changeset 15642 028059faa963
child 15684 5ec4d21889d6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_order_clauses.ML	Thu Mar 31 19:29:26 2005 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+(* Reorder clauses for use in binary resolution *)
+fun take n [] = []
+|   take n (x::xs) = (if n = 0 then [] else (x::(take (n - 1) xs)))
+fun drop n [] = []
+|   drop n (x::xs) = (if n = 0 then (x::xs) else drop (n-1) xs)
+fun remove n [] = []
+|   remove n (x::xs) = List.filter (not_equal n) (x::xs);
+fun remove_nth n [] = []
+|   remove_nth n (x::xs) = (take (n -1) (x::xs))@(drop n (x::xs))
+fun get_nth n (x::xs) = hd (drop (n-1) (x::xs))
+ fun literals (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = literals P
+   | literals (Const("op |",_) $ P $ Q) = literals P @ literals Q
+   | literals (Const("Not",_) $ P) = [(false,P)]
+   | literals P = [(true,P)];
+ (*number of literals in a term*)
+ val nliterals = length o literals; 
+exception Not_in_list;  
+   (* get the literals from a disjunctive clause *)
+(*fun get_disj_literals t = if is_disj t then
+			           let 
+                                      val {disj1, disj2} = dest_disj t  
+                                   in 
+                                      disj1::(get_disj_literals disj2)
+                                   end
+                                else
+                                    ([t])
+(* gives horn clause with kth disj as concl (starting at 1) *)
+fun rots (0,th) =  (Meson.make_horn Meson.crules th)
+         | rots (k,th) = rots(k-1, assoc_right (th RS disj_comm))
+Goal " (~~P) == P";
+by Auto_tac;
+qed "notnotEq";
+Goal "A | A ==> A";
+by Auto_tac;
+qed "rem_dup_disj";
+(* New Meson code  Versions of make_neg_rule and make_pos_rule that don't insert new *)
+(* assumptions, for ordinary resolution. *)
+ val not_conjD = thm "meson_not_conjD";
+ val not_disjD = thm "meson_not_disjD";
+ val not_notD = thm "meson_not_notD";
+ val not_allD = thm "meson_not_allD";
+ val not_exD = thm "meson_not_exD";
+ val imp_to_disjD = thm "meson_imp_to_disjD";
+ val not_impD = thm "meson_not_impD";
+ val iff_to_disjD = thm "meson_iff_to_disjD";
+ val not_iffD = thm "meson_not_iffD";
+ val conj_exD1 = thm "meson_conj_exD1";
+ val conj_exD2 = thm "meson_conj_exD2";
+ val disj_exD = thm "meson_disj_exD";
+ val disj_exD1 = thm "meson_disj_exD1";
+ val disj_exD2 = thm "meson_disj_exD2";
+ val disj_assoc = thm "meson_disj_assoc";
+ val disj_comm = thm "meson_disj_comm";
+ val disj_FalseD1 = thm "meson_disj_FalseD1";
+ val disj_FalseD2 = thm "meson_disj_FalseD2";
+ fun literals (Const("Trueprop",_) $ P) = literals P
+   | literals (Const("op |",_) $ P $ Q) = literals P @ literals Q
+   | literals (Const("Not",_) $ P) = [(false,P)]
+   | literals P = [(true,P)];
+ (*number of literals in a term*)
+ val nliterals = length o literals; 
+exception Not_in_list;  
+(*Permute a rule's premises to move the i-th premise to the last position.*)
+fun make_last i th =
+  let val n = nprems_of th 
+  in  if 1 <= i andalso i <= n 
+      then Thm.permute_prems (i-1) 1 th
+      else raise THM("make_last", i, [th])
+  end;
+(*Maps a rule that ends "... ==> P ==> False" to "... ==> ~P" while suppressing
+  double-negations.*)
+val negate_head = rewrite_rule [atomize_not, not_not RS eq_reflection];
+(*Maps the clause  [P1,...Pn]==>False to [P1,...,P(i-1),P(i+1),...Pn] ==> ~P*)
+fun select_literal i cl = negate_head (make_last i cl);
+(* get a meta-clause for resolution with correct order of literals *)
+fun get_meta_cl  (th,n) = let val lits = nliterals(prop_of th)
+                              val contra =  if lits = 1 
+                                                 then
+                                                     th
+                                                 else
+                                                     rots (n,th)   
+                          in 
+                               if lits = 1 
+                               then
+                                  contra
+                               else
+                                  rotate_prems (lits - n) contra
+                          end
+fun zip xs [] = []
+|   zip xs (y::ys) = (case xs of [] => [] | (z::zs) => ((z,y)::zip zs ys))
+fun unzip [] = ([],[])
+    | unzip((x,y)::pairs) =
+	  let val (xs,ys) = unzip pairs
+	  in  (x::xs, y::ys)  end;
+fun numlist 0 = []
+|   numlist n = (numlist (n - 1))@[n]
+fun is_abs t = can dest_abs t;
+fun is_comb t = can dest_comb t;
+fun iscomb a = if is_Free a then
+			false
+	      else if is_Var a then
+			false
+		else if is_conj a then
+			false
+		else if is_disj a then
+			false
+		else if is_forall a then
+			false
+		else if is_exists a then
+			false
+		else
+			true;
+fun last(x::xs) = if xs=[] then x else last xs
+fun butlast []= []
+|   butlast(x::xs) = if xs=[] then [] else (x::(butlast xs))
+fun minus a b = b - a;
+(* gives meta clause with kth disj as concl (starting at 1) *)
+(*fun rots (0,th) = negate_nead (make_horn resolution_clause_rules  th)
+         | rots (k,th) = rots(k-1, assoc_right (th RS disj_comm))*)
+(* get a meta-clause for resolution with correct order of literals *)
+fun get_meta_cl  (th,n) = let val lits = nliterals(prop_of th)
+                                   val contra =  if lits = 1 
+                                                 then
+                                                     th
+                                                 else
+                                                     rots (n,th)   
+                                in 
+                                   if lits = 1 
+                                   then
+                                     contra
+                                   else
+                                     rotate_prems (lits - n) contra
