
   221               clean_build = clean_build,
   222               dirs = dirs,
   223               select_dirs = select_dirs,
   224               numa_shuffling = Host.numa_check(progress, numa_shuffling),
   225               max_jobs = max_jobs,
   226               fresh_build = fresh_build,
   227               no_build = no_build)
   228           }
   230         sys.exit(results.rc)
   231       })
   232 }