changeset 12854 00d4a435777f
child 12857 a4386cc9b1c3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Bali/Type.thy	Mon Jan 28 17:00:19 2002 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(*  Title:      isabelle/Bali/Type.thy
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     David von Oheimb
+    Copyright   1997 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
+header {* Java types *}
+theory Type = Name:
+text {*
+\item only the most important primitive types
+\item the null type is regarded as reference type
+datatype prim_ty       	(* primitive type, cf. 4.2 *)
+	= Void    	(* 'result type' of void methods *)
+	| Boolean
+	| Integer
+datatype ref_ty		(* reference type, cf. 4.3 *)
+	= NullT		(* null type, cf. 4.1 *)
+	| IfaceT qtname	(* interface type *)
+	| ClassT qtname	(* class type *)
+	| ArrayT ty	(* array type *)
+and ty	    		(* any type, cf. 4.1 *)
+	= PrimT prim_ty	(* primitive type *)
+	| RefT  ref_ty	(* reference type *)
+  "prim_ty" <= (type) "Type.prim_ty"
+  "ref_ty"  <= (type) "Type.ref_ty"
+  "ty"      <= (type) "Type.ty"
+	 NT	:: "       \<spacespace> ty"
+	 Iface	:: "qtname  \<Rightarrow> ty"
+	 Class	:: "qtname  \<Rightarrow> ty"
+	 Array	:: "ty     \<Rightarrow> ty"	("_.[]" [90] 90)
+	"NT"      == "RefT   NullT"
+	"Iface I" == "RefT (IfaceT I)"
+	"Class C" == "RefT (ClassT C)"
+	"T.[]"    == "RefT (ArrayT T)"
+  the_Class :: "ty \<Rightarrow> qtname"
+ "the_Class T \<equiv> \<epsilon>C. T = Class C" (** primrec not possible here **)
+lemma the_Class_eq [simp]: "the_Class (Class C)= C"
+by (auto simp add: the_Class_def)