+                               end
+fun zip xs [] = []
+|   zip xs (y::ys) = (case xs of [] => [] | (z::zs) => ((z,y)::zip zs ys))
+fun unzip [] = ([],[])
+    | unzip((x,y)::pairs) =
+	  let val (xs,ys) = unzip pairs
+	  in  (x::xs, y::ys)  end;
+fun numlist 0 = []
+|   numlist n = (numlist (n - 1))@[n]
+fun is_abs t = can dest_abs t;
+fun is_comb t = can dest_comb t;
+fun iscomb a = if is_Free a then
+			false
+	      else if is_Var a then
+			false
+		else if is_conj a then
+			false
+		else if is_disj a then
+			false
+		else if is_forall a then
+			false
+		else if is_exists a then
+			false
+		else
+			true;
+fun last(x::xs) = if xs=[] then x else last xs
+fun butlast []= []
+|   butlast(x::xs) = if xs=[] then [] else (x::(butlast xs))
+fun minus a b = b - a;
+(* code to rearrange clauses so that they're the same as the parsed in SPASS version *)
+fun assoc3 a [] = raise Noassoc
+  | assoc3 a ((x, y, z)::t) = if a = x then z else assoc3 a t;
+fun third (a,b,c) = c;
+ fun takeUntil ch [] res  = (res, [])
+ |   takeUntil ch (x::xs) res = if   x = ch 
+                                then
+                                     (res, xs)
+                                else
+                                     takeUntil ch xs (res@[x])
+fun contains_eq str = inlist "=" str 
+fun eq_not_neq str = let val uptoeq = fst(takeUntil "=" str [])
+                     in
+                        if ((last uptoeq) = "~")
+                        then 
+                            false
+                        else
+                            true
+                     end
+fun get_eq_strs str =  if eq_not_neq  str   (*not an inequality *)
+                       then 
+                           let val (left, right) = takeUntil "=" str []
+                           in
+                               ((butlast left), (drop 1 right))
+                           end
+                       else                  (* is an inequality *)
+                           let val (left, right) = takeUntil "~" str []
+                           in 
+                              ((butlast left), (drop 2 right))
+                           end
+fun switch_equal a x = let val (a_lhs, a_rhs) = get_eq_strs a
+                           val (x_lhs, x_rhs) = get_eq_strs x
+                       in
+                           (a_lhs = x_rhs) andalso (a_rhs = x_lhs)
+                       end
+fun equal_pair (a,b) = equal a b
+fun is_var_pair (a,b) vars = (a mem vars) andalso (b mem vars)
+fun var_equiv vars (a,b)  = (equal_pair (a,b)) orelse (is_var_pair (a,b) vars)
+fun all_true [] = false
+|   all_true xs = let val falselist = List.filter (equal false ) xs 
+                  in
+                      falselist = []
+                  end
+fun var_pos_eq vars x y = let val xs = explode x
+                              val ys = explode y
+                          in
+                              if not_equal (length xs) (length ys)
+                              then 
+                                  false
+                              else
+                                  let val xsys = zip xs ys
+                                      val are_var_pairs = map (var_equiv vars) xsys
+                                  in
+                                      all_true are_var_pairs 
+                                  end
+                          end
+fun  pos_in_list a [] allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) =  raise Not_in_list
+    |pos_in_list a (x::[])  allvars (pos_num , symlist, nsymlist) = 
+                                 let val y = explode x 
+                                     val b = explode a
+                                 in
+                                    if  b = y
+                                    then 
+                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+                                    else 
+                                         if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
+                                         then 
+                                             (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+                                         else 
+                                             if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+                                             then 
+                                                 if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )   (* both are equalities and equal under sym*)        
+                                                 then 
+                                                     (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    else 
+                                                      if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+                                                      then 
+                                                          (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+                                                      else 
+                                                           raise Not_in_list
+                                             else 
+                                                  raise Not_in_list
+                                 end   
+    | pos_in_list a (x::xs) allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) = 
+                                 let val y = explode x 
+                                     val b = explode a
+                                 in
+                                    if  b = y
+                                    then 
+                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+                                    else
+                                          if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
+                                          then 
