changeset 15642 028059faa963
child 15680 83164f078985
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_prelim.ML	Thu Mar 31 19:29:26 2005 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+open Goals;
+open Unify;
+open USyntax;
+open Utils;
+open Envir;
+open Tfl;
+open Rules;
+goal Main.thy "A -->A";
+by Auto_tac;
+qed "foo";
+val Mainsign = #sign (rep_thm foo);
+(*val myhol = sign_of thy;*)
+val myenv = empty 0;
+val gcounter = ref 0; 
+exception NOMATES;
+exception UNMATEABLE;
+exception NOTSOME;
+exception UNSPANNED;
+fun USYN_ERR func mesg = Utils.ERR {module = "USyntax", func = func, mesg = mesg};
+fun dest_neg(Const("Not",_) $ M) = M
+  | dest_neg _ = raise USYN_ERR "dest_neg" "not a negation";
+fun is_abs t = can dest_abs t;
+fun is_comb t = can dest_comb t;
+fun iscomb a = if is_Free a then
+			false
+	      else if is_Var a then
+			false
+		else if is_conj a then
+			false
+		else if is_disj a then
+			false
+		else if is_forall a then
+			false
+		else if is_exists a then
+			false
+		else
+			true;
+fun getstring (Var (v,T)) = fst v
+   |getstring (Free (v,T))= v;
+fun getindexstring ((a:string),(b:int))= a;  
+fun getstrings (a,b) = let val astring = getstring a
+                           val bstring = getstring b in
+                           (astring,bstring)
+                       end;
+fun alltrue [] = true
+   |alltrue (true::xs) = true andalso (alltrue xs)
+   |alltrue (false::xs) = false;
+fun allfalse [] = true
+   |allfalse (false::xs) = true andalso (allfalse xs)
+   |allfalse (true::xs) = false;
+fun not_empty [] = false 
+    | not_empty _ = true;
+fun twoisvar (a,b) = is_Var b;
+fun twoisfree (a,b) = is_Free b;
+fun twoiscomb (a,b) = iscomb b;
+fun strequalfirst a (b,c) = (getstring a) = (getstring b);
+fun fstequal a b = a = fst b;
+fun takeout (i,[])  = []
+   | takeout (i,(x::xs)) = if (i>0) then
+                               (x::(takeout(i-1,xs)))
+                           else
+                               [];
+(* Presumably here, we would allow is_Var f for doing HOL, i.e. can subst for propositions *)
+fun is_Abs (Abs _) = true
+  | is_Abs _ = false;
+fun is_Bound (Bound _) = true
+  | is_Bound _ = false;
+fun is_hol_tm t =
+                if (is_Free t) then 
+                        true 
+                else if (is_Var t) then
+                        true
+                else if (is_Const t) then
+                        true
+                else if (is_Abs t) then
+                        true
+                else if (is_Bound t) then
+                        true
+                else 
+                        let val (f, args) = strip_comb t in
+                            if ((is_Free f) orelse (is_Var f)) andalso (alltrue (map is_hol_tm args)) then 
+                                true            (* should be is_const *)
+                            else 
+                                false
+                       end;
+fun is_hol_fm f =  if is_neg f then
+                        let val newf = dest_neg f in
+                            is_hol_fm newf
+                        end
+               else if is_disj f then
+                        let val {disj1,disj2} = dest_disj f in
+                            (is_hol_fm disj1) andalso (is_hol_fm disj2)  (* shouldn't this be and ? *)
+                        end 
+               else if is_conj f then
+                        let val {conj1,conj2} = dest_conj f in
+                            (is_hol_fm conj1) andalso (is_hol_fm conj2)
+                        end 
+               else if (is_forall f) then
+                        let val {Body, Bvar} = dest_forall f in
+                            is_hol_fm Body
+                        end
+               else if (is_exists f) then
+                        let val {Body, Bvar} = dest_exists f in
+                            is_hol_fm Body
+                        end
+               else if (iscomb f) then
+                        let val (P, args) = strip_comb f in
+                            ((is_hol_tm P)) andalso (alltrue (map is_hol_fm args))
+                        end
+                else
+                        is_hol_tm f;                              (* should be is_const, nee
+d to check args *)
+fun hol_literal t =  (is_hol_fm t) andalso ( not ((is_conj t) orelse (is_disj t) orelse (is_forall t) orelse (is_exists t)));
+fun getcombvar a = let val {Rand = rand, Rator = rator} = dest_comb a in
+			if (iscomb rand) then
+				getcombvar rand
+			else
+				rand
+		   end;
+fun free2var v = let val thing = dest_Free v 
+                     val (name,vtype) = thing
+                     val index = (name,0) in
+                     Var (index,vtype)
+                 end;
+fun var2free v = let val (index, tv) = dest_Var v 
+                     val istr = fst index in
+                     Free (istr,tv)
+                 end;
+fun  inlist v [] = false
+    | inlist v (first::rest) = if first = v then
+				true
+			     else inlist v rest;
+(*fun in_vars v [] = false
+    | in_vars v ((a,b)::rest) = if v = a then
+				  true
+			       else if v = b then
+				  true
+			       else in_vars v rest;*)
+fun in_vars v [] = false
+    | in_vars v (a::rest) = if (fst v) = a then
+				  true
+			       else in_vars v rest;
+fun equalpair (a,b) (c,d) = if (a,b)= (c,d) then
+					true
+			    else if (a,b) = (d,c) then
+					true
+			    else false;
+fun is_empty_seq thisseq =  case Seq.chop (1, thisseq) of
+                             ([],_)   => true
+                           |      _   => false
+fun getnewenv thisseq = 
+			   let val seqlist = Seq.list_of thisseq
+			   val envpair =hd seqlist in
+			   fst envpair 
+			end;
+fun getnewsubsts thisseq =  let val seqlist = Seq.list_of thisseq
+			   val envpair =hd seqlist in
+			   snd envpair 
+			end;
+fun readnewenv thisenv =let val seqlist = Seq.list_of thisenv
+			   val envpair = hd seqlist
+			   val env = fst envpair
+			   val envlist = alist_of env in
+			hd envlist
+			end;
+fun readenv thisenv = let val envlist = alist_of thisenv in
+				hd envlist
+			end;
+fun prover s = prove_goal HOL.thy s (fn _ => [blast_tac HOL_cs 1]);
+fun oneofthree (a,b,c) = a;
+fun twoofthree (a,b,c) = b;
+fun threeofthree (a,b,c) = c;
+val my_simps = map prover
+ [ "(x=x) = True",
+    "(~ ~ P) = P",
+   "(~P) ~= P", "P ~= (~P)", "(P ~= Q) = (P = (~Q))",
+   "(P | P) = P", "(P | (P | Q)) = (P | Q)",
+   "((~P) = (~Q)) = (P=Q)" ];
+(*val myss = HOL_basic_ss addsimps (my_simps@[not_all, not_ex, de_Morgan_conj, de_Morgan_disj, U_def, intersect_def, setEq_def, proposEq_def, hashset_def, subset_def]@ex_simps @ all_simps);
+(* NNF stuff from meson_tac *)
+(*Prove theorems using fast_tac*)
+fun prove_fun s = 
+    prove_goal HOL.thy s
+         (fn prems => [ cut_facts_tac prems 1, Fast_tac 1 ]);
+(* Renaming all the bound vars in the term - sort of fake `Skolemisation' *)
+fun mygenvar ty thisenv =
+  let val count = !gcounter
+      val genstring = "GEN"^(string_of_int count)^"VAR" in
+	    	gcounter := count + 1;
+              	genvar genstring (thisenv,ty)
+  end;  
+fun renameBounds t thisenv = if (is_Var t) orelse (is_Free t) orelse (iscomb t) then
+			t
+		else if is_forall t then
+			let val {Body, Bvar} = dest_forall t 
+                            val newvarenv = mygenvar(type_of Bvar) thisenv
+                            val newvar = snd(newvarenv)
+                            val newbod = subst_free [(Bvar,newvar)] Body
+                            val newbod2 = renameBounds newbod thisenv in
+                            mk_forall{Body = newbod2, Bvar = newvar}
+                        end
+		else if is_exists t then
+                        let val {Body, Bvar} =dest_exists t 
+			    val newvarenv = mygenvar(type_of Bvar) thisenv
+                            val newvar = snd(newvarenv)
+                            val newbod = subst_free [(Bvar,newvar)] Body
+                            val newbod2 = renameBounds newbod thisenv in
+                            mk_exists{Body = newbod2, Bvar = newvar}    
+			end
+		else if is_conj t then
+			let val {conj1,conj2} = dest_conj t
+			    val vpl = renameBounds conj1 thisenv
+			    val vpr = renameBounds conj2 thisenv in
+		            mk_conj {conj1 = vpl, conj2 = vpr}
+			end
+		else 
+			let val {disj1, disj2} = dest_disj t 
+			    val vpl = renameBounds disj1 thisenv
+			    val  vpr = renameBounds disj2  thisenv in
+			    mk_disj {disj1 = vpl,disj2= vpr}  
+			end;
+(* from *)
+val boolT = Type ("bool", []);
+val Trueprop = Const ("Trueprop", boolT --> propT);
+fun mk_Trueprop P = Trueprop $ P;
+fun eq_const T = Const ("op =", [T, T] ---> boolT);
+fun mk_eq (t, u) = eq_const (fastype_of t) $ t $ u;
+fun dest_Trueprop (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ P) = P
+ | dest_Trueprop t = raise TERM ("dest_Trueprop", [t]);
+(* Making a THM from a subgoal and other such things                     *)
+fun thmfromgoal goalnum = let val mygoal = getgoal goalnum
+                              val  mycgoal = cterm_of Mainsign mygoal in
+                              assume mycgoal
+                          end;
+fun termfromgoal goalnum = let val mygoal = getgoal goalnum
+                               val {Rand = myra, Rator = myrat} = dest_comb mygoal in