+                                             (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+                                          else 
+                                              if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+                                              then 
+                                                  if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )   (* both are equalities and equal under sym*)        
+                                                  then 
+                                                      (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    else 
+                                                      if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+                                                      then 
+                                                           (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+                                                      else 
+                                                           pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+                                              else 
+                                                    pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+                                 end   
+                                (* in
+                                    if  b = y
+                                    then 
+                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+                                    else if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+                                         then if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y) (* both are equalities*)
+                                              then if (switch_equal b y )              (* if they're equal under sym *)
+                                                   then 
+                                                       (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)
+                                                   else 
+                                                         pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+                                              else if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y)  (* both are inequalities *)
+                                                   then if (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+                                                        then 
+                                                            (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+                                                        else 
+                                                                 pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+                                                   else
+                                                          pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+                                               else  
+                                                       pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+                                          else 
+                                                  pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+                                 end   
+                                *)
+(* checkorder Spass Isabelle [] *)
+fun checkorder [] strlist allvars (numlist, symlist, not_symlist)= (numlist,symlist, not_symlist)
+|   checkorder (x::xs) strlist allvars (numlist, symlist, not_symlist) =  
+         let val (posnum, symlist', not_symlist') = pos_in_list x strlist allvars (0, symlist, not_symlist) 
+         in
+             checkorder xs  strlist allvars ((numlist@[posnum]), symlist', not_symlist') 
+         end
+fun is_digit ch =
+    ( ch >=  "0" andalso ch <=  "9")
+fun is_alpha ch =
+    (ch >=  "A" andalso  ch <=  "Z") orelse
+    (ch >=  "a" andalso ch <=  "z")
+fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch = (ch = "~") orelse (is_alpha ch) orelse ( ch = " ")orelse ( ch = "=")
+fun lit_string t = let val termstr = (Sign.string_of_term Mainsign ) t
+                       val exp_term = explode termstr
+                   in
+                       implode(List.filter is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq exp_term)
+                   end
+fun get_meta_lits thm = map lit_string (prems_of thm)
+fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket ch = (ch = "~") orelse (is_alpha ch) orelse ( ch = " ")orelse ( ch = "=") orelse (ch= "(") orelse (ch = ")")
+fun lit_string_bracket  t = let val termstr = (Sign.string_of_term Mainsign ) t
+                       val exp_term = explode termstr
+                   in
+                       implode(List.filter  is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket exp_term)
+                   end
+fun get_meta_lits_bracket thm = map lit_string_bracket (prems_of thm)
+fun apply_rule rule [] thm = thm
+|   apply_rule rule  (x::xs) thm = let val thm' = rule RSN ((x+1),thm)
+                                  in
+                                      apply_rule rule xs thm'
+                                  end
+                    (* resulting thm, clause-strs in spass order, vars *)
+fun rearrange_clause thm res_strlist allvars = 
+                          let val isa_strlist = get_meta_lits thm
+                              val (posns, symlist, not_symlist) = checkorder res_strlist isa_strlist allvars([],[],[])
+                              val symmed = apply_rule sym symlist thm
+                              val not_symmed = apply_rule not_sym not_symlist symmed
+                          in
+                             ((rearrange_prems posns not_symmed), posns, symlist,not_symlist)
+                          end