+                               myra
+                           end;
+fun thmfromterm t = let val propterm = mk_Trueprop t 
+                        val mycterm = cterm_of Mainsign propterm in
+                        assume mycterm
+                    end;
+fun termfromthm t = let val conc = concl_of t 
+                        val {Rand = myra, Rator = myrat} = dest_comb conc in
+                        myra
+                    end;
+fun goalfromterm t = let val pterm = mk_Trueprop t  
+                         val ct = cterm_of Mainsign  pterm in
+                         goalw_cterm [] ct
+                     end;
+fun termfromgoalimp goalnum = let val mygoal = getgoal goalnum
+                               val {Rand = myra1, Rator = myrat1} = dest_comb mygoal 
+                               val  {Rand = myra, Rator = myrat} = dest_comb myra1 in
+                               myra
+                           end;
+fun mkvars (a,b:term) = let val thetype = type_of b 
+                           val stringa =( fst a)
+                            val newa = Free (stringa, thetype) in
+                            (newa,b)
+                        end;
+fun glue [] thestring = thestring
+  |glue (""::[]) thestring = thestring 
+  |glue (a::[]) thestring = thestring^" "^a 
+  |glue (a::rest) thestring = let val newstring = thestring^" "^a in
+                                 glue rest newstring
+                             end;
+exception STRINGEXCEP;
+fun getvstring (Var (v,T)) = fst v
+   |getvstring (Free (v,T))= v;
+fun getindexstring ((a:string),(b:int))= a;  
+fun getstrings (a,b) = let val astring = getstring a
+                           val bstring = getstring b in
+                           (astring,bstring)
+                       end;
+fun getvstrings (a,b) = let val astring = getvstring a
+                           val bstring = getvstring b in
+                           (astring,bstring)
+                       end;
+(* Renaming all the bound vars in the term - sort of fake `Skolemisation' *)
+fun mygenvar ty thisenv =
+  let val count = !gcounter
+      val genstring = "GEN"^(string_of_int count)^"VAR" in
+	    	gcounter := count + 1;
+              	genvar genstring (thisenv,ty)
+  end;  
+fun renameBounds t thisenv = if (is_Var t) orelse (is_Free t) orelse (iscomb t) then
+			t
+		else if is_forall t then
+			let val {Body, Bvar} = dest_forall t 
+                            val newvarenv = mygenvar(type_of Bvar) thisenv
+                            val newvar = snd(newvarenv)
+                            val newbod = subst_free [(Bvar,newvar)] Body
+                            val newbod2 = renameBounds newbod thisenv in
+                            mk_forall{Body = newbod2, Bvar = newvar}
+                        end
+		else if is_exists t then
+                        let val {Body, Bvar} =dest_exists t 
+			    val newvarenv = mygenvar(type_of Bvar) thisenv
+                            val newvar = snd(newvarenv)
+                            val newbod = subst_free [(Bvar,newvar)] Body
+                            val newbod2 = renameBounds newbod thisenv in
+                            mk_exists{Body = newbod2, Bvar = newvar}    
+			end
+		else if is_conj t then
+			let val {conj1,conj2} = dest_conj t
+			    val vpl = renameBounds conj1 thisenv
+			    val vpr = renameBounds conj2 thisenv in
+		            mk_conj {conj1 = vpl, conj2 = vpr}
+			end
+		else 
+			let val {disj1, disj2} = dest_disj t 
+			    val vpl = renameBounds disj1 thisenv
+			    val  vpr = renameBounds disj2  thisenv in
+			    mk_disj {disj1 = vpl,disj2= vpr}  
+			end;
+fun varform t = if (hol_literal t) then
+			t
+		else if is_forall t then
+			let val {Body, Bvar} = dest_forall t 
+         (* need to subst schematic vars for Bvar here, e.g. x becomes ?x *)
+                         val newB = free2var Bvar
+                         val newBody = subst_free[(Bvar, newB)] Body in
+			    varform newBody
+			end
+		else if is_exists t then
+        (* Shouldn't really be any exists in term due to Skolemisation*)
+			let val {Body, Bvar} =dest_exists t in
+			    varform Body
+			end
+		else if is_conj t then
+			let val {conj1,conj2} = dest_conj t
+			    val vpl = varform conj1 
+			    val vpr = varform conj2 in
+		            mk_conj {conj1 = vpl, conj2 = vpr}
+			end
+		else if is_disj t then
+			let val {disj1, disj2} = dest_disj t 
+			    val vpl = varform disj1
+			    val  vpr = varform disj2 in
+			    mk_disj {disj1 = vpl,disj2= vpr}  
+			end
+                else
+                        raise VARFORM_PROBLEM;
+exception ASSERTION of string;
\ No newline at end